path: root/lib/File/Copy.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/File/Copy.t')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/File/Copy.t b/lib/File/Copy.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..44b5827e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/File/Copy.t
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ push @INC, "::lib:$MacPerl::Architecture" if $^O eq 'MacOS';
+$| = 1;
+my @pass = (0,1);
+my $tests = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? 14 : 11;
+printf "1..%d\n", $tests * scalar(@pass);
+use File::Copy;
+for my $pass (@pass) {
+ my $loopconst = $pass*$tests;
+ # First we create a file
+ open(F, ">file-$$") or die;
+ binmode F; # for DOSISH platforms, because test 3 copies to stdout
+ printf F "ok %d\n", 3 + $loopconst;
+ close F;
+ copy "file-$$", "copy-$$";
+ open(F, "copy-$$") or die;
+ $foo = <F>;
+ close(F);
+ print "not " if -s "file-$$" != -s "copy-$$";
+ printf "ok %d\n", 1 + $loopconst;
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 2+$loopconst;
+ binmode STDOUT unless $^O eq 'VMS'; # Copy::copy works in binary mode
+ copy "copy-$$", \*STDOUT;
+ unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ open(F,"file-$$");
+ copy(*F, "copy-$$");
+ open(R, "copy-$$") or die "open copy-$$: $!"; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 4+$loopconst;
+ unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ open(F,"file-$$");
+ copy(\*F, "copy-$$");
+ close(F) or die "close: $!";
+ open(R, "copy-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R) or die "close: $!";
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 5+$loopconst;
+ unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ require IO::File;
+ $fh = IO::File->new(">copy-$$") or die "Cannot open copy-$$:$!";
+ binmode $fh or die;
+ copy("file-$$",$fh);
+ $fh->close or die "close: $!";
+ open(R, "copy-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "# foo=`$foo'\nnot " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 6+$loopconst;
+ unlink "copy-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ require FileHandle;
+ my $fh = FileHandle->new(">copy-$$") or die "Cannot open copy-$$:$!";
+ binmode $fh or die;
+ copy("file-$$",$fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ open(R, "copy-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 7+$loopconst;
+ unlink "file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ print "# moved missing file.\nnot " if move("file-$$", "copy-$$");
+ print "# target disappeared.\nnot " if not -e "copy-$$";
+ printf "ok %d\n", 8+$loopconst;
+ move "copy-$$", "file-$$" or print "# move did not succeed.\n";
+ print "# not moved: $!\nnot " unless -e "file-$$" and not -e "copy-$$";
+ open(R, "file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "# foo=`$foo'\nnot " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 9+$loopconst;
+ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
+ copy "file-$$", "lib";
+ open(R, ":lib:file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 10+$loopconst;
+ unlink ":lib:file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ copy "file-$$", ":lib";
+ open(R, ":lib:file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 11+$loopconst;
+ unlink ":lib:file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ copy "file-$$", ":lib:";
+ open(R, ":lib:file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 12+$loopconst;
+ unlink ":lib:file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ unless (-e 'lib:') { # make sure there's no volume called 'lib'
+ undef $@;
+ eval { (copy "file-$$", "lib:") || die "'lib:' is not a volume name"; };
+ print "# Died: $@";
+ print "not " unless ( $@ =~ m|'lib:' is not a volume name| );
+ }
+ printf "ok %d\n", 13+$loopconst;
+ move "file-$$", ":lib:";
+ open(R, ":lib:file-$$") or die "open :lib:file-$$: $!"; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf("ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst)
+ and not -e "file-$$";;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 14+$loopconst;
+ unlink ":lib:file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ } else {
+ copy "file-$$", "lib";
+ open(R, "lib/file-$$") or die; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf "ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 10+$loopconst;
+ unlink "lib/file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ move "file-$$", "lib";
+ open(R, "lib/file-$$") or die "open lib/file-$$: $!"; $foo = <R>; close(R);
+ print "not " unless $foo eq sprintf("ok %d\n", 3+$loopconst)
+ and not -e "file-$$";;
+ printf "ok %d\n", 11+$loopconst;
+ unlink "lib/file-$$" or die "unlink: $!";
+ }
+END {
+ 1 while unlink "file-$$";
+ if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
+ 1 while unlink ":lib:file-$$";
+ } else {
+ 1 while unlink "lib/file-$$";
+ }