path: root/cpan/Pod-Parser/lib/Pod/
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Pod-Parser/lib/Pod/')
1 files changed, 748 insertions, 748 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Pod-Parser/lib/Pod/ b/cpan/Pod-Parser/lib/Pod/
index 300eee537e..148b5d17cf 100644
--- a/cpan/Pod-Parser/lib/Pod/
+++ b/cpan/Pod-Parser/lib/Pod/
@@ -1,748 +1,748 @@
-# Pod/ -- function to select portions of POD docs
-# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-package Pod::Select;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL %myData @section_headings @selected_sections);
-$VERSION = '1.51'; ## Current version of this package
-require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Select, podselect() - extract selected sections of POD from input
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Pod::Select;
- ## Select all the POD sections for each file in @filelist
- ## and print the result on standard output.
- podselect(@filelist);
- ## Same as above, but write to tmp.out
- podselect({-output => "tmp.out"}, @filelist):
- ## Select from the given filelist, only those POD sections that are
- ## within a 1st level section named any of: NAME, SYNOPSIS, OPTIONS.
- podselect({-sections => ["NAME|SYNOPSIS", "OPTIONS"]}, @filelist):
- ## Select the "DESCRIPTION" section of the PODs from STDIN and write
- ## the result to STDERR.
- podselect({-output => ">&STDERR", -sections => ["DESCRIPTION"]}, \*STDIN);
- use Pod::Select;
- ## Create a parser object for selecting POD sections from the input
- $parser = new Pod::Select();
- ## Select all the POD sections for each file in @filelist
- ## and print the result to tmp.out.
- $parser->parse_from_file("<&STDIN", "tmp.out");
- ## Select from the given filelist, only those POD sections that are
- ## within a 1st level section named any of: NAME, SYNOPSIS, OPTIONS.
- $parser->select("NAME|SYNOPSIS", "OPTIONS");
- for (@filelist) { $parser->parse_from_file($_); }
- ## Select the "DESCRIPTION" and "SEE ALSO" sections of the PODs from
- ## STDIN and write the result to STDERR.
- $parser->select("DESCRIPTION");
- $parser->add_selection("SEE ALSO");
- $parser->parse_from_filehandle(\*STDIN, \*STDERR);
-=head1 REQUIRES
-perl5.005, Pod::Parser, Exporter, Carp
-=head1 EXPORTS
-B<podselect()> is a function which will extract specified sections of
-pod documentation from an input stream. This ability is provided by the
-B<Pod::Select> module which is a subclass of B<Pod::Parser>.
-B<Pod::Select> provides a method named B<select()> to specify the set of
-POD sections to select for processing/printing. B<podselect()> merely
-creates a B<Pod::Select> object and then invokes the B<podselect()>
-followed by B<parse_from_file()>.
-B<podselect()> and B<Pod::Select::select()> may be given one or more
-"section specifications" to restrict the text processed to only the
-desired set of sections and their corresponding subsections. A section
-specification is a string containing one or more Perl-style regular
-expressions separated by forward slashes ("/"). If you need to use a
-forward slash literally within a section title you can escape it with a
-backslash ("\/").
-The formal syntax of a section specification is:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Any omitted or empty regular expressions will default to ".*".
-Please note that each regular expression given is implicitly
-anchored by adding "^" and "$" to the beginning and end. Also, if a
-given regular expression starts with a "!" character, then the
-expression is I<negated> (so C<!foo> would match anything I<except>
-Some example section specifications follow.
-=over 4
-=item *
-Match the C<NAME> and C<SYNOPSIS> sections and all of their subsections:
-=item *
-Match only the C<Question> and C<Answer> subsections of the C<DESCRIPTION>
-=item *
-Match the C<Comments> subsection of I<all> sections:
-=item *
-Match all subsections of C<DESCRIPTION> I<except> for C<Comments>:
-=item *
-Match the C<DESCRIPTION> section but do I<not> match any of its subsections:
-=item *
-Match all top level sections but none of their subsections:
-B<podselect()> and B<Pod::Select::select()> may be given one or more
-"range specifications" to restrict the text processed to only the
-desired ranges of paragraphs in the desired set of sections. A range
-specification is a string containing a single Perl-style regular
-expression (a regex), or else two Perl-style regular expressions
-(regexs) separated by a ".." (Perl's "range" operator is "..").
-The regexs in a range specification are delimited by forward slashes
-("/"). If you need to use a forward slash literally within a regex you
-can escape it with a backslash ("\/").
-The formal syntax of a range specification is:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Where each the item inside square brackets (the ".." followed by the
-end-range-regex) is optional. Each "range-regex" is of the form:
- =cmd-expr text-expr
-Where I<cmd-expr> is intended to match the name of one or more POD
-commands, and I<text-expr> is intended to match the paragraph text for
-the command. If a range-regex is supposed to match a POD command, then
-the first character of the regex (the one after the initial '/')
-absolutely I<must> be a single '=' character; it may not be anything
-else (not even a regex meta-character) if it is supposed to match
-against the name of a POD command.
-If no I<=cmd-expr> is given then the text-expr will be matched against
-plain textblocks unless it is preceded by a space, in which case it is
-matched against verbatim text-blocks. If no I<text-expr> is given then
-only the command-portion of the paragraph is matched against.
-Note that these two expressions are each implicitly anchored. This
-means that when matching against the command-name, there will be an
-implicit '^' and '$' around the given I<=cmd-expr>; and when matching
-against the paragraph text there will be an implicit '\A' and '\Z'
-around the given I<text-expr>.
-Unlike with section-specs, the '!' character does I<not> have any special
-meaning (negation or otherwise) at the beginning of a range-spec!
-Some example range specifications follow.
-=over 4
-Match all C<=for html> paragraphs:
-C</=for html/>
-Match all paragraphs between C<=begin html> and C<=end html>
-(note that this will I<not> work correctly if such sections
-are nested):
-C</=begin html/../=end html/>
-Match all paragraphs between the given C<=item> name until the end of the
-current section:
-C</=item mine/../=head\d/>
-Match all paragraphs between the given C<=item> until the next item, or
-until the end of the itemized list (note that this will I<not> work as
-desired if the item contains an itemized list nested within it):
-C</=item mine/../=(item|back)/>
-#use diagnostics;
-use Carp;
-use Pod::Parser 1.04;
-@ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);
-@EXPORT = qw(&podselect);
-## Maximum number of heading levels supported for '=headN' directives
-The following methods are provided in this module. Each one takes a
-reference to the object itself as an implicit first parameter.
-## =begin _PRIVATE_
-## =head1 B<_init_headings()>
-## Initialize the current set of active section headings.
-## =cut
-## =end _PRIVATE_
-sub _init_headings {
- my $self = shift;
- local *myData = $self;
- ## Initialize current section heading titles if necessary
- unless (defined $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS}) {
- local *section_headings = $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS} = [];
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
- $section_headings[$i] = '';
- }
- }
-=head1 B<curr_headings()>
- ($head1, $head2, $head3, ...) = $parser->curr_headings();
- $head1 = $parser->curr_headings(1);
-This method returns a list of the currently active section headings and
-subheadings in the document being parsed. The list of headings returned
-corresponds to the most recently parsed paragraph of the input.
-If an argument is given, it must correspond to the desired section
-heading number, in which case only the specified section heading is
-returned. If there is no current section heading at the specified
-level, then C<undef> is returned.
-sub curr_headings {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->_init_headings() unless (defined $self->{_SECTION_HEADINGS});
- my @headings = @{ $self->{_SECTION_HEADINGS} };
- return (@_ > 0 and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) ? $headings[$_[0] - 1] : @headings;
-=head1 B<select()>
- $parser->select($section_spec1,$section_spec2,...);
-This method is used to select the particular sections and subsections of
-POD documentation that are to be printed and/or processed. The existing
-set of selected sections is I<replaced> with the given set of sections.
-See B<add_selection()> for adding to the current set of selected
-Each of the C<$section_spec> arguments should be a section specification
-as described in L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">. The section specifications
-are parsed by this method and the resulting regular expressions are
-stored in the invoking object.
-If no C<$section_spec> arguments are given, then the existing set of
-selected sections is cleared out (which means C<all> sections will be
-This method should I<not> normally be overridden by subclasses.
-sub select {
- my ($self, @sections) = @_;
- local *myData = $self;
- local $_;
- ##---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## The following is a blatant hack for backward compatibility, and for
- ## implementing add_selection(). If the *first* *argument* is the
- ## string "+", then the remaining section specifications are *added*
- ## to the current set of selections; otherwise the given section
- ## specifications will *replace* the current set of selections.
- ##
- ## This should probably be fixed someday, but for the present time,
- ## it seems incredibly unlikely that "+" would ever correspond to
- ## a legitimate section heading
- ##---------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $add = ($sections[0] eq '+') ? shift(@sections) : '';
- ## Reset the set of sections to use
- unless (@sections) {
- delete $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} unless ($add);
- return;
- }
- $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} = []
- unless ($add && exists $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS});
- local *selected_sections = $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS};
- ## Compile each spec
- for my $spec (@sections) {
- if ( defined($_ = _compile_section_spec($spec)) ) {
- ## Store them in our sections array
- push(@selected_sections, $_);
- }
- else {
- carp qq{Ignoring section spec "$spec"!\n};
- }
- }
-=head1 B<add_selection()>
- $parser->add_selection($section_spec1,$section_spec2,...);
-This method is used to add to the currently selected sections and
-subsections of POD documentation that are to be printed and/or
-processed. See <select()> for replacing the currently selected sections.
-Each of the C<$section_spec> arguments should be a section specification
-as described in L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">. The section specifications
-are parsed by this method and the resulting regular expressions are
-stored in the invoking object.
-This method should I<not> normally be overridden by subclasses.
-sub add_selection {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->select('+', @_);
-=head1 B<clear_selections()>
- $parser->clear_selections();
-This method takes no arguments, it has the exact same effect as invoking
-<select()> with no arguments.
-sub clear_selections {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->select();
-=head1 B<match_section()>
- $boolean = $parser->match_section($heading1,$heading2,...);
-Returns a value of true if the given section and subsection heading
-titles match any of the currently selected section specifications in
-effect from prior calls to B<select()> and B<add_selection()> (or if
-there are no explicitly selected/deselected sections).
-The arguments C<$heading1>, C<$heading2>, etc. are the heading titles of
-the corresponding sections, subsections, etc. to try and match. If
-C<$headingN> is omitted then it defaults to the current corresponding
-section heading title in the input.
-This method should I<not> normally be overridden by subclasses.
-sub match_section {
- my $self = shift;
- my (@headings) = @_;
- local *myData = $self;
- ## Return true if no restrictions were explicitly specified
- my $selections = (exists $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS})
- ? $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} : undef;
- return 1 unless ((defined $selections) && @{$selections});
- ## Default any unspecified sections to the current one
- my @current_headings = $self->curr_headings();
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
- (defined $headings[$i]) or $headings[$i] = $current_headings[$i];
- }
- ## Look for a match against the specified section expressions
- for my $section_spec ( @{$selections} ) {
- ##------------------------------------------------------
- ## Each portion of this spec must match in order for
- ## the spec to be matched. So we will start with a
- ## match-value of 'true' and logically 'and' it with
- ## the results of matching a given element of the spec.
- ##------------------------------------------------------
- my $match = 1;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
- my $regex = $section_spec->[$i];
- my $negated = ($regex =~ s/^\!//);
- $match &= ($negated ? ($headings[$i] !~ /${regex}/)
- : ($headings[$i] =~ /${regex}/));
- last unless ($match);
- }
- return 1 if ($match);
- }
- return 0; ## no match
-=head1 B<is_selected()>
- $boolean = $parser->is_selected($paragraph);
-This method is used to determine if the block of text given in
-C<$paragraph> falls within the currently selected set of POD sections
-and subsections to be printed or processed. This method is also
-responsible for keeping track of the current input section and
-subsections. It is assumed that C<$paragraph> is the most recently read
-(but not yet processed) input paragraph.
-The value returned will be true if the C<$paragraph> and the rest of the
-text in the same section as C<$paragraph> should be selected (included)
-for processing; otherwise a false value is returned.
-sub is_selected {
- my ($self, $paragraph) = @_;
- local $_;
- local *myData = $self;
- $self->_init_headings() unless (defined $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS});
- ## Keep track of current sections levels and headings
- $_ = $paragraph;
- if (/^=((?:sub)*)(?:head(?:ing)?|sec(?:tion)?)(\d*)\s+(.*?)\s*$/)
- {
- ## This is a section heading command
- my ($level, $heading) = ($2, $3);
- $level = 1 + (length($1) / 3) if ((! length $level) || (length $1));
- ## Reset the current section heading at this level
- $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS}->[$level - 1] = $heading;
- ## Reset subsection headings of this one to empty
- for (my $i = $level; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
- $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS}->[$i] = '';
- }
- }
- return $self->match_section();
-The following functions are exported by this module. Please note that
-these are functions (not methods) and therefore C<do not> take an
-implicit first argument.
-=head1 B<podselect()>
- podselect(\%options,@filelist);
-B<podselect> will print the raw (untranslated) POD paragraphs of all
-POD sections in the given input files specified by C<@filelist>
-according to the given options.
-If any argument to B<podselect> is a reference to a hash
-(associative array) then the values with the following keys are
-processed as follows:
-=over 4
-=item B<-output>
-A string corresponding to the desired output file (or ">&STDOUT"
-or ">&STDERR"). The default is to use standard output.
-=item B<-sections>
-A reference to an array of sections specifications (as described in
-L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">) which indicate the desired set of POD
-sections and subsections to be selected from input. If no section
-specifications are given, then all sections of the PODs are used.
-=item B<-ranges>
-A reference to an array of range specifications (as described in
-L<"RANGE SPECIFICATIONS">) which indicate the desired range of POD
-paragraphs to be selected from the desired input sections. If no range
-specifications are given, then all paragraphs of the desired sections
-are used.
-All other arguments should correspond to the names of input files
-containing POD sections. A file name of "-" or "<&STDIN" will
-be interpreted to mean standard input (which is the default if no
-filenames are given).
-sub podselect {
- my(@argv) = @_;
- my %defaults = ();
- my $pod_parser = new Pod::Select(%defaults);
- my $num_inputs = 0;
- my $output = '>&STDOUT';
- my %opts;
- local $_;
- for (@argv) {
- if (ref($_)) {
- next unless (ref($_) eq 'HASH');
- %opts = (%defaults, %{$_});
- ##-------------------------------------------------------------
- ## Need this for backward compatibility since we formerly used
- ## options that were all uppercase words rather than ones that
- ## looked like Unix command-line options.
- ## to be uppercase keywords)
- ##-------------------------------------------------------------
- %opts = map {
- my ($key, $val) = (lc $_, $opts{$_});
- $key =~ s/^(?=\w)/-/;
- $key =~ /^-se[cl]/ and $key = '-sections';
- #! $key eq '-range' and $key .= 's';
- ($key => $val);
- } (keys %opts);
- ## Process the options
- (exists $opts{'-output'}) and $output = $opts{'-output'};
- ## Select the desired sections
- $pod_parser->select(@{ $opts{'-sections'} })
- if ( (defined $opts{'-sections'})
- && ((ref $opts{'-sections'}) eq 'ARRAY') );
- #! ## Select the desired paragraph ranges
- #! $pod_parser->select(@{ $opts{'-ranges'} })
- #! if ( (defined $opts{'-ranges'})
- #! && ((ref $opts{'-ranges'}) eq 'ARRAY') );
- }
- else {
- $pod_parser->parse_from_file($_, $output);
- ++$num_inputs;
- }
- }
- $pod_parser->parse_from_file('-') unless ($num_inputs > 0);
-B<Pod::Select> makes uses a number of internal methods and data fields
-which clients should not need to see or use. For the sake of avoiding
-name collisions with client data and methods, these methods and fields
-are briefly discussed here. Determined hackers may obtain further
-information about them by reading the B<Pod::Select> source code.
-Private data fields are stored in the hash-object whose reference is
-returned by the B<new()> constructor for this class. The names of all
-private methods and data-fields used by B<Pod::Select> begin with a
-prefix of "_" and match the regular expression C</^_\w+$/>.
-=begin _PRIVATE_
-=head1 B<_compile_section_spec()>
- $listref = $parser->_compile_section_spec($section_spec);
-This function (note it is a function and I<not> a method) takes a
-section specification (as described in L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">)
-given in C<$section_sepc>, and compiles it into a list of regular
-expressions. If C<$section_spec> has no syntax errors, then a reference
-to the list (array) of corresponding regular expressions is returned;
-otherwise C<undef> is returned and an error message is printed (using
-B<carp>) for each invalid regex.
-=end _PRIVATE_
-sub _compile_section_spec {
- my ($section_spec) = @_;
- my (@regexs, $negated);
- ## Compile the spec into a list of regexs
- local $_ = $section_spec;
- s{\\\\}{\001}g; ## handle escaped backward slashes
- s{\\/}{\002}g; ## handle escaped forward slashes
- ## Parse the regexs for the heading titles
- @regexs = split(/\//, $_, $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL);
- ## Set default regex for ommitted levels
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
- $regexs[$i] = '.*' unless ((defined $regexs[$i])
- && (length $regexs[$i]));
- }
- ## Modify the regexs as needed and validate their syntax
- my $bad_regexs = 0;
- for (@regexs) {
- $_ .= '.+' if ($_ eq '!');
- s{\001}{\\\\}g; ## restore escaped backward slashes
- s{\002}{\\/}g; ## restore escaped forward slashes
- $negated = s/^\!//; ## check for negation
- eval "m{$_}"; ## check regex syntax
- if ($@) {
- ++$bad_regexs;
- carp qq{Bad regular expression /$_/ in "$section_spec": $@\n};
- }
- else {
- ## Add the forward and rear anchors (and put the negator back)
- $_ = '^' . $_ unless (/^\^/);
- $_ = $_ . '$' unless (/\$$/);
- $_ = '!' . $_ if ($negated);
- }
- }
- return (! $bad_regexs) ? [ @regexs ] : undef;
-=begin _PRIVATE_
-=head2 $self->{_SECTION_HEADINGS}
-A reference to an array of the current section heading titles for each
-heading level (note that the first heading level title is at index 0).
-=end _PRIVATE_
-=begin _PRIVATE_
-=head2 $self->{_SELECTED_SECTIONS}
-A reference to an array of references to arrays. Each subarray is a list
-of anchored regular expressions (preceded by a "!" if the expression is to
-be negated). The index of the expression in the subarray should correspond
-to the index of the heading title in C<$self-E<gt>{_SECTION_HEADINGS}>
-that it is to be matched against.
-=end _PRIVATE_
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Please report bugs using L<>.
-Brad Appleton E<lt>bradapp@enteract.comE<gt>
-Based on code for B<pod2text> written by
-Tom Christiansen E<lt>tchrist@mox.perl.comE<gt>
-B<Pod::Select> is part of the L<Pod::Parser> distribution.
-# vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
+# Pod/ -- function to select portions of POD docs
+# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
+# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
+# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
+# as Perl itself.
+package Pod::Select;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL %myData @section_headings @selected_sections);
+$VERSION = '1.60'; ## Current version of this package
+require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
+=head1 NAME
+Pod::Select, podselect() - extract selected sections of POD from input
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Pod::Select;
+ ## Select all the POD sections for each file in @filelist
+ ## and print the result on standard output.
+ podselect(@filelist);
+ ## Same as above, but write to tmp.out
+ podselect({-output => "tmp.out"}, @filelist):
+ ## Select from the given filelist, only those POD sections that are
+ ## within a 1st level section named any of: NAME, SYNOPSIS, OPTIONS.
+ podselect({-sections => ["NAME|SYNOPSIS", "OPTIONS"]}, @filelist):
+ ## Select the "DESCRIPTION" section of the PODs from STDIN and write
+ ## the result to STDERR.
+ podselect({-output => ">&STDERR", -sections => ["DESCRIPTION"]}, \*STDIN);
+ use Pod::Select;
+ ## Create a parser object for selecting POD sections from the input
+ $parser = new Pod::Select();
+ ## Select all the POD sections for each file in @filelist
+ ## and print the result to tmp.out.
+ $parser->parse_from_file("<&STDIN", "tmp.out");
+ ## Select from the given filelist, only those POD sections that are
+ ## within a 1st level section named any of: NAME, SYNOPSIS, OPTIONS.
+ $parser->select("NAME|SYNOPSIS", "OPTIONS");
+ for (@filelist) { $parser->parse_from_file($_); }
+ ## Select the "DESCRIPTION" and "SEE ALSO" sections of the PODs from
+ ## STDIN and write the result to STDERR.
+ $parser->select("DESCRIPTION");
+ $parser->add_selection("SEE ALSO");
+ $parser->parse_from_filehandle(\*STDIN, \*STDERR);
+=head1 REQUIRES
+perl5.005, Pod::Parser, Exporter, Carp
+=head1 EXPORTS
+B<podselect()> is a function which will extract specified sections of
+pod documentation from an input stream. This ability is provided by the
+B<Pod::Select> module which is a subclass of B<Pod::Parser>.
+B<Pod::Select> provides a method named B<select()> to specify the set of
+POD sections to select for processing/printing. B<podselect()> merely
+creates a B<Pod::Select> object and then invokes the B<podselect()>
+followed by B<parse_from_file()>.
+B<podselect()> and B<Pod::Select::select()> may be given one or more
+"section specifications" to restrict the text processed to only the
+desired set of sections and their corresponding subsections. A section
+specification is a string containing one or more Perl-style regular
+expressions separated by forward slashes ("/"). If you need to use a
+forward slash literally within a section title you can escape it with a
+backslash ("\/").
+The formal syntax of a section specification is:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Any omitted or empty regular expressions will default to ".*".
+Please note that each regular expression given is implicitly
+anchored by adding "^" and "$" to the beginning and end. Also, if a
+given regular expression starts with a "!" character, then the
+expression is I<negated> (so C<!foo> would match anything I<except>
+Some example section specifications follow.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Match the C<NAME> and C<SYNOPSIS> sections and all of their subsections:
+=item *
+Match only the C<Question> and C<Answer> subsections of the C<DESCRIPTION>
+=item *
+Match the C<Comments> subsection of I<all> sections:
+=item *
+Match all subsections of C<DESCRIPTION> I<except> for C<Comments>:
+=item *
+Match the C<DESCRIPTION> section but do I<not> match any of its subsections:
+=item *
+Match all top level sections but none of their subsections:
+B<podselect()> and B<Pod::Select::select()> may be given one or more
+"range specifications" to restrict the text processed to only the
+desired ranges of paragraphs in the desired set of sections. A range
+specification is a string containing a single Perl-style regular
+expression (a regex), or else two Perl-style regular expressions
+(regexs) separated by a ".." (Perl's "range" operator is "..").
+The regexs in a range specification are delimited by forward slashes
+("/"). If you need to use a forward slash literally within a regex you
+can escape it with a backslash ("\/").
+The formal syntax of a range specification is:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Where each the item inside square brackets (the ".." followed by the
+end-range-regex) is optional. Each "range-regex" is of the form:
+ =cmd-expr text-expr
+Where I<cmd-expr> is intended to match the name of one or more POD
+commands, and I<text-expr> is intended to match the paragraph text for
+the command. If a range-regex is supposed to match a POD command, then
+the first character of the regex (the one after the initial '/')
+absolutely I<must> be a single '=' character; it may not be anything
+else (not even a regex meta-character) if it is supposed to match
+against the name of a POD command.
+If no I<=cmd-expr> is given then the text-expr will be matched against
+plain textblocks unless it is preceded by a space, in which case it is
+matched against verbatim text-blocks. If no I<text-expr> is given then
+only the command-portion of the paragraph is matched against.
+Note that these two expressions are each implicitly anchored. This
+means that when matching against the command-name, there will be an
+implicit '^' and '$' around the given I<=cmd-expr>; and when matching
+against the paragraph text there will be an implicit '\A' and '\Z'
+around the given I<text-expr>.
+Unlike with section-specs, the '!' character does I<not> have any special
+meaning (negation or otherwise) at the beginning of a range-spec!
+Some example range specifications follow.
+=over 4
+Match all C<=for html> paragraphs:
+C</=for html/>
+Match all paragraphs between C<=begin html> and C<=end html>
+(note that this will I<not> work correctly if such sections
+are nested):
+C</=begin html/../=end html/>
+Match all paragraphs between the given C<=item> name until the end of the
+current section:
+C</=item mine/../=head\d/>
+Match all paragraphs between the given C<=item> until the next item, or
+until the end of the itemized list (note that this will I<not> work as
+desired if the item contains an itemized list nested within it):
+C</=item mine/../=(item|back)/>
+#use diagnostics;
+use Carp;
+use Pod::Parser 1.04;
+@ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);
+@EXPORT = qw(&podselect);
+## Maximum number of heading levels supported for '=headN' directives
+The following methods are provided in this module. Each one takes a
+reference to the object itself as an implicit first parameter.
+## =begin _PRIVATE_
+## =head1 B<_init_headings()>
+## Initialize the current set of active section headings.
+## =cut
+## =end _PRIVATE_
+sub _init_headings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local *myData = $self;
+ ## Initialize current section heading titles if necessary
+ unless (defined $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS}) {
+ local *section_headings = $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS} = [];
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
+ $section_headings[$i] = '';
+ }
+ }
+=head1 B<curr_headings()>
+ ($head1, $head2, $head3, ...) = $parser->curr_headings();
+ $head1 = $parser->curr_headings(1);
+This method returns a list of the currently active section headings and
+subheadings in the document being parsed. The list of headings returned
+corresponds to the most recently parsed paragraph of the input.
+If an argument is given, it must correspond to the desired section
+heading number, in which case only the specified section heading is
+returned. If there is no current section heading at the specified
+level, then C<undef> is returned.
+sub curr_headings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_init_headings() unless (defined $self->{_SECTION_HEADINGS});
+ my @headings = @{ $self->{_SECTION_HEADINGS} };
+ return (@_ > 0 and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) ? $headings[$_[0] - 1] : @headings;
+=head1 B<select()>
+ $parser->select($section_spec1,$section_spec2,...);
+This method is used to select the particular sections and subsections of
+POD documentation that are to be printed and/or processed. The existing
+set of selected sections is I<replaced> with the given set of sections.
+See B<add_selection()> for adding to the current set of selected
+Each of the C<$section_spec> arguments should be a section specification
+as described in L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">. The section specifications
+are parsed by this method and the resulting regular expressions are
+stored in the invoking object.
+If no C<$section_spec> arguments are given, then the existing set of
+selected sections is cleared out (which means C<all> sections will be
+This method should I<not> normally be overridden by subclasses.
+sub select {
+ my ($self, @sections) = @_;
+ local *myData = $self;
+ local $_;
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ## The following is a blatant hack for backward compatibility, and for
+ ## implementing add_selection(). If the *first* *argument* is the
+ ## string "+", then the remaining section specifications are *added*
+ ## to the current set of selections; otherwise the given section
+ ## specifications will *replace* the current set of selections.
+ ##
+ ## This should probably be fixed someday, but for the present time,
+ ## it seems incredibly unlikely that "+" would ever correspond to
+ ## a legitimate section heading
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ my $add = ($sections[0] eq '+') ? shift(@sections) : '';
+ ## Reset the set of sections to use
+ unless (@sections) {
+ delete $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} unless ($add);
+ return;
+ }
+ $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} = []
+ unless ($add && exists $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS});
+ local *selected_sections = $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS};
+ ## Compile each spec
+ for my $spec (@sections) {
+ if ( defined($_ = _compile_section_spec($spec)) ) {
+ ## Store them in our sections array
+ push(@selected_sections, $_);
+ }
+ else {
+ carp qq{Ignoring section spec "$spec"!\n};
+ }
+ }
+=head1 B<add_selection()>
+ $parser->add_selection($section_spec1,$section_spec2,...);
+This method is used to add to the currently selected sections and
+subsections of POD documentation that are to be printed and/or
+processed. See <select()> for replacing the currently selected sections.
+Each of the C<$section_spec> arguments should be a section specification
+as described in L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">. The section specifications
+are parsed by this method and the resulting regular expressions are
+stored in the invoking object.
+This method should I<not> normally be overridden by subclasses.
+sub add_selection {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->select('+', @_);
+=head1 B<clear_selections()>
+ $parser->clear_selections();
+This method takes no arguments, it has the exact same effect as invoking
+<select()> with no arguments.
+sub clear_selections {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->select();
+=head1 B<match_section()>
+ $boolean = $parser->match_section($heading1,$heading2,...);
+Returns a value of true if the given section and subsection heading
+titles match any of the currently selected section specifications in
+effect from prior calls to B<select()> and B<add_selection()> (or if
+there are no explicitly selected/deselected sections).
+The arguments C<$heading1>, C<$heading2>, etc. are the heading titles of
+the corresponding sections, subsections, etc. to try and match. If
+C<$headingN> is omitted then it defaults to the current corresponding
+section heading title in the input.
+This method should I<not> normally be overridden by subclasses.
+sub match_section {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my (@headings) = @_;
+ local *myData = $self;
+ ## Return true if no restrictions were explicitly specified
+ my $selections = (exists $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS})
+ ? $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} : undef;
+ return 1 unless ((defined $selections) && @{$selections});
+ ## Default any unspecified sections to the current one
+ my @current_headings = $self->curr_headings();
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
+ (defined $headings[$i]) or $headings[$i] = $current_headings[$i];
+ }
+ ## Look for a match against the specified section expressions
+ for my $section_spec ( @{$selections} ) {
+ ##------------------------------------------------------
+ ## Each portion of this spec must match in order for
+ ## the spec to be matched. So we will start with a
+ ## match-value of 'true' and logically 'and' it with
+ ## the results of matching a given element of the spec.
+ ##------------------------------------------------------
+ my $match = 1;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
+ my $regex = $section_spec->[$i];
+ my $negated = ($regex =~ s/^\!//);
+ $match &= ($negated ? ($headings[$i] !~ /${regex}/)
+ : ($headings[$i] =~ /${regex}/));
+ last unless ($match);
+ }
+ return 1 if ($match);
+ }
+ return 0; ## no match
+=head1 B<is_selected()>
+ $boolean = $parser->is_selected($paragraph);
+This method is used to determine if the block of text given in
+C<$paragraph> falls within the currently selected set of POD sections
+and subsections to be printed or processed. This method is also
+responsible for keeping track of the current input section and
+subsections. It is assumed that C<$paragraph> is the most recently read
+(but not yet processed) input paragraph.
+The value returned will be true if the C<$paragraph> and the rest of the
+text in the same section as C<$paragraph> should be selected (included)
+for processing; otherwise a false value is returned.
+sub is_selected {
+ my ($self, $paragraph) = @_;
+ local $_;
+ local *myData = $self;
+ $self->_init_headings() unless (defined $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS});
+ ## Keep track of current sections levels and headings
+ $_ = $paragraph;
+ if (/^=((?:sub)*)(?:head(?:ing)?|sec(?:tion)?)(\d*)\s+(.*?)\s*$/)
+ {
+ ## This is a section heading command
+ my ($level, $heading) = ($2, $3);
+ $level = 1 + (length($1) / 3) if ((! length $level) || (length $1));
+ ## Reset the current section heading at this level
+ $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS}->[$level - 1] = $heading;
+ ## Reset subsection headings of this one to empty
+ for (my $i = $level; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
+ $myData{_SECTION_HEADINGS}->[$i] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->match_section();
+The following functions are exported by this module. Please note that
+these are functions (not methods) and therefore C<do not> take an
+implicit first argument.
+=head1 B<podselect()>
+ podselect(\%options,@filelist);
+B<podselect> will print the raw (untranslated) POD paragraphs of all
+POD sections in the given input files specified by C<@filelist>
+according to the given options.
+If any argument to B<podselect> is a reference to a hash
+(associative array) then the values with the following keys are
+processed as follows:
+=over 4
+=item B<-output>
+A string corresponding to the desired output file (or ">&STDOUT"
+or ">&STDERR"). The default is to use standard output.
+=item B<-sections>
+A reference to an array of sections specifications (as described in
+L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">) which indicate the desired set of POD
+sections and subsections to be selected from input. If no section
+specifications are given, then all sections of the PODs are used.
+=item B<-ranges>
+A reference to an array of range specifications (as described in
+L<"RANGE SPECIFICATIONS">) which indicate the desired range of POD
+paragraphs to be selected from the desired input sections. If no range
+specifications are given, then all paragraphs of the desired sections
+are used.
+All other arguments should correspond to the names of input files
+containing POD sections. A file name of "-" or "<&STDIN" will
+be interpreted to mean standard input (which is the default if no
+filenames are given).
+sub podselect {
+ my(@argv) = @_;
+ my %defaults = ();
+ my $pod_parser = new Pod::Select(%defaults);
+ my $num_inputs = 0;
+ my $output = '>&STDOUT';
+ my %opts;
+ local $_;
+ for (@argv) {
+ if (ref($_)) {
+ next unless (ref($_) eq 'HASH');
+ %opts = (%defaults, %{$_});
+ ##-------------------------------------------------------------
+ ## Need this for backward compatibility since we formerly used
+ ## options that were all uppercase words rather than ones that
+ ## looked like Unix command-line options.
+ ## to be uppercase keywords)
+ ##-------------------------------------------------------------
+ %opts = map {
+ my ($key, $val) = (lc $_, $opts{$_});
+ $key =~ s/^(?=\w)/-/;
+ $key =~ /^-se[cl]/ and $key = '-sections';
+ #! $key eq '-range' and $key .= 's';
+ ($key => $val);
+ } (keys %opts);
+ ## Process the options
+ (exists $opts{'-output'}) and $output = $opts{'-output'};
+ ## Select the desired sections
+ $pod_parser->select(@{ $opts{'-sections'} })
+ if ( (defined $opts{'-sections'})
+ && ((ref $opts{'-sections'}) eq 'ARRAY') );
+ #! ## Select the desired paragraph ranges
+ #! $pod_parser->select(@{ $opts{'-ranges'} })
+ #! if ( (defined $opts{'-ranges'})
+ #! && ((ref $opts{'-ranges'}) eq 'ARRAY') );
+ }
+ else {
+ $pod_parser->parse_from_file($_, $output);
+ ++$num_inputs;
+ }
+ }
+ $pod_parser->parse_from_file('-') unless ($num_inputs > 0);
+B<Pod::Select> makes uses a number of internal methods and data fields
+which clients should not need to see or use. For the sake of avoiding
+name collisions with client data and methods, these methods and fields
+are briefly discussed here. Determined hackers may obtain further
+information about them by reading the B<Pod::Select> source code.
+Private data fields are stored in the hash-object whose reference is
+returned by the B<new()> constructor for this class. The names of all
+private methods and data-fields used by B<Pod::Select> begin with a
+prefix of "_" and match the regular expression C</^_\w+$/>.
+=begin _PRIVATE_
+=head1 B<_compile_section_spec()>
+ $listref = $parser->_compile_section_spec($section_spec);
+This function (note it is a function and I<not> a method) takes a
+section specification (as described in L<"SECTION SPECIFICATIONS">)
+given in C<$section_sepc>, and compiles it into a list of regular
+expressions. If C<$section_spec> has no syntax errors, then a reference
+to the list (array) of corresponding regular expressions is returned;
+otherwise C<undef> is returned and an error message is printed (using
+B<carp>) for each invalid regex.
+=end _PRIVATE_
+sub _compile_section_spec {
+ my ($section_spec) = @_;
+ my (@regexs, $negated);
+ ## Compile the spec into a list of regexs
+ local $_ = $section_spec;
+ s{\\\\}{\001}g; ## handle escaped backward slashes
+ s{\\/}{\002}g; ## handle escaped forward slashes
+ ## Parse the regexs for the heading titles
+ @regexs = split(/\//, $_, $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL);
+ ## Set default regex for ommitted levels
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
+ $regexs[$i] = '.*' unless ((defined $regexs[$i])
+ && (length $regexs[$i]));
+ }
+ ## Modify the regexs as needed and validate their syntax
+ my $bad_regexs = 0;
+ for (@regexs) {
+ $_ .= '.+' if ($_ eq '!');
+ s{\001}{\\\\}g; ## restore escaped backward slashes
+ s{\002}{\\/}g; ## restore escaped forward slashes
+ $negated = s/^\!//; ## check for negation
+ eval "m{$_}"; ## check regex syntax
+ if ($@) {
+ ++$bad_regexs;
+ carp qq{Bad regular expression /$_/ in "$section_spec": $@\n};
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Add the forward and rear anchors (and put the negator back)
+ $_ = '^' . $_ unless (/^\^/);
+ $_ = $_ . '$' unless (/\$$/);
+ $_ = '!' . $_ if ($negated);
+ }
+ }
+ return (! $bad_regexs) ? [ @regexs ] : undef;
+=begin _PRIVATE_
+=head2 $self->{_SECTION_HEADINGS}
+A reference to an array of the current section heading titles for each
+heading level (note that the first heading level title is at index 0).
+=end _PRIVATE_
+=begin _PRIVATE_
+=head2 $self->{_SELECTED_SECTIONS}
+A reference to an array of references to arrays. Each subarray is a list
+of anchored regular expressions (preceded by a "!" if the expression is to
+be negated). The index of the expression in the subarray should correspond
+to the index of the heading title in C<$self-E<gt>{_SECTION_HEADINGS}>
+that it is to be matched against.
+=end _PRIVATE_
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Please report bugs using L<>.
+Brad Appleton E<lt>bradapp@enteract.comE<gt>
+Based on code for B<pod2text> written by
+Tom Christiansen E<lt>tchrist@mox.perl.comE<gt>
+B<Pod::Select> is part of the L<Pod::Parser> distribution.
+# vim: ts=4 sw=4 et