path: root/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test2/API/
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test2/API/')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test2/API/ b/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test2/API/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c22e877b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Test-Simple/lib/Test2/API/
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+package Test2::API::InterceptResult;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '1.302181';
+use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
+use Test2::Util qw/pkg_to_file/;
+use Storable qw/dclone/;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher;
+use Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event;
+use Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub;
+sub new {
+ croak "Called a method that creates a new instance in void context" unless defined wantarray;
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless([@_], $class);
+sub new_from_ref {
+ croak "Called a method that creates a new instance in void context" unless defined wantarray;
+ bless($_[1], $_[0]);
+sub clone { blessed($_[0])->new(@{dclone($_[0])}) }
+sub event_list { @{$_[0]} }
+sub _upgrade {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($event, %params) = @_;
+ my $blessed = blessed($event);
+ my $upgrade_class = $params{upgrade_class} ||= 'Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event';
+ return $event if $blessed && $event->isa($upgrade_class) && !$params{_upgrade_clone};
+ my $fd = dclone($blessed ? $event->facet_data : $event);
+ my $class = $params{result_class} ||= blessed($self);
+ if (my $parent = $fd->{parent}) {
+ $parent->{children} = $class->new_from_ref($parent->{children} || [])->upgrade(%params);
+ }
+ my $uc_file = pkg_to_file($upgrade_class);
+ require($uc_file) unless $INC{$uc_file};
+ return $upgrade_class->new(facet_data => $fd, result_class => $class);
+sub hub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $hub = Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub->new();
+ $hub->process($_) for @$self;
+ $hub->set_ended(1);
+ return $hub;
+sub state {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $hub = $self->hub;
+ my $out = {
+ map {($_ => scalar $hub->$_)} qw/count failed is_passing plan bailed_out skip_reason/
+ };
+ $out->{bailed_out} = $self->_upgrade($out->{bailed_out}, %params)->bailout_reason || 1
+ if $out->{bailed_out};
+ $out->{follows_plan} = $hub->check_plan;
+ return $out;
+sub upgrade {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my @out = map { $self->_upgrade($_, %params, _upgrade_clone => 1) } @$self;
+ return blessed($self)->new_from_ref(\@out)
+ unless $params{in_place};
+ @$self = @out;
+ return $self;
+sub squash_info {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ my @out;
+ {
+ my $squasher = Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher->new(events => \@out);
+ # Clone to make sure we do not indirectly modify an existing one if it
+ # is already upgraded
+ $squasher->process($self->_upgrade($_, %params)->clone) for @$self;
+ $squasher->flush_down();
+ }
+ return blessed($self)->new_from_ref(\@out)
+ unless $params{in_place};
+ @$self = @out;
+ return $self;
+sub asserts { shift->grep(has_assert => @_) }
+sub subtests { shift->grep(has_subtest => @_) }
+sub diags { shift->grep(has_diags => @_) }
+sub notes { shift->grep(has_notes => @_) }
+sub errors { shift->grep(has_errors => @_) }
+sub plans { shift->grep(has_plan => @_) }
+sub causes_fail { shift->grep(causes_fail => @_) }
+sub causes_failure { shift->grep(causes_failure => @_) }
+sub flatten { shift->map(flatten => @_) }
+sub briefs { shift->map(brief => @_) }
+sub summaries { shift->map(summary => @_) }
+sub subtest_results { shift->map(subtest_result => @_) }
+sub diag_messages { shift->map(diag_messages => @_) }
+sub note_messages { shift->map(note_messages => @_) }
+sub error_messages { shift->map(error_messages => @_) }
+no warnings 'once';
+*map = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($call, %params) = @_;
+ my $args = $params{args} ||= [];
+ return [map { local $_ = $self->_upgrade($_, %params); $_->$call(@$args) } @$self];
+*grep = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($call, %params) = @_;
+ my $args = $params{args} ||= [];
+ my @out = grep { local $_ = $self->_upgrade($_, %params); $_->$call(@$args) } @$self;
+ return blessed($self)->new_from_ref(\@out)
+ unless $params{in_place};
+ @$self = @out;
+ return $self;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Test2::API::InterceptResult - Representation of a list of events.
+This class represents a list of events, normally obtained using C<intercept()>
+from L<Test2::API>.
+This class is intended for people who with to verify the results of test tools
+they write.
+This class provides methods to normalize, summarize, or map the list of events.
+The output of these operations makes verifying your testing tools and the
+events they generate significantly easier. In most cases this spares you from
+needing a deep understanding of the event/facet model.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Usually you get an instance of this class when you use C<intercept()> from
+ use Test2::V0;
+ use Test2::API qw/intercept/;
+ my $events = intercept {
+ ok(1, "pass");
+ ok(0, "fail");
+ todo "broken" => sub { ok(0, "fixme") };
+ plan 3;
+ };
+ # This is typically the most useful construct
+ # squash_info() merges assertions and diagnostics that are associated
+ # (and returns a new instance with the modifications)
+ # flatten() condenses the facet data into the key details for each event
+ # (and returns those structures in an arrayref)
+ is(
+ $events->squash_info->flatten(),
+ [
+ {
+ causes_failure => 0,
+ name => 'pass',
+ pass => 1,
+ trace_file => 'xxx.t',
+ trace_line => 5,
+ },
+ {
+ causes_failure => 1,
+ name => 'fail',
+ pass => 0,
+ trace_file => 'xxx.t',
+ trace_line => 6,
+ # There can be more than one diagnostics message so this is
+ # always an array when present.
+ diag => ["Failed test 'fail'\nat xxx.t line 6."],
+ },
+ {
+ causes_failure => 0,
+ name => 'fixme',
+ pass => 0,
+ trace_file => 'xxx.t',
+ trace_line => 7,
+ # There can be more than one diagnostics message or todo
+ # reason, so these are always an array when present.
+ todo => ['broken'],
+ # Diag message was turned into a note since the assertion was
+ # TODO
+ note => ["Failed test 'fixme'\nat xxx.t line 7."],
+ },
+ {
+ causes_failure => 0,
+ plan => 3,
+ trace_file => 'xxx.t',
+ trace_line => 8,
+ },
+ ],
+ "Flattened events look like we expect"
+ );
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for a full description of what
+C<flatten()> provides for each event.
+=head1 METHODS
+Please note that no methods modify the original instance unless asked to do so.
+=over 4
+=item $events = Test2::API::InterceptResult->new(@EVENTS)
+=item $events = Test2::API::InterceptResult->new_from_ref(\@EVENTS)
+These create a new instance of Test2::API::InterceptResult from the given
+In the first form a new blessed arrayref is returned. In the 'new_from_ref'
+form the reference you pass in is directly blessed.
+Both of these will throw an exception if called in void context. This is mainly
+important for the 'filtering' methods listed below which normally return a new
+instance, they throw an exception in such cases as it probably means someone
+meant to filter the original in place.
+=item $clone = $events->clone()
+Make a clone of the original events. Note that this is a deep copy, the entire
+structure is duplicated. This uses C<dclone> from L<Storable> to achieve the
+deep clone.
+=over 4
+=item @events = $events->event_list
+This returns all the events in list-form.
+=item $hub = $events->hub
+This returns a new L<Test2::Hub> instance that has processed all the events
+contained in the instance. This gives you a simple way to inspect the state
+changes your events cause.
+=item $state = $events->state
+This returns a summary of the state of a hub after processing all the events.
+ {
+ count => 2, # Number of assertions made
+ failed => 1, # Number of test failures seen
+ is_passing => 0, # Boolean, true if the test would be passing
+ # after the events are processed.
+ plan => 2, # Plan, either a number, undef, 'SKIP', or 'NO PLAN'
+ follows_plan => 1, # True if there is a plan and it was followed.
+ # False if the plan and assertions did not
+ # match, undef if no plan was present in the
+ # event list.
+ bailed_out => undef, # undef unless there was a bail-out in the
+ # events in which case this will be a string
+ # explaining why there was a bailout, if no
+ # reason was given this will simply be set to
+ # true (1).
+ skip_reason => undef, # If there was a skip_all this will give the
+ # reason.
+ }
+=item $new = $events->upgrade
+=item $events->upgrade(in_place => $BOOL)
+B<Note:> This normally returns a new instance, leaving the original unchanged.
+If you call it in void context it will throw an exception. If you want to
+modify the original you must pass in the C<< in_place => 1 >> option. You may
+call this in void context when you ask to modify it in place. The in-place form
+returns the instance that was modified so you can chain methods.
+This will create a clone of the list where all events have been converted into
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> instances. This is extremely helpful as
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> provide a much better interface for
+working with events. This allows you to avoid thinking about legacy event
+This also means your tests against the list are not fragile if the tool
+you are testing randomly changes what type of events it generates (IE Changing
+from L<Test2::Event::Ok> to L<Test2::Event::Pass>, both make assertions and
+both will normalize to identical (or close enough)
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> instances.
+Really you almost always want this, the only reason it is not done
+automatically is to make sure the C<intercept()> tool is backwards compatible.
+=item $new = $events->squash_info
+=item $events->squash_info(in_place => $BOOL)
+B<Note:> This normally returns a new instance, leaving the original unchanged.
+If you call it in void context it will throw an exception. If you want to
+modify the original you must pass in the C<< in_place => 1 >> option. You may
+call this in void context when you ask to modify it in place. The in-place form
+returns the instance that was modified so you can chain methods.
+B<Note:> All events in the new or modified instance will be converted to
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> instances. There is no way to avoid this,
+the squash operation requires the upgraded event class.
+L<Test::More> and many other legacy tools would send notes, diags, and
+assertions as seperate events. A subtest in L<Test::More> would send a note
+with the subtest name, the subtest assertion, and finally a diagnostics event
+if the subtest failed. This method will normalize things by squashing the note
+and diag into the same event as the subtest (This is different from putting
+them into the subtest, which is not what happens).
+B<Note:> These normally return new instances, leaving the originals unchanged.
+If you call them in void context they will throw exceptions. If you want to
+modify the originals you must pass in the C<< in_place => 1 >> option. You may
+call these in void context when you ask to modify them in place. The in-place
+forms return the instance that was modified so you can chain methods.
+=head3 %PARAMS
+These all accept the same 2 optional parameters:
+=over 4
+=item in_place => $BOOL
+When true the method will modify the instance in place instead of returning a
+new instance.
+=item args => \@ARGS
+If you wish to pass parameters into the event method being used for filtering,
+you may do so here.
+=head3 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item $events->grep($CALL, %PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ Test2::API::InterceptResult->new(
+ grep { $_->$CALL( @{$PARAMS{args}} ) } $self->event_list,
+ );
+B<Note:> that $CALL is called on an upgraded version of the event, though
+the events returned will be the original ones, not the upgraded ones.
+$CALL may be either the name of a method on
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event>, or a coderef.
+=item $events->asserts(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ $events->grep(has_assert => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that made assertions.
+=item $events->subtests(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ $events->grep(has_subtest => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that have subtests.
+=item $events->diags(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ $events->grep(has_diags => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that have diags.
+=item $events->notes(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ $events->grep(has_notes => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that have notes.
+=item $events->errors(%PARAMS)
+B<Note:> Errors are NOT failing assertions. Failing assertions are a different
+This is essentially:
+ $events->grep(has_errors => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that have errors.
+=item $events->plans(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ $events->grep(has_plan => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that set the plan.
+=item $events->causes_fail(%PARAMS)
+=item $events->causes_failure(%PARAMS)
+These are essentially:
+ $events->grep(causes_fail => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+ $events->grep(causes_failure => @{$PARAMS{args}})
+B<Note:> C<causes_fail()> and C<causes_failure()> are both aliases for
+eachother in events, so these methods are effectively aliases here as well.
+It returns a new instance containing only the events that cause failure.
+=head2 MAPPING
+These methods B<ALWAYS> return an arrayref.
+B<Note:> No methods on L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> alter the event in
+any way.
+B<Important Notes about Events>:
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> was tailor-made to be used in
+event-lists. Most methods that are not applicable to a given event will return
+an empty list, so you normally do not need to worry about unwanted C<undef>
+values or exceptions being thrown. Mapping over event methods is an entended
+use, so it works well to produce lists.
+B<Exceptions to the rule:>
+Some methods such as C<causes_fail> always return a boolean true or false for
+all events. Any method prefixed with C<the_> conveys the intent that the event
+should have exactly 1 of something, so those will throw an exception when that
+condition is not true.
+=over 4
+=item $arrayref = $events->map($CALL, %PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->$CALL(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+$CALL may be either the name of a method on
+L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event>, or a coderef.
+=item $arrayref = $events->flatten(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->flatten(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of flattened structures.
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what C<flatten()>
+=item $arrayref = $events->briefs(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->briefs(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of event briefs.
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what C<brief()>
+=item $arrayref = $events->summaries(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->summaries(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of event summaries.
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what C<summary()>
+=item $arrayref = $events->subtest_results(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->subtest_result(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of event summaries.
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what
+C<subtest_result()> returns.
+=item $arrayref = $events->diag_messages(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->diag_messages(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of diagnostic messages (strings).
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what
+C<diag_messages()> returns.
+=item $arrayref = $events->note_messages(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->note_messages(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of notification messages (strings).
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what
+C<note_messages()> returns.
+=item $arrayref = $events->error_messages(%PARAMS)
+This is essentially:
+ [ map { $_->error_messages(@{ $PARAMS{args} }) } $events->upgrade->event_list ];
+It returns a new list of error messages (strings).
+See L<Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event> for details on what
+C<error_messages()> returns.
+=head1 SOURCE
+The source code repository for Test2 can be found at
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>