path: root/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior')
24 files changed, 0 insertions, 1127 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/388-threadedsubtest.load b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/388-threadedsubtest.load
deleted file mode 100644
index ee341250e8..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/388-threadedsubtest.load
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/388-threadedsubtest.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/388-threadedsubtest.t
deleted file mode 100644
index fae3783f0e..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/388-threadedsubtest.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::CanThread qw/AUTHOR_TESTING/;
-use Test::More;
-subtest my_subtest => sub {
- my $file = __FILE__;
- $file =~ s/\.t$/.load/;
- do $file || die $@;
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/478-cmp_ok_hash.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/478-cmp_ok_hash.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ae82249caf..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/478-cmp_ok_hash.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my $want = 0;
-my $got = 0;
-cmp_ok($got, 'eq', $want, "Passes on correct comparison");
-my @warn;
-my $events = intercept {
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- push @warn => @_;
- };
- cmp_ok($got, '#eq', $want, "You shall not pass!");
-# We are not going to inspect the warning because it is not super predictable,
-# and changes with eval specifics.
-ok(@warn, "We got warnings");
- $events,
- check {
- event ok => {
- bool => 0,
- diag => qr/syntax error at \(eval in cmp_ok\)/,
- };
- },
- "Events meet expectations"
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/490-inherit_exporter.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/490-inherit_exporter.t
deleted file mode 100644
index b899bfecd0..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/490-inherit_exporter.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
- $INC{'My/'} = __FILE__;
- package My::Tester;
- use Test::More;
- use base 'Test::More';
- our @EXPORT = (@Test::More::EXPORT, qw/foo/);
- our @EXPORT_OK = (@Test::More::EXPORT_OK);
- sub foo { goto &Test::More::ok }
- 1;
-use My::Tester;
-can_ok(__PACKAGE__, qw/ok done_testing foo/);
-foo(1, "This is just an ok");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d7185809..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::More;
-use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
-# This will replace the main Test::Stream object for the scope of the coderef.
-# We apply our output changes only in that scope so that this test itself can
-# verify things with regular TAP output. The things done inside thise sub would
-# work just fine when used by any module to alter the output.
-my @OUTPUT;
-Test::Stream->intercept(sub {
- # Turn off normal TAP output
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_tap(0);
- # Turn off legacy storage of results.
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_legacy(0);
- Test::Stream->shared->listen(sub {
- my ($stream, $event) = @_;
- push @OUTPUT => "We got an event of type " . blessed($event);
- });
- # Now we run some tests, no TAP will be produced, instead all events will
- # be added to @OUTPUT.
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- subtest foo => sub {
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- };
- diag "Hello";
- [
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Ok',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Ok',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Note',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Subtest',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Diag',
- ],
- "Got all events"
-# Now for something more complicated, lets have everything be normal TAP,
-# except subtests
-my @IO = (\@STDOUT, \@STDERR, \@TODO);
-Test::Stream->intercept(sub {
- # Turn off normal TAP output
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_tap(0);
- # Turn off legacy storage of results.
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_legacy(0);
- my $number = 1;
- Test::Stream->shared->listen(sub {
- my ($stream, $e) = @_;
- # Do not output results inside subtests
- return if $e->in_subtest;
- return unless $e->can('to_tap');
- my $num = $stream->use_numbers ? $number++ : undef;
- # Get the TAP for the event
- my @sets;
- if ($e->isa('Test::Stream::Event::Subtest')) {
- # Subtest is a subclass of Ok, use Ok's to_tap method:
- @sets = Test::Stream::Event::Ok::to_tap($e, $num);
- # Here you can also add whatever output you want.
- }
- else {
- @sets = $e->to_tap($num);
- }
- for my $set (@sets) {
- my ($hid, $msg) = @$set;
- next unless $msg;
- my $enc = $e->encoding || die "Could not find encoding!";
- # This is how you get the proper handle to use (STDERR, STDOUT, ETC).
- my $io = $stream->io_sets->{$enc}->[$hid] || die "Could not find IO $hid for $enc";
- $io = $IO[$hid];
- # Make sure we don't alter these vars.
- local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
- # Normally you print to the IO, but here we are pushing to arrays
- chomp($msg);
- push @$io => $msg;
- }
- });
- # Now we run some tests, no TAP will be produced, instead all events will
- # be added to our ourputs
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- subtest foo => sub {
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- };
- diag "Hello";
-is(@TODO, 0, "No TODO output");
- [
- 'ok 1 - pass',
- 'not ok 2 - fail',
- '# Subtest: foo',
- # As planned, none of the events inside the subtest got rendered.
- 'not ok 4 - foo'
- ],
- "Got expected TAP"
-is(pop(@STDERR), "# Hello", "Got the hello diag");
-is(@STDERR, 2, "got diag for 2 failed tests");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_diag.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_diag.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e89f02cc97..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_diag.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use B;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::MostlyLike;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-use Test::Builder; # Not loaded by default in modern mode
-my $orig = Test::Builder->can('diag');
- package MyModernTester;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Stream;
- use Test::MostlyLike;
- use Test::Stream::Tester qw/intercept/;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::diag = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->$orig(__PACKAGE__ . ": ", @_);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::diag)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- intercept {
- diag('first');
- diag('seconds');
- };
- }
- mostly_like(
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'MyModernTester::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef, #Only 1 warning
- ],
- "Found expected warning, just the one"
- );
- package MyModernTester2;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Stream;
- use Test::MostlyLike;
- use Test::Stream::Tester qw/intercept/;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::diag = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->$orig(__PACKAGE__ . ": ", @_);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::diag)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- intercept {
- diag('first');
- diag('seconds');
- };
- }
- mostly_like(
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'MyModernTester2::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef, #Only 1 warning
- ],
- "new override, new warning"
- );
- package MyLegacyTester;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Stream::Tester qw/intercept/;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::diag = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->$orig(__PACKAGE__ . ": ", @_);
- };
- use warnings;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- intercept {
- diag('first');
- diag('seconds');
- };
- }
- is(@warnings, 0, "no warnings for a legacy tester");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_done_testing.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_done_testing.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c62100d07..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_done_testing.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use B;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::MostlyLike;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-use Test::Builder; # Not loaded by default in modern mode
-my $orig = Test::Builder->can('done_testing');
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my $ran = 0;
-no warnings 'redefine';
-my $file = __FILE__;
-my $line = __LINE__ + 1;
-*Test::Builder::done_testing = sub { my $self = shift; $ran++; $self->$orig(@_) };
-use warnings;
-my @warnings;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- intercept {
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- done_testing;
- },
- check {
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 0 };
- event plan => { max => 2 };
- directive 'end';
- },
- intercept {
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- done_testing;
- },
- check {
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 0 };
- event plan => { max => 2 };
- directive 'end';
- },
-is($ran, 2, "We ran our override both times");
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'main::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef,
- ],
- "Got the warning once"
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_note.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_note.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c8e765629..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_note.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use B;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::MostlyLike;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-use Test::Builder; # Not loaded by default in modern mode
-my $orig = Test::Builder->can('note');
- package MyModernTester;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Stream;
- use Test::MostlyLike;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::note = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->$orig(__PACKAGE__ . ": ", @_);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::note)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- note('first');
- note('seconds');
- }
- mostly_like(
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'MyModernTester::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef, #Only 1 warning
- ],
- "Found expected warning, just the one"
- );
- package MyModernTester2;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Stream;
- use Test::MostlyLike;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::note = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->$orig(__PACKAGE__ . ": ", @_);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::note)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- note('first');
- note('seconds');
- }
- mostly_like(
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'MyModernTester2::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef, #Only 1 warning
- ],
- "new override, new warning"
- );
- package MyLegacyTester;
- use Test::More;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::note = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->$orig(__PACKAGE__ . ": ", @_);
- };
- use warnings;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- note('first');
- note('seconds');
- }
- is(@warnings, 0, "no warnings for a legacy tester");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_ok.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_ok.t
deleted file mode 100644
index faf92bfc45..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_ok.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use B;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::MostlyLike;
-use Test::More tests => 9;
-use Test::Builder; # Not loaded by default in modern mode
-my $orig = Test::Builder->can('ok');
- package MyModernTester;
- use Test::Stream;
- use Test::MostlyLike;
- use Test::More;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::ok = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($bool, $name) = @_;
- $name = __PACKAGE__ . ": $name";
- return $self->$orig($bool, $name);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::ok)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- ok(1, "fred");
- ok(2, "barney");
- }
- mostly_like(
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'MyModernTester::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef, #Only 1 warning
- ],
- "Found expected warning, just the one"
- );
- package MyModernTester2;
- use Test::Stream;
- use Test::MostlyLike;
- use Test::More;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::ok = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($bool, $name) = @_;
- $name = __PACKAGE__ . ": $name";
- return $self->$orig($bool, $name);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::ok)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- ok(1, "fred");
- ok(2, "barney");
- }
- mostly_like(
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'MyModernTester2::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef, #Only 1 warning
- ],
- "new override, new warning"
- );
- package MyLegacyTester;
- use Test::More;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Test::Builder::ok = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($bool, $name) = @_;
- $name = __PACKAGE__ . ": $name";
- return $self->$orig($bool, $name);
- };
- use warnings;
- my $file = __FILE__;
- # Line number is tricky, just use what B says The sub may not actually think it
- # is on the line it is may be off by 1.
- my $line = B::svref_2object(\&Test::Builder::ok)->START->line;
- my @warnings;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- ok(1, "fred");
- ok(2, "barney");
- }
- is(@warnings, 0, "no warnings for a legacy tester");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_plan.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_plan.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 236a083cbf..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/MonkeyPatching_plan.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use B;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::MostlyLike;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
-use Test::Builder; # Not loaded by default in modern mode
-my $orig = Test::Builder->can('plan');
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my $ran = 0;
-no warnings 'redefine';
-my $file = __FILE__;
-my $line = __LINE__ + 1;
-*Test::Builder::plan = sub { my $self = shift; $ran++; $self->$orig(@_) };
-use warnings;
-my @warnings;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
- intercept {
- plan tests => 2;
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- },
- check {
- event plan => { max => 2 };
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 0 };
- directive 'end';
- },
- intercept {
- Test::More->import('tests' => 2);
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- },
- check {
- event plan => { max => 2 };
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 0 };
- directive 'end';
- },
- intercept {
- Test::More->import(skip_all => 'damn');
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- },
- check {
- event plan => { max => 0, directive => 'SKIP', reason => 'damn' };
- directive 'end';
- },
- intercept {
- Test::More->import('no_plan');
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- },
- check {
- event plan => { directive => 'NO PLAN' };
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 0 };
- directive 'end';
- },
-is($ran, 4, "We ran our override each time");
- \@warnings,
- [
- qr{The new sub is 'main::__ANON__' defined in \Q$file\E around line $line},
- undef,
- ],
- "Got the warning once"
-no warnings 'redefine';
-*Test::Builder::plan = sub { };
-use warnings;
-my $ok;
- intercept {
- $ok = eval {
- plan(tests => 1);
- plan(tests => 2);
- ok(1);
- ok(1);
- ok(1);
- done_testing;
- 1;
- };
- },
- check {
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- event plan => { max => 3 };
- directive 'end';
- },
- "Make sure plan monkeypatching does not effect done_testing"
-ok($ok, "Did not die");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/Munge.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/Munge.t
deleted file mode 100644
index be9aa98d5c..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/Munge.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
- intercept {
- my $id = 0;
- Test::Stream->shared->munge(sub {
- my ($stream, $e) = @_;
- return unless $e->isa('Test::Stream::Event::Ok');
- return if defined $e->name;
- $e->set_name( 'flubber: ' . $id++ );
- });
- ok( 1, "Keep the name" );
- ok( 1 );
- ok( 1, "Already named" );
- ok( 1 );
- },
- check {
- event ok => { bool => 1, name => "Keep the name" };
- event ok => { bool => 1, name => "flubber: 0" };
- event ok => { bool => 1, name => "Already named" };
- event ok => { bool => 1, name => "flubber: 1" };
- }
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/NotTB15.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/NotTB15.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a70992599d..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/NotTB15.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Builder;
-# This is just a list of method Test::Builder current does not have that Test::Builder 1.5 does.
-my @TB15_METHODS = qw{
- _file_and_line _join_message _make_default _my_exit _reset_todo_state
- _result_to_hash _results _todo_state formatter history in_test
- no_change_exit_code post_event post_result set_formatter set_plan test_end
- test_exit_code test_start test_state
-for my $method (qw/foo bar baz/) {
- my $success = !eval { Test::Builder->$method; 1 }; my $line = __LINE__;
- my $error = $@;
- ok($success, "Threw an exception ($method)");
- is(
- $error,
- qq{Can't locate object method "$method" via package "Test::Builder" at } . __FILE__ . " line $line.\n",
- "Did not auto-create random sub ($method)"
- );
-my $file = __FILE__;
-for my $method (@TB15_METHODS) {
- my $success = !eval { Test::Builder->$method; 1 }; my $line = __LINE__;
- my $error = $@;
- ok($success, "Threw an exception ($method)");
- is($error, <<" EOT", "Got expected error ($method)");
-Can't locate object method "$method" via package "Test::Builder" at $file line $line.
- *************************************************************************
- '$method' is a Test::Builder 1.5 method. Test::Builder 1.5 is a dead branch.
- You need to update your code so that it no longer treats Test::Builders
- over a specific version number as anything special.
- See:
- *************************************************************************
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/Tester2_subtest.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/Tester2_subtest.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6101fbb92a..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/Tester2_subtest.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my $events = intercept {
- ok(0, "test failure" );
- ok(1, "test success" );
- subtest 'subtest' => sub {
- ok(0, "subtest failure" );
- ok(1, "subtest success" );
- subtest 'subtest_deeper' => sub {
- ok(1, "deeper subtest success" );
- };
- };
- ok(0, "another test failure" );
- ok(1, "another test success" );
- $events,
- check {
- event ok => {bool => 0, diag => qr/Fail/};
- event ok => {bool => 1};
- event note => {message => 'Subtest: subtest'};
- event subtest => {
- name => 'subtest',
- bool => 0,
- diag => qr/Failed test 'subtest'/,
- events => check {
- event ok => {bool => 0};
- event ok => {bool => 1};
- event note => {message => 'Subtest: subtest_deeper'};
- event subtest => {
- bool => 1,
- name => 'subtest_deeper',
- events => check {
- event ok => { bool => 1 };
- },
- };
- event plan => { max => 3 };
- event finish => { tests_run => 3, tests_failed => 1 };
- event diag => { message => qr/Looks like you failed 1 test of 3/ };
- dir end => 'End of subtests events';
- },
- };
- event ok => {bool => 0};
- event ok => {bool => 1};
- dir end => "subtest events as expected";
- },
- "Subtest events"
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/cmp_ok_undef.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/cmp_ok_undef.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e317c55d1..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/cmp_ok_undef.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my @warnings;
-local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
-my @events = intercept { cmp_ok( undef, '==', 6 ) };
-is(@warnings, 1, "1 warning");
- $warnings[0],
- qr/Use of uninitialized value .* at \(eval in cmp_ok\)/,
- "Got the expected warning"
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/cmp_ok_xor.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/cmp_ok_xor.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 292f7168be..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/cmp_ok_xor.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::More;
-my @warnings;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
-my $ok = cmp_ok( 1, 'xor', 0, 'use xor in cmp_ok' );
-ok(!@warnings, "no warnings");
-ok($ok, "returned true");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/encoding_test.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/encoding_test.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 57242e03d9..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/encoding_test.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-no utf8;
-# line 5 "encoding_tést.t"
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
- my $norm = eval { require Unicode::Normalize; require Encode; 1 };
- plan skip_all => 'Unicode::Normalize is required for this test' unless $norm;
-my $filename = __FILE__;
-ok(!utf8::is_utf8($filename), "filename is not in utf8 yet");
-my $utf8name = Unicode::Normalize::NFKC(Encode::decode('utf8', "$filename", Encode::FB_CROAK));
-ok( $filename ne $utf8name, "sanity check" );
-my $scoper = sub { context()->snapshot };
-tap_encoding 'utf8';
-my $ctx_utf8 = $scoper->();
-tap_encoding 'legacy';
-my $ctx_legacy = $scoper->();
-is($ctx_utf8->encoding, 'utf8', "got a utf8 context");
-is($ctx_legacy->encoding, 'legacy', "got a legacy context");
-is($ctx_utf8->file, $utf8name, "Got utf8 name");
-is($ctx_legacy->file, $filename, "Got legacy name");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/event_clone_args.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/event_clone_args.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d4824d550..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/event_clone_args.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use B;
-use Test::Stream::Tester qw/intercept/;
-my @events;
-my $x1 = \(my $y1);
-push @events => intercept { note $x1 };
-is(B::svref_2object($x1)->REFCNT, 2, "Note does not store a ref");
-my $x2 = \(my $y2);
-push @events => intercept { diag $x2 };
-is(B::svref_2object($x2)->REFCNT, 2, "diag does not store a ref");
-my $x3 = \(my $y3);
-push @events => intercept { ok($x3, "Generating") };
-is(B::svref_2object($x3)->REFCNT, 2, "ok does not store a ref");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/fork_new_end.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/fork_new_end.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e7c2d7c25..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/fork_new_end.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
- if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use Test::CanThread qw/AUTHOR_TESTING/;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-ok(1, "outside before");
-my $run = sub {
- ok(1, 'in thread1');
- ok(1, 'in thread2');
-my $t = threads->create($run);
-ok(1, "outside after");
-END {
- print "XXX: " . Test::Builder->new->is_passing . "\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f8abea6a6..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-my @warnings;
-local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0] };
-subtest my_subtest1 => sub {
- my $file = __FILE__;
- $file =~ s/\.t$/1.load/;
- do $file;
-is(scalar(@warnings), 1, "one warning");
- $warnings[0],
- qr/^SKIP_ALL in subtest via 'BEGIN' or 'use'/,
- "the warning"
-subtest my_subtest2 => sub {
- my $file = __FILE__;
- $file =~ s/\.t$/2.load/;
- do $file;
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest1.load b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest1.load
deleted file mode 100644
index 241ce14963..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest1.load
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp qw/confess/;
-use Test::More skip_all => "Cause I feel like it";
-confess "Should not see this!";
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest2.load b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest2.load
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce306a6de..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/skip_all_in_subtest2.load
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp qw/confess/;
-use Test::More;
-plan skip_all => "Cause I feel like it";
-confess "Should not see this!";
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/subtest_die.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/subtest_die.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 49f8f88d9d..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/subtest_die.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my ($ok, $err);
- intercept {
- $ok = eval {
- subtest foo => sub {
- ok(1, "Pass");
- die "Ooops";
- };
- 1;
- };
- $err = $@;
- },
- check {
- directive seek => 1;
- event subtest => {
- bool => 0,
- real_bool => 0,
- name => 'foo',
- exception => qr/^Ooops/,
- };
- directive 'end';
- },
- "Subtest fails if it throws an exception"
-ok(!$ok, "subtest died");
-like($err, qr/^Ooops/, "Got expected exception");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/threads_with_taint_mode.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/threads_with_taint_mode.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a80e932b..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/threads_with_taint_mode.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
-use strict;
-use warnings;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use Test::CanThread qw/AUTHOR_TESTING/;
-use Test::Builder;
-my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
-$Test->plan(tests => 6);
-for (1 .. 5) {
- 'threads'->create(
- sub {
- $Test->ok(1, "Each of these should app the test number");
- }
- )->join;
-$Test->is_num($Test->current_test(), 5, "Should be five");
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/todo.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/todo.t
deleted file mode 100644
index cb5a6e34b0..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/todo.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Stream::Tester;
-my $events = intercept {
- local $TODO = "";
- ok(0, "Should not be in todo 1");
- local $TODO = 0;
- ok(0, "Should not be in todo 2");
- local $TODO = undef;
- ok(0, "Should not be in todo 3");
- local $TODO = "foo";
- ok(0, "Should be in todo");
- $events,
- check {
- event ok => { in_todo => 0 };
- event ok => { in_todo => 0 };
- event ok => { in_todo => 0 };
- event ok => { in_todo => 1 };
- directive 'end';
- },
- "Verify TODO state"
-my $i = 0;
-for my $e (@$events) {
- next if $e->context->in_todo;
- my @tap = $e->to_tap(++$i);
- my $ok_line = $tap[0];
- chomp(my $text = $ok_line->[1]);
- is($text, "not ok $i - Should not be in todo $i", "No TODO directive $i");