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diff --git a/ext/POSIX/t/termios.t b/ext/POSIX/t/termios.t
index 9e00127d05..e68fb5ad35 100644
--- a/ext/POSIX/t/termios.t
+++ b/ext/POSIX/t/termios.t
@@ -15,34 +15,51 @@ plan skip_all => $@
if !eval "POSIX::Termios->new; 1" && $@ =~ /termios not implemented/;
-# create a new object
-my $termios = eval { POSIX::Termios->new };
-is( $@, '', "calling POSIX::Termios->new" );
-isa_ok( $termios, "POSIX::Termios", "\tchecking the type of the object" );
-# testing getattr()
-foreach my $name (qw(STDIN STDOUT STDERR)) {
- my $handle = $::{$name};
- SKIP: {
- skip("$name not a tty", 2) unless -t $handle;
+# A termios struct that we've successfully read from a terminal device:
+my $termios;
+foreach (undef, qw(STDIN STDOUT STDERR)) {
+ {
+ my ($name, $handle);
+ if (defined $_) {
+ $name = $_;
+ $handle = $::{$name};
+ } else {
+ $name = POSIX::ctermid();
+ skip("Can't get name of controlling terminal", 4)
+ unless defined $name;
+ open $handle, '<', $name or skip("can't open $name: $!", 4);
+ }
+ skip("$name not a tty", 4) unless -t $handle;
+ my $t = eval { POSIX::Termios->new };
+ is($@, '', "calling POSIX::Termios->new");
+ isa_ok($t, "POSIX::Termios", "checking the type of the object");
my $fileno = fileno $handle;
- my $r = eval { $termios->getattr($fileno) };
+ my $r = eval { $t->getattr($fileno) };
is($@, '', "calling getattr($fileno) for $name");
- isnt($r, undef, "returned value ($r) is defined");
+ if(isnt($r, undef, "returned value ($r) is defined")) {
+ $termios = $t;
+ }
-# testing getcc()
-for my $i (0..NCCS-1) {
- my $r = eval { $termios->getcc($i) };
- is( $@, '', "calling getcc($i)" );
- like($r, qr/\A-?[0-9]+\z/, 'returns an integer');
+if (defined $termios) {
+ # testing getcc()
+ for my $i (0 .. NCCS-1) {
+ my $r = eval { $termios->getcc($i) };
+ is($@, '', "calling getcc($i)");
+ like($r, qr/\A-?[0-9]+\z/, 'returns an integer');
+ }
-for my $method (qw(getcflag getiflag getispeed getlflag getoflag getospeed)) {
- my $r = eval { $termios->$method() };
- is( $@, '', "calling $method()" );
- like($r, qr/\A-?[0-9]+\z/, 'returns an integer');
+ for my $method (qw(getcflag getiflag getispeed getlflag getoflag getospeed)) {
+ my $r = eval { $termios->$method() };
+ is($@, '', "calling $method()");
+ like($r, qr/\A-?[0-9]+\z/, 'returns an integer');
+ }