path: root/dist/threads/t/thread.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/threads/t/thread.t')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/thread.t b/dist/threads/t/thread.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b980c625c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/thread.t
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ skip_all('threads::shared not available');
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..34\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+print("ok 1 - Loaded\n");
+### Start of Testing ###
+sub content {
+ print shift;
+ return shift;
+ my $t = threads->create(\&content, "ok 2\n", "ok 3\n", 1..1000);
+ print $t->join();
+ my $lock : shared;
+ my $t;
+ {
+ lock($lock);
+ $t = threads->create(sub { lock($lock); print "ok 5\n"});
+ print "ok 4\n";
+ }
+ $t->join();
+sub dorecurse {
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ print $val;
+ if(@_) {
+ $ret = threads->create(\&dorecurse, @_);
+ $ret->join;
+ }
+ my $t = threads->create(\&dorecurse, map { "ok $_\n" } 6..10);
+ $t->join();
+ # test that sleep lets other thread run
+ my $t = threads->create(\&dorecurse, "ok 11\n");
+ threads->yield; # help out non-preemptive thread implementations
+ sleep 1;
+ print "ok 12\n";
+ $t->join();
+ my $lock : shared;
+ sub islocked {
+ lock($lock);
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ print $val;
+ if (@_) {
+ $ret = threads->create(\&islocked, shift);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+my $t = threads->create(\&islocked, "ok 13\n", "ok 14\n");
+sub testsprintf {
+ my $testno = shift;
+ my $same = sprintf( "%0.f", $testno);
+ return $testno eq $same;
+sub threaded {
+ my ($string, $string_end) = @_;
+ # Do the match, saving the output in appropriate variables
+ $string =~ /(.*)(is)(.*)/;
+ # Yield control, allowing the other thread to fill in the match variables
+ threads->yield();
+ # Examine the match variable contents; on broken perls this fails
+ return $3 eq $string_end;
+ curr_test(15);
+ my $thr1 = threads->create(\&testsprintf, 15);
+ my $thr2 = threads->create(\&testsprintf, 16);
+ my $short = "This is a long string that goes on and on.";
+ my $shorte = " a long string that goes on and on.";
+ my $long = "This is short.";
+ my $longe = " short.";
+ my $foo = "This is bar bar bar.";
+ my $fooe = " bar bar bar.";
+ my $thr3 = new threads \&threaded, $short, $shorte;
+ my $thr4 = new threads \&threaded, $long, $longe;
+ my $thr5 = new threads \&testsprintf, 19;
+ my $thr6 = new threads \&testsprintf, 20;
+ my $thr7 = new threads \&threaded, $foo, $fooe;
+ ok($thr1->join());
+ ok($thr2->join());
+ ok($thr3->join());
+ ok($thr4->join());
+ ok($thr5->join());
+ ok($thr6->join());
+ ok($thr7->join());
+# test that 'yield' is importable
+package Test1;
+use threads 'yield';
+package main;
+# test async
+ my $th = async {return 1 };
+ ok($th);
+ ok($th->join());
+ # There is a miniscule chance this test case may falsely fail
+ # since it tests using rand()
+ my %rand : shared;
+ rand(10);
+ threads->create( sub { $rand{int(rand(10000000000))}++ } ) foreach 1..25;
+ $_->join foreach threads->list;
+ ok((keys %rand >= 23), "Check that rand() is randomized in new threads");
+# bugid #24165
+run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74;' .
+ 'sub a{threads->create(shift)} $t = a sub{};' .
+ '$t->tid; $t->join; $t->tid',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]);
+is($?, 0, 'coredump in global destruction');
+# Attempt to free unreferenced scalar...
+fresh_perl_is(<<'EOI', 'ok', { }, 'thread sub via scalar');
+ use threads;
+ my $test = sub {};
+ threads->create($test)->join();
+ print 'ok';
+# Attempt to free unreferenced scalar...
+fresh_perl_is(<<'EOI', 'ok', { }, 'thread sub via $_[0]');
+ use threads;
+ sub thr { threads->new($_[0]); }
+ thr(sub { })->join;
+ print 'ok';
+# [perl #45053] Memory corruption from eval return in void context
+fresh_perl_is(<<'EOI', 'ok', { }, 'void eval return');
+ use threads;
+ threads->create(sub { eval '1' });
+ $_->join() for threads->list;
+ print 'ok';
+# test CLONE_SKIP() functionality
+SKIP: {
+ skip('CLONE_SKIP not implemented in Perl < 5.8.7', 5) if ($] < 5.008007);
+ my %c : shared;
+ my %d : shared;
+ # ---
+ package A;
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"A-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"A-". ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package A1;
+ our @ISA = qw(A);
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"A1-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"A1-". ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package A2;
+ our @ISA = qw(A1);
+ # ---
+ package B;
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"B-$_[0]"}++; 0; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"B-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package B1;
+ our @ISA = qw(B);
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"B1-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"B1-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package B2;
+ our @ISA = qw(B1);
+ # ---
+ package C;
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"C-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"C-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package C1;
+ our @ISA = qw(C);
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"C1-$_[0]"}++; 0; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"C1-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package C2;
+ our @ISA = qw(C1);
+ # ---
+ package D;
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"D-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package D1;
+ our @ISA = qw(D);
+ package main;
+ {
+ my @objs;
+ for my $class (qw(A A1 A2 B B1 B2 C C1 C2 D D1)) {
+ push @objs, bless [], $class;
+ }
+ sub f {
+ my $depth = shift;
+ my $cloned = ""; # XXX due to recursion, doesn't get initialized
+ $cloned .= "$_" =~ /ARRAY/ ? '1' : '0' for @objs;
+ is($cloned, ($depth ? '00010001111' : '11111111111'),
+ "objs clone skip at depth $depth");
+ threads->create( \&f, $depth+1)->join if $depth < 2;
+ @objs = ();
+ }
+ f(0);
+ }
+ curr_test(curr_test()+2);
+ ok(eq_hash(\%c,
+ {
+ qw(
+ A-A 2
+ A1-A1 2
+ A1-A2 2
+ B-B 2
+ B1-B1 2
+ B1-B2 2
+ C-C 2
+ C1-C1 2
+ C1-C2 2
+ )
+ }),
+ "counts of calls to CLONE_SKIP");
+ ok(eq_hash(\%d,
+ {
+ qw(
+ A-A 1
+ A1-A1 1
+ A1-A2 1
+ B-B 3
+ B1-B1 1
+ B1-B2 1
+ C-C 1
+ C1-C1 3
+ C1-C2 3
+ D-D 3
+ D-D1 3
+ )
+ }),
+ "counts of calls to DESTROY");
+# EOF