path: root/lib/Module/Build/t/ext.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Module/Build/t/ext.t')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Module/Build/t/ext.t b/lib/Module/Build/t/ext.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e44fd56cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Module/Build/t/ext.t
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use lib $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../lib/Module/Build/t/lib' : 't/lib';
+use MBTest;
+my @unix_splits =
+ (
+ { q{one t'wo th'ree f"o\"ur " "five" } => [ 'one', 'two three', 'fo"ur ', 'five' ] },
+ { q{ foo bar } => [ 'foo', 'bar' ] },
+ );
+my @win_splits =
+ (
+ { 'a" "b\\c" "d' => [ 'a b\c d' ] },
+ { '"a b\\c d"' => [ 'a b\c d' ] },
+ { '"a b"\\"c d"' => [ 'a b"c', 'd' ] },
+ { '"a b"\\\\"c d"' => [ 'a b\c d' ] },
+ { '"a"\\"b" "a\\"b"' => [ 'a"b a"b' ] },
+ { '"a"\\\\"b" "a\\\\"b"' => [ 'a\b', 'a\b' ] },
+ { '"a"\\"b a\\"b"' => [ 'a"b', 'a"b' ] },
+ { 'a"\\"b" "a\\"b' => [ 'a"b', 'a"b' ] },
+ { 'a"\\"b" "a\\"b' => [ 'a"b', 'a"b' ] },
+ { 'a b' => [ 'a', 'b' ] },
+ { 'a"\\"b a\\"b' => [ 'a"b a"b' ] },
+ { '"a""b" "a"b"' => [ 'a"b ab' ] },
+ { '\\"a\\"' => [ '"a"' ] },
+ { '"a"" "b"' => [ 'a"', 'b' ] },
+ { 'a"b' => [ 'ab' ] },
+ { 'a""b' => [ 'ab' ] },
+ { 'a"""b' => [ 'a"b' ] },
+ { 'a""""b' => [ 'a"b' ] },
+ { 'a"""""b' => [ 'a"b' ] },
+ { 'a""""""b' => [ 'a""b' ] },
+ { '"a"b"' => [ 'ab' ] },
+ { '"a""b"' => [ 'a"b' ] },
+ { '"a"""b"' => [ 'a"b' ] },
+ { '"a""""b"' => [ 'a"b' ] },
+ { '"a"""""b"' => [ 'a""b' ] },
+ { '"a""""""b"' => [ 'a""b' ] },
+ { '' => [ ] },
+ { ' ' => [ ] },
+ { '""' => [ '' ] },
+ { '" "' => [ ' ' ] },
+ { '""a' => [ 'a' ] },
+ { '""a b' => [ 'a', 'b' ] },
+ { 'a""' => [ 'a' ] },
+ { 'a"" b' => [ 'a', 'b' ] },
+ { '"" a' => [ '', 'a' ] },
+ { 'a ""' => [ 'a', '' ] },
+ { 'a "" b' => [ 'a', '', 'b' ] },
+ { 'a " " b' => [ 'a', ' ', 'b' ] },
+ { 'a " b " c' => [ 'a', ' b ', 'c' ] },
+plan tests => 10 + 2*@unix_splits + 2*@win_splits;
+use Module::Build;
+# Should always return an array unscathed
+foreach my $platform ('', '::Platform::Unix', '::Platform::Windows') {
+ my $pkg = "Module::Build$platform";
+ my @result = $pkg->split_like_shell(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
+ is @result, 3, "Split using $pkg";
+ is "@result", "foo bar baz", "Split using $pkg";
+use Module::Build::Platform::Unix;
+foreach my $test (@unix_splits) {
+ do_split_tests('Module::Build::Platform::Unix', $test);
+use Module::Build::Platform::Windows;
+foreach my $test (@win_splits) {
+ do_split_tests('Module::Build::Platform::Windows', $test);
+ # Make sure read_args() functions properly as a class method
+ my @args = qw(foo=bar --food bard --foods=bards);
+ my ($args) = Module::Build->read_args(@args);
+ is_deeply($args, {foo => 'bar', food => 'bard', foods => 'bards', ARGV => []});
+ # Make sure data can make a round-trip through unparse_args() and read_args()
+ my %args = (foo => 'bar', food => 'bard', config => {a => 1, b => 2}, ARGV => []);
+ my ($args) = Module::Build->read_args( Module::Build->unparse_args(\%args) );
+ is_deeply($args, \%args);
+ # Make sure run_perl_script() propagates @INC
+ local @INC = ('whosiewhatzit', @INC);
+ my $output = stdout_of( sub { Module::Build->run_perl_script('', ['-le', 'print for @INC']) } );
+ like $output, qr{^whosiewhatzit}m;
+sub do_split_tests {
+ my ($package, $test) = @_;
+ my ($string, $expected) = %$test;
+ my @result = $package->split_like_shell($string);
+ is( 0 + grep( !defined(), @result ), # all defined
+ 0,
+ "'$string' result all defined" );
+ is_deeply(\@result, $expected);