path: root/ext/Compress/Zlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/Compress/Zlib')
17 files changed, 1914 insertions, 993 deletions
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/Changes b/ext/Compress/Zlib/Changes
index 1b74408034..ec29cfeab4 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/Changes
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/Changes
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
- 2.000_07 9 January 2006
+ 2.000_08 2 March 2006
+ * Moved the IO::* modules out into their own distributions.
+ 2.000_08 9 January 2006
* Breakout zlib specific code into separate modules.
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/Makefile.PL b/ext/Compress/Zlib/Makefile.PL
index 4226634fd8..63c8bce450 100755
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/Makefile.PL
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/Makefile.PL
@@ -3,585 +3,40 @@
use strict ;
require 5.004 ;
+use private::MakeUtil;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 5.16 ;
-use Config qw(%Config) ;
-use File::Copy ;
- eval { require File::Spec::Functions ; File::Spec::Functions->import() } ;
- if ($@)
- {
- *catfile = sub { return "$_[0]/$_[1]" }
- }
-require VMS::Filespec if $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $ZLIB_LIB ;
-my $BUILD_ZLIB = 0 ;
-my $OLD_ZLIB = '' ;
-my $WALL = '' ;
-my $GZIP_OS_CODE = -1 ;
-#$WALL = ' -pedantic ' if $Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/ ;
-#$WALL = ' -Wall -Wno-comment ' if $Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/ ;
-unless($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- $ENV{PERL_CORE} = 1 if grep { $_ eq 'PERL_CORE=1' } @ARGV;
-# don't ask if MM_USE_DEFAULT is set -- enables perl core building on cygwin
-if ($^O =~ /cygwin/i and not ($ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} or $ENV{PERL_CORE}))
- print <<EOM ;
-I see you are running Cygwin.
-Please note that this module cannot be installed on Cygwin using the
-CPAN shell. The CPAN Shell uses Compress::Zlib internally and it is not
-possible to delete an active DLL.
-If you are running the CPAN shell, please exit it and install this module
-by hand by running 'make install' under the directory
- ~/.cpan/build/Compress-Zlib-VERSION
- print "Do you want to continue? [Y/N]: " ;
- my $answer = <STDIN> ;
- if ($answer =~ /^yes|y/i)
- {
- print "continuing...\n"
- }
- else
- {
- print "exiting...\n" ;
- exit 1 ;
- }
-ParseCONFIG() ;
-my @files = ('', 't/',
- glob("t/*.t"),
- glob("t/*.pl"),
- glob("lib/CompressPlugin/*.pm"),
- glob("lib/UncompressPlugin/*.pm"),
- glob("lib/IO/Compress/*.pm"),
- glob("lib/IO/Uncompress/*.pm"),
- glob("lib/Compress/Zlib/*.pm"),
- glob("lib/Compress/Gzip/*.pm"),
- glob("lib/File/*.pm"),
- glob("bzip2/*.pm"),
- grep(!/\.bak$/, glob("examples/*"))) ;
-UpDowngrade(@files) unless $ENV{PERL_CORE};
- NAME => 'Compress::Zlib',
- #OPTIMIZE => '-g',
- XS => { 'Zlib.xs' => 'Zlib.c'},
- ? (MAN3PODS => {})
- : (PREREQ_PM => { 'Scalar::Util' => 0,
- $] >= 5.005 && $] < 5.006 ? ('File::BSDGlob' => 0) : () }
- ),
- 'depend' => { 'Makefile' => '' },
- 'clean' => { FILES => '*.c constants.h constants.xs' },
- 'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip',
- SUFFIX => 'gz',
- DIST_DEFAULT => 'MyDoubleCheck downgrade tardist',
- },
- ? zlib_files($ZLIB_LIB)
- : (LIBS => [ "-L$ZLIB_LIB -lz " ])
- ),
- $] >= 5.005
- ? (ABSTRACT_FROM => '',
- AUTHOR => 'Paul Marquess <>')
- : (),
- ) ;
-my @names = qw(
- Z_OK
- );
-if (eval {require ExtUtils::Constant; 1}) {
- # Check the constants above all appear in @EXPORT in
- my %names = map { $_, 1} @names, 'ZLIB_VERSION';
- open F, "<" or die "Cannot open $!\n";
- while (<F>)
- {
- last if /^\s*\@EXPORT\s+=\s+qw\(/ ;
- }
- while (<F>)
- {
- last if /^\s*\)/ ;
- /(\S+)/ ;
- delete $names{$1} if defined $1 ;
- }
- close F ;
- if ( keys %names )
- {
- my $missing = join ("\n\t", sort keys %names) ;
- die "The following names are missing from \@EXPORT in\n" .
- "\t$missing\n" ;
- }
- push @names, {name => 'ZLIB_VERSION', type => 'PV' };
- ExtUtils::Constant::WriteConstants(
- NAME => 'Zlib',
- NAMES => \@names,
- C_FILE => 'constants.h',
- XS_FILE => 'constants.xs',
- );
-else {
- foreach my $name (qw( constants.h constants.xs ))
- {
- my $from = catfile('fallback', $name);
- copy ($from, $name)
- or die "Can't copy $from to $name: $!";
- }
-sub MY::libscan
- my $self = shift;
- my $path = shift;
- return undef
- if $path =~ /(~|\.bak|_bak)$/ ||
- $path =~ /\..*\.sw(o|p)$/ ||
- $path =~ /\B\.svn\b/;
- return $path;
-sub MY::postamble
- my $postamble = <<'EOM';
- @echo Downgrading.
- perl Makefile.PL -downgrade
- @echo Checking is setup for a release
- @(grep '^LIB *= *./zlib-src' && \
- grep '^INCLUDE *= *./zlib-src' && \
- grep '^OLD_ZLIB *= *False' && \
- grep '^GZIP_OS_CODE *= *AUTO_DETECT' && \
- grep '^BUILD_ZLIB *= *True' >/dev/null || \
- (echo needs fixing ; exit 1)
- @echo is ok
- @echo Checking for $$^W in files: '. "@files" . '
- @perl -ne \' \
- exit 1 if /^\s*local\s*\(\s*\$$\^W\s*\)/; \
- \' ' . " @files || " . ' \
- (echo found unexpected $$^W ; exit 1)
- @echo All is ok.
- @echo Running test suite with Devel::Cover
- @echo Running test suite with Devel::Cover
- @echo Running test suite with Devel::Cover
- @echo Running test suite with unicode support enabled
- env PERL_UNICODE=63 $(MAKE) test
- $postamble .= <<'EOM' if $^O eq 'linux' ;
- @echo Running test suite with gcov and Devel::Cover [needs gcc 3.4?]
- rm -f *.o *.gcov *.da *.bbg *.bb *.gcno
- HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover $(MAKE) test \
- CCFLAGS=-O0\ -fprofile-arcs\ -ftest-coverage \
- OTHERLDFLAGS=-fprofile-arcs\ -ftest-coverage
- gcov Zlib.xs
- gcov2perl -db cover_db Zlib.xs.gcov
- return $postamble;
-sub ParseCONFIG
- my ($k, $v) ;
- my @badkey = () ;
- my %Info = () ;
- my %ValidOption = map {$_, 1} @Options ;
- my %Parsed = %ValidOption ;
- my $CONFIG = '' ;
- print "Parsing $CONFIG...\n" ;
- open(F, "<$CONFIG") or die "Cannot open file $CONFIG: $!\n" ;
- while (<F>) {
- s/^\s*|\s*$//g ;
- next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/ ;
- s/\s*#\s*$// ;
- ($k, $v) = split(/\s+=\s+/, $_, 2) ;
- $k = uc $k ;
- if ($ValidOption{$k}) {
- delete $Parsed{$k} ;
- $Info{$k} = $v ;
- }
- else {
- push(@badkey, $k) ;
- }
- }
- close F ;
- print "Unknown keys in $CONFIG ignored [@badkey]\n"
- if @badkey ;
- # check parsed values
- my @missing = () ;
- die "The following keys are missing from $CONFIG [@missing]\n"
- if @missing = keys %Parsed ;
- $ZLIB_LIB = $ENV{'ZLIB_LIB'} || $Info{'LIB'} ;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- $ZLIB_INCLUDE = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($ZLIB_INCLUDE);
- $ZLIB_LIB = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($ZLIB_LIB);
- }
- my $y = $ENV{'OLD_ZLIB'} || $Info{'OLD_ZLIB'} ;
- $OLD_ZLIB = '-DOLD_ZLIB' if $y and $y =~ /^yes|on|true|1$/i;
- my $x = $ENV{'BUILD_ZLIB'} || $Info{'BUILD_ZLIB'} ;
- if ($x and $x =~ /^yes|on|true|1$/i ) {
- $BUILD_ZLIB = 1 ;
- # ZLIB_LIB & ZLIB_INCLUDE must point to the same place when
- # BUILD_ZLIB is specified.
- die "INCLUDE & LIB must be the same when BUILD_ZLIB is True\n"
- # Check the zlib source directory exists
- die "LIB/INCLUDE directory '$ZLIB_LIB' does not exits\n"
- unless -d $ZLIB_LIB ;
- # check for a well known file
- die "LIB/INCLUDE directory, '$ZLIB_LIB', doesn't seem to have the zlib source files\n"
- unless -e catfile($ZLIB_LIB, 'zlib.h') ;
- # write the Makefile
- print "Building Zlib enabled\n" ;
- }
- $GZIP_OS_CODE = defined $ENV{'GZIP_OS_CODE'}
- : $Info{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} ;
- die "GZIP_OS_CODE not 'AUTO_DETECT' or a number between 0 and 255\n"
- unless uc $GZIP_OS_CODE eq 'AUTO_DETECT'
- || ( $GZIP_OS_CODE =~ /^(\d+)$/ && $1 >= 0 && $1 <= 255) ;
- if (uc $GZIP_OS_CODE eq 'AUTO_DETECT')
- {
- print "Auto Detect Gzip OS Code..\n" ;
- $GZIP_OS_CODE = getOSCode() ;
- }
- my $name = getOSname($GZIP_OS_CODE);
- print "Setting Gzip OS Code to $GZIP_OS_CODE [$name]\n" ;
- print <<EOM if 0 ;
- print "Looks Good.\n" ;
-sub UpDowngrade
- my @files = @_ ;
- # our and use bytes/utf8 is stable from 5.6.0 onward
- # warnings is stable from 5.6.1 onward
- # Note: this code assumes that each statement it modifies is not
- # split across multiple lines.
- my $warn_sub = '';
- my $our_sub = '' ;
- my $opt = shift @ARGV || '' ;
- my $upgrade = ($opt =~ /^-upgrade/i);
- my $downgrade = ($opt =~ /^-downgrade/i);
- push @ARGV, $opt unless $downgrade || $upgrade;
- if ($downgrade) {
- # From: use|no warnings "blah"
- # To: local ($^W) = 1; # use|no warnings "blah"
- $warn_sub = sub {
- s/^(\s*)(no\s+warnings)/${1}local (\$^W) = 0; #$2/ ;
- s/^(\s*)(use\s+warnings)/${1}local (\$^W) = 1; #$2/ ;
- };
- }
- elsif ($] >= 5.006001 || $upgrade) {
- # From: local ($^W) = 1; # use|no warnings "blah"
- # To: use|no warnings "blah"
- $warn_sub = sub {
- s/^(\s*)local\s*\(\$\^W\)\s*=\s*\d+\s*;\s*#\s*((no|use)\s+warnings.*)/$1$2/ ;
- };
- }
- if ($downgrade) {
- $our_sub = sub {
- if ( /^(\s*)our\s+\(\s*([^)]+\s*)\)/ ) {
- my $indent = $1;
- my $vars = join ' ', split /\s*,\s*/, $2;
- $_ = "${indent}use vars qw($vars);\n";
- }
- elsif ( /^(\s*)((use|no)\s+(bytes|utf8)\s*;.*)$/)
- {
- $_ = "$1# $2\n";
- }
- };
- }
- elsif ($] >= 5.006000 || $upgrade) {
- $our_sub = sub {
- if ( /^(\s*)use\s+vars\s+qw\((.*?)\)/ ) {
- my $indent = $1;
- my $vars = join ', ', split ' ', $2;
- $_ = "${indent}our ($vars);\n";
- }
- elsif ( /^(\s*)#\s*((use|no)\s+(bytes|utf8)\s*;.*)$/)
- {
- $_ = "$1$2\n";
- }
- };
- }
- if (! $our_sub && ! $warn_sub) {
- warn "Up/Downgrade not needed.\n";
- if ($upgrade || $downgrade)
- { exit 0 }
- else
- { return }
- }
- foreach (@files)
- { doUpDown($our_sub, $warn_sub, $_) }
- warn "Up/Downgrade complete.\n" ;
- exit 0 if $upgrade || $downgrade;
-sub doUpDown
- my $our_sub = shift;
- my $warn_sub = shift;
- return if -d $_[0];
- local ($^I) = ($^O eq 'VMS') ? "_bak" : ".bak";
- local (@ARGV) = shift;
- while (<>)
- {
- print, last if /^__(END|DATA)__/ ;
- &{ $our_sub }() if $our_sub ;
- &{ $warn_sub }() if $warn_sub ;
- print ;
- }
- return if eof ;
- while (<>)
- { print }
-sub zlib_files
- my $dir = shift ;
- my @h_files = ();
- my @c_files = ();
- if (-f catfile($dir, "infback.c")) {
- # zlib 1.2.0 or greater
- #
- @h_files = qw(crc32.h inffast.h inflate.h trees.h
- zutil.h deflate.h inffixed.h inftrees.h zconf.h
- zlib.h
- );
- @c_files = qw(adler32 crc32 infback inflate uncompr
- compress deflate inffast inftrees
- trees zutil
- );
- }
- else {
- # zlib 1.1.x
- @h_files = qw(deflate.h infcodes.h inftrees.h zconf.h zutil.h
- infblock.h inffast.h infutil.h zlib.h
- );
- @c_files = qw(adler32 compress crc32 uncompr
- deflate trees zutil inflate infblock
- inftrees infcodes infutil inffast
- );
- }
- @h_files = map { catfile($dir, $_) } @h_files ;
- my @o_files = map { "$_\$(OBJ_EXT)" } 'Zlib', @c_files;
- @c_files = map { "$_.c" } 'Zlib', @c_files ;
- foreach my $file (@c_files)
- { copy(catfile($dir, $file), '.') }
- return (
- #'H' => [ @h_files ],
- 'C' => [ @c_files ] ,
- #'OBJECT' => qq[ @o_files ],
- 'OBJECT' => q[ $(O_FILES) ],
- ) ;
-my @GZIP_OS_Names ;
-my %OSnames ;
- @GZIP_OS_Names = (
- [ '' => 0, 'MS-DOS' ],
- [ 'amigaos' => 1, 'Amiga' ],
- [ 'VMS' => 2, 'VMS' ],
- [ '' => 3, 'Unix/Default' ],
- [ '' => 4, 'VM/CMS' ],
- [ '' => 5, 'Atari TOS' ],
- [ 'os2' => 6, 'HPFS (OS/2, NT)' ],
- [ 'MacOS' => 7, 'Macintosh' ],
- [ '' => 8, 'Z-System' ],
- [ '' => 9, 'CP/M' ],
- [ '' => 10, 'TOPS-20' ],
- [ '' => 11, 'NTFS (NT)' ],
- [ '' => 12, 'SMS QDOS' ],
- [ '' => 13, 'Acorn RISCOS' ],
- [ 'MSWin32' => 14, 'VFAT file system (Win95, NT)' ],
- [ '' => 15, 'MVS' ],
- [ 'beos' => 16, 'BeOS' ],
- [ '' => 17, 'Tandem/NSK' ],
- [ '' => 18, 'THEOS' ],
- [ '' => 255, 'Unknown OS' ],
- );
- %OSnames = map { $$_[1] => $$_[2] }
- @GZIP_OS_Names ;
-sub getOSCode
- my $default = 3 ; # Unix is the default
- my $uname = $^O;
- for my $h (@GZIP_OS_Names)
- {
- my ($pattern, $code, $name) = @$h;
- return $code
- if $pattern && $uname eq $pattern ;
- }
- return $default ;
-sub getOSname
- my $code = shift ;
- return $OSnames{$code} || 'Unknown OS' ;
+ unless $ENV{PERL_CORE};
+ NAME => 'Compress::Zlib',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Compress/',
+ 'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip',
+ TARFLAGS => '-chvf',
+ SUFFIX => 'gz',
+ DIST_DEFAULT => 'MyTrebleCheck tardist',
+ },
+ (
+ ? (MAN3PODS => {})
+ : (PREREQ_PM => { 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => 0,
+ 'IO::Compress::Base' => 0,
+ 'IO::Compress::Zlib' => 0,
+ 'Scalar::Util' => 0,
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ (
+ $] >= 5.005
+ ? (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Compress/',
+ AUTHOR => 'Paul Marquess <>')
+ : ()
+ ),
+) ;
# end of file Makefile.PL
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/README b/ext/Compress/Zlib/README
index ec1aee4e60..1a1c253c85 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/README
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/README
@@ -1,41 +1,30 @@
- Compress::Zlib
+ Compress::Zlib
- Version 2.000_07
+ Version 2.000_08
+ 27 Feb 2006
- 9 Jan 2006
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- The directory zlib-src contains a subset of the
- source files copied directly from zlib version 1.2.3.
- These files are Copyright(C) 1995-2005
- Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
- Full source for the zlib library is available at
- DO NOT use in production code.
- Please report any problems.
+ DO NOT use in production code.
+ Please report any problems.
-This module provides a Perl interface to most of the zlib compression
-library. For more details see the pod documentation embedded in the file
-If you have downloaded this module in the expectation of manipulating the
-contents of .zip files, you will need to fetch and build the Archive::Zip
-module below once you have installed this one.
+This module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library.
@@ -46,14 +35,13 @@ PREREQUISITES
Before you can build Compress::Zlib you need to have the following
installed on your system:
- * A C compiler
* Perl 5.004 or better.
+ * Compress::Raw::Zlib
+ * IO::Compress::Gzip
-By default, Compress::Zlib will build its own private copy of the zlib
-library. If you want to use a different version of zlib, follow the
-instructions in the section called "Controlling the version of zlib used
-by Compress::Zlib" later in this document.
@@ -75,151 +63,23 @@ To install Compress::Zlib, run the command below:
make install
-The most recent version of Compress::Zlib is always available at
-Controlling the version of zlib used by Compress::Zlib
-Compress::Zlib interfaces to the zlib compression library. There are
-three options available to control which version/instance of the zlib
-library is used:
- 1. Build a private copy of the zlib library using the zlib library
- source that is included with this module.
- This is the default and recommended option.
- 2. Build a private copy of the zlib library using a standard zlib
- source distribution.
- 3. Use a pre-built zlib library.
-Note that if you intend to use either Option 2 or 3, you need to have
-zlib version 1.0.5 or better.
-The contents of the file are used to control which of the
-three options is actually used. This file is read during the
- perl Makefile.PL
-step of the build, so remember to make any required changes to
-before building this module.
- Option 1
- --------
- For option 1, edit the file and set the variables in it
- as follows:
- INCLUDE = ./zlib-src
- LIB = ./zlib-src
- OLD_ZLIB = False
- Option 2
- --------
- For option 2, fetch a copy of the zlib source distribution from
- and unpack it into the Compress::Zlib source directory.
- Assuming you have fetched zlib 1.2.3, it will create a
- directory called zlib-1.2.3.
- Now set the variables in the file as follows (if the version
- you have fetched isn't 1.2.3, change the INCLUDE and LIB
- variables appropriately):
- INCLUDE = ./zlib-1.2.3
- LIB = ./zlib-1.2.3
- OLD_ZLIB = False
- Option 3
- --------
- For option 3, you need to find out where zlib is stored on your system.
- There are two parts to this.
- First, find the directory where the zlib library is stored (some common
- names for the library are libz.a and Set the LIB variable in
- the file to that directory.
- Secondly, find the directory where the file zlib.h is stored. Now set
- the INCLUDE variable in the file to that directory.
- Next set BUILD_ZLIB to False.
- Finally, if you are running zlib 1.0.5 or older, set the OLD_ZLIB
- variable to True. Otherwise set it to False.
- As an example, if the zlib library on your system is in /usr/local/lib,
- zlib.h is in /usr/local/include and zlib is more recent than version
- 1.0.5, the variables in should be set as follows:
- BUILD_ZLIB = False
- INCLUDE = /usr/local/include
- LIB = /usr/local/lib
- OLD_ZLIB = False
-Setting the Gzip OS Code
-Every gzip stream stores a byte in its header to identify the Operating
-System that was used to create the gzip stream. When you build
-Compress::Zlib it will attempt to determine the value that is correct for
-your Operating System. This will then be used by IO::Gzip as the default
-value for the OS byte in all gzip headers it creates.
-The variable GZIP_OS_CODE in the file controls the setting of
-this value when building Compress::Zlib. If GZIP_OS_CODE is set to
-AUTO_DETECT, Compress::Zlib will attempt to determine the correct value for
-your Operating System.
-Alternatively, you can override auto-detection of the default OS code and
-explicitly set it yourself. Set the GZIP_OS_CODE variable in the
-file to be a number between 0 and 255. For example
-See RFC 1952 for valid OS codes that can be used.
-If you are running one of the less popular Operating Systems, it could be
-that the default value picked by this module is incorrect or the default
-value (3) is used when there is a better value available. When
-Compress::Zlib cannot determine what operating system you are running, it
-will use the default value 3 for the OS code.
-If you find you have to change this value, because you think the value auto
-detected is incorrect, please take a few moments to contact the author of
-this module.
Undefined Symbol gzsetparams
If you get the error shown below when you run the Compress::Zlib test
-harness it probably means you are running a copy of zlib that is version
-1.0.5 or older.
+harness it probably means you are running a copy of zlib that is
+version 1.0.5 or older.
t/01version.........Can't load 'blib/arch/auto/Compress/Zlib/' for
- module Compress::Zlib: blib/arch/auto/Compress/Zlib/
+ module Compress::Raw::Zlib: blib/arch/auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/
undefined symbol: gzsetparams at ...
There are two ways to fix this problem:
@@ -232,9 +92,9 @@ There are two ways to fix this problem:
Test Harness 01version fails
-If the 01version test harness fails, and the problem isn't covered by
-the scenario above, it probably means that you have two versions of zlib
-installed on your system.
+If the 01version test harness fails, and the problem isn't covered by the
+scenario above, it probably means that you have two versions of
+zlib installed on your system.
Run the command below to see if this is indeed the case
@@ -244,150 +104,9 @@ Try removing the one you don't want to use and rebuild.
-Solaris build fails with "language optional software package not installed"
-If you are trying to build this module under Solaris and you get an
-error message like this
- /usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed
-it means that Perl cannot find the C compiler on your system. The cryptic
-message is just Sun's way of telling you that you haven't bought their
-C compiler.
-When you build a Perl module that needs a C compiler, the Perl build
-system tries to use the same C compiler that was used to build perl
-itself. In this case your Perl binary was built with a C compiler that
-lived in /usr/ucb.
-To continue with building this module, you need to get a C compiler,
-or tell Perl where your C compiler is, if you already have one.
-Assuming you have now got a C compiler, what you do next will be dependent
-on what C compiler you have installed. If you have just installed Sun's
-C compiler, you shouldn't have to do anything. Just try rebuilding
-this module.
-If you have installed another C compiler, say gcc, you have to tell perl
-how to use it instead of /usr/ucb/cc.
-This set of options seems to work if you want to use gcc. Your mileage
-may vary.
- perl Makefile.PL CC=gcc CCCDLFLAGS=-fPIC OPTIMIZE=" "
- make test
-If that doesn't work for you, it's time to make changes to the Makefile
-by hand. Good luck!
-Solaris build fails with "gcc: unrecognized option `-KPIC'"
-You are running Solaris and you get an error like this when you try to
-build this Perl module
- gcc: unrecognized option `-KPIC'
-This symptom usually means that you are using a Perl binary that has been
-built with the Sun C compiler, but you are using gcc to build this module.
-When Perl builds modules that need a C compiler, it will attempt to use
-the same C compiler and command line options that was used to build perl
-itself. In this case "-KPIC" is a valid option for the Sun C compiler,
-but not for gcc. The equivalent option for gcc is "-fPIC".
-The solution is either:
- 1. Build both Perl and this module with the same C compiler, either
- by using the Sun C compiler for both or gcc for both.
- 2. Try generating the Makefile for this module like this perl
- perl Makefile.PL CC=gcc CCCDLFLAGS=-fPIC OPTIMIZE=" " LD=gcc
- make test
- This second option seems to work when mixing a Perl binary built
- with the Sun C compiler and this module built with gcc. Your
- mileage may vary.
-The t/17isize Test Suite
-This test suite checks that Compress::Zlib can cope with gzip files
-that are larger than 2^32 bytes.
-By default these test are NOT run when you do a "make test". If you
-really want to run them, you need to execute "make longtest".
-Be warned though -- this test suite can take hours to run on a slow box.
-Also, due to the way the tests are constructed, some architectures will
-run out of memory during this test. This should not be considered a bug
-in the Compress::Zlib module.
-HP-UX Notes
-I've had a report that when building Compress::Zlib under HP-UX that it
-is necessary to have first built the zlib library with the -fpic option.
-Linux Notes
-Although most Linux distributions already come with zlib, some people
-report getting this error when they try to build this module:
-$ make
-cp blib/lib/Compress/
-AutoSplitting blib/lib/Compress/ (blib/lib/auto/Compress/Zlib)
-/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap Zlib.xs > Zlib.xsc && mv Zlib.xsc Zlib.c
-gcc -c -I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include -O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -DVERSION=\"1.16\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.16\" -fPIC -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/CORE Zlib.c
-Zlib.xs:25:19: zlib.h: No such file or directory
-make: *** [Zlib.o] Error 1
-This usually means that you have not installed the development RPM
-for zlib. Check for an RPM that start with "zlib-devel" in your Linux
-Win32 Notes
-If you are running Activestate Perl (from,
-it ships with a pre-compiled version of Compress::Zlib. To check if a
-newer version of Compress::Zlib is available run this from the command
- C:\> ppm verify -upgrade Compress-Zlib
-If you are not running Activestate Perl and you don't have access
-to a C compiler, you will not be able to build and install this module.
-Win32 & Cygwin Notes
-It is not possible to install Compress::Zlib using the CPAN shell.
-This is because the Compress::Zlib DLL is itself used by the CPAN shell
-and it is impossible to remove a DLL while it is already loaded under
-The workaround is to install Compress::Zlib manually using the
-instructions given at the start of this file.
@@ -398,42 +117,54 @@ How to report a problem with Compress::Zlib.
To help me help you, I need all of the following information:
- 1. The *complete* output from running this
- perl -V
- Do not edit the output in any way.
- Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v".
- If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too
- old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better.
+ 1. The Versions of everything relevant.
+ This includes:
+ a. The *complete* output from running this
+ perl -V
+ Do not edit the output in any way.
+ Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v".
+ If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too
+ old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better.
+ b. The version of Compress::Zlib you have.
+ If you have successfully installed Compress::Zlib, this one-liner
+ will tell you:
- 2. The version of Compress::Zlib you have.
- If you have successfully installed Compress::Zlib, this one-liner
- will tell you:
+ perl -MCompress::Zlib -e 'print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]'
- perl -MCompress::Zlib -e 'print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]'
+ If you areplete* output from running this
+ perl -V
+ Do not edit the output in any way.
+ Note, I want you to run "perl -V" and NOT "perl -v".
+ If your perl does not understand the "-V" option it is too
+ old. This module needs Perl version 5.004 or better.
- If you are running windows use this
+ b. The version of Compress::Zlib you have.
+ If you have successfully installed Compress::Zlib, this one-liner
+ will tell you:
- perl -MCompress::Zlib -e "print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]"
+ perl -MCompress::Zlib -e 'print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]'
- If you haven't installed Compress::Zlib then search
- for a line like this:
+ If you are running windows use this
- $VERSION = "1.05" ;
+ perl -MCompress::Zlib -e "print qq[ver $Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n]"
- 3. The version of zlib you have installed.
- If you have successfully installed Compress::Zlib, this one-liner
- will tell you:
+ If you haven't installed Compress::Zlib then search
+ for a line like this:
- perl -MCompress::Zlib -e "print q[zlib ver ]. Compress::Zlib::ZLIB_VERSION.qq[\n]"
+ $VERSION = "1.05" ;
- If not, look at the beginning of the file zlib.h.
- 4. If you are having problems building Compress::Zlib, send me a
- complete log of what happened. Start by unpacking the Compress:Zlib
+ 2. If you are having problems building Compress::Zlib, send me a
+ complete log of what happened. Start by unpacking the Compress::Zlib
module into a fresh directory and keep a log of all the steps
[edit, if necessary]
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtdef b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtdef
index 71e54daf93..57dfeb9068 100755
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtdef
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtdef
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
-use Compress::Zlib 2 ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
+use Compress::Zlib ;
binmode STDIN;
binmode STDOUT;
-my $x = new Compress::Zlib::Deflate()
+my $x = deflateInit()
or die "Cannot create a deflation stream\n" ;
-my $output = '' ;
+my ($output, $status) ;
while (<>)
- $x->deflate($_, $output) == Z_OK
- or die "deflate failed\n" ;
+ ($output, $status) = $x->deflate($_) ;
+ $status == Z_OK
+ or die "deflation failed\n" ;
print $output ;
-$x->flush($output) == Z_OK
- or die "flush failed\n" ;
+($output, $status) = $x->flush() ;
+$status == Z_OK
+ or die "deflation failed\n" ;
print $output ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtinf b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtinf
index bbac2c269b..1df202b1d7 100755
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtinf
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/filtinf
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
-use Compress::Zlib 2 ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
-binmode STDIN;
-binmode STDOUT;
+use Compress::Zlib ;
-my $x = new Compress::Zlib::Inflate
+my $x = inflateInit()
or die "Cannot create a inflation stream\n" ;
my $input = '' ;
-my $output = '' ;
-my $status ;
+binmode STDIN;
+binmode STDOUT;
+my ($output, $status) ;
while (read(STDIN, $input, 4096))
- $status = $x->inflate($input, $output) ;
+ ($output, $status) = $x->inflate(\$input) ;
print $output
if $status == Z_OK or $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzcat b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzcat
index 5572bae959..3bbd2972c9 100755
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzcat
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzcat
@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
-use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw( $GunzipError );
use strict ;
use warnings ;
+use Compress::Zlib ;
#die "Usage: gzcat file...\n"
# unless @ARGV ;
-my $file ;
-my $buffer ;
-my $s;
+my $filename ;
@ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV ;
-foreach $file (@ARGV) {
- my $gz = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip $file
- or die "Cannot open $file: $GunzipError\n" ;
+foreach my $filename (@ARGV) {
+ my $buffer ;
+ my $file = $filename ;
+ $file = \*STDIN if $file eq '-' ;
- print $buffer
- while ($s = $gz->read($buffer)) > 0 ;
+ my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb")
+ or die "Cannot open $file: $gzerrno\n" ;
- die "Error reading from $file: $GunzipError\n"
- if $s < 0 ;
+ print $buffer while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ;
+ die "Error reading from $filename: $gzerrno" . ($gzerrno+0) . "\n"
+ if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ;
- $gz->close() ;
+ $gz->gzclose() ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzgrep b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzgrep
index 33820ba064..324d3e615f 100755
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzgrep
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzgrep
@@ -1,30 +1,17 @@
use strict ;
use warnings ;
-use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw($GunzipError);
-die "Usage: gzgrep pattern [file...]\n"
- unless @ARGV >= 1;
+use Compress::Zlib ;
-my $pattern = shift ;
-my $file ;
-@ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV ;
-foreach $file (@ARGV) {
- my $gz = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip $file
- or die "Cannot uncompress $file: $GunzipError\n" ;
+die "Usage: gzgrep pattern file...\n"
+ unless @ARGV >= 2;
- while (<$gz>) {
- print if /$pattern/ ;
- }
+my $pattern = shift ;
- die "Error reading from $file: $GunzipError\n"
- if $GunzipError ;
+my $file ;
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb")
or die "Cannot open $file: $gzerrno\n" ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzstream b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzstream
index 9d03bc5749..cb03a2c0fc 100755
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzstream
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/examples/gzstream
@@ -2,23 +2,17 @@
use strict ;
use warnings ;
-use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError);
-gzip '-' => '-', Minimal => 1
- or die "gzstream: $GzipError\n" ;
+use Compress::Zlib ;
-#exit 0;
+binmode STDOUT; # gzopen only sets it on the fd
-#my $gz = new IO::Compress::Gzip *STDOUT
-my $gz = new IO::Compress::Gzip '-'
- or die "gzstream: Cannot open stdout as gzip stream: $GzipError\n" ;
+my $gz = gzopen(\*STDOUT, "wb")
+ or die "Cannot open stdout: $gzerrno\n" ;
while (<>) {
- $gz->write($_)
- or die "gzstream: Error writing gzip output stream: $GzipError\n" ;
+ $gz->gzwrite($_)
+ or die "error writing: $gzerrno\n" ;
- or die "gzstream: Error closing gzip output stream: $GzipError\n" ;
+$gz->gzclose ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/lib/Compress/ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/lib/Compress/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e65ecd3af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/lib/Compress/
@@ -0,0 +1,1462 @@
+package Compress::Zlib;
+require 5.004 ;
+require Exporter;
+use AutoLoader;
+use Carp ;
+use IO::Handle ;
+use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);
+use IO::Compress::Base::Common ;
+use Compress::Raw::Zlib;
+use IO::Compress::Gzip;
+use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use bytes ;
+$VERSION = '2.000_08';
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
+# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
+# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ deflateInit inflateInit
+ compress uncompress
+ gzopen $gzerrno
+ );
+push @EXPORT, @Compress::Raw::Zlib::EXPORT ;
+ *zlib_version = \&Compress::Raw::Zlib::zlib_version;
+ my($constname);
+ ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
+ my ($error, $val) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::constant($constname);
+ Carp::croak $error if $error;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { $val };
+ goto &{$AUTOLOAD};
+use constant FLAG_APPEND => 1 ;
+use constant FLAG_CRC => 2 ;
+use constant FLAG_ADLER => 4 ;
+use constant FLAG_CONSUME_INPUT => 8 ;
+our (@my_z_errmsg);
+@my_z_errmsg = (
+ "need dictionary", # Z_NEED_DICT 2
+ "stream end", # Z_STREAM_END 1
+ "", # Z_OK 0
+ "file error", # Z_ERRNO (-1)
+ "stream error", # Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
+ "data error", # Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)
+ "insufficient memory", # Z_MEM_ERROR (-4)
+ "buffer error", # Z_BUF_ERROR (-5)
+ "incompatible version",# Z_VERSION_ERROR(-6)
+ );
+sub _set_gzerr
+ my $value = shift ;
+ if ($value == 0) {
+ $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = 0 ;
+ }
+ elsif ($value == Z_ERRNO() || $value > 2) {
+ $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $! ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = dualvar($value+0, $my_z_errmsg[2 - $value]);
+ }
+ return $value ;
+sub _save_gzerr
+ my $gz = shift ;
+ my $test_eof = shift ;
+ my $value = $gz->errorNo() || 0 ;
+ if ($test_eof) {
+ #my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ # gzread uses Z_STREAM_END to denote a successful end
+ $value = Z_STREAM_END() if $gz->eof() && $value == 0 ;
+ }
+ _set_gzerr($value) ;
+sub gzopen($$)
+ my ($file, $mode) = @_ ;
+ my $gz ;
+ my %defOpts = (Level => Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION(),
+ Strategy => Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY(),
+ );
+ my $writing ;
+ $writing = ! ($mode =~ /r/i) ;
+ $writing = ($mode =~ /[wa]/i) ;
+ $defOpts{Level} = $1 if $mode =~ /(\d)/;
+ $defOpts{Strategy} = Z_FILTERED() if $mode =~ /f/i;
+ $defOpts{Strategy} = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY() if $mode =~ /h/i;
+ my $infDef = $writing ? 'deflate' : 'inflate';
+ my @params = () ;
+ croak "gzopen: file parameter is not a filehandle or filename"
+ unless isaFilehandle $file || isaFilename $file ;
+ return undef unless $mode =~ /[rwa]/i ;
+ _set_gzerr(0) ;
+ if ($writing) {
+ $gz = new IO::Compress::Gzip($file, Minimal => 1, AutoClose => 1,
+ %defOpts)
+ or $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError;
+ }
+ else {
+ $gz = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip($file,
+ Transparent => 1,
+ Append => 0,
+ AutoClose => 1,
+ Strict => 0)
+ or $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError;
+ }
+ return undef
+ if ! defined $gz ;
+ bless [$gz, $infDef], 'Compress::Zlib::gzFile';
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzread
+ my $self = shift ;
+ return _set_gzerr(Z_STREAM_ERROR())
+ if $self->[1] ne 'inflate';
+ return 0 if $self->gzeof();
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ my $status = $gz->read($_[0], defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 4096) ;
+ $_[0] = "" if ! defined $_[0] ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz, 1);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzreadline
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ $_[0] = $gz->getline() ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz, 1);
+ return defined $_[0] ? length $_[0] : 0 ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzwrite
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ return _set_gzerr(Z_STREAM_ERROR())
+ if $self->[1] ne 'deflate';
+ my $status = $gz->write($_[0]) ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gztell
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ my $status = $gz->tell() ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzseek
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $offset = shift ;
+ my $whence = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ my $status ;
+ eval { $status = $gz->seek($offset, $whence) ; };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ my $error = $@;
+ $error =~ s/^.*: /gzseek: /;
+ $error =~ s/ at .* line \d+\s*$//;
+ croak $error;
+ }
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzflush
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $f = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ my $status = $gz->flush($f) ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzclose
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ my $status = $gz->close() ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return ! $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzeof
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ return 0
+ if $self->[1] ne 'inflate';
+ my $status = $gz->eof() ;
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzsetparams
+ my $self = shift ;
+ croak "Usage: Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzsetparams(file, level, strategy)"
+ unless @_ eq 2 ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ my $level = shift ;
+ my $strategy = shift;
+ return _set_gzerr(Z_STREAM_ERROR())
+ if $self->[1] ne 'deflate';
+ my $status = *$gz->{Compress}->deflateParams(-Level => $level,
+ -Strategy => $strategy);
+ _save_gzerr($gz);
+ return $status ;
+sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzerror
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $gz = $self->[0] ;
+ return $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno ;
+sub compress($;$)
+ my ($x, $output, $err, $in) =('', '', '', '') ;
+ if (ref $_[0] ) {
+ $in = $_[0] ;
+ croak "not a scalar reference" unless ref $in eq 'SCALAR' ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $in = \$_[0] ;
+ }
+ my $level = (@_ == 2 ? $_[1] : Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION() );
+ $x = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate -AppendOutput => 1, -Level => $level
+ or return undef ;
+ $err = $x->deflate($in, $output) ;
+ return undef unless $err == Z_OK() ;
+ $err = $x->flush($output) ;
+ return undef unless $err == Z_OK() ;
+ return $output ;
+sub uncompress($)
+ my ($x, $output, $err, $in) =('', '', '', '') ;
+ if (ref $_[0] ) {
+ $in = $_[0] ;
+ croak "not a scalar reference" unless ref $in eq 'SCALAR' ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $in = \$_[0] ;
+ }
+ $x = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate -ConsumeInput => 0 or return undef ;
+ $err = $x->inflate($in, $output) ;
+ return undef unless $err == Z_STREAM_END() ;
+ return $output ;
+sub deflateInit(@)
+ my ($got) = ParseParameters(0,
+ {
+ 'Bufsize' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned, 4096],
+ 'Level' => [1, 1, Parse_signed, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION()],
+ 'Method' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned, Z_DEFLATED()],
+ 'WindowBits' => [1, 1, Parse_signed, MAX_WBITS()],
+ 'MemLevel' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned, MAX_MEM_LEVEL()],
+ 'Strategy' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY()],
+ 'Dictionary' => [1, 1, Parse_any, ""],
+ }, @_ ) ;
+ croak "Compress::Zlib::deflateInit: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified " .
+ $got->value('Bufsize')
+ unless $got->value('Bufsize') >= 1;
+ my $obj ;
+ my $status = 0 ;
+ ($obj, $status) =
+ Compress::Raw::Zlib::_deflateInit(0,
+ $got->value('Level'),
+ $got->value('Method'),
+ $got->value('WindowBits'),
+ $got->value('MemLevel'),
+ $got->value('Strategy'),
+ $got->value('Bufsize'),
+ $got->value('Dictionary')) ;
+ my $x = ($status == Z_OK() ? bless $obj, "Zlib::OldDeflate" : undef) ;
+ return wantarray ? ($x, $status) : $x ;
+sub inflateInit(@)
+ my ($got) = ParseParameters(0,
+ {
+ 'Bufsize' => [1, 1, Parse_unsigned, 4096],
+ 'WindowBits' => [1, 1, Parse_signed, MAX_WBITS()],
+ 'Dictionary' => [1, 1, Parse_any, ""],
+ }, @_) ;
+ croak "Compress::Zlib::inflateInit: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified " .
+ $got->value('Bufsize')
+ unless $got->value('Bufsize') >= 1;
+ my $status = 0 ;
+ my $obj ;
+ ($obj, $status) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_inflateInit(FLAG_CONSUME_INPUT,
+ $got->value('WindowBits'),
+ $got->value('Bufsize'),
+ $got->value('Dictionary')) ;
+ my $x = ($status == Z_OK() ? bless $obj, "Zlib::OldInflate" : undef) ;
+ wantarray ? ($x, $status) : $x ;
+package Zlib::OldDeflate ;
+our (@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateStream);
+sub deflate
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $output ;
+ my $status = $self->SUPER::deflate($_[0], $output) ;
+ wantarray ? ($output, $status) : $output ;
+sub flush
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $output ;
+ my $flag = shift || Compress::Zlib::Z_FINISH();
+ my $status = $self->SUPER::flush($output, $flag) ;
+ wantarray ? ($output, $status) : $output ;
+package Zlib::OldInflate ;
+our (@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Compress::Raw::Zlib::inflateStream);
+sub inflate
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $output ;
+ my $status = $self->SUPER::inflate($_[0], $output) ;
+ wantarray ? ($output, $status) : $output ;
+package Compress::Zlib ;
+use IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants;
+sub memGzip($)
+ my $x = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate(
+ -AppendOutput => 1,
+ -CRC32 => 1,
+ -ADLER32 => 0,
+ -WindowBits => - MAX_WBITS(),
+ )
+ or return undef ;
+ # write a minimal gzip header
+ my $output = GZIP_MINIMUM_HEADER ;
+ # if the deflation buffer isn't a reference, make it one
+ my $string = (ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]) ;
+ my $status = $x->deflate($string, \$output) ;
+ $status == Z_OK()
+ or return undef ;
+ $status = $x->flush(\$output) ;
+ $status == Z_OK()
+ or return undef ;
+ return $output . pack("V V", $x->crc32(), $x->total_in()) ;
+sub _removeGzipHeader($)
+ my $string = shift ;
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ if length($$string) < GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE ;
+ my ($magic1, $magic2, $method, $flags, $time, $xflags, $oscode) =
+ unpack ('CCCCVCC', $$string);
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ unless $magic1 == GZIP_ID1 and $magic2 == GZIP_ID2 and
+ $method == Z_DEFLATED() and !($flags & GZIP_FLG_RESERVED) ;
+ substr($$string, 0, GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE) = '' ;
+ # skip extra field
+ if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FEXTRA)
+ {
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ if length($$string) < GZIP_FEXTRA_HEADER_SIZE ;
+ my ($extra_len) = unpack ('v', $$string);
+ $extra_len += GZIP_FEXTRA_HEADER_SIZE;
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ if length($$string) < $extra_len ;
+ substr($$string, 0, $extra_len) = '';
+ }
+ # skip orig name
+ if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FNAME)
+ {
+ my $name_end = index ($$string, GZIP_NULL_BYTE);
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ if $name_end == -1 ;
+ substr($$string, 0, $name_end + 1) = '';
+ }
+ # skip comment
+ if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FCOMMENT)
+ {
+ my $comment_end = index ($$string, GZIP_NULL_BYTE);
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ if $comment_end == -1 ;
+ substr($$string, 0, $comment_end + 1) = '';
+ }
+ # skip header crc
+ if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FHCRC)
+ {
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR()
+ if length ($$string) < GZIP_FHCRC_SIZE ;
+ substr($$string, 0, GZIP_FHCRC_SIZE) = '';
+ }
+ return Z_OK();
+sub memGunzip($)
+ # if the buffer isn't a reference, make it one
+ my $string = (ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]);
+ _removeGzipHeader($string) == Z_OK()
+ or return undef;
+ my $bufsize = length $$string > 4096 ? length $$string : 4096 ;
+ my $x = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate({-WindowBits => - MAX_WBITS(),
+ -Bufsize => $bufsize})
+ or return undef;
+ my $output = "" ;
+ my $status = $x->inflate($string, $output);
+ return undef
+ unless $status == Z_STREAM_END();
+ if (length $$string >= 8)
+ {
+ my ($crc, $len) = unpack ("VV", substr($$string, 0, 8));
+ substr($$string, 0, 8) = '';
+ return undef
+ unless $len == length($output) and
+ $crc == crc32($output);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$string = '';
+ }
+ return $output;
+# Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program.
+=head1 NAME
+Compress::Zlib - Interface to zlib compression library
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Compress::Zlib ;
+ ($d, $status) = deflateInit( [OPT] ) ;
+ $status = $d->deflate($input, $output) ;
+ $status = $d->flush($output [, $flush_type]) ;
+ $d->deflateParams(OPTS) ;
+ $d->deflateTune(OPTS) ;
+ $d->dict_adler() ;
+ $d->crc32() ;
+ $d->adler32() ;
+ $d->total_in() ;
+ $d->total_out() ;
+ $d->msg() ;
+ $d->get_Strategy();
+ $d->get_Level();
+ $d->get_BufSize();
+ ($i, $status) = inflateInit( [OPT] ) ;
+ $status = $i->inflate($input, $output [, $eof]) ;
+ $status = $i->inflateSync($input) ;
+ $i->dict_adler() ;
+ $d->crc32() ;
+ $d->adler32() ;
+ $i->total_in() ;
+ $i->total_out() ;
+ $i->msg() ;
+ $d->get_BufSize();
+ $dest = compress($source) ;
+ $dest = uncompress($source) ;
+ $gz = gzopen($filename or filehandle, $mode) ;
+ $bytesread = $gz->gzread($buffer [,$size]) ;
+ $bytesread = $gz->gzreadline($line) ;
+ $byteswritten = $gz->gzwrite($buffer) ;
+ $status = $gz->gzflush($flush) ;
+ $offset = $gz->gztell() ;
+ $status = $gz->gzseek($offset, $whence) ;
+ $status = $gz->gzclose() ;
+ $status = $gz->gzeof() ;
+ $status = $gz->gzsetparams($level, $strategy) ;
+ $errstring = $gz->gzerror() ;
+ $gzerrno
+ $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($buffer) ;
+ $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer) ;
+ $crc = adler32($buffer [,$crc]) ;
+ $crc = crc32($buffer [,$crc]) ;
+ $crc = adler32_combine($crc1, $crc2, $len2)l
+ $crc = crc32_combine($adler1, $adler2, $len2)
+The I<Compress::Zlib> module provides a Perl interface to the I<zlib>
+compression library (see L</AUTHOR> for details about where to get
+The C<Compress::Zlib> module can be split into two general areas of
+functionality, namely a simple read/write interface to I<gzip> files
+and a low-level in-memory compression/decompression interface.
+Each of these areas will be discussed separately below.
+=head2 Notes for users of Compress::Zlib version 1
+Version 2 of this module is a total rewrite. The net result of this is that
+C<Compress::Zlib> does not now access the zlib library directly.
+It now uses the C<IO::Compress::Gzip> and C<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip> modules
+for reading/writing gzip files, and the C<Compress::Raw::Zlib> module for
+low-level zlib access.
+If you are writing new code, your first port of call should be to use one
+these new modules.
+A number of functions are supplied in I<zlib> for reading and writing
+I<gzip> files that conform to RFC 1952. This module provides an interface
+to most of them.
+If you are upgrading from C<Compress::Zlib> 1.x, the following
+enhancements/changes have been made to the C<gzopen> interface:
+=over 5
+=item 1
+If you want to to open either STDIN or STDOUT with C<gzopen>, you can now
+optionally use the special filename "C<->" as a synonym for C<\*STDIN> and
+=item 2
+In C<Compress::Zlib> version 1.x, C<gzopen> used the zlib library to open
+the underlying file. This made things especially tricky when a Perl
+filehandle was passed to C<gzopen>. Behind the scenes the numeric C file
+descriptor had to be extracted from the Perl filehandle and this passed to
+the zlib library.
+Apart from being non-portable to some operating systems, this made it
+difficult to use C<gzopen> in situations where you wanted to extract/create
+a gzip data stream that is embedded in a larger file, without having to
+resort to opening and closing the file multiple times.
+It also made it impossible to pass a perl filehandle that wasn't associated
+with a real filesystem file, like, say, an C<IO::String>.
+In C<Compress::Zlib> version 2.x, the C<gzopen> interface has been
+completely rewritten to use the L<IO::Compress::Gzip|IO::Compress::Gzip>
+for writing gzip files and L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip|IO::Uncompress::Gunzip>
+for reading gzip files. None of the limitations mentioned above apply.
+=item 3
+Addition of C<gzseek> to provide a restricted C<seek> interface.
+=item 4.
+Added C<gztell>.
+A more complete and flexible interface for reading/writing gzip
+files/buffers is included with the module C<IO-Compress-ZLib>. See
+L<IO::Compress::Gzip|IO::Compress::Gzip> and
+L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip|IO::Uncompress::Gunzip> for more details.
+=over 5
+=item B<$gz = gzopen($filename, $mode)>
+=item B<$gz = gzopen($filehandle, $mode)>
+This function opens either the I<gzip> file C<$filename> for reading or
+writing or attaches to the opened filehandle, C<$filehandle>.
+It returns an object on success and C<undef> on failure.
+When writing a gzip file this interface will always create the smallest
+possible gzip header (exactly 10 bytes). If you want greater control over
+the information stored in the gzip header (like the original filename or a
+comment) use L<IO::Compress::Gzip|IO::Compress::Gzip> instead.
+The second parameter, C<$mode>, is used to specify whether the file is
+opened for reading or writing and to optionally specify a compression
+level and compression strategy when writing. The format of the C<$mode>
+parameter is similar to the mode parameter to the 'C' function C<fopen>,
+so "rb" is used to open for reading and "wb" for writing.
+To specify a compression level when writing, append a digit between 0
+and 9 to the mode string -- 0 means no compression and 9 means maximum
+If no compression level is specified Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION is used.
+To specify the compression strategy when writing, append 'f' for filtered
+data, 'h' for Huffman only compression, or 'R' for run-length encoding.
+If no strategy is specified Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY is used.
+So, for example, "wb9" means open for writing with the maximum compression
+using the default strategy and "wb4R" means open for writing with compression
+level 4 and run-length encoding.
+Refer to the I<zlib> documentation for the exact format of the C<$mode>
+=item B<$bytesread = $gz-E<gt>gzread($buffer [, $size]) ;>
+Reads C<$size> bytes from the compressed file into C<$buffer>. If
+C<$size> is not specified, it will default to 4096. If the scalar
+C<$buffer> is not large enough, it will be extended automatically.
+Returns the number of bytes actually read. On EOF it returns 0 and in
+the case of an error, -1.
+=item B<$bytesread = $gz-E<gt>gzreadline($line) ;>
+Reads the next line from the compressed file into C<$line>.
+Returns the number of bytes actually read. On EOF it returns 0 and in
+the case of an error, -1.
+It is legal to intermix calls to C<gzread> and C<gzreadline>.
+In addition, C<gzreadline> fully supports the use of of the variable C<$/>
+(C<$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR> or C<$RS> when C<English> is in use) to
+determine what constitutes an end of line. Both paragraph mode and file
+slurp mode are supported.
+=item B<$byteswritten = $gz-E<gt>gzwrite($buffer) ;>
+Writes the contents of C<$buffer> to the compressed file. Returns the
+number of bytes actually written, or 0 on error.
+=item B<$status = $gz-E<gt>gzflush($flush_type) ;>
+Flushes all pending output into the compressed file.
+This method takes an optional parameter, C<$flush_type>, that controls
+how the flushing will be carried out. By default the C<$flush_type>
+used is C<Z_FINISH>. Other valid values for C<$flush_type> are
+strongly recommended that you only set the C<flush_type> parameter if
+you fully understand the implications of what it does - overuse of C<flush>
+can seriously degrade the level of compression achieved. See the C<zlib>
+documentation for details.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+=item B<$offset = $gz-E<gt>gztell() ;>
+Returns the uncompressed file offset.
+=item B<$status = $gz-E<gt>gzseek($offset, $whence) ;>
+Provides a sub-set of the C<seek> functionality, with the restriction
+that it is only legal to seek forward in the compressed file.
+It is a fatal error to attempt to seek backward.
+When opened for writing, empty parts of the file will have NULL (0x00)
+bytes written to them.
+The C<$whence> parameter should be one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+=item B<$gz-E<gt>gzclose>
+Closes the compressed file. Any pending data is flushed to the file
+before it is closed.
+Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+=item B<$gz-E<gt>gzsetparams($level, $strategy>
+Change settings for the deflate stream C<$gz>.
+The list of the valid options is shown below. Options not specified
+will remain unchanged.
+Note: This method is only available if you are running zlib 1.0.6 or better.
+=over 5
+=item B<$level>
+Defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9,
+=item B<$strategy>
+Defines the strategy used to tune the compression. The valid values are
+=item B<$gz-E<gt>gzerror>
+Returns the I<zlib> error message or number for the last operation
+associated with C<$gz>. The return value will be the I<zlib> error
+number when used in a numeric context and the I<zlib> error message
+when used in a string context. The I<zlib> error number constants,
+shown below, are available for use.
+ Z_OK
+=item B<$gzerrno>
+The C<$gzerrno> scalar holds the error code associated with the most
+recent I<gzip> routine. Note that unlike C<gzerror()>, the error is
+I<not> associated with a particular file.
+As with C<gzerror()> it returns an error number in numeric context and
+an error message in string context. Unlike C<gzerror()> though, the
+error message will correspond to the I<zlib> message when the error is
+associated with I<zlib> itself, or the UNIX error message when it is
+not (i.e. I<zlib> returned C<Z_ERRORNO>).
+As there is an overlap between the error numbers used by I<zlib> and
+UNIX, C<$gzerrno> should only be used to check for the presence of
+I<an> error in numeric context. Use C<gzerror()> to check for specific
+I<zlib> errors. The I<gzcat> example below shows how the variable can
+be used safely.
+=head2 Examples
+Here is an example script which uses the interface. It implements a
+I<gzcat> function.
+ use strict ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use Compress::Zlib ;
+ # use stdin if no files supplied
+ @ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV ;
+ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
+ my $buffer ;
+ my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb")
+ or die "Cannot open $file: $gzerrno\n" ;
+ print $buffer while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ;
+ die "Error reading from $file: $gzerrno" . ($gzerrno+0) . "\n"
+ if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ;
+ $gz->gzclose() ;
+ }
+Below is a script which makes use of C<gzreadline>. It implements a
+very simple I<grep> like script.
+ use strict ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use Compress::Zlib ;
+ die "Usage: gzgrep pattern [file...]\n"
+ unless @ARGV >= 1;
+ my $pattern = shift ;
+ # use stdin if no files supplied
+ @ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV ;
+ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
+ my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb")
+ or die "Cannot open $file: $gzerrno\n" ;
+ while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {
+ print if /$pattern/ ;
+ }
+ die "Error reading from $file: $gzerrno\n"
+ if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ;
+ $gz->gzclose() ;
+ }
+This script, I<gzstream>, does the opposite of the I<gzcat> script
+above. It reads from standard input and writes a gzip data stream to
+standard output.
+ use strict ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use Compress::Zlib ;
+ binmode STDOUT; # gzopen only sets it on the fd
+ my $gz = gzopen(\*STDOUT, "wb")
+ or die "Cannot open stdout: $gzerrno\n" ;
+ while (<>) {
+ $gz->gzwrite($_)
+ or die "error writing: $gzerrno\n" ;
+ }
+ $gz->gzclose ;
+=head2 Compress::Zlib::memGzip
+This function is used to create an in-memory gzip file with the minimum
+possible gzip header (exactly 10 bytes).
+ $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($buffer) ;
+If successful, it returns the in-memory gzip file, otherwise it returns
+The C<$buffer> parameter can either be a scalar or a scalar reference.
+See L<IO::Compress::Gzip|IO::Compress::Gzip> for an alternative way to
+carry out in-memory gzip compression.
+=head2 Compress::Zlib::memGunzip
+This function is used to uncompress an in-memory gzip file.
+ $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer) ;
+If successful, it returns the uncompressed gzip file, otherwise it
+returns undef.
+The C<$buffer> parameter can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. The
+contents of the C<$buffer> parameter are destroyed after calling this function.
+See L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip|IO::Uncompress::Gunzip> for an alternative way
+to carry out in-memory gzip uncompression.
+Two functions are provided to perform in-memory compression/uncompression of
+RFC 1950 data streams. They are called C<compress> and C<uncompress>.
+=over 5
+=item B<$dest = compress($source [, $level] ) ;>
+Compresses C<$source>. If successful it returns the compressed
+data. Otherwise it returns I<undef>.
+The source buffer, C<$source>, can either be a scalar or a scalar
+The C<$level> parameter defines the compression level. Valid values are
+If C<$level> is not specified C<Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION> will be used.
+=item B<$dest = uncompress($source) ;>
+Uncompresses C<$source>. If successful it returns the uncompressed
+data. Otherwise it returns I<undef>.
+The source buffer can either be a scalar or a scalar reference.
+Please note: the two functions defined above are I<not> compatible with
+the Unix commands of the same name.
+See L<IO::Deflate|IO::Deflate> and L<IO::Inflate|IO::Inflate> included with
+this distribution for an alternative interface for reading/writing RFC 1950
+=head1 Deflate Interface
+This section defines an interface that allows in-memory compression using
+the I<deflate> interface provided by zlib.
+Here is a definition of the interface available:
+=head2 B<($d, $status) = deflateInit( [OPT] )>
+Initialises a deflation stream.
+It combines the features of the I<zlib> functions C<deflateInit>,
+C<deflateInit2> and C<deflateSetDictionary>.
+If successful, it will return the initialised deflation stream, C<$d>
+and C<$status> of C<Z_OK> in a list context. In scalar context it
+returns the deflation stream, C<$d>, only.
+If not successful, the returned deflation stream (C<$d>) will be
+I<undef> and C<$status> will hold the exact I<zlib> error code.
+The function optionally takes a number of named options specified as
+C<-Name=E<gt>value> pairs. This allows individual options to be
+tailored without having to specify them all in the parameter list.
+For backward compatibility, it is also possible to pass the parameters
+as a reference to a hash containing the name=>value pairs.
+The function takes one optional parameter, a reference to a hash. The
+contents of the hash allow the deflation interface to be tailored.
+Here is a list of the valid options:
+=over 5
+=item B<-Level>
+Defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9,
+The default is C<-Level =E<gt>Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION>.
+=item B<-Method>
+Defines the compression method. The only valid value at present (and
+the default) is C<-Method =E<gt>Z_DEFLATED>.
+=item B<-WindowBits>
+To create an RFC 1950 data stream, set C<WindowBits> to a positive number.
+To create an RFC 1951 data stream, set C<WindowBits> to C<-MAX_WBITS>.
+For a full definition of the meaning and valid values for C<WindowBits> refer
+to the I<zlib> documentation for I<deflateInit2>.
+Defaults to C<-WindowBits =E<gt>MAX_WBITS>.
+=item B<-MemLevel>
+For a definition of the meaning and valid values for C<MemLevel>
+refer to the I<zlib> documentation for I<deflateInit2>.
+Defaults to C<-MemLevel =E<gt>MAX_MEM_LEVEL>.
+=item B<-Strategy>
+Defines the strategy used to tune the compression. The valid values are
+The default is C<-Strategy =E<gt>Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY>.
+=item B<-Dictionary>
+When a dictionary is specified I<Compress::Zlib> will automatically
+call C<deflateSetDictionary> directly after calling C<deflateInit>. The
+Adler32 value for the dictionary can be obtained by calling the method
+The default is no dictionary.
+=item B<-Bufsize>
+Sets the initial size for the deflation buffer. If the buffer has to be
+reallocated to increase the size, it will grow in increments of
+The default is 4096.
+Here is an example of using the C<deflateInit> optional parameter list
+to override the default buffer size and compression level. All other
+options will take their default values.
+ deflateInit( -Bufsize => 300,
+ -Level => Z_BEST_SPEED ) ;
+=head2 B<($out, $status) = $d-E<gt>deflate($buffer)>
+Deflates the contents of C<$buffer>. The buffer can either be a scalar
+or a scalar reference. When finished, C<$buffer> will be
+completely processed (assuming there were no errors). If the deflation
+was successful it returns the deflated output, C<$out>, and a status
+value, C<$status>, of C<Z_OK>.
+On error, C<$out> will be I<undef> and C<$status> will contain the
+I<zlib> error code.
+In a scalar context C<deflate> will return C<$out> only.
+As with the I<deflate> function in I<zlib>, it is not necessarily the
+case that any output will be produced by this method. So don't rely on
+the fact that C<$out> is empty for an error test.
+=head2 B<($out, $status) = $d-E<gt>flush([flush_type])>
+Typically used to finish the deflation. Any pending output will be
+returned via C<$out>.
+C<$status> will have a value C<Z_OK> if successful.
+In a scalar context C<flush> will return C<$out> only.
+Note that flushing can seriously degrade the compression ratio, so it
+should only be used to terminate a decompression (using C<Z_FINISH>) or
+when you want to create a I<full flush point> (using C<Z_FULL_FLUSH>).
+By default the C<flush_type> used is C<Z_FINISH>. Other valid values
+for C<flush_type> are C<Z_NO_FLUSH>, C<Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH>, C<Z_SYNC_FLUSH>
+and C<Z_FULL_FLUSH>. It is strongly recommended that you only set the
+C<flush_type> parameter if you fully understand the implications of
+what it does. See the C<zlib> documentation for details.
+=head2 B<$status = $d-E<gt>deflateParams([OPT])>
+Change settings for the deflate stream C<$d>.
+The list of the valid options is shown below. Options not specified
+will remain unchanged.
+=over 5
+=item B<-Level>
+Defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9,
+=item B<-Strategy>
+Defines the strategy used to tune the compression. The valid values are
+=head2 B<$d-E<gt>dict_adler()>
+Returns the adler32 value for the dictionary.
+=head2 B<$d-E<gt>msg()>
+Returns the last error message generated by zlib.
+=head2 B<$d-E<gt>total_in()>
+Returns the total number of bytes uncompressed bytes input to deflate.
+=head2 B<$d-E<gt>total_out()>
+Returns the total number of compressed bytes output from deflate.
+=head2 Example
+Here is a trivial example of using C<deflate>. It simply reads standard
+input, deflates it and writes it to standard output.
+ use strict ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use Compress::Zlib ;
+ binmode STDIN;
+ binmode STDOUT;
+ my $x = deflateInit()
+ or die "Cannot create a deflation stream\n" ;
+ my ($output, $status) ;
+ while (<>)
+ {
+ ($output, $status) = $x->deflate($_) ;
+ $status == Z_OK
+ or die "deflation failed\n" ;
+ print $output ;
+ }
+ ($output, $status) = $x->flush() ;
+ $status == Z_OK
+ or die "deflation failed\n" ;
+ print $output ;
+=head1 Inflate Interface
+This section defines the interface available that allows in-memory
+uncompression using the I<deflate> interface provided by zlib.
+Here is a definition of the interface:
+=head2 B<($i, $status) = inflateInit()>
+Initialises an inflation stream.
+In a list context it returns the inflation stream, C<$i>, and the
+I<zlib> status code in C<$status>. In a scalar context it returns the
+inflation stream only.
+If successful, C<$i> will hold the inflation stream and C<$status> will
+be C<Z_OK>.
+If not successful, C<$i> will be I<undef> and C<$status> will hold the
+I<zlib> error code.
+The function optionally takes a number of named options specified as
+C<-Name=E<gt>value> pairs. This allows individual options to be
+tailored without having to specify them all in the parameter list.
+For backward compatibility, it is also possible to pass the parameters
+as a reference to a hash containing the name=>value pairs.
+The function takes one optional parameter, a reference to a hash. The
+contents of the hash allow the deflation interface to be tailored.
+Here is a list of the valid options:
+=over 5
+=item B<-WindowBits>
+To uncompress an RFC 1950 data stream, set C<WindowBits> to a positive number.
+To uncompress an RFC 1951 data stream, set C<WindowBits> to C<-MAX_WBITS>.
+For a full definition of the meaning and valid values for C<WindowBits> refer
+to the I<zlib> documentation for I<inflateInit2>.
+Defaults to C<-WindowBits =E<gt>MAX_WBITS>.
+=item B<-Bufsize>
+Sets the initial size for the inflation buffer. If the buffer has to be
+reallocated to increase the size, it will grow in increments of
+Default is 4096.
+=item B<-Dictionary>
+The default is no dictionary.
+Here is an example of using the C<inflateInit> optional parameter to
+override the default buffer size.
+ inflateInit( -Bufsize => 300 ) ;
+=head2 B<($out, $status) = $i-E<gt>inflate($buffer)>
+Inflates the complete contents of C<$buffer>. The buffer can either be
+a scalar or a scalar reference.
+Returns C<Z_OK> if successful and C<Z_STREAM_END> if the end of the
+compressed data has been successfully reached.
+If not successful, C<$out> will be I<undef> and C<$status> will hold
+the I<zlib> error code.
+The C<$buffer> parameter is modified by C<inflate>. On completion it
+will contain what remains of the input buffer after inflation. This
+means that C<$buffer> will be an empty string when the return status is
+C<Z_OK>. When the return status is C<Z_STREAM_END> the C<$buffer>
+parameter will contains what (if anything) was stored in the input
+buffer after the deflated data stream.
+This feature is useful when processing a file format that encapsulates
+a compressed data stream (e.g. gzip, zip).
+=head2 B<$status = $i-E<gt>inflateSync($buffer)>
+Scans C<$buffer> until it reaches either a I<full flush point> or the
+end of the buffer.
+If a I<full flush point> is found, C<Z_OK> is returned and C<$buffer>
+will be have all data up to the flush point removed. This can then be
+passed to the C<deflate> method.
+Any other return code means that a flush point was not found. If more
+data is available, C<inflateSync> can be called repeatedly with more
+compressed data until the flush point is found.
+=head2 B<$i-E<gt>dict_adler()>
+Returns the adler32 value for the dictionary.
+=head2 B<$i-E<gt>msg()>
+Returns the last error message generated by zlib.
+=head2 B<$i-E<gt>total_in()>
+Returns the total number of bytes compressed bytes input to inflate.
+=head2 B<$i-E<gt>total_out()>
+Returns the total number of uncompressed bytes output from inflate.
+=head2 Example
+Here is an example of using C<inflate>.
+ use strict ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use Compress::Zlib ;
+ my $x = inflateInit()
+ or die "Cannot create a inflation stream\n" ;
+ my $input = '' ;
+ binmode STDIN;
+ binmode STDOUT;
+ my ($output, $status) ;
+ while (read(STDIN, $input, 4096))
+ {
+ ($output, $status) = $x->inflate(\$input) ;
+ print $output
+ if $status == Z_OK or $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ last if $status != Z_OK ;
+ }
+ die "inflation failed\n"
+ unless $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+Two functions are provided by I<zlib> to calculate checksums. For the
+Perl interface, the order of the two parameters in both functions has
+been reversed. This allows both running checksums and one off
+calculations to be done.
+ $crc = adler32($buffer [,$crc]) ;
+ $crc = crc32($buffer [,$crc]) ;
+The buffer parameters can either be a scalar or a scalar reference.
+If the $crc parameters is C<undef>, the crc value will be reset.
+If you have built this module with zlib 1.2.3 or better, two more
+CRC-related functions are available.
+ $crc = adler32_combine($crc1, $crc2, $len2)l
+ $crc = crc32_combine($adler1, $adler2, $len2)
+These functions allow checksums to be merged.
+Although it is possible (with some effort on your part) to use this
+module to access .zip files, there is a module on CPAN that will do all
+the hard work for you. Check out the C<Archive::Zip> module on CPAN at
+All the I<zlib> constants are automatically imported when you make use
+of I<Compress::Zlib>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<IO::Compress::Gzip>, L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip>, L<IO::Compress::Deflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::Inflate>, L<IO::Compress::RawDeflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::RawInflate>, L<IO::Compress::Bzip2>, L<IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2>, L<IO::Compress::Lzop>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzop>, L<IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress>
+L<File::GlobMapper|File::GlobMapper>, L<Archive::Zip|Archive::Zip>,
+For RFC 1950, 1951 and 1952 see
+F<> and
+The I<zlib> compression library was written by Jean-loup Gailly
+F<> and Mark Adler F<>.
+The primary site for the I<zlib> compression library is
+The primary site for gzip is F<>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+The I<Compress::Zlib> module was written by Paul Marquess,
+See the Changes file.
+Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/private/ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/private/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2cce29479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/private/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+package MakeUtil ;
+package main ;
+use strict ;
+use Config qw(%Config);
+use File::Copy;
+ eval { require File::Spec::Functions ; File::Spec::Functions->import() } ;
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ *catfile = sub { return "$_[0]/$_[1]" }
+ }
+require VMS::Filespec if $^O eq 'VMS';
+unless($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
+ $ENV{PERL_CORE} = 1 if grep { $_ eq 'PERL_CORE=1' } @ARGV;
+sub MY::libscan
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ return undef
+ if $path =~ /(~|\.bak|_bak)$/ ||
+ $path =~ /\..*\.sw(o|p)$/ ||
+ $path =~ /\B\.svn\b/;
+ return $path;
+sub MY::postamble
+ return ''
+ if $ENV{PERL_CORE} ;
+ my @files = getPerlFiles('MANIFEST');
+ my $postamble = '
+ @echo Checking for $$^W in files: '. "@files" . '
+ @perl -ne \' \
+ exit 1 if /^\s*local\s*\(\s*\$$\^W\s*\)/; \
+ \' ' . " @files || " . ' \
+ (echo found unexpected $$^W ; exit 1)
+ @echo All is ok.
+ return $postamble;
+sub getPerlFiles
+ my @manifests = @_ ;
+ my @files = ();
+ for my $manifest (@manifests)
+ {
+ my $prefix = './';
+ $prefix = $1
+ if $manifest =~ m#^(.*/)#;
+ open M, "<$manifest"
+ or die "Cannot open '$manifest': $!\n";
+ while (<M>)
+ {
+ chomp ;
+ next if /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/ ;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
+ my ($file, $rest) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($file =~ /\.(pm|pl|t)$/ and $file !~ /
+ {
+ push @files, "$prefix$file";
+ }
+ elsif ($rest =~ /perl/i)
+ {
+ push @files, "$prefix$file";
+ }
+ }
+ close M;
+ }
+ return @files;
+sub UpDowngrade
+ return if defined $ENV{TipTop};
+ my @files = @_ ;
+ # our and use bytes/utf8 is stable from 5.6.0 onward
+ # warnings is stable from 5.6.1 onward
+ # Note: this code assumes that each statement it modifies is not
+ # split across multiple lines.
+ my $warn_sub = '';
+ my $our_sub = '' ;
+ my $upgrade ;
+ my $downgrade ;
+ my $caller = (caller(1))[3] || '';
+ if ($caller =~ /downgrade/)
+ {
+ $downgrade = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($caller =~ /upgrade/)
+ {
+ $upgrade = 1;
+ }
+# else
+# {
+# my $opt = shift @ARGV || '' ;
+# $upgrade = ($opt =~ /^-upgrade/i);
+# $downgrade = ($opt =~ /^-downgrade/i);
+# push @ARGV, $opt unless $downgrade || $upgrade;
+# }
+ if ($downgrade) {
+ # From: use|no warnings "blah"
+ # To: local ($^W) = 1; # use|no warnings "blah"
+ $warn_sub = sub {
+ s/^(\s*)(no\s+warnings)/${1}local (\$^W) = 0; #$2/ ;
+ s/^(\s*)(use\s+warnings)/${1}local (\$^W) = 1; #$2/ ;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($] >= 5.006001 || $upgrade) {
+ # From: local ($^W) = 1; # use|no warnings "blah"
+ # To: use|no warnings "blah"
+ $warn_sub = sub {
+ s/^(\s*)local\s*\(\$\^W\)\s*=\s*\d+\s*;\s*#\s*((no|use)\s+warnings.*)/$1$2/ ;
+ };
+ }
+ if ($downgrade) {
+ $our_sub = sub {
+ if ( /^(\s*)our\s+\(\s*([^)]+\s*)\)/ ) {
+ my $indent = $1;
+ my $vars = join ' ', split /\s*,\s*/, $2;
+ $_ = "${indent}use vars qw($vars);\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( /^(\s*)((use|no)\s+(bytes|utf8)\s*;.*)$/)
+ {
+ $_ = "$1# $2\n";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($] >= 5.006000 || $upgrade) {
+ $our_sub = sub {
+ if ( /^(\s*)use\s+vars\s+qw\((.*?)\)/ ) {
+ my $indent = $1;
+ my $vars = join ', ', split ' ', $2;
+ $_ = "${indent}our ($vars);\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( /^(\s*)#\s*((use|no)\s+(bytes|utf8)\s*;.*)$/)
+ {
+ $_ = "$1$2\n";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if (! $our_sub && ! $warn_sub) {
+ warn "Up/Downgrade not needed.\n";
+ if ($upgrade || $downgrade)
+ { exit 0 }
+ else
+ { return }
+ }
+ foreach (@files) {
+ #if (-l $_ )
+ { doUpDown($our_sub, $warn_sub, $_) }
+ #else
+ #{ doUpDownViaCopy($our_sub, $warn_sub, $_) }
+ }
+ warn "Up/Downgrade complete.\n" ;
+ exit 0 if $upgrade || $downgrade;
+sub doUpDown
+ my $our_sub = shift;
+ my $warn_sub = shift;
+ return if -d $_[0];
+ local ($^I) = ($^O eq 'VMS') ? "_bak" : ".bak";
+ local (@ARGV) = shift;
+ while (<>)
+ {
+ print, last if /^__(END|DATA)__/ ;
+ &{ $our_sub }() if $our_sub ;
+ &{ $warn_sub }() if $warn_sub ;
+ print ;
+ }
+ return if eof ;
+ while (<>)
+ { print }
+sub doUpDownViaCopy
+ my $our_sub = shift;
+ my $warn_sub = shift;
+ my $file = shift ;
+ use File::Copy ;
+ return if -d $file ;
+ my $backup = $file . ($^O eq 'VMS') ? "_bak" : ".bak";
+ copy($file, $backup)
+ or die "Cannot copy $file to $backup: $!";
+ my @keep = ();
+ {
+ open F, "<$file"
+ or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n" ;
+ while (<F>)
+ {
+ if (/^__(END|DATA)__/)
+ {
+ push @keep, $_;
+ last ;
+ }
+ &{ $our_sub }() if $our_sub ;
+ &{ $warn_sub }() if $warn_sub ;
+ push @keep, $_;
+ }
+ if (! eof F)
+ {
+ while (<F>)
+ { push @keep, $_ }
+ }
+ close F;
+ }
+ {
+ open F, ">$file"
+ or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
+ print F @keep ;
+ close F;
+ }
+package MakeUtil ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/01version.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/01version.t
index b71291882e..9d6f283a52 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/01version.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/01version.t
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict ;
use warnings ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/03zlib-v1.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/03zlib-v1.t
index cb88653402..c98de63b0d 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/03zlib-v1.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/03zlib-v1.t
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
-use ZlibTestUtils;
+use CompTestUtils;
use Symbol;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ BEGIN
plan tests => $count + $extra ;
use_ok('Compress::Zlib', 2) ;
- use_ok('Compress::Gzip::Constants') ;
+ use_ok('IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants') ;
use_ok('IO::Compress::Gzip', qw($GzipError)) ;
@@ -698,11 +698,14 @@ EOM
# error cases
eval { $x->deflateParams() };
- ok $@ =~ m#^Compress::Zlib::deflateParams needs Level and/or Strategy#;
+ #like $@, mkErr("^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateParams needs Level and/or Strategy");
+ like $@, "/^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateParams needs Level and/or Strategy/";
eval { $x->deflateParams(-Joe => 3) };
- ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value\(s\) Joe at/
- or print "# $@\n" ;
+ like $@, "/^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value/";
+ #like $@, mkErr("^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value(s) Joe");
+ #ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value\(s\) Joe at/
+ # or print "# $@\n" ;
ok $x->get_Level() == Z_BEST_COMPRESSION;
ok $x->get_Strategy() == Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/05examples.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/05examples.t
index 368dab401a..d6dc12db70 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/05examples.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/05examples.t
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
-use ZlibTestUtils;
+use CompTestUtils;
use Compress::Zlib;
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ BEGIN
$extra = 1
if eval { require Test::NoWarnings ; import Test::NoWarnings; 1 };
- plan tests => 30 + $extra ;
+ plan tests => 26 + $extra ;
@@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ sub check
# gzcat
# #####
-title "gzcat.zlib" ;
-check "$Perl ${examples}/gzcat.zlib $file1 $file2 ", $hello1 . $hello2 ;
title "gzcat - command line" ;
check "$Perl ${examples}/gzcat $file1 $file2", $hello1 . $hello2;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/06gzsetp.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/06gzsetp.t
index 41bb5c28dd..0f8d83d5ac 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/06gzsetp.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/06gzsetp.t
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
-use ZlibTestUtils;
+use CompTestUtils;
use Compress::Zlib 2 ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/08encoding.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/08encoding.t
index 56e37195f4..3ebbfbbca6 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/08encoding.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/08encoding.t
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
-use ZlibTestUtils;
+use CompTestUtils;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/14gzopen.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/14gzopen.t
index 5a90b39c23..97f0a1cb78 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/14gzopen.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/14gzopen.t
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
-use ZlibTestUtils;
+use CompTestUtils;
use IO::File ;
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ BEGIN {
plan tests => 208 + $extra ;
use_ok('Compress::Zlib', 2) ;
- use_ok('Compress::Gzip::Constants') ;
+ use_ok('IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants') ;
diff --git a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/99pod.t b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/99pod.t
index 5ffa0264f0..760f737716 100644
--- a/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/99pod.t
+++ b/ext/Compress/Zlib/t/99pod.t
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN {
-use lib 't';
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";