path: root/lib/File/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/File/')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/lib/File/ b/lib/File/
index 28e2e90e44..c674b2c5f6 100644
--- a/lib/File/
+++ b/lib/File/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package File::Find;
-require 5.000;
+require 5.005;
require Exporter;
require Cwd;
@@ -12,70 +12,163 @@ finddepth - traverse a directory structure depth-first
use File::Find;
- find(\&wanted, '/foo','/bar');
+ find(\&wanted, '/foo', '/bar');
sub wanted { ... }
use File::Find;
- finddepth(\&wanted, '/foo','/bar');
+ finddepth(\&wanted, '/foo', '/bar');
sub wanted { ... }
+ use File::Find;
+ find({ wanted => \&process, follow => 1 }, '.');
The first argument to find() is either a hash reference describing the
-operations to be performed for each file, a code reference, or a string
-that contains a subroutine name. If it is a hash reference, then the
-value for the key C<wanted> should be a code reference. This code
-reference is called I<the wanted() function> below.
+operations to be performed for each file, or a code reference.
-Currently the only other supported key for the above hash is
-C<bydepth>, in presense of which the walk over directories is
-performed depth-first. Entry point finddepth() is a shortcut for
-specifying C<{ bydepth => 1}> in the first argument of find().
+Here are the possible keys for the hash:
+=over 3
+=item C<wanted>
+The value should be a code reference. This code reference is called
+I<the wanted() function> below.
+=item C<bydepth>
+Reports the name of a directory only AFTER all its entries
+have been reported. Entry point finddepth() is a shortcut for
+specifying C<{ bydepth => 1 }> in the first argument of find().
+=item C<follow>
+Causes symbolic links to be followed. Since directory trees with symbolic
+links (followed) may contain files more than once and may even have
+cycles, a hash has to be built up with an entry for each file.
+This might be expensive both in space and time for a large
+directory tree. See I<follow_fast> and I<follow_skip> below.
+If either I<follow> or I<follow_fast> is in effect:
+=over 6
+It is guarantueed that an I<lstat> has been called before the user's
+I<wanted()> function is called. This enables fast file checks involving S< _>.
+There is a variable C<$File::Find::fullname> which holds the absolute
+pathname of the file with all symbolic links resolved
+=item C<follow_fast>
+This is similar to I<follow> except that it may report some files
+more than once. It does detect cycles however.
+Since only symbolic links have to be hashed, this is
+much cheaper both in space and time.
+If processing a file more than once (by the user's I<wanted()> function)
+is worse than just taking time, the option I<follow> should be used.
+=item C<follow_skip>
+C<follow_skip==1>, which is the default, causes all files which are
+neither directories nor symbolic links to be ignored if they are about
+to be processed a second time. If a directory or a symbolic link
+are about to be processed a second time, File::Find dies.
+C<follow_skip==0> causes File::Find to die if any file is about to be
+processed a second time.
+C<follow_skip==2> causes File::Find to ignore any duplicate files and
+dirctories but to proceed normally otherwise.
-The wanted() function does whatever verifications you want.
-$File::Find::dir contains the current directory name, and $_ the
-current filename within that directory. $File::Find::name contains
-C<"$File::Find::dir/$_">. You are chdir()'d to $File::Find::dir when
-the function is called. The function may set $File::Find::prune to
-prune the tree.
-File::Find assumes that you don't alter the $_ variable. If you do then
-make sure you return it to its original value before exiting your function.
+=item C<no_chdir>
+Does not C<chdir()> to each directory as it recurses. The wanted()
+function will need to be aware of this, of course. In this case,
+C<$_> will be the same as C<$File::Find::name>.
+=item C<untaint>
+If find is used in taint-mode (-T command line switch or if EUID != UID
+or if EGID != GID) then internally directory names have to be untainted
+before they can be cd'ed to. Therefore they are checked against a regular
+expression I<untaint_pattern>. Note, that all names passed to the
+user's I<wanted()> function are still tainted.
+=item C<untaint_pattern>
+See above. This should be set using the C<qr> quoting operator.
+The default is set to C<qr|^([-+@\w./]+)$|>.
+Note that the paranthesis which are vital.
+=item C<untaint_skip>
+If set, directories (subtrees) which fail the I<untaint_pattern>
+are skipped. The default is to 'die' in such a case.
+The wanted() function does whatever verifications you want.
+C<$File::Find::dir> contains the current directory name, and C<$_> the
+current filename within that directory. C<$File::Find::name> contains
+the complete pathname to the file. You are chdir()'d to C<$File::Find::dir> when
+the function is called, unless C<no_chdir> was specified.
+When <follow> or <follow_fast> are in effect there is also a
+The function may set C<$File::Find::prune> to prune the tree
+unless C<bydepth> was specified.
+Unless C<follow> or C<follow_fast> is specified, for compatibility
+reasons (, find2perl) there are in addition the following globals
+available: C<$File::Find::topdir>, C<$File::Find::topdev>, C<$File::Find::topino>,
+C<$File::Find::topmode> and C<$File::Find::topnlink>.
This library is useful for the C<find2perl> tool, which when fed,
find2perl / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 \
- -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune
+ -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune
produces something like:
sub wanted {
/^\.nfs.*$/ &&
- (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
+ (($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid) = lstat($_)) &&
int(-M _) > 7 &&
- ($nlink || (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_))) &&
+ ($nlink || (($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid) = lstat($_))) &&
$dev < 0 &&
($File::Find::prune = 1);
-Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS,
+Set the variable C<$File::Find::dont_use_nlink> if you're using AFS,
since AFS cheats.
-C<finddepth> is just like C<find>, except that it does a depth-first
Here's another interesting wanted function. It will find all symlinks
that don't resolve:
sub wanted {
- -l && !-e && print "bogus link: $File::Find::name\n";
+ -l && !-e && print "bogus link: $File::Find::name\n";
-=head1 BUGS
+See also the script C<pfind> on CPAN for a nice application of this
+=head1 CAVEAT
+Be aware that the option to follow symblic links can be dangerous.
+Depending on the structure of the directory tree (including symbolic
+links to directories) you might traverse a given (physical) directory
+more than once (only if C<follow_fast> is in effect).
+Furthermore, deleting or changing files in a symbolically linked directory
+might cause very unpleasant surprises, since you delete or change files
+in an unknown directory.
-There is no way to make find or finddepth follow symlinks.
@@ -83,151 +176,522 @@ There is no way to make find or finddepth follow symlinks.
@EXPORT = qw(find finddepth);
-sub find_opt {
- my $wanted = shift;
- my $bydepth = $wanted->{bydepth};
- my $cwd = $bydepth ? Cwd::fastcwd() : Cwd::cwd();
- # Localize these rather than lexicalizing them for backwards
- # compatibility.
- local($topdir,$topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink);
- foreach $topdir (@_) {
- (($topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink) =
- ($Is_VMS ? stat($topdir) : lstat($topdir)))
- || (warn("Can't stat $topdir: $!\n"), next);
- if (-d _) {
- if (chdir($topdir)) {
- $prune = 0;
- unless ($bydepth) {
- ($dir,$_) = ($topdir,'.');
- $name = $topdir;
- $wanted->{wanted}->();
- }
- next if $prune;
- my $fixtopdir = $topdir;
- $fixtopdir =~ s,/$,, ;
- $fixtopdir =~ s/\.dir$// if $Is_VMS;
- &finddir($wanted,$fixtopdir,$topnlink, $bydepth);
- if ($bydepth) {
- ($dir,$_) = ($fixtopdir,'.');
- $name = $fixtopdir;
- $wanted->{wanted}->();
- }
+use strict;
+my $Is_VMS;
+require File::Basename;
+my %SLnkSeen;
+my ($wanted_callback, $avoid_nlink, $bydepth, $no_chdir, $follow,
+ $follow_skip, $full_check, $untaint, $untaint_skip, $untaint_pat);
+sub contract_name {
+ my ($cdir,$fn) = @_;
+ return substr($cdir,0,rindex($cdir,'/')) if $fn eq '.';
+ $cdir = substr($cdir,0,rindex($cdir,'/')+1);
+ $fn =~ s|^\./||;
+ my $abs_name= $cdir . $fn;
+ if (substr($fn,0,3) eq '../') {
+ do 1 while ($abs_name=~ s|/(?>[^/]+)/\.\./|/|);
+ }
+ return $abs_name;
+sub PathCombine($$) {
+ my ($Base,$Name) = @_;
+ my $AbsName;
+ if (substr($Name,0,1) eq '/') {
+ $AbsName= $Name;
+ }
+ else {
+ $AbsName= contract_name($Base,$Name);
+ }
+ # (simple) check for recursion
+ my $newlen= length($AbsName);
+ if ($newlen <= length($Base)) {
+ if (($newlen == length($Base) || substr($Base,$newlen,1) eq '/')
+ && $AbsName eq substr($Base,0,$newlen))
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ return $AbsName;
+sub Follow_SymLink($) {
+ my ($AbsName) = @_;
+ my ($NewName,$DEV, $INO);
+ ($DEV, $INO)= lstat $AbsName;
+ while (-l _) {
+ if ($SLnkSeen{$DEV, $INO}++) {
+ if ($follow_skip < 2) {
+ die "$AbsName is encountered a second time";
else {
- warn "Can't cd to $topdir: $!\n";
+ return undef;
- else {
- require File::Basename;
- unless (($_,$dir) = File::Basename::fileparse($topdir)) {
- ($dir,$_) = ('.', $topdir);
+ $NewName= PathCombine($AbsName, readlink($AbsName));
+ unless(defined $NewName) {
+ if ($follow_skip < 2) {
+ die "$AbsName is a recursive symbolic link";
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
- if (chdir($dir)) {
- $name = $topdir;
- $wanted->{wanted}->();
+ }
+ else {
+ $AbsName= $NewName;
+ }
+ ($DEV, $INO) = lstat($AbsName);
+ return undef unless defined $DEV; # dangling symbolic link
+ }
+ if ($full_check && $SLnkSeen{$DEV, $INO}++) {
+ if ($follow_skip < 1) {
+ die "$AbsName encountered a second time";
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ return $AbsName;
+use vars qw/ $dir $name $fullname $prune /;
+sub _find_dir_symlnk($$$);
+sub _find_dir($$$);
+sub _find_opt {
+ my $wanted = shift;
+ die "invalid top directory" unless defined $_[0];
+ my $cwd = $wanted->{bydepth} ? Cwd::fastcwd() : Cwd::cwd();
+ my $cwd_untainted = $cwd;
+ $wanted_callback = $wanted->{wanted};
+ $bydepth = $wanted->{bydepth};
+ $no_chdir = $wanted->{no_chdir};
+ $full_check = $wanted->{follow};
+ $follow = $full_check || $wanted->{follow_fast};
+ $follow_skip = $wanted->{follow_skip};
+ $untaint = $wanted->{untaint};
+ $untaint_pat = $wanted->{untaint_pattern};
+ $untaint_skip = $wanted->{untaint_skip};
+ # for compatability reasons (, find2perl)
+ our ($topdir, $topdev, $topino, $topmode, $topnlink);
+ # a symbolic link to a directory doesn't increase the link count
+ $avoid_nlink = $follow || $File::Find::dont_use_nlink;
+ if ( $untaint ) {
+ $cwd_untainted= $1 if $cwd_untainted =~ m|$untaint_pat|;
+ die "insecure cwd in find(depth)" unless defined($cwd_untainted);
+ }
+ my ($abs_dir, $Is_Dir);
+ Proc_Top_Item:
+ foreach my $TOP (@_) {
+ my $top_item = $TOP;
+ $top_item =~ s|/$|| unless $top_item eq '/';
+ $Is_Dir= 0;
+ if ($follow) {
+ if (substr($top_item,0,1) eq '/') {
+ $abs_dir = $top_item;
+ }
+ elsif ($top_item eq '.') {
+ $abs_dir = $cwd;
+ else { # care about any ../
+ $abs_dir = contract_name("$cwd/",$top_item);
+ }
+ $abs_dir= Follow_SymLink($abs_dir);
+ unless (defined $abs_dir) {
+ warn "$top_item is a dangling symbolic link\n";
+ next Proc_Top_Item;
+ }
+ if (-d _) {
+ _find_dir_symlnk($wanted, $abs_dir, $top_item);
+ $Is_Dir= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else { # no follow
+ $topdir = $top_item;
+ ($topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink) = lstat $top_item;
+ unless (defined $topnlink) {
+ warn "Can't stat $top_item: $!\n";
+ next Proc_Top_Item;
+ }
+ if (-d _) {
+ $top_item =~ s/\.dir$// if $Is_VMS;
+ _find_dir($wanted, $top_item, $topnlink);
+ $Is_Dir= 1;
+ }
else {
- warn "Can't cd to $dir: $!\n";
+ $abs_dir= $top_item;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($Is_Dir) {
+ unless (($_,$dir) = File::Basename::fileparse($abs_dir)) {
+ ($dir,$_) = ('.', $top_item);
+ }
+ $abs_dir = $dir;
+ if ($untaint) {
+ my $abs_dir_save = $abs_dir;
+ $abs_dir = $1 if $abs_dir =~ m|$untaint_pat|;
+ unless (defined $abs_dir) {
+ if ($untaint_skip == 0) {
+ die "directory $abs_dir_save is still tainted";
+ }
+ else {
+ next Proc_Top_Item;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($no_chdir or chdir $abs_dir) {
+ warn "Couldn't chdir $abs_dir: $!\n";
+ next Proc_Top_Item;
+ }
+ $name = $abs_dir;
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
+ $no_chdir or chdir $cwd_untainted;
+ }
+# API:
+# $wanted
+# $p_dir : "parent directory"
+# $nlink : what came back from the stat
+# preconditions:
+# chdir (if not no_chdir) to dir
+sub _find_dir($$$) {
+ my ($wanted, $p_dir, $nlink) = @_;
+ my ($CdLvl,$Level) = (0,0);
+ my @Stack;
+ my @filenames;
+ my ($subcount,$sub_nlink);
+ my $SE= [];
+ my $dir_name= $p_dir;
+ my $dir_pref= ( $p_dir eq '/' ? '/' : "$p_dir/" );
+ my $dir_rel= '.'; # directory name relative to current directory
+ local ($dir, $name, $prune, *DIR);
+ unless ($no_chdir or $p_dir eq '.') {
+ my $udir = $p_dir;
+ if ($untaint) {
+ $udir = $1 if $p_dir =~ m|$untaint_pat|;
+ unless (defined $udir) {
+ if ($untaint_skip == 0) {
+ die "directory $p_dir is still tainted";
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ unless (chdir $udir) {
+ warn "Can't cd to $udir: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (defined $SE) {
+ unless ($bydepth) {
+ $dir= $p_dir;
+ $name= $dir_name;
+ $_= ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel );
+ # prune may happen here
+ $prune= 0;
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ next if $prune;
+ }
+ # change to that directory
+ unless ($no_chdir or $dir_rel eq '.') {
+ my $udir= $dir_rel;
+ if ($untaint) {
+ $udir = $1 if $dir_rel =~ m|$untaint_pat|;
+ unless (defined $udir) {
+ if ($untaint_skip == 0) {
+ die "directory ("
+ . ($p_dir ne '/' ? $p_dir : '')
+ . "/) $dir_rel is still tainted";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (chdir $udir) {
+ warn "Can't cd to ("
+ . ($p_dir ne '/' ? $p_dir : '')
+ . "/) $udir : $!\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $CdLvl++;
+ }
+ $dir= $dir_name;
+ # Get the list of files in the current directory.
+ unless (opendir DIR, ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : '.')) {
+ warn "Can't opendir($dir_name): $!\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ @filenames = readdir DIR;
+ closedir(DIR);
+ if ($nlink == 2 && !$avoid_nlink) {
+ # This dir has no subdirectories.
+ for my $FN (@filenames) {
+ next if $FN =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
+ $name = $dir_pref . $FN;
+ $_ = ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN);
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # This dir has subdirectories.
+ $subcount = $nlink - 2;
+ for my $FN (@filenames) {
+ next if $FN =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
+ if ($subcount > 0 || $avoid_nlink) {
+ # Seen all the subdirs?
+ # check for directoriness.
+ # stat is faster for a file in the current directory
+ $sub_nlink = (lstat ($no_chdir ? $dir_pref . $FN : $FN))[3];
+ if (-d _) {
+ --$subcount;
+ $FN =~ s/\.dir$// if $Is_VMS;
+ push @Stack,[$CdLvl,$dir_name,$FN,$sub_nlink];
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = $dir_pref . $FN;
+ $_= ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN);
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = $dir_pref . $FN;
+ $_= ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN);
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bydepth) {
+ $name = $dir_name;
+ $dir = $p_dir;
+ $_ = ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel );
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
continue {
- chdir $cwd;
+ if ( defined ($SE = pop @Stack) ) {
+ ($Level, $p_dir, $dir_rel, $nlink) = @$SE;
+ if ($CdLvl > $Level && !$no_chdir) {
+ die "Can't cd to $dir_name" . '../' x ($CdLvl-$Level)
+ unless chdir '../' x ($CdLvl-$Level);
+ $CdLvl = $Level;
+ }
+ $dir_name = ($p_dir eq '/' ? "/$dir_rel" : "$p_dir/$dir_rel");
+ $dir_pref = "$dir_name/";
+ }
-sub finddir {
- my($wanted, $nlink, $bydepth);
- local($dir, $name);
- ($wanted, $dir, $nlink, $bydepth) = @_;
- my($dev, $ino, $mode, $subcount);
- # Get the list of files in the current directory.
- opendir(DIR,'.') || (warn("Can't open $dir: $!\n"), $bydepth || return);
- my(@filenames) = readdir(DIR);
- closedir(DIR);
- if ($nlink == 2 && !$dont_use_nlink) { # This dir has no subdirectories.
- for (@filenames) {
- next if $_ eq '.';
- next if $_ eq '..';
- $name = "$dir/$_";
- $nlink = 0;
- $wanted->{wanted}->();
- }
- }
- else { # This dir has subdirectories.
- $subcount = $nlink - 2;
- for (@filenames) {
- next if $_ eq '.';
- next if $_ eq '..';
- $nlink = 0;
- $prune = 0 unless $bydepth;
- $name = "$dir/$_";
- $wanted->{wanted}->() unless $bydepth;
- if ($subcount > 0 || $dont_use_nlink) { # Seen all the subdirs?
- # Get link count and check for directoriness.
- $_ = "" if (!defined($_));
- ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink) = ($Is_VMS ? stat($_) : lstat($_));
- # unless ($nlink || $dont_use_nlink);
- if (-d _) {
- # It really is a directory, so do it recursively.
- --$subcount;
- next if $prune;
- if (chdir $_) {
- $name =~ s/\.dir$// if $Is_VMS;
- &finddir($wanted,$name,$nlink, $bydepth);
- chdir '..';
+# API:
+# $wanted
+# $dir_loc : absolute location of a dir
+# $p_dir : "parent directory"
+# preconditions:
+# chdir (if not no_chdir) to dir
+sub _find_dir_symlnk($$$) {
+ my ($wanted, $dir_loc, $p_dir) = @_;
+ my @Stack;
+ my @filenames;
+ my $new_loc;
+ my $SE = [];
+ my $dir_name = $p_dir;
+ my $dir_pref = ( $p_dir eq '/' ? '/' : "$p_dir/" );
+ my $loc_pref = ( $dir_loc eq '/' ? '/' : "$dir_loc/" );
+ my $dir_rel = '.'; # directory name relative to current directory
+ local ($dir, $name, $fullname, $prune, *DIR);
+ unless ($no_chdir or $p_dir eq '.') {
+ my $udir = $dir_loc;
+ if ($untaint) {
+ $udir = $1 if $dir_loc =~ m|$untaint_pat|;
+ unless (defined $udir) {
+ if ($untaint_skip == 0) {
+ die "directory $dir_loc is still tainted";
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (chdir $udir) {
+ warn "Can't cd to $udir: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (defined $SE) {
+ unless ($bydepth) {
+ $dir= $p_dir;
+ $name= $dir_name;
+ $_= ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel );
+ $fullname= $dir_loc;
+ # prune may happen here
+ $prune= 0;
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ next if $prune;
+ }
+ # change to that directory
+ unless ($no_chdir or $dir_rel eq '.') {
+ my $udir = $dir_loc;
+ if ($untaint) {
+ $udir = $1 if $dir_loc =~ m|$untaint_pat|;
+ unless (defined $udir ) {
+ if ($untaint_skip == 0) {
+ die "directory $dir_loc is still tainted";
else {
- warn "Can't cd to $_: $!\n";
+ next;
- $wanted->{wanted}->() if $bydepth;
+ unless (chdir $udir) {
+ warn "Can't cd to $udir: $!\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $dir = $dir_name;
+ # Get the list of files in the current directory.
+ unless (opendir DIR, ($no_chdir ? $dir_loc : '.')) {
+ warn "Can't opendir($dir_loc): $!\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ @filenames = readdir DIR;
+ closedir(DIR);
+ for my $FN (@filenames) {
+ next if $FN =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
+ # follow symbolic links / do an lstat
+ $new_loc = Follow_SymLink($loc_pref.$FN);
+ # ignore if invalid symlink
+ next unless defined $new_loc;
+ if (-d _) {
+ push @Stack,[$new_loc,$dir_name,$FN];
+ }
+ else {
+ $fullname = $new_loc;
+ $name = $dir_pref . $FN;
+ $_ = ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN);
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bydepth) {
+ $fullname = $dir_loc;
+ $name = $dir_name;
+ $_ = ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel);
+ &$wanted_callback;
+ }
+ }
+ continue {
+ if (defined($SE = pop @Stack)) {
+ ($dir_loc, $p_dir, $dir_rel) = @$SE;
+ $dir_name = ($p_dir eq '/' ? "/$dir_rel" : "$p_dir/$dir_rel");
+ $dir_pref = "$dir_name/";
+ $loc_pref = "$dir_loc/";
sub wrap_wanted {
- my $wanted = shift;
- ref($wanted) eq 'HASH' ? $wanted : { wanted => $wanted };
+ my $wanted = shift;
+ if ( ref($wanted) eq 'HASH' ) {
+ if ( $wanted->{follow} || $wanted->{follow_fast}) {
+ $wanted->{follow_skip} = 1 unless defined $wanted->{follow_skip};
+ }
+ if ( $wanted->{untaint} ) {
+ $wanted->{untaint_pattern} = qr|^([-+@\w./]+)$|
+ unless defined $wanted->{untaint_pattern};
+ $wanted->{untaint_skip} = 0 unless defined $wanted->{untaint_skip};
+ }
+ return $wanted;
+ }
+ else {
+ return { wanted => $wanted };
+ }
sub find {
- my $wanted = shift;
- find_opt(wrap_wanted($wanted), @_);
+ my $wanted = shift;
+ _find_opt(wrap_wanted($wanted), @_);
+ %SLnkSeen= (); # free memory
sub finddepth {
- my $wanted = wrap_wanted(shift);
- $wanted->{bydepth} = 1;
- find_opt($wanted, @_);
+ my $wanted = wrap_wanted(shift);
+ $wanted->{bydepth} = 1;
+ _find_opt($wanted, @_);
+ %SLnkSeen= (); # free memory
# These are hard-coded for now, but may move to hint files.
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- $Is_VMS = 1;
- $dont_use_nlink = 1;
+ $Is_VMS = 1;
+ $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1;
-$dont_use_nlink = 1
+$File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1
if $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'MSWin32';
# Set dont_use_nlink in your hint file if your system's stat doesn't
# report the number of links in a directory as an indication
# of the number of files.
# See, e.g. hints/ for MachTen 2.2.
-unless ($dont_use_nlink) {
- require Config;
- $dont_use_nlink = 1 if ($Config::Config{'dont_use_nlink'});
+unless ($File::Find::dont_use_nlink) {
+ require Config;
+ $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1 if ($Config::Config{'dont_use_nlink'});