path: root/dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite.t')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite.t b/dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50e306d3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite.t
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Unit tests of _mtwrite function
+# _mtwrite($self, $d1, $s1, $l1, $d2, $s2, $l2, ...)
+# 'm' here is for 'multiple'. This writes data $d1 at position $s1
+# over a block of space $l1, moving subsequent data up or down as necessary.
+my $file = "tf$$.txt";
+$| = 1;
+print "1..2252\n";
+my $N = 1;
+my $oldfile;
+use Tie::File;
+print "ok $N\n"; $N++;
+$: = Tie::File::_default_recsep();
+# Only these are used for the triple-region tests
+ [10, 20, 30],
+ [10, 30, 20],
+ [100, 30, 20],
+ [100, 20, 30],
+ [100, 40, 20],
+ [100, 20, 40],
+ [200, 20, 30],
+ [200, 30, 20],
+ [200, 20, 60],
+ [200, 60, 20],
+ );
+$FLEN = 40970; # Use files of this length
+$oldfile = mkrand($FLEN);
+print "# MOF tests\n";
+# These were generated by '' to cover all possible cases
+# (I hope)
+# Legend:
+# x: data is entirely contained within one block
+# x>: data runs from the middle to the end of the block
+# <x: data runs from the start to the middle of the block
+# <x>: data occupies precisely one block
+# x><x: data overlaps one block boundary
+# <x><x: data runs from the start of one block into the middle of the next
+# x><x>: data runs from the middle of one block to the end of the next
+# <x><x>: data occupies two blocks exactly
+# <x><x><x>: data occupies three blocks exactly
+# 0: data is null
+# For each possible alignment of the old and new data, we investigate
+# up to three situations: old data is shorter, old and new data are the
+# same length, and new data is shorter.
+# try($pos, $old, $new) means to run a test where the area being
+# written into starts at position $pos, the area being written into
+# has length $old, and and the new data has length $new.
+try( 8605, 2394, 2394); # old=x , new=x ; old = new
+try( 9768, 1361, 664); # old=x , new=x ; old > new
+try( 9955, 6429, 6429); # old=x> , new=x ; old = new
+try(10550, 5834, 4123); # old=x> , new=x ; old > new
+try(14580, 6158, 851); # old=x><x , new=x ; old > new
+try(13442, 11134, 1572); # old=x><x> , new=x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 514, 514); # old=<x , new=<x ; old = new
+try( 8192, 2196, 858); # old=<x , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 8192, 8192); # old=<x> , new=<x ; old = new
+try( 8192, 8192, 1290); # old=<x> , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 10575, 6644); # old=<x><x , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 16384, 5616); # old=<x><x> , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 24576, 6253); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x ; old > new
+try( 9965, 6419, 6419); # old=x> , new=x> ; old = new
+try(16059, 6102, 325); # old=x><x , new=x> ; old > new
+try( 9503, 15073, 6881); # old=x><x> , new=x> ; old > new
+try(16316, 1605, 1605); # old=x><x , new=x><x ; old = new
+try(16093, 4074, 993); # old=x><x , new=x><x ; old > new
+try(14739, 9837, 9837); # old=x><x> , new=x><x ; old = new
+try(14071, 10505, 7344); # old=x><x> , new=x><x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 8192, 8192); # old=<x> , new=<x> ; old = new
+try( 8192, 14817, 8192); # old=<x><x , new=<x> ; old > new
+try( 8192, 16384, 8192); # old=<x><x> , new=<x> ; old > new
+try( 8192, 24576, 8192); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x> ; old > new
+try( 8192, 9001, 9001); # old=<x><x , new=<x><x ; old = new
+try( 8192, 11760, 10274); # old=<x><x , new=<x><x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 16384, 10781); # old=<x><x> , new=<x><x ; old > new
+try( 8192, 24576, 9284); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x ; old > new
+try(14761, 9815, 9815); # old=x><x> , new=x><x> ; old = new
+try( 8192, 16384, 16384); # old=<x><x> , new=<x><x> ; old = new
+try( 8192, 24576, 16384); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x> ; old > new
+try( 8192, 24576, 24576); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x><x>; old = new
+try( 8771, 776, 0); # old=x , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 8192, 2813, 0); # old=<x , new=0 ; old > new
+try(13945, 2439, 0); # old=x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try(14493, 6090, 0); # old=x><x , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 8192, 8192, 0); # old=<x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 8192, 10030, 0); # old=<x><x , new=0 ; old > new
+try(14983, 9593, 0); # old=x><x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 8192, 16384, 0); # old=<x><x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 8192, 24576, 0); # old=<x><x><x>, new=0 ; old > new
+try(10489, 0, 0); # old=0 , new=0 ; old = new
+print "# SOF tests\n";
+# These tests all take place at the start of the file
+try( 0, 4868, 4868); # old=<x , new=<x ; old = new
+try( 0, 147, 118); # old=<x , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 0, 8192, 8192); # old=<x> , new=<x ; old = new
+try( 0, 8192, 4574); # old=<x> , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 0, 11891, 1917); # old=<x><x , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 0, 16384, 5155); # old=<x><x> , new=<x ; old > new
+try( 0, 24576, 2953); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x ; old > new
+try( 0, 8192, 8192); # old=<x> , new=<x> ; old = new
+try( 0, 11083, 8192); # old=<x><x , new=<x> ; old > new
+try( 0, 16384, 8192); # old=<x><x> , new=<x> ; old > new
+try( 0, 24576, 8192); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x> ; old > new
+try( 0, 14126, 14126); # old=<x><x , new=<x><x ; old = new
+try( 0, 12002, 9034); # old=<x><x , new=<x><x ; old > new
+try( 0, 16384, 13258); # old=<x><x> , new=<x><x ; old > new
+try( 0, 24576, 14367); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x ; old > new
+try( 0, 16384, 16384); # old=<x><x> , new=<x><x> ; old = new
+try( 0, 24576, 16384); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x> ; old > new
+try( 0, 24576, 24576); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x><x>; old = new
+try( 0, 6530, 0); # old=<x , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 0, 8192, 0); # old=<x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 0, 14707, 0); # old=<x><x , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 0, 16384, 0); # old=<x><x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try( 0, 24576, 0); # old=<x><x><x>, new=0 ; old > new
+try( 0, 0, 0); # old=0 , new=0 ; old = new
+print "# EOF tests 1\n";
+# These tests all take place at the end of the file
+$FLEN = 40960; # Force the file to be exactly 40960 bytes long
+$oldfile = mkrand($FLEN);
+try(32768, 8192, 8192); # old=<x> , new=<x ; old = new
+try(32768, 8192, 4026); # old=<x> , new=<x ; old > new
+try(24576, 16384, 1917); # old=<x><x> , new=<x ; old > new
+try(16384, 24576, 3818); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x ; old > new
+try(32768, 8192, 8192); # old=<x> , new=<x> ; old = new
+try(24576, 16384, 8192); # old=<x><x> , new=<x> ; old > new
+try(16384, 24576, 8192); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x> ; old > new
+try(24576, 16384, 12221); # old=<x><x> , new=<x><x ; old > new
+try(16384, 24576, 15030); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x ; old > new
+try(24576, 16384, 16384); # old=<x><x> , new=<x><x> ; old = new
+try(16384, 24576, 16384); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x> ; old > new
+try(16384, 24576, 24576); # old=<x><x><x>, new=<x><x><x>; old = new
+try(35973, 4987, 0); # old=x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try(32768, 8192, 0); # old=<x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try(29932, 11028, 0); # old=x><x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try(24576, 16384, 0); # old=<x><x> , new=0 ; old > new
+try(16384, 24576, 0); # old=<x><x><x>, new=0 ; old > new
+try(40960, 0, 0); # old=0 , new=0 ; old = new
+print "# EOF tests 2\n";
+# These tests all take place at the end of the file
+$FLEN = 42000; # Force the file to be exactly 42000 bytes long
+$oldfile = mkrand($FLEN);
+try(41683, 317, 317); # old=x , new=x ; old = new
+try(41225, 775, 405); # old=x , new=x ; old > new
+try(35709, 6291, 284); # old=x><x , new=x ; old > new
+try(40960, 1040, 1040); # old=<x , new=<x ; old = new
+try(40960, 1040, 378); # old=<x , new=<x ; old > new
+try(32768, 9232, 5604); # old=<x><x , new=<x ; old > new
+try(39994, 2006, 966); # old=x><x , new=x> ; old > new
+try(36725, 5275, 5275); # old=x><x , new=x><x ; old = new
+try(37990, 4010, 3199); # old=x><x , new=x><x ; old > new
+try(32768, 9232, 8192); # old=<x><x , new=<x> ; old > new
+try(32768, 9232, 9232); # old=<x><x , new=<x><x ; old = new
+try(32768, 9232, 8795); # old=<x><x , new=<x><x ; old > new
+try(41500, 500, 0); # old=x , new=0 ; old > new
+try(40960, 1040, 0); # old=<x , new=0 ; old > new
+try(35272, 6728, 0); # old=x><x , new=0 ; old > new
+try(32768, 9232, 0); # old=<x><x , new=0 ; old > new
+try(42000, 0, 0); # old=0 , new=0 ; old = new
+# Now the REAL tests
+# Make sure mtwrite can properly write sequences of several intervals
+# The intervals tested above were accumulated into @TRIES.
+# try_all_doubles() tries every possible sensible pair of those intervals.
+# try_all_triples() tries every possible sensible group of
+# tree intervals from the more restrictive set @BASE_TRIES.
+$FLEN = 40970;
+$oldfile = mkrand($FLEN);
+sub mkrand {
+ my $len = shift;
+ srand $len;
+ my @c = ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', 0..9, $:);
+ my $d = "";
+ $d .= $c[rand @c] until length($d) >= $len;
+ substr($d, $len) = ""; # chop it off to the proper length
+ $d;
+sub try {
+ push @TRIES, [@_] if @_ == 3;
+ open F, "> $file" or die "Couldn't open file $file: $!";
+ binmode F;
+ print F $oldfile;
+ close F;
+ die "wrong length!" unless -s $file == $FLEN;
+ my @mt_args;
+ my $expected = $oldfile;
+ { my @a = @_;
+ my $c = "a";
+ while (@a) {
+ my ($s, $len, $newlen) = splice @a, -3;
+ my $newdata = $c++ x $newlen;
+ substr($expected, $s, $len, $newdata);
+ unshift @mt_args, $newdata, $s, $len;
+ }
+ }
+ my $o = tie my @lines, 'Tie::File', $file or die $!;
+ my $actual_return = $o->_mtwrite(@mt_args);
+ undef $o; untie @lines;
+ open F, "< $file" or die "Couldn't open file $file: $!";
+ binmode F;
+ my $actual;
+ { local $/;
+ $actual = <F>;
+ }
+ close F;
+ my ($alen, $xlen) = (length $actual, length $expected);
+ unless ($alen == $xlen) {
+ print "# try(@_) expected file length $xlen, actual $alen!\n";
+ }
+ print $actual eq $expected ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
+ $N++;
+# if (! defined $actual_return && ! defined $expected_return) {
+# print "ok $N\n";
+# } elsif (! defined $actual_return || ! defined $expected_return) {
+# print "not ok $N\n";
+# } else {
+# print $actual_return eq $expected_return ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
+# }
+# $N++;
+sub try_all_doubles {
+ print "# Trying double regions.\n";
+ for my $a (@TRIES) {
+ next if $a->[0] + $a->[1] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $a->[0] + $a->[2] >= $FLEN;
+ for my $b (@TRIES) {
+ next if $b->[0] + $b->[1] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $b->[0] + $b->[2] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $b->[0] < $a->[0] + $a->[1]; # Overlapping regions
+ try(@$a, @$b);
+ }
+ }
+sub try_all_triples {
+ print "# Trying triple regions.\n";
+ for my $a (@BASE_TRIES) {
+ next if $a->[0] + $a->[1] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $a->[0] + $a->[2] >= $FLEN;
+ for my $b (@BASE_TRIES) {
+ next if $b->[0] + $b->[1] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $b->[0] + $b->[2] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $b->[0] < $a->[0] + $a->[1]; # Overlapping regions
+ for my $c (@BASE_TRIES) {
+ next if $c->[0] + $c->[1] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $c->[0] + $c->[2] >= $FLEN;
+ next if $c->[0] < $b->[0] + $b->[1]; # Overlapping regions
+ try(@$a, @$b, @$c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub ctrlfix {
+ for (@_) {
+ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ }
+END {
+ 1 while unlink $file;