path: root/cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property.t
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1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property.t b/cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6032b0929d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property.t
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use MBTest tests => 29;
+#use MBTest 'no_plan';
+use DistGen;
+BEGIN { use_ok 'Module::Build' or die; }
+ensure_blib 'Module::Build';
+my $tmp = MBTest->tmpdir;
+my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp );
+ package My::Build::Prop;
+ use base 'Module::Build';
+ __PACKAGE__->add_property( 'foo' );
+ __PACKAGE__->add_property( 'bar', 'howdy' );
+ __PACKAGE__->add_property( 'baz', default => 'howdy' );
+ __PACKAGE__->add_property( 'code', default => sub { 'yay' } );
+ __PACKAGE__->add_property(
+ 'check',
+ default => sub { 'howdy' },
+ check => sub {
+ return 1 if $_ eq 'howdy';
+ shift->property_error(qq{"$_" is invalid});
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->add_property(
+ 'hash',
+ default => { foo => 1 },
+ check => sub {
+ return 1 if !defined $_ or exists $_->{foo};
+ shift->property_error(qq{hash is invalid});
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ok my $build = My::Build::Prop->new(
+ 'module_name' => 'Simple',
+ quiet => 1,
+), 'Create new build object';
+is $build->foo, undef, 'Property "foo" should be undef';
+ok $build->foo(42), 'Set "foo"';
+is $build->foo, 42, 'Now "foo" should have new value';
+is $build->bar, 'howdy', 'Property "bar" should be its default';
+ok $build->bar('yo'), 'Set "bar"';
+is $build->bar, 'yo', 'Now "bar" should have new value';
+is $build->check, 'howdy', 'Property "check" should be its default';
+eval { $build->check('yo') };
+ok my $err = $@, 'Should get an error for an invalid value';
+like $err, qr/^ERROR: "yo" is invalid/, 'It should be the correct error';
+is $build->code, 'yay', 'Property "code" should have its code value';
+is_deeply $build->hash, { foo => 1 }, 'Property "hash" should be default';
+is $build->hash('foo'), 1, 'Should be able to get key in hash';
+ok $build->hash( bar => 3 ), 'Add a key to the hash prop';
+is_deeply $build->hash, { foo => 1, bar => 3 }, 'New key should be in hash';
+eval { $build->hash({ bar => 3 }) };
+ok $err = $@, 'Should get exception for assigning invalid hash';
+like $err, qr/^ERROR: hash is invalid/, 'It should be the correct error';
+eval { $build->hash( []) };
+ok $err = $@, 'Should get exception for assigning an array for a hash';
+like $err, qr/^Unexpected arguments for property 'hash'/,
+ 'It should be the proper error';
+is $build->hash(undef), undef, 'Should be able to set hash to undef';
+# Check core properties.
+is $build->installdirs, 'site', 'Property "installdirs" should be default';
+ok $build->installdirs('core'), 'Set "installdirst" to "core"';
+is $build->installdirs, 'core', 'Now "installdirs" should be "core"';
+eval { $build->installdirs('perl') };
+ok $err = $@, 'Should have caught exception setting "installdirs" to "perl"';
+like $err, qr/^ERROR: Perhaps you meant installdirs to be "core" rather than "perl"\?/,
+ 'And it should suggest "core" in the error message';
+eval { $build->installdirs('foo') };
+ok $err = $@, 'Should catch exception for invalid "installdirs" value';
+like $err, qr/ERROR: installdirs must be one of "core", "site", or "vendor"/,
+ 'And it should suggest the proper values in the error message';
+$dist->chdir_original if $dist->did_chdir;