path: root/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test/Stream/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test/Stream/ b/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test/Stream/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2080597ce3..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test/Stream/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-package Test::Stream::Event;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
-use Test::Stream::Carp qw/confess/;
-use Test::Stream::ArrayBase(
- accessors => [qw/context created in_subtest/],
- no_import => 1,
-sub import {
- my $class = shift;
- # Import should only when event is imported, subclasses do not use this
- # import.
- return if $class ne __PACKAGE__;
- my $caller = caller;
- my (%args) = @_;
- my $ctx_meth = delete $args{ctx_method};
- require Test::Stream::Context;
- require Test::Stream;
- # %args may override base
- Test::Stream::ArrayBase->apply_to($caller, base => $class, %args);
- Test::Stream::Context->register_event($caller, $ctx_meth);
- Test::Stream::Exporter::export_to(
- 'Test::Stream',
- $caller,
- );
-sub init {
- confess("No context provided!") unless $_[0]->[CONTEXT];
-sub encoding { $_[0]->[CONTEXT]->encoding }
-sub extra_details {}
-sub summary {
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = blessed $self;
- $type =~ s/^.*:://g;
- my $ctx = $self->context;
- my ($package, $file, $line) = $ctx->call;
- my ($tool_pkg, $tool_name) = @{$ctx->provider};
- $tool_name =~ s/^\Q$tool_pkg\E:://;
- return (
- type => lc($type),
- $self->extra_details(),
- package => $package || undef,
- file => $file,
- line => $line,
- tool_package => $tool_pkg,
- tool_name => $tool_name,
- encoding => $ctx->encoding || undef,
- in_todo => $ctx->in_todo || 0,
- todo => $ctx->todo || '',
- pid => $ctx->pid || 0,
- skip => $ctx->skip || '',
- );
-sub subevents { }
-=encoding UTF-8
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Stream::Event - Base class for events
-Base class for all event objects that get passed through
-=head1 SYNOPSYS
- package Test::Stream::Event::MyEvent;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- # This will make our class an event subclass, add the specified accessors,
- # inject a helper method into the context objects, and add constants for
- # all our fields, and fields we inherit.
- use Test::Stream::Event(
- accessors => [qw/foo bar baz/],
- ctx_method => 'my_event',
- );
- # Chance to initialize some defaults
- sub init {
- my $self = shift;
- # no other args in @_
- $self->SUPER::init();
- $self->set_foo('xxx') unless defined $self->foo;
- # Events are arrayrefs, all accessors have a constant defined with
- # their index.
- $self->[BAR] ||= "";
- ...
- }
- # If your event produces TAP output it must define this method
- sub to_tap {
- my $self = shift;
- return (
- # Constants are defined at import, all are optional, and may appear
- # any number of times.
- [OUT_STD, $self->foo],
- [OUT_ERR, $self->bar],
- [OUT_STD, $self->baz],
- );
- }
- # This is your hook to add details to the summary fields.
- sub extra_details {
- my $self = shift;
- my @super_details = $self->SUPER::extra_details();
- return (
- @super_details,
- foo => $self->foo || undef,
- bar => $self->bar || '',
- ...
- );
- }
- 1;
-In addition to the arguments listed here, you may pass in any arguments
-accepted by L<Test::Stream::ArrayBase>.
-=over 4
-=item ctx_method => $NAME
-This specifies the name of the helper meth that will be injected into
-L<Test::Stream::Context> to help generate your events. If this is not specified
-it will use the lowercased last section of your package name.
-=item base => $BASE_CLASS
-This lets you specify an event class to subclass. B<THIS MUST BE AN EVENT
-CLASS>. If you do not specify anything here then C<Test::Stream::Event> will be
-=item accessors => \@FIELDS
-This lets you define any fields you wish to be present in your class. This is
-the only way to define storage for your event. Each field specified will get a
-read-only accessor with the same name as the field, as well as a setter
-C<set_FIELD()>. You will also get a constant that returns the index of the
-field in the classes arrayref. The constant is the name of the field in all
-C<Test::Stream::Event> is added to your @INC for you, unless you specify an
-alternative base class, which must itself subclass C<Test::Stream::Event>.
-Events B<CAN NOT> use multiple inheritance in most cases. This is mainly
-because events are arrayrefs and not hashrefs. Each subclass must add fields as
-new indexes after the last index of the parent class.
-All events need some initial fields for construction. These fields include a
-context, and some other state from construction time. The context object will
-get helper methods for all events that fill in these fields for you. It is not
-advised to ever construct an event object yourself, you should I<always> use
-the context helper method.
-Events are an arrayref. Events use L<Test::Stream::ArrayBase> under the hood to
-generate accessors, constants, and field indexes. The key thing to take away
-from this is that you cannot add attributes on the fly, you B<MUST> use
-L<Test::Stream::Event> and/or L<Test::Stream::ArrayBase> to add fields.
-If you need a place to store extar generic, and possibly unpredictable, data,
-you should add a field and assign a hashref to it, then use that hashref to
-store your mixed data.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item $ctx = $e->context
-Get a snapshot of the context as it was when this event was generated
-=item $call = $e->created
-Get the C<caller()> details from when the objects was created. This is usually
-the call to the tool that generated the event such as C<Test::More::ok()>.
-=item $bool = $e->in_subtest
-Check if the event was generated within a subtest.
-=item $encoding = $e->encoding
-Get the encoding that was in effect when the event was generated
-=item @details = $e->extra_details
-Get an ordered key/value pair list of summary fields for the event. Override
-this to add additional fields.
-=item @summary = $e->summary
-Get an ordered key/value pair list of summary fields for the event, including
-parent class fields. In general you should not override this as it has a useful
-(thought not depended upon) order.
-These are the fields that will be present when calling
-C<< my %sum = $e->summary >>. Please note that the fields are returned as an
-order key+pair list, they can be directly assigned to a hash if desired, or
-they can be assigned to an array to preserver the order. The order is as it
-appears below, B<NOT> alphabetical.
-=over 4
-=item type
-The name of the event type, typically this is the lowercase form of the last
-part of the class name.
-=item package
-The package that generated this event.
-=item file
-The file in which the event was generated, and to which errors should be attributed.
-=item line
-The line number on which the event was generated, and to which errors should be
-=item tool_package
-The package that provided the tool that generated the event (example:
-=item tool_name
-The name of the sub that produced the event (examples: C<ok()>, C<is()>).
-=item encoding
-The encoding that should be used when printing the TAP output from this event.
-=item in_todo
-True if the event was generated while TODO was in effect.
-=item todo
-The todo message if the event was generated with TODO in effect.
-=item pid
-The PID in which the event was generated.
-=item skip
-The skip message if the event was generated via skip.
-=head1 SOURCE
-The source code repository for Test::More can be found at
-=over 4
-=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
-=head1 AUTHORS
-The following people have all contributed to the Test-More dist (sorted using
-VIM's sort function).
-=over 4
-=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
-=item Fergal Daly E<lt>>E<gt>
-=item Mark Fowler E<lt>mark@twoshortplanks.comE<gt>
-=item Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>
-=item 唐鳳
-There has been a lot of code migration between modules,
-here are all the original copyrights together:
-=over 4
-=item Test::Stream
-=item Test::Stream::Tester
-Copyright 2014 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See F<>
-=item Test::Simple
-=item Test::More
-=item Test::Builder
-Originally authored by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt> with much
-inspiration from Joshua Pritikin's Test module and lots of help from Barrie
-Slaymaker, Tony Bowden,, chromatic, Fergal Daly and the perl-qa
-Idea by Tony Bowden and Paul Johnson, code by Michael G Schwern
-E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>, wardrobe by Calvin Klein.
-Copyright 2001-2008 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See F<>
-=item Test::use::ok
-To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and related
-or neighboring rights to L<Test-use-ok>.
-This work is published from Taiwan.
-=item Test::Tester
-This module is copyright 2005 Fergal Daly <>, some parts
-are based on other people's work.
-Under the same license as Perl itself
-=item Test::Builder::Tester
-Copyright Mark Fowler E<lt>mark@twoshortplanks.comE<gt> 2002, 2004.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.