path: root/cpan/Test-Harness/t/errors.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Test-Harness/t/errors.t')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Harness/t/errors.t b/cpan/Test-Harness/t/errors.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a54cbe066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Test-Harness/t/errors.t
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
+use strict;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More tests => 23;
+use TAP::Parser;
+my $plan_line = 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan';
+my $test_line = 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test';
+sub _parser {
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { tap => shift } );
+ $parser->run;
+ return $parser;
+# validate that plan!
+my $parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 - read the rest of the file
+# comments are allowed after an ending plan
+can_ok $parser, 'parse_errors';
+ok !$parser->parse_errors,
+ '... comments should be allowed after a terminating plan';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 - read the rest of the file
+# yeah, yeah, I know.
+can_ok $parser, 'parse_errors';
+is scalar $parser->parse_errors, 2, '... and we should have two parse errors';
+is [ $parser->parse_errors ]->[0],
+ 'Plan (1..3) must be at the beginning or end of the TAP output',
+ '... telling us that our plan was misplaced';
+is [ $parser->parse_errors ]->[1],
+ 'Bad plan. You planned 3 tests but ran 4.',
+ '... and telling us we ran the wrong number of tests.';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 - read the rest of the file
+# yo quiero tests!
+ok !$parser->parse_errors, '... but test plan-like data can be in a comment';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 - read the rest of the file 1..5
+# yo quiero tests!
+ok !$parser->parse_errors, '... or a description';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo 1..4
+ok 3 - read the rest of the file
+# yo quiero tests!
+ok !$parser->parse_errors, '... or a directive';
+# test numbers included?
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok read the rest of the file
+# this is ...
+eval { $parser->run };
+ok !$@, 'We can mix and match the presence of test numbers';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 2 read the rest of the file
+is + ( $parser->parse_errors )[0],
+ 'Tests out of sequence. Found (2) but expected (3)',
+ '... and if the numbers are there, they cannot be out of sequence';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 2 read the rest of the file
+is $parser->parse_errors, 2,
+ 'Having two errors in the TAP should result in two errors (duh)';
+my $expected = [
+ 'Tests out of sequence. Found (2) but expected (3)',
+ 'No plan found in TAP output'
+is_deeply [ $parser->parse_errors ], $expected,
+ '... and they should be the correct errors';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 read the rest of the file
+is $parser->parse_errors, 1, 'Having no plan should cause an error';
+is + ( $parser->parse_errors )[0], 'No plan found in TAP output',
+ '... with a correct error message';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 read the rest of the file
+is $parser->parse_errors, 1,
+ 'Having more than one plan should cause an error';
+is + ( $parser->parse_errors )[0], 'More than one plan found in TAP output',
+ '... with a correct error message';
+can_ok $parser, 'is_good_plan';
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ok 3 read the rest of the file
+is $parser->parse_errors, 1,
+ 'Having the wrong number of planned tests is a parse error';
+is + ( $parser->parse_errors )[0],
+ 'Bad plan. You planned 2 tests but ran 3.',
+ '... with a correct error message';
+# XXX internals: plan will not set to true if defined
+$parser = _parser(<<'END_TAP');
+ok 1 - input file opened
+ok $parser->is_good_plan,
+ '... and it should return true if the plan is correct';
+# TAP::Parser coverage tests
+ # good_plan coverage
+ my @warn;
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
+ $parser->good_plan;
+ };
+ is @warn, 1, 'coverage testing of good_plan';
+ like pop @warn,
+ qr/good_plan[(][)] is deprecated. Please use "is_good_plan[(][)]"/,
+ '...and it fell-back like we expected';