path: root/ext/threads
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/threads')
6 files changed, 392 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/ext/threads/shared/Changes b/ext/threads/shared/Changes
index ed09cef71c..a28a0685b5 100644
--- a/ext/threads/shared/Changes
+++ b/ext/threads/shared/Changes
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
Revision history for Perl extension threads::shared.
-1.07 - Mon Feb 5 15:41:50 EST 2007
+1.08 Wed Mar 14 12:40:57 EDT 2007
+ - Sub-second resolution for cont_timedwait under WIN32
+ (courtesy of Dean Arnold)
+ - Fix compiler warnings
+ - Upgraded ppport.h to Devel::PPPort 3.11
+1.07 Wed Feb 7 10:44:22 EST 2007
- POD tweaks per Wolfgang Laun
1.06 Wed Dec 20 14:01:57 EST 2006
diff --git a/ext/threads/shared/README b/ext/threads/shared/README
index fa305530bc..b351b01cc4 100644
--- a/ext/threads/shared/README
+++ b/ext/threads/shared/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-threads::shared version 1.07
+threads::shared version 1.08
This module needs Perl 5.8.0 or later compiled with USEITHREADS.
diff --git a/ext/threads/shared/ b/ext/threads/shared/
index ca4b74eb87..59768a0cf6 100644
--- a/ext/threads/shared/
+++ b/ext/threads/shared/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '1.07';
+our $VERSION = '1.08';
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ threads::shared - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
=head1 VERSION
-This document describes threads::shared version 1.07
+This document describes threads::shared version 1.08
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ L<threads::shared> Discussion Forum on CPAN:
Annotated POD for L<threads::shared>:
L<threads>, L<perlthrtut>
diff --git a/ext/threads/shared/shared.xs b/ext/threads/shared/shared.xs
index dcc2c97c7c..0072baa451 100644
--- a/ext/threads/shared/shared.xs
+++ b/ext/threads/shared/shared.xs
@@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ Perl_sharedsv_find(pTHX_ SV *sv)
Perl_sharedsv_associate(pTHX_ SV *sv, SV *ssv)
- dTHXc;
MAGIC *mg = 0;
/* If we are asked for any private ops we need a thread */
@@ -551,14 +550,43 @@ Perl_sharedsv_share(pTHX_ SV *sv)
-#if defined(WIN32) || defined(OS2)
+#ifdef WIN32
+/* Number of milliseconds from 1/1/1601 to 1/1/1970 */
+#define EPOCH_BIAS 11644473600000.
+/* Returns relative time in milliseconds. (Adapted from Time::HiRes.) */
+S_abs_2_rel_milli(double abs)
+ double rel;
+ /* Get current time (in units of 100 nanoseconds since 1/1/1601) */
+ union {
+ unsigned __int64 i64;
+ } now;
+ GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&now.ft);
+ /* Relative time in milliseconds */
+ rel = (abs * 1000.) - (((double)now.i64 / 10000.) - EPOCH_BIAS);
+ if (rel <= 0.0) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (DWORD)rel;
+# if defined(OS2)
# define ABS2RELMILLI(abs) \
do { \
abs -= (double)time(NULL); \
if (abs > 0) { abs *= 1000; } \
else { abs = 0; } \
} while (0)
-#endif /* WIN32 || OS2 */
+# endif /* OS2 */
+#endif /* WIN32 */
/* Do OS-specific condition timed wait */
@@ -571,12 +599,10 @@ Perl_sharedsv_cond_timedwait(perl_cond *cond, perl_mutex *mut, double abs)
# ifdef WIN32
int got_it = 0;
/* See comments in win32/win32thread.h COND_WAIT vis-a-vis race */
- switch (WaitForSingleObject(cond->sem, (DWORD)abs)) {
+ switch (WaitForSingleObject(cond->sem, S_abs_2_rel_milli(abs))) {
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: got_it = 1; break;
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: break;
@@ -708,7 +734,7 @@ sharedsv_scalar_store(pTHX_ SV *sv, SV *ssv)
SV *sobj = Perl_sharedsv_find(aTHX_ obj);
if (sobj) {
- SvUPGRADE(ssv, SVt_RV);
+ (void)SvUPGRADE(ssv, SVt_RV);
sv_setsv_nomg(ssv, &PL_sv_undef);
SvRV_set(ssv, SvREFCNT_inc(sobj));
@@ -1253,6 +1279,9 @@ NEXTKEY(SV *obj, SV *oldkey)
char* key = NULL;
I32 len = 0;
HE* entry;
+ PERL_UNUSED_VAR(oldkey);
entry = hv_iternext((HV*) sobj);
diff --git a/ext/threads/shared/t/blessed.t b/ext/threads/shared/t/blessed.t
index 9938ad0259..4408c36ce2 100644
--- a/ext/threads/shared/t/blessed.t
+++ b/ext/threads/shared/t/blessed.t
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ ok(23, ref($$hobj{'array'}) eq 'yang', "blessed array in hash");
ok(24, ref($$hobj{'scalar'}) eq 'baz', "blessed scalar in hash");
ok(25, ${$$hobj{'scalar'}} eq '3', "blessed scalar in hash contents");
-threads->create(sub {
+threads->new(sub {
# Rebless objects
bless $hobj, 'oof';
bless $aobj, 'rab';
diff --git a/ext/threads/shared/t/waithires.t b/ext/threads/shared/t/waithires.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b39fa4579f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/threads/shared/t/waithires.t
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}){
+ chdir 't';
+ unshift @INC, '../lib';
+ }
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # Skip: Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ eval {
+ require Time::HiRes;
+ import Time::HiRes qw(time);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print("1..0 # Skip: Time::HiRes not available.\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+my $Base = 0;
+sub ok {
+ my ($id, $ok, $name) = @_;
+ $id += $Base;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..63\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+use threads::shared;
+ok(1, 1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+# subsecond cond_timedwait extended tests adapted from wait.t
+# The two skips later on in these tests refer to this quote from the
+# pod/perl583delta.pod:
+# =head1 Platform Specific Problems
+# The regression test ext/threads/shared/t/wait.t fails on early RedHat 9
+# and HP-UX 10.20 due to bugs in their threading implementations.
+# RedHat users should see
+# and consider upgrading their glibc.
+sub forko (&$$); # To prevent deadlock from underlying pthread_* bugs (as in
+ # stock RH9 glibc/NPTL) or from our own errors, we run tests
+ # in separately forked and alarmed processes.
+*forko = ($^O =~ /^dos|os2|mswin32|netware|vms$/i)
+? sub (&$$) { my $code = shift; goto &$code; }
+: sub (&$$) {
+ my ($code, $expected, $patience) = @_;
+ my ($test_num, $pid);
+ local *CHLD;
+ my $bump = $expected;
+ $patience ||= 60;
+ unless (defined($pid = open(CHLD, "-|"))) {
+ die "fork: $!\n";
+ }
+ if (! $pid) { # Child -- run the test
+ $patience ||= 60;
+ alarm $patience;
+ &$code;
+ exit;
+ }
+ while (<CHLD>) {
+ $expected--, $test_num=$1 if /^(?:not )?ok (\d+)/;
+ #print "#forko: ($expected, $1) $_";
+ print;
+ }
+ close(CHLD);
+ while ($expected--) {
+ $test_num++;
+ print "not ok $test_num - child status $?\n";
+ }
+ $Base += $bump;
+# - TEST basics
+my @wait_how = (
+ "simple", # cond var == lock var; implicit lock; e.g.: cond_wait($c)
+ "repeat", # cond var == lock var; explicit lock; e.g.: cond_wait($c, $c)
+ "twain" # cond var != lock var; explicit lock; e.g.: cond_wait($c, $l)
+ my $test : shared; # simple|repeat|twain
+ my $cond : shared;
+ my $lock : shared;
+ ok(1, 1, "Shared synchronization tests preparation");
+ $Base += 1;
+ sub signaller {
+ ok(2,1,"$test: child before lock");
+ $test =~ /twain/ ? lock($lock) : lock($cond);
+ ok(3,1,"$test: child obtained lock");
+ if ($test =~ 'twain') {
+ no warnings 'threads'; # lock var != cond var, so disable warnings
+ cond_signal($cond);
+ } else {
+ cond_signal($cond);
+ }
+ ok(4,1,"$test: child signalled condition");
+ }
+ # - TEST cond_timedwait success
+ forko( sub {
+ foreach (@wait_how) {
+ $test = "cond_timedwait [$_]";
+ threads->create(\&ctw, 0.05)->join;
+ $Base += 6;
+ }
+ }, 6*@wait_how, 5);
+ sub ctw($) {
+ my $to = shift;
+ my $thr;
+ { # -- begin lock scope; which lock to obtain?
+ $test =~ /twain/ ? lock($lock) : lock($cond);
+ ok(1,1, "$test: obtained initial lock");
+ $thr = threads->create(\&signaller);
+ my $ok = 0;
+ for ($test) {
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to), last if /simple/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $cond), last if /repeat/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $lock), last if /twain/;
+ die "$test: unknown test\n";
+ }
+ ok(5,$ok, "$test: condition obtained");
+ } # -- end lock scope
+ $thr->join;
+ ok(6,1, "$test: join completed");
+ }
+ # - TEST cond_timedwait timeout
+ forko( sub {
+ foreach (@wait_how) {
+ $test = "cond_timedwait pause, timeout [$_]";
+ threads->create(\&ctw_fail, 0.3)->join;
+ $Base += 2;
+ }
+ }, 2*@wait_how, 5);
+ forko( sub {
+ foreach (@wait_how) {
+ $test = "cond_timedwait instant timeout [$_]";
+ threads->create(\&ctw_fail, -0.60)->join;
+ $Base += 2;
+ }
+ }, 2*@wait_how, 5);
+ # cond_timedwait timeout (relative timeout)
+ sub ctw_fail {
+ my $to = shift;
+ if ($^O eq "hpux" && $Config{osvers} <= 10.20) {
+ # The lock obtaining would pass, but the wait will not.
+ ok(1,1, "$test: obtained initial lock");
+ ok(2,0, "# SKIP see perl583delta");
+ } else {
+ $test =~ /twain/ ? lock($lock) : lock($cond);
+ ok(1,1, "$test: obtained initial lock");
+ my $ok;
+ my $delta = time();
+ for ($test) {
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to), last if /simple/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $cond), last if /repeat/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $lock), last if /twain/;
+ die "$test: unknown test\n";
+ }
+ $delta = time() - $delta;
+ if (($to < 0) || ($^O eq 'os2')) {
+ ok(2, ! defined($ok), "$test: timeout");
+ } else {
+ # This is a bit problematic, as scheduling and compute latencies
+ # can inject delays in our computation. For now, assume -10/+20%
+ # is reasonable
+ if (! ok(2, ! defined($ok) &&
+ ($delta > (0.9 * $to)) &&
+ ($delta < (1.2 * $to)),
+ "$test: timeout"))
+ {
+ print(STDERR "# Timeout: specified=$to actual=$delta secs.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} # -- SYNCH_SHARED block
+# same as above, but with references to lock and cond vars
+ my $test : shared; # simple|repeat|twain
+ my $true_cond; share($true_cond);
+ my $true_lock; share($true_lock);
+ my $cond = \$true_cond;
+ my $lock = \$true_lock;
+ ok(1, 1, "Synchronization reference tests preparation");
+ $Base += 1;
+ sub signaller2 {
+ ok(2,1,"$test: child before lock");
+ $test =~ /twain/ ? lock($lock) : lock($cond);
+ ok(3,1,"$test: child obtained lock");
+ if ($test =~ 'twain') {
+ no warnings 'threads'; # lock var != cond var, so disable warnings
+ cond_signal($cond);
+ } else {
+ cond_signal($cond);
+ }
+ ok(4,1,"$test: child signalled condition");
+ }
+ # - TEST cond_timedwait success
+ forko( sub {
+ foreach (@wait_how) {
+ $test = "cond_timedwait [$_]";
+ threads->create(\&ctw2, 0.05)->join;
+ $Base += 6;
+ }
+ }, 6*@wait_how, 5);
+ sub ctw2($) {
+ my $to = shift;
+ my $thr;
+ { # -- begin lock scope; which lock to obtain?
+ $test =~ /twain/ ? lock($lock) : lock($cond);
+ ok(1,1, "$test: obtained initial lock");
+ $thr = threads->create(\&signaller2);
+ my $ok = 0;
+ for ($test) {
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to), last if /simple/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $cond), last if /repeat/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $lock), last if /twain/;
+ die "$test: unknown test\n";
+ }
+ ok(5,$ok, "$test: condition obtained");
+ } # -- end lock scope
+ $thr->join;
+ ok(6,1, "$test: join completed");
+ }
+ # - TEST cond_timedwait timeout
+ forko( sub {
+ foreach (@wait_how) {
+ $test = "cond_timedwait pause, timeout [$_]";
+ threads->create(\&ctw_fail2, 0.3)->join;
+ $Base += 2;
+ }
+ }, 2*@wait_how, 5);
+ forko( sub {
+ foreach (@wait_how) {
+ $test = "cond_timedwait instant timeout [$_]";
+ threads->create(\&ctw_fail2, -0.60)->join;
+ $Base += 2;
+ }
+ }, 2*@wait_how, 5);
+ sub ctw_fail2 {
+ my $to = shift;
+ if ($^O eq "hpux" && $Config{osvers} <= 10.20) {
+ # The lock obtaining would pass, but the wait will not.
+ ok(1,1, "$test: obtained initial lock");
+ ok(2,0, "# SKIP see perl583delta");
+ } else {
+ $test =~ /twain/ ? lock($lock) : lock($cond);
+ ok(1,1, "$test: obtained initial lock");
+ my $ok;
+ my $delta = time();
+ for ($test) {
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to), last if /simple/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $cond), last if /repeat/;
+ $ok=cond_timedwait($cond, time() + $to, $lock), last if /twain/;
+ die "$test: unknown test\n";
+ }
+ $delta = time() - $delta;
+ if (($to < 0) || ($^O eq 'os2')) {
+ ok(2,!$ok, "$test: timeout");
+ } else {
+ # This is a bit problematic, as scheduling and compute latencies
+ # can inject delays in our computation. For now, assume -10/+20%
+ # is reasonable
+ if (! ok(2, ! $ok &&
+ ($delta > (0.9 * $to)) &&
+ ($delta < (1.2 * $to)),
+ "$test: timeout"))
+ {
+ print(STDERR "# Timeout: specified=$to actual=$delta secs.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} # -- SYNCH_REFS block
+# EOF