path: root/ext/DB_File/t/db-hash.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/DB_File/t/db-hash.t')
1 files changed, 743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/DB_File/t/db-hash.t b/ext/DB_File/t/db-hash.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6f2ef37b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/DB_File/t/db-hash.t
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+#!./perl -w
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ require Config; import Config;
+ if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bDB_File\b/) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: DB_File was not built\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DB_File;
+use Fcntl;
+print "1..111\n";
+sub ok
+ my $no = shift ;
+ my $result = shift ;
+ print "not " unless $result ;
+ print "ok $no\n" ;
+ package Redirect ;
+ use Symbol ;
+ sub new
+ {
+ my $class = shift ;
+ my $filename = shift ;
+ my $fh = gensym ;
+ open ($fh, ">$filename") || die "Cannot open $filename: $!" ;
+ my $real_stdout = select($fh) ;
+ return bless [$fh, $real_stdout ] ;
+ }
+ {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ close $self->[0] ;
+ select($self->[1]) ;
+ }
+sub docat_del
+ my $file = shift;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ open(CAT,$file) || die "Cannot open $file: $!";
+ my $result = <CAT>;
+ close(CAT);
+ unlink $file ;
+ return $result;
+my $Dfile = "dbhash.tmp";
+my $null_keys_allowed = ($DB_File::db_ver < 2.004010
+ || $DB_File::db_ver >= 3.1 );
+unlink $Dfile;
+# Check the interface to HASHINFO
+my $dbh = new DB_File::HASHINFO ;
+ok(1, ! defined $dbh->{bsize}) ;
+ok(2, ! defined $dbh->{ffactor}) ;
+ok(3, ! defined $dbh->{nelem}) ;
+ok(4, ! defined $dbh->{cachesize}) ;
+ok(5, ! defined $dbh->{hash}) ;
+ok(6, ! defined $dbh->{lorder}) ;
+$dbh->{bsize} = 3000 ;
+ok(7, $dbh->{bsize} == 3000 );
+$dbh->{ffactor} = 9000 ;
+ok(8, $dbh->{ffactor} == 9000 );
+$dbh->{nelem} = 400 ;
+ok(9, $dbh->{nelem} == 400 );
+$dbh->{cachesize} = 65 ;
+ok(10, $dbh->{cachesize} == 65 );
+$dbh->{hash} = "abc" ;
+ok(11, $dbh->{hash} eq "abc" );
+$dbh->{lorder} = 1234 ;
+ok(12, $dbh->{lorder} == 1234 );
+# Check that an invalid entry is caught both for store & fetch
+eval '$dbh->{fred} = 1234' ;
+ok(13, $@ =~ /^DB_File::HASHINFO::STORE - Unknown element 'fred' at/ );
+eval 'my $q = $dbh->{fred}' ;
+ok(14, $@ =~ /^DB_File::HASHINFO::FETCH - Unknown element 'fred' at/ );
+# Now check the interface to HASH
+my ($X, %h);
+ok(15, $X = tie(%h, 'DB_File',$Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ) );
+my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat($Dfile);
+ok(16, ($mode & 0777) == ($^O eq 'os2' ? 0666 : 0640) || $^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare');
+my ($key, $value, $i);
+while (($key,$value) = each(%h)) {
+ $i++;
+ok(17, !$i );
+$h{'goner1'} = 'snork';
+$h{'abc'} = 'ABC';
+ok(18, $h{'abc'} eq 'ABC' );
+ok(19, !defined $h{'jimmy'} );
+ok(20, !exists $h{'jimmy'} );
+ok(21, exists $h{'abc'} );
+$h{'def'} = 'DEF';
+$h{'jkl','mno'} = "JKL\034MNO";
+$h{'a',2,3,4,5} = join("\034",'A',2,3,4,5);
+$h{'a'} = 'A';
+#$h{'b'} = 'B';
+$X->STORE('b', 'B') ;
+$h{'c'} = 'C';
+#$h{'d'} = 'D';
+$X->put('d', 'D') ;
+$h{'e'} = 'E';
+$h{'f'} = 'F';
+$h{'g'} = 'X';
+$h{'h'} = 'H';
+$h{'i'} = 'I';
+$h{'goner2'} = 'snork';
+delete $h{'goner2'};
+# IMPORTANT - $X must be undefined before the untie otherwise the
+# underlying DB close routine will not get called.
+undef $X ;
+# tie to the same file again, do not supply a type - should default to HASH
+ok(22, $X = tie(%h,'DB_File',$Dfile, O_RDWR, 0640) );
+# Modify an entry from the previous tie
+$h{'g'} = 'G';
+$h{'j'} = 'J';
+$h{'k'} = 'K';
+$h{'l'} = 'L';
+$h{'m'} = 'M';
+$h{'n'} = 'N';
+$h{'o'} = 'O';
+$h{'p'} = 'P';
+$h{'q'} = 'Q';
+$h{'r'} = 'R';
+$h{'s'} = 'S';
+$h{'t'} = 'T';
+$h{'u'} = 'U';
+$h{'v'} = 'V';
+$h{'w'} = 'W';
+$h{'x'} = 'X';
+$h{'y'} = 'Y';
+$h{'z'} = 'Z';
+$h{'goner3'} = 'snork';
+delete $h{'goner1'};
+my @keys = keys(%h);
+my @values = values(%h);
+ok(23, $#keys == 29 && $#values == 29) ;
+$i = 0 ;
+while (($key,$value) = each(%h)) {
+ if ($key eq $keys[$i] && $value eq $values[$i] && $key eq lc($value)) {
+ $key =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
+ $i++ if $key eq $value;
+ }
+ok(24, $i == 30) ;
+@keys = ('blurfl', keys(%h), 'dyick');
+ok(25, $#keys == 31) ;
+$h{'foo'} = '';
+ok(26, $h{'foo'} eq '' );
+# Berkeley DB from version 2.4.10 to 3.0 does not allow null keys.
+# This feature was reenabled in version 3.1 of Berkeley DB.
+my $result = 0 ;
+if ($null_keys_allowed) {
+ $h{''} = 'bar';
+ $result = ( $h{''} eq 'bar' );
+ { $result = 1 }
+ok(27, $result) ;
+# check cache overflow and numeric keys and contents
+my $ok = 1;
+for ($i = 1; $i < 200; $i++) { $h{$i + 0} = $i + 0; }
+for ($i = 1; $i < 200; $i++) { $ok = 0 unless $h{$i} == $i; }
+ok(28, $ok );
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat($Dfile);
+ok(29, $size > 0 );
+@h{0..200} = 200..400;
+my @foo = @h{0..200};
+ok(30, join(':',200..400) eq join(':',@foo) );
+# Now check all the non-tie specific stuff
+# Check NOOVERWRITE will make put fail when attempting to overwrite
+# an existing record.
+my $status = $X->put( 'x', 'newvalue', R_NOOVERWRITE) ;
+ok(31, $status == 1 );
+# check that the value of the key 'x' has not been changed by the
+# previous test
+ok(32, $h{'x'} eq 'X' );
+# standard put
+$status = $X->put('key', 'value') ;
+ok(33, $status == 0 );
+#check that previous put can be retrieved
+$value = 0 ;
+$status = $X->get('key', $value) ;
+ok(34, $status == 0 );
+ok(35, $value eq 'value' );
+# Attempting to delete an existing key should work
+$status = $X->del('q') ;
+ok(36, $status == 0 );
+# Make sure that the key deleted, cannot be retrieved
+ no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
+ ok(37, $h{'q'} eq undef );
+# Attempting to delete a non-existant key should fail
+$status = $X->del('joe') ;
+ok(38, $status == 1 );
+# Check the get interface
+# First a non-existing key
+$status = $X->get('aaaa', $value) ;
+ok(39, $status == 1 );
+# Next an existing key
+$status = $X->get('a', $value) ;
+ok(40, $status == 0 );
+ok(41, $value eq 'A' );
+# seq
+# ###
+# ditto, but use put to replace the key/value pair.
+# use seq to walk backwards through a file - check that this reversed is
+# check seq FIRST/LAST
+# sync
+# ####
+$status = $X->sync ;
+ok(42, $status == 0 );
+# fd
+# ##
+$status = $X->fd ;
+ok(43, $status != 0 );
+undef $X ;
+untie %h ;
+unlink $Dfile;
+# clear
+# #####
+ok(44, tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ) );
+foreach (1 .. 10)
+ { $h{$_} = $_ * 100 }
+# check that there are 10 elements in the hash
+$i = 0 ;
+while (($key,$value) = each(%h)) {
+ $i++;
+ok(45, $i == 10);
+# now clear the hash
+%h = () ;
+# check it is empty
+$i = 0 ;
+while (($key,$value) = each(%h)) {
+ $i++;
+ok(46, $i == 0);
+untie %h ;
+unlink $Dfile ;
+# Now try an in memory file
+ok(47, $X = tie(%h, 'DB_File',undef, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ) );
+# fd with an in memory file should return fail
+$status = $X->fd ;
+ok(48, $status == -1 );
+undef $X ;
+untie %h ;
+ # check ability to override the default hashing
+ my %x ;
+ my $filename = "xyz" ;
+ my $hi = new DB_File::HASHINFO ;
+ $::count = 0 ;
+ $hi->{hash} = sub { ++$::count ; length $_[0] } ;
+ ok(49, tie %x, 'DB_File', $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $hi ) ;
+ $h{"abc"} = 123 ;
+ ok(50, $h{"abc"} == 123) ;
+ untie %x ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ ok(51, $::count >0) ;
+ # check that attempting to tie an array to a DB_HASH will fail
+ my $filename = "xyz" ;
+ my @x ;
+ eval { tie @x, 'DB_File', $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ; } ;
+ ok(52, $@ =~ /^DB_File can only tie an associative array to a DB_HASH database/) ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ # sub-class test
+ package Another ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ open(FILE, ">") or die "Cannot open $!\n" ;
+ print FILE <<'EOM' ;
+ package SubDB ;
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT) ;
+ require Exporter ;
+ use DB_File;
+ @ISA=qw(DB_File);
+ @EXPORT = @DB_File::EXPORT ;
+ sub STORE {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $key = shift ;
+ my $value = shift ;
+ $self->SUPER::STORE($key, $value * 2) ;
+ }
+ sub FETCH {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $key = shift ;
+ $self->SUPER::FETCH($key) - 1 ;
+ }
+ sub put {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $key = shift ;
+ my $value = shift ;
+ $self->SUPER::put($key, $value * 3) ;
+ }
+ sub get {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ $self->SUPER::get($_[0], $_[1]) ;
+ $_[1] -= 2 ;
+ }
+ sub A_new_method
+ {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $key = shift ;
+ my $value = $self->FETCH($key) ;
+ return "[[$value]]" ;
+ }
+ 1 ;
+ close FILE ;
+ BEGIN { push @INC, '.'; }
+ eval 'use SubDB ; ';
+ main::ok(53, $@ eq "") ;
+ my %h ;
+ my $X ;
+ eval '
+ $X = tie(%h, "SubDB","dbhash.tmp", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH );
+ ' ;
+ main::ok(54, $@ eq "") ;
+ my $ret = eval '$h{"fred"} = 3 ; return $h{"fred"} ' ;
+ main::ok(55, $@ eq "") ;
+ main::ok(56, $ret == 5) ;
+ my $value = 0;
+ $ret = eval '$X->put("joe", 4) ; $X->get("joe", $value) ; return $value' ;
+ main::ok(57, $@ eq "") ;
+ main::ok(58, $ret == 10) ;
+ $ret = eval ' R_NEXT eq main::R_NEXT ' ;
+ main::ok(59, $@ eq "" ) ;
+ main::ok(60, $ret == 1) ;
+ $ret = eval '$X->A_new_method("joe") ' ;
+ main::ok(61, $@ eq "") ;
+ main::ok(62, $ret eq "[[11]]") ;
+ undef $X;
+ untie(%h);
+ unlink "", "dbhash.tmp" ;
+ # DBM Filter tests
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ my (%h, $db) ;
+ my ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ sub checkOutput
+ {
+ my($fk, $sk, $fv, $sv) = @_ ;
+ return
+ $fetch_key eq $fk && $store_key eq $sk &&
+ $fetch_value eq $fv && $store_value eq $sv &&
+ $_ eq 'original' ;
+ }
+ ok(63, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ) );
+ $db->filter_fetch_key (sub { $fetch_key = $_ }) ;
+ $db->filter_store_key (sub { $store_key = $_ }) ;
+ $db->filter_fetch_value (sub { $fetch_value = $_}) ;
+ $db->filter_store_value (sub { $store_value = $_ }) ;
+ $_ = "original" ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(64, checkOutput( "", "fred", "", "joe")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(65, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(66, checkOutput( "", "fred", "joe", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(67, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(68, checkOutput( "fred", "", "", "")) ;
+ # replace the filters, but remember the previous set
+ my ($old_fk) = $db->filter_fetch_key
+ (sub { $_ = uc $_ ; $fetch_key = $_ }) ;
+ my ($old_sk) = $db->filter_store_key
+ (sub { $_ = lc $_ ; $store_key = $_ }) ;
+ my ($old_fv) = $db->filter_fetch_value
+ (sub { $_ = "[$_]"; $fetch_value = $_ }) ;
+ my ($old_sv) = $db->filter_store_value
+ (sub { s/o/x/g; $store_value = $_ }) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ $h{"Fred"} = "Joe" ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(69, checkOutput( "", "fred", "", "Jxe")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(70, $h{"Fred"} eq "[Jxe]");
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(71, checkOutput( "", "fred", "[Jxe]", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(72, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "FRED") ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(73, checkOutput( "FRED", "", "", "")) ;
+ # put the original filters back
+ $db->filter_fetch_key ($old_fk);
+ $db->filter_store_key ($old_sk);
+ $db->filter_fetch_value ($old_fv);
+ $db->filter_store_value ($old_sv);
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ ok(74, checkOutput( "", "fred", "", "joe")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(75, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ ok(76, checkOutput( "", "fred", "joe", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(77, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ ok(78, checkOutput( "fred", "", "", "")) ;
+ # delete the filters
+ $db->filter_fetch_key (undef);
+ $db->filter_store_key (undef);
+ $db->filter_fetch_value (undef);
+ $db->filter_store_value (undef);
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ ok(79, checkOutput( "", "", "", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(80, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ ok(81, checkOutput( "", "", "", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(82, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ ok(83, checkOutput( "", "", "", "")) ;
+ undef $db ;
+ untie %h;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # DBM Filter with a closure
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ my (%h, $db) ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ ok(84, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ) );
+ my %result = () ;
+ sub Closure
+ {
+ my ($name) = @_ ;
+ my $count = 0 ;
+ my @kept = () ;
+ return sub { ++$count ;
+ push @kept, $_ ;
+ $result{$name} = "$name - $count: [@kept]" ;
+ }
+ }
+ $db->filter_store_key(Closure("store key")) ;
+ $db->filter_store_value(Closure("store value")) ;
+ $db->filter_fetch_key(Closure("fetch key")) ;
+ $db->filter_fetch_value(Closure("fetch value")) ;
+ $_ = "original" ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ ok(85, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(86, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 1: [joe]");
+ ok(87, ! defined $result{"fetch key"} );
+ ok(88, ! defined $result{"fetch value"} );
+ ok(89, $_ eq "original") ;
+ ok(90, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ ok(91, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(92, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 1: [joe]");
+ ok(93, $result{"fetch key"} eq "fetch key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(94, ! defined $result{"fetch value"} );
+ ok(95, $_ eq "original") ;
+ $h{"jim"} = "john" ;
+ ok(96, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 2: [fred jim]");
+ ok(97, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 2: [joe john]");
+ ok(98, $result{"fetch key"} eq "fetch key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(99, ! defined $result{"fetch value"} );
+ ok(100, $_ eq "original") ;
+ ok(101, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ ok(102, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 3: [fred jim fred]");
+ ok(103, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 2: [joe john]");
+ ok(104, $result{"fetch key"} eq "fetch key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(105, $result{"fetch value"} eq "fetch value - 1: [joe]");
+ ok(106, $_ eq "original") ;
+ undef $db ;
+ untie %h;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # DBM Filter recursion detection
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ my (%h, $db) ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ ok(107, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH ) );
+ $db->filter_store_key (sub { $_ = $h{$_} }) ;
+ eval '$h{1} = 1234' ;
+ ok(108, $@ =~ /^recursion detected in filter_store_key at/ );
+ undef $db ;
+ untie %h;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # Examples from the POD
+ my $file = "xyzt" ;
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use vars qw( %h $k $v ) ;
+ unlink "fruit" ;
+ tie %h, "DB_File", "fruit", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_HASH
+ or die "Cannot open file 'fruit': $!\n";
+ # Add a few key/value pairs to the file
+ $h{"apple"} = "red" ;
+ $h{"orange"} = "orange" ;
+ $h{"banana"} = "yellow" ;
+ $h{"tomato"} = "red" ;
+ # Check for existence of a key
+ print "Banana Exists\n\n" if $h{"banana"} ;
+ # Delete a key/value pair.
+ delete $h{"apple"} ;
+ # print the contents of the file
+ while (($k, $v) = each %h)
+ { print "$k -> $v\n" }
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink "fruit" ;
+ }
+ ok(109, docat_del($file) eq <<'EOM') ;
+Banana Exists
+orange -> orange
+tomato -> red
+banana -> yellow
+ # Bug ID 20001013.009
+ #
+ # test that $hash{KEY} = undef doesn't produce the warning
+ # Use of uninitialized value in null operation
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ my %h ;
+ my $a = "";
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
+ tie %h, 'DB_File', $Dfile or die "Can't open file: $!\n" ;
+ $h{ABC} = undef;
+ ok(110, $a eq "") ;
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # test that %hash = () doesn't produce the warning
+ # Argument "" isn't numeric in entersub
+ use warnings ;
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ my %h ;
+ my $a = "";
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
+ tie %h, 'DB_File', $Dfile or die "Can't open file: $!\n" ;
+ %h = (); ;
+ ok(111, $a eq "") ;
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+exit ;