path: root/lib/File/Spec/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/File/Spec/')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/ b/lib/File/Spec/
index d3f6018515..28c1050576 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ sub fixpath {
=item canonpath (override)
-Removes redundant portions of file specifications according to VMS syntax
+Removes redundant portions of file specifications according to VMS syntax.
@@ -142,8 +142,13 @@ sub canonpath {
else { return vmsify($path); }
else {
- $path =~ s-\]\[--g; $path =~ s/><//g; # foo.][bar ==>
- $path =~ s/([\[<])000000\./$1/; # [ ==> foo
+ $path =~ s-\]\[--g; $path =~ s/><//g; # foo.][bar ==>
+ $path =~ s/([\[<])000000\./$1/; # [ ==> foo
+ 1 while $path =~ s{-\.-}{--}; # -.- ==> --
+ $path =~ s/\.[^\[<\.]+\.-([\]\>])/$1/; #] ==> bar]
+ $path =~ s/([\[<])(-+)/$1 . "\cx" x length($2)/e; # encode leading '-'s
+ $path =~ s/([\[<\.])([^\[<\.\cx]+)\.-\.?/$1/g; # ==> foo
+ $path =~ s/([\[<])(\cx+)/$1 . '-' x length($2)/e; # then decode
return $path;
@@ -168,15 +173,16 @@ sub catdir {
$sdir = $self->eliminate_macros($sdir) unless $sdir =~ /^[\w\-]+\z/s;
$rslt = $self->fixpath($self->eliminate_macros($spath)."/$sdir",1);
- # Special case for VMS absolute directory specs: these will have had device
- # prepended during trip through Unix syntax in eliminate_macros(), since
- # Unix syntax has no way to express "absolute from the top of this device's
- # directory tree".
- if ($spath =~ /^[\[<][^.\-]/s) { $rslt =~ s/^[^\[<]+//s; }
+ # Special case for VMS absolute directory specs: these will have had device
+ # prepended during trip through Unix syntax in eliminate_macros(), since
+ # Unix syntax has no way to express "absolute from the top of this device's
+ # directory tree".
+ if ($spath =~ /^[\[<][^.\-]/s) { $rslt =~ s/^[^\[<]+//s; }
else {
- if ($dir =~ /^\$\([^\)]+\)\z/s) { $rslt = $dir; }
- else { $rslt = vmspath($dir); }
+ if (not defined $dir or not length $dir) { $rslt = ''; }
+ elsif ($dir =~ /^\$\([^\)]+\)\z/s) { $rslt = $dir; }
+ else { $rslt = vmspath($dir); }
return $rslt;
@@ -205,7 +211,7 @@ sub catfile {
$rslt = vmsify($rslt.($rslt ? '/' : '').unixify($file));
- else { $rslt = vmsify($file); }
+ else { $rslt = (defined($file) && length($file)) ? vmsify($file) : ''; }
return $rslt;
@@ -245,7 +251,7 @@ sub rootdir {
Returns a string representation of the first writable directory
from the following list or '' if none are writable:
- /sys$scratch
+ sys$scratch
@@ -253,7 +259,7 @@ from the following list or '' if none are writable:
my $tmpdir;
sub tmpdir {
return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
- foreach ('/sys$scratch', $ENV{TMPDIR}) {
+ foreach ('sys$scratch', $ENV{TMPDIR}) {
next unless defined && -d && -w _;
$tmpdir = $_;
@@ -333,6 +339,7 @@ Split dirspec using VMS syntax.
sub splitdir {
my($self,$dirspec) = @_;
$dirspec =~ s/\]\[//g; $dirspec =~ s/\-\-/-.-/g;
+ $dirspec = "[$dirspec]" unless $dirspec =~ /[\[<]/; # make legal
my(@dirs) = split('\.', vmspath($dirspec));
$dirs[0] =~ s/^[\[<]//s; $dirs[-1] =~ s/[\]>]\z//s;
@@ -347,17 +354,25 @@ Construct a complete filespec using VMS syntax
sub catpath {
my($self,$dev,$dir,$file) = @_;
- if ($dev =~ m|^/+([^/]+)|) { $dev =~ "$1:"; }
+ if ($dev =~ m|^/+([^/]+)|) { $dev = "$1:"; }
else { $dev .= ':' unless $dev eq '' or $dev =~ /:\z/; }
- $dir = vmspath($dir);
+ if (length($dev) or length($dir)) {
+ $dir = "[$dir]" unless $dir =~ /[\[<\/]/;
+ $dir = vmspath($dir);
+ }
+=item abs2rel (override)
+Use VMS syntax when converting filespecs.
sub abs2rel {
my $self = shift;
- return File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel( $self, @_ )
+ return vmspath(File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel( $self, @_ ))
if ( join( '', @_ ) =~ m{/} ) ;
my($path,$base) = @_;
@@ -413,13 +428,19 @@ sub abs2rel {
# @pathchunks now has the directories to descend in to.
$path_directories = '-.' x @basechunks . join( '.', @pathchunks ) ;
$path_directories =~ s{\.\z}{} ;
- return $self->catpath( '', $path_directories, $path_file ) ;
+ return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath( '', $path_directories, $path_file ) ) ;
+=item rel2abs (override)
+Use VMS syntax when converting filespecs.
sub rel2abs($;$;) {
my $self = shift ;
- return File::Spec::Unix::rel2abs( $self, @_ )
+ return vmspath(File::Spec::Unix::rel2abs( $self, @_ ))
if ( join( '', @_ ) =~ m{/} ) ;
my ($path,$base ) = @_;
@@ -443,12 +464,15 @@ sub rel2abs($;$;) {
my ( $base_volume, $base_directories, undef ) =
$self->splitpath( $base ) ;
+ $path_directories = '' if $path_directories eq '[]' ||
+ $path_directories eq '<>';
my $sep = '' ;
$sep = '.'
- if ( $base_directories =~ m{[^.]\z} &&
- $path_directories =~ m{^[^.]}s
+ if ( $base_directories =~ m{[^.\]>]\z} &&
+ $path_directories =~ m{^[^.\[<]}s
) ;
- $base_directories = "$base_directories$sep$path_directories" ;
+ $base_directories = "$base_directories$sep$path_directories";
+ $base_directories =~ s{\.?[\]>][\[<]\.?}{.};
$path = $self->catpath( $base_volume, $base_directories, $path_file );