path: root/ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t b/ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t
index 28441c50a0..349f054da7 100644
--- a/ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t
+++ b/ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t
@@ -96,79 +96,113 @@ foreach my $in ("", "N", "a\0b") {
if ($] > 5.009) {
- my %hash;
- XS::APItest::Hash::rot13_hash(\%hash);
- $hash{a}++; @hash{qw(p i e)} = (2, 4, 8);
+ foreach ([\&XS::APItest::Hash::rot13_hash, \&rot13, "rot 13"],
+ [\&XS::APItest::Hash::bitflip_hash, \&bitflip, "bitflip"],
+ ) {
+ my ($setup, $mapping, $name) = @$_;
+ my %hash;
+ my %placebo = (a => 1, p => 2, i => 4, e => 8);
+ $setup->(\%hash);
+ $hash{a}++; @hash{qw(p i e)} = (2, 4, 8);
+ test_U_hash(\%hash, \%placebo, [f => 9, g => 10, h => 11], $mapping,
+ $name);
+ }
+################################ The End ################################
+sub test_U_hash {
+ my ($hash, $placebo, $new, $mapping, $message) = @_;
+ my @hitlist = keys %$placebo;
+ print "# $message\n";
- my @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(a p i e)))),
- "uvar magic called exactly once on store");
+ my @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))),
+ "uvar magic called exactly once on store");
- is($hash{i}, 4);
+ is (keys %$hash, 4);
- is(delete $hash{a}, 1);
+ my $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ is (delete $hash->{$victim}, delete $placebo->{$victim});
- is(keys %hash, 3);
- @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(p i e)))));
+ is (keys %$hash, 3);
+ @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))));
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete_ent (\%hash, 'p',
+ $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete_ent ($hash, $victim,
undef, "Deleting a known key with conversion disabled fails (ent)");
- is(keys %hash, 3);
+ is (keys %$hash, 3);
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete_ent (\%hash, 'p', 0),
- 2, "Deleting a known key with conversion enabled works (ent)");
- is(keys %hash, 2);
- @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(i e)))));
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete_ent ($hash, $victim, 0),
+ delete $placebo->{$victim},
+ "Deleting a known key with conversion enabled works (ent)");
+ is (keys %$hash, 2);
+ @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))));
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete (\%hash, 'i',
+ $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete ($hash, $victim,
undef, "Deleting a known key with conversion disabled fails");
- is(keys %hash, 2);
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete (\%hash, 'i', 0),
- 4, "Deleting a known key with conversion enabled works");
- is(keys %hash, 1);
- @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(e)))));
- $hash{f} = 9;
- is(keys %hash, 2);
- @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(e f)))));
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::store_ent(\%hash, 'g', 10), 10, "store_ent");
- is(keys %hash, 3);
- @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(e f g)))));
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::store(\%hash, 'h', 11), 11, "store");
- is(keys %hash, 4);
- @keys = sort keys %hash;
- is("@keys", join(' ', sort(rot13(qw(e f g h)))));
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch_ent(\%hash, 'g'), 10, "fetch_ent");
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch_ent(\%hash, rot13('g')), undef,
+ is (keys %$hash, 2);
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::delete ($hash, $victim, 0),
+ delete $placebo->{$victim},
+ "Deleting a known key with conversion enabled works");
+ is(keys %$hash, 1);
+ @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))));
+ my ($k, $v) = splice @$new, 0, 2;
+ $hash->{$k} = $v;
+ $placebo->{$k} = $v;
+ is(keys %$hash, 2);
+ @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))));
+ ($k, $v) = splice @$new, 0, 2;
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::store_ent($hash, $k, $v), $v, "store_ent");
+ $placebo->{$k} = $v;
+ is (keys %$hash, 3);
+ @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))));
+ ($k, $v) = splice @$new, 0, 2;
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::store($hash, $k, $v), $v, "store");
+ is (keys %$hash, 4);
+ $placebo->{$k} = $v;
+ @keys = sort keys %$hash;
+ is ("@keys", join(' ', sort($mapping->(keys %$placebo))));
+ @hitlist = keys %$placebo;
+ $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch_ent($hash, $victim), $placebo->{$victim},
+ "fetch_ent");
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch_ent($hash, $mapping->($victim)), undef,
"fetch_ent (missing)");
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch(\%hash, 'h'), 11, "fetch");
- is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch(\%hash, rot13('h')), undef,
+ $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch($hash, $victim), $placebo->{$victim},
+ "fetch");
+ is (XS::APItest::Hash::fetch($hash, $mapping->($victim)), undef,
"fetch (missing)");
- ok (XS::APItest::Hash::exists_ent(\%hash, 'e'), "exists_ent");
- ok (!XS::APItest::Hash::exists_ent(\%hash, rot13('e')),
+ $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ ok (XS::APItest::Hash::exists_ent($hash, $victim), "exists_ent");
+ ok (!XS::APItest::Hash::exists_ent($hash, $mapping->($victim)),
"exists_ent (missing)");
- ok (XS::APItest::Hash::exists(\%hash, 'f'), "exists");
- ok (!XS::APItest::Hash::exists(\%hash, rot13('f')), "exists (missing)");
+ $victim = shift @hitlist;
+ ok (XS::APItest::Hash::exists($hash, $victim), "exists");
+ ok (!XS::APItest::Hash::exists($hash, $mapping->($victim)),
+ "exists (missing)");
-################################ The End ################################
sub main_tests {
my ($keys, $testkeys, $description) = @_;
foreach my $key (@$testkeys) {
@@ -336,3 +370,8 @@ sub rot13 {
my @results = map {my $a = $_; $a =~ tr/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/; $a} @_;
wantarray ? @results : $results[0];
+sub bitflip {
+ my @results = map {join '', map {chr(32 ^ ord $_)} split '', $_} @_;
+ wantarray ? @results : $results[0];