path: root/cpan/File-Path/t/Path.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/File-Path/t/Path.t')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/File-Path/t/Path.t b/cpan/File-Path/t/Path.t
index 319c3d0bfc..346f32a7c5 100644
--- a/cpan/File-Path/t/Path.t
+++ b/cpan/File-Path/t/Path.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 121;
+use Test::More tests => 129;
use Config;
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ SKIP: {
# test bug
skip "Don't need Force_Writeable semantics on $^O", 4
if grep {$^O eq $_} qw(amigaos dos epoc MSWin32 MacOS os2);
- skip "Symlinks not available", 4 unless $Config{'d_symlink'};
+ skip "Symlinks not available", 4 unless $Config{d_symlink};
$dir = 'bug487319';
$dir2 = 'bug487319-symlink';
@created = make_path($dir, {mask => 0700});
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ my $extra = catdir(curdir(), qw(EXTRA 1 a));
skip "extra scenarios not set up, see eg/setup-extra-tests", 14
unless -e $extra;
- skip "Symlinks not available", 14 unless $Config{'d_symlink'};
+ skip "Symlinks not available", 14 unless $Config{d_symlink};
my ($list, $err);
$dir = catdir( 'EXTRA', '1' );
@@ -434,6 +434,78 @@ SKIP: {
+ my $skip_count = 8; # DRY
+ skip "getpwent() not implemented on $^O", $skip_count
+ unless $Config{d_getpwent};
+ skip "getgrent() not implemented on $^O", $skip_count
+ unless $Config{d_getgrent};
+ skip 'not running as root', $skip_count
+ unless $< == 0;
+ my $dir_stem = $dir = catdir($tmp_base, 'owned-by');
+ # find the highest uid ('nobody' or similar)
+ my $max_uid = 0;
+ my $max_user = undef;
+ while (my @u = getpwent()) {
+ if ($max_uid < $u[2]) {
+ $max_uid = $u[2];
+ $max_user = $u[0];
+ }
+ }
+ skip 'getpwent() appears to be insane', $skip_count
+ unless $max_uid > 0;
+ # find the highest gid ('nogroup' or similar)
+ my $max_gid = 0;
+ my $max_group = undef;
+ while (my @g = getgrent()) {
+ if ($max_gid < $g[2]) {
+ $max_gid = $g[2];
+ $max_group = $g[0];
+ }
+ }
+ skip 'getgrent() appears to be insane', $skip_count
+ unless $max_gid > 0;
+ $dir = catdir($dir_stem, 'aaa');
+ @created = make_path($dir, {owner => $max_user});
+ is(scalar(@created), 2, "created a directory owned by $max_user...");
+ my $dir_uid = (stat $created[0])[4];
+ is($dir_uid, $max_uid, "... owned by $max_uid");
+ $dir = catdir($dir_stem, 'aab');
+ @created = make_path($dir, {group => $max_group});
+ is(scalar(@created), 1, "created a directory owned by group $max_group...");
+ my $dir_gid = (stat $created[0])[5];
+ is($dir_gid, $max_gid, "... owned by group $max_gid");
+ $dir = catdir($dir_stem, 'aac');
+ @created = make_path($dir, {user => $max_user, group => $max_group});
+ is(scalar(@created), 1, "created a directory owned by $max_user:$max_group...");
+ ($dir_uid, $dir_gid) = (stat $created[0])[4,5];
+ is($dir_uid, $max_uid, "... owned by $max_uid");
+ is($dir_gid, $max_gid, "... owned by group $max_gid");
+ SKIP: {
+ skip 'Test::Output not available', 1
+ unless $has_Test_Output;
+ # invent a user and group that don't exist
+ do { ++$max_user } while (getpwnam($max_user));
+ do { ++$max_group } while (getgrnam($max_group));
+ $dir = catdir($dir_stem, 'aad');
+ stderr_like(
+ sub {make_path($dir, {user => $max_user, group => $max_group})},
+ qr{\Aunable to map $max_user to a uid, ownership not changed: .* at \S+ line \d+
+unable to map $max_group to a gid, group ownership not changed: .* at \S+ line \d+\b},
+ "created a directory not owned by $max_user:$max_group..."
+ );
+ }
+SKIP: {
skip 'Test::Output not available', 14
unless $has_Test_Output;
@@ -574,15 +646,15 @@ SKIP: {
my $xx = $x . "x";
# setup
- ok(mkpath($xx));
- ok(chdir($xx));
+ ok(mkpath($xx), "make $xx");
+ ok(chdir($xx), "... and chdir $xx");
- ok(chdir($p));
- ok(rmtree($xx));
+ ok(chdir($p), "... now chdir $p");
+ ok(rmtree($xx), "... and finally rmtree $xx");
# create and delete directory
my $px = catdir($p, $x);
- ok(mkpath($px));
- ok(rmtree($px), "rmtree"); # fails in File-Path-2.07
+ ok(mkpath($px), 'create and delete directory 2.07');
+ ok(rmtree($px), '.. rmtree fails in File-Path-2.07');