path: root/dist/threads/t/kill.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/threads/t/kill.t')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/kill.t b/dist/threads/t/kill.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f09303364b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/kill.t
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ local $SIG{'HUP'} = sub {};
+ my $thr = threads->create(sub {});
+ eval { $thr->kill('HUP') };
+ $thr->join();
+ if ($@ && $@ =~ /safe signals/) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Not using safe signals\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ require Thread::Queue;
+ require Thread::Semaphore;
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..18\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
+my $TEST = 1;
+sub ok
+ $q->enqueue(@_);
+ while ($q->pending()) {
+ my $ok = $q->dequeue();
+ my $name = $q->dequeue();
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ }
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+### Thread cancel ###
+# Set up to capture warning when thread terminates
+my @errs :shared;
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push(@errs, @_); };
+sub thr_func {
+ my $q = shift;
+ # Thread 'cancellation' signal handler
+ $SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread received signal');
+ die("Thread killed\n");
+ };
+ # Thread sleeps until signalled
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread sleeping');
+ sleep(1) for (1..10);
+ # Should not go past here
+ $q->enqueue(0, 'Thread terminated normally');
+ return ('ERROR');
+# Create thread
+my $thr = threads->create('thr_func', $q);
+ok($thr && $thr->tid() == 2, 'Created thread');
+# Signal thread
+ok($thr->kill('KILL') == $thr, 'Signalled thread');
+# Cleanup
+my $rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! $rc, 'No thread return value');
+# Check for thread termination message
+ok(@errs && $errs[0] =~ /Thread killed/, 'Thread termination warning');
+### Thread suspend/resume ###
+sub thr_func2
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $sema = shift;
+ $q->enqueue($sema, 'Thread received semaphore');
+ # Set up the signal handler for suspension/resumption
+ $SIG{'STOP'} = sub {
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread suspending');
+ $sema->down();
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread resuming');
+ $sema->up();
+ };
+ # Set up the signal handler for graceful termination
+ my $term = 0;
+ $SIG{'TERM'} = sub {
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread caught termination signal');
+ $term = 1;
+ };
+ # Do work until signalled to terminate
+ while (! $term) {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread done');
+ return ('OKAY');
+# Create a semaphore for use in suspending the thread
+my $sema = Thread::Semaphore->new();
+ok($sema, 'Semaphore created');
+# Create a thread and send it the semaphore
+$thr = threads->create('thr_func2', $q, $sema);
+ok($thr && $thr->tid() == 3, 'Created thread');
+# Suspend the thread
+ok($thr->kill('STOP') == $thr, 'Suspended thread');
+# Allow the thread to continue
+# Terminate the thread
+ok($thr->kill('TERM') == $thr, 'Signalled thread to terminate');
+$rc = $thr->join();
+ok($rc eq 'OKAY', 'Thread return value');
+ok($thr->kill('TERM') == $thr, 'Ignore signal to terminated thread');
+# EOF