path: root/lib/Pod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Pod')
174 files changed, 0 insertions, 26775 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Pod/ b/lib/Pod/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e325724a5..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1536 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple;
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = sub () {0} unless defined &DEBUG }
-use integer;
-use Pod::Escapes 1.03 ();
-use Pod::Simple::LinkSection ();
-use Pod::Simple::BlackBox ();
-#use utf8;
-use vars qw(
- @Known_formatting_codes @Known_directives
- %Known_formatting_codes %Known_directives
- $NL
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::BlackBox');
-$VERSION = '3.07';
-@Known_formatting_codes = qw(I B C L E F S X Z);
-%Known_formatting_codes = map(($_=>1), @Known_formatting_codes);
-@Known_directives = qw(head1 head2 head3 head4 item over back);
-%Known_directives = map(($_=>'Plain'), @Known_directives);
-$NL = $/ unless defined $NL;
-# Set up some constants:
- if(defined &ASCII) { }
- elsif(chr(65) eq 'A') { *ASCII = sub () {1} }
- else { *ASCII = sub () {''} }
- unless(defined &MANY_LINES) { *MANY_LINES = sub () {20} }
- DEBUG > 4 and print "MANY_LINES is ", MANY_LINES(), "\n";
- unless(MANY_LINES() >= 1) {
- die "MANY_LINES is too small (", MANY_LINES(), ")!\nAborting";
- }
- if(defined &UNICODE) { }
- elsif($] >= 5.008) { *UNICODE = sub() {1} }
- else { *UNICODE = sub() {''} }
-if(DEBUG > 2) {
- print "# We are ", ASCII ? '' : 'not ', "in ASCII-land\n";
- print "# We are under a Unicode-safe Perl.\n";
-# Design note:
-# This is a parser for Pod. It is not a parser for the set of Pod-like
-# languages which happens to contain Pod -- it is just for Pod, plus possibly
-# some extensions.
-# @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
-#@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
- 'nbsp_for_S', # Whether to map S<...>'s to \xA0 characters
- 'source_filename', # Filename of the source, for use in warnings
- 'source_dead', # Whether to consider this parser's source dead
- 'output_fh', # The filehandle we're writing to, if applicable.
- # Used only in some derived classes.
- 'hide_line_numbers', # For some dumping subclasses: whether to pointedly
- # suppress the start_line attribute
- 'line_count', # the current line number
- 'pod_para_count', # count of pod paragraphs seen so far
- 'no_whining', # whether to suppress whining
- 'no_errata_section', # whether to suppress the errata section
- 'complain_stderr', # whether to complain to stderr
- 'doc_has_started', # whether we've fired the open-Document event yet
- 'bare_output', # For some subclasses: whether to prepend
- # header-code and postpend footer-code
- 'fullstop_space_harden', # Whether to turn ". " into ".[nbsp] ";
- 'nix_X_codes', # whether to ignore X<...> codes
- 'merge_text', # whether to avoid breaking a single piece of
- # text up into several events
- 'preserve_whitespace', # whether to try to keep whitespace as-is
- 'content_seen', # whether we've seen any real Pod content
- 'errors_seen', # TODO: document. whether we've seen any errors (fatal or not)
- 'codes_in_verbatim', # for PseudoPod extensions
- 'code_handler', # coderef to call when a code (non-pod) line is seen
- 'cut_handler', # coderef to call when a =cut line is seen
- #Called like:
- # $code_handler->($line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self) if $code_handler;
- # $cut_handler->($line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self) if $cut_handler;
-sub any_errata_seen { # good for using as an exit() value...
- return shift->{'errors_seen'} || 0;
-# Pull in some functions that, for some reason, I expect to see here too:
- *pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
- *stringify_lol = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::stringify_lol;
-sub version_report {
- my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
- if($class eq __PACKAGE__) {
- return "$class $VERSION";
- } else {
- my $v = $class->VERSION;
- return "$class $v (" . __PACKAGE__ . " $VERSION)";
- }
-#sub curr_open { # read-only list accessor
-# return @{ $_[0]{'curr_open'} || return() };
-#sub _curr_open_listref { $_[0]{'curr_open'} ||= [] }
-sub output_string {
- # Works by faking out output_fh. Simplifies our code.
- #
- my $this = shift;
- return $this->{'output_string'} unless @_; # GET.
- require Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH;
- my $x = (defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0])) ? $_[0] : \( $_[0] );
- $$x = '' unless defined $$x;
- DEBUG > 4 and print "# Output string set to $x ($$x)\n";
- $this->{'output_fh'} = Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH->handle_on($_[0]);
- return
- $this->{'output_string'} = $_[0];
- #${ ${ $this->{'output_fh'} } };
-sub abandon_output_string { $_[0]->abandon_output_fh; delete $_[0]{'output_string'} }
-sub abandon_output_fh { $_[0]->output_fh(undef) }
-# These don't delete the string or close the FH -- they just delete our
-# references to it/them.
-# TODO: document these
-sub new {
- # takes no parameters
- my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
- #Carp::croak(__PACKAGE__ . " is a virtual base class -- see perldoc "
- # . __PACKAGE__ );
- return bless {
- 'accept_codes' => { map( ($_=>$_), @Known_formatting_codes ) },
- 'accept_directives' => { %Known_directives },
- 'accept_targets' => {},
- }, $class;
-# TODO: an option for whether to interpolate E<...>'s, or just resolve to codes.
-sub _handle_element_start { # OVERRIDE IN DERIVED CLASS
- my($self, $element_name, $attr_hash_r) = @_;
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end { # OVERRIDE IN DERIVED CLASS
- my($self, $element_name) = @_;
- return;
-sub _handle_text { # OVERRIDE IN DERIVED CLASS
- my($self, $text) = @_;
- return;
-# And now directives (not targets)
-sub accept_directive_as_verbatim { shift->_accept_directives('Verbatim', @_) }
-sub accept_directive_as_data { shift->_accept_directives('Data', @_) }
-sub accept_directive_as_processed { shift->_accept_directives('Plain', @_) }
-sub _accept_directives {
- my($this, $type) = splice @_,0,2;
- foreach my $d (@_) {
- next unless defined $d and length $d;
- Carp::croak "\"$d\" isn't a valid directive name"
- unless $d =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/s;
- Carp::croak "\"$d\" is already a reserved Pod directive name"
- if exists $Known_directives{$d};
- $this->{'accept_directives'}{$d} = $type;
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Learning to accept \"=$d\" as directive of type $type\n";
- }
- DEBUG > 6 and print "$this\'s accept_directives : ",
- pretty($this->{'accept_directives'}), "\n";
- return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_directives'} } if wantarray;
- return;
-# TODO: document these:
-sub unaccept_directive { shift->unaccept_directives(@_) };
-sub unaccept_directives {
- my $this = shift;
- foreach my $d (@_) {
- next unless defined $d and length $d;
- Carp::croak "\"$d\" isn't a valid directive name"
- unless $d =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/s;
- Carp::croak "But you must accept \"$d\" directives -- it's a builtin!"
- if exists $Known_directives{$d};
- delete $this->{'accept_directives'}{$d};
- DEBUG > 2 and print "OK, won't accept \"=$d\" as directive.\n";
- }
- return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_directives'} } if wantarray;
- return
-# And now targets (not directives)
-sub accept_target { shift->accept_targets(@_) } # alias
-sub accept_target_as_text { shift->accept_targets_as_text(@_) } # alias
-sub accept_targets { shift->_accept_targets('1', @_) }
-sub accept_targets_as_text { shift->_accept_targets('force_resolve', @_) }
- # forces them to be processed, even when there's no ":".
-sub _accept_targets {
- my($this, $type) = splice @_,0,2;
- foreach my $t (@_) {
- next unless defined $t and length $t;
- # TODO: enforce some limitations on what a target name can be?
- $this->{'accept_targets'}{$t} = $type;
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Learning to accept \"$t\" as target of type $type\n";
- }
- return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_targets'} } if wantarray;
- return;
-sub unaccept_target { shift->unaccept_targets(@_) }
-sub unaccept_targets {
- my $this = shift;
- foreach my $t (@_) {
- next unless defined $t and length $t;
- # TODO: enforce some limitations on what a target name can be?
- delete $this->{'accept_targets'}{$t};
- DEBUG > 2 and print "OK, won't accept \"$t\" as target.\n";
- }
- return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_targets'} } if wantarray;
- return;
-# And now codes (not targets or directives)
-sub accept_code { shift->accept_codes(@_) } # alias
-sub accept_codes { # Add some codes
- my $this = shift;
- foreach my $new_code (@_) {
- next unless defined $new_code and length $new_code;
- if(ASCII) {
- # A good-enough check that it's good as an XML Name symbol:
- Carp::croak "\"$new_code\" isn't a valid element name"
- if $new_code =~
- m/[\x00-\x2C\x2F\x39\x3B-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/
- # Characters under 0x80 that aren't legal in an XML Name.
- or $new_code =~ m/^[-\.0-9]/s
- or $new_code =~ m/:[-\.0-9]/s;
- # The legal under-0x80 Name characters that
- # an XML Name still can't start with.
- }
- $this->{'accept_codes'}{$new_code} = $new_code;
- # Yes, map to itself -- just so that when we
- # see "=extend W [whatever] thatelementname", we say that W maps
- # to whatever $this->{accept_codes}{thatelementname} is,
- # i.e., "thatelementname". Then when we go re-mapping,
- # a "W" in the treelet turns into "thatelementname". We only
- # remap once.
- # If we say we accept "W", then a "W" in the treelet simply turns
- # into "W".
- }
- return;
-sub unaccept_code { shift->unaccept_codes(@_) }
-sub unaccept_codes { # remove some codes
- my $this = shift;
- foreach my $new_code (@_) {
- next unless defined $new_code and length $new_code;
- if(ASCII) {
- # A good-enough check that it's good as an XML Name symbol:
- Carp::croak "\"$new_code\" isn't a valid element name"
- if $new_code =~
- m/[\x00-\x2C\x2F\x39\x3B-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/
- # Characters under 0x80 that aren't legal in an XML Name.
- or $new_code =~ m/^[-\.0-9]/s
- or $new_code =~ m/:[-\.0-9]/s;
- # The legal under-0x80 Name characters that
- # an XML Name still can't start with.
- }
- Carp::croak "But you must accept \"$new_code\" codes -- it's a builtin!"
- if grep $new_code eq $_, @Known_formatting_codes;
- delete $this->{'accept_codes'}{$new_code};
- DEBUG > 2 and print "OK, won't accept the code $new_code<...>.\n";
- }
- return;
-sub parse_string_document {
- my $self = shift;
- my @lines;
- foreach my $line_group (@_) {
- next unless defined $line_group and length $line_group;
- pos($line_group) = 0;
- while($line_group =~
- m/([^\n\r]*)((?:\r?\n)?)/g
- ) {
- #print(">> $1\n"),
- $self->parse_lines($1)
- if length($1) or length($2)
- or pos($line_group) != length($line_group);
- # I.e., unless it's a zero-length "empty line" at the very
- # end of "foo\nbar\n" (i.e., between the \n and the EOS).
- }
- }
- $self->parse_lines(undef); # to signal EOF
- return $self;
-sub _init_fh_source {
- my($self, $source) = @_;
- #DEBUG > 1 and print "Declaring $source as :raw for starters\n";
- #$self->_apply_binmode($source, ':raw');
- #binmode($source, ":raw");
- return;
-sub parse_file {
- my($self, $source) = (@_);
- if(!defined $source) {
- Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for parse_file");
- } elsif(ref(\$source) eq 'GLOB') {
- $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($source);
- } elsif(ref $source) {
- $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($source);
- } elsif(!length $source) {
- Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for parse_file");
- } else {
- {
- local *PODSOURCE;
- open(PODSOURCE, "<$source") || Carp::croak("Can't open $source: $!");
- $self->{'source_filename'} = $source;
- $source = *PODSOURCE{IO};
- }
- $self->_init_fh_source($source);
- }
- # By here, $source is a FH.
- $self->{'source_fh'} = $source;
- my($i, @lines);
- until( $self->{'source_dead'} ) {
- splice @lines;
- for($i = MANY_LINES; $i--;) { # read those many lines at a time
- local $/ = $NL;
- push @lines, scalar(<$source>); # readline
- last unless defined $lines[-1];
- # but pass thru the undef, which will set source_dead to true
- }
- $self->parse_lines(@lines);
- }
- delete($self->{'source_fh'}); # so it can be GC'd
- return $self;
-sub parse_from_file {
- # An emulation of Pod::Parser's interface, for the sake of Perldoc.
- # Basically just a wrapper around parse_file.
- my($self, $source, $to) = @_;
- $self = $self->new unless ref($self); # so we tolerate being a class method
- if(!defined $source) { $source = *STDIN{IO}
- } elsif(ref(\$source) eq 'GLOB') { # stet
- } elsif(ref($source) ) { # stet
- } elsif(!length $source
- or $source eq '-' or $source =~ m/^<&(STDIN|0)$/i
- ) {
- $source = *STDIN{IO};
- }
- if(!defined $to) { $self->output_fh( *STDOUT{IO} );
- } elsif(ref(\$to) eq 'GLOB') { $self->output_fh( $to );
- } elsif(ref($to)) { $self->output_fh( $to );
- } elsif(!length $to
- or $to eq '-' or $to =~ m/^>&?(?:STDOUT|1)$/i
- ) {
- $self->output_fh( *STDOUT{IO} );
- } else {
- require Symbol;
- my $out_fh = Symbol::gensym();
- DEBUG and print "Write-opening to $to\n";
- open($out_fh, ">$to") or Carp::croak "Can't write-open $to: $!";
- binmode($out_fh)
- if $self->can('write_with_binmode') and $self->write_with_binmode;
- $self->output_fh($out_fh);
- }
- return $self->parse_file($source);
-sub whine {
- #my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
- my $self = shift(@_);
- ++$self->{'errors_seen'};
- if($self->{'no_whining'}) {
- DEBUG > 9 and print "Discarding complaint (at line $_[0]) $_[1]\n because no_whining is on.\n";
- return;
- }
- return $self->_complain_warn(@_) if $self->{'complain_stderr'};
- return $self->_complain_errata(@_);
-sub scream { # like whine, but not suppressable
- #my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
- my $self = shift(@_);
- ++$self->{'errors_seen'};
- return $self->_complain_warn(@_) if $self->{'complain_stderr'};
- return $self->_complain_errata(@_);
-sub _complain_warn {
- my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
- return printf STDERR "%s around line %s: %s\n",
- $self->{'source_filename'} || 'Pod input', $line, $complaint;
-sub _complain_errata {
- my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
- if( $self->{'no_errata_section'} ) {
- DEBUG > 9 and print "Discarding erratum (at line $line) $complaint\n because no_errata_section is on.\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 9 and print "Queuing erratum (at line $line) $complaint\n";
- push @{$self->{'errata'}{$line}}, $complaint
- # for a report to be generated later!
- }
- return 1;
-sub _get_initial_item_type {
- # A hack-wrapper here for when you have like "=over\n\n=item 456\n\n"
- my($self, $para) = @_;
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} if $para->[1]{'~type'};
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'text'
- if join("\n", @{$para}[2 .. $#$para]) =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\.?\s*$/s and $1 ne '1';
- # Else fall thru to the general case:
- return $self->_get_item_type($para);
-sub _get_item_type { # mutates the item!!
- my($self, $para) = @_;
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} if $para->[1]{'~type'};
- # Otherwise we haven't yet been to this node. Maybe alter it...
- my $content = join "\n", @{$para}[2 .. $#$para];
- if($content =~ m/^\s*\*\s*$/s or $content =~ m/^\s*$/s) {
- # Like: "=item *", "=item * ", "=item"
- splice @$para, 2; # so it ends up just being ['=item', { attrhash } ]
- $para->[1]{'~orig_content'} = $content;
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'bullet';
- } elsif($content =~ m/^\s*\*\s+(.+)/s) { # tolerance
- # Like: "=item * Foo bar baz";
- $para->[1]{'~orig_content'} = $content;
- $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'} = $1;
- DEBUG > 2 and print " Tolerating $$para[2] as =item *\\n\\n$1\n";
- splice @$para, 2; # so it ends up just being ['=item', { attrhash } ]
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'bullet';
- } elsif($content =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\.?\s*$/s) {
- # Like: "=item 1.", "=item 123412"
- $para->[1]{'~orig_content'} = $content;
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $1; # Yes, stores the number there!
- splice @$para, 2; # so it ends up just being ['=item', { attrhash } ]
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'number';
- } else {
- # It's anything else.
- return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'text';
- }
-sub _make_treelet {
- my $self = shift; # and ($para, $start_line)
- my $treelet;
- if(!@_) {
- return [''];
- } if(ref $_[0] and ref $_[0][0] and $_[0][0][0] eq '~Top') {
- # Hack so we can pass in fake-o pre-cooked paragraphs:
- # just have the first line be a reference to a ['~Top', {}, ...]
- # We use this feechure in gen_errata and stuff.
- DEBUG and print "Applying precooked treelet hack to $_[0][0]\n";
- $treelet = $_[0][0];
- splice @$treelet, 0, 2; # lop the top off
- return $treelet;
- } else {
- $treelet = $self->_treelet_from_formatting_codes(@_);
- }
- if( $self->_remap_sequences($treelet) ) {
- $self->_treat_Zs($treelet); # Might as well nix these first
- $self->_treat_Ls($treelet); # L has to precede E and S
- $self->_treat_Es($treelet);
- $self->_treat_Ss($treelet); # S has to come after E
- $self->_wrap_up($treelet); # Nix X's and merge texties
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Formatless treelet gets fast-tracked.\n";
- # Very common case!
- }
- splice @$treelet, 0, 2; # lop the top off
- return $treelet;
-sub _wrap_up {
- my($self, @stack) = @_;
- my $nixx = $self->{'nix_X_codes'};
- my $merge = $self->{'merge_text' };
- return unless $nixx or $merge;
- DEBUG > 2 and print "\nStarting _wrap_up traversal.\n",
- $merge ? (" Merge mode on\n") : (),
- $nixx ? (" Nix-X mode on\n") : (),
- ;
- my($i, $treelet);
- while($treelet = shift @stack) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Considering children of this $treelet->[0] node...\n";
- for($i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Considering child at $i ", pretty($treelet->[$i]), "\n";
- if($nixx and ref $treelet->[$i] and $treelet->[$i][0] eq 'X') {
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Nixing X node at $i\n";
- splice(@$treelet, $i, 1); # just nix this node (and its descendants)
- # no need to back-update the counter just yet
- redo;
- } elsif($merge and $i != 2 and # non-initial
- !ref $treelet->[$i] and !ref $treelet->[$i - 1]
- ) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Merging ", $i-1,
- ":[$treelet->[$i-1]] and $i\:[$treelet->[$i]]\n";
- $treelet->[$i-1] .= ( splice(@$treelet, $i, 1) )[0];
- DEBUG > 4 and print " Now: ", $i-1, ":[$treelet->[$i-1]]\n";
- --$i;
- next;
- # since we just pulled the possibly last node out from under
- # ourselves, we can't just redo()
- } elsif( ref $treelet->[$i] ) {
- DEBUG > 4 and print " Enqueuing ", pretty($treelet->[$i]), " for traversal.\n";
- push @stack, $treelet->[$i];
- if($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'L') {
- my $thing;
- foreach my $attrname ('section', 'to') {
- if(defined($thing = $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname}) and ref $thing) {
- unshift @stack, $thing;
- DEBUG > 4 and print " +Enqueuing ",
- pretty( $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname} ),
- " as an attribute value to tweak.\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DEBUG > 2 and print "End of _wrap_up traversal.\n\n";
- return;
-sub _remap_sequences {
- my($self,@stack) = @_;
- if(@stack == 1 and @{ $stack[0] } == 3 and !ref $stack[0][2]) {
- # VERY common case: abort it.
- DEBUG and print "Skipping _remap_sequences: formatless treelet.\n";
- return 0;
- }
- my $map = ($self->{'accept_codes'} || die "NO accept_codes in $self?!?");
- my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};
- DEBUG > 2 and printf
- "\nAbout to start _remap_sequences on treelet from line %s.\n",
- $start_line || '[?]'
- ;
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Map: ",
- join('; ', map "$_=" . (
- ref($map->{$_}) ? join(",", @{$map->{$_}}) : $map->{$_}
- ),
- sort keys %$map ),
- ("B~C~E~F~I~L~S~X~Z" eq join '~', sort keys %$map)
- ? " (all normal)\n" : "\n"
- ;
- # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively! Whee!
- my($is, $was, $i, $treelet); # scratch
- while($treelet = shift @stack) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Considering children of this $treelet->[0] node...\n";
- for($i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
- next unless ref $treelet->[$i]; # text nodes are uninteresting
- DEBUG > 4 and print " Noting child $i : $treelet->[$i][0]<...>\n";
- $is = $treelet->[$i][0] = $map->{ $was = $treelet->[$i][0] };
- if( DEBUG > 3 ) {
- if(!defined $is) {
- print " Code $was<> is UNKNOWN!\n";
- } elsif($is eq $was) {
- DEBUG > 4 and print " Code $was<> stays the same.\n";
- } else {
- print " Code $was<> maps to ",
- ref($is)
- ? ( "tags ", map("$_<", @$is), '...', map('>', @$is), "\n" )
- : "tag $is<...>.\n";
- }
- }
- if(!defined $is) {
- $self->whine($start_line, "Deleting unknown formatting code $was<>");
- $is = $treelet->[$i][0] = '1'; # But saving the children!
- # I could also insert a leading "$was<" and tailing ">" as
- # children of this node, but something about that seems icky.
- }
- if(ref $is) {
- my @dynasty = @$is;
- DEBUG > 4 and print " Renaming $was node to $dynasty[-1]\n";
- $treelet->[$i][0] = pop @dynasty;
- my $nugget;
- while(@dynasty) {
- DEBUG > 4 and printf
- " Grafting a new %s node between %s and %s\n",
- $dynasty[-1], $treelet->[0], $treelet->[$i][0],
- ;
- #$nugget = ;
- splice @$treelet, $i, 1, [pop(@dynasty), {}, $treelet->[$i]];
- # relace node with a new parent
- }
- } elsif($is eq '0') {
- splice(@$treelet, $i, 1); # just nix this node (and its descendants)
- --$i; # back-update the counter
- } elsif($is eq '1') {
- splice(@$treelet, $i, 1 # replace this node with its children!
- => splice @{ $treelet->[$i] },2
- # (not catching its first two (non-child) items)
- );
- --$i; # back up for new stuff
- } else {
- # otherwise it's unremarkable
- unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # just recurse
- }
- }
- }
- DEBUG > 2 and print "End of _remap_sequences traversal.\n\n";
- if(@_ == 2 and @{ $_[1] } == 3 and !ref $_[1][2]) {
- DEBUG and print "Noting that the treelet is now formatless.\n";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub _ponder_extend {
- # "Go to an extreme, move back to a more comfortable place"
- # -- /Oblique Strategies/, Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt
- my($self, $para) = @_;
- my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
- $content =~ s/^\s+//s;
- $content =~ s/\s+$//s;
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Ogling extensor: =extend $content\n";
- if($content =~
- m/^
- (\S+) # 1 : new item
- \s+
- (\S+) # 2 : fallback(s)
- (?:\s+(\S+))? # 3 : element name(s)
- \s*
- $
- /xs
- ) {
- my $new_letter = $1;
- my $fallbacks_one = $2;
- my $elements_one;
- $elements_one = defined($3) ? $3 : $1;
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Extensor has good syntax.\n";
- unless($new_letter =~ m/^[A-Z]$/s or $new_letter) {
- DEBUG > 2 and print " $new_letter isn't a valid thing to entend.\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "You can extend only formatting codes A-Z, not like \"$new_letter\""
- );
- return;
- }
- if(grep $new_letter eq $_, @Known_formatting_codes) {
- DEBUG > 2 and print " $new_letter isn't a good thing to extend, because known.\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "You can't extend an established code like \"$new_letter\""
- );
- #TODO: or allow if last bit is same?
- return;
- }
- unless($fallbacks_one =~ m/^[A-Z](,[A-Z])*$/s # like "B", "M,I", etc.
- or $fallbacks_one eq '0' or $fallbacks_one eq '1'
- ) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Format for second =extend parameter must be like"
- . " M or 1 or 0 or M,N or M,N,O but you have it like "
- . $fallbacks_one
- );
- return;
- }
- unless($elements_one =~ m/^[^ ,]+(,[^ ,]+)*$/s) { # like "B", "M,I", etc.
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Format for third =extend parameter: like foo or bar,Baz,qu:ux but not like "
- . $elements_one
- );
- return;
- }
- my @fallbacks = split ',', $fallbacks_one, -1;
- my @elements = split ',', $elements_one, -1;
- foreach my $f (@fallbacks) {
- next if exists $Known_formatting_codes{$f} or $f eq '0' or $f eq '1';
- DEBUG > 2 and print " Can't fall back on unknown code $f\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Can't use unknown formatting code '$f' as a fallback for '$new_letter'"
- );
- return;
- }
- DEBUG > 3 and printf "Extensor: Fallbacks <%s> Elements <%s>.\n",
- @fallbacks, @elements;
- my $canonical_form;
- foreach my $e (@elements) {
- if(exists $self->{'accept_codes'}{$e}) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Mapping '$new_letter' to known extension '$e'\n";
- $canonical_form = $e;
- last; # first acceptable elementname wins!
- } else {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Can't map '$new_letter' to unknown extension '$e'\n";
- }
- }
- if( defined $canonical_form ) {
- # We found a good N => elementname mapping
- $self->{'accept_codes'}{$new_letter} = $canonical_form;
- DEBUG > 2 and print
- "Extensor maps $new_letter => known element $canonical_form.\n";
- } else {
- # We have to use the fallback(s), which might be '0', or '1'.
- $self->{'accept_codes'}{$new_letter}
- = (@fallbacks == 1) ? $fallbacks[0] : \@fallbacks;
- DEBUG > 2 and print
- "Extensor maps $new_letter => fallbacks @fallbacks.\n";
- }
- } else {
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Extensor has bad syntax.\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Unknown =extend syntax: $content"
- )
- }
- return;
-sub _treat_Zs { # Nix Z<...>'s
- my($self,@stack) = @_;
- my($i, $treelet);
- my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};
- # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively! Whee!
- while($treelet = shift @stack) {
- for($i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
- next unless ref $treelet->[$i]; # text nodes are uninteresting
- unless($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'Z') {
- unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
- next;
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Nixing Z node @{$treelet->[$i]}\n";
- # bitch UNLESS it's empty
- unless( @{$treelet->[$i]} == 2
- or (@{$treelet->[$i]} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq '')
- ) {
- $self->whine( $start_line, "A non-empty Z<>" );
- } # but kill it anyway
- splice(@$treelet, $i, 1); # thereby just nix this node.
- --$i;
- }
- }
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-# Quoting perlpodspec:
-# In parsing an L<...> code, Pod parsers must distinguish at least four
-# attributes:
-############# Not used. Expressed via the element children plus
-############# the value of the "content-implicit" flag.
-# First:
-# The link-text. If there is none, this must be undef. (E.g., in "L<Perl
-# Functions|perlfunc>", the link-text is "Perl Functions". In
-# "L<Time::HiRes>" and even "L<|Time::HiRes>", there is no link text. Note
-# that link text may contain formatting.)
-############# The element children
-# Second:
-# The possibly inferred link-text -- i.e., if there was no real link text,
-# then this is the text that we'll infer in its place. (E.g., for
-# "L<Getopt::Std>", the inferred link text is "Getopt::Std".)
-############# The "to" attribute (which might be text, or a treelet)
-# Third:
-# The name or URL, or undef if none. (E.g., in "L<Perl
-# Functions|perlfunc>", the name -- also sometimes called the page -- is
-# "perlfunc". In "L</CAVEATS>", the name is undef.)
-############# The "section" attribute (which might be next, or a treelet)
-# Fourth:
-# The section (AKA "item" in older perlpods), or undef if none. E.g., in
-# Getopt::Std/DESCRIPTION, "DESCRIPTION" is the section. (Note that this
-# is not the same as a manpage section like the "5" in "man 5 crontab".
-# "Section Foo" in the Pod sense means the part of the text that's
-# introduced by the heading or item whose text is "Foo".)
-# Pod parsers may also note additional attributes including:
-############# The "type" attribute.
-# Fifth:
-# A flag for whether item 3 (if present) is a URL (like
-# "" is), in which case there should be no section
-# attribute; a Pod name (like "perldoc" and "Getopt::Std" are); or
-# possibly a man page name (like "crontab(5)" is).
-############# Not implemented, I guess.
-# Sixth:
-# The raw original L<...> content, before text is split on "|", "/", etc,
-# and before E<...> codes are expanded.
-# For L<...> codes without a "name|" part, only E<...> and Z<> codes may
-# occur -- no other formatting codes. That is, authors should not use
-# "L<B<Foo::Bar>>".
-# Note, however, that formatting codes and Z<>'s can occur in any and all
-# parts of an L<...> (i.e., in name, section, text, and url).
-sub _treat_Ls { # Process our dear dear friends, the L<...> sequences
- # L<name>
- # L<name/"sec"> or L<name/sec>
- # L</"sec"> or L</sec> or L<"sec">
- # L<text|name>
- # L<text|name/"sec"> or L<text|name/sec>
- # L<text|/"sec"> or L<text|/sec> or L<text|"sec">
- # L<scheme:...>
- # Ltext|scheme:...>
- my($self,@stack) = @_;
- my($i, $treelet);
- my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};
- # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively! Whee!
- while($treelet = shift @stack) {
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) {
- # iterate over children of current tree node
- next unless ref $treelet->[$i]; # text nodes are uninteresting
- unless($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'L') {
- unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
- next;
- }
- # By here, $treelet->[$i] is definitely an L node
- my $ell = $treelet->[$i];
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Ogling L node $ell\n";
- # bitch if it's empty
- if( @{$ell} == 2
- or (@{$ell} == 3 and $ell->[2] eq '')
- ) {
- $self->whine( $start_line, "An empty L<>" );
- $treelet->[$i] = 'L<>'; # just make it a text node
- next; # and move on
- }
- # Catch URLs:
- # there are a number of possible cases:
- # 1) text node containing url:
- # -> [ '' ]
- # 2) text node containing url and text: foo|
- # -> [ 'foo|' ]
- # 3) text node containing url start: mailto:xE<at>
- # -> [ 'mailto:x', [ E ... ], '' ]
- # 4) text node containing url start and text: foo|mailto:xE<at>
- # -> [ 'foo|mailto:x', [ E ... ], '' ]
- # 5) other nodes containing text and url start: OE<39>Malley|
- # -> [ 'O', [ E ... ], 'Malley', '|' ]
- # ... etc.
- # anything before the url is part of the text.
- # anything after it is part of the url.
- # the url text node itself may contain parts of both.
- if (my ($url_index, $text_part, $url_part) =
- # grep is no good here; we want to bail out immediately so that we can
- # use $1, $2, etc. without having to do the match twice.
- sub {
- for (2..$#$ell) {
- next if ref $ell->[$_];
- next unless $ell->[$_] =~ m/^(?:([^|]*)\|)?(\w+:[^:\s]\S*)$/s;
- return ($_, $1, $2);
- }
- return;
- }->()
- ) {
- $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'url';
- my @text = @{$ell}[2..$url_index-1];
- push @text, $text_part if defined $text_part;
- my @url = @{$ell}[$url_index+1..$#$ell];
- unshift @url, $url_part;
- unless (@text) {
- $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
- @text = @url;
- }
- $ell->[1]{to} = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new(
- @url == 1
- ? $url[0]
- : [ '', {}, @url ],
- );
- splice @$ell, 2, $#$ell, @text;
- next;
- }
- # Catch some very simple and/or common cases
- if(@{$ell} == 3 and ! ref $ell->[2]) {
- my $it = $ell->[2];
- if($it =~ m/^[-a-zA-Z0-9]+\([-a-zA-Z0-9]+\)$/s) { # man sections
- # Hopefully neither too broad nor too restrictive a RE
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Catching \"$it\" as manpage link.\n";
- $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'man';
- # This's the only place where man links can get made.
- $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
- $ell->[1]{'to' } =
- Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new( $it ); # treelet!
- next;
- }
- if($it =~ m/^[^\/\|,\$\%\@\ \"\<\>\:\#\&\*\{\}\[\]\(\)]+(\:\:[^\/\|,\$\%\@\ \"\<\>\:\#\&\*\{\}\[\]\(\)]+)*$/s) {
- # Extremely forgiving idea of what constitutes a bare
- # modulename link like L<Foo::Bar> or even L<Thing::1.0::Docs::Tralala>
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Catching \"$it\" as ho-hum L<Modulename> link.\n";
- $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'pod';
- $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
- $ell->[1]{'to' } =
- Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new( $it ); # treelet!
- next;
- }
- # else fall thru...
- }
- # ...Uhoh, here's the real L<...> parsing stuff...
- # "With the ill behavior, with the ill behavior, with the ill behavior..."
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Running a real parse on this non-trivial L\n";
- my $link_text; # set to an arrayref if found
- my @ell_content = @$ell;
- splice @ell_content,0,2; # Knock off the 'L' and {} bits
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Ell content to start: ",
- pretty(@ell_content), "\n";
- # Look for the "|" -- only in CHILDREN (not all underlings!)
- # Like L<I like the strictness|strict>
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " Peering at L content for a '|' ...\n";
- for(my $j = 0; $j < @ell_content; ++$j) {
- next if ref $ell_content[$j];
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " Peering at L-content text bit \"$ell_content[$j]\" for a '|'.\n";
- if($ell_content[$j] =~ m/^([^\|]*)\|(.*)$/s) {
- my @link_text = ($1); # might be 0-length
- $ell_content[$j] = $2; # might be 0-length
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " FOUND a '|' in it. Splitting into [$1] + [$2]\n";
- unshift @link_text, splice @ell_content, 0, $j;
- # leaving only things at J and after
- @ell_content = grep ref($_)||length($_), @ell_content ;
- $link_text = [grep ref($_)||length($_), @link_text ];
- DEBUG > 3 and printf
- " So link text is %s\n and remaining ell content is %s\n",
- pretty($link_text), pretty(@ell_content);
- last;
- }
- }
- # Now look for the "/" -- only in CHILDREN (not all underlings!)
- # And afterward, anything left in @ell_content will be the raw name
- # Like L<Foo::Bar/Object Methods>
- my $section_name; # set to arrayref if found
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Peering at L-content for a '/' ...\n";
- for(my $j = 0; $j < @ell_content; ++$j) {
- next if ref $ell_content[$j];
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " Peering at L-content text bit \"$ell_content[$j]\" for a '/'.\n";
- if($ell_content[$j] =~ m/^([^\/]*)\/(.*)$/s) {
- my @section_name = ($2); # might be 0-length
- $ell_content[$j] = $1; # might be 0-length
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " FOUND a '/' in it.",
- " Splitting to page [...$1] + section [$2...]\n";
- push @section_name, splice @ell_content, 1+$j;
- # leaving only things before and including J
- @ell_content = grep ref($_)||length($_), @ell_content ;
- @section_name = grep ref($_)||length($_), @section_name ;
- # Turn L<.../"foo"> into L<.../foo>
- if(@section_name
- and !ref($section_name[0]) and !ref($section_name[-1])
- and $section_name[ 0] =~ m/^\"/s
- and $section_name[-1] =~ m/\"$/s
- and !( # catch weird degenerate case of L<"> !
- @section_name == 1 and $section_name[0] eq '"'
- )
- ) {
- $section_name[ 0] =~ s/^\"//s;
- $section_name[-1] =~ s/\"$//s;
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " Quotes removed: ", pretty(@section_name), "\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 3 and
- print " No need to remove quotes in ", pretty(@section_name), "\n";
- }
- $section_name = \@section_name;
- last;
- }
- }
- # Turn L<"Foo Bar"> into L</Foo Bar>
- if(!$section_name and @ell_content
- and !ref($ell_content[0]) and !ref($ell_content[-1])
- and $ell_content[ 0] =~ m/^\"/s
- and $ell_content[-1] =~ m/\"$/s
- and !( # catch weird degenerate case of L<"> !
- @ell_content == 1 and $ell_content[0] eq '"'
- )
- ) {
- $section_name = [splice @ell_content];
- $section_name->[ 0] =~ s/^\"//s;
- $section_name->[-1] =~ s/\"$//s;
- }
- # Turn L<Foo Bar> into L</Foo Bar>.
- if(!$section_name and !$link_text and @ell_content
- and grep !ref($_) && m/ /s, @ell_content
- ) {
- $section_name = [splice @ell_content];
- # That's support for the now-deprecated syntax.
- # (Maybe generate a warning eventually?)
- # Note that it deliberately won't work on L<...|Foo Bar>
- }
- # Now make up the link_text
- # L<Foo> -> L<Foo|Foo>
- # L</Bar> -> L<"Bar"|Bar>
- # L<Foo/Bar> -> L<"Bar" in Foo/Foo>
- unless($link_text) {
- $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
- $link_text = [];
- push @$link_text, '"', @$section_name, '"' if $section_name;
- if(@ell_content) {
- $link_text->[-1] .= ' in ' if $section_name;
- push @$link_text, @ell_content;
- }
- }
- # And the E resolver will have to deal with all our treeletty things:
- if(@ell_content == 1 and !ref($ell_content[0])
- and $ell_content[0] =~ m/^[-a-zA-Z0-9]+\([-a-zA-Z0-9]+\)$/s
- ) {
- $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'man';
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Considering this ($ell_content[0]) a man link.\n";
- } else {
- $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'pod';
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Considering this a pod link (not man or url).\n";
- }
- if( defined $section_name ) {
- $ell->[1]{'section'} = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new(
- ['', {}, @$section_name]
- );
- DEBUG > 3 and print "L-section content: ", pretty($ell->[1]{'section'}), "\n";
- }
- if( @ell_content ) {
- $ell->[1]{'to'} = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new(
- ['', {}, @ell_content]
- );
- DEBUG > 3 and print "L-to content: ", pretty($ell->[1]{'to'}), "\n";
- }
- # And update children to be the link-text:
- @$ell = (@$ell[0,1], defined($link_text) ? splice(@$link_text) : '');
- DEBUG > 2 and print "End of L-parsing for this node $treelet->[$i]\n";
- unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # might as well recurse
- }
- }
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub _treat_Es {
- my($self,@stack) = @_;
- my($i, $treelet, $content, $replacer, $charnum);
- my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};
- # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively! Whee!
- # Has frightening side effects on L nodes' attributes.
- #my @ells_to_tweak;
- while($treelet = shift @stack) {
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
- next unless ref $treelet->[$i]; # text nodes are uninteresting
- if($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'L') {
- # SPECIAL STUFF for semi-processed L<>'s
- my $thing;
- foreach my $attrname ('section', 'to') {
- if(defined($thing = $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname}) and ref $thing) {
- unshift @stack, $thing;
- DEBUG > 2 and print " Enqueuing ",
- pretty( $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname} ),
- " as an attribute value to tweak.\n";
- }
- }
- unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
- next;
- } elsif($treelet->[$i][0] ne 'E') {
- unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
- next;
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Ogling E node ", pretty($treelet->[$i]), "\n";
- # bitch if it's empty
- if( @{$treelet->[$i]} == 2
- or (@{$treelet->[$i]} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq '')
- ) {
- $self->whine( $start_line, "An empty E<>" );
- $treelet->[$i] = 'E<>'; # splice in a literal
- next;
- }
- # bitch if content is weird
- unless(@{$treelet->[$i]} == 3 and !ref($content = $treelet->[$i][2])) {
- $self->whine( $start_line, "An E<...> surrounding strange content" );
- $replacer = $treelet->[$i]; # scratch
- splice(@$treelet, $i, 1, # fake out a literal
- 'E<',
- splice(@$replacer,2), # promote its content
- '>'
- );
- # Don't need to do --$i, as the 'E<' we just added isn't interesting.
- next;
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Ogling E<$content>\n";
- $charnum = Pod::Escapes::e2charnum($content);
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Considering E<$content> with char ",
- defined($charnum) ? $charnum : "undef", ".\n";
- if(!defined( $charnum )) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "I don't know how to deal with E<$content>.\n";
- $self->whine( $start_line, "Unknown E content in E<$content>" );
- $replacer = "E<$content>"; # better than nothing
- } elsif($charnum >= 255 and !UNICODE) {
- $replacer = ASCII ? "\xA4" : "?";
- DEBUG > 1 and print "This Perl version can't handle ",
- "E<$content> (chr $charnum), so replacing with $replacer\n";
- } else {
- $replacer = Pod::Escapes::e2char($content);
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Replacing E<$content> with $replacer\n";
- }
- splice(@$treelet, $i, 1, $replacer); # no need to back up $i, tho
- }
- }
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub _treat_Ss {
- my($self,$treelet) = @_;
- _change_S_to_nbsp($treelet,0) if $self->{'nbsp_for_S'};
- # TODO: or a change_nbsp_to_S
- # Normalizing nbsp's to S is harder: for each text node, make S content
- # out of anything matching m/([^ \xA0]*(?:\xA0+[^ \xA0]*)+)/
- return;
-sub _change_S_to_nbsp { # a recursive function
- # Sanely assumes that the top node in the excursion won't be an S node.
- my($treelet, $in_s) = @_;
- my $is_s = ('S' eq $treelet->[0]);
- $in_s ||= $is_s; # So in_s is on either by this being an S element,
- # or by an ancestor being an S element.
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) {
- if(ref $treelet->[$i]) {
- if( _change_S_to_nbsp( $treelet->[$i], $in_s ) ) {
- my $to_pull_up = $treelet->[$i];
- splice @$to_pull_up,0,2; # ...leaving just its content
- splice @$treelet, $i, 1, @$to_pull_up; # Pull up content
- $i += @$to_pull_up - 1; # Make $i skip the pulled-up stuff
- }
- } else {
- $treelet->[$i] =~ s/\s/\xA0/g if ASCII and $in_s;
- # (If not in ASCIIland, we can't assume that \xA0 == nbsp.)
- # Note that if you apply nbsp_for_S to text, and so turn
- # "foo S<bar baz> quux" into "foo bar&#160;faz quux", you
- # end up with something that fails to say "and don't hyphenate
- # any part of 'bar baz'". However, hyphenation is such a vexing
- # problem anyway, that most Pod renderers just don't render it
- # at all. But if you do want to implement hyphenation, I guess
- # that you'd better have nbsp_for_S off.
- }
- }
- return $is_s;
-sub _accessorize { # A simple-minded method-maker
- no strict 'refs';
- foreach my $attrname (@_) {
- next if $attrname =~ m/::/; # a hack
- *{caller() . '::' . $attrname} = sub {
- use strict;
- $Carp::CarpLevel = 1, Carp::croak(
- "Accessor usage: \$obj->$attrname() or \$obj->$attrname(\$new_value)"
- ) unless (@_ == 1 or @_ == 2) and ref $_[0];
- (@_ == 1) ? $_[0]->{$attrname}
- : ($_[0]->{$attrname} = $_[1]);
- };
- }
- # Ya know, they say accessories make the ensemble!
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub filter {
- my($class, $source) = @_;
- my $new = $class->new;
- $new->output_fh(*STDOUT{IO});
- if(ref($source || '') eq 'SCALAR') {
- $new->parse_string_document( $$source );
- } elsif(ref($source)) { # it's a file handle
- $new->parse_file($source);
- } else { # it's a filename
- $new->parse_file($source);
- }
- return $new;
-sub _out {
- # For use in testing: Class->_out($source)
- # returns the transformation of $source
- my $class = shift(@_);
- my $mutor = shift(@_) if @_ and ref($_[0] || '') eq 'CODE';
- DEBUG and print "\n\n", '#' x 76,
- "\nAbout to parse source: {{\n$_[0]\n}}\n\n";
- my $parser = ref $class && $class->isa(__PACKAGE__) ? $class : $class->new;
- $parser->hide_line_numbers(1);
- my $out = '';
- $parser->output_string( \$out );
- DEBUG and print " _out to ", \$out, "\n";
- $mutor->($parser) if $mutor;
- $parser->parse_string_document( $_[0] );
- # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($parser), "\n";
- return $out;
-sub _duo {
- # For use in testing: Class->_duo($source1, $source2)
- # returns the parse trees of $source1 and $source2.
- # Good in things like: &ok( Class->duo(... , ...) );
- my $class = shift(@_);
- Carp::croak "But $class->_duo is useful only in list context!"
- unless wantarray;
- my $mutor = shift(@_) if @_ and ref($_[0] || '') eq 'CODE';
- Carp::croak "But $class->_duo takes two parameters, not: @_"
- unless @_ == 2;
- my(@out);
- while( @_ ) {
- my $parser = $class->new;
- push @out, '';
- $parser->output_string( \( $out[-1] ) );
- DEBUG and print " _duo out to ", $parser->output_string(),
- " = $parser->{'output_string'}\n";
- $parser->hide_line_numbers(1);
- $mutor->($parser) if $mutor;
- $parser->parse_string_document( shift( @_ ) );
- # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($parser), "\n";
- }
- return @out;
-A start_formatting_code and end_formatting_code methods, which in the
-base class call start_L, end_L, start_C, end_C, etc., if they are
-have the POD FORMATTING ERRORS section note the localtime, and the
-version of Pod::Simple.
-option to delete all E<shy>s?
-option to scream if under-0x20 literals are found in the input, or
-under-E<32> E codes are found in the tree. And ditto \x7f-\x9f
-Option to turn highbit characters into their compromised form? (applies
-to E parsing too)
-TODO: BOM/encoding things.
-TODO: ascii-compat things in the XML classes?
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index a58217336a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple - framework for parsing Pod
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Pod::Simple is a Perl library for parsing text in the Pod ("plain old
-documentation") markup language that is typically used for writing
-documentation for Perl and for Perl modules. The Pod format is explained
-in the L<perlpod|perlpod> man page; the most common formatter is called
-Pod formatters can use Pod::Simple to parse Pod documents into produce
-renderings of them in plain ASCII, in HTML, or in any number of other
-formats. Typically, such formatters will be subclasses of Pod::Simple,
-and so they will inherit its methods, like C<parse_file>.
-If you're reading this document just because you have a Pod-processing
-subclass that you want to use, this document (plus the documentation for
-the subclass) is probably all you'll need to read.
-If you're reading this document because you want to write a formatter
-subclass, continue reading this document, and then read
-L<Pod::Simple::Subclassing>, and then possibly even read L<perlpodspec>
-(some of which is for parser-writers, but much of which is notes to
-=item C<< $parser = I<SomeClass>->new(); >>
-This returns a new parser object, where I<C<SomeClass>> is a subclass
-of Pod::Simple.
-=item C<< $parser->output_fh( *OUT ); >>
-This sets the filehandle that C<$parser>'s output will be written to.
-You can pass C<*STDOUT>, otherwise you should probably do something
-like this:
- my $outfile = "output.txt";
- open TXTOUT, ">$outfile" or die "Can't write to $outfile: $!";
- $parser->output_fh(*TXTOUT);
-...before you call one of the C<< $parser->parse_I<whatever> >> methods.
-=item C<< $parser->output_string( \$somestring ); >>
-This sets the string that C<$parser>'s output will be sent to,
-instead of any filehandle.
-=item C<< $parser->parse_file( I<$some_filename> ); >>
-=item C<< $parser->parse_file( *INPUT_FH ); >>
-This reads the Pod content of the file (or filehandle) that you specify,
-and processes it with that C<$parser> object, according to however
-C<$parser>'s class works, and according to whatever parser options you
-have set up for this C<$parser> object.
-=item C<< $parser->parse_string_document( I<$all_content> ); >>
-This works just like C<parse_file> except that it reads the Pod
-content not from a file, but from a string that you have already
-in memory.
-=item C<< $parser->parse_lines( I<...@lines...>, undef ); >>
-This processes the lines in C<@lines> (where each list item must be a
-defined value, and must contain exactly one line of content -- so no
-items like C<"foo\nbar"> are allowed). The final C<undef> is used to
-indicate the end of document being parsed.
-The other C<parser_I<whatever>> methods are meant to be called only once
-per C<$parser> object; but C<parse_lines> can be called as many times per
-C<$parser> object as you want, as long as the last call (and only
-the last call) ends with an C<undef> value.
-=item C<< $parser->content_seen >>
-This returns true only if there has been any real content seen
-for this document.
-=item C<< I<SomeClass>->filter( I<$filename> ); >>
-=item C<< I<SomeClass>->filter( I<*INPUT_FH> ); >>
-=item C<< I<SomeClass>->filter( I<\$document_content> ); >>
-This is a shortcut method for creating a new parser object, setting the
-output handle to STDOUT, and then processing the specified file (or
-filehandle, or in-memory document). This is handy for one-liners like
- perl -MPod::Simple::Text -e "Pod::Simple::Text->filter('thingy.pod')"
-Some of these methods might be of interest to general users, as
-well as of interest to formatter-writers.
-Note that the general pattern here is that the accessor-methods
-read the attribute's value with C<< $value = $parser->I<attribute> >>
-and set the attribute's value with
-C<< $parser->I<attribute>(I<newvalue>) >>. For each accessor, I typically
-only mention one syntax or another, based on which I think you are actually
-most likely to use.
-=item C<< $parser->no_whining( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-If you set this attribute to a true value, you will suppress the
-parser's complaints about irregularities in the Pod coding. By default,
-this attribute's value is false, meaning that irregularities will
-be reported.
-Note that turning this attribute to true won't suppress one or two kinds
-of complaints about rarely occurring unrecoverable errors.
-=item C<< $parser->no_errata_section( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-If you set this attribute to a true value, you will stop the parser from
-generating a "POD ERRORS" section at the end of the document. By
-default, this attribute's value is false, meaning that an errata section
-will be generated, as necessary.
-=item C<< $parser->complain_stderr( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-If you set this attribute to a true value, it will send reports of
-parsing errors to STDERR. By default, this attribute's value is false,
-meaning that no output is sent to STDERR.
-Note that errors can be noted in an errata section, or sent to STDERR,
-or both, or neither. So don't think that turning on C<complain_stderr>
-will turn off C<no_errata_section> or vice versa -- these are
-independent attributes.
-=item C<< $parser->source_filename >>
-This returns the filename that this parser object was set to read from.
-=item C<< $parser->doc_has_started >>
-This returns true if C<$parser> has read from a source, and has seen
-Pod content in it.
-=item C<< $parser->source_dead >>
-This returns true if C<$parser> has read from a source, and come to the
-end of that source.
-=head1 CAVEATS
-This is just a beta release -- there are a good number of things still
-left to do. Notably, support for EBCDIC platforms is still half-done,
-an untested.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Original author: Sean M. Burke C<>
-Maintained by:
-=item * Allison Randal C<>
-=item * Hans Dieter Pearcey C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4804973a2e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1919 +0,0 @@
-package Pod::Simple::BlackBox;
-# "What's in the box?" "Pain."
-# This is where all the scary things happen: parsing lines into
-# paragraphs; and then into directives, verbatims, and then also
-# turning formatting sequences into treelets.
-# Are you really sure you want to read this code?
-# The basic work of this module Pod::Simple::BlackBox is doing the dirty work
-# of parsing Pod into treelets (generally one per non-verbatim paragraph), and
-# to call the proper callbacks on the treelets.
-# Every node in a treelet is a ['name', {attrhash}, ...children...]
-use integer; # vroom!
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
- require Pod::Simple;
- *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG
-sub parse_line { shift->parse_lines(@_) } # alias
-# - - - Turn back now! Run away! - - -
-sub parse_lines { # Usage: $parser->parse_lines(@lines)
- # an undef means end-of-stream
- my $self = shift;
- my $code_handler = $self->{'code_handler'};
- my $cut_handler = $self->{'cut_handler'};
- $self->{'line_count'} ||= 0;
- my $scratch;
- DEBUG > 4 and
- print "# Parsing starting at line ", $self->{'line_count'}, ".\n";
- DEBUG > 5 and
- print "# About to parse lines: ",
- join(' ', map defined($_) ? "[$_]" : "EOF", @_), "\n";
- my $paras = ($self->{'paras'} ||= []);
- # paragraph buffer. Because we need to defer processing of =over
- # directives and verbatim paragraphs. We call _ponder_paragraph_buffer
- # to process this.
- $self->{'pod_para_count'} ||= 0;
- my $line;
- foreach my $source_line (@_) {
- if( $self->{'source_dead'} ) {
- DEBUG > 4 and print "# Source is dead.\n";
- last;
- }
- unless( defined $source_line ) {
- DEBUG > 4 and print "# Undef-line seen.\n";
- push @$paras, ['~end', {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}];
- push @$paras, $paras->[-1], $paras->[-1];
- # So that it definitely fills the buffer.
- $self->{'source_dead'} = 1;
- $self->_ponder_paragraph_buffer;
- next;
- }
- if( $self->{'line_count'}++ ) {
- ($line = $source_line) =~ tr/\n\r//d;
- # If we don't have two vars, we'll end up with that there
- # tr/// modding the (potentially read-only) original source line!
- } else {
- DEBUG > 2 and print "First line: [$source_line]\n";
- if( ($line = $source_line) =~ s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//s ) {
- DEBUG and print "UTF-8 BOM seen. Faking a '=encode utf8'.\n";
- $self->_handle_encoding_line( "=encode utf8" );
- $line =~ tr/\n\r//d;
- } elsif( $line =~ s/^\xFE\xFF//s ) {
- DEBUG and print "Big-endian UTF-16 BOM seen. Aborting parsing.\n";
- $self->scream(
- $self->{'line_count'},
- "UTF16-BE Byte Encoding Mark found; but Pod::Simple v$Pod::Simple::VERSION doesn't implement UTF16 yet."
- );
- splice @_;
- push @_, undef;
- next;
- # TODO: implement somehow?
- } elsif( $line =~ s/^\xFF\xFE//s ) {
- DEBUG and print "Little-endian UTF-16 BOM seen. Aborting parsing.\n";
- $self->scream(
- $self->{'line_count'},
- "UTF16-LE Byte Encoding Mark found; but Pod::Simple v$Pod::Simple::VERSION doesn't implement UTF16 yet."
- );
- splice @_;
- push @_, undef;
- next;
- # TODO: implement somehow?
- } else {
- DEBUG > 2 and print "First line is BOM-less.\n";
- ($line = $source_line) =~ tr/\n\r//d;
- }
- }
- DEBUG > 5 and print "# Parsing line: [$line]\n";
- if(!$self->{'in_pod'}) {
- if($line =~ m/^=([a-zA-Z]+)/s) {
- if($1 eq 'cut') {
- $self->scream(
- $self->{'line_count'},
- "=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block."
- );
- ## Before there were errata sections in the world, it was
- ## least-pessimal to abort processing the file. But now we can
- ## just barrel on thru (but still not start a pod block).
- #splice @_;
- #push @_, undef;
- next;
- } else {
- $self->{'in_pod'} = $self->{'start_of_pod_block'}
- = $self->{'last_was_blank'} = 1;
- # And fall thru to the pod-mode block further down
- }
- } else {
- DEBUG > 5 and print "# It's a code-line.\n";
- $code_handler->(map $_, $line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self)
- if $code_handler;
- # Note: this may cause code to be processed out of order relative
- # to pods, but in order relative to cuts.
- # Note also that we haven't yet applied the transcoding to $line
- # by time we call $code_handler!
- if( $line =~ m/^#\s*line\s+(\d+)\s*(?:\s"([^"]+)")?\s*$/ ) {
- # That RE is from perlsyn, section "Plain Old Comments (Not!)",
- #$fname = $2 if defined $2;
- #DEBUG > 1 and defined $2 and print "# Setting fname to \"$fname\"\n";
- DEBUG > 1 and print "# Setting nextline to $1\n";
- $self->{'line_count'} = $1 - 1;
- }
- next;
- }
- }
- # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- # Else we're in pod mode:
- # Apply any necessary transcoding:
- $self->{'_transcoder'} && $self->{'_transcoder'}->($line);
- # HERE WE CATCH =encoding EARLY!
- if( $line =~ m/^=encoding\s+\S+\s*$/s ) {
- $line = $self->_handle_encoding_line( $line );
- }
- if($line =~ m/^=cut/s) {
- # here ends the pod block, and therefore the previous pod para
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Noting =cut at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- $self->{'in_pod'} = 0;
- # ++$self->{'pod_para_count'};
- $self->_ponder_paragraph_buffer();
- # by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
- $cut_handler->(map $_, $line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self)
- if $cut_handler;
- # TODO: add to docs: Note: this may cause cuts to be processed out
- # of order relative to pods, but in order relative to code.
- } elsif($line =~ m/^\s*$/s) { # it's a blank line
- if(!$self->{'start_of_pod_block'} and @$paras and $paras->[-1][0] eq '~Verbatim') {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Saving blank line at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- push @{$paras->[-1]}, $line;
- } # otherwise it's not interesting
- if(!$self->{'start_of_pod_block'} and !$self->{'last_was_blank'}) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Noting para ends with blank line at ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- }
- $self->{'last_was_blank'} = 1;
- } elsif($self->{'last_was_blank'}) { # A non-blank line starting a new para...
- if($line =~ m/^(=[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?:\s+|$)(.*)/s) {
- my $new = [$1, {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}, $2];
- # Note that in "=head1 foo", the WS is lost.
- # Example: ['=head1', {'start_line' => 123}, ' foo']
- ++$self->{'pod_para_count'};
- $self->_ponder_paragraph_buffer();
- # by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
- push @$paras, $new; # the new incipient paragraph
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Starting new ${$paras}[-1][0] para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- } elsif($line =~ m/^\s/s) {
- if(!$self->{'start_of_pod_block'} and @$paras and $paras->[-1][0] eq '~Verbatim') {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Resuming verbatim para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- push @{$paras->[-1]}, $line;
- } else {
- ++$self->{'pod_para_count'};
- $self->_ponder_paragraph_buffer();
- # by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Starting verbatim para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- push @$paras, ['~Verbatim', {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}, $line];
- }
- } else {
- ++$self->{'pod_para_count'};
- $self->_ponder_paragraph_buffer();
- # by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
- push @$paras, ['~Para', {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}, $line];
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Starting plain para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
- }
- $self->{'last_was_blank'} = $self->{'start_of_pod_block'} = 0;
- } else {
- # It's a non-blank line /continuing/ the current para
- if(@$paras) {
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Line ${$self}{'line_count'} continues current paragraph\n";
- push @{$paras->[-1]}, $line;
- } else {
- # Unexpected case!
- die "Continuing a paragraph but \@\$paras is empty?";
- }
- $self->{'last_was_blank'} = $self->{'start_of_pod_block'} = 0;
- }
- } # ends the big while loop
- DEBUG > 1 and print(pretty(@$paras), "\n");
- return $self;
-sub _handle_encoding_line {
- my($self, $line) = @_;
- # The point of this routine is to set $self->{'_transcoder'} as indicated.
- return $line unless $line =~ m/^=encoding\s+(\S+)\s*$/s;
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Found an encoding line \"=encoding $1\"\n";
- my $e = $1;
- my $orig = $e;
- push @{ $self->{'encoding_command_reqs'} }, "=encoding $orig";
- my $enc_error;
- # Cf. perldoc Encode and perldoc Encode::Supported
- require Pod::Simple::Transcode;
- if( $self->{'encoding'} ) {
- my $norm_current = $self->{'encoding'};
- my $norm_e = $e;
- foreach my $that ($norm_current, $norm_e) {
- $that = lc($that);
- $that =~ s/[-_]//g;
- }
- if($norm_current eq $norm_e) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "The '=encoding $orig' line is ",
- "redundant. ($norm_current eq $norm_e). Ignoring.\n";
- $enc_error = '';
- # But that doesn't necessarily mean that the earlier one went okay
- } else {
- $enc_error = "Encoding is already set to " . $self->{'encoding'};
- DEBUG > 1 and print $enc_error;
- }
- } elsif (
- # OK, let's turn on the encoding
- do {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Setting encoding to $e\n";
- $self->{'encoding'} = $e;
- 1;
- }
- and $e eq 'HACKRAW'
- ) {
- DEBUG and print " Putting in HACKRAW (no-op) encoding mode.\n";
- } elsif( Pod::Simple::Transcode::->encoding_is_available($e) ) {
- die($enc_error = "WHAT? _transcoder is already set?!")
- if $self->{'_transcoder'}; # should never happen
- require Pod::Simple::Transcode;
- $self->{'_transcoder'} = Pod::Simple::Transcode::->make_transcoder($e);
- eval {
- my @x = ('', "abc", "123");
- $self->{'_transcoder'}->(@x);
- };
- $@ && die( $enc_error =
- "Really unexpected error setting up encoding $e: $@\nAborting"
- );
- } else {
- my @supported = Pod::Simple::Transcode::->all_encodings;
- # Note unsupported, and complain
- DEBUG and print " Encoding [$e] is unsupported.",
- "\nSupporteds: @supported\n";
- my $suggestion = '';
- # Look for a near match:
- my $norm = lc($e);
- $norm =~ tr[-_][]d;
- my $n;
- foreach my $enc (@supported) {
- $n = lc($enc);
- $n =~ tr[-_][]d;
- next unless $n eq $norm;
- $suggestion = " (Maybe \"$e\" should be \"$enc\"?)";
- last;
- }
- my $encmodver = Pod::Simple::Transcode::->encmodver;
- $enc_error = join '' =>
- "This document probably does not appear as it should, because its ",
- "\"=encoding $e\" line calls for an unsupported encoding.",
- $suggestion, " [$encmodver\'s supported encodings are: @supported]"
- ;
- $self->scream( $self->{'line_count'}, $enc_error );
- }
- push @{ $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'} }, $enc_error;
- return '=encoding ALREADYDONE';
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _handle_encoding_second_level {
- # By time this is called, the encoding (if well formed) will already
- # have been acted one.
- my($self, $para) = @_;
- my @x = @$para;
- my $content = join ' ', splice @x, 2;
- $content =~ s/^\s+//s;
- $content =~ s/\s+$//s;
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Ogling encoding directive: =encoding $content\n";
- if($content eq 'ALREADYDONE') {
- # It's already been handled. Check for errors.
- if(! $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'} ) {
- DEBUG > 2 and print " CRAZY ERROR: It wasn't really handled?!\n";
- } elsif( $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'}[-1] ) {
- $self->whine( $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- sprintf "Couldn't do %s: %s",
- $self->{'encoding_command_reqs' }[-1],
- $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'}[-1],
- );
- } else {
- DEBUG > 2 and print " (Yup, it was successfully handled already.)\n";
- }
- } else {
- # Otherwise it's a syntax error
- $self->whine( $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Invalid =encoding syntax: $content"
- );
- }
- return;
-my $m = -321; # magic line number
-sub _gen_errata {
- my $self = $_[0];
- # Return 0 or more fake-o paragraphs explaining the accumulated
- # errors on this document.
- return() unless $self->{'errata'} and keys %{$self->{'errata'}};
- my @out;
- foreach my $line (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{'errata'}}) {
- push @out,
- ['=item', {'start_line' => $m}, "Around line $line:"],
- map( ['~Para', {'start_line' => $m, '~cooked' => 1},
- #['~Top', {'start_line' => $m},
- $_
- #]
- ],
- @{$self->{'errata'}{$line}}
- )
- ;
- }
- # TODO: report of unknown entities? unrenderable characters?
- unshift @out,
- ['=head1', {'start_line' => $m, 'errata' => 1}, 'POD ERRORS'],
- ['~Para', {'start_line' => $m, '~cooked' => 1, 'errata' => 1},
- "Hey! ",
- ['B', {},
- 'The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:'
- ]
- ],
- ['=over', {'start_line' => $m, 'errata' => 1}, ''],
- ;
- push @out,
- ['=back', {'start_line' => $m, 'errata' => 1}, ''],
- ;
- DEBUG and print "\n<<\n", pretty(\@out), "\n>>\n\n";
- return @out;
-## stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop
-## stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop
-sub _ponder_paragraph_buffer {
- # Para-token types as found in the buffer.
- # ~Verbatim, ~Para, ~end, =head1..4, =for, =begin, =end,
- # =over, =back, =item
- # and the null =pod (to be complained about if over one line)
- #
- # "~data" paragraphs are something we generate at this level, depending on
- # a currently open =over region
- # Events fired: Begin and end for:
- # directivename (like head1 .. head4), item, extend,
- # for (from =begin...=end, =for),
- # over-bullet, over-number, over-text, over-block,
- # item-bullet, item-number, item-text,
- # Document,
- # Data, Para, Verbatim
- # B, C, longdirname (TODO -- wha?), etc. for all directives
- #
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $paras;
- return unless @{$paras = $self->{'paras'}};
- my $curr_open = ($self->{'curr_open'} ||= []);
- my $scratch;
- DEBUG > 10 and print "# Paragraph buffer: <<", pretty($paras), ">>\n";
- # We have something in our buffer. So apparently the document has started.
- unless($self->{'doc_has_started'}) {
- $self->{'doc_has_started'} = 1;
- my $starting_contentless;
- $starting_contentless =
- (
- !@$curr_open
- and @$paras and ! grep $_->[0] ne '~end', @$paras
- # i.e., if the paras is all ~ends
- )
- ;
- DEBUG and print "# Starting ",
- $starting_contentless ? 'contentless' : 'contentful',
- " document\n"
- ;
- $self->_handle_element_start(
- ($scratch = 'Document'),
- {
- 'start_line' => $paras->[0][1]{'start_line'},
- $starting_contentless ? ( 'contentless' => 1 ) : (),
- },
- );
- }
- my($para, $para_type);
- while(@$paras) {
- last if @$paras == 1 and
- ( $paras->[0][0] eq '=over' or $paras->[0][0] eq '~Verbatim'
- or $paras->[0][0] eq '=item' )
- ;
- # Those're the three kinds of paragraphs that require lookahead.
- # Actually, an "=item Foo" inside an <over type=text> region
- # and any =item inside an <over type=block> region (rare)
- # don't require any lookahead, but all others (bullets
- # and numbers) do.
-# TODO: winge about many kinds of directives in non-resolving =for regions?
-# TODO: many? like what? =head1 etc?
- $para = shift @$paras;
- $para_type = $para->[0];
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Pondering a $para_type paragraph, given the stack: (",
- $self->_dump_curr_open(), ")\n";
- if($para_type eq '=for') {
- next if $self->_ponder_for($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- } elsif($para_type eq '=begin') {
- next if $self->_ponder_begin($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- } elsif($para_type eq '=end') {
- next if $self->_ponder_end($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- } elsif($para_type eq '~end') { # The virtual end-document signal
- next if $self->_ponder_doc_end($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- }
- # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- #~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- if(grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
- DEBUG > 1 and
- print "Skipping $para_type paragraph because in ignore mode.\n";
- next;
- }
- #~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- if($para_type eq '=pod') {
- $self->_ponder_pod($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- } elsif($para_type eq '=over') {
- next if $self->_ponder_over($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- } elsif($para_type eq '=back') {
- next if $self->_ponder_back($para,$curr_open,$paras);
- } else {
- # All non-magical codes!!!
- # Here we start using $para_type for our own twisted purposes, to
- # mean how it should get treated, not as what the element name
- # should be.
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Pondering non-magical $para_type\n";
- my $i;
- # Enforce some =headN discipline
- if($para_type =~ m/^=head\d$/s
- and ! $self->{'accept_heads_anywhere'}
- and @$curr_open
- and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=over'
- ) {
- DEBUG > 2 and print "'=$para_type' inside an '=over'!\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "You forgot a '=back' before '$para_type'"
- );
- unshift @$paras, ['=back', {}, ''], $para; # close the =over
- next;
- }
- if($para_type eq '=item') {
- my $over;
- unless(@$curr_open and ($over = $curr_open->[-1])->[0] eq '=over') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "'=item' outside of any '=over'"
- );
- unshift @$paras,
- ['=over', {'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}}, ''],
- $para
- ;
- next;
- }
- my $over_type = $over->[1]{'~type'};
- if(!$over_type) {
- # Shouldn't happen1
- die "Typeless over in stack, starting at line "
- . $over->[1]{'start_line'};
- } elsif($over_type eq 'block') {
- unless($curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'}) {
- $curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'} = 1;
- $self->whine(
- $curr_open->[-1][1]{'start_line'},
- "You can't have =items (as at line "
- . $para->[1]{'start_line'}
- . ") unless the first thing after the =over is an =item"
- );
- }
- # Just turn it into a paragraph and reconsider it
- $para->[0] = '~Para';
- unshift @$paras, $para;
- next;
- } elsif($over_type eq 'text') {
- my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
- # That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
- DEBUG and print " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
- if($item_type eq 'text') {
- # Nothing special needs doing for 'text'
- } elsif($item_type eq 'number' or $item_type eq 'bullet') {
- die "Unknown item type $item_type"
- unless $item_type eq 'number' or $item_type eq 'bullet';
- # Undo our clobbering:
- push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
- delete $para->[1]{'number'};
- # Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
- # to have a number attribute.
- } else {
- die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
- }
- # =item-text thingies don't need any assimilation, it seems.
- } elsif($over_type eq 'number') {
- my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
- # That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
- DEBUG and print " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
- my $expected_value = ++ $curr_open->[-1][1]{'~counter'};
- if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
- # Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item $expected_value'"
- );
- push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
- # restore the bullet, blocking the assimilation of next para
- } elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
- # Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item $expected_value'"
- );
- # Text content will still be there and will block next ~Para
- } elsif($item_type ne 'number') {
- die "Unknown item type $item_type"; # should never happen
- } elsif($expected_value == $para->[1]{'number'}) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Numeric item has the expected value of $expected_value\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Numeric item has ", $para->[1]{'number'},
- " instead of the expected value of $expected_value\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "You have '=item " . $para->[1]{'number'} .
- "' instead of the expected '=item $expected_value'"
- );
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value; # correcting!!
- }
- if(@$para == 2) {
- # For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
- if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
- DEBUG and print "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
- push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
- push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
- }
- }
- } elsif($over_type eq 'bullet') {
- my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
- # That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
- DEBUG and print " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
- if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
- # as expected!
- if( $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'} ) {
- DEBUG and print "Accomodating '=item * Foo' tolerance hack.\n";
- push @$para, delete $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'};
- }
- } elsif($item_type eq 'number') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item *'"
- );
- push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
- # and block assimilation of the next paragraph
- delete $para->[1]{'number'};
- # Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
- # to have a number attribute.
- } elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item *'"
- );
- # But doesn't need processing. But it'll block assimilation
- # of the next para.
- } else {
- die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
- }
- if(@$para == 2) {
- # For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
- if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
- DEBUG and print "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
- push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
- push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
- }
- }
- } else {
- die "Unhandled =over type \"$over_type\"?";
- # Shouldn't happen!
- }
- $para_type = 'Plain';
- $para->[0] .= '-' . $over_type;
- # Whew. Now fall thru and process it.
- } elsif($para_type eq '=extend') {
- # Well, might as well implement it here.
- $self->_ponder_extend($para);
- next; # and skip
- } elsif($para_type eq '=encoding') {
- # Not actually acted on here, but we catch errors here.
- $self->_handle_encoding_second_level($para);
- next; # and skip
- } elsif($para_type eq '~Verbatim') {
- $para->[0] = 'Verbatim';
- $para_type = '?Verbatim';
- } elsif($para_type eq '~Para') {
- $para->[0] = 'Para';
- $para_type = '?Plain';
- } elsif($para_type eq 'Data') {
- $para->[0] = 'Data';
- $para_type = '?Data';
- } elsif( $para_type =~ s/^=//s
- and defined( $para_type = $self->{'accept_directives'}{$para_type} )
- ) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Pondering known directive ${$para}[0] as $para_type\n";
- } else {
- # An unknown directive!
- DEBUG > 1 and printf "Unhandled directive %s (Handled: %s)\n",
- $para->[0], join(' ', sort keys %{$self->{'accept_directives'}} )
- ;
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Unknown directive: $para->[0]"
- );
- # And maybe treat it as text instead of just letting it go?
- next;
- }
- if($para_type =~ s/^\?//s) {
- if(! @$curr_open) { # usual case
- DEBUG and print "Treating $para_type paragraph as such because stack is empty.\n";
- } else {
- my @fors = grep $_->[0] eq '=for', @$curr_open;
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Containing fors: ",
- join(',', map $_->[1]{'target'}, @fors), "\n";
- if(! @fors) {
- DEBUG and print "Treating $para_type paragraph as such because stack has no =for's\n";
- #} elsif(grep $_->[1]{'~resolve'}, @fors) {
- #} elsif(not grep !$_->[1]{'~resolve'}, @fors) {
- } elsif( $fors[-1][1]{'~resolve'} ) {
- # Look to the immediately containing for
- if($para_type eq 'Data') {
- DEBUG and print "Treating Data paragraph as Plain/Verbatim because the containing =for ($fors[-1][1]{'target'}) is a resolver\n";
- $para->[0] = 'Para';
- $para_type = 'Plain';
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Treating $para_type paragraph as such because the containing =for ($fors[-1][1]{'target'}) is a resolver\n";
- }
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Treating $para_type paragraph as Data because the containing =for ($fors[-1][1]{'target'}) is a non-resolver\n";
- $para->[0] = $para_type = 'Data';
- }
- }
- }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if($para_type eq 'Plain') {
- $self->_ponder_Plain($para);
- } elsif($para_type eq 'Verbatim') {
- $self->_ponder_Verbatim($para);
- } elsif($para_type eq 'Data') {
- $self->_ponder_Data($para);
- } else {
- die "\$para type is $para_type -- how did that happen?";
- # Shouldn't happen.
- }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- $para->[0] =~ s/^[~=]//s;
- DEBUG and print "\n", pretty($para), "\n";
- # traverse the treelet (which might well be just one string scalar)
- $self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1;
- $self->_traverse_treelet_bit(@$para);
- }
- }
- return;
-# The sub-ponderers...
-sub _ponder_for {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- # Fake it out as a begin/end
- my $target;
- if(grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Ignoring ignorable =for\n";
- return 1;
- }
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$para; ++$i) {
- if($para->[$i] =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*//s) {
- $target = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- unless(defined $target) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=for without a target?"
- );
- return 1;
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and
- print "Faking out a =for $target as a =begin $target / =end $target\n";
- $para->[0] = 'Data';
- unshift @$paras,
- ['=begin',
- {'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}, '~really' => '=for'},
- $target,
- ],
- $para,
- ['=end',
- {'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}, '~really' => '=for'},
- $target,
- ],
- ;
- return 1;
-sub _ponder_begin {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
- $content =~ s/^\s+//s;
- $content =~ s/\s+$//s;
- unless(length($content)) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=begin without a target?"
- );
- DEBUG and print "Ignoring targetless =begin\n";
- return 1;
- }
- my ($target, $title) = $content =~ m/^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
- $para->[1]{'title'} = $title if ($title);
- $para->[1]{'target'} = $target; # without any ':'
- $content = $target; # strip off the title
- $content =~ s/^:!/!:/s;
- my $neg; # whether this is a negation-match
- $neg = 1 if $content =~ s/^!//s;
- my $to_resolve; # whether to process formatting codes
- $to_resolve = 1 if $content =~ s/^://s;
- my $dont_ignore; # whether this target matches us
- foreach my $target_name (
- split(',', $content, -1),
- $neg ? () : '*'
- ) {
- DEBUG > 2 and
- print " Considering whether =begin $content matches $target_name\n";
- next unless $self->{'accept_targets'}{$target_name};
- DEBUG > 2 and
- print " It DOES match the acceptable target $target_name!\n";
- $to_resolve = 1
- if $self->{'accept_targets'}{$target_name} eq 'force_resolve';
- $dont_ignore = 1;
- $para->[1]{'target_matching'} = $target_name;
- last; # stop looking at other target names
- }
- if($neg) {
- if( $dont_ignore ) {
- $dont_ignore = '';
- delete $para->[1]{'target_matching'};
- DEBUG > 2 and print " But the leading ! means that this is a NON-match!\n";
- } else {
- $dont_ignore = 1;
- $para->[1]{'target_matching'} = '!';
- DEBUG > 2 and print " But the leading ! means that this IS a match!\n";
- }
- }
- $para->[0] = '=for'; # Just what we happen to call these, internally
- $para->[1]{'~really'} ||= '=begin';
- $para->[1]{'~ignore'} = (! $dont_ignore) || 0;
- $para->[1]{'~resolve'} = $to_resolve || 0;
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Making note to ", $dont_ignore ? 'not ' : '',
- "ignore contents of this region\n";
- DEBUG > 1 and $dont_ignore and print " Making note to treat contents as ",
- ($to_resolve ? 'verbatim/plain' : 'data'), " paragraphs\n";
- DEBUG > 1 and print " (Stack now: ", $self->_dump_curr_open(), ")\n";
- push @$curr_open, $para;
- if(!$dont_ignore or scalar grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Ignoring ignorable =begin\n";
- } else {
- $self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1;
- $self->_handle_element_start((my $scratch='for'), $para->[1]);
- }
- return 1;
-sub _ponder_end {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
- $content =~ s/^\s+//s;
- $content =~ s/\s+$//s;
- DEBUG and print "Ogling '=end $content' directive\n";
- unless(length($content)) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "'=end' without a target?" . (
- ( @$curr_open and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=for' )
- ? ( " (Should be \"=end " . $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'} . '")' )
- : ''
- )
- );
- DEBUG and print "Ignoring targetless =end\n";
- return 1;
- }
- unless($content =~ m/^\S+$/) { # i.e., unless it's one word
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "'=end $content' is invalid. (Stack: "
- . $self->_dump_curr_open() . ')'
- );
- DEBUG and print "Ignoring mistargetted =end $content\n";
- return 1;
- }
- unless(@$curr_open and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=for') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=end $content without matching =begin. (Stack: "
- . $self->_dump_curr_open() . ')'
- );
- DEBUG and print "Ignoring mistargetted =end $content\n";
- return 1;
- }
- unless($content eq $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'}) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=end $content doesn't match =begin "
- . $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'}
- . ". (Stack: "
- . $self->_dump_curr_open() . ')'
- );
- DEBUG and print "Ignoring mistargetted =end $content at line $para->[1]{'start_line'}\n";
- return 1;
- }
- # Else it's okay to close...
- if(grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Not firing any event for this =end $content because in an ignored region\n";
- # And that may be because of this to-be-closed =for region, or some
- # other one, but it doesn't matter.
- } else {
- $curr_open->[-1][1]{'start_line'} = $para->[1]{'start_line'};
- # what's that for?
- $self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1;
- $self->_handle_element_end( my $scratch = 'for' );
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Popping $curr_open->[-1][0] $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'} because of =end $content\n";
- pop @$curr_open;
- return 1;
-sub _ponder_doc_end {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- if(@$curr_open) { # Deal with things left open
- DEBUG and print "Stack is nonempty at end-document: (",
- $self->_dump_curr_open(), ")\n";
- DEBUG > 9 and print "Stack: ", pretty($curr_open), "\n";
- unshift @$paras, $self->_closers_for_all_curr_open;
- # Make sure there is exactly one ~end in the parastack, at the end:
- @$paras = grep $_->[0] ne '~end', @$paras;
- push @$paras, $para, $para;
- # We need two -- once for the next cycle where we
- # generate errata, and then another to be at the end
- # when that loop back around to process the errata.
- return 1;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Okay, stack is empty now.\n";
- }
- # Try generating errata section, if applicable
- unless($self->{'~tried_gen_errata'}) {
- $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'} = 1;
- my @extras = $self->_gen_errata();
- if(@extras) {
- unshift @$paras, @extras;
- DEBUG and print "Generated errata... relooping...\n";
- return 1; # I.e., loop around again to process these fake-o paragraphs
- }
- }
- splice @$paras; # Well, that's that for this paragraph buffer.
- DEBUG and print "Throwing end-document event.\n";
- $self->_handle_element_end( my $scratch = 'Document' );
- return 1; # Hasta la byebye
-sub _ponder_pod {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all "
- . (@$para - 2) . " lines of content"
- ) if @$para > 3;
- # Content is always ignored.
- return;
-sub _ponder_over {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- return 1 unless @$paras;
- my $list_type;
- if($paras->[0][0] eq '=item') { # most common case
- $list_type = $self->_get_initial_item_type($paras->[0]);
- } elsif($paras->[0][0] eq '=back') {
- # Ignore empty lists. TODO: make this an option?
- shift @$paras;
- return 1;
- } elsif($paras->[0][0] eq '~end') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=over is the last thing in the document?!"
- );
- return 1; # But feh, ignore it.
- } else {
- $list_type = 'block';
- }
- $para->[1]{'~type'} = $list_type;
- push @$curr_open, $para;
- # yes, we reuse the paragraph as a stack item
- my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
- my $overness;
- if($content =~ m/^\s*$/s) {
- $para->[1]{'indent'} = 4;
- } elsif($content =~ m/^\s*((?:\d*\.)?\d+)\s*$/s) {
- no integer;
- $para->[1]{'indent'} = $1;
- if($1 == 0) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Can't have a 0 in =over $content"
- );
- $para->[1]{'indent'} = 4;
- }
- } else {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number'"
- );
- $para->[1]{'indent'} = 4;
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print "=over found of type $list_type\n";
- $self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1;
- $self->_handle_element_start((my $scratch = 'over-' . $list_type), $para->[1]);
- return;
-sub _ponder_back {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- # TODO: fire off </item-number> or </item-bullet> or </item-text> ??
- my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
- if($content =~ m/\S/) {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back $content"
- );
- }
- if(@$curr_open and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=over') {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "=back happily closes matching =over\n";
- # Expected case: we're closing the most recently opened thing
- #my $over = pop @$curr_open;
- $self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1;
- $self->_handle_element_end( my $scratch =
- 'over-' . ( (pop @$curr_open)->[1]{'~type'} )
- );
- } else {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "=back found without a matching =over. Stack: (",
- join(', ', map $_->[0], @$curr_open), ").\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- '=back without =over'
- );
- return 1; # and ignore it
- }
-sub _ponder_item {
- my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
- my $over;
- unless(@$curr_open and ($over = $curr_open->[-1])->[0] eq '=over') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "'=item' outside of any '=over'"
- );
- unshift @$paras,
- ['=over', {'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}}, ''],
- $para
- ;
- return 1;
- }
- my $over_type = $over->[1]{'~type'};
- if(!$over_type) {
- # Shouldn't happen1
- die "Typeless over in stack, starting at line "
- . $over->[1]{'start_line'};
- } elsif($over_type eq 'block') {
- unless($curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'}) {
- $curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'} = 1;
- $self->whine(
- $curr_open->[-1][1]{'start_line'},
- "You can't have =items (as at line "
- . $para->[1]{'start_line'}
- . ") unless the first thing after the =over is an =item"
- );
- }
- # Just turn it into a paragraph and reconsider it
- $para->[0] = '~Para';
- unshift @$paras, $para;
- return 1;
- } elsif($over_type eq 'text') {
- my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
- # That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
- DEBUG and print " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
- if($item_type eq 'text') {
- # Nothing special needs doing for 'text'
- } elsif($item_type eq 'number' or $item_type eq 'bullet') {
- die "Unknown item type $item_type"
- unless $item_type eq 'number' or $item_type eq 'bullet';
- # Undo our clobbering:
- push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
- delete $para->[1]{'number'};
- # Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
- # to have a number attribute.
- } else {
- die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
- }
- # =item-text thingies don't need any assimilation, it seems.
- } elsif($over_type eq 'number') {
- my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
- # That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
- DEBUG and print " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
- my $expected_value = ++ $curr_open->[-1][1]{'~counter'};
- if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
- # Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item $expected_value'"
- );
- push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
- # restore the bullet, blocking the assimilation of next para
- } elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
- # Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item $expected_value'"
- );
- # Text content will still be there and will block next ~Para
- } elsif($item_type ne 'number') {
- die "Unknown item type $item_type"; # should never happen
- } elsif($expected_value == $para->[1]{'number'}) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Numeric item has the expected value of $expected_value\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " Numeric item has ", $para->[1]{'number'},
- " instead of the expected value of $expected_value\n";
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "You have '=item " . $para->[1]{'number'} .
- "' instead of the expected '=item $expected_value'"
- );
- $para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value; # correcting!!
- }
- if(@$para == 2) {
- # For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
- if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
- DEBUG and print "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
- push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
- push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
- }
- }
- } elsif($over_type eq 'bullet') {
- my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
- # That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
- DEBUG and print " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
- if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
- # as expected!
- if( $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'} ) {
- DEBUG and print "Accomodating '=item * Foo' tolerance hack.\n";
- push @$para, delete $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'};
- }
- } elsif($item_type eq 'number') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item *'"
- );
- push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
- # and block assimilation of the next paragraph
- delete $para->[1]{'number'};
- # Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
- # to have a number attribute.
- } elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
- $self->whine(
- $para->[1]{'start_line'},
- "Expected '=item *'"
- );
- # But doesn't need processing. But it'll block assimilation
- # of the next para.
- } else {
- die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
- }
- if(@$para == 2) {
- # For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
- if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
- DEBUG and print "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
- push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
- push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
- }
- }
- } else {
- die "Unhandled =over type \"$over_type\"?";
- # Shouldn't happen!
- }
- $para->[0] .= '-' . $over_type;
- return;
-sub _ponder_Plain {
- my ($self,$para) = @_;
- DEBUG and print " giving plain treatment...\n";
- unless( @$para == 2 or ( @$para == 3 and $para->[2] eq '' )
- or $para->[1]{'~cooked'}
- ) {
- push @$para,
- @{$self->_make_treelet(
- join("\n", splice(@$para, 2)),
- $para->[1]{'start_line'}
- )};
- }
- # Empty paragraphs don't need a treelet for any reason I can see.
- # And precooked paragraphs already have a treelet.
- return;
-sub _ponder_Verbatim {
- my ($self,$para) = @_;
- DEBUG and print " giving verbatim treatment...\n";
- $para->[1]{'xml:space'} = 'preserve';
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$para; $i++) {
- foreach my $line ($para->[$i]) { # just for aliasing
- while( $line =~
- # Sort of adapted from Text::Tabs -- yes, it's hardwired in that
- # tabs are at every EIGHTH column. For portability, it has to be
- # one setting everywhere, and 8th wins.
- s/^([^\t]*)(\t+)/$1.(" " x ((length($2)<<3)-(length($1)&7)))/e
- ) {}
- # TODO: whinge about (or otherwise treat) unindented or overlong lines
- }
- }
- # Now the VerbatimFormatted hoodoo...
- if( $self->{'accept_codes'} and
- $self->{'accept_codes'}{'VerbatimFormatted'}
- ) {
- while(@$para > 3 and $para->[-1] !~ m/\S/) { pop @$para }
- # Kill any number of terminal newlines
- $self->_verbatim_format($para);
- } elsif ($self->{'codes_in_verbatim'}) {
- push @$para,
- @{$self->_make_treelet(
- join("\n", splice(@$para, 2)),
- $para->[1]{'start_line'}, $para->[1]{'xml:space'}
- )};
- $para->[-1] =~ s/\n+$//s; # Kill any number of terminal newlines
- } else {
- push @$para, join "\n", splice(@$para, 2) if @$para > 3;
- $para->[-1] =~ s/\n+$//s; # Kill any number of terminal newlines
- }
- return;
-sub _ponder_Data {
- my ($self,$para) = @_;
- DEBUG and print " giving data treatment...\n";
- $para->[1]{'xml:space'} = 'preserve';
- push @$para, join "\n", splice(@$para, 2) if @$para > 3;
- return;
-sub _traverse_treelet_bit { # for use only by the routine above
- my($self, $name) = splice @_,0,2;
- my $scratch;
- $self->_handle_element_start(($scratch=$name), shift @_);
- foreach my $x (@_) {
- if(ref($x)) {
- &_traverse_treelet_bit($self, @$x);
- } else {
- $self->_handle_text($x);
- }
- }
- $self->_handle_element_end($scratch=$name);
- return;
-sub _closers_for_all_curr_open {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my @closers;
- foreach my $still_open (@{ $self->{'curr_open'} || return }) {
- my @copy = @$still_open;
- $copy[1] = {%{ $copy[1] }};
- #$copy[1]{'start_line'} = -1;
- if($copy[0] eq '=for') {
- $copy[0] = '=end';
- } elsif($copy[0] eq '=over') {
- $copy[0] = '=back';
- } else {
- die "I don't know how to auto-close an open $copy[0] region";
- }
- unless( @copy > 2 ) {
- push @copy, $copy[1]{'target'};
- $copy[-1] = '' unless defined $copy[-1];
- # since =over's don't have targets
- }
- DEBUG and print "Queuing up fake-o event: ", pretty(\@copy), "\n";
- unshift @closers, \@copy;
- }
- return @closers;
-sub _verbatim_format {
- my($it, $p) = @_;
- my $formatting;
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$p; $i++) { # work backwards over the lines
- DEBUG and print "_verbatim_format appends a newline to $i: $p->[$i]\n";
- $p->[$i] .= "\n";
- # Unlike with simple Verbatim blocks, we don't end up just doing
- # a join("\n", ...) on the contents, so we have to append a
- # newline to ever line, and then nix the last one later.
- }
- if( DEBUG > 4 ) {
- print "<<\n";
- for(my $i = $#$p; $i >= 2; $i--) { # work backwards over the lines
- print "_verbatim_format $i: $p->[$i]";
- }
- print ">>\n";
- }
- for(my $i = $#$p; $i > 2; $i--) {
- # work backwards over the lines, except the first (#2)
- #next unless $p->[$i] =~ m{^#:([ \^\/\%]*)\n?$}s
- # and $p->[$i-1] !~ m{^#:[ \^\/\%]*\n?$}s;
- # look at a formatty line preceding a nonformatty one
- DEBUG > 5 and print "Scrutinizing line $i: $$p[$i]\n";
- if($p->[$i] =~ m{^#:([ \^\/\%]*)\n?$}s) {
- DEBUG > 5 and print " It's a formatty line. ",
- "Peeking at previous line ", $i-1, ": $$p[$i-1]: \n";
- if( $p->[$i-1] =~ m{^#:[ \^\/\%]*\n?$}s ) {
- DEBUG > 5 and print " Previous line is formatty! Skipping this one.\n";
- next;
- } else {
- DEBUG > 5 and print " Previous line is non-formatty! Yay!\n";
- }
- } else {
- DEBUG > 5 and print " It's not a formatty line. Ignoring\n";
- next;
- }
- # A formatty line has to have #: in the first two columns, and uses
- # "^" to mean bold, "/" to mean underline, and "%" to mean bold italic.
- # Example:
- # What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
- # #:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
- DEBUG > 4 and print "_verbatim_format considers:\n<$p->[$i-1]>\n<$p->[$i]>\n";
- $formatting = ' ' . $1;
- $formatting =~ s/\s+$//s; # nix trailing whitespace
- unless(length $formatting and $p->[$i-1] =~ m/\S/) { # no-op
- splice @$p,$i,1; # remove this line
- $i--; # don't consider next line
- next;
- }
- if( length($formatting) >= length($p->[$i-1]) ) {
- $formatting = substr($formatting, 0, length($p->[$i-1]) - 1) . ' ';
- } else {
- $formatting .= ' ' x (length($p->[$i-1]) - length($formatting));
- }
- # Make $formatting and the previous line be exactly the same length,
- # with $formatting having a " " as the last character.
- DEBUG > 4 and print "Formatting <$formatting> on <", $p->[$i-1], ">\n";
- my @new_line;
- while( $formatting =~ m{\G(( +)|(\^+)|(\/+)|(\%+))}g ) {
- #print "Format matches $1\n";
- if($2) {
- #print "SKIPPING <$2>\n";
- push @new_line,
- substr($p->[$i-1], pos($formatting)-length($1), length($1));
- } else {
- #print "SNARING $+\n";
- push @new_line, [
- (
- $3 ? 'VerbatimB' :
- $4 ? 'VerbatimI' :
- $5 ? 'VerbatimBI' : die("Should never get called")
- ), {},
- substr($p->[$i-1], pos($formatting)-length($1), length($1))
- ];
- #print "Formatting <$new_line[-1][-1]> as $new_line[-1][0]\n";
- }
- }
- my @nixed =
- splice @$p, $i-1, 2, @new_line; # replace myself and the next line
- DEBUG > 10 and print "Nixed count: ", scalar(@nixed), "\n";
- DEBUG > 6 and print "New version of the above line is these tokens (",
- scalar(@new_line), "):",
- map( ref($_)?"<@$_> ":"<$_>", @new_line ), "\n";
- $i--; # So the next line we scrutinize is the line before the one
- # that we just went and formatted
- }
- $p->[0] = 'VerbatimFormatted';
- # Collapse adjacent text nodes, just for kicks.
- for( my $i = 2; $i > $#$p; $i++ ) { # work forwards over the tokens except for the last
- if( !ref($p->[$i]) and !ref($p->[$i + 1]) ) {
- DEBUG > 5 and print "_verbatim_format merges {$p->[$i]} and {$p->[$i+1]}\n";
- $p->[$i] .= splice @$p, $i+1, 1; # merge
- --$i; # and back up
- }
- }
- # Now look for the last text token, and remove the terminal newline
- for( my $i = $#$p; $i >= 2; $i-- ) {
- # work backwards over the tokens, even the first
- if( !ref($p->[$i]) ) {
- if($p->[$i] =~ s/\n$//s) {
- DEBUG > 5 and print "_verbatim_format killed the terminal newline on #$i: {$p->[$i]}, after {$p->[$i-1]}\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 5 and print
- "No terminal newline on #$i: {$p->[$i]}, after {$p->[$i-1]} !?\n";
- }
- last; # we only want the next one
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _treelet_from_formatting_codes {
- # Given a paragraph, returns a treelet. Full of scary tokenizing code.
- # Like [ '~Top', {'start_line' => $start_line},
- # "I like ",
- # [ 'B', {}, "pie" ],
- # "!"
- # ]
- my($self, $para, $start_line, $preserve_space) = @_;
- my $treelet = ['~Top', {'start_line' => $start_line},];
- unless ($preserve_space || $self->{'preserve_whitespace'}) {
- $para =~ s/\. /\.\xA0 /g if $self->{'fullstop_space_harden'};
- $para =~ s/\s+/ /g; # collapse and trim all whitespace first.
- $para =~ s/ $//;
- $para =~ s/^ //;
- }
- # Only apparent problem the above code is that N<< >> turns into
- # N<< >>. But then, word wrapping does that too! So don't do that!
- my @stack;
- my @lineage = ($treelet);
- DEBUG > 4 and print "Paragraph:\n$para\n\n";
- # Here begins our frightening tokenizer RE. The following regex matches
- # text in four main parts:
- #
- # * Start-codes. The first alternative matches C< or C<<, the latter
- # followed by some whitespace. $1 will hold the entire start code
- # (including any space following a multiple-angle-bracket delimiter),
- # and $2 will hold only the additional brackets past the first in a
- # multiple-bracket delimiter. length($2) + 1 will be the number of
- # closing brackets we have to find.
- #
- # * Closing brackets. Match some amount of whitespace followed by
- # multiple close brackets. The logic to see if this closes anything
- # is down below. Note that in order to parse C<< >> correctly, we
- # have to use look-behind (?<=\s\s), since the match of the starting
- # code will have consumed the whitespace.
- #
- # * A single closing bracket, to close a simple code like C<>.
- #
- # * Something that isn't a start or end code. We have to be careful
- # about accepting whitespace, since perlpodspec says that any whitespace
- # before a multiple-bracket closing delimiter should be ignored.
- #
- while($para =~
- m/\G
- (?:
- # Match starting codes, including the whitespace following a
- # multiple-delimiter start code. $1 gets the whole start code and
- # $2 gets all but one of the <s in the multiple-bracket case.
- ([A-Z]<(?:(<+)\s+)?)
- |
- # Match multiple-bracket end codes. $3 gets the whitespace that
- # should be discarded before an end bracket but kept in other cases
- # and $4 gets the end brackets themselves.
- (\s+|(?<=\s\s))(>{2,})
- |
- (\s?>) # $5: simple end-codes
- |
- ( # $6: stuff containing no start-codes or end-codes
- (?:
- [^A-Z\s>]
- |
- (?:
- [A-Z](?!<)
- )
- |
- # whitespace is ok, but we don't want to eat the whitespace before
- # a multiple-bracket end code.
- # NOTE: we may still have problems with e.g. S<< >>
- (?:
- \s(?!\s*>{2,})
- )
- )+
- )
- )
- /xgo
- ) {
- DEBUG > 4 and print "\nParagraphic tokenstack = (@stack)\n";
- if(defined $1) {
- if(defined $2) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Found complex start-text code \"$1\"\n";
- push @stack, length($2) + 1;
- # length of the necessary complex end-code string
- } else {
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Found simple start-text code \"$1\"\n";
- push @stack, 0; # signal that we're looking for simple
- }
- push @lineage, [ substr($1,0,1), {}, ]; # new node object
- push @{ $lineage[-2] }, $lineage[-1];
- } elsif(defined $4) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Found apparent complex end-text code \"$3$4\"\n";
- # This is where it gets messy...
- if(! @stack) {
- # We saw " >>>>" but needed nothing. This is ALL just stuff then.
- DEBUG > 4 and print " But it's really just stuff.\n";
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $3, $4;
- next;
- } elsif(!$stack[-1]) {
- # We saw " >>>>" but needed only ">". Back pos up.
- DEBUG > 4 and print " And that's more than we needed to close simple.\n";
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $3; # That was a for-real space, too.
- pos($para) = pos($para) - length($4) + 1;
- } elsif($stack[-1] == length($4)) {
- # We found " >>>>", and it was exactly what we needed. Commonest case.
- DEBUG > 4 and print " And that's exactly what we needed to close complex.\n";
- } elsif($stack[-1] < length($4)) {
- # We saw " >>>>" but needed only " >>". Back pos up.
- DEBUG > 4 and print " And that's more than we needed to close complex.\n";
- pos($para) = pos($para) - length($4) + $stack[-1];
- } else {
- # We saw " >>>>" but needed " >>>>>>". So this is all just stuff!
- DEBUG > 4 and print " But it's really just stuff, because we needed more.\n";
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $3, $4;
- next;
- }
- #print "\nHOOBOY ", scalar(@{$lineage[-1]}), "!!!\n";
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, '' if 2 == @{ $lineage[-1] };
- # Keep the element from being childless
- pop @stack;
- pop @lineage;
- } elsif(defined $5) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Found apparent simple end-text code \"$4\"\n";
- if(@stack and ! $stack[-1]) {
- # We're indeed expecting a simple end-code
- DEBUG > 4 and print " It's indeed an end-code.\n";
- if(length($5) == 2) { # There was a space there: " >"
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, ' ';
- } elsif( 2 == @{ $lineage[-1] } ) { # Closing a childless element
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, ''; # keep it from being really childless
- }
- pop @stack;
- pop @lineage;
- } else {
- DEBUG > 4 and print " It's just stuff.\n";
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $5;
- }
- } elsif(defined $6) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Found stuff \"$6\"\n";
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $6;
- } else {
- # should never ever ever ever happen
- DEBUG and print "AYYAYAAAAA at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
- die "SPORK 512512!";
- }
- }
- if(@stack) { # Uhoh, some sequences weren't closed.
- my $x= "...";
- while(@stack) {
- push @{ $lineage[-1] }, '' if 2 == @{ $lineage[-1] };
- # Hmmmmm!
- my $code = (pop @lineage)->[0];
- my $ender_length = pop @stack;
- if($ender_length) {
- --$ender_length;
- $x = $code . ("<" x $ender_length) . " $x " . (">" x $ender_length);
- } else {
- $x = $code . "<$x>";
- }
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Unterminated $x sequence\n";
- $self->whine($start_line,
- "Unterminated $x sequence",
- );
- }
- return $treelet;
-sub text_content_of_treelet { # method: $parser->text_content_of_treelet($lol)
- return stringify_lol($_[1]);
-sub stringify_lol { # function: stringify_lol($lol)
- my $string_form = '';
- _stringify_lol( $_[0] => \$string_form );
- return $string_form;
-sub _stringify_lol { # the real recursor
- my($lol, $to) = @_;
- use UNIVERSAL ();
- for(my $i = 2; $i < @$lol; ++$i) {
- if( ref($lol->[$i] || '') and UNIVERSAL::isa($lol->[$i], 'ARRAY') ) {
- _stringify_lol( $lol->[$i], $to); # recurse!
- } else {
- $$to .= $lol->[$i];
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _dump_curr_open { # return a string representation of the stack
- my $curr_open = $_[0]{'curr_open'};
- return '[empty]' unless @$curr_open;
- return join '; ',
- map {;
- ($_->[0] eq '=for')
- ? ( ($_->[1]{'~really'} || '=over')
- . ' ' . $_->[1]{'target'})
- : $_->[0]
- }
- @$curr_open
- ;
-my %pretty_form = (
- "\a" => '\a', # ding!
- "\b" => '\b', # BS
- "\e" => '\e', # ESC
- "\f" => '\f', # FF
- "\t" => '\t', # tab
- "\cm" => '\cm',
- "\cj" => '\cj',
- "\n" => '\n', # probably overrides one of either \cm or \cj
- '"' => '\"',
- '\\' => '\\\\',
- '$' => '\\$',
- '@' => '\\@',
- '%' => '\\%',
- '#' => '\\#',
-sub pretty { # adopted from Class::Classless
- # Not the most brilliant routine, but passable.
- # Don't give it a cyclic data structure!
- my @stuff = @_; # copy
- my $x;
- my $out =
- # join ",\n" .
- join ", ",
- map {;
- if(!defined($_)) {
- "undef";
- } elsif(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' or ref($_) eq 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection') {
- $x = "[ " . pretty(@$_) . " ]" ;
- $x;
- } elsif(ref($_) eq 'SCALAR') {
- $x = "\\" . pretty($$_) ;
- $x;
- } elsif(ref($_) eq 'HASH') {
- my $hr = $_;
- $x = "{" . join(", ",
- map(pretty($_) . '=>' . pretty($hr->{$_}),
- sort keys %$hr ) ) . "}" ;
- $x;
- } elsif(!length($_)) { q{''} # empty string
- } elsif(
- $_ eq '0' # very common case
- or(
- m/^-?(?:[123456789]\d*|0)(?:\.\d+)?$/s
- and $_ ne '-0' # the strange case that that RE lets thru
- )
- ) { $_;
- } else {
- if( chr(65) eq 'A' ) {
- s<([^\x20\x21\x23\x27-\x3F\x41-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])>
- #<$pretty_form{$1} || '\\x'.(unpack("H2",$1))>eg;
- <$pretty_form{$1} || '\\x{'.sprintf("%x", ord($1)).'}'>eg;
- } else {
- # We're in some crazy non-ASCII world!
- s<([^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])>
- #<$pretty_form{$1} || '\\x'.(unpack("H2",$1))>eg;
- <$pretty_form{$1} || '\\x{'.sprintf("%x", ord($1)).'}'>eg;
- }
- qq{"$_"};
- }
- } @stuff;
- # $out =~ s/\n */ /g if length($out) < 75;
- return $out;
-# A rather unsubtle method of blowing away all the state information
-# from a parser object so it can be reused. Provided as a utility for
-# backward compatibilty in Pod::Man, etc. but not recommended for
-# general use.
-sub reinit {
- my $self = shift;
- foreach (qw(source_dead source_filename doc_has_started
-start_of_pod_block content_seen last_was_blank paras curr_open
-line_count pod_para_count in_pod ~tried_gen_errata errata errors_seen
-Title)) {
- delete $self->{$_};
- }
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ChangeLog b/lib/Pod/Simple/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1e1d7b92..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for Pod::Simple dist
-2008-06-04 Allison Randal <>
- * Release 3.07
- Fix module dependencies, make HTML::Entities optional and require
- Test::More.
-2008-06-03 Allison Randal <>
- * Release 3.06
- Fix bugs related to passing $1 to File::Spec, reported by Andrew Hamlin and
- John McNamara.
- Applied a suggested fix from Kevin Ryde to return a successful exit
- code when Pod::Simple::HTML is run from the command line.
- Fix handling of complex L<URL> entries, thanks to tests supplied in RT#4896.
- Fix incorrect handling of S<> entries made up of entirely whitespace, thanks
- to test case from Andreas Koenig.
- Launch Pod::Simple::XHTML, an XHTML compliant, more easily extensible
- HTML formatter.
- Add feature to parse additional text after =begin target as a block
- title, requested by Adam Kennedy.
- Thanks to Hans Dieter Pearcey for applying patches, resolving bugs,
- and generally getting ready for the release.
-2007-03-03 Allison Randal <>
- * Release 3.05
- Standardized all test files on 8.3 naming scheme for Perl core.
- Applied test patches from Jerry Hedden for Perl core when
- Encode not installed.
- Applied test patch from Ken Williams for 5.005_04 compatibility.
- Applied a patch from Christopher Madsen to fix architecture
- directory searches on Gentoo.
- Fixed a failing search test on Debian-based distributions caused
- by Debian stripping Pod documentation out of core modules.
- (Three cheers to the CPAN testers and James Ponza for sending
- enough reports that I could work out the pattern.)
-2006-01-18 Allison Randal <>
- * Release 3.04
- Applied test patches for Perl core integration from Steve Peters.
- Added a 'reinit' method to Pod::Simple::BlackBox for Russ Allbery
- so Pod::Man can provide backward compatibility to existing users
- (such as Module::Build and ExtUtils::MakeMaker).
- Applied patch for extracting case-preserved package names on VMS
- from Craig Berry.
-2005-11-21 Allison Randal <>
- * Release 3.03
- Applied whitespace patches for Pod::Man and Pod::Text from
- Russ Allbery.
- Applied validation patches to Pod::Simple::HTML from Graham Barr.
-2004-05-24 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 3.02
- Just fixing some typos in the CSS generated by Pod::Simple:HTMLBatch.
-2004-05-24 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 3.01
- No big changes to the main modules, but there's many changes to
- the important Pod::Simple::HTML module.
- Also, new modules:
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch
- Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy
- Pod::Simple::Progress
- Pod::Simple::Search
- and tests for these (well, most).
- Some prettying up of the Makefile.PL.
- The test 00about.t is a bit more careful and verbose now.
- The docs are still incomplete, esp. for Pod::Simple::HTML and
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch, which I hope to improve quite soon.
-2004-05-07 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 2.06
- Allison Randal brilliantly refactors a huge monolithic sub in
- Code is now actually sanely readable!
- I add the new option-attributes fullstop_space_harden and
- codes_in_verbatim, and the two methods abandon_output_string and
- abandon_output_fh. Not yet documented.
- New test fullstop_spaces.t and new corpus document
- greek_iso_8859_7.pod.
- Another version should be forthcoming in a few days that has the
- new Pod::Simple::HTML stuff in it.
- Note to self: document =extend and =encoding in perlpodspec ASAP!
-2003-11-04 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 2.05 -- bugfix version
- In an attempt to stop Perl 5.6 versions from going completely
- crazy, I've tried to basically turn off all Unicode/utf8 support
- under 5.6. Under 5.8 and above, Unicode should work fine, and
- under 5.6, all Unicode characters should be replaced with a little
- "can't render" symbol, either a "¤" or a "?".
- Many many thanks to Jarkko Hietaniemi for helping out.
- (Works under 5.005 now too?)
-2003-10-10 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 2.04 -- minor bugfix version
- * Added some code to insulate Pod::Simple to runtime changes in
- the value of $/. Thanks to Iain Truskett for catching this.
- * Added FILENO method to, to work quietly under some
- perls. Thanks to Jochen Stenzel for catching this.
- * Fixed some tests that erroneously failed under some 5.6's
- because of chdir()s in *.t files messing up @INC Thanks to many
- who caught this, including Rocco Caputo.
-2003-09-07 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 2.03 -- minor upgrade
- * A =head[1234] command now closes any currently open =over, and
- warns.
- * Fixing a few obscure bugs, including one to do with the
- Makefile.
- * Added some tests for those bugs.
-2003-09-02 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 2.02 -- fixing a testing bug
- * Autrijus Tang found a silly bug of mine in corpustest.t's
- testing of corpus/t/nonesuch.txt. Fixed,
- * I add encoding_nonesuch.t to test corpus/t/nonesuch.txt better.
-2003-09-01 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 2.01
- * Moved all version numbers up to 2.01 for reasons of Tibetan
- numerology.
- * Implemented =encoding. Thanks a million to Jarkko, Autrijus,
- Dan Kogai, and many others for their help, patience, and
- encouragement.
- It's not yet documented, but see ./t/corpus/*.txt for examples at
- least.
- * Added 'use utf8' to all the modules. Byebye perl-5.005
- compatibility, hello decent perl-5.6 compatibility.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-2003-09-01 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.98
- * At Michael Schwern's suggestion, a list that begins with a
- "=item [number]" line where number isn't a 1, is no longer
- treated as an error, but instead is silently coerced into being a
- text-item list, just as if it were "=item wubble" or whatever.
-2003-08-12 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.97
- * Loooking goooooood. Not smelling so much like beta anymore!
- * I think this might be the last version before I go
- putting "use utf8" all over the place.
- * Added placefolders for "=encoding" support. If you use
- "=encoding", you'll get an error about "not yet implemented"
- instead of "unknown directive".
- * Rewrote Pod::Simple::Pullparser's get_title, and added
- get_version, get_author, and get_description. Documented them.
- Thanks to Graham Barr for contributing an initial get_title and
- then being patient while I seemed to do nothing with it for months
- on end!
- * More tests.
- Otherwise just minor changes since last version:
- * Fixed error in Pod::Simple::RTF.
- * Added new but undocumented methods to Pod::Simple:
- unaccept_directive(s) unaccept_target(s) unaccept_code(s)
- * Corrected '=back without =open' error to '=back without =over'
- * A little tweaking to the _verbatim_format code.
- * Dump routines may use \x{NN} instead of \xNN format.
- * Pod::Simple::HTML now uses VerbatimFormatted
- * A few changes ot DEBUG messages -- nothing you'd normally see.
-2002-11-19 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.96
- * Still kinda sorta beta.
- * Much much more docs in this version. Only a few feature
- changes:
- * Added any_errata_seen to Pod::Simple. Should've been in there
- ages ago. Oops!
- * Fixed some errors in the experimental VerbatimFormatted code.
- * Added is_tagname / is_tag to Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken
- and Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken
- * Added RTFDEFLANG stuff to Pod::Simple::RTF.
-2002-11-10 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.95
- * Beta release. Much documentation still to write, many features
- still to add. The APIs might change in future versions.
- * Now including perlpod and perlpodspec in the dist.
- * Pod::Simple -- added parse_from_file
- * Pod::Simple::RTF -- minor style changes, and minor change to the
- RTF-wrapping logic.
- * Pod::Simple::BlackBox -- a =cut opening a block is no longer a
- fatal(ish) error.
- * Pod::Simple::BlackBox -- added experimental new
- VerbatimFormatted stuff.
-2002-10-16 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.94
- * Beta release. Much documentation still to write, many features
- still to add. The APIs might change in future versions.
- * Pod::Simple::RTF -- minor style tweaks
- * Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken and ::PullParserStartToken --
- added ->tag as an alias for ->tagname.
- * Pod::Simple and Pod::Simple::BlackBox -- added tolerance for
- "=item * Foo" as a variant syntax for "=item *\n\nFoo". Tests
- added/changed accordingly.
- * Pod::Simple::HTML -- added <a name="..."> stuff, and a hack at
- doing something with X<...>'s.
-2002-09-29 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.93
- * Beta release. Much documentation still to write, many features
- still to add. The APIs might change in future versions.
- * Pod::Simple -- added errors_seen attribute
- * Pod::Simple::HTML -- added support for =for HTML ... directives,
- and =extend directives.
- * Oh, and I added Pod::Simple::RTF in 0.92 but forgot to note it
- until now.
-2002-09-29 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.92
- * Beta release. Much documentation still to write, many features
- still to add. The APIs might change in future versions.
- * Fixing bungled distribution.
-2002-09-29 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.91
- * Beta release. Much documentation still to write, many features
- still to add. The APIs might change in future versions.
- * Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken -- added 'text_r'
- * Pod::Simple::PullParser -- added 'get_title' and
- 'get_title_short' to
- * Pod::Simple -- corrected wording of "Format for second =extend
- parameter" error message.
- * Pod::PullParser -- made its filter() run as intended, like
- Pod::Simple's filter.
- * Pod::Subclassing -- more docs
-2002-09-11 Sean M. Burke <>
- * Release 0.90
- * Beta release. Much documentation still to write, many features
- still to add. The APIs might change in future versions.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d01f50ec2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# A quite dimwitted pod2plaintext that need only know how to format whatever
-# text comes out of Pod::BlackBox's _gen_errata
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::Checker;
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple::Methody ();
-use Pod::Simple ();
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION );
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::Methody');
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = defined(&Pod::Simple::DEBUG)
- ? \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG
- : sub() {0}
- }
-use Text::Wrap 98.112902 (); # was 2001.0131, but I don't think we need that
-$Text::Wrap::wrap = 'overflow';
-sub any_errata_seen { # read-only accessor
- return $_[1]->{'Errata_seen'};
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- $new->nix_X_codes(1);
- $new->nbsp_for_S(1);
- $new->{'Thispara'} = '';
- $new->{'Indent'} = 0;
- $new->{'Indentstring'} = ' ';
- $new->{'Errata_seen'} = 0;
- return $new;
-sub handle_text { $_[0]{'Errata_seen'} and $_[0]{'Thispara'} .= $_[1] }
-sub start_Para { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head1 {
- if($_[0]{'Errata_seen'}) {
- $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '';
- } else {
- if($_[1]{'errata'}) { # start of errata!
- $_[0]{'Errata_seen'} = 1;
- $_[0]{'Thispara'} = $_[0]{'source_filename'} ?
- "$_[0]{'source_filename'} -- " : ''
- }
- }
-sub start_head2 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head3 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head4 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_Verbatim { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_item_bullet { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '* ' }
-sub start_item_number { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = "$_[1]{'number'}. " }
-sub start_item_text { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_over_bullet { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub start_over_number { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub start_over_text { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub start_over_block { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_bullet { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_number { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_text { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_block { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-# . . . . . Now the actual formatters:
-sub end_head1 { $_[0]->emit_par(-4) }
-sub end_head2 { $_[0]->emit_par(-3) }
-sub end_head3 { $_[0]->emit_par(-2) }
-sub end_head4 { $_[0]->emit_par(-1) }
-sub end_Para { $_[0]->emit_par( 0) }
-sub end_item_bullet { $_[0]->emit_par( 0) }
-sub end_item_number { $_[0]->emit_par( 0) }
-sub end_item_text { $_[0]->emit_par(-2) }
-sub emit_par {
- return unless $_[0]{'Errata_seen'};
- my($self, $tweak_indent) = splice(@_,0,2);
- my $indent = ' ' x ( 2 * $self->{'Indent'} + ($tweak_indent||0) );
- # Yes, 'STRING' x NEGATIVE gives '', same as 'STRING' x 0
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ tr{\xAD}{}d if Pod::Simple::ASCII;
- my $out = Text::Wrap::wrap($indent, $indent, $self->{'Thispara'} .= "\n");
- $out =~ tr{\xA0}{ } if Pod::Simple::ASCII;
- print {$self->{'output_fh'}} $out,
- #"\n"
- ;
- $self->{'Thispara'} = '';
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . And then off by its lonesome:
-sub end_Verbatim {
- return unless $_[0]{'Errata_seen'};
- my $self = shift;
- if(Pod::Simple::ASCII) {
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ tr{\xA0}{ };
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ tr{\xAD}{}d;
- }
- my $i = ' ' x ( 2 * $self->{'Indent'} + 4);
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ s/^/$i/mg;
- print { $self->{'output_fh'} } '',
- $self->{'Thispara'},
- "\n\n"
- ;
- $self->{'Thispara'} = '';
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::Checker -- check the Pod syntax of a document
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::Checker -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::Checker->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod
-This class is for checking the syntactic validity of Pod.
-It works by basically acting like a simple-minded version of
-L<Pod::Simple::Text> that formats only the "Pod Errors" section
-(if Pod::Simple even generates one for the given document).
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Text>, L<Pod::Checker>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index b00e58daba..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::Debug;
-use strict;
-sub import {
- my($value,$variable);
- if(@_ == 2) {
- $value = $_[1];
- } elsif(@_ == 3) {
- ($variable, $value) = @_[1,2];
- ($variable, $value) = ($value, $variable)
- if defined $value and ref($value) eq 'SCALAR'
- and not(defined $variable and ref($variable) eq 'SCALAR')
- ; # tolerate getting it backwards
- unless( defined $variable and ref($variable) eq 'SCALAR') {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Usage:\n use Pod::Simple::Debug (NUMVAL)\nor"
- . "\n use Pod::Simple::Debug (\\\$var, STARTNUMVAL)\nAborting");
- }
- } else {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Usage:\n use Pod::Simple::Debug (NUMVAL)\nor"
- . "\n use Pod::Simple::Debug (\\\$var, STARTNUMVAL)\nAborting");
- }
- if( defined &Pod::Simple::DEBUG ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("It's too late to call Pod::Simple::Debug -- "
- . "Pod::Simple has already loaded\nAborting");
- }
- $value = 0 unless defined $value;
- unless($value =~ m/^-?\d+$/) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak( "$value isn't a numeric value."
- . "\nUsage:\n use Pod::Simple::Debug (NUMVAL)\nor"
- . "\n use Pod::Simple::Debug (\\\$var, STARTNUMVAL)\nAborting");
- }
- if( defined $variable ) {
- # make a not-really-constant
- *Pod::Simple::DEBUG = sub () { $$variable } ;
- $$variable = $value;
- print "# Starting Pod::Simple::DEBUG = non-constant $variable with val $value\n";
- } else {
- *Pod::Simple::DEBUG = eval " sub () { $value } ";
- print "# Starting Pod::Simple::DEBUG = $value\n";
- }
- require Pod::Simple;
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::Debug -- put Pod::Simple into trace/debug mode
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Pod::Simple::Debug (5); # or some integer
- my $debuglevel;
- use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$debuglevel, 0);
- ...some stuff that uses Pod::Simple to do stuff, but which
- you don't want debug output from...
- $debug_level = 4;
- ...some stuff that uses Pod::Simple to do stuff, but which
- you DO want debug output from...
- $debug_level = 0;
-This is an internal module for controlling the debug level (a.k.a. trace
-level) of Pod::Simple. This is of interest only to Pod::Simple
-=head1 CAVEATS
-Note that you should load this module I<before> loading Pod::Simple (or
-any Pod::Simple-based class). If you try loading Pod::Simple::Debug
-after &Pod::Simple::DEBUG is already defined, Pod::Simple::Debug will
-throw a fatal error to the effect that
-"it's s too late to call Pod::Simple::Debug".
-Note that the C<use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$x, I<somenum>)> mode will make
-Pod::Simple (et al) run rather slower, since &Pod::Simple::DEBUG won't
-be a constant sub anymore, and so Pod::Simple (et al) won't compile with
-=head1 GUTS
-Doing this:
- use Pod::Simple::Debug (5); # or some integer
-is basically equivalent to:
- BEGIN { sub Pod::Simple::DEBUG () {5} } # or some integer
- use Pod::Simple ();
-And this:
- use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$debug_level,0); # or some integer
-is basically equivalent to this:
- my $debug_level;
- BEGIN { $debug_level = 0 }
- BEGIN { sub Pod::Simple::DEBUG () { $debug_level }
- use Pod::Simple ();
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The article "Constants in Perl", in I<The Perl Journal> issue
-21. See L<>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index e678e42fa1..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::DumpAsText;
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-use Pod::Simple ();
-BEGIN {@ISA = ('Pod::Simple')}
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG }
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- $new->accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted');
- return $new;
-sub _handle_element_start {
- # ($self, $element_name, $attr_hash_r)
- my $fh = $_[0]{'output_fh'};
- my($key, $value);
- DEBUG and print "++ $_[1]\n";
- print $fh ' ' x ($_[0]{'indent'} || 0), "++", $_[1], "\n";
- $_[0]{'indent'}++;
- while(($key,$value) = each %{$_[2]}) {
- unless($key =~ m/^~/s) {
- next if $key eq 'start_line' and $_[0]{'hide_line_numbers'};
- _perly_escape($key);
- _perly_escape($value);
- printf $fh qq{%s \\ "%s" => "%s"\n},
- ' ' x ($_[0]{'indent'} || 0), $key, $value;
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _handle_text {
- DEBUG and print "== \"$_[1]\"\n";
- if(length $_[1]) {
- my $indent = ' ' x $_[0]{'indent'};
- my $text = $_[1];
- _perly_escape($text);
- $text =~ # A not-totally-brilliant wrapping algorithm:
- s/(
- [^\n]{55} # Snare some characters from a line
- [^\n\ ]{0,50} # and finish any current word
- )
- \x20{1,10}(?!\n) # capture some spaces not at line-end
- /$1"\n$indent . "/gx # => line-break here
- ;
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} $indent, '* "', $text, "\"\n";
- }
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end {
- DEBUG and print "-- $_[1]\n";
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}}
- ' ' x --$_[0]{'indent'}, "--", $_[1], "\n";
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub _perly_escape {
- foreach my $x (@_) {
- $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/sprintf'\x{%X}',ord($1)/eg;
- # Escape things very cautiously:
- $x =~ s/([^-\n\t \&\<\>\'!\#\%\(\)\*\+,\.\/\:\;=\?\~\[\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/sprintf'\x%02X',ord($1)/eg;
- }
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::DumpAsText -- dump Pod-parsing events as text
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::DumpAsText -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::DumpAsText->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod
-This class is for dumping, as text, the events gotten from parsing a Pod
-document. This class is of interest to people writing Pod formatters
-based on Pod::Simple. It is useful for seeing exactly what events you
-get out of some Pod that you feed in.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe0c1662e5..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-use Pod::Simple ();
-BEGIN {@ISA = ('Pod::Simple')}
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG }
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- $new->accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted');
- return $new;
-sub _handle_element_start {
- # ($self, $element_name, $attr_hash_r)
- my $fh = $_[0]{'output_fh'};
- my($key, $value);
- DEBUG and print "++ $_[1]\n";
- print $fh ' ' x ($_[0]{'indent'} || 0), "<", $_[1];
- foreach my $key (sort keys %{$_[2]}) {
- unless($key =~ m/^~/s) {
- next if $key eq 'start_line' and $_[0]{'hide_line_numbers'};
- _xml_escape($value = $_[2]{$key});
- print $fh ' ', $key, '="', $value, '"';
- }
- }
- print $fh ">\n";
- $_[0]{'indent'}++;
- return;
-sub _handle_text {
- DEBUG and print "== \"$_[1]\"\n";
- if(length $_[1]) {
- my $indent = ' ' x $_[0]{'indent'};
- my $text = $_[1];
- _xml_escape($text);
- $text =~ # A not-totally-brilliant wrapping algorithm:
- s/(
- [^\n]{55} # Snare some characters from a line
- [^\n\ ]{0,50} # and finish any current word
- )
- \x20{1,10}(?!\n) # capture some spaces not at line-end
- /$1\n$indent/gx # => line-break here
- ;
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} $indent, $text, "\n";
- }
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end {
- DEBUG and print "-- $_[1]\n";
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}}
- ' ' x --$_[0]{'indent'}, "</", $_[1], ">\n";
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub _xml_escape {
- foreach my $x (@_) {
- # Escape things very cautiously:
- $x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg;
- # Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
- # all charsets that this module happens to run under.
- # Altho, hmm, what about that ord? Presumably that won't work right
- # under non-ASCII charsets. Something should be done about that.
- }
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML -- turn Pod into XML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::DumpAsXML -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod
-Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> that parses Pod
-and turns it into indented and wrapped XML. This class is of
-interest to people writing Pod formatters based on Pod::Simple.
-Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML inherits methods from
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream> is rather like this class.
-Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream's output is space-padded in a way
-that's better for sending to an XML processor (that is, it has
-no ignoreable whitespace). But
-Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML's output is much more human-readable, being
-(more-or-less) one token per line, with line-wrapping.
-L<Pod::Simple::DumpAsText> is rather like this class,
-except that it doesn't dump with XML syntax. Try them and see
-which one you like best!
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML>
-The older libraries L<Pod::PXML>, L<Pod::XML>, L<Pod::SAX>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4dbbc17d0..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,889 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::HTML;
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::PullParser ();
-use vars qw(
- @ISA %Tagmap $Computerese $LamePad $Linearization_Limit $VERSION
- $Perldoc_URL_Prefix $Perldoc_URL_Postfix
- $Title_Prefix $Title_Postfix $HTML_EXTENSION %ToIndex
- $Doctype_decl $Content_decl
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParser');
-$VERSION = '3.03';
-use UNIVERSAL ();
- if(defined &DEBUG) { } # no-op
- elsif( defined &Pod::Simple::DEBUG ) { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG }
- else { *DEBUG = sub () {0}; }
-$Doctype_decl ||= ''; # No. Just No. Don't even ask me for it.
- # qq{<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- # "">\n};
-$Content_decl ||=
- q{<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" >};
-$HTML_EXTENSION = '.html' unless defined $HTML_EXTENSION;
-$Computerese = "" unless defined $Computerese;
-$LamePad = '' unless defined $LamePad;
-$Linearization_Limit = 120 unless defined $Linearization_Limit;
- # headings/items longer than that won't get an <a name="...">
-$Perldoc_URL_Prefix = ''
- unless defined $Perldoc_URL_Prefix;
-$Perldoc_URL_Postfix = ''
- unless defined $Perldoc_URL_Postfix;
-$Title_Prefix = '' unless defined $Title_Prefix;
-$Title_Postfix = '' unless defined $Title_Postfix;
-%ToIndex = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(head1 head2 head3 head4 ); # item-text
- # 'item-text' stuff in the index doesn't quite work, and may
- # not be a good idea anyhow.
- 'perldoc_url_prefix',
- # In turning L<Foo::Bar> into http://whatever/Foo%3a%3aBar, what
- # to put before the "Foo%3a%3aBar".
- # (for singleton mode only?)
- 'perldoc_url_postfix',
- # what to put after "Foo%3a%3aBar" in the URL. Normally "".
- 'batch_mode', # whether we're in batch mode
- 'batch_mode_current_level',
- # When in batch mode, how deep the current module is: 1 for "LWP",
- # 2 for "LWP::Procotol", 3 for "LWP::Protocol::GHTTP", etc
- 'title_prefix', 'title_postfix',
- # What to put before and after the title in the head.
- # Should already be &-escaped
- 'html_header_before_title',
- 'html_header_after_title',
- 'html_footer',
- 'index', # whether to add an index at the top of each page
- # (actually it's a table-of-contents, but we'll call it an index,
- # out of apparently longstanding habit)
- 'html_css', # URL of CSS file to point to
- 'html_javascript', # URL of CSS file to point to
- 'force_title', # should already be &-escaped
- 'default_title', # should already be &-escaped
-my @_to_accept;
-%Tagmap = (
- 'Verbatim' => "\n<pre$Computerese>",
- '/Verbatim' => "</pre>\n",
- 'VerbatimFormatted' => "\n<pre$Computerese>",
- '/VerbatimFormatted' => "</pre>\n",
- 'VerbatimB' => "<b>",
- '/VerbatimB' => "</b>",
- 'VerbatimI' => "<i>",
- '/VerbatimI' => "</i>",
- 'VerbatimBI' => "<b><i>",
- '/VerbatimBI' => "</i></b>",
- 'Data' => "\n",
- '/Data' => "\n",
- 'head1' => "\n<h1>", # And also stick in an <a name="...">
- 'head2' => "\n<h2>", # ''
- 'head3' => "\n<h3>", # ''
- 'head4' => "\n<h4>", # ''
- '/head1' => "</a></h1>\n",
- '/head2' => "</a></h2>\n",
- '/head3' => "</a></h3>\n",
- '/head4' => "</a></h4>\n",
- 'X' => "<!--\n\tINDEX: ",
- '/X' => "\n-->",
- changes(qw(
- Para=p
- B=b I=i
- over-bullet=ul
- over-number=ol
- over-text=dl
- over-block=blockquote
- item-bullet=li
- item-number=li
- item-text=dt
- )),
- changes2(
- map {; m/^([-a-z]+)/s && push @_to_accept, $1; $_ }
- qw[
- sample=samp
- definition=dfn
- kbd=keyboard
- variable=var
- citation=cite
- abbreviation=abbr
- acronym=acronym
- subscript=sub
- superscript=sup
- big=big
- small=small
- underline=u
- strikethrough=s
- ] # no point in providing a way to get <q>...</q>, I think
- ),
- '/item-bullet' => "</li>$LamePad\n",
- '/item-number' => "</li>$LamePad\n",
- '/item-text' => "</a></dt>$LamePad\n",
- 'item-body' => "\n<dd>",
- '/item-body' => "</dd>\n",
- 'B' => "<b>", '/B' => "</b>",
- 'I' => "<i>", '/I' => "</i>",
- 'F' => "<em$Computerese>", '/F' => "</em>",
- 'C' => "<code$Computerese>", '/C' => "</code>",
- 'L' => "<a href='YOU_SHOULD_NEVER_SEE_THIS'>", # ideally never used!
- '/L' => "</a>",
-sub changes {
- return map {; m/^([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)=([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/s
- ? ( $1, => "\n<$2>", "/$1", => "</$2>\n" ) : die "Funky $_"
- } @_;
-sub changes2 {
- return map {; m/^([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)=([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/s
- ? ( $1, => "<$2>", "/$1", => "</$2>" ) : die "Funky $_"
- } @_;
-sub go { Pod::Simple::HTML->parse_from_file(@ARGV); exit 0 }
- # Just so we can run from the command line. No options.
- # For that, use perldoc!
-sub new {
- my $new = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
- #$new->nix_X_codes(1);
- $new->nbsp_for_S(1);
- $new->accept_targets( 'html', 'HTML' );
- $new->accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted');
- $new->accept_codes(@_to_accept);
- DEBUG > 2 and print "To accept: ", join(' ',@_to_accept), "\n";
- $new->perldoc_url_prefix( $Perldoc_URL_Prefix );
- $new->perldoc_url_postfix( $Perldoc_URL_Postfix );
- $new->title_prefix( $Title_Prefix );
- $new->title_postfix( $Title_Postfix );
- $new->html_header_before_title(
- qq[$Doctype_decl<html><head><title>]
- );
- $new->html_header_after_title( join "\n" =>
- "</title>",
- $Content_decl,
- "</head>\n<body class='pod'>",
- $new->version_tag_comment,
- "<!-- start doc -->\n",
- );
- $new->html_footer( qq[\n<!-- end doc -->\n\n</body></html>\n] );
- $new->{'Tagmap'} = {%Tagmap};
- return $new;
-sub batch_mode_page_object_init {
- my($self, $batchconvobj, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_;
- DEBUG and print "Initting $self\n for $module\n",
- " in $infile\n out $outfile\n depth $depth\n";
- $self->batch_mode(1);
- $self->batch_mode_current_level($depth);
- return $self;
-sub run {
- my $self = $_[0];
- return $self->do_middle if $self->bare_output;
- return
- $self->do_beginning && $self->do_middle && $self->do_end;
-sub do_beginning {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $title;
- if(defined $self->force_title) {
- $title = $self->force_title;
- DEBUG and print "Forcing title to be $title\n";
- } else {
- # Actually try looking for the title in the document:
- $title = $self->get_short_title();
- unless($self->content_seen) {
- DEBUG and print "No content seen in search for title.\n";
- return;
- }
- $self->{'Title'} = $title;
- if(defined $title and $title =~ m/\S/) {
- $title = $self->title_prefix . esc($title) . $self->title_postfix;
- } else {
- $title = $self->default_title;
- $title = '' unless defined $title;
- DEBUG and print "Title defaults to $title\n";
- }
- }
- my $after = $self->html_header_after_title || '';
- if($self->html_css) {
- my $link =
- $self->html_css =~ m/</
- ? $self->html_css # It's a big blob of markup, let's drop it in
- : sprintf( # It's just a URL, so let's wrap it up
- qq[<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="pod_stylesheet" href="%s">\n],
- $self->html_css,
- );
- $after =~ s{(</head>)}{$link\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind
- }
- $self->_add_top_anchor(\$after);
- if($self->html_javascript) {
- my $link =
- $self->html_javascript =~ m/</
- ? $self->html_javascript # It's a big blob of markup, let's drop it in
- : sprintf( # It's just a URL, so let's wrap it up
- qq[<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>\n],
- $self->html_javascript,
- );
- $after =~ s{(</head>)}{$link\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind
- }
- print {$self->{'output_fh'}}
- $self->html_header_before_title || '',
- $title, # already escaped
- $after,
- ;
- DEBUG and print "Returning from do_beginning...\n";
- return 1;
-sub _add_top_anchor {
- my($self, $text_r) = @_;
- unless($$text_r and $$text_r =~ m/name=['"]___top['"]/) { # a hack
- $$text_r .= "<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>\n";
- }
- return;
-sub version_tag_comment {
- my $self = shift;
- return sprintf
- "<!--\n generated by %s v%s,\n using %s v%s,\n under Perl v%s at %s GMT.\n\n %s\n\n-->\n",
- esc(
- ref($self), $self->VERSION(), $ISA[0], $ISA[0]->VERSION(),
- $], scalar(gmtime),
- ), $self->_modnote(),
- ;
-sub _modnote {
- my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
- return join "\n " => grep m/\S/, split "\n",
-If you want to change this HTML document, you probably shouldn't do that
-by changing it directly. Instead, see about changing the calling options
-to $class, and/or subclassing $class,
-then reconverting this document from the Pod source.
-When in doubt, email the author of $class for advice.
-See 'perldoc $class' for more info.
-sub do_end {
- my $self = $_[0];
- print {$self->{'output_fh'}} $self->html_footer || '';
- return 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-# Normally this would just be a call to _do_middle_main_loop -- but we
-# have to do some elaborate things to emit all the content and then
-# summarize it and output it /before/ the content that it's a summary of.
-sub do_middle {
- my $self = $_[0];
- return $self->_do_middle_main_loop unless $self->index;
- if( $self->output_string ) {
- # An efficiency hack
- my $out = $self->output_string; #it's a reference to it
- my $sneakytag = "\f\f\e\e\b\bIndex Here\e\e\b\b\f\f\n";
- $$out .= $sneakytag;
- $self->_do_middle_main_loop;
- $sneakytag = quotemeta($sneakytag);
- my $index = $self->index_as_html();
- if( $$out =~ s/$sneakytag/$index/s ) {
- # Expected case
- DEBUG and print "Inserted ", length($index), " bytes of index HTML into $out.\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "Odd, couldn't find where to insert the index in the output!\n";
- # I don't think this should ever happen.
- }
- return 1;
- }
- unless( $self->output_fh ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::confess("Parser object \$p doesn't seem to have any output object! I don't know how to deal with that.");
- }
- # If we get here, we're outputting to a FH. So we need to do some magic.
- # Namely, divert all content to a string, which we output after the index.
- my $fh = $self->output_fh;
- my $content = '';
- {
- # Our horrible bait and switch:
- $self->output_string( \$content );
- $self->_do_middle_main_loop;
- $self->abandon_output_string();
- $self->output_fh($fh);
- }
- print $fh $self->index_as_html();
- print $fh $content;
- return 1;
-sub index_as_html {
- my $self = $_[0];
- # This is meant to be called AFTER the input document has been parsed!
- my $points = $self->{'PSHTML_index_points'} || [];
- @$points > 1 or return qq[<div class='indexgroupEmpty'></div>\n];
- # There's no point in having a 0-item or 1-item index, I dare say.
- my(@out) = qq{\n<div class='indexgroup'>};
- my $level = 0;
- my( $target_level, $previous_tagname, $tagname, $text, $anchorname, $indent);
- foreach my $p (@$points, ['head0', '(end)']) {
- ($tagname, $text) = @$p;
- $anchorname = $self->section_escape($text);
- if( $tagname =~ m{^head(\d+)$} ) {
- $target_level = 0 + $1;
- } else { # must be some kinda list item
- if($previous_tagname =~ m{^head\d+$} ) {
- $target_level = $level + 1;
- } else {
- $target_level = $level; # no change needed
- }
- }
- # Get to target_level by opening or closing ULs
- while($level > $target_level)
- { --$level; push @out, (" " x $level) . "</ul>"; }
- while($level < $target_level)
- { ++$level; push @out, (" " x ($level-1))
- . "<ul class='indexList indexList$level'>"; }
- $previous_tagname = $tagname;
- next unless $level;
- $indent = ' ' x $level;
- push @out, sprintf
- "%s<li class='indexItem indexItem%s'><a href='#%s'>%s</a>",
- $indent, $level, $anchorname, esc($text)
- ;
- }
- push @out, "</div>\n";
- return join "\n", @out;
-sub _do_middle_main_loop {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
- my $tagmap = $self->{'Tagmap'};
- my($token, $type, $tagname, $linkto, $linktype);
- my @stack;
- my $dont_wrap = 0;
- while($token = $self->get_token) {
- # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- if( ($type = $token->type) eq 'start' ) {
- if(($tagname = $token->tagname) eq 'L') {
- $linktype = $token->attr('type') || 'insane';
- $linkto = $self->do_link($token);
- if(defined $linkto and length $linkto) {
- esc($linkto);
- # (Yes, SGML-escaping applies on top of %-escaping!
- # But it's rarely noticeable in practice.)
- print $fh qq{<a href="$linkto" class="podlink$linktype"\n>};
- } else {
- print $fh "<a>"; # Yes, an 'a' element with no attributes!
- }
- } elsif ($tagname eq 'item-text' or $tagname =~ m/^head\d$/s) {
- print $fh $tagmap->{$tagname} || next;
- my @to_unget;
- while(1) {
- push @to_unget, $self->get_token;
- last if $to_unget[-1]->is_end
- and $to_unget[-1]->tagname eq $tagname;
- # TODO: support for X<...>'s found in here? (maybe hack into linearize_tokens)
- }
- my $name = $self->linearize_tokens(@to_unget);
- print $fh "<a ";
- print $fh "class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'\n"
- if $tagname =~ m/^head\d$/s;
- if(defined $name) {
- my $esc = esc( $self->section_name_tidy( $name ) );
- print $fh qq[name="$esc"];
- DEBUG and print "Linearized ", scalar(@to_unget),
- " tokens as \"$name\".\n";
- push @{ $self->{'PSHTML_index_points'} }, [$tagname, $name]
- if $ToIndex{ $tagname };
- # Obviously, this discards all formatting codes (saving
- # just their content), but ahwell.
- } else { # ludicrously long, so nevermind
- DEBUG and print "Linearized ", scalar(@to_unget),
- " tokens, but it was too long, so nevermind.\n";
- }
- print $fh "\n>";
- $self->unget_token(@to_unget);
- } elsif ($tagname eq 'Data') {
- my $next = $self->get_token;
- next unless defined $next;
- unless( $next->type eq 'text' ) {
- $self->unget_token($next);
- next;
- }
- DEBUG and print " raw text ", $next->text, "\n";
- printf $fh "\n" . $next->text . "\n";
- next;
- } else {
- if( $tagname =~ m/^over-/s ) {
- push @stack, '';
- } elsif( $tagname =~ m/^item-/s and @stack and $stack[-1] ) {
- print $fh $stack[-1];
- $stack[-1] = '';
- }
- print $fh $tagmap->{$tagname} || next;
- ++$dont_wrap if $tagname eq 'Verbatim' or $tagname eq "VerbatimFormatted"
- or $tagname eq 'X';
- }
- # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- } elsif( $type eq 'end' ) {
- if( ($tagname = $token->tagname) =~ m/^over-/s ) {
- if( my $end = pop @stack ) {
- print $fh $end;
- }
- } elsif( $tagname =~ m/^item-/s and @stack) {
- $stack[-1] = $tagmap->{"/$tagname"};
- if( $tagname eq 'item-text' and defined(my $next = $self->get_token) ) {
- $self->unget_token($next);
- if( $next->type eq 'start' and $next->tagname !~ m/^item-/s ) {
- print $fh $tagmap->{"/item-text"},$tagmap->{"item-body"};
- $stack[-1] = $tagmap->{"/item-body"};
- }
- }
- next;
- }
- print $fh $tagmap->{"/$tagname"} || next;
- --$dont_wrap if $tagname eq 'Verbatim' or $tagname eq 'X';
- # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- } elsif( $type eq 'text' ) {
- esc($type = $token->text); # reuse $type, why not
- $type =~ s/([\?\!\"\'\.\,]) /$1\n/g unless $dont_wrap;
- print $fh $type;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub do_link {
- my($self, $token) = @_;
- my $type = $token->attr('type');
- if(!defined $type) {
- $self->whine("Typeless L!?", $token->attr('start_line'));
- } elsif( $type eq 'pod') { return $self->do_pod_link($token);
- } elsif( $type eq 'url') { return $self->do_url_link($token);
- } elsif( $type eq 'man') { return $self->do_man_link($token);
- } else {
- $self->whine("L of unknown type $type!?", $token->attr('start_line'));
- }
- return 'FNORG'; # should never get called
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub do_url_link { return $_[1]->attr('to') }
-sub do_man_link { return undef }
- # But subclasses are welcome to override this if they have man
- # pages somewhere URL-accessible.
-sub do_pod_link {
- # And now things get really messy...
- my($self, $link) = @_;
- my $to = $link->attr('to');
- my $section = $link->attr('section');
- return undef unless( # should never happen
- (defined $to and length $to) or
- (defined $section and length $section)
- );
- $section = $self->section_escape($section)
- if defined $section and length($section .= ''); # (stringify)
- DEBUG and printf "Resolving \"%s\" \"%s\"...\n",
- $to || "(nil)", $section || "(nil)";
- {
- # An early hack:
- my $complete_url = $self->resolve_pod_link_by_table($to, $section);
- if( $complete_url ) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print "resolve_pod_link_by_table(T,S) gives ",
- $complete_url, "\n (Returning that.)\n";
- return $complete_url;
- } else {
- DEBUG > 4 and print " resolve_pod_link_by_table(T,S)",
- " didn't return anything interesting.\n";
- }
- }
- if(defined $to and length $to) {
- # Give this routine first hack again
- my $there = $self->resolve_pod_link_by_table($to);
- if(defined $there and length $there) {
- DEBUG > 1
- and print "resolve_pod_link_by_table(T) gives $there\n";
- } else {
- $there =
- $self->resolve_pod_page_link($to, $section);
- # (I pass it the section value, but I don't see a
- # particular reason it'd use it.)
- DEBUG > 1 and print "resolve_pod_page_link gives ", $to || "(nil)", "\n";
- unless( defined $there and length $there ) {
- DEBUG and print "Can't resolve $to\n";
- return undef;
- }
- # resolve_pod_page_link returning undef is how it
- # can signal that it gives up on making a link
- }
- $to = $there;
- }
- #DEBUG and print "So far [", $to||'nil', "] [", $section||'nil', "]\n";
- my $out = (defined $to and length $to) ? $to : '';
- $out .= "#" . $section if defined $section and length $section;
- unless(length $out) { # sanity check
- DEBUG and printf "Oddly, couldn't resolve \"%s\" \"%s\"...\n",
- $to || "(nil)", $section || "(nil)";
- return undef;
- }
- DEBUG and print "Resolved to $out\n";
- return $out;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub section_escape {
- my($self, $section) = @_;
- return $self->section_url_escape(
- $self->section_name_tidy($section)
- );
-sub section_name_tidy {
- my($self, $section) = @_;
- $section =~ tr/ /_/;
- $section =~ tr/\x00-\x1F\x80-\x9F//d if 'A' eq chr(65); # drop crazy characters
- $section = $self->unicode_escape_url($section);
- $section = '_' unless length $section;
- return $section;
-sub section_url_escape { shift->general_url_escape(@_) }
-sub pagepath_url_escape { shift->general_url_escape(@_) }
-sub general_url_escape {
- my($self, $string) = @_;
- $string =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/join '', map sprintf('%%%02X',$_), unpack 'C*', $1/eg;
- # express Unicode things as urlencode(utf(orig)).
- # A pretty conservative escaping, behoovey even for query components
- # of a URL (see RFC 2396)
- $string =~ s/([^-_\.!~*()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))/eg;
- # Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
- # all charsets that this module happens to run under.
- # Altho, hmm, what about that ord? Presumably that won't work right
- # under non-ASCII charsets. Something should be done
- # about that, I guess?
- return $string;
-# Oh look, a yawning portal to Hell! Let's play touch football right by it!
-sub resolve_pod_page_link {
- # resolve_pod_page_link must return a properly escaped URL
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->batch_mode()
- ? $self->resolve_pod_page_link_batch_mode(@_)
- : $self->resolve_pod_page_link_singleton_mode(@_)
- ;
-sub resolve_pod_page_link_singleton_mode {
- my($self, $it) = @_;
- return undef unless defined $it and length $it;
- my $url = $self->pagepath_url_escape($it);
- $url =~ s{::$}{}s; # probably never comes up anyway
- $url =~ s{::}{/}g unless $self->perldoc_url_prefix =~ m/\?/s; # sane DWIM?
- return undef unless length $url;
- return $self->perldoc_url_prefix . $url . $self->perldoc_url_postfix;
-sub resolve_pod_page_link_batch_mode {
- my($self, $to) = @_;
- DEBUG > 1 and print " During batch mode, resolving $to ...\n";
- my @path = grep length($_), split m/::/s, $to, -1;
- unless( @path ) { # sanity
- DEBUG and print "Very odd! Splitting $to gives (nil)!\n";
- return undef;
- }
- $self->batch_mode_rectify_path(\@path);
- my $out = join('/', map $self->pagepath_url_escape($_), @path)
- DEBUG > 1 and print " => $out\n";
- return $out;
-sub batch_mode_rectify_path {
- my($self, $pathbits) = @_;
- my $level = $self->batch_mode_current_level;
- $level--; # how many levels up to go to get to the root
- if($level < 1) {
- unshift @$pathbits, '.'; # just to be pretty
- } else {
- unshift @$pathbits, ('..') x $level;
- }
- return;
-sub resolve_pod_link_by_table {
- # A crazy hack to allow specifying custom L<foo> => URL mappings
- return unless $_[0]->{'podhtml_LOT'}; # An optimizy shortcut
- my($self, $to, $section) = @_;
- # TODO: add a method that actually populates podhtml_LOT from a file?
- if(defined $section) {
- $to = '' unless defined $to and length $to;
- return $self->{'podhtml_LOT'}{"$to#$section"}; # quite possibly undef!
- } else {
- return $self->{'podhtml_LOT'}{$to}; # quite possibly undef!
- }
- return;
-sub linearize_tokens { # self, tokens
- my $self = shift;
- my $out = '';
- my $t;
- while($t = shift @_) {
- if(!ref $t or !UNIVERSAL::can($t, 'is_text')) {
- $out .= $t; # a string, or some insane thing
- } elsif($t->is_text) {
- $out .= $t->text;
- } elsif($t->is_start and $t->tag eq 'X') {
- # Ignore until the end of this X<...> sequence:
- my $x_open = 1;
- while($x_open) {
- next if( ($t = shift @_)->is_text );
- if( $t->is_start and $t->tag eq 'X') { ++$x_open }
- elsif($t->is_end and $t->tag eq 'X') { --$x_open }
- }
- }
- }
- return undef if length $out > $Linearization_Limit;
- return $out;
-sub unicode_escape_url {
- my($self, $string) = @_;
- $string =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'('.ord($1).')'/eg;
- # Turn char 1234 into "(1234)"
- return $string;
-sub esc { # a function.
- if(defined wantarray) {
- if(wantarray) {
- @_ = splice @_; # break aliasing
- } else {
- my $x = shift;
- $x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg;
- return $x;
- }
- }
- foreach my $x (@_) {
- # Escape things very cautiously:
- $x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg
- if defined $x;
- # Leave out "- so that "--" won't make it thru in X-generated comments
- # with text in them.
- # Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
- # all charsets that this module happens to run under.
- # Altho, hmm, what about that ord? Presumably that won't work right
- # under non-ASCII charsets. Something should be done about that.
- }
- return @_;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::HTML - convert Pod to HTML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::HTML -e Pod::Simple::HTML::go thingy.pod
-This class is for making an HTML rendering of a Pod document.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::PullParser> and inherits all its
-methods (and options).
-Note that if you want to do a batch conversion of a lot of Pod
-documents to HTML, you should see the module L<Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch>.
- perl -MPod::Simple::HTML -e Pod::Simple::HTML::go Thing.pod Thing.html
-TODO make a new object, set any options, and use parse_from_file
-=head1 METHODS
-all (most?) accessorized methods
- can just set any of: html_css html_javascript title_prefix
- 'html_header_before_title',
- 'html_header_after_title',
- 'html_footer',
-maybe override do_pod_link
-maybe override do_beginning do_end
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch>
-TODO: a corpus of sample Pod input and HTML output? Or common
-Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb26cabf37..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1342 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;
-use strict;
-$VERSION = '3.02';
-@ISA = (); # Yup, we're NOT a subclass of Pod::Simple::HTML!
-# TODO: nocontents stylesheets. Strike some of the color variations?
-use Pod::Simple::HTML ();
-BEGIN {*esc = \&Pod::Simple::HTML::esc }
-use File::Spec ();
-use UNIVERSAL ();
- # "Isn't the Universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else!"
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-$SEARCH_CLASS ||= 'Pod::Simple::Search';
- if(defined &DEBUG) { } # no-op
- elsif( defined &Pod::Simple::DEBUG ) { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG }
- else { *DEBUG = sub () {0}; }
-$SLEEPY = 1 if !defined $SLEEPY and $^O =~ /mswin|mac/i;
-# flag to occasionally sleep for $SLEEPY - 1 seconds.
-$HTML_RENDER_CLASS ||= "Pod::Simple::HTML";
-# Methods beginning with "_" are particularly internal and possibly ugly.
-Pod::Simple::_accessorize( __PACKAGE__,
- 'verbose', # how verbose to be during batch conversion
- 'html_render_class', # what class to use to render
- 'contents_file', # If set, should be the name of a file (in current directory)
- # to write the list of all modules to
- 'index', # will set $htmlpage->index(...) to this (true or false)
- 'progress', # progress object
- 'contents_page_start', 'contents_page_end',
- 'css_flurry', '_css_wad', 'javascript_flurry', '_javascript_wad',
- 'no_contents_links', # set to true to suppress automatic adding of << links.
- '_contents',
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-# Just so we can run from the command line more easily
-sub go {
- @ARGV == 2 or die sprintf(
- "Usage: perl -M%s -e %s:go indirs outdir\n (or use \"\@INC\" for indirs)\n",
- );
- if(defined($ARGV[1]) and length($ARGV[1])) {
- my $d = $ARGV[1];
- -e $d or die "I see no output directory named \"$d\"\nAborting";
- -d $d or die "But \"$d\" isn't a directory!\nAborting";
- -w $d or die "Directory \"$d\" isn't writeable!\nAborting";
- }
- __PACKAGE__->batch_convert(@ARGV);
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub new {
- my $new = bless {}, ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
- $new->html_render_class($HTML_RENDER_CLASS);
- $new->verbose(1 + DEBUG);
- $new->_contents([]);
- $new->index(1);
- $new-> _css_wad([]); $new->css_flurry(1);
- $new->_javascript_wad([]); $new->javascript_flurry(1);
- $new->contents_file(
- 'index' . ($HTML_EXTENSION || $Pod::Simple::HTML::HTML_EXTENSION)
- );
- $new->contents_page_start( join "\n", grep $_,
- $Pod::Simple::HTML::Doctype_decl,
- "<html><head>",
- "<title>Perl Documentation</title>",
- $Pod::Simple::HTML::Content_decl,
- "</head>",
- "\n<body class='contentspage'>\n<h1>Perl Documentation</h1>\n"
- ); # override if you need a different title
- $new->contents_page_end( sprintf(
- "\n\n<p class='contentsfooty'>Generated by %s v%s under Perl v%s\n<br >At %s GMT, which is %s local time.</p>\n\n</body></html>\n",
- esc(
- ref($new),
- eval {$new->VERSION} || $VERSION,
- $], scalar(gmtime), scalar(localtime),
- )));
- return $new;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub muse {
- my $self = shift;
- if($self->verbose) {
- print 'T+', int(time() - $self->{'_batch_start_time'}), "s: ", @_, "\n";
- }
- return 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub batch_convert {
- my($self, $dirs, $outdir) = @_;
- $self ||= __PACKAGE__; # tolerate being called as an optionless function
- $self = $self->new unless ref $self; # tolerate being used as a class method
- if(!defined($dirs) or $dirs eq '' or $dirs eq '@INC' ) {
- $dirs = '';
- } elsif(ref $dirs) {
- # OK, it's an explicit set of dirs to scan, specified as an arrayref.
- } else {
- # OK, it's an explicit set of dirs to scan, specified as a
- # string like "/thing:/also:/whatever/perl" (":"-delim, as usual)
- # or, under MSWin, like "c:/thing;d:/also;c:/whatever/perl" (";"-delim!)
- require Config;
- my $ps = quotemeta( $Config::Config{'path_sep'} || ":" );
- $dirs = [ grep length($_), split qr/$ps/, $dirs ];
- }
- $outdir = $self->filespecsys->curdir
- unless defined $outdir and length $outdir;
- $self->_batch_convert_main($dirs, $outdir);
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _batch_convert_main {
- my($self, $dirs, $outdir) = @_;
- # $dirs is either false, or an arrayref.
- # $outdir is a pathspec.
- $self->{'_batch_start_time'} ||= time();
- $self->muse( "= ", scalar(localtime) );
- $self->muse( "Starting batch conversion to \"$outdir\"" );
- my $progress = $self->progress;
- if(!$progress and $self->verbose > 0 and $self->verbose() <= 5) {
- require Pod::Simple::Progress;
- $progress = Pod::Simple::Progress->new(
- ($self->verbose < 2) ? () # Default omission-delay
- : ($self->verbose == 2) ? 1 # Reduce the omission-delay
- : 0 # Eliminate the omission-delay
- );
- $self->progress($progress);
- }
- if($dirs) {
- $self->muse(scalar(@$dirs), " dirs to scan: @$dirs");
- } else {
- $self->muse("Scanning \@INC. This could take a minute or two.");
- }
- my $mod2path = $self->find_all_pods($dirs ? $dirs : ());
- $self->muse("Done scanning.");
- my $total = keys %$mod2path;
- unless($total) {
- $self->muse("No pod found. Aborting batch conversion.\n");
- return $self;
- }
- $progress and $progress->goal($total);
- $self->muse("Now converting pod files to HTML.",
- ($total > 25) ? " This will take a while more." : ()
- );
- $self->_spray_css( $outdir );
- $self->_spray_javascript( $outdir );
- $self->_do_all_batch_conversions($mod2path, $outdir);
- $progress and $progress->done(sprintf (
- "Done converting %d files.", $self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"}
- ));
- return $self->_batch_convert_finish($outdir);
- return $self;
-sub _do_all_batch_conversions {
- my($self, $mod2path, $outdir) = @_;
- $self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} = 0;
- foreach my $module (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %$mod2path) {
- $self->_do_one_batch_conversion($module, $mod2path, $outdir);
- sleep($SLEEPY - 1) if $SLEEPY;
- }
- return;
-sub _batch_convert_finish {
- my($self, $outdir) = @_;
- $self->write_contents_file($outdir);
- $self->muse("Done with batch conversion. $$self{'__batch_conv_page_count'} files done.");
- $self->muse( "= ", scalar(localtime) );
- $self->progress and $self->progress->done("All done!");
- return;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _do_one_batch_conversion {
- my($self, $module, $mod2path, $outdir, $outfile) = @_;
- my $retval;
- my $total = scalar keys %$mod2path;
- my $infile = $mod2path->{$module};
- my @namelets = grep m/\S/, split "::", $module;
- # this can stick around in the contents LoL
- my $depth = scalar @namelets;
- die "Contentless thingie?! $module $infile" unless @namelets; #sanity
- $outfile ||= do {
- my @n = @namelets;
- $n[-1] .= $HTML_EXTENSION || $Pod::Simple::HTML::HTML_EXTENSION;
- $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, @n );
- };
- my $progress = $self->progress;
- my $page = $self->html_render_class->new;
- if(DEBUG > 5) {
- $self->muse($self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} + 1, "/$total: ",
- ref($page), " render ($depth) $module => $outfile");
- } elsif(DEBUG > 2) {
- $self->muse($self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} + 1, "/$total: $module => $outfile")
- }
- # Give each class a chance to init the converter:
- $page->batch_mode_page_object_init($self, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
- if $page->can('batch_mode_page_object_init');
- $self->batch_mode_page_object_init($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
- if $self->can('batch_mode_page_object_init');
- # Now get busy...
- $self->makepath($outdir => \@namelets);
- $progress and $progress->reach($self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"}, "Rendering $module");
- if( $retval = $page->parse_from_file($infile, $outfile) ) {
- ++ $self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} ;
- $self->note_for_contents_file( \@namelets, $infile, $outfile );
- } else {
- $self->muse("Odd, parse_from_file(\"$infile\", \"$outfile\") returned false.");
- }
- $page->batch_mode_page_object_kill($self, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
- if $page->can('batch_mode_page_object_kill');
- # The following isn't a typo. Note that it switches $self and $page.
- $self->batch_mode_page_object_kill($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
- if $self->can('batch_mode_page_object_kill');
- DEBUG > 4 and printf "%s %sb < $infile %s %sb\n",
- $outfile, -s $outfile, $infile, -s $infile
- ;
- undef($page);
- return $retval;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub filespecsys { $_[0]{'_filespecsys'} || 'File::Spec' }
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub note_for_contents_file {
- my($self, $namelets, $infile, $outfile) = @_;
- # I think the infile and outfile parts are never used. -- SMB
- # But it's handy to have them around for debugging.
- if( $self->contents_file ) {
- my $c = $self->_contents();
- push @$c,
- [ join("::", @$namelets), $infile, $outfile, $namelets ]
- # 0 1 2 3
- ;
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Noting @$c[-1]\n";
- }
- return;
-sub write_contents_file {
- my($self, $outdir) = @_;
- my $outfile = $self->_contents_filespec($outdir) || return;
- $self->muse("Preparing list of modules for ToC");
- my($toplevel, # maps toplevelbit => [all submodules]
- $toplevel_form_freq, # ends up being 'foo' => 'Foo'
- ) = $self->_prep_contents_breakdown;
- my $Contents = eval { $self->_wopen($outfile) };
- if( $Contents ) {
- $self->muse( "Writing contents file $outfile" );
- } else {
- warn "Couldn't write-open contents file $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all";
- return;
- }
- $self->_write_contents_start( $Contents, $outfile, );
- $self->_write_contents_middle( $Contents, $outfile, $toplevel, $toplevel_form_freq );
- $self->_write_contents_end( $Contents, $outfile, );
- return $outfile;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _write_contents_start {
- my($self, $Contents, $outfile) = @_;
- my $starter = $self->contents_page_start || '';
- {
- my $css_wad = $self->_css_wad_to_markup(1);
- if( $css_wad ) {
- $starter =~ s{(</head>)}{\n$css_wad\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind
- }
- my $javascript_wad = $self->_javascript_wad_to_markup(1);
- if( $javascript_wad ) {
- $starter =~ s{(</head>)}{\n$javascript_wad\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind
- }
- }
- unless(print $Contents $starter, "<dl class='superindex'>\n" ) {
- warn "Couldn't print to $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all";
- close($Contents);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _write_contents_middle {
- my($self, $Contents, $outfile, $toplevel2submodules, $toplevel_form_freq) = @_;
- foreach my $t (sort keys %$toplevel2submodules) {
- my @downlines = sort {$a->[-1] cmp $b->[-1]}
- @{ $toplevel2submodules->{$t} };
- printf $Contents qq[<dt><a name="%s">%s</a></dt>\n<dd>\n],
- esc( $t, $toplevel_form_freq->{$t} )
- ;
- my($path, $name);
- foreach my $e (@downlines) {
- $name = $e->[0];
- $path = join( "/", '.', esc( @{$e->[3]} ) )
- print $Contents qq{ <a href="$path">}, esc($name), "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
- }
- print $Contents "</dd>\n\n";
- }
- return 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _write_contents_end {
- my($self, $Contents, $outfile) = @_;
- unless(
- print $Contents "</dl>\n",
- $self->contents_page_end || '',
- ) {
- warn "Couldn't write to $outfile: $!";
- }
- close($Contents) or warn "Couldn't close $outfile: $!";
- return 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _prep_contents_breakdown {
- my($self) = @_;
- my $contents = $self->_contents;
- my %toplevel; # maps lctoplevelbit => [all submodules]
- my %toplevel_form_freq; # ends up being 'foo' => 'Foo'
- # (mapping anycase forms to most freq form)
- foreach my $entry (@$contents) {
- my $toplevel =
- $entry->[0] =~ m/^perl\w*$/ ? 'perl_core_docs'
- # group all the perlwhatever docs together
- : $entry->[3][0] # normal case
- ;
- ++$toplevel_form_freq{ lc $toplevel }{ $toplevel };
- push @{ $toplevel{ lc $toplevel } }, $entry;
- push @$entry, lc($entry->[0]); # add a sort-order key to the end
- }
- foreach my $toplevel (sort keys %toplevel) {
- my $fgroup = $toplevel_form_freq{$toplevel};
- $toplevel_form_freq{$toplevel} =
- (
- sort { $fgroup->{$b} <=> $fgroup->{$a} or $a cmp $b }
- keys %$fgroup
- # This hash is extremely unlikely to have more than 4 members, so this
- # sort isn't so very wasteful
- )[0];
- }
- return(\%toplevel, \%toplevel_form_freq) if wantarray;
- return \%toplevel;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _contents_filespec {
- my($self, $outdir) = @_;
- my $outfile = $self->contents_file;
- return unless $outfile;
- return $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, $outfile );
-sub makepath {
- my($self, $outdir, $namelets) = @_;
- return unless @$namelets > 1;
- for my $i (0 .. ($#$namelets - 1)) {
- my $dir = $self->filespecsys->catdir( $outdir, @$namelets[0 .. $i] );
- if(-e $dir) {
- die "$dir exists but not as a directory!?" unless -d $dir;
- next;
- }
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Making $dir\n";
- mkdir $dir, 0777
- or die "Can't mkdir $dir: $!\nAborting"
- ;
- }
- return;
-sub batch_mode_page_object_init {
- my $self = shift;
- my($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_;
- # TODO: any further options to percolate onto this new object here?
- $page->default_title($module);
- $page->index( $self->index );
- $page->html_css( $self-> _css_wad_to_markup($depth) );
- $page->html_javascript( $self->_javascript_wad_to_markup($depth) );
- $self->add_header_backlink($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth);
- $self->add_footer_backlink($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth);
- return $self;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub add_header_backlink {
- my $self = shift;
- return if $self->no_contents_links;
- my($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_;
- $page->html_header_after_title( join '',
- $page->html_header_after_title || '',
- qq[<p class="backlinktop"><b><a name="___top" href="],
- $self->url_up_to_contents($depth),
- qq[" accesskey="1" title="All Documents">&lt;&lt;</a></b></p>\n],
- )
- if $self->contents_file
- ;
- return;
-sub add_footer_backlink {
- my $self = shift;
- return if $self->no_contents_links;
- my($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_;
- $page->html_footer( join '',
- qq[<p class="backlinkbottom"><b><a name="___bottom" href="],
- $self->url_up_to_contents($depth),
- qq[" title="All Documents">&lt;&lt;</a></b></p>\n],
- $page->html_footer || '',
- )
- if $self->contents_file
- ;
- return;
-sub url_up_to_contents {
- my($self, $depth) = @_;
- --$depth;
- return join '/', ('..') x $depth, esc($self->contents_file);
-sub find_all_pods {
- my($self, $dirs) = @_;
- # You can override find_all_pods in a subclass if you want to
- # do extra filtering or whatnot. But for the moment, we just
- # pass to modnames2paths:
- return $self->modnames2paths($dirs);
-sub modnames2paths { # return a hashref mapping modulenames => paths
- my($self, $dirs) = @_;
- my $m2p;
- {
- my $search = $SEARCH_CLASS->new;
- DEBUG and print "Searching via $search\n";
- $search->verbose(1) if DEBUG > 10;
- $search->progress( $self->progress->copy->goal(0) ) if $self->progress;
- $search->shadows(0); # don't bother noting shadowed files
- $search->inc( $dirs ? 0 : 1 );
- $search->survey( $dirs ? @$dirs : () );
- $m2p = $search->name2path;
- die "What, no name2path?!" unless $m2p;
- }
- $self->muse("That's odd... no modules found!") unless keys %$m2p;
- if( DEBUG > 4 ) {
- print "Modules found (name => path):\n";
- foreach my $m (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %$m2p) {
- print " $m $$m2p{$m}\n";
- }
- print "(total ", scalar(keys %$m2p), ")\n\n";
- } elsif( DEBUG ) {
- print "Found ", scalar(keys %$m2p), " modules.\n";
- }
- $self->muse( "Found ", scalar(keys %$m2p), " modules." );
- # return the Foo::Bar => /whatever/Foo/Bar.pod|pm hashref
- return $m2p;
-sub _wopen {
- # this is abstracted out so that the daemon class can override it
- my($self, $outpath) = @_;
- require Symbol;
- my $out_fh = Symbol::gensym();
- DEBUG > 5 and print "Write-opening to $outpath\n";
- return $out_fh if open($out_fh, "> $outpath");
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Can't write-open $outpath: $!");
-sub add_css {
- my($self, $url, $is_default, $name, $content_type, $media, $_code) = @_;
- return unless $url;
- unless($name) {
- # cook up a reasonable name based on the URL
- $name = $url;
- if( $name !~ m/\?/ and $name =~ m{([^/]+)$}s ) {
- $name = $1;
- $name =~ s/\.css//i;
- }
- }
- $media ||= 'all';
- $content_type ||= 'text/css';
- my $bunch = [$url, $name, $content_type, $media, $_code];
- if($is_default) { unshift @{ $self->_css_wad }, $bunch }
- else { push @{ $self->_css_wad }, $bunch }
- return;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _spray_css {
- my($self, $outdir) = @_;
- return unless $self->css_flurry();
- $self->_gen_css_wad();
- my $lol = $self->_css_wad;
- foreach my $chunk (@$lol) {
- my $url = $chunk->[0];
- my $outfile;
- if( ref($chunk->[-1]) and $url =~ m{^(_[-a-z0-9_]+\.css$)} ) {
- $outfile = $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, "$1" );
- DEBUG > 5 and print "Noting $$chunk[0] as a file I'll create.\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 5 and print "OK, noting $$chunk[0] as an external CSS.\n";
- # Requires no further attention.
- next;
- }
- #$self->muse( "Writing autogenerated CSS file $outfile" );
- my $Cssout = $self->_wopen($outfile);
- print $Cssout ${$chunk->[-1]}
- or warn "Couldn't print to $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all";
- close($Cssout);
- DEBUG > 5 and print "Wrote $outfile\n";
- }
- return;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _css_wad_to_markup {
- my($self, $depth) = @_;
- my @css = @{ $self->_css_wad || return '' };
- return '' unless @css;
- my $rel = 'stylesheet';
- my $out = '';
- --$depth;
- my $uplink = $depth ? ('../' x $depth) : '';
- foreach my $chunk (@css) {
- next unless $chunk and @$chunk;
- my( $url1, $url2, $title, $type, $media) = (
- $self->_maybe_uplink( $chunk->[0], $uplink ),
- esc(grep !ref($_), @$chunk)
- );
- $out .= qq{<link rel="$rel" title="$title" type="$type" href="$url1$url2" media="$media" >\n};
- $rel = 'alternate stylesheet'; # alternates = all non-first iterations
- }
- return $out;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _maybe_uplink {
- # if the given URL looks relative, return the given uplink string --
- # otherwise return emptystring
- my($self, $url, $uplink) = @_;
- ($url =~ m{^\./} or $url !~ m{[/\:]} )
- ? $uplink
- : ''
- # qualify it, if/as needed
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub _gen_css_wad {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $css_template = $self->_css_template;
- foreach my $variation (
- # Commented out for sake of concision:
- #
- # 011n=black_with_red_on_white
- # 001n=black_with_yellow_on_white
- # 101n=black_with_green_on_white
- # 110=white_with_yellow_on_black
- # 010=white_with_green_on_black
- # 011=white_with_blue_on_black
- # 100=white_with_red_on_black
- qw[
- 110n=black_with_blue_on_white
- 010n=black_with_magenta_on_white
- 100n=black_with_cyan_on_white
- 101=white_with_purple_on_black
- 001=white_with_navy_blue_on_black
- 010a=grey_with_green_on_black
- 010b=white_with_green_on_grey
- 101an=black_with_green_on_grey
- 101bn=grey_with_green_on_white
- ]) {
- my $outname = $variation;
- my($flipmode, @swap) = ( ($4 || ''), $1,$2,$3)
- if $outname =~ s/^([012])([012])([[012])([a-z]*)=?//s;
- @swap = () if '010' eq join '', @swap; # 010 is a swop-no-op!
- my $this_css =
- "/* This file is autogenerated. Do not edit. $variation */\n\n"
- . $css_template;
- # Only look at three-digitty colors, for now at least.
- if( $flipmode =~ m/n/ ) {
- $this_css =~ s/(#[0-9a-fA-F]{3})\b/_color_negate($1)/eg;
- $this_css =~ s/\bthin\b/medium/g;
- }
- $this_css =~ s<#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])\b>
- < join '', '#', ($1,$2,$3)[@swap] >eg if @swap;
- if( $flipmode =~ m/a/)
- { $this_css =~ s/#fff\b/#999/gi } # black -> dark grey
- elsif($flipmode =~ m/b/)
- { $this_css =~ s/#000\b/#666/gi } # white -> light grey
- my $name = $outname;
- $name =~ tr/-_/ /;
- $self->add_css( "_$outname.css", 0, $name, 0, 0, \$this_css);
- }
- # Now a few indexless variations:
- foreach my $variation (qw[
- black_with_blue_on_white white_with_purple_on_black
- white_with_green_on_grey grey_with_green_on_white
- ]) {
- my $outname = "indexless_$variation";
- my $this_css = join "\n",
- "/* This file is autogenerated. Do not edit. $outname */\n",
- "\@import url(\"./_$variation.css\");",
- ".indexgroup { display: none; }",
- "\n",
- ;
- my $name = $outname;
- $name =~ tr/-_/ /;
- $self->add_css( "_$outname.css", 0, $name, 0, 0, \$this_css);
- }
- return;
-sub _color_negate {
- my $x = lc $_[0];
- $x =~ tr[0123456789abcdef]
- [fedcba9876543210];
- return $x;
-sub add_javascript {
- my($self, $url, $content_type, $_code) = @_;
- return unless $url;
- push @{ $self->_javascript_wad }, [
- $url, $content_type || 'text/javascript', $_code
- ];
- return;
-sub _spray_javascript {
- my($self, $outdir) = @_;
- return unless $self->javascript_flurry();
- $self->_gen_javascript_wad();
- my $lol = $self->_javascript_wad;
- foreach my $script (@$lol) {
- my $url = $script->[0];
- my $outfile;
- if( ref($script->[-1]) and $url =~ m{^(_[-a-z0-9_]+\.js$)} ) {
- $outfile = $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, "$1" );
- DEBUG > 5 and print "Noting $$script[0] as a file I'll create.\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG > 5 and print "OK, noting $$script[0] as an external JavaScript.\n";
- next;
- }
- #$self->muse( "Writing JavaScript file $outfile" );
- my $Jsout = $self->_wopen($outfile);
- print $Jsout ${$script->[-1]}
- or warn "Couldn't print to $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all";
- close($Jsout);
- DEBUG > 5 and print "Wrote $outfile\n";
- }
- return;
-sub _gen_javascript_wad {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $js_code = $self->_javascript || return;
- $self->add_javascript( "_podly.js", 0, \$js_code);
- return;
-sub _javascript_wad_to_markup {
- my($self, $depth) = @_;
- my @scripts = @{ $self->_javascript_wad || return '' };
- return '' unless @scripts;
- my $out = '';
- --$depth;
- my $uplink = $depth ? ('../' x $depth) : '';
- foreach my $s (@scripts) {
- next unless $s and @$s;
- my( $url1, $url2, $type, $media) = (
- $self->_maybe_uplink( $s->[0], $uplink ),
- esc(grep !ref($_), @$s)
- );
- $out .= qq{<script type="$type" src="$url1$url2"></script>\n};
- }
- return $out;
-sub _css_template { return $CSS }
-sub _javascript { return $JAVASCRIPT }
-$CSS = <<'EOCSS';
-/* For accessibility reasons, never specify text sizes in px/pt/pc/in/cm/mm */
-@media all { .hide { display: none; } }
-@media print {
- .noprint, div.indexgroup, .backlinktop, .backlinkbottom { display: none }
- * {
- border-color: black !important;
- color: black !important;
- background-color: transparent !important;
- background-image: none !important;
- }
- dl.superindex > dd {
- word-spacing: .6em;
- }
-@media aural, braille, embossed {
- div.indexgroup { display: none; } /* Too noisy, don't you think? */
- dl.superindex > dt:before { content: "Group "; }
- dl.superindex > dt:after { content: " contains:"; }
- .backlinktop a:before { content: "Back to contents"; }
- .backlinkbottom a:before { content: "Back to contents"; }
-@media aural {
- dl.superindex > dt { pause-before: 600ms; }
-@media screen, tty, tv, projection {
- .noscreen { display: none; }
- a:link { color: #7070ff; text-decoration: underline; }
- a:visited { color: #e030ff; text-decoration: underline; }
- a:active { color: #800000; text-decoration: underline; }
- body.contentspage a { text-decoration: none; }
- a.u { color: #fff !important; text-decoration: none; }
- body.pod {
- margin: 0 5px;
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #000;
- }
- body.pod h1, body.pod h2, body.pod h3, body.pod h4 {
- font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- margin-top: 1.2em;
- margin-bottom: .1em;
- border-top: thin solid transparent;
- /* margin-left: -5px; border-left: 2px #7070ff solid; padding-left: 3px; */
- }
- body.pod h1 { border-top-color: #0a0; }
- body.pod h2 { border-top-color: #080; }
- body.pod h3 { border-top-color: #040; }
- body.pod h4 { border-top-color: #010; }
- p.backlinktop + h1 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; }
- p.backlinktop + h2 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; }
- p.backlinktop + h3 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; }
- p.backlinktop + h4 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; }
- body.pod dt {
- font-size: 105%; /* just a wee bit more than normal */
- }
- .indexgroup { font-size: 80%; }
- .backlinktop, .backlinkbottom {
- margin-left: -5px;
- margin-right: -5px;
- background-color: #040;
- border-top: thin solid #050;
- border-bottom: thin solid #050;
- }
- .backlinktop a, .backlinkbottom a {
- text-decoration: none;
- color: #080;
- background-color: #000;
- border: thin solid #0d0;
- }
- .backlinkbottom { margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; }
- .backlinktop { margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; }
- body.contentspage {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #000;
- }
- body.contentspage h1 {
- color: #0d0;
- margin-left: 1em;
- margin-right: 1em;
- text-indent: -.9em;
- font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- border-top: thin solid #fff;
- border-bottom: thin solid #fff;
- text-align: center;
- }
- dl.superindex > dt {
- font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- font-size: 90%;
- margin-top: .45em;
- /* margin-bottom: -.15em; */
- }
- dl.superindex > dd {
- word-spacing: .6em; /* most important rule here! */
- }
- dl.superindex > a:link {
- text-decoration: none;
- color: #fff;
- }
- .contentsfooty {
- border-top: thin solid #999;
- font-size: 90%;
- }
-/* The End */
-// From
-function setActiveStyleSheet(title) {
- var i, a, main;
- for(i=0 ; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]) ; i++) {
- if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title")) {
- a.disabled = true;
- if(a.getAttribute("title") == title) a.disabled = false;
- }
- }
-function getActiveStyleSheet() {
- var i, a;
- for(i=0 ; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]) ; i++) {
- if( a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
- && a.getAttribute("title")
- && !a.disabled
- ) return a.getAttribute("title");
- }
- return null;
-function getPreferredStyleSheet() {
- var i, a;
- for(i=0 ; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]) ; i++) {
- if( a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
- && a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alt") == -1
- && a.getAttribute("title")
- ) return a.getAttribute("title");
- }
- return null;
-function createCookie(name,value,days) {
- if (days) {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));
- var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
- }
- else expires = "";
- document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
-function readCookie(name) {
- var nameEQ = name + "=";
- var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
- for(var i=0 ; i < ca.length ; i++) {
- var c = ca[i];
- while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
- if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
- }
- return null;
-window.onload = function(e) {
- var cookie = readCookie("style");
- var title = cookie ? cookie : getPreferredStyleSheet();
- setActiveStyleSheet(title);
-window.onunload = function(e) {
- var title = getActiveStyleSheet();
- createCookie("style", title, 365);
-var cookie = readCookie("style");
-var title = cookie ? cookie : getPreferredStyleSheet();
-// The End
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch - convert several Pod files to several HTML files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go' in out
-This module is used for running batch-conversions of a lot of HTML
-This class is NOT a subclass of Pod::Simple::HTML
-(nor of bad old Pod::Html) -- although it uses
-Pod::Simple::HTML for doing the conversion of each document.
-The normal use of this class is like so:
- use Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;
- my $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
- $batchconv->some_option( some_value );
- $batchconv->some_other_option( some_other_value );
- $batchconv->batch_convert( \@search_dirs, $output_dir );
-Note that this class also provides
-(but does not export) the function Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go.
-This is basically just a shortcut for C<<
-Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->batch_convert(@ARGV) >>.
-It's meant to be handy for calling from the command line.
-However, the shortcut requires that you specify exactly two command-line
-arguments, C<indirs> and C<outdir>.
- % mkdir out_html
- % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go @INC out_html
- (to convert the pod from Perl's @INC
- files under the directory ../htmlversion)
-(Note that the command line there contains a literal atsign-I-N-C. This
-is handled as a special case by batch_convert, in order to save you having
-to enter the odd-looking "" as the first command-line parameter when you
-mean "just use whatever's in @INC".)
- % mkdir ../seekrut
- % chmod og-rx ../seekrut
- % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go . ../htmlversion
- (to convert the pod under the current dir into HTML
- files under the directory ../htmlversion)
- % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go happydocs .
- (to convert all pod from happydocs into the current directory)
-=item $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
-This TODO
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( I<indirs>, I<outdir> );
-this TODO
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( undef , ...);
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( q{@INC}, ...);
-These two values for I<indirs> specify that the normal Perl @INC
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( \@dirs , ...);
-This specifies that the input directories are the items in
-the arrayref C<\@dirs>.
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( "somedir" , ...);
-This specifies that the director "somedir" is the input.
-(This can be an absolute or relative path, it doesn't matter.)
-A common value you might want would be just "." for the current
- $batchconv->batch_convert( "." , ...);
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( 'somedir:someother:also' , ...);
-This specifies that you want the dirs "somedir", "somother", and "also"
-scanned, just as if you'd passed the arrayref
-C<[qw( somedir someother also)]>. Note that a ":"-separator is normal
-under Unix, but Under MSWin, you'll need C<'somedir;someother;also'>
-instead, since the pathsep on MSWin is ";" instead of ":". (And
-I<that> is because ":" often comes up in paths, like
-(Exactly what separator character should be used, is gotten from
-C<$Config::Config{'path_sep'}>, via the L<Config> module.)
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( ... , undef );
-This specifies that you want the HTML output to go into the current
-(Note that a missing or undefined value means a different thing in
-the first slot than in the second. That's so that C<batch_convert()>
-with no arguments (or undef arguments) means "go from @INC, into
-the current directory.)
-=item $batchconv->batch_convert( ... , 'somedir' );
-This specifies that you want the HTML output to go into the
-directory 'somedir'.
-(This can be an absolute or relative path, it doesn't matter.)
-Note that you can also call C<batch_convert> as a class method,
-like so:
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->batch_convert( ... );
-That is just short for this:
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch-> new-> batch_convert(...);
-That is, it runs a conversion with default options, for
-whatever inputdirs and output dir you specify.
-The following are all accessor methods -- that is, they don't do anything
-on their own, but just alter the contents of the conversion object,
-which comprises the options for this particular batch conversion.
-We show the "put" form of the accessors below (i.e., the syntax you use
-for setting the accessor to a specific value). But you can also
-call each method with no parameters to get its current value. For
-example, C<< $self->contents_file() >> returns the current value of
-the contents_file attribute.
-=item $batchconv->verbose( I<nonnegative_integer> );
-This controls how verbose to be during batch conversion, as far as
-notes to STDOUT (or whatever is C<select>'d) about how the conversion
-is going. If 0, no progress information is printed.
-If 1 (the default value), some progress information is printed.
-Higher values print more information.
-=item $batchconv->index( I<true-or-false> );
-This controls whether or not each HTML page is liable to have a little
-table of contents at the top (which we call an "index" for historical
-reasons). This is true by default.
-=item $batchconv->contents_file( I<filename> );
-If set, should be the name of a file (in the output directory)
-to write the HTML index to. The default value is "index.html".
-If you set this to a false value, no contents file will be written.
-=item $batchconv->contents_page_start( I<HTML_string> );
-This specifies what string should be put at the beginning of
-the contents page.
-The default is a string more or less like this:
- <html>
- <head><title>Perl Documentation</title></head>
- <body class='contentspage'>
- <h1>Perl Documentation</h1>
-=item $batchconv->contents_page_end( I<HTML_string> );
-This specifies what string should be put at the end of the contents page.
-The default is a string more or less like this:
- <p class='contentsfooty'>Generated by
- Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch v3.01 under Perl v5.008
- <br >At Fri May 14 22:26:42 2004 GMT,
- which is Fri May 14 14:26:42 2004 local time.</p>
-=item $batchconv->add_css( $url );
-=item $batchconv->add_javascript( $url );
-=item $batchconv->css_flurry( I<true-or-false> );
-If true (the default value), we autogenerate some CSS files in the
-output directory, and set our HTML files to use those.
-TODO: continue
-=item $batchconv->javascript_flurry( I<true-or-false> );
-If true (the default value), we autogenerate a JavaScript in the
-output directory, and set our HTML files to use it. Currently,
-the JavaScript is used only to get the browser to remember what
-stylesheet it prefers.
-TODO: continue
-=item $batchconv->no_contents_links( I<true-or-false> );
-=item $batchconv->html_render_class( I<classname> );
-This sets what class is used for rendering the files.
-The default is "Pod::Simple::Search". If you set it to something else,
-it should probably be a subclass of Pod::Simple::Search, and you should
-C<require> or C<use> that class so that's it's loaded before
-Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch tries loading it.
- call add_css($someurl) to add stylesheet as alternate
- call add_css($someurl,1) to add as primary stylesheet
- call add_javascript
- subclass Pod::Simple::HTML and set $batchconv->html_render_class to
- that classname
- and maybe override
- $page->batch_mode_page_object_init($self, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
- or maybe override
- $batchconv->batch_mode_page_object_init($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth)
-=head1 ASK ME!
-If you want to do some kind of big pod-to-HTML version with some
-particular kind of option that you don't see how to achieve using this
-module, email me (C<>) and I'll probably have a good idea
-how to do it. For reasons of concision and energetic laziness, some
-methods and options in this module (and the dozen modules it depends on)
-are undocumented; but one of those undocumented bits might be just what
-you're looking for.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch>, L<perlpod>, L<perlpodspec>
-Copyright (c) 2004 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index f78de90144..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-use Getopt::Long;
-$VERSION = "5.01";
-# This class is meant to thinly emulate bad old Pod::Html
-# TODO: some basic docs
-sub pod2html {
- my @args = (@_);
- my( $verbose, $infile, $outfile, $title );
- my $index = 1;
- {
- my($help);
- my($netscape); # dummy
- local @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions(
- "help" => \$help,
- "verbose!" => \$verbose,
- "infile=s" => \$infile,
- "outfile=s" => \$outfile,
- "title=s" => \$title,
- "index!" => \$index,
- "netscape!" => \$netscape,
- ) or return bad_opts(@args);
- bad_opts(@args) if @ARGV; # it should be all switches!
- return help_message() if $help;
- }
- for($infile, $outfile) { $_ = undef unless defined and length }
- if($verbose) {
- warn sprintf "%s version %s\n", __PACKAGE__, $VERSION;
- warn "OK, processed args [@args] ...\n";
- warn sprintf
- " Verbose: %s\n Index: %s\n Infile: %s\n Outfile: %s\n Title: %s\n",
- map defined($_) ? $_ : "(nil)",
- $verbose, $index, $infile, $outfile, $title,
- ;
- *Pod::Simple::HTML::DEBUG = sub(){1};
- }
- require Pod::Simple::HTML;
- Pod::Simple::HTML->VERSION(3);
- die "No such input file as $infile\n"
- if defined $infile and ! -e $infile;
- my $pod = Pod::Simple::HTML->new;
- $pod->force_title($title) if defined $title;
- $pod->index($index);
- return $pod->parse_from_file($infile, $outfile);
-sub bad_opts { die _help_message(); }
-sub help_message { print STDOUT _help_message() }
-sub _help_message {
- join '',
-"[", __PACKAGE__, " version ", $VERSION, qq~]
-Usage: pod2html --help --infile=<name> --outfile=<name>
- --verbose --index --noindex
- --help - prints this message.
- --[no]index - generate an index at the top of the resulting html
- (default behavior).
- --infile - filename for the pod to convert (input taken from stdin
- by default).
- --outfile - filename for the resulting html file (output sent to
- stdout by default).
- --title - title that will appear in resulting html file.
- --[no]verbose - self-explanatory (off by default).
-Note that pod2html is DEPRECATED, and this version implements only
- some of the options known to older versions.
-For more information, see 'perldoc pod2html'.
-OVER the underpass! UNDER the overpass! Around the FUTURE and BEYOND REPAIR!!
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c3ba85d2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::LinkSection;
- # Based somewhat dimly on Array::Autojoin
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::BlackBox;
-use overload( # So it'll stringify nice
- '""' => \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::stringify_lol,
- 'bool' => \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::stringify_lol,
- # '.=' => \&tack_on, # grudgingly support
- 'fallback' => 1, # turn on cleverness
-sub tack_on {
- $_[0] = ['', {}, "$_[0]" ];
- return $_[0][2] .= $_[1];
-sub as_string {
- goto &Pod::Simple::BlackBox::stringify_lol;
-sub stringify {
- goto &Pod::Simple::BlackBox::stringify_lol;
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- $class = ref($class) || $class;
- my $new;
- if(@_ == 1) {
- if (!ref($_[0] || '')) { # most common case: one bare string
- return bless ['', {}, $_[0] ], $class;
- } elsif( ref($_[0] || '') eq 'ARRAY') {
- $new = [ @{ $_[0] } ];
- } else {
- Carp::croak( "$class new() doesn't know to clone $new" );
- }
- } else { # misc stuff
- $new = [ '', {}, @_ ];
- }
- # By now it's a treelet: [ 'foo', {}, ... ]
- foreach my $x (@$new) {
- if(ref($x || '') eq 'ARRAY') {
- $x = $class->new($x); # recurse
- } elsif(ref($x || '') eq 'HASH') {
- $x = { %$x };
- }
- # otherwise leave it.
- }
- return bless $new, $class;
-# Not much in this class is likely to be link-section specific --
-# but it just so happens that link-sections are about the only treelets
-# that are exposed to the user.
-# TODO: let it be an option whether a given subclass even wants little treelets?
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::LinkSection -- represent "section" attributes of L codes
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # a long story
-This class is not of interest to general users.
-Pod::Simple uses this class for representing the value of the
-"section" attribute of "L" start-element events. Most applications
-can just use the normal stringification of objects of this class;
-they stringify to just the text content of the section,
-such as "foo" for
-C<< LZ<><Stuff/foo> >>, and "bar" for
-C<< LZ<><Stuff/bIZ<><ar>> >>.
-However, anyone particularly interested in getting the full value of
-the treelet, can just traverse the content of the treeleet
-@$treelet_object. To wit:
- % perl -MData::Dumper -e
- "use base qw(Pod::Simple::Methody);
- sub start_L { print Dumper($_[1]{'section'} ) }
- __PACKAGE__->new->parse_string_document('=head1 L<Foo/bI<ar>baz>>')
- "
- $VAR1 = bless( [
- '',
- {},
- 'b',
- bless( [
- 'I',
- {},
- 'ar'
- ], 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection' ),
- 'baz'
- ], 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection' );
-But stringify it and you get just the text content:
- % perl -MData::Dumper -e
- "use base qw(Pod::Simple::Methody);
- sub start_L { print Dumper( '' . $_[1]{'section'} ) }
- __PACKAGE__->new->parse_string_document('=head1 L<Foo/bI<ar>baz>>')
- "
- $VAR1 = 'barbaz';
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad607e61b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::Methody;
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple ();
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple');
-# Yes, we could use named variables, but I want this to be impose
-# as little an additional performance hit as possible.
-sub _handle_element_start {
- $_[1] =~ tr/-:./__/;
- ( $_[0]->can( 'start_' . $_[1] )
- || return
- )->(
- $_[0], $_[2]
- );
-sub _handle_text {
- ( $_[0]->can( 'handle_text' )
- || return
- )->(
- @_
- );
-sub _handle_element_end {
- $_[1] =~ tr/-:./__/;
- ( $_[0]->can( 'end_' . $_[1] )
- || return
- )->(
- $_[0]
- );
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::Methody -- turn Pod::Simple events into method calls
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- require 5;
- use strict;
- package SomePodFormatter;
- use base qw(Pod::Simple::Methody);
- sub handle_text {
- my($self, $text) = @_;
- ...
- }
- sub start_head1 {
- my($self, $attrs) = @_;
- ...
- }
- sub end_head1 {
- my($self) = @_;
- ...
- }
-...and start_/end_ methods for whatever other events you want to catch.
-This class is of
-interest to people writing Pod formatters based on Pod::Simple.
-This class (which is very small -- read the source) overrides
-Pod::Simple's _handle_element_start, _handle_text, and
-_handle_element_end methods so that parser events are turned into method
-calls. (Otherwise, this is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all
-its methods.)
-You can use this class as the base class for a Pod formatter/processor.
-When Pod::Simple sees a "=head1 Hi there", for example, it basically does
- $parser->_handle_element_start( "head1", \%attributes );
- $parser->_handle_text( "Hi there" );
- $parser->_handle_element_end( "head1" );
-But if you subclass Pod::Simple::Methody, it will instead do this
-when it sees a "=head1 Hi there":
- $parser->start_head1( \%attributes ) if $parser->can('start_head1');
- $parser->handle_text( "Hi there" ) if $parser->can('handle_text');
- $parser->end_head1() if $parser->can('end_head1');
-If Pod::Simple sends an event where the element name has a dash,
-period, or colon, the corresponding method name will have a underscore
-in its place. For example, "" becomes start_foo_bar_baz
-and end_foo_bar_baz.
-See the source for Pod::Simple::Text for an example of using this class.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Subclassing>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc42a952dc..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::Progress;
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-use strict;
-# Objects of this class are used for noting progress of an
-# operation every so often. Messages delivered more often than that
-# are suppressed.
-# There's actually nothing in here that's specific to Pod processing;
-# but it's ad-hoc enough that I'm not willing to give it a name that
-# implies that it's generally useful, like "IO::Progress" or something.
-# -- sburke
-sub new {
- my($class,$delay) = @_;
- my $self = bless {'quiet_until' => 1}, ref($class) || $class;
- $self->to(*STDOUT{IO});
- $self->delay(defined($delay) ? $delay : 5);
- return $self;
-sub copy {
- my $orig = shift;
- bless {%$orig, 'quiet_until' => 1}, ref($orig);
-sub reach {
- my($self, $point, $note) = @_;
- if( (my $now = time) >= $self->{'quiet_until'}) {
- my $goal;
- my $to = $self->{'to'};
- print $to join('',
- ($self->{'quiet_until'} == 1) ? () : '... ',
- (defined $point) ? (
- '#',
- ($goal = $self->{'goal'}) ? (
- ' ' x (length($goal) - length($point)),
- $point, '/', $goal,
- ) : $point,
- $note ? ': ' : (),
- ) : (),
- $note || '',
- "\n"
- );
- $self->{'quiet_until'} = $now + $self->{'delay'};
- }
- return $self;
-sub done {
- my($self, $note) = @_;
- $self->{'quiet_until'} = 1;
- return $self->reach( undef, $note );
-# Simple accessors:
-sub delay {
- return $_[0]{'delay'} if @_ == 1; $_[0]{'delay'} = $_[1]; return $_[0] }
-sub goal {
- return $_[0]{'goal' } if @_ == 1; $_[0]{'goal' } = $_[1]; return $_[0] }
-sub to {
- return $_[0]{'to' } if @_ == 1; $_[0]{'to' } = $_[1]; return $_[0] }
-unless(caller) { # Simple self-test:
- my $p = __PACKAGE__->new->goal(5);
- $p->reach(1, "Primus!");
- sleep 1;
- $p->reach(2, "Secundus!");
- sleep 3;
- $p->reach(3, "Tertius!");
- sleep 5;
- $p->reach(4);
- $p->reach(5, "Quintus!");
- sleep 1;
- $p->done("All done");
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d973134c..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,795 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::PullParser;
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-use Pod::Simple ();
-BEGIN {@ISA = ('Pod::Simple')}
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken;
-use Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken;
-use Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken;
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG }
- 'source_fh', # the filehandle we're reading from
- 'source_scalar_ref', # the scalarref we're reading from
- 'source_arrayref', # the arrayref we're reading from
-# And here is how we implement a pull-parser on top of a push-parser...
-sub filter {
- my($self, $source) = @_;
- $self = $self->new unless ref $self;
- $source = *STDIN{IO} unless defined $source;
- $self->set_source($source);
- $self->output_fh(*STDOUT{IO});
- $self->run; # define run() in a subclass if you want to use filter()!
- return $self;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-sub parse_string_document {
- my $this = shift;
- $this->set_source(\ $_[0]);
- $this->run;
-sub parse_file {
- my($this, $filename) = @_;
- $this->set_source($filename);
- $this->run;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-# In case anyone tries to use them:
-sub run {
- use Carp ();
- if( __PACKAGE__ eq ref($_[0]) || $_[0]) { # I'm not being subclassed!
- Carp::croak "You can call run() only on subclasses of "
- . __PACKAGE__;
- } else {
- Carp::croak join '',
- "You can't call run() because ",
- ref($_[0]) || $_[0], " didn't define a run() method";
- }
-sub parse_lines {
- use Carp ();
- Carp::croak "Use set_source with ", __PACKAGE__,
- " and subclasses, not parse_lines";
-sub parse_line {
- use Carp ();
- Carp::croak "Use set_source with ", __PACKAGE__,
- " and subclasses, not parse_line";
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- die "Couldn't construct for $class" unless $self;
- $self->{'token_buffer'} ||= [];
- $self->{'start_token_class'} ||= 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken';
- $self->{'text_token_class'} ||= 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken';
- $self->{'end_token_class'} ||= 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken';
- DEBUG > 1 and print "New pullparser object: $self\n";
- return $self;
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-sub get_token {
- my $self = shift;
- DEBUG > 1 and print "\nget_token starting up on $self.\n";
- DEBUG > 2 and print " Items in token-buffer (",
- scalar( @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ) ,
- ") :\n", map(
- " " . $_->dump . "\n", @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} }
- ),
- @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ? '' : ' (no tokens)',
- "\n"
- ;
- until( @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print "I need to get something into my empty token buffer...\n";
- if($self->{'source_dead'}) {
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is dead.\n";
- push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} }, undef;
- } elsif(exists $self->{'source_fh'}) {
- my @lines;
- my $fh = $self->{'source_fh'}
- || Carp::croak('You have to call set_source before you can call get_token');
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is filehandle $fh.\n";
- # Read those many lines at a time
- for(my $i = Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES; $i--;) {
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Fetching a line from source filehandle $fh...\n";
- local $/ = $Pod::Simple::NL;
- push @lines, scalar(<$fh>); # readline
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Line is: ",
- defined($lines[-1]) ? $lines[-1] : "<undef>\n";
- unless( defined $lines[-1] ) {
- DEBUG and print "That's it for that source fh! Killing.\n";
- delete $self->{'source_fh'}; # so it can be GC'd
- last;
- }
- # but pass thru the undef, which will set source_dead to true
- # TODO: look to see if $lines[-1] is =encoding, and if so,
- # do horribly magic things
- }
- if(DEBUG > 8) {
- print "* I've gotten ", scalar(@lines), " lines:\n";
- foreach my $l (@lines) {
- if(defined $l) {
- print " line {$l}\n";
- } else {
- print " line undef\n";
- }
- }
- print "* end of ", scalar(@lines), " lines\n";
- }
- $self->SUPER::parse_lines(@lines);
- } elsif(exists $self->{'source_arrayref'}) {
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is arrayref $self->{'source_arrayref'}, with ",
- scalar(@{$self->{'source_arrayref'}}), " items left in it.\n";
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Fetching ", Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES, " lines.\n";
- $self->SUPER::parse_lines(
- splice @{ $self->{'source_arrayref'} },
- 0,
- Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES
- );
- unless( @{ $self->{'source_arrayref'} } ) {
- DEBUG and print "That's it for that source arrayref! Killing.\n";
- $self->SUPER::parse_lines(undef);
- delete $self->{'source_arrayref'}; # so it can be GC'd
- }
- # to make sure that an undef is always sent to signal end-of-stream
- } elsif(exists $self->{'source_scalar_ref'}) {
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is scalarref $self->{'source_scalar_ref'}, with ",
- length(${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} }) -
- (pos(${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} }) || 0),
- " characters left to parse.\n";
- DEBUG > 3 and print " Fetching a line from source-string...\n";
- if( ${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} } =~
- m/([^\n\r]*)((?:\r?\n)?)/g
- ) {
- #print(">> $1\n"),
- $self->SUPER::parse_lines($1)
- if length($1) or length($2)
- or pos( ${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} })
- != length( ${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} });
- # I.e., unless it's a zero-length "empty line" at the very
- # end of "foo\nbar\n" (i.e., between the \n and the EOS).
- } else { # that's the end. Byebye
- $self->SUPER::parse_lines(undef);
- delete $self->{'source_scalar_ref'};
- DEBUG and print "That's it for that source scalarref! Killing.\n";
- }
- } else {
- die "What source??";
- }
- }
- DEBUG and print "get_token about to return ",
- Pod::Simple::pretty( @{$self->{'token_buffer'}}
- ? $self->{'token_buffer'}[-1] : undef
- ), "\n";
- return shift @{$self->{'token_buffer'}}; # that's an undef if empty
-use UNIVERSAL ();
-sub unget_token {
- my $self = shift;
- DEBUG and print "Ungetting ", scalar(@_), " tokens: ",
- @_ ? "@_\n" : "().\n";
- foreach my $t (@_) {
- Carp::croak "Can't unget that, because it's not a token -- it's undef!"
- unless defined $t;
- Carp::croak "Can't unget $t, because it's not a token -- it's a string!"
- unless ref $t;
- Carp::croak "Can't unget $t, because it's not a token object!"
- unless UNIVERSAL::can($t, 'type');
- }
- unshift @{$self->{'token_buffer'}}, @_;
- DEBUG > 1 and print "Token buffer now has ",
- scalar(@{$self->{'token_buffer'}}), " items in it.\n";
- return;
-# $self->{'source_filename'} = $source;
-sub set_source {
- my $self = shift @_;
- return $self->{'source_fh'} unless @_;
- my $handle;
- if(!defined $_[0]) {
- Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for set_source");
- } elsif(ref(\( $_[0] )) eq 'GLOB') {
- $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($handle = $_[0]);
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is glob $_[0]\n";
- # and fall thru
- } elsif(ref( $_[0] ) eq 'SCALAR') {
- $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} = $_[0];
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is scalar ref $_[0]\n";
- return;
- } elsif(ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY') {
- $self->{'source_arrayref'} = $_[0];
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is array ref $_[0]\n";
- return;
- } elsif(ref $_[0]) {
- $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($handle = $_[0]);
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is fh-obj $_[0]\n";
- } elsif(!length $_[0]) {
- Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for set_source");
- } else { # It's a filename!
- DEBUG and print "$self 's source is filename $_[0]\n";
- {
- local *PODSOURCE;
- open(PODSOURCE, "<$_[0]") || Carp::croak "Can't open $_[0]: $!";
- $handle = *PODSOURCE{IO};
- }
- $self->{'source_filename'} = $_[0];
- DEBUG and print " Its name is $_[0].\n";
- # TODO: file-discipline things here!
- }
- $self->{'source_fh'} = $handle;
- DEBUG and print " Its handle is $handle\n";
- return 1;
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-sub get_title_short { shift->get_short_title(@_) } # alias
-sub get_short_title {
- my $title = shift->get_title(@_);
- $title = $1 if $title =~ m/^(\S{1,60})\s+--?\s+./s;
- # turn "Foo::Bar -- bars for your foo" into "Foo::Bar"
- return $title;
-sub get_title { shift->_get_titled_section(
- 'NAME', max_token => 50, desperate => 1, @_)
-sub get_version { shift->_get_titled_section(
- max_token => 400,
- accept_verbatim => 1,
- max_content_length => 3_000,
- @_,
- );
-sub get_description { shift->_get_titled_section(
- max_token => 400,
- max_content_length => 3_000,
- @_,
-) }
-sub get_authors { shift->get_author(@_) } # a harmless alias
-sub get_author {
- my $this = shift;
- # Max_token is so high because these are
- # typically at the end of the document:
- $this->_get_titled_section('AUTHOR' , max_token => 10_000, @_) ||
- $this->_get_titled_section('AUTHORS', max_token => 10_000, @_);
-sub _get_titled_section {
- # Based on a get_title originally contributed by Graham Barr
- my($self, $titlename, %options) = (@_);
- my $max_token = delete $options{'max_token'};
- my $desperate_for_title = delete $options{'desperate'};
- my $accept_verbatim = delete $options{'accept_verbatim'};
- my $max_content_length = delete $options{'max_content_length'};
- $max_content_length = 120 unless defined $max_content_length;
- Carp::croak( "Unknown " . ((1 == keys %options) ? "option: " : "options: ")
- . join " ", map "[$_]", sort keys %options
- )
- if keys %options;
- my %content_containers;
- $content_containers{'Para'} = 1;
- if($accept_verbatim) {
- $content_containers{'Verbatim'} = 1;
- $content_containers{'VerbatimFormatted'} = 1;
- }
- my $token_count = 0;
- my $title;
- my @to_unget;
- my $state = 0;
- my $depth = 0;
- Carp::croak "What kind of titlename is \"$titlename\"?!" unless
- defined $titlename and $titlename =~ m/^[A-Z ]{1,60}$/s; #sanity
- my $titlename_re = quotemeta($titlename);
- my $head1_text_content;
- my $para_text_content;
- while(
- ++$token_count <= ($max_token || 1_000_000)
- and defined(my $token = $self->get_token)
- ) {
- push @to_unget, $token;
- if ($state == 0) { # seeking =head1
- if( $token->is_start and $token->tagname eq 'head1' ) {
- DEBUG and print " Found head1. Seeking content...\n";
- ++$state;
- $head1_text_content = '';
- }
- }
- elsif($state == 1) { # accumulating text until end of head1
- if( $token->is_text ) {
- DEBUG and print " Adding \"", $token->text, "\" to head1-content.\n";
- $head1_text_content .= $token->text;
- } elsif( $token->is_end and $token->tagname eq 'head1' ) {
- DEBUG and print " Found end of head1. Considering content...\n";
- if($head1_text_content eq $titlename
- or $head1_text_content =~ m/\($titlename_re\)/s
- # We accept "=head1 Nomen Modularis (NAME)" for sake of i18n
- ) {
- DEBUG and print " Yup, it was $titlename. Seeking next para-content...\n";
- ++$state;
- } elsif(
- $desperate_for_title
- # if we're so desperate we'll take the first
- # =head1's content as a title
- and $head1_text_content =~ m/\S/
- and $head1_text_content !~ m/^[ A-Z]+$/s
- and $head1_text_content !~
- m/\((?:
- )\)/sx
- # avoid accepting things like =head1 Thingy Thongy (DESCRIPTION)
- and ($max_content_length
- ? (length($head1_text_content) <= $max_content_length) # sanity
- : 1)
- ) {
- DEBUG and print " It looks titular: \"$head1_text_content\".\n",
- "\n Using that.\n";
- $title = $head1_text_content;
- last;
- } else {
- --$state;
- DEBUG and print " Didn't look titular ($head1_text_content).\n",
- "\n Dropping back to seeking-head1-content mode...\n";
- }
- }
- }
- elsif($state == 2) {
- # seeking start of para (which must immediately follow)
- if($token->is_start and $content_containers{ $token->tagname }) {
- DEBUG and print " Found start of Para. Accumulating content...\n";
- $para_text_content = '';
- ++$state;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print
- " Didn't see an immediately subsequent start-Para. Reseeking H1\n";
- $state = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif($state == 3) {
- # accumulating text until end of Para
- if( $token->is_text ) {
- DEBUG and print " Adding \"", $token->text, "\" to para-content.\n";
- $para_text_content .= $token->text;
- # and keep looking
- } elsif( $token->is_end and $content_containers{ $token->tagname } ) {
- DEBUG and print " Found end of Para. Considering content: ",
- $para_text_content, "\n";
- if( $para_text_content =~ m/\S/
- and ($max_content_length
- ? (length($para_text_content) <= $max_content_length)
- : 1)
- ) {
- # Some minimal sanity constraints, I think.
- DEBUG and print " It looks contentworthy, I guess. Using it.\n";
- $title = $para_text_content;
- last;
- } else {
- DEBUG and print " Doesn't look at all contentworthy!\n Giving up.\n";
- undef $title;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- die "IMPOSSIBLE STATE $state!\n"; # should never happen
- }
- }
- # Put it all back!
- $self->unget_token(@to_unget);
- if(DEBUG) {
- if(defined $title) { print " Returing title <$title>\n" }
- else { print "Returning title <>\n" }
- }
- return '' unless defined $title;
- $title =~ s/^\s+//;
- return $title;
-# Methods that actually do work at parse-time:
-sub _handle_element_start {
- my $self = shift; # leaving ($element_name, $attr_hash_r)
- DEBUG > 2 and print "++ $_[0] (", map("<$_> ", %{$_[1]}), ")\n";
- push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} },
- $self->{'start_token_class'}->new(@_);
- return;
-sub _handle_text {
- my $self = shift; # leaving ($text)
- DEBUG > 2 and print "== $_[0]\n";
- push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} },
- $self->{'text_token_class'}->new(@_);
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end {
- my $self = shift; # leaving ($element_name);
- DEBUG > 2 and print "-- $_[0]\n";
- push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} },
- $self->{'end_token_class'}->new(@_);
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::PullParser -- a pull-parser interface to parsing Pod
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new;
- $parser->set_source( "whatever.pod" );
- $parser->run;
- my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new;
- $parser->set_source( $some_filehandle_object );
- $parser->run;
- my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new;
- $parser->set_source( \$document_source );
- $parser->run;
- my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new;
- $parser->set_source( \@document_lines );
- $parser->run;
-And elsewhere:
- require 5;
- package SomePodProcessor;
- use strict;
- use base qw(Pod::Simple::PullParser);
- sub run {
- my $self = shift;
- Token:
- while(my $token = $self->get_token) {
- ...process each token...
- }
- }
-This class is for using Pod::Simple to build a Pod processor -- but
-one that uses an interface based on a stream of token objects,
-instead of based on events.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-A subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParser should define a C<run> method
-that calls C<< $token = $parser->get_token >> to pull tokens.
-See the source for Pod::Simple::RTF for an example of a formatter
-that uses Pod::Simple::PullParser.
-=head1 METHODS
-=item my $token = $parser->get_token
-This returns the next token object (which will be of a subclass of
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken>), or undef if the parser-stream has hit
-the end of the document.
-=item $parser->unget_token( $token )
-=item $parser->unget_token( $token1, $token2, ... )
-This restores the token object(s) to the front of the parser stream.
-The source has to be set before you can parse anything. The lowest-level
-way is to call C<set_source>:
-=item $parser->set_source( $filename )
-=item $parser->set_source( $filehandle_object )
-=item $parser->set_source( \$document_source )
-=item $parser->set_source( \@document_lines )
-Or you can call these methods, which Pod::Simple::PullParser has defined
-to work just like Pod::Simple's same-named methods:
-=item $parser->parse_file(...)
-=item $parser->parse_string_document(...)
-=item $parser->filter(...)
-=item $parser->parse_from_file(...)
-For those to work, the Pod-processing subclass of
-Pod::Simple::PullParser has to have defined a $parser->run method --
-so it is advised that all Pod::Simple::PullParser subclasses do so.
-See the Synopsis above, or the source for Pod::Simple::RTF.
-Authors of formatter subclasses might find these methods useful to
-call on a parser object that you haven't started pulling tokens
-from yet:
-=item my $title_string = $parser->get_title
-This tries to get the title string out of $parser, by getting some tokens,
-and scanning them for the title, and then ungetting them so that you can
-process the token-stream from the beginning.
-For example, suppose you have a document that starts out:
- =head1 NAME
- Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff B<wow> yeah!
-$parser->get_title on that document will return "Hoo::Boy::Wowza --
-Stuff wow yeah!".
-In cases where get_title can't find the title, it will return empty-string
-=item my $title_string = $parser->get_short_title
-This is just like get_title, except that it returns just the modulename, if
-the title seems to be of the form "SomeModuleName -- description".
-For example, suppose you have a document that starts out:
- =head1 NAME
- Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff B<wow> yeah!
-then $parser->get_short_title on that document will return
-But if the document starts out:
- =head1 NAME
- Hooboy, stuff B<wow> yeah!
-then $parser->get_short_title on that document will return "Hooboy,
-stuff wow yeah!".
-If the title can't be found, then get_short_title returns empty-string
-=item $author_name = $parser->get_author
-This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the
-"=head1 AUTHOR\n\nParagraph...\n" section, assuming that that section
-isn't terribly long.
-(This method tolerates "AUTHORS" instead of "AUTHOR" too.)
-=item $description_name = $parser->get_description
-This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the
-"=head1 PARAGRAPH\n\nParagraph...\n" section, assuming that that section
-isn't terribly long.
-=item $version_block = $parser->get_version
-This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of
-the "=head1 VERSION\n\n[BIG BLOCK]\n" block. Note that this does NOT
-return the module's C<$VERSION>!!
-=head1 NOTE
-You don't actually I<have> to define a C<run> method. If you're
-writing a Pod-formatter class, you should define a C<run> just so
-that users can call C<parse_file> etc, but you don't I<have> to.
-And if you're not writing a formatter class, but are instead just
-writing a program that does something simple with a Pod::PullParser
-object (and not an object of a subclass), then there's no reason to
-bother subclassing to add a C<run> method.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken> -- and its subclasses
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken>, and
-L<HTML::TokeParser>, which inspired this.
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
-sub _old_get_title { # some witchery in here
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $title;
- my @to_unget;
- while(1) {
- push @to_unget, $self->get_token;
- unless(defined $to_unget[-1]) { # whoops, short doc!
- pop @to_unget;
- last;
- }
- DEBUG and print "-Got token ", $to_unget[-1]->dump, "\n";
- (DEBUG and print "Too much in the buffer.\n"),
- last if @to_unget > 25; # sanity
- my $pattern = '';
- if( #$to_unget[-1]->type eq 'end'
- #and $to_unget[-1]->tagname eq 'Para'
- #and
- ($pattern = join('',
- map {;
- ($_->type eq 'start') ? ("<" . $_->tagname .">")
- : ($_->type eq 'end' ) ? ("</". $_->tagname .">")
- : ($_->type eq 'text' ) ? ($_->text =~ m<^([A-Z]+)$>s ? $1 : 'X')
- : "BLORP"
- } @to_unget
- )) =~ m{<head1>NAME</head1><Para>(X|</?[BCIFLS]>)+</Para>$}s
- ) {
- # Whee, it fits the pattern
- DEBUG and print "Seems to match =head1 NAME pattern.\n";
- $title = '';
- foreach my $t (reverse @to_unget) {
- last if $t->type eq 'start' and $t->tagname eq 'Para';
- $title = $t->text . $title if $t->type eq 'text';
- }
- undef $title if $title =~ m<^\s*$>; # make sure it's contentful!
- last;
- } elsif ($pattern =~ m{<head(\d)>(.+)</head\d>$}
- and !( $1 eq '1' and $2 eq 'NAME' )
- ) {
- # Well, it fits a fallback pattern
- DEBUG and print "Seems to match NAMEless pattern.\n";
- $title = '';
- foreach my $t (reverse @to_unget) {
- last if $t->type eq 'start' and $t->tagname =~ m/^head\d$/s;
- $title = $t->text . $title if $t->type eq 'text';
- }
- undef $title if $title =~ m<^\s*$>; # make sure it's contentful!
- last;
- } else {
- DEBUG and $pattern and print "Leading pattern: $pattern\n";
- }
- }
- # Put it all back:
- $self->unget_token(@to_unget);
- if(DEBUG) {
- if(defined $title) { print " Returing title <$title>\n" }
- else { print "Returning title <>\n" }
- }
- return '' unless defined $title;
- return $title;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b219f8660..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken;
-use Pod::Simple::PullParserToken ();
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParserToken');
-use strict;
-sub new { # Class->new(tagname);
- my $class = shift;
- return bless ['end', @_], ref($class) || $class;
-# Purely accessors:
-sub tagname { (@_ == 2) ? ($_[0][1] = $_[1]) : $_[0][1] }
-sub tag { shift->tagname(@_) }
-# shortcut:
-sub is_tagname { $_[0][1] eq $_[1] }
-sub is_tag { shift->is_tagname(@_) }
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken -- end-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-(See L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>)
-When you do $parser->get_token on a L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>, you might
-get an object of this class.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken> and inherits all its methods,
-and adds these methods:
-=item $token->tagname
-This returns the tagname for this end-token object.
-For example, parsing a "=head1 ..." line will give you
-a start-token with the tagname of "head1", token(s) for its
-content, and then an end-token with the tagname of "head1".
-=item $token->tagname(I<somestring>)
-This changes the tagname for this end-token object.
-You probably won't need to do this.
-=item $token->tag(...)
-A shortcut for $token->tagname(...)
-=item $token->is_tag(I<somestring>) or $token->is_tagname(I<somestring>)
-These are shortcuts for C<< $token->tag() eq I<somestring> >>
-You're unlikely to ever need to construct an object of this class for
-yourself, but if you want to, call
-Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken->new( I<tagname> )
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken>, L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Subclassing>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ead50d96e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken;
-use Pod::Simple::PullParserToken ();
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParserToken');
-use strict;
-sub new { # Class->new(tagname, optional_attrhash);
- my $class = shift;
- return bless ['start', @_], ref($class) || $class;
-# Purely accessors:
-sub tagname { (@_ == 2) ? ($_[0][1] = $_[1]) : $_[0][1] }
-sub tag { shift->tagname(@_) }
-sub is_tagname { $_[0][1] eq $_[1] }
-sub is_tag { shift->is_tagname(@_) }
-sub attr_hash { $_[0][2] ||= {} }
-sub attr {
- if(@_ == 2) { # Reading: $token->attr('attrname')
- ${$_[0][2] || return undef}{ $_[1] };
- } elsif(@_ > 2) { # Writing: $token->attr('attrname', 'newval')
- ${$_[0][2] ||= {}}{ $_[1] } = $_[2];
- } else {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak(
- 'usage: $object->attr("val") or $object->attr("key", "newval")');
- return undef;
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken -- start-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-(See L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>)
-When you do $parser->get_token on a L<Pod::Simple::PullParser> object, you might
-get an object of this class.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken> and inherits all its methods,
-and adds these methods:
-=item $token->tagname
-This returns the tagname for this start-token object.
-For example, parsing a "=head1 ..." line will give you
-a start-token with the tagname of "head1", token(s) for its
-content, and then an end-token with the tagname of "head1".
-=item $token->tagname(I<somestring>)
-This changes the tagname for this start-token object.
-You probably won't need
-to do this.
-=item $token->tag(...)
-A shortcut for $token->tagname(...)
-=item $token->is_tag(I<somestring>) or $token->is_tagname(I<somestring>)
-These are shortcuts for C<< $token->tag() eq I<somestring> >>
-=item $token->attr(I<attrname>)
-This returns the value of the I<attrname> attribute for this start-token
-object, or undef.
-For example, parsing a LZ<><Foo/"Bar"> link will produce a start-token
-with a "to" attribute with the value "Foo", a "type" attribute with the
-value "pod", and a "section" attribute with the value "Bar".
-=item $token->attr(I<attrname>, I<newvalue>)
-This sets the I<attrname> attribute for this start-token object to
-I<newvalue>. You probably won't need to do this.
-=item $token->attr_hash
-This returns the hashref that is the attribute set for this start-token.
-This is useful if (for example) you want to ask what all the attributes
-are -- you can just do C<< keys %{$token->attr_hash} >>
-You're unlikely to ever need to construct an object of this class for
-yourself, but if you want to, call
-Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken->new( I<tagname>, I<attrhash> )
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken>, L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Subclassing>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d1a1d7dc4..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken;
-use Pod::Simple::PullParserToken ();
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParserToken');
-use strict;
-sub new { # Class->new(text);
- my $class = shift;
- return bless ['text', @_], ref($class) || $class;
-# Purely accessors:
-sub text { (@_ == 2) ? ($_[0][1] = $_[1]) : $_[0][1] }
-sub text_r { \ $_[0][1] }
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken -- text-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-(See L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>)
-When you do $parser->get_token on a L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>, you might
-get an object of this class.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken> and inherits all its methods,
-and adds these methods:
-=item $token->text
-This returns the text that this token holds. For example, parsing
-CZ<><foo> will return a C start-token, a text-token, and a C end-token. And
-if you want to get the "foo" out of the text-token, call C<< $token->text >>
-=item $token->text(I<somestring>)
-This changes the string that this token holds. You probably won't need
-to do this.
-=item $token->text_r()
-This returns a scalar reference to the string that this token holds.
-This can be useful if you don't want to memory-copy the potentially
-large text value (well, as large as a paragraph or a verbatim block)
-as calling $token->text would do.
-Or, if you want to alter the value, you can even do things like this:
- for ( ${ $token->text_r } ) { # Aliases it with $_ !!
- s/ The / the /g; # just for example
- if( 'A' eq chr(65) ) { # (if in an ASCII world)
- tr/\xA0/ /;
- tr/\xAD//d;
- }
- ...or however you want to alter the value...
- }
-You're unlikely to ever need to construct an object of this class for
-yourself, but if you want to, call
-Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken->new( I<text> )
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserToken>, L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Subclassing>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec3659f4e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::PullParserToken;
- # Base class for tokens gotten from Pod::Simple::PullParser's $parser->get_token
-@ISA = ();
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-use strict;
-sub new { # Class->new('type', stuff...); ## Overridden in derived classes anyway
- my $class = shift;
- return bless [@_], ref($class) || $class;
-sub type { $_[0][0] } # Can't change the type of an object
-sub dump { Pod::Simple::pretty( [ @{ $_[0] } ] ) }
-sub is_start { $_[0][0] eq 'start' }
-sub is_end { $_[0][0] eq 'end' }
-sub is_text { $_[0][0] eq 'text' }
-sub dump { '[' . _esc( @{ $_[0] } ) . ']' }
-# JUNK:
-sub _esc {
- return '' unless @_;
- my @out;
- foreach my $in (@_) {
- push @out, '"' . $in . '"';
- $out[-1] =~ s/([^- \:\:\.\,\'\>\<\"\/\=\?\+\|\[\]\{\}\_a-zA-Z0-9_\`\~\!\#\%\^\&\*\(\)])/
- sprintf( (ord($1) < 256) ? "\\x%02X" : "\\x{%X}", ord($1))
- /eg;
- }
- return join ', ', @out;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::PullParserToken -- tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Given a $parser that's an object of class Pod::Simple::PullParser
-(or a subclass)...
- while(my $token = $parser->get_token) {
- $DEBUG and print "Token: ", $token->dump, "\n";
- if($token->is_start) {
- ...access $token->tagname, $token->attr, etc...
- } elsif($token->is_text) {
- ...access $token->text, $token->text_r, etc...
- } elsif($token->is_end) {
- ...access $token->tagname...
- }
- }
-(Also see L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>)
-When you do $parser->get_token on a L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>, you should
-get an object of a subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParserToken.
-Subclasses will add methods, and will also inherit these methods:
-=item $token->type
-This returns the type of the token. This will be either the string
-"start", the string "text", or the string "end".
-Once you know what the type of an object is, you then know what
-subclass it belongs to, and therefore what methods it supports.
-Yes, you could probably do the same thing with code like
-$token->isa('Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'), but that's not so
-pretty as using just $token->type, or even the following shortcuts:
-=item $token->is_start
-This is a shortcut for C<< $token->type() eq "start" >>
-=item $token->is_text
-This is a shortcut for C<< $token->type() eq "text" >>
-=item $token->is_end
-This is a shortcut for C<< $token->type() eq "end" >>
-=item $token->dump
-This returns a handy stringified value of this object. This
-is useful for debugging, as in:
- while(my $token = $parser->get_token) {
- $DEBUG and print "Token: ", $token->dump, "\n";
- ...
- }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-My subclasses:
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken>, and
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParser> and L<Pod::Simple>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/README b/lib/Pod/Simple/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 3be9a63a6c..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- Time-stamp: "2003-09-01 23:10:23 ADT"
-This is a late-beta release of Pod::Simple, the module-suite for
-parsing Pod.
-There are still some gaps in the documentation, and Pod::Simple::HTML
-isn't yet all that it should be.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index de2a7b32d6..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::RTF;
-#sub DEBUG () {4};
-#sub Pod::Simple::DEBUG () {4};
-#sub Pod::Simple::PullParser::DEBUG () {4};
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %Escape $WRAP %Tagmap);
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-use Pod::Simple::PullParser ();
-BEGIN {@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParser')}
-use Carp ();
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG }
-$WRAP = 1 unless defined $WRAP;
-sub _openclose {
- return map {;
- m/^([-A-Za-z]+)=(\w[^\=]*)$/s or die "what's <$_>?";
- ( $1, "{\\$2\n", "/$1", "}" );
- } @_;
-my @_to_accept;
-%Tagmap = (
- # 'foo=bar' means ('foo' => '{\bar'."\n", '/foo' => '}')
- _openclose(
- 'B=cs18\b',
- 'I=cs16\i',
- 'C=cs19\f1\lang1024\noproof',
- 'F=cs17\i\lang1024\noproof',
- 'VerbatimI=cs26\i',
- 'VerbatimB=cs27\b',
- 'VerbatimBI=cs28\b\i',
- map {; m/^([-a-z]+)/s && push @_to_accept, $1; $_ }
- qw[
- underline=ul smallcaps=scaps shadow=shad
- superscript=super subscript=sub strikethrough=strike
- outline=outl emboss=embo engrave=impr
- dotted-underline=uld dash-underline=uldash
- dot-dash-underline=uldashd dot-dot-dash-underline=uldashdd
- double-underline=uldb thick-underline=ulth
- word-underline=ulw wave-underline=ulwave
- ]
- # But no double-strikethrough, because MSWord can't agree with the
- # RTF spec on whether it's supposed to be \strikedl or \striked1 (!!!)
- ),
- # Bit of a hack here:
- 'L=pod' => '{\cs22\i'."\n",
- 'L=url' => '{\cs23\i'."\n",
- 'L=man' => '{\cs24\i'."\n",
- '/L' => '}',
- 'Data' => "\n",
- '/Data' => "\n",
- 'Verbatim' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfkeep#\\plain\\s20\\sa180\\f1\\fs18\\lang1024\\noproof\n",
- '/Verbatim' => "\n\\par}\n",
- 'VerbatimFormatted' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfkeep#\\plain\\s20\\sa180\\f1\\fs18\\lang1024\\noproof\n",
- '/VerbatimFormatted' => "\n\\par}\n",
- 'Para' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\sa180\n",
- '/Para' => "\n\\par}\n",
- 'head1' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s31\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head1_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
- '/head1' => "\n}\\par}\n",
- 'head2' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s32\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head2_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
- '/head2' => "\n}\\par}\n",
- 'head3' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s33\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head3_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
- '/head3' => "\n}\\par}\n",
- 'head4' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s34\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head4_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
- '/head4' => "\n}\\par}\n",
- # wordpad borks on \tc\tcl1, or I'd put that in =head1 and =head2
- 'item-bullet' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfitemkeepn#\\sb60\\sa150\\fi-120\n",
- '/item-bullet' => "\n\\par}\n",
- 'item-number' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfitemkeepn#\\sb60\\sa150\\fi-120\n",
- '/item-number' => "\n\\par}\n",
- 'item-text' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfitemkeepn#\\sb60\\sa150\\fi-120\n",
- '/item-text' => "\n\\par}\n",
- # we don't need any styles for over-* and /over-*
-sub new {
- my $new = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->nix_X_codes(1);
- $new->nbsp_for_S(1);
- $new->accept_targets( 'rtf', 'RTF' );
- $new->{'Tagmap'} = {%Tagmap};
- $new->accept_codes(@_to_accept);
- $new->accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted');
- DEBUG > 2 and print "To accept: ", join(' ',@_to_accept), "\n";
- $new->doc_lang(
- ( $ENV{'RTFDEFLANG'} || '') =~ m/^(\d{1,10})$/s ? $1
- : ($ENV{'RTFDEFLANG'} || '') =~ m/^0?x([a-fA-F0-9]{1,10})$/s ? hex($1)
- # yes, tolerate hex!
- : ($ENV{'RTFDEFLANG'} || '') =~ m/^([a-fA-F0-9]{4})$/s ? hex($1)
- # yes, tolerate even more hex!
- : '1033'
- );
- $new->head1_halfpoint_size(32);
- $new->head2_halfpoint_size(28);
- $new->head3_halfpoint_size(25);
- $new->head4_halfpoint_size(22);
- $new->codeblock_halfpoint_size(18);
- $new->header_halfpoint_size(17);
- $new->normal_halfpoint_size(25);
- return $new;
- 'doc_lang',
- 'head1_halfpoint_size',
- 'head2_halfpoint_size',
- 'head3_halfpoint_size',
- 'head4_halfpoint_size',
- 'codeblock_halfpoint_size',
- 'header_halfpoint_size',
- 'normal_halfpoint_size',
- 'no_proofing_exemptions',
-sub run {
- my $self = $_[0];
- return $self->do_middle if $self->bare_output;
- return
- $self->do_beginning && $self->do_middle && $self->do_end;
-sub do_middle { # the main work
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
- my($token, $type, $tagname, $scratch);
- my @stack;
- my @indent_stack;
- $self->{'rtfindent'} = 0 unless defined $self->{'rtfindent'};
- while($token = $self->get_token) {
- if( ($type = $token->type) eq 'text' ) {
- if( $self->{'rtfverbatim'} ) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " $type " , $token->text, " in verbatim!\n";
- rtf_esc_codely($scratch = $token->text);
- print $fh $scratch;
- next;
- }
- DEBUG > 1 and print " $type " , $token->text, "\n";
- $scratch = $token->text;
- $scratch =~ tr/\t\cb\cc/ /d;
- $self->{'no_proofing_exemptions'} or $scratch =~
- s/(?:
- ^
- |
- (?<=[\cm\cj\t "\[\<\(])
- ) # start on whitespace, sequence-start, or quote
- ( # something looking like a Perl token:
- (?:
- [\$\@\:\<\*\\_]\S+ # either starting with a sigil, etc.
- )
- |
- # or starting alpha, but containing anything strange:
- (?:
- [a-zA-Z'\x80-\xFF]+[\$\@\:_<>\(\\\*]\S+
- )
- )
- /\cb$1\cc/xsg
- ;
- rtf_esc($scratch);
- $scratch =~
- s/(
- [^\cm\cj\n]{65} # Snare 65 characters from a line
- [^\cm\cj\n\x20]{0,50} # and finish any current word
- )
- (\x20{1,10})(?![\cm\cj\n]) # capture some spaces not at line-end
- /$1$2\n/gx # and put a NL before those spaces
- if $WRAP;
- # This may wrap at well past the 65th column, but not past the 120th.
- print $fh $scratch;
- } elsif( $type eq 'start' ) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " +$type ",$token->tagname,
- " (", map("<$_> ", %{$token->attr_hash}), ")\n";
- if( ($tagname = $token->tagname) eq 'Verbatim'
- or $tagname eq 'VerbatimFormatted'
- ) {
- ++$self->{'rtfverbatim'};
- my $next = $self->get_token;
- next unless defined $next;
- my $line_count = 1;
- if($next->type eq 'text') {
- my $t = $next->text_r;
- while( $$t =~ m/$/mg ) {
- last if ++$line_count > 15; # no point in counting further
- }
- DEBUG > 3 and print " verbatim line count: $line_count\n";
- }
- $self->unget_token($next);
- $self->{'rtfkeep'} = ($line_count > 15) ? '' : '\keepn' ;
- } elsif( $tagname =~ m/^item-/s ) {
- my @to_unget;
- my $text_count_here = 0;
- $self->{'rtfitemkeepn'} = '';
- # Some heuristics to stop item-*'s functioning as subheadings
- # from getting split from the things they're subheadings for.
- #
- # It's not terribly pretty, but it really does make things pretty.
- #
- while(1) {
- push @to_unget, $self->get_token;
- pop(@to_unget), last unless defined $to_unget[-1];
- # Erroneously used to be "unshift" instead of pop! Adds instead
- # of removes, and operates on the beginning instead of the end!
- if($to_unget[-1]->type eq 'text') {
- if( ($text_count_here += length ${$to_unget[-1]->text_r}) > 150 ){
- DEBUG > 1 and print " item-* is too long to be keepn'd.\n";
- last;
- }
- } elsif (@to_unget > 1 and
- $to_unget[-2]->type eq 'end' and
- $to_unget[-2]->tagname =~ m/^item-/s
- ) {
- # Bail out here, after setting rtfitemkeepn yea or nay.
- $self->{'rtfitemkeepn'} = '\keepn' if
- $to_unget[-1]->type eq 'start' and
- $to_unget[-1]->tagname eq 'Para';
- DEBUG > 1 and printf " item-* before %s(%s) %s keepn'd.\n",
- $to_unget[-1]->type,
- $to_unget[-1]->can('tagname') ? $to_unget[-1]->tagname : '',
- $self->{'rtfitemkeepn'} ? "gets" : "doesn't get";
- last;
- } elsif (@to_unget > 40) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " item-* now has too many tokens (",
- scalar(@to_unget),
- (DEBUG > 4) ? (q<: >, map($_->dump, @to_unget)) : (),
- ") to be keepn'd.\n";
- last; # give up
- }
- # else keep while'ing along
- }
- # Now put it aaaaall back...
- $self->unget_token(@to_unget);
- } elsif( $tagname =~ m/^over-/s ) {
- push @stack, $1;
- push @indent_stack,
- int($token->attr('indent') * 4 * $self->normal_halfpoint_size);
- DEBUG and print "Indenting over $indent_stack[-1] twips.\n";
- $self->{'rtfindent'} += $indent_stack[-1];
- } elsif ($tagname eq 'L') {
- $tagname .= '=' . ($token->attr('type') || 'pod');
- } elsif ($tagname eq 'Data') {
- my $next = $self->get_token;
- next unless defined $next;
- unless( $next->type eq 'text' ) {
- $self->unget_token($next);
- next;
- }
- DEBUG and print " raw text ", $next->text, "\n";
- printf $fh "\n" . $next->text . "\n";
- next;
- }
- defined($scratch = $self->{'Tagmap'}{$tagname}) or next;
- $scratch =~ s/\#([^\#]+)\#/${$self}{$1}/g; # interpolate
- print $fh $scratch;
- if ($tagname eq 'item-number') {
- print $fh $token->attr('number'), ". \n";
- } elsif ($tagname eq 'item-bullet') {
- print $fh "\\'95 \n";
- #for funky testing: print $fh '', rtf_esc("\x{4E4B}\x{9053}");
- }
- } elsif( $type eq 'end' ) {
- DEBUG > 1 and print " -$type ",$token->tagname,"\n";
- if( ($tagname = $token->tagname) =~ m/^over-/s ) {
- DEBUG and print "Indenting back $indent_stack[-1] twips.\n";
- $self->{'rtfindent'} -= pop @indent_stack;
- pop @stack;
- } elsif( $tagname eq 'Verbatim' or $tagname eq 'VerbatimFormatted') {
- --$self->{'rtfverbatim'};
- }
- defined($scratch = $self->{'Tagmap'}{"/$tagname"}) or next;
- $scratch =~ s/\#([^\#]+)\#/${$self}{$1}/g; # interpolate
- print $fh $scratch;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub do_beginning {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
- return print $fh join '',
- $self->doc_init,
- $self->font_table,
- $self->stylesheet,
- $self->color_table,
- $self->doc_info,
- $self->doc_start,
- "\n"
- ;
-sub do_end {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
- return print $fh '}'; # that should do it
-sub stylesheet {
- return sprintf <<'END',
-{\snext0 Normal;}
-{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}
-{\*\cs16 \additive \i \sbasedon10 pod-I;}
-{\*\cs17 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof \sbasedon10 pod-F;}
-{\*\cs18 \additive \b \sbasedon10 pod-B;}
-{\*\cs19 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-C;}
-{\s20\ql \li0\ri0\sa180\widctlpar\f1\fs%s\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-codeblock;}
-{\*\cs21 \additive \lang1024\noproof \sbasedon10 pod-computerese;}
-{\*\cs22 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-L-pod;}
-{\*\cs23 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-L-url;}
-{\*\cs24 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-L-man;}
-{\*\cs25 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon0 pod-codelbock-plain;}
-{\*\cs26 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon25 pod-codelbock-ital;}
-{\*\cs27 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon25 pod-codelbock-bold;}
-{\*\cs28 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon25 pod-codelbock-bold-ital;}
-{\s31\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head1;}
-{\s32\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head2;}
-{\s33\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head3;}
-{\s34\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head4;}
- $_[0]->codeblock_halfpoint_size(),
- $_[0]->head1_halfpoint_size(),
- $_[0]->head2_halfpoint_size(),
- $_[0]->head3_halfpoint_size(),
- $_[0]->head4_halfpoint_size(),
- ;
-# Override these as necessary for further customization
-sub font_table {
- return <<'END'; # text font, code font, heading font
-{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}
-{\f1\fmodern Courier New;}
-{\f2\fswiss Arial;}
-sub doc_init {
- return <<'END';
-sub color_table {
- return <<'END';
-sub doc_info {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $class = ref($self) || $self;
- my $tag = __PACKAGE__ . ' ' . $VERSION;
- unless($class eq __PACKAGE__) {
- $tag = " ($tag)";
- $tag = " v" . $self->VERSION . $tag if defined $self->VERSION;
- $tag = $class . $tag;
- }
- return sprintf <<'END',
- using %s v%s
- under Perl v%s at %s GMT}
-{\author [see doc]}{\company [see doc]}{\operator [see doc]}
- # None of the following things should need escaping, I dare say!
- $tag,
- $ISA[0], $ISA[0]->VERSION(),
- $], scalar(gmtime),
- ;
-sub doc_start {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $title = $self->get_short_title();
- DEBUG and print "Short Title: <$title>\n";
- $title .= ' ' if length $title;
- $title =~ s/ *$/ /s;
- $title =~ s/^ //s;
- $title =~ s/ $/, /s;
- # make sure it ends in a comma and a space, unless it's 0-length
- my $is_obviously_module_name;
- $is_obviously_module_name = 1
- if $title =~ m/^\S+$/s and $title =~ m/::/s;
- # catches the most common case, at least
- DEBUG and print "Title0: <$title>\n";
- $title = rtf_esc($title);
- DEBUG and print "Title1: <$title>\n";
- $title = '\lang1024\noproof ' . $title
- if $is_obviously_module_name;
- return sprintf <<'END',
- ($self->doc_lang) x 2,
- $self->header_halfpoint_size,
- $title,
- $self->normal_halfpoint_size,
- ;
-use integer;
-sub rtf_esc {
- my $x; # scratch
- if(!defined wantarray) { # void context: alter in-place!
- for(@_) {
- s/([F\x00-\x1F\-\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
- s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
- }
- return;
- } elsif(wantarray) { # return an array
- return map {; ($x = $_) =~
- s/([F\x00-\x1F\-\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
- $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
- $x;
- } @_;
- } else { # return a single scalar
- ($x = ((@_ == 1) ? $_[0] : join '', @_)
- ) =~ s/([F\x00-\x1F\-\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
- # Escape \, {, }, -, control chars, and 7f-ff.
- $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
- return $x;
- }
-sub rtf_esc_codely {
- # Doesn't change "-" to hard-hyphen, nor apply computerese style-smarts.
- # We don't want to change the "-" to hard-hyphen, because we want to
- # be able to paste this into a file and run it without there being
- # dire screaming about the mysterious hard-hyphen character (which
- # looks just like a normal dash character).
- my $x; # scratch
- if(!defined wantarray) { # void context: alter in-place!
- for(@_) {
- s/([F\x00-\x1F\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
- s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
- }
- return;
- } elsif(wantarray) { # return an array
- return map {; ($x = $_) =~
- s/([F\x00-\x1F\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
- $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
- $x;
- } @_;
- } else { # return a single scalar
- ($x = ((@_ == 1) ? $_[0] : join '', @_)
- ) =~ s/([F\x00-\x1F\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
- # Escape \, {, }, -, control chars, and 7f-ff.
- $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
- return $x;
- }
-%Escape = (
- map( (chr($_),chr($_)), # things not apparently needing escaping
- 0x20 .. 0x7E ),
- map( (chr($_),sprintf("\\'%02x", $_)), # apparently escapeworthy things
- 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x5c, 0x7b, 0x7d, 0x7f .. 0xFF, 0x46),
- # We get to escape out 'F' so that we can send RTF files thru the mail
- # without the slightest worry that paragraphs beginning with "From"
- # will get munged.
- # And some refinements:
- "\cm" => "\n",
- "\cj" => "\n",
- "\n" => "\n\\line ",
- "\t" => "\\tab ", # Tabs (altho theoretically raw \t's are okay)
- "\f" => "\n\\page\n", # Formfeed
- "-" => "\\_", # Turn plaintext '-' into a non-breaking hyphen
- "\xA0" => "\\~", # Latin-1 non-breaking space
- "\xAD" => "\\-", # Latin-1 soft (optional) hyphen
- "\n" => "\\line\n",
- "\r" => "\n",
- "\cb" => "{\n\\cs21\\lang1024\\noproof ", # \\cf1
- "\cc" => "}",
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::RTF -- format Pod as RTF
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::RTF -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::RTF->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod > thingy.rtf
-This class is a formatter that takes Pod and renders it as RTF, good for
-viewing/printing in MSWord, WordPad/write.exe, TextEdit, etc.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-You can set these attributes on the parser object before you
-call C<parse_file> (or a similar method) on it:
-=item $parser->head1_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-=item $parser->head2_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-=item $parser->head3_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-=item $parser->head4_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-These methods set the size (in half-points, like 52 for 26-point)
-that these heading levels will appear as.
-=item $parser->codeblock_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-This method sets the size (in half-points, like 21 for 10.5-point)
-that codeblocks ("verbatim sections") will appear as.
-=item $parser->header_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-This method sets the size (in half-points, like 15 for 7.5-point)
-that the header on each page will appear in. The header
-is usually just "I<modulename> p. I<pagenumber>".
-=item $parser->normal_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
-This method sets the size (in half-points, like 26 for 13-point)
-that normal paragraphic text will appear in.
-=item $parser->no_proofing_exemptions( I<true_or_false> );
-Set this value to true if you don't want the formatter to try
-putting a hidden code on all Perl symbols (as best as it can
-notice them) that labels them as being not in English, and
-so not worth spellchecking.
-=item $parser->doc_lang( I<microsoft_decimal_language_code> )
-This sets the language code to tag this document as being in. By
-default, it is currently the value of the environment variable
-C<RTFDEFLANG>, or if that's not set, then the value
-1033 (for US English).
-Setting this appropriately is useful if you want to use the RTF
-to spellcheck, and/or if you want it to hyphenate right.
-Here are some notable values:
- 1033 US English
- 2057 UK English
- 3081 Australia English
- 4105 Canada English
- 1034 Spain Spanish
- 2058 Mexico Spanish
- 1031 Germany German
- 1036 France French
- 3084 Canada French
- 1035 Finnish
- 1044 Norwegian (Bokmal)
- 2068 Norwegian (Nynorsk)
-If you are particularly interested in customizing this module's output
-even more, see the source and/or write to me.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<RTF::Writer>, L<RTF::Cookbook>, L<RTF::Document>,
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 980b3b7739..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1016 +0,0 @@
-require 5.005;
-package Pod::Simple::Search;
-use strict;
-$VERSION = 3.04; ## Current version of this package
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = sub () {0} unless defined &DEBUG; } # set DEBUG level
-use Carp ();
-$SLEEPY = 1 if !defined $SLEEPY and $^O =~ /mswin|mac/i;
- # flag to occasionally sleep for $SLEEPY - 1 seconds.
-#use diagnostics;
-use File::Spec ();
-use File::Basename qw( basename );
-use Config ();
-use Cwd qw( cwd );
-__PACKAGE__->_accessorize( # Make my dumb accessor methods
- 'callback', 'progress', 'dir_prefix', 'inc', 'laborious', 'limit_glob',
- 'limit_re', 'shadows', 'verbose', 'name2path', 'path2name',
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
- $self->init;
- return $self;
-sub init {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->inc(1);
- $self->verbose(DEBUG);
- return $self;
-sub survey {
- my($self, @search_dirs) = @_;
- $self = $self->new unless ref $self; # tolerate being a class method
- $self->_expand_inc( \@search_dirs );
- $self->{'_scan_count'} = 0;
- $self->{'_dirs_visited'} = {};
- $self->path2name( {} );
- $self->name2path( {} );
- $self->limit_re( $self->_limit_glob_to_limit_re ) if $self->{'limit_glob'};
- my $cwd = cwd();
- my $verbose = $self->verbose;
- local $_; # don't clobber the caller's $_ !
- foreach my $try (@search_dirs) {
- unless( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($try) ) {
- # make path absolute
- $try = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd ,$try);
- }
- # simplify path
- $try = File::Spec->canonpath($try);
- my $start_in;
- my $modname_prefix;
- if($self->{'dir_prefix'}) {
- $start_in = File::Spec->catdir(
- $try,
- grep length($_), split '[\\/:]+', $self->{'dir_prefix'}
- );
- $modname_prefix = [grep length($_), split m{[:/\\]}, $self->{'dir_prefix'}];
- $verbose and print "Appending \"$self->{'dir_prefix'}\" to $try, ",
- "giving $start_in (= @$modname_prefix)\n";
- } else {
- $start_in = $try;
- }
- if( $self->{'_dirs_visited'}{$start_in} ) {
- $verbose and print "Directory '$start_in' already seen, skipping.\n";
- next;
- } else {
- $self->{'_dirs_visited'}{$start_in} = 1;
- }
- unless(-e $start_in) {
- $verbose and print "Skipping non-existent $start_in\n";
- next;
- }
- my $closure = $self->_make_search_callback;
- if(-d $start_in) {
- # Normal case:
- $verbose and print "Beginning excursion under $start_in\n";
- $self->_recurse_dir( $start_in, $closure, $modname_prefix );
- $verbose and print "Back from excursion under $start_in\n\n";
- } elsif(-f _) {
- # A excursion consisting of just one file!
- $_ = basename($start_in);
- $verbose and print "Pondering $start_in ($_)\n";
- $closure->($start_in, $_, 0, []);
- } else {
- $verbose and print "Skipping mysterious $start_in\n";
- }
- }
- $self->progress and $self->progress->done(
- "Noted $$self{'_scan_count'} Pod files total");
- return unless defined wantarray; # void
- return $self->name2path unless wantarray; # scalar
- return $self->name2path, $self->path2name; # list
-sub _make_search_callback {
- my $self = $_[0];
- # Put the options in variables, for easy access
- my( $laborious, $verbose, $shadows, $limit_re, $callback, $progress,$path2name,$name2path) =
- map scalar($self->$_()),
- qw(laborious verbose shadows limit_re callback progress path2name name2path);
- my($file, $shortname, $isdir, $modname_bits);
- return sub {
- ($file, $shortname, $isdir, $modname_bits) = @_;
- if($isdir) { # this never gets called on the startdir itself, just subdirs
- if( $self->{'_dirs_visited'}{$file} ) {
- $verbose and print "Directory '$file' already seen, skipping.\n";
- return 'PRUNE';
- }
- print "Looking in dir $file\n" if $verbose;
- unless ($laborious) { # $laborious overrides pruning
- if( m/^(\d+\.[\d_]{3,})\z/s
- and do { my $x = $1; $x =~ tr/_//d; $x != $] }
- ) {
- $verbose and print "Perl $] version mismatch on $_, skipping.\n";
- return 'PRUNE';
- }
- if( m/^([A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\z/s ) {
- $verbose and print "$_ is a well-named module subdir. Looking....\n";
- } else {
- $verbose and print "$_ is a fishy directory name. Skipping.\n";
- return 'PRUNE';
- }
- } # end unless $laborious
- $self->{'_dirs_visited'}{$file} = 1;
- return; # (not pruning);
- }
- # Make sure it's a file even worth even considering
- if($laborious) {
- unless(
- m/\.(pod|pm|plx?)\z/i || -x _ and -T _
- # Note that the cheapest operation (the RE) is run first.
- ) {
- $verbose > 1 and print " Brushing off uninteresting $file\n";
- return;
- }
- } else {
- unless( m/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+\.(?:pod|pm|plx?)\z/is ) {
- $verbose > 1 and print " Brushing off oddly-named $file\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- $verbose and print "Considering item $file\n";
- my $name = $self->_path2modname( $file, $shortname, $modname_bits );
- $verbose > 0.01 and print " Nominating $file as $name\n";
- if($limit_re and $name !~ m/$limit_re/i) {
- $verbose and print "Shunning $name as not matching $limit_re\n";
- return;
- }
- if( !$shadows and $name2path->{$name} ) {
- $verbose and print "Not worth considering $file ",
- "-- already saw $name as ",
- join(' ', grep($path2name->{$_} eq $name, keys %$path2name)), "\n";
- return;
- }
- # Put off until as late as possible the expense of
- # actually reading the file:
- if( m/\.pod\z/is ) {
- # just assume it has pod, okay?
- } else {
- $progress and $progress->reach($self->{'_scan_count'}, "Scanning $file");
- return unless $self->contains_pod( $file );
- }
- ++ $self->{'_scan_count'};
- # Or finally take note of it:
- if( $name2path->{$name} ) {
- $verbose and print
- "Duplicate POD found (shadowing?): $name ($file)\n",
- " Already seen in ",
- join(' ', grep($path2name->{$_} eq $name, keys %$path2name)), "\n";
- } else {
- $name2path->{$name} = $file; # Noting just the first occurrence
- }
- $verbose and print " Noting $name = $file\n";
- if( $callback ) {
- local $_ = $_; # insulate from changes, just in case
- $callback->($file, $name);
- }
- $path2name->{$file} = $name;
- return;
- }
-sub _path2modname {
- my($self, $file, $shortname, $modname_bits) = @_;
- # this code simplifies the POD name for Perl modules:
- # * remove "site_perl"
- # * remove e.g. "i586-linux" (from 'archname')
- # * remove e.g. 5.00503
- # * remove pod/ if followed by perl*.pod (e.g. in pod/perlfunc.pod)
- # * dig into the file for case-preserved name if not already mixed case
- my @m = @$modname_bits;
- my $x;
- my $verbose = $self->verbose;
- # Shaving off leading naughty-bits
- while(@m
- and defined($x = lc( $m[0] ))
- and( $x eq 'site_perl'
- or($x eq 'pod' and @m == 1 and $shortname =~ m{^perl.*\.pod$}s )
- or $x =~ m{\\d+\\.z\\d+([_.]?\\d+)?} # if looks like a vernum
- or $x eq lc( $Config::Config{'archname'} )
- )) { shift @m }
- my $name = join '::', @m, $shortname;
- $self->_simplify_base($name);
- # On VMS, case-preserved document names can't be constructed from
- # filenames, so try to extract them from the "=head1 NAME" tag in the
- # file instead.
- if ($^O eq 'VMS' && ($name eq lc($name) || $name eq uc($name))) {
- open PODFILE, "<$file" or die "_path2modname: Can't open $file: $!";
- my $in_pod = 0;
- my $in_name = 0;
- my $line;
- while ($line = <PODFILE>) {
- chomp $line;
- $in_pod = 1 if ($line =~ m/^=\w/);
- $in_pod = 0 if ($line =~ m/^=cut/);
- next unless $in_pod; # skip non-pod text
- next if ($line =~ m/^\s*\z/); # and blank lines
- next if ($in_pod && ($line =~ m/^X</)); # and commands
- if ($in_name) {
- if ($line =~ m/(\w+::)?(\w+)/) {
- # substitute case-preserved version of name
- my $podname = $2;
- my $prefix = $1 || '';
- $verbose and print "Attempting case restore of '$name' from '$prefix$podname'\n";
- unless ($name =~ s/$prefix$podname/$prefix$podname/i) {
- $verbose and print "Attempting case restore of '$name' from '$podname'\n";
- $name =~ s/$podname/$podname/i;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- $in_name = 1 if ($line =~ m/^=head1 NAME/);
- }
- close PODFILE;
- }
- return $name;
-sub _recurse_dir {
- my($self, $startdir, $callback, $modname_bits) = @_;
- my $maxdepth = $self->{'fs_recursion_maxdepth'} || 10;
- my $verbose = $self->verbose;
- my $here_string = File::Spec->curdir;
- my $up_string = File::Spec->updir;
- $modname_bits ||= [];
- my $recursor;
- $recursor = sub {
- my($dir_long, $dir_bare) = @_;
- if( @$modname_bits >= 10 ) {
- $verbose and print "Too deep! [@$modname_bits]\n";
- return;
- }
- unless(-d $dir_long) {
- $verbose > 2 and print "But it's not a dir! $dir_long\n";
- return;
- }
- unless( opendir(INDIR, $dir_long) ) {
- $verbose > 2 and print "Can't opendir $dir_long : $!\n";
- closedir(INDIR);
- return
- }
- my @items = sort readdir(INDIR);
- closedir(INDIR);
- push @$modname_bits, $dir_bare unless $dir_bare eq '';
- my $i_full;
- foreach my $i (@items) {
- next if $i eq $here_string or $i eq $up_string or $i eq '';
- $i_full = File::Spec->catfile( $dir_long, $i );
- if(!-r $i_full) {
- $verbose and print "Skipping unreadable $i_full\n";
- } elsif(-f $i_full) {
- $_ = $i;
- $callback->( $i_full, $i, 0, $modname_bits );
- } elsif(-d _) {
- $i =~ s/\.DIR\z//i if $^O eq 'VMS';
- $_ = $i;
- my $rv = $callback->( $i_full, $i, 1, $modname_bits ) || '';
- if($rv eq 'PRUNE') {
- $verbose > 1 and print "OK, pruning";
- } else {
- # Otherwise, recurse into it
- $recursor->( File::Spec->catdir($dir_long, $i) , $i);
- }
- } else {
- $verbose > 1 and print "Skipping oddity $i_full\n";
- }
- }
- pop @$modname_bits;
- return;
- };;
- local $_;
- $recursor->($startdir, '');
- undef $recursor; # allow it to be GC'd
- return;
-sub run {
- # A function, useful in one-liners
- my $self = __PACKAGE__->new;
- $self->limit_glob($ARGV[0]) if @ARGV;
- $self->callback( sub {
- my($file, $name) = @_;
- my $version = '';
- # Yes, I know we won't catch the version in like a File/
- # if we see File/Thing.pod first. That's just the way the
- # cookie crumbles. -- SMB
- if($file =~ m/\.pod$/i) {
- # Don't bother looking for $VERSION in .pod files
- DEBUG and print "Not looking for \$VERSION in .pod $file\n";
- } elsif( !open(INPOD, $file) ) {
- DEBUG and print "Couldn't open $file: $!\n";
- close(INPOD);
- } else {
- # Sane case: file is readable
- my $lines = 0;
- while(<INPOD>) {
- last if $lines++ > $MAX_VERSION_WITHIN; # some degree of sanity
- if( s/^\s*\$VERSION\s*=\s*//s and m/\d/ ) {
- DEBUG and print "Found version line (#$lines): $_";
- s/\s*\#.*//s;
- s/\;\s*$//s;
- s/\s+$//s;
- s/\t+/ /s; # nix tabs
- # Optimize the most common cases:
- $_ = "v$1"
- if m{^v?["']?([0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]+)*)["']?$}s
- # like in $VERSION = "3.14159";
- or m{\$Revision:\s*([0-9_]+(?:\.[0-9_]+)*)\s*\$}s
- # like in sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 4.13 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- ;
- # Like in sprintf("%d.%s", map {s/_//g; $_} q$Name: release-0_55-public $ =~ /-(\d+)_([\d_]+)/)
- $_ = sprintf("v%d.%s",
- map {s/_//g; $_}
- $1 =~ m/-(\d+)_([\d_]+)/) # snare just the numeric part
- if m{\$Name:\s*([^\$]+)\$}s
- ;
- $version = $_;
- DEBUG and print "Noting $version as version\n";
- last;
- }
- }
- close(INPOD);
- }
- print "$name\t$version\t$file\n";
- return;
- # End of callback!
- });
- $self->survey;
-sub simplify_name {
- my($self, $str) = @_;
- # Remove all path components
- # XXX Why not just use basename()? -- SMB
- if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { $str =~ s{^.*:+}{}s }
- else { $str =~ s{^.*/+}{}s }
- $self->_simplify_base($str);
- return $str;
-sub _simplify_base { # Internal method only
- # strip Perl's own extensions
- $_[1] =~ s/\.(pod|pm|plx?)\z//i;
- # strip meaningless extensions on Win32 and OS/2
- $_[1] =~ s/\.(bat|exe|cmd)\z//i if $^O =~ /mswin|os2/i;
- # strip meaningless extensions on VMS
- $_[1] =~ s/\.(com)\z//i if $^O eq 'VMS';
- return;
-sub _expand_inc {
- my($self, $search_dirs) = @_;
- return unless $self->{'inc'};
- if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- push @$search_dirs,
- grep $_ ne File::Spec->curdir, $self->_mac_whammy(@INC);
- # Any other OSs need custom handling here?
- } else {
- push @$search_dirs, grep $_ ne File::Spec->curdir, @INC;
- }
- $self->{'laborious'} = 0; # Since inc said to use INC
- return;
-sub _mac_whammy { # Tolerate '.', './some_dir' and '(../)+some_dir' on Mac OS
- my @them;
- (undef,@them) = @_;
- for $_ (@them) {
- if ( $_ eq '.' ) {
- $_ = ':';
- } elsif ( $_ =~ s|^((?:\.\./)+)|':' x (length($1)/3)|e ) {
- $_ = ':'. $_;
- } else {
- $_ =~ s|^\./|:|;
- }
- }
- return @them;
-sub _limit_glob_to_limit_re {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $limit_glob = $self->{'limit_glob'} || return;
- my $limit_re = '^' . quotemeta($limit_glob) . '$';
- $limit_re =~ s/\\\?/./g; # glob "?" => "."
- $limit_re =~ s/\\\*/.*?/g; # glob "*" => ".*?"
- $limit_re =~ s/\.\*\?\$$//s; # final glob "*" => ".*?$" => ""
- $self->{'verbose'} and print "Turning limit_glob $limit_glob into re $limit_re\n";
- # A common optimization:
- if(!exists($self->{'dir_prefix'})
- and $limit_glob =~ m/^(?:\w+\:\:)+/s # like "File::*" or "File::Thing*"
- # Optimize for sane and common cases (but not things like "*::File")
- ) {
- $self->{'dir_prefix'} = join "::", $limit_glob =~ m/^(?:\w+::)+/sg;
- $self->{'verbose'} and print " and setting dir_prefix to $self->{'dir_prefix'}\n";
- }
- return $limit_re;
-# contribution mostly from Tim Jenness <>
-sub find {
- my($self, $pod, @search_dirs) = @_;
- $self = $self->new unless ref $self; # tolerate being a class method
- # Check usage
- Carp::carp 'Usage: \$self->find($podname, ...)'
- unless defined $pod and length $pod;
- my $verbose = $self->verbose;
- # Split on :: and then join the name together using File::Spec
- my @parts = split /::/, $pod;
- $verbose and print "Chomping {$pod} => {@parts}\n";
- #@search_dirs = File::Spec->curdir unless @search_dirs;
- if( $self->inc ) {
- if( $^O eq 'MacOS' ) {
- push @search_dirs, $self->_mac_whammy(@INC);
- } else {
- push @search_dirs, @INC;
- }
- # Add location of pod documentation for perl man pages (eg perlfunc)
- # This is a pod directory in the private install tree
- #my $perlpoddir = File::Spec->catdir($Config::Config{'installprivlib'},
- # 'pod');
- #push (@search_dirs, $perlpoddir)
- # if -d $perlpoddir;
- # Add location of binaries such as pod2text:
- push @search_dirs, $Config::Config{'scriptdir'};
- # and if that's undef or q{} or nonexistent, we just ignore it later
- }
- my %seen_dir;
- Dir:
- foreach my $dir ( @search_dirs ) {
- next unless defined $dir and length $dir;
- next if $seen_dir{$dir};
- $seen_dir{$dir} = 1;
- unless(-d $dir) {
- print "Directory $dir does not exist\n" if $verbose;
- next Dir;
- }
- print "Looking in directory $dir\n" if $verbose;
- my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, @parts );
- print "Filename is now $fullname\n" if $verbose;
- foreach my $ext ('', '.pod', '.pm', '.pl') { # possible extensions
- my $fullext = $fullname . $ext;
- if( -f $fullext and $self->contains_pod( $fullext ) ){
- print "FOUND: $fullext\n" if $verbose;
- return $fullext;
- }
- }
- my $subdir = File::Spec->catdir($dir,'pod');
- if(-d $subdir) { # slip in the ./pod dir too
- $verbose and print "Noticing $subdir and stopping there...\n";
- $dir = $subdir;
- redo Dir;
- }
- }
- return undef;
-sub contains_pod {
- my($self, $file) = @_;
- my $verbose = $self->{'verbose'};
- # check for one line of POD
- $verbose > 1 and print " Scanning $file for pod...\n";
- unless( open(MAYBEPOD,"<$file") ) {
- print "Error: $file is unreadable: $!\n";
- return undef;
- }
- sleep($SLEEPY - 1) if $SLEEPY;
- # avoid totally hogging the processor on OSs with poor process control
- local $_;
- while( <MAYBEPOD> ) {
- if(m/^=(head\d|pod|over|item)\b/s) {
- close(MAYBEPOD) || die "Bizarre error closing $file: $!\nAborting";
- chomp;
- $verbose > 1 and print " Found some pod ($_) in $file\n";
- return 1;
- }
- }
- close(MAYBEPOD) || die "Bizarre error closing $file: $!\nAborting";
- $verbose > 1 and print " No POD in $file, skipping.\n";
- return 0;
-sub _accessorize { # A simple-minded method-maker
- shift;
- no strict 'refs';
- foreach my $attrname (@_) {
- *{caller() . '::' . $attrname} = sub {
- use strict;
- $Carp::CarpLevel = 1, Carp::croak(
- "Accessor usage: \$obj->$attrname() or \$obj->$attrname(\$new_value)"
- ) unless (@_ == 1 or @_ == 2) and ref $_[0];
- # Read access:
- return $_[0]->{$attrname} if @_ == 1;
- # Write access:
- $_[0]->{$attrname} = $_[1];
- return $_[0]; # RETURNS MYSELF!
- };
- }
- # Ya know, they say accessories make the ensemble!
- return;
-sub _state_as_string {
- my $self = $_[0];
- return '' unless ref $self;
- my @out = "{\n # State of $self ...\n";
- foreach my $k (sort keys %$self) {
- push @out, " ", _esc($k), " => ", _esc($self->{$k}), ",\n";
- }
- push @out, "}\n";
- my $x = join '', @out;
- $x =~ s/^/#/mg;
- return $x;
-sub _esc {
- my $in = $_[0];
- return 'undef' unless defined $in;
- $in =~
- s<([^\x20\x21\x23\x27-\x3F\x41-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])>
- <'\\x'.(unpack("H2",$1))>eg;
- return qq{"$in"};
-run() unless caller; # run if "perl whatever/"
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::Search - find POD documents in directory trees
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Pod::Simple::Search;
- my $name2path = Pod::Simple::Search->new->limit_glob('LWP::*')->survey;
- print "Looky see what I found: ",
- join(' ', sort keys %$name2path), "\n";
- print "LWPUA docs = ",
- Pod::Simple::Search->new->find('LWP::UserAgent') || "?",
- "\n";
-B<Pod::Simple::Search> is a class that you use for running searches
-for Pod files. An object of this class has several attributes
-(mostly options for controlling search options), and some methods
-for searching based on those attributes.
-The way to use this class is to make a new object of this class,
-set any options, and then call one of the search options
-(probably C<survey> or C<find>). The sections below discuss the
-syntaxes for doing all that.
-This class provides the one constructor, called C<new>.
-It takes no parameters:
- use Pod::Simple::Search;
- my $search = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-This class defines several methods for setting (and, occasionally,
-reading) the contents of an object. With two exceptions (discussed at
-the end of this section), these attributes are just for controlling the
-way searches are carried out.
-Note that each of these return C<$self> when you call them as
-C<< $self->I<whatever(value)> >>. That's so that you can chain
-together set-attribute calls like this:
- my $name2path =
- Pod::Simple::Search->new
- -> inc(0) -> verbose(1) -> callback(\&blab)
- ->survey(@there);
-...which works exactly as if you'd done this:
- my $search = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
- $search->inc(0);
- $search->verbose(1);
- $search->callback(\&blab);
- my $name2path = $search->survey(@there);
-=item $search->inc( I<true-or-false> );
-This attribute, if set to a true value, means that searches should
-implicitly add perl's I<@INC> paths. This
-automatically considers paths specified in the C<PERL5LIB> environment
-as this is prepended to I<@INC> by the Perl interpreter itself.
-This attribute's default value is B<TRUE>. If you want to search
-only specific directories, set $self->inc(0) before calling
-$inc->survey or $inc->find.
-=item $search->verbose( I<nonnegative-number> );
-This attribute, if set to a nonzero positive value, will make searches output
-(via C<warn>) notes about what they're doing as they do it.
-This option may be useful for debugging a pod-related module.
-This attribute's default value is zero, meaning that no C<warn> messages
-are produced. (Setting verbose to 1 turns on some messages, and setting
-it to 2 turns on even more messages, i.e., makes the following search(es)
-even more verbose than 1 would make them.)
-=item $search->limit_glob( I<some-glob-string> );
-This option means that you want to limit the results just to items whose
-podnames match the given glob/wildcard expression. For example, you
-might limit your search to just "LWP::*", to search only for modules
-starting with "LWP::*" (but not including the module "LWP" itself); or
-you might limit your search to "LW*" to see only modules whose (full)
-names begin with "LW"; or you might search for "*Find*" to search for
-all modules with "Find" somewhere in their full name. (You can also use
-"?" in a glob expression; so "DB?" will match "DBI" and "DBD".)
-=item $search->callback( I<\&some_routine> );
-This attribute means that every time this search sees a matching
-Pod file, it should call this callback routine. The routine is called
-with two parameters: the current file's filespec, and its pod name.
-(For example: C<("/etc/perljunk/File/", "File::Crunk")> would
-be in C<@_>.)
-The callback routine's return value is not used for anything.
-This attribute's default value is false, meaning that no callback
-is called.
-=item $search->laborious( I<true-or-false> );
-Unless you set this attribute to a true value, Pod::Search will
-apply Perl-specific heuristics to find the correct module PODs quickly.
-This attribute's default value is false. You won't normally need
-to set this to true.
-Specifically: Turning on this option will disable the heuristics for
-seeing only files with Perl-like extensions, omitting subdirectories
-that are numeric but do I<not> match the current Perl interpreter's
-version ID, suppressing F<site_perl> as a module hierarchy name, etc.
-=item $search->shadows( I<true-or-false> );
-Unless you set this attribute to a true value, Pod::Simple::Search will
-consider only the first file of a given modulename as it looks thru the
-specified directories; that is, with this option off, if
-Pod::Simple::Search has seen a C<somepathdir/Foo/> already in this
-search, then it won't bother looking at a C<somelaterpathdir/Foo/>
-later on in that search, because that file is merely a "shadow". But if
-you turn on C<< $self->shadows(1) >>, then these "shadow" files are
-inspected too, and are noted in the pathname2podname return hash.
-This attribute's default value is false; and normally you won't
-need to turn it on.
-=item $search->limit_re( I<some-regxp> );
-Setting this attribute (to a value that's a regexp) means that you want
-to limit the results just to items whose podnames match the given
-regexp. Normally this option is not needed, and the more efficient
-C<limit_glob> attribute is used instead.
-=item $search->dir_prefix( I<some-string-value> );
-Setting this attribute to a string value means that the searches should
-begin in the specified subdirectory name (like "Pod" or "File::Find",
-also expressable as "File/Find"). For example, the search option
-C<< $search->limit_glob("File::Find::R*") >>
-is the same as the combination of the search options
-C<< $search->limit_re("^File::Find::R") -> dir_prefix("File::Find") >>.
-Normally you don't need to know about the C<dir_prefix> option, but I
-include it in case it might prove useful for someone somewhere.
-(Implementationally, searching with limit_glob ends up setting limit_re
-and usually dir_prefix.)
-=item $search->progress( I<some-progress-object> );
-If you set a value for this attribute, the value is expected
-to be an object (probably of a class that you define) that has a
-C<reach> method and a C<done> method. This is meant for reporting
-progress during the search, if you don't want to use a simple
-Normally you don't need to know about the C<progress> option, but I
-include it in case it might prove useful for someone somewhere.
-While a search is in progress, the progress object's C<reach> and
-C<done> methods are called like this:
- # Every time a file is being scanned for pod:
- $progress->reach($count, "Scanning $file"); ++$count;
- # And then at the end of the search:
- $progress->done("Noted $count Pod files total");
-Internally, we often set this to an object of class
-Pod::Simple::Progress. That class is probably undocumented,
-but you may wish to look at its source.
-=item $name2path = $self->name2path;
-This attribute is not a search parameter, but is used to report the
-result of C<survey> method, as discussed in the next section.
-=item $path2name = $self->path2name;
-This attribute is not a search parameter, but is used to report the
-result of C<survey> method, as discussed in the next section.
-Once you've actually set any options you want (if any), you can go
-ahead and use the following methods to search for Pod files
-in particular ways.
-=head2 C<< $search->survey( @directories ) >>
-The method C<survey> searches for POD documents in a given set of
-files and/or directories. This runs the search according to the various
-options set by the accessors above. (For example, if the C<inc> attribute
-is on, as it is by default, then the perl @INC directories are implicitly
-added to the list of directories (if any) that you specify.)
-The return value of C<survey> is two hashes:
-=item C<name2path>
-A hash that maps from each pod-name to the filespec (like
-"Stuff::Thing" => "/whatever/plib/Stuff/")
-=item C<path2name>
-A hash that maps from each Pod filespec to its pod-name (like
-"/whatever/plib/Stuff/" => "Stuff::Thing")
-Besides saving these hashes as the hashref attributes
-C<name2path> and C<path2name>, calling this function also returns
-these hashrefs. In list context, the return value of
-C<< $search->survey >> is the list C<(\%name2path, \%path2name)>.
-In scalar context, the return value is C<\%name2path>.
-Or you can just call this in void context.
-Regardless of calling context, calling C<survey> saves
-its results in its C<name2path> and C<path2name> attributes.
-E.g., when searching in F<$HOME/perl5lib>, the file
-F<$HOME/perl5lib/> would get the POD name I<MyModule>,
-whereas F<$HOME/perl5lib/Myclass/> would be
-I<Myclass::Subclass>. The name information can be used for POD
-Only text files containing at least one valid POD command are found.
-In verbose mode, a warning is printed if shadows are found (i.e., more
-than one POD file with the same POD name is found, e.g. F<> in
-different directories). This usually indicates duplicate occurrences of
-modules in the I<@INC> search path, which is occasionally inadvertent
-(but is often simply a case of a user's path dir having a more recent
-version than the system's general path dirs in general.)
-The options to this argument is a list of either directories that are
-searched recursively, or files. (Usually you wouldn't specify files,
-but just dirs.) Or you can just specify an empty-list, as in
-$name2path; with the
-C<inc> option on, as it is by default, teh
-The POD names of files are the plain basenames with any Perl-like
-extension (.pm, .pl, .pod) stripped, and path separators replaced by
-Calling Pod::Simple::Search->search(...) is short for
-Pod::Simple::Search->new->search(...). That is, a throwaway object
-with default attribute values is used.
-=head2 C<< $search->simplify_name( $str ) >>
-The method B<simplify_name> is equivalent to B<basename>, but also
-strips Perl-like extensions (.pm, .pl, .pod) and extensions like
-F<.bat>, F<.cmd> on Win32 and OS/2, or F<.com> on VMS, respectively.
-=head2 C<< $search->find( $pod ) >>
-=head2 C<< $search->find( $pod, @search_dirs ) >>
-Returns the location of a Pod file, given a Pod/module/script name
-(like "Foo::Bar" or "perlvar" or "perldoc"), and an idea of
-what files/directories to look in.
-It searches according to the various options set by the accessors above.
-(For example, if the C<inc> attribute is on, as it is by default, then
-the perl @INC directories are implicitly added to the list of
-directories (if any) that you specify.)
-This returns the full path of the first occurrence to the file.
-Package names (eg 'A::B') are automatically converted to directory
-names in the selected directory. Additionally, '.pm', '.pl' and '.pod'
-are automatically appended to the search as required.
-(So, for example, under Unix, "A::B" is converted to "somedir/A/",
-"somedir/A/B.pod", or "somedir/A/", as appropriate.)
-If no such Pod file is found, this method returns undef.
-If any of the given search directories contains a F<pod/> subdirectory,
-then it is searched. (That's how we manage to find F<perlfunc>,
-for example, which is usually in F<pod/perlfunc> in most Perl dists.)
-The C<verbose> and C<inc> attributes influence the behavior of this
-search; notably, C<inc>, if true, adds @INC I<and also
-$Config::Config{'scriptdir'}> to the list of directories to search.
-It is common to simply say C<< $filename = Pod::Simple::Search-> new
-->find("perlvar") >> so that just the @INC (well, and scriptdir)
-directories are searched. (This happens because the C<inc>
-attribute is true by default.)
-Calling Pod::Simple::Search->find(...) is short for
-Pod::Simple::Search->new->find(...). That is, a throwaway object
-with default attribute values is used.
-=head2 C<< $self->contains_pod( $file ) >>
-Returns true if the supplied filename (not POD module) contains some Pod
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke E<lt>sburke@cpan.orgE<gt>
-borrowed code from
-Marek Rouchal's Pod::Find, which in turn
-heavily borrowed code from Nick Ing-Simmons' PodToHtml.
-Tim Jenness E<lt>t.jenness@jach.hawaii.eduE<gt> provided
-C<find> and C<contains_pod> to Pod::Find.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Perldoc>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64dd155104..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::SimpleTree;
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple ();
-$VERSION = '2.02';
- @ISA = ('Pod::Simple');
- *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG;
- 'root', # root of the tree
-sub _handle_element_start { # self, tagname, attrhash
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Handling $_[1] start-event\n";
- my $x = [$_[1], $_[2]];
- if($_[0]{'_currpos'}) {
- push @{ $_[0]{'_currpos'}[0] }, $x; # insert in parent's child-list
- unshift @{ $_[0]{'_currpos'} }, $x; # prefix to stack
- } else {
- DEBUG and print " And oo, it gets to be root!\n";
- $_[0]{'_currpos'} = [ $_[0]{'root'} = $x ];
- # first event! set to stack, and set as root.
- }
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Stack is now: ",
- join(">", map $_->[0], @{$_[0]{'_currpos'}}), "\n";
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end { # self, tagname
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Handling $_[1] end-event\n";
- shift @{$_[0]{'_currpos'}};
- DEBUG > 3 and print "Stack is now: ",
- join(">", map $_->[0], @{$_[0]{'_currpos'}}), "\n";
- return;
-sub _handle_text { # self, text
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Handling $_[1] text-event\n";
- push @{ $_[0]{'_currpos'}[0] }, $_[1];
- return;
-# A bit of evil from the black box... please avert your eyes, kind souls.
-sub _traverse_treelet_bit {
- DEBUG > 2 and print "Handling $_[1] paragraph event\n";
- my $self = shift;
- push @{ $self->{'_currpos'}[0] }, [@_];
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::SimpleTree -- parse Pod into a simple parse tree
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- % cat ptest.pod
- =head1 PIE
- I like B<pie>!
- % perl -MPod::Simple::SimpleTree -MData::Dumper -e \
- "print Dumper(Pod::Simple::SimpleTree->new->parse_file(shift)->root)" \
- ptest.pod
- $VAR1 = [
- 'Document',
- { 'start_line' => 1 },
- [
- 'head1',
- { 'start_line' => 1 },
- 'PIE'
- ],
- [
- 'Para',
- { 'start_line' => 3 },
- 'I like ',
- [
- 'B',
- {},
- 'pie'
- ],
- '!'
- ]
- ];
-This class is of interest to people writing a Pod processor/formatter.
-This class takes Pod and parses it, returning a parse tree made just
-of arrayrefs, and hashrefs, and strings.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-This class is inspired by XML::Parser's "Tree" parsing-style, although
-it doesn't use exactly the same LoL format.
-=head1 METHODS
-At the end of the parse, call C<< $parser->root >> to get the
-tree's top node.
-=head1 Tree Contents
-Every element node in the parse tree is represented by an arrayref of
-the form: C<[ I<elementname>, \%attributes, I<...subnodes...> ]>.
-See the example tree dump in the Synopsis, above.
-Every text node in the tree is represented by a simple (non-ref)
-string scalar. So you can test C<ref($node)> to see whather you have
-an element node or just a text node.
-The top node in the tree is C<[ 'Document', \%attributes,
-I<...subnodes...> ]>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<The "Tree" subsubsection in XML::Parser|XML::Parser/"Tree">
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/Subclassing.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/Subclassing.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index d4ee694344..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/Subclassing.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,922 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::Subclassing -- write a formatter as a Pod::Simple subclass
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package Pod::SomeFormatter;
- use Pod::Simple;
- @ISA = qw(Pod::Simple);
- $VERSION = '1.01';
- use strict;
- sub _handle_element_start {
- my($parser, $element_name, $attr_hash_r) = @_;
- ...
- }
- sub _handle_element_end {
- my($parser, $element_name) = @_;
- ...
- }
- sub _handle_text {
- my($parser, $text) = @_;
- ...
- }
- 1;
-This document is about using Pod::Simple to write a Pod processor,
-generally a Pod formatter. If you just want to know about using an
-existing Pod formatter, instead see its documentation and see also the
-docs in L<Pod::Simple>.
-The zeroeth step in writing a Pod formatter is to make sure that there
-isn't already a decent one in CPAN. See L<>, and
-run a search on the name of the format you want to render to. Also
-consider joining the Pod People list
-L<> and asking whether
-anyone has a formatter for that format -- maybe someone cobbled one
-together but just hasn't released it.
-The first step in writing a Pod processor is to read L<perlpodspec>,
-which contains notes information on writing a Pod parser (which has been
-largely taken care of by Pod::Simple), but also a lot of requirements
-and recommendations for writing a formatter.
-The second step is to actually learn the format you're planning to
-format to -- or at least as much as you need to know to represent Pod,
-which probably isn't much.
-The third step is to pick which of Pod::Simple's interfaces you want to
-use -- the basic interface via Pod::Simple or L<Pod::Simple::Methody> is
-event-based, sort of like L<HTML::Parser>'s interface, or sort of like
-L<XML::Parser>'s "Handlers" interface), but L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>
-provides a token-stream interface, sort of like L<HTML::TokeParser>'s
-interface; L<Pod::Simple::SimpleTree> provides a simple tree interface,
-rather like XML::Parser's "Tree" interface. Users familiar with
-XML-handling will find one of these styles relatively familiar; but if
-you would be even more at home with XML, there are classes that produce
-an XML representation of the Pod stream, notably
-L<Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream>; you can feed the output of such a class to
-whatever XML parsing system you are most at home with.
-The last step is to write your code based on how the events (or tokens,
-or tree-nodes, or the XML, or however you're parsing) will map to
-constructs in the output format. Also sure to consider how to escape
-text nodes containing arbitrary text, and also what to do with text
-nodes that represent preformatted text (from verbatim sections).
-=head1 Events
-TODO intro... mention that events are supplied for implicits, like for
-missing >'s
-In the following section, we use XML to represent the event structure
-associated with a particular construct. That is, TODO
-=item C<< $parser->_handle_element_start( I<element_name>, I<attr_hashref> ) >>
-=item C<< $parser->_handle_element_end( I<element_name> ) >>
-=item C<< $parser->_handle_text( I<text_string> ) >>
-TODO describe
-=item events with an element_name of Document
-Parsing a document produces this event structure:
- <Document start_line="543">
- ...all events...
- </Document>
-The value of the I<start_line> attribute will be the line number of the first
-Pod directive in the document.
-If there is no Pod in the given document, then the
-event structure will be this:
- <Document contentless="1" start_line="543">
- </Document>
-In that case, the value of the I<start_line> attribute will not be meaningful;
-under current implementations, it will probably be the line number of the
-last line in the file.
-=item events with an element_name of Para
-Parsing a plain (non-verbatim, non-directive, non-data) paragraph in
-a Pod document produces this event structure:
- <Para start_line="543">
- ...all events in this paragraph...
- </Para>
-The value of the I<start_line> attribute will be the line number of the start
-of the paragraph.
-For example, parsing this paragraph of Pod:
- The value of the I<start_line> attribute will be the
- line number of the start of the paragraph.
-produces this event structure:
- <Para start_line="129">
- The value of the
- <I>
- start_line
- </I>
- attribute will be the line number of the first Pod directive
- in the document.
- </Para>
-=item events with an element_name of B, C, F, or I.
-Parsing a BE<lt>...E<gt> formatting code (or of course any of its
-semantically identical syntactic variants
-S<BE<lt>E<lt> ... E<gt>E<gt>>,
-or S<BE<lt>E<lt>E<lt>E<lt> ... E<gt>E<gt>E<gt>E<gt>>, etc.)
-produces this event structure:
- <B>
- ...stuff...
- </B>
-Currently, there are no attributes conveyed.
-Parsing C, F, or I codes produce the same structure, with only a
-different element name.
-If your parser object has been set to accept other formatting codes,
-then they will be presented like these B/C/F/I codes -- i.e., without
-any attributes.
-=item events with an element_name of S
-Normally, parsing an SE<lt>...E<gt> sequence produces this event
-structure, just as if it were a B/C/F/I code:
- <S>
- ...stuff...
- </S>
-However, Pod::Simple (and presumably all derived parsers) offers the
-C<nbsp_for_S> option which, if enabled, will suppress all S events, and
-instead change all spaces in the content to non-breaking spaces. This is
-intended for formatters that output to a format that has no code that
-means the same as SE<lt>...E<gt>, but which has a code/character that
-means non-breaking space.
-=item events with an element_name of X
-Normally, parsing an XE<lt>...E<gt> sequence produces this event
-structure, just as if it were a B/C/F/I code:
- <X>
- ...stuff...
- </X>
-However, Pod::Simple (and presumably all derived parsers) offers the
-C<nix_X_codes> option which, if enabled, will suppress all X events
-and ignore their content. For formatters/processors that don't use
-X events, this is presumably quite useful.
-=item events with an element_name of L
-Because the LE<lt>...E<gt> is the most complex construct in the
-language, it should not surprise you that the events it generates are
-the most complex in the language. Most of complexity is hidden away in
-the attribute values, so for those of you writing a Pod formatter that
-produces a non-hypertextual format, you can just ignore the attributes
-and treat an L event structure like a formatting element that
-(presumably) doesn't actually produce a change in formatting. That is,
-the content of the L event structure (as opposed to its
-attributes) is always what text should be displayed.
-There are, at first glance, three kinds of L links: URL, man, and pod.
-When a LE<lt>I<some_url>E<gt> code is parsed, it produces this event
- <L content-implicit="yes" to="that_url" type="url">
- that_url
- </L>
-The C<type="url"> attribute is always specified for this type of
-L code.
-For example, this Pod source:
- L<>
-produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" to="" type="url">
- </L>
-When a LE<lt>I<manpage(section)>E<gt> code is parsed (and these are
-fairly rare and not terribly useful), it produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" to="manpage(section)" type="man">
- manpage(section)
- </L>
-The C<type="man"> attribute is always specified for this type of
-L code.
-For example, this Pod source:
- L<crontab(5)>
-produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" to="crontab(5)" type="man">
- crontab(5)
- </L>
-In the rare cases where a man page link has a specified, that text appears
-in a I<section> attribute. For example, this Pod source:
- L<crontab(5)/"ENVIRONMENT">
-will produce this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" section="ENVIRONMENT" to="crontab(5)" type="man">
- "ENVIRONMENT" in crontab(5)
- </L>
-In the rare case where the Pod document has code like
-LE<lt>I<sometext>|I<manpage(section)>E<gt>, then the I<sometext> will appear
-as the content of the element, the I<manpage(section)> text will appear
-only as the value of the I<to> attribute, and there will be no
-C<content-implicit="yes"> attribute (whose presence means that the Pod parser
-had to infer what text should appear as the link text -- as opposed to
-cases where that attribute is absent, which means that the Pod parser did
-I<not> have to infer the link text, because that L code explicitly specified
-some link text.)
-For example, this Pod source:
- L<hell itself!|crontab(5)>
-will produce this event structure:
- <L to="crontab(5)" type="man">
- hell itself!
- </L>
-The last type of L structure is for links to/within Pod documents. It is
-the most complex because it can have a I<to> attribute, I<or> a
-I<section> attribute, or both. The C<type="pod"> attribute is always
-specified for this type of L code.
-In the most common case, the simple case of a LE<lt>podpageE<gt> code
-produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">
- podpage
- </L>
-For example, this Pod source:
- L<Net::Ping>
-produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">
- Net::Ping
- </L>
-In cases where there is link-text explicitly specified, it
-is to be found in the content of the element (and not the
-attributes), just as with the LE<lt>I<sometext>|I<manpage(section)>E<gt>
-case discussed above. For example, this Pod source:
- L<Perl Error Messages|perldiag>
-produces this event structure:
- <L to="perldiag" type="pod">
- Perl Error Messages
- </L>
-In cases of links to a section in the current Pod document,
-there is a I<section> attribute instead of a I<to> attribute.
-For example, this Pod source:
- L</"Member Data">
-produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" section="Member Data" type="pod">
- "Member Data"
- </L>
-As another example, this Pod source:
- L<the various attributes|/"Member Data">
-produces this event structure:
- <L section="Member Data" type="pod">
- the various attributes
- </L>
-In cases of links to a section in a different Pod document,
-there are both a I<section> attribute and a L<to> attribute.
-For example, this Pod source:
- L<perlsyn/"Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements">
-produces this event structure:
- <L content-implicit="yes" section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">
- "Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" in perlsyn
- </L>
-As another example, this Pod source:
- L<SWITCH statements|perlsyn/"Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements">
-produces this event structure:
- <L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">
- SWITCH statements
- </L>
-Incidentally, note that we do not distinguish between these syntaxes:
- L</"Member Data">
- L<"Member Data">
- L</Member Data>
- L<Member Data> [deprecated syntax]
-That is, they all produce the same event structure, namely:
- <L content-implicit="yes" section="Member Data" type="pod">
- &#34;Member Data&#34;
- </L>
-=item events with an element_name of E or Z
-While there are Pod codes EE<lt>...E<gt> and ZE<lt>E<gt>, these
-I<do not> produce any E or Z events -- that is, there are no such
-events as E or Z.
-=item events with an element_name of Verbatim
-When a Pod verbatim paragraph (AKA "codeblock") is parsed, it
-produces this event structure:
- <Verbatim start_line="543" xml:space="preserve">
- ...text...
- </Verbatim>
-The value of the I<start_line> attribute will be the line number of the
-first line of this verbatim block. The I<xml:space> attribute is always
-present, and always has the value "preserve".
-The text content will have tabs already expanded.
-=item events with an element_name of head1 .. head4
-When a "=head1 ..." directive is parsed, it produces this event
- <head1>
- ...stuff...
- </head1>
-For example, a directive consisting of this:
- =head1 Options to C<new> et al.
-will produce this event structure:
- <head1 start_line="543">
- Options to
- <C>
- new
- </C>
- et al.
- </head1>
-"=head2" thru "=head4" directives are the same, except for the element
-names in the event structure.
-=item events with an element_name of over-bullet
-When an "=over ... Z<>=back" block is parsed where the items are
-a bulletted list, it will produce this event structure:
- <over-bullet indent="4" start_line="543">
- <item-bullet start_line="545">
- ...Stuff...
- </item-bullet>
- ...more item-bullets...
- </over-bullet>
-The value of the I<indent> attribute is whatever value is after the
-"=over" directive, as in "=over 8". If no such value is specified
-in the directive, then the I<indent> attribute has the value "4".
-For example, this Pod source:
- =over
- =item *
- Stuff
- =item *
- Bar I<baz>!
- =back
-produces this event structure:
- <over-bullet indent="4" start_line="10">
- <item-bullet start_line="12">
- Stuff
- </item-bullet>
- <item-bullet start_line="14">
- Bar <I>baz</I>!
- </item-bullet>
- </over-bullet>
-=item events with an element_name of over-number
-When an "=over ... Z<>=back" block is parsed where the items are
-a numbered list, it will produce this event structure:
- <over-number indent="4" start_line="543">
- <item-number number="1" start_line="545">
- ...Stuff...
- </item-number>
- ...more item-number...
- </over-bullet>
-This is like the "over-bullet" event structure; but note that the contents
-are "item-number" instead of "item-bullet", and note that they will have
-a "number" attribute, which some formatters/processors may ignore
-(since, for example, there's no need for it in HTML when producing
-an "<UL><LI>...</LI>...</UL>" structure), but which any processor may use.
-Note that the values for the I<number> attributes of "item-number"
-elements in a given "over-number" area I<will> start at 1 and go up by
-one each time. If the Pod source doesn't follow that order (even though
-it really should should!), whatever numbers it has will be ignored (with
-the correct values being put in the I<number> attributes), and an error
-message might be issued to the user.
-=item events with an element_name of over-text
-These events are are somewhat unlike the other over-*
-structures, as far as what their contents are. When
-an "=over ... Z<>=back" block is parsed where the items are
-a list of text "subheadings", it will produce this event structure:
- <over-text indent="4" start_line="543">
- <item-text>
- ...stuff...
- </item-text>
- ...stuff (generally Para or Verbatim elements)...
- <item-text>
- ...more item-text and/or stuff...
- </over-text>
-The I<indent> attribute is as with the other over-* events.
-For example, this Pod source:
- =over
- =item Foo
- Stuff
- =item Bar I<baz>!
- Quux
- =back
-produces this event structure:
- <over-text indent="4" start_line="20">
- <item-text start_line="22">
- Foo
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="24">
- Stuff
- </Para>
- <item-text start_line="26">
- Bar
- <I>
- baz
- </I>
- !
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="28">
- Quux
- </Para>
- </over-text>
-=item events with an element_name of over-block
-These events are are somewhat unlike the other over-*
-structures, as far as what their contents are. When
-an "=over ... Z<>=back" block is parsed where there are no items,
-it will produce this event structure:
- <over-block indent="4" start_line="543">
- ...stuff (generally Para or Verbatim elements)...
- </over-block>
-The I<indent> attribute is as with the other over-* events.
-For example, this Pod source:
- =over
- For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world
- For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses
- He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to
- complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with
- circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most
- barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.
- =cut
-will produce this event structure:
- <over-block indent="4" start_line="2">
- <Para start_line="4">
- For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="6">
- For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="8">
- He is at this time transporting large armies of [...more text...]
- </Para>
- </over-block>
-=item events with an element_name of item-bullet
-See L</"events with an element_name of over-bullet">, above.
-=item events with an element_name of item-number
-See L</"events with an element_name of over-number">, above.
-=item events with an element_name of item-text
-See L</"events with an element_name of over-text">, above.
-=item events with an element_name of for
-=item events with an element_name of Data
-=head1 More Pod::Simple Methods
-Pod::Simple provides a lot of methods that aren't generally interesting
-to the end user of an existing Pod formatter, but some of which you
-might find useful in writing a Pod formatter. They are listed below. The
-first several methods (the accept_* methods) are for declaring the
-capabilites of your parser, notably what C<=for I<targetname>> sections
-it's interested in, what extra NE<lt>...E<gt> codes it accepts beyond
-the ones described in the I<perlpod>.
-=item C<< $parser->accept_targets( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-As the parser sees sections like:
- =for html <img src="fig1.jpg">
- =begin html
- <img src="fig1.jpg">
- =end html
-...the parser will ignore these sections unless your subclass has
-specified that it wants to see sections targetted to "html" (or whatever
-the formatter name is).
-If you want to process all sections, even if they're not targetted for you,
-call this before you start parsing:
- $parser->accept_targets('*');
-=item C<< $parser->accept_targets_as_text( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-This is like accept_targets, except that it specifies also that the
-content of sections for this target should be treated as Pod text even
-if the target name in "=for I<targetname>" doesn't start with a ":".
-At time of writing, I don't think you'll need to use this.
-=item C<< $parser->accept_codes( I<Codename>, I<Codename>... ) >>
-This tells the parser that you accept additional formatting codes,
-beyond just the standard ones (I B C L F S X, plus the two weird ones
-you don't actually see in the parse tree, Z and E). For example, to also
-accept codes "N", "R", and "W":
- $parser->accept_codes( qw( N R W ) );
-B<TODO: document how this interacts with =extend, and long element names>
-=item C<< $parser->accept_directive_as_data( I<directive_name> ) >>
-=item C<< $parser->accept_directive_as_verbatim( I<directive_name> ) >>
-=item C<< $parser->accept_directive_as_processed( I<directive_name> ) >>
-In the unlikely situation that you need to tell the parser that you will
-accept additional directives ("=foo" things), you need to first set the
-parset to treat its content as data (i.e., not really processed at
-all), or as verbatim (mostly just expanding tabs), or as processed text
-(parsing formatting codes like BE<lt>...E<gt>).
-For example, to accept a new directive "=method", you'd presumably
- $parser->accept_directive_as_processed("method");
-so that you could have Pod lines like:
- =method I<$whatever> thing B<um>
-Making up your own directives breaks compatibility with other Pod
-formatters, in a way that using "=for I<target> ..." lines doesn't;
-however, you may find this useful if you're making a Pod superset
-format where you don't need to worry about compatibility.
-=item C<< $parser->nbsp_for_S( I<BOOLEAN> ); >>
-Setting this attribute to a true value (and by default it is false) will
-turn "SE<lt>...E<gt>" sequences into sequences of words separated by
-C<\xA0> (non-breaking space) characters. For example, it will take this:
- I like S<Dutch apple pie>, don't you?
-and treat it as if it were:
- I like DutchE<nbsp>appleE<nbsp>pie, don't you?
-This is handy for output formats that don't have anything quite like an
-"SE<lt>...E<gt>" code, but which do have a code for non-breaking space.
-There is currently no method for going the other way; but I can
-probably provide one upon request.
-=item C<< $parser->version_report() >>
-This returns a string reporting the $VERSION value from your module (and
-its classname) as well as the $VERSION value of Pod::Simple. Note that
-L<perlpodspec> requires output formats (wherever possible) to note
-this detail in a comment in the output format. For example, for
-some kind of SGML output format:
- print OUT "<!-- \n", $parser->version_report, "\n -->";
-=item C<< $parser->pod_para_count() >>
-This returns the count of Pod paragraphs seen so far.
-=item C<< $parser->line_count() >>
-This is the current line number being parsed. But you might find the
-"line_number" event attribute more accurate, when it is present.
-=item C<< $parser->nix_X_codes( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-This attribute, when set to a true value (and it is false by default)
-ignores any "XE<lt>...E<gt>" sequences in the document being parsed.
-Many formats don't actually use the content of these codes, so have
-no reason to process them.
-=item C<< $parser->merge_text( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-This attribute, when set to a true value (and it is false by default)
-makes sure that only one event (or token, or node) will be created
-for any single contiguous sequence of text. For example, consider
-this somewhat contrived example:
- I just LOVE Z<>hotE<32>apple pie!
-When that is parsed and events are about to be called on it, it may
-actually seem to be four different text events, one right after another:
-one event for "I just LOVE ", one for "hot", one for " ", and one for
-"apple pie!". But if you have merge_text on, then you're guaranteed
-that it will be fired as one text event: "I just LOVE hot apple pie!".
-=item C<< $parser->code_handler( I<CODE_REF> ) >>
-This specifies code that should be called when a code line is seen
-(i.e., a line outside of the Pod). Normally this is undef, meaning
-that no code should be called. If you provide a routine, it should
-start out like this:
- sub get_code_line { # or whatever you'll call it
- my($line, $line_number, $parser) = @_;
- ...
- }
-Note, however, that sometimes the Pod events aren't processed in exactly
-the same order as the code lines are -- i.e., if you have a file with
-Pod, then code, then more Pod, sometimes the code will be processed (via
-whatever you have code_handler call) before the all of the preceding Pod
-has been processed.
-=item C<< $parser->cut_handler( I<CODE_REF> ) >>
-This is just like the code_handler attribute, except that it's for
-"=cut" lines, not code lines. The same caveats apply. "=cut" lines are
-unlikely to be interesting, but this is included for completeness.
-=item C<< $parser->whine( I<linenumber>, I<complaint string> ) >>
-This notes a problem in the Pod, which will be reported to in the "Pod
-Errors" section of the document and/or send to STDERR, depending on the
-values of the attributes C<no_whining>, C<no_errata_section>, and
-=item C<< $parser->scream( I<linenumber>, I<complaint string> ) >>
-This notes an error like C<whine> does, except that it is not
-suppressable with C<no_whining>. This should be used only for very
-serious errors.
-=item C<< $parser->source_dead(1) >>
-This aborts parsing of the current document, by switching on the flag
-that indicates that EOF has been seen. In particularly drastic cases,
-you might want to do this. It's rather nicer than just calling
-=item C<< $parser->hide_line_numbers( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-Some subclasses that indescriminately dump event attributes (well,
-except for ones beginning with "~") can use this object attribute for
-refraining to dump the "start_line" attribute.
-=item C<< $parser->no_whining( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-This attribute, if set to true, will suppress reports of non-fatal
-error messages. The default value is false, meaning that complaints
-I<are> reported. How they get reported depends on the values of
-the attributes C<no_errata_section> and C<complain_stderr>.
-=item C<< $parser->no_errata_section( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-This attribute, if set to true, will suppress generation of an errata
-section. The default value is false -- i.e., an errata section will be
-=item C<< $parser->complain_stderr( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-This attribute, if set to true will send complaints to STDERR. The
-default value is false -- i.e., complaints do not go to STDERR.
-=item C<< $parser->bare_output( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-Some formatter subclasses use this as a flag for whether output should
-have prologue and epilogue code omitted. For example, setting this to
-true for an HTML formatter class should omit the
-"<html><head><title>...</title><body>..." prologue and the
-"</body></html>" epilogue.
-If you want to set this to true, you should probably also set
-C<no_whining> or at least C<no_errata_section> to true.
-=item C<< $parser->preserve_whitespace( I<SOMEVALUE> ) >>
-If you set this attribute to a true value, the parser will try to
-preserve whitespace in the output. This means that such formatting
-conventions as two spaces after periods will be preserved by the parser.
-This is primarily useful for output formats that treat whitespace as
-significant (such as text or *roff, but not HTML).
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple> -- event-based Pod-parsing framework
-L<Pod::Simple::Methody> -- like Pod::Simple, but each sort of event
-calls its own method (like C<start_head3>)
-L<Pod::Simple::PullParser> -- a Pod-parsing framework like Pod::Simple,
-but with a token-stream interface
-L<Pod::Simple::SimpleTree> -- a Pod-parsing framework like Pod::Simple,
-but with a tree interface
-L<Pod::Simple::Checker> -- a simple Pod::Simple subclass that reads
-documents, and then makes a plaintext report of any errors found in the
-L<Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML> -- for dumping Pod documents as tidily
-indented XML, showing each event on its own line
-L<Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream> -- dumps a Pod document as XML (without
-introducing extra whitespace as Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML does).
-L<Pod::Simple::DumpAsText> -- for dumping Pod documents as tidily
-indented text, showing each event on its own line
-L<Pod::Simple::LinkSection> -- class for objects representing the values
-of the TODO and TODO attributes of LE<lt>...E<gt> elements
-L<Pod::Escapes> -- the module the Pod::Simple uses for evaluating
-EE<lt>...E<gt> content
-L<Pod::Simple::Text> -- a simple plaintext formatter for Pod
-L<Pod::Simple::TextContent> -- like Pod::Simple::Text, but
-makes no effort for indent or wrap the text being formatted
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
-=for notes
-Hm, my old podchecker version (1.2) says:
- *** WARNING: node '' contains non-escaped | or / at line 38 in file Subclassing.pod
- *** WARNING: node '' contains non-escaped | or / at line 41 in file Subclassing.pod
-Yes, L<...> is hard.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index df82c0784c..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::Text;
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple::Methody ();
-use Pod::Simple ();
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $FREAKYMODE);
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::Methody');
-BEGIN { *DEBUG = defined(&Pod::Simple::DEBUG)
- ? \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG
- : sub() {0}
- }
-use Text::Wrap 98.112902 ();
-$Text::Wrap::wrap = 'overflow';
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- $new->accept_target_as_text(qw( text plaintext plain ));
- $new->nix_X_codes(1);
- $new->nbsp_for_S(1);
- $new->{'Thispara'} = '';
- $new->{'Indent'} = 0;
- $new->{'Indentstring'} = ' ';
- return $new;
-sub handle_text { $_[0]{'Thispara'} .= $_[1] }
-sub start_Para { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head1 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head2 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head3 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_head4 { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_Verbatim { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_item_bullet { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = $FREAKYMODE ? '' : '* ' }
-sub start_item_number { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = $FREAKYMODE ? '' : "$_[1]{'number'}. " }
-sub start_item_text { $_[0]{'Thispara'} = '' }
-sub start_over_bullet { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub start_over_number { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub start_over_text { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub start_over_block { ++$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_bullet { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_number { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_text { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-sub end_over_block { --$_[0]{'Indent'} }
-# . . . . . Now the actual formatters:
-sub end_head1 { $_[0]->emit_par(-4) }
-sub end_head2 { $_[0]->emit_par(-3) }
-sub end_head3 { $_[0]->emit_par(-2) }
-sub end_head4 { $_[0]->emit_par(-1) }
-sub end_Para { $_[0]->emit_par( 0) }
-sub end_item_bullet { $_[0]->emit_par( 0) }
-sub end_item_number { $_[0]->emit_par( 0) }
-sub end_item_text { $_[0]->emit_par(-2) }
-sub emit_par {
- my($self, $tweak_indent) = splice(@_,0,2);
- my $indent = ' ' x ( 2 * $self->{'Indent'} + 4 + ($tweak_indent||0) );
- # Yes, 'STRING' x NEGATIVE gives '', same as 'STRING' x 0
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ tr{\xAD}{}d if Pod::Simple::ASCII;
- my $out = Text::Wrap::wrap($indent, $indent, $self->{'Thispara'} .= "\n");
- $out =~ tr{\xA0}{ } if Pod::Simple::ASCII;
- print {$self->{'output_fh'}} $out, "\n";
- $self->{'Thispara'} = '';
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . And then off by its lonesome:
-sub end_Verbatim {
- my $self = shift;
- if(Pod::Simple::ASCII) {
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ tr{\xA0}{ };
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ tr{\xAD}{}d;
- }
- my $i = ' ' x ( 2 * $self->{'Indent'} + 4);
- #my $i = ' ' x (4 + $self->{'Indent'});
- $self->{'Thispara'} =~ s/^/$i/mg;
- print { $self->{'output_fh'} } '',
- $self->{'Thispara'},
- "\n\n"
- ;
- $self->{'Thispara'} = '';
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::Text -- format Pod as plaintext
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::Text -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::Text->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod
-This class is a formatter that takes Pod and renders it as
-wrapped plaintext.
-Its wrapping is done by L<Text::Wrap>, so you can change
-C<$Text::Wrap::columns> as you like.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::TextContent>, L<Pod::Text>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
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-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::TextContent;
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple ();
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION );
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple');
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- $new->nix_X_codes(1);
- return $new;
-sub _handle_element_start {
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} "\n" unless $_[1] =~ m/^[A-Z]$/s;
- return;
-sub _handle_text {
- if( chr(65) eq 'A' ) { # in ASCIIworld
- $_[1] =~ tr/\xAD//d;
- $_[1] =~ tr/\xA0/ /;
- }
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} $_[1];
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end {
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} "\n" unless $_[1] =~ m/^[A-Z]$/s;
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::TextContent -- get the text content of Pod
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::TextContent -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::TextContent->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod
-This class is that parses Pod and dumps just the text content. It is
-mainly meant for use by the Pod::Simple test suite, but you may find
-some other use for it.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Text>, L<Pod::Spell>
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
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-use strict;
-package Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH;
-use Symbol ('gensym');
-use Carp ();
-sub handle_on { # some horrible frightening things are encapsulated in here
- my $class = shift;
- $class = ref($class) || $class;
- Carp::croak "Usage: ${class}->handle_on(\$somescalar)" unless @_;
- my $x = (defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]))
- ? $_[0]
- : ( \( $_[0] ) )[0]
- ;
- $$x = '' unless defined $$x;
- #Pod::Simple::DEBUG and print "New $class handle on $x = \"$$x\"\n";
- my $new = gensym();
- tie *$new, $class, $x;
- return $new;
-sub TIEHANDLE { # Ties to just a scalar ref
- my($class, $scalar_ref) = @_;
- $$scalar_ref = '' unless defined $$scalar_ref;
- return bless \$scalar_ref, ref($class) || $class;
-sub PRINT {
- my $it = shift;
- foreach my $x (@_) { $$$it .= $x }
- #Pod::Simple::DEBUG > 10 and print " appended to $$it = \"$$$it\"\n";
- return 1;
-sub FETCH {
- return ${$_[0]};
-sub PRINTF {
- my $it = shift;
- my $format = shift;
- $$$it .= sprintf $format, @_;
- return 1;
-sub FILENO { ${ $_[0] } + 100 } # just to produce SOME number
-sub CLOSE { 1 }
- * 1 large red onion
- * 2 tomatillos
- * 4 or 5 roma tomatoes (optionally with the pulp discarded)
- * 1 tablespoons chopped ginger root (or more, to taste)
- * 2 tablespoons canola oil (or vegetable oil)
- * 1 tablespoon garam masala
- * 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder, or to taste
- * Salt, to taste (probably quite a bit)
- * 2 (15-ounce) cans chick peas or garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
- * juice of one smallish lime
- * a dash of balsamic vinegar (to taste)
- * cooked rice, preferably long-grain white rice (whether plain,
- basmati rice, jasmine rice, or even a mild pilaf)
-In a blender or food processor, puree the onions, tomatoes, tomatillos,
-and ginger root. You can even do it with a Braun hand "mixer", if you
-chop things finer to start with, and work at it.
-In a saucepan set over moderate heat, warm the oil until hot.
-Add the puree and the balsamic vinegar, and cook, stirring occasionally,
-for 20 to 40 minutes. (Cooking it longer will make it sweeter.)
-Add the Garam Masala, chili powder, and cook, stirring occasionally, for
-5 minutes.
-Add the salt and chick peas and cook, stirring, until heated through.
-Stir in the lime juice, and optionally one or two teaspoons of tahini.
-You can let it simmer longer, depending on how much softer you want the
-garbanzos to get.
-Serve over rice, like a curry.
-Yields 5 to 7 servings.
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--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::Transcode;
- if(defined &DEBUG) {;} # Okay
- elsif( defined &Pod::Simple::DEBUG ) { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG; }
- else { *DEBUG = sub () {0}; }
-foreach my $class (
- 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart',
- 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb',
- '',
-) {
- $class or die "Couldn't load any encoding classes";
- DEBUG and print "About to try loading $class...\n";
- eval "require $class;";
- if($@) {
- DEBUG and print "Couldn't load $class: $@\n";
- } else {
- DEBUG and print "OK, loaded $class.\n";
- @ISA = ($class);
- last;
- }
-sub _blorp { return; } # just to avoid any "empty class" warning
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--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
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-require 5;
-## This module is to be use()'d only by Pod::Simple::Transcode
-package Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION %Supported);
-$VERSION = '2.02';
-# This module basically pretends it knows how to transcode, except
-# only for null-transcodings! We use this when Encode isn't
-# available.
-%Supported = (
- 'ascii' => 1,
- 'ascii-ctrl' => 1,
- 'iso-8859-1' => 1,
- 'null' => 1,
- 'latin1' => 1,
- 'latin-1' => 1,
- %Supported,
-sub is_dumb {1}
-sub is_smart {0}
-sub all_encodings {
- return sort keys %Supported;
-sub encoding_is_available {
- return exists $Supported{lc $_[1]};
-sub encmodver {
- return __PACKAGE__ . " v" .($VERSION || '?');
-sub make_transcoder {
- my($e) = $_[1];
- die "WHAT ENCODING!?!?" unless $e;
- my $x;
- return sub {;
- #foreach $x (@_) {
- # if(Pod::Simple::ASCII and !Pod::Simple::UNICODE and $] > 5.005) {
- # # We're in horrible gimp territory, so we need to knock out
- # # all the highbit things
- # $x =
- # pack 'C*',
- # map {; ($_ < 128) ? $_ : 0x7e }
- # unpack "C*",
- # $x
- # ;
- # }
- #}
- #
- #return;
- };
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-use 5.008;
-## Anything before 5.8.0 is GIMPY!
-## This module is to be use()'d only by Pod::Simple::Transcode
-package Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart;
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple;
-require Encode;
-sub is_dumb {0}
-sub is_smart {1}
-sub all_encodings {
- return Encode::->encodings(':all');
-sub encoding_is_available {
- return Encode::resolve_alias($_[1]);
-sub encmodver {
- return " v" .($Encode::VERSION || '?');
-sub make_transcoder {
- my($e) = $_[1];
- die "WHAT ENCODING!?!?" unless $e;
- my $x;
- return sub {
- foreach $x (@_) {
- $x = Encode::decode($e, $x);
- }
- return;
- };
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--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
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-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::XHTML -- format Pod as validating XHTML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Pod::Simple::XHTML;
- my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new();
- ...
- $parser->parse_file('path/to/file.pod');
-This class is a formatter that takes Pod and renders it as XHTML
-validating HTML.
-This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::Methody> and inherits all its
-methods. The implementation is entirely different than
-L<Pod::Simple::HTML>, but it largely preserves the same interface.
-package Pod::Simple::XHTML;
-use strict;
-$VERSION = '3.04';
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple::Methody ();
-@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::Methody');
- $HAS_HTML_ENTITIES = eval "require HTML::Entities; 1";
-my %entities = (
- q{>} => 'gt',
- q{<} => 'lt',
- q{'} => '#39',
- q{"} => 'quot',
- q{&} => 'amp',
-sub encode_entities {
- return HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $_[0] ) if $HAS_HTML_ENTITIES;
- my $str = $_[0];
- my $ents = join '', keys %entities;
- $str =~ s/([$ents])/'&' . $entities{$1} . ';'/ge;
- return $str;
-=head1 METHODS
-Pod::Simple::XHTML offers a number of methods that modify the format of
-the HTML output. Call these after creating the parser object, but before
-the call to C<parse_file>:
- my $parser = Pod::PseudoPod::HTML->new();
- $parser->set_optional_param("value");
- $parser->parse_file($file);
-=head2 perldoc_url_prefix
-In turning L<Foo::Bar> into http://whatever/Foo%3a%3aBar, what
-to put before the "Foo%3a%3aBar". The default value is
-=head2 perldoc_url_postfix
-What to put after "Foo%3a%3aBar" in the URL. This option is not set by
-=head2 title_prefix, title_postfix
-What to put before and after the title in the head. The values should
-already be &-escaped.
-=head2 html_css
- $parser->html_css('path/to/style.css');
-The URL or relative path of a CSS file to include. This option is not
-set by default.
-=head2 html_javascript
-The URL or relative path of a JavaScript file to pull in. This option is
-not set by default.
-=head2 html_doctype
-A document type tag for the file. This option is not set by default.
-=head2 html_header_tags
-Additional arbitrary HTML tags for the header of the document. The
-default value is just a content type header tag:
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-Add additional meta tags here, or blocks of inline CSS or JavaScript
-(wrapped in the appropriate tags).
-=head2 default_title
-Set a default title for the page if no title can be determined from the
-content. The value of this string should already be &-escaped.
-=head2 force_title
-Force a title for the page (don't try to determine it from the content).
-The value of this string should already be &-escaped.
-=head2 html_header, html_footer
-Set the HTML output at the beginning and end of each file. The default
-header includes a title, a doctype tag (if C<html_doctype> is set), a
-content tag (customized by C<html_header_tags>), a tag for a CSS file
-(if C<html_css> is set), and a tag for a Javascript file (if
-C<html_javascript> is set). The default footer simply closes the C<html>
-and C<body> tags.
-The options listed above customize parts of the default header, but
-setting C<html_header> or C<html_footer> completely overrides the
-built-in header or footer. These may be useful if you want to use
-template tags instead of literal HTML headers and footers or are
-integrating converted POD pages in a larger website.
-If you want no headers or footers output in the HTML, set these options
-to the empty string.
-=head2 index
-TODO -- Not implemented.
-Whether to add a table-of-contents at the top of each page (called an
-index for the sake of tradition).
- 'perldoc_url_prefix',
- 'perldoc_url_postfix',
- 'title_prefix', 'title_postfix',
- 'html_css',
- 'html_javascript',
- 'html_doctype',
- 'html_header_tags',
- 'title', # Used internally for the title extracted from the content
- 'default_title',
- 'force_title',
- 'html_header',
- 'html_footer',
- 'index',
- 'batch_mode', # whether we're in batch mode
- 'batch_mode_current_level',
- # When in batch mode, how deep the current module is: 1 for "LWP",
- # 2 for "LWP::Procotol", 3 for "LWP::Protocol::GHTTP", etc
-If the standard options aren't enough, you may want to subclass
-Pod::Simple::XHMTL. These are the most likely candidates for methods
-you'll want to override when subclassing.
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- $new->accept_targets( 'html', 'HTML' );
- $new->perldoc_url_prefix('');
- $new->html_header_tags('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">');
- $new->nix_X_codes(1);
- $new->codes_in_verbatim(1);
- $new->{'scratch'} = '';
- return $new;
-=head2 handle_text
-This method handles the body of text within any element: it's the body
-of a paragraph, or everything between a "=begin" tag and the
-corresponding "=end" tag, or the text within an L entity, etc. You would
-want to override this if you are adding a custom element type that does
-more than just display formatted text. Perhaps adding a way to generate
-HTML tables from an extended version of POD.
-So, let's say you want add a custom element called 'foo'. In your
-subclass's C<new> method, after calling C<SUPER::new> you'd call:
- $new->accept_targets_as_text( 'foo' );
-Then override the C<start_for> method in the subclass to check for when
-"$flags->{'target'}" is equal to 'foo' and set a flag that marks that
-you're in a foo block (maybe "$self->{'in_foo'} = 1"). Then override the
-C<handle_text> method to check for the flag, and pass $text to your
-custom subroutine to construct the HTML output for 'foo' elements,
-something like:
- sub handle_text {
- my ($self, $text) = @_;
- if ($self->{'in_foo'}) {
- $self->{'scratch'} .= build_foo_html($text);
- } else {
- $self->{'scratch'} .= $text;
- }
- }
-sub handle_text {
- # escape special characters in HTML (<, >, &, etc)
- $_[0]{'scratch'} .= $_[0]{'in_verbatim'} ? encode_entities( $_[1] ) : $_[1]
-sub start_Para { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<p>' }
-sub start_Verbatim { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<pre><code>'; $_[0]{'in_verbatim'} = 1}
-sub start_head1 { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<h1>' }
-sub start_head2 { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<h2>' }
-sub start_head3 { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<h3>' }
-sub start_head4 { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<h4>' }
-sub start_item_bullet { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<li>' }
-sub start_item_number { $_[0]{'scratch'} = "<li>$_[1]{'number'}. " }
-sub start_item_text { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<li>' }
-sub start_over_bullet { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<ul>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub start_over_text { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<ul>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub start_over_block { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<ul>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub start_over_number { $_[0]{'scratch'} = '<ol>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_over_bullet { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</ul>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_over_text { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</ul>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_over_block { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</ul>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_over_number { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</ol>'; $_[0]->emit }
-# . . . . . Now the actual formatters:
-sub end_Para { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</p>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_Verbatim {
- $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</code></pre>';
- $_[0]{'in_verbatim'} = 0;
- $_[0]->emit;
-sub end_head1 { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</h1>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_head2 { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</h2>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_head3 { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</h3>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_head4 { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</h4>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_item_bullet { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</li>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_item_number { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</li>'; $_[0]->emit }
-sub end_item_text { $_[0]->emit }
-# This handles =begin and =for blocks of all kinds.
-sub start_for {
- my ($self, $flags) = @_;
- $self->{'scratch'} .= '<div';
- $self->{'scratch'} .= ' class="'.$flags->{'target'}.'"' if ($flags->{'target'});
- $self->{'scratch'} .= '>';
- $self->emit;
-sub end_for {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{'scratch'} .= '</div>';
- $self->emit;
-sub start_Document {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if (defined $self->html_header) {
- $self->{'scratch'} .= $self->html_header;
- $self->emit unless $self->html_header eq "";
- } else {
- my ($doctype, $title, $metatags);
- $doctype = $self->html_doctype || '';
- $title = $self->force_title || $self->title || $self->default_title || '';
- $metatags = $self->html_header_tags || '';
- if ($self->html_css) {
- $metatags .= "\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='" .
- $self->html_css . "' type='text/css'>";
- }
- if ($self->html_javascript) {
- $metatags .= "\n<script type='text/javascript' src='" .
- $self->html_javascript . "'></script>";
- }
- $self->{'scratch'} .= <<"HTML";
- $self->emit;
- }
-sub end_Document {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if (defined $self->html_footer) {
- $self->{'scratch'} .= $self->html_footer;
- $self->emit unless $self->html_footer eq "";
- } else {
- $self->{'scratch'} .= "</body>\n</html>";
- $self->emit;
- }
-# Handling code tags
-sub start_B { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '<b>' }
-sub end_B { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</b>' }
-sub start_C { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '<code>' }
-sub end_C { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</code>' }
-sub start_E { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '&' }
-sub end_E { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= ';' }
-sub start_F { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '<i>' }
-sub end_F { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</i>' }
-sub start_I { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '<i>' }
-sub end_I { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</i>' }
-sub start_L {
- my ($self, $flags) = @_;
- my $url;
- if ($flags->{'type'} eq 'url') {
- $url = $flags->{'to'};
- } elsif ($flags->{'type'} eq 'pod') {
- $url .= $self->perldoc_url_prefix || '';
- $url .= $flags->{'to'} || '';
- $url .= '/' . $flags->{'section'} if ($flags->{'section'});
- $url .= $self->perldoc_url_postfix || '';
-# require Data::Dumper;
-# print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$flags]);
- }
- $self->{'scratch'} .= '<a href="'. $url . '">';
-sub end_L { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</a>' }
-sub start_S { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '<nobr>' }
-sub end_S { $_[0]{'scratch'} .= '</nobr>' }
-sub emit {
- my($self) = @_;
- my $out = $self->{'scratch'} . "\n";
- print {$self->{'output_fh'}} $out, "\n";
- $self->{'scratch'} = '';
- return;
-# Bypass built-in E<> handling to preserve entity encoding
-sub _treat_Es {}
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::Methody>
-Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Allison Randal.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license
-can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Allison Randal <>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1e7ec15d9a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/
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@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-package Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use Pod::Simple ();
-$VERSION = '2.02';
- @ISA = ('Pod::Simple');
- *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG;
-$ATTR_PAD = "\n" unless defined $ATTR_PAD;
- # Don't mess with this unless you know what you're doing.
-$SORT_ATTRS = 0 unless defined $SORT_ATTRS;
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
- $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
- #$new->accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted');
- return $new;
-sub _handle_element_start {
- # ($self, $element_name, $attr_hash_r)
- my $fh = $_[0]{'output_fh'};
- my($key, $value);
- DEBUG and print "++ $_[1]\n";
- print $fh "<", $_[1];
- if($SORT_ATTRS) {
- foreach my $key (sort keys %{$_[2]}) {
- unless($key =~ m/^~/s) {
- next if $key eq 'start_line' and $_[0]{'hide_line_numbers'};
- _xml_escape($value = $_[2]{$key});
- print $fh $ATTR_PAD, $key, '="', $value, '"';
- }
- }
- } else { # faster
- while(($key,$value) = each %{$_[2]}) {
- unless($key =~ m/^~/s) {
- next if $key eq 'start_line' and $_[0]{'hide_line_numbers'};
- _xml_escape($value);
- print $fh $ATTR_PAD, $key, '="', $value, '"';
- }
- }
- }
- print $fh ">";
- return;
-sub _handle_text {
- DEBUG and print "== \"$_[1]\"\n";
- if(length $_[1]) {
- my $text = $_[1];
- _xml_escape($text);
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} $text;
- }
- return;
-sub _handle_element_end {
- DEBUG and print "-- $_[1]\n";
- print {$_[0]{'output_fh'}} "</", $_[1], ">";
- return;
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub _xml_escape {
- foreach my $x (@_) {
- # Escape things very cautiously:
- $x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg;
- # Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
- # all charsets that this module happens to run under.
- # Altho, hmm, what about that ord? Presumably that won't work right
- # under non-ASCII charsets. Something should be done about that.
- }
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream -- turn Pod into XML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MPod::Simple::XMLOutStream -e \
- "exit Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
- thingy.pod
-Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> that parses
-Pod and turns it into XML.
-Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream inherits methods from
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML> is rather like this class; see its
-documentation for a discussion of the differences.
-L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML>, L<Pod::SAX>
-The older (and possibly obsolete) libraries L<Pod::PXML>, L<Pod::XML>
-TODO: An example or two of =extend, then point to Pod::Simple::Subclassing
-=head1 ASK ME!
-If you actually want to use Pod as a format that you want to render to
-XML (particularly if to an XML instance with more elements than normal
-Pod has), please email me (C<>) and I'll probably have
-some recommendations.
-For reasons of concision and energetic laziness, some methods and
-options in this module (and the dozen modules it depends on) are
-undocumented; but one of those undocumented bits might be just what
-you're looking for.
-Copyright (c) 2002-4 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sean M. Burke C<>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/00about.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/00about.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e7038e38..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/00about.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-# Time-stamp: "2004-05-23 19:48:32 ADT"
-# Summary of, well, things.
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-my @modules;
- @modules = qw(
-Pod::Simple::BlackBox Pod::Simple::Checker Pod::Simple::DumpAsText
-Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML Pod::Simple::HTML Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch
-Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy Pod::Simple::LinkSection Pod::Simple::Methody
-Pod::Simple::Progress Pod::Simple::PullParser
-Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken
-Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken Pod::Simple::PullParserToken
-Pod::Simple::RTF Pod::Simple::Search Pod::Simple::SimpleTree
-Pod::Simple::Text Pod::Simple::TextContent Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH
-Pod::Simple::Transcode Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream
- );
- plan tests => 2 + @modules;
-ok 1;
-#chdir "t" if -e "t";
-foreach my $m (@modules) {
- print "# Loading $m ...\n";
- eval "require $m;";
- unless($@) { ok 1; next }
- my $e = $@;
- $e =~ s/\s+$//s;
- $e =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n# > /;
- print "# Error while trying to load $m --\n# > $e\n";
- ok 0;
- my @out;
- push @out,
- "\n\nPerl v",
- defined($^V) ? sprintf('%vd', $^V) : $],
- " under $^O ",
- (defined(&Win32::BuildNumber) and defined &Win32::BuildNumber())
- ? ("(Win32::BuildNumber ", &Win32::BuildNumber(), ")") : (),
- (defined $MacPerl::Version)
- ? ("(MacPerl version $MacPerl::Version)") : (),
- "\n"
- ;
- # Ugly code to walk the symbol tables:
- my %v;
- my @stack = (''); # start out in %::
- my $this;
- my $count = 0;
- my $pref;
- while(@stack) {
- $this = shift @stack;
- die "Too many packages?" if ++$count > 1000;
- next if exists $v{$this};
- next if $this eq 'main'; # %main:: is %::
- #print "Peeking at $this => ${$this . '::VERSION'}\n";
- no strict 'refs';
- if( defined ${$this . '::VERSION'} ) {
- $v{$this} = ${$this . '::VERSION'}
- } elsif(
- defined *{$this . '::ISA'} or defined &{$this . '::import'}
- or ($this ne '' and grep defined *{$_}{'CODE'}, values %{$this . "::"})
- # If it has an ISA, an import, or any subs...
- ) {
- # It's a class/module with no version.
- $v{$this} = undef;
- } else {
- # It's probably an unpopulated package.
- ## $v{$this} = '...';
- }
- $pref = length($this) ? "$this\::" : '';
- push @stack, map m/^(.+)::$/ ? "$pref$1" : (),
- do { no strict 'refs'; keys %{$this . '::'} };
- #print "Stack: @stack\n";
- }
- push @out, " Modules in memory:\n";
- delete @v{'', '[none]'};
- foreach my $p (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %v) {
- my $indent = ' ' x (2 + ($p =~ tr/:/:/));
- push @out, ' ', $indent, $p, defined($v{$p}) ? " v$v{$p};\n" : ";\n";
- }
- push @out, sprintf "[at %s (local) / %s (GMT)]\n",
- scalar(gmtime), scalar(localtime);
- my $x = join '', @out;
- $x =~ s/^/#/mg;
- print $x;
-print "# Running",
- (chr(65) eq 'A') ? " in an ASCII world.\n" : " in a non-ASCII world.\n",
- "#\n",
-print "# \@INC:\n", map("# [$_]\n", @INC), "#\n#\n";
-print "# \%INC:\n";
-foreach my $x (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %INC) {
- print "# [$x] = [", $INC{$x} || '', "]\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/20_skip.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/20_skip.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c06220e8c2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/20_skip.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# 20 skip under 5.8
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-print "1..2\n";
- print "# Running under Perl v $]\n";
-if($] < 5.008) {
- print "ok 1 # Skip under Perl before 5.8 ($])\n";
-} else {
- print "ok 1\n";
- print "# ^ not skipping\n";
-print "ok 2\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/ac_d.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/ac_d.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 398456d236..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/ac_d.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 14 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-#sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-ok 1;
-print "# Testing exceptions being thrown...\n";
-eval { $x->new->accept_directive('head1') };
-if($@) { ok 1 } # print " # Good: exception thrown: $@\n" }
-else { ok 0,1, 'No exception thrown!' }
-eval { $x->new->accept_directive('I like pie') };
-if($@) { ok 1 } # print " # Good: exception thrown: $@\n" }
-else { ok 0,1, 'No exception thrown!' }
-# print "Testing basic directive behavior...\n";
-sub Pd { shift->accept_directive_as_data( 'freepies') }
-sub Pv { shift->accept_directive_as_verbatim( 'freepies') }
-sub Pp { shift->accept_directive_as_processed('freepies') }
-ok( $x->_out( "\n=freepies Mmmmpie\n\n") => '/POD ERROR/' );
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pp, "\n=freepies Mmmmpie\n\n"),
- '<Document><freepies>Mmmmpie</freepies></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pv, "\n=freepies Mmmmpie\n\n"),
- '<Document><freepies xml:space="preserve">Mmmmpie</freepies></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pd, "\n=freepies Mmmmpie\n\n"),
- '<Document><freepies xml:space="preserve">Mmmmpie</freepies></Document>'
-# print "Testing more complex directive behavior...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pp, "\n=freepies Mmmmpie \n\tI<is good>! \n\n"),
- '<Document><freepies>Mmmmpie <I>is good</I>!</freepies></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pd, "\n=freepies Mmmmpie \n\tI<is good>! \n\n"),
- qq{<Document><freepies xml:space="preserve">Mmmmpie \n\tI&#60;is good&#62;! </freepies></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pv, "\n=freepies Mmmmpie \n\tI<is good>! \n\n"),
- qq{<Document><freepies xml:space="preserve">Mmmmpie \n I&#60;is good&#62;! </freepies></Document>}
-# print "Testing within larger documents...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pp, "\n=head1 NAME\n\nPie Consortium -- me gustan pasteles\n\n=freepies Mmmmpie \n\tI<is good>! \n\nGoody!"),
- '<Document><head1>NAME</head1><Para>Pie Consortium -- me gustan pasteles</Para><freepies>Mmmmpie <I>is good</I>!</freepies><Para>Goody!</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pd, "\n=head1 NAME\n\nPie Consortium -- me gustan pasteles\n\n=freepies Mmmmpie \n\tI<is good>! \n\nGoody!"),
- qq{<Document><head1>NAME</head1><Para>Pie Consortium -- me gustan pasteles</Para><freepies xml:space="preserve">Mmmmpie \n\tI&#60;is good&#62;! </freepies><Para>Goody!</Para></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out(\&Pv, "\n=head1 NAME\n\nPie Consortium -- me gustan pasteles\n\n=freepies Mmmmpie \n\tI<is good>! \n\nGoody!"),
- qq{<Document><head1>NAME</head1><Para>Pie Consortium -- me gustan pasteles</Para><freepies xml:space="preserve">Mmmmpie \n I&#60;is good&#62;! </freepies><Para>Goody!</Para></Document>}
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/accept01.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/accept01.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c739e29d5..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/accept01.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Testing accept_codes
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 13 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-sub accept_N { $_[0]->accept_codes('N') }
-print "# Some sanity tests...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n"), # without acceptor
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_N, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nB<foo\t>\n"), # without acceptor
- '<Document><Para><B>foo </B></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_N, "=pod\n\nB<foo\t>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B>foo </B></Para></Document>'
-print "# Some real tests...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_N, "=pod\n\nN<foo\t>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><N>foo </N></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_N, "=pod\n\nB<N<foo\t>>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B><N>foo </N></B></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nB<N<foo\t>>\n") # without the mutor
- ne '<Document><Para><B><N>foo </N></B></Para></Document>'
- # make sure it DOESN'T pass thru the N<...> when not accepted
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_N, "=pod\n\nB<pieF<zorch>N<foo>I<pling>>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B>pie<F>zorch</F><N>foo</N><I>pling</I></B></Para></Document>'
-print "# Tests of nonacceptance...\n";
-sub starts_with {
- my($large, $small) = @_;
- print("# supahstring is undef\n"),
- return '' unless defined $large;
- print("# supahstring $large is smaller than target-starter $small\n"),
- return '' if length($large) < length($small);
- if( substr($large, 0, length($small)) eq $small ) {
- #print "# Supahstring $large\n# indeed starts with $small\n";
- return 1;
- } else {
- print "# Supahstring $large\n# !starts w/ $small\n";
- return '';
- }
-ok( starts_with( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nB<N<foo\t>>\n"), # without the mutor
- '<Document><Para><B>foo </B></Para>'
- # make sure it DOESN'T pass thru the N<...>, when not accepted
-ok( starts_with( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nB<pieF<zorch>N<foo>I<pling>>\n"), # !mutor
- '<Document><Para><B>pie<F>zorch</F>foo<I>pling</I></B></Para>'
- # make sure it DOESN'T pass thru the N<...>, when not accepted
-ok( starts_with( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nB<pieF<zorch>N<C<foo>>I<pling>>\n"), # !mutor
- '<Document><Para><B>pie<F>zorch</F><C>foo</C><I>pling</I></B></Para>'
- # make sure it DOESN'T pass thru the N<...>, when not accepted
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/accept05.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/accept05.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d346de507c..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/accept05.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 24 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (2);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-sub accept_Q { $_[0]->accept_codes('Q') }
-sub accept_prok { $_[0]->accept_codes('prok') }
-sub accept_zing_prok { $_[0]->accept_codes('zing:prok') }
-sub accept_zing_superprok { $_[0]->accept_codes('z.i_ng:Prok-12') }
-sub accept_zing_superduperprok {
- $_[0]->accept_codes('A');
- $_[0]->accept_codes('z.i_ng:Prok-12');
-print "# Some sanity tests...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=extend N C Y,W\n\nI like pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=extend N C,F Y,W\n\nI like pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=extend N C,F,I Y,W\n\nI like pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "## OK, actually trying to use an extended code...\n";
-print "# extending but not accepted (so hitting fallback)\n";
-ok( $x->_out( "=extend N B Y,W\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <B>like</B> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=extend N B,I Y,W\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <B><I>like</I></B> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=extend N C,B,I Y,W\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <C><B><I>like</I></B></C> pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "# extending to one-letter accepted (not hitting fallback)\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_Q, "=extend N B Y,Q,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <Q>like</Q> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_Q, "=extend N B,I Y,Q,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <Q>like</Q> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_Q, "=extend N C,B,I Y,Q,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <Q>like</Q> pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "# extending to many-letter accepted (not hitting fallback)\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_prok, "=extend N B Y,prok,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <prok>like</prok> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_prok, "=extend N B,I Y,prok,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <prok>like</prok> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_prok, "=extend N C,B,I Y,prok,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <prok>like</prok> pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "# extending to :-containing, many-letter accepted (not hitting fallback)\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_prok, "=extend N B Y,zing:prok,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <zing:prok>like</zing:prok> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_prok, "=extend N B,I Y,zing:prok,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <zing:prok>like</zing:prok> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_prok, "=extend N C,B,I Y,zing:prok,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <zing:prok>like</zing:prok> pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "# extending to _:-0-9-containing, many-letter accepted (not hitting fallback)\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_superprok, "=extend N B Y,z.i_ng:Prok-12,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <z.i_ng:Prok-12>like</z.i_ng:Prok-12> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_superprok, "=extend N B,I Y,z.i_ng:Prok-12,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <z.i_ng:Prok-12>like</z.i_ng:Prok-12> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_superprok, "=extend N C,B,I Y,z.i_ng:Prok-12,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <z.i_ng:Prok-12>like</z.i_ng:Prok-12> pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# Testing acceptance order\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_superduperprok, "=extend N B Y,z.i_ng:Prok-12,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <z.i_ng:Prok-12>like</z.i_ng:Prok-12> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_superduperprok, "=extend N B,I Y,z.i_ng:Prok-12,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <z.i_ng:Prok-12>like</z.i_ng:Prok-12> pie.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&accept_zing_superduperprok, "=extend N C,B,I Y,z.i_ng:Prok-12,A,bzroch\n\nI N<like> pie.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I <z.i_ng:Prok-12>like</z.i_ng:Prok-12> pie.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/basic.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/basic.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b9cefd361..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/basic.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 30 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-require Pod::Simple::BlackBox;
-ok 1;
-require Pod::Simple; ok 1;
-Pod::Simple->VERSION(.90); ok 1;
-#print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-require Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML; ok 1;
-require Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream; ok 1;
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-print "# Simple identity tests...\n";
-&ok( e "", "" );
-&ok( e "\n", "", );
-&ok( e "\n", "\n", );
-&ok( e "puppies\n\n\n\n", "", );
-print "# Contentful identity tests...\n";
-&ok( e "=pod\n\nFoo\n", "=pod\n\nFoo\n" );
-&ok( e "=pod\n\n\n\nFoo\n\n\n", "=pod\n\n\n\nFoo\n\n\n" );
-&ok( e "=pod\n\n\n\nFoo\n\n\n", "=pod\n\nFoo\n" );
-# Now with some more newlines
-&ok( e "\n\n=pod\n\nFoo\n", "\n\n=pod\n\nFoo\n" );
-&ok( e "=pod\n\n\n\nFoo\n\n\n", "=pod\n\n\n\nFoo\n\n\n" );
-&ok( e "=pod\n\n\n\nFoo\n\n\n", "\n\n=pod\n\nFoo\n" );
-&ok( e "=head1 Foo\n", "=head1 Foo\n" );
-&ok( e "=head1 Foo\n\n=cut\n", "=head1 Foo\n\n=cut\n" );
-&ok( e "=head1 Foo\n\n=cut\n", "=head1 Foo\n" );
-# Now just add some newlines...
-&ok( e "\n\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n", "\n\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n" );
-&ok( e "=head1 Foo\n\n=cut\n", "=head1 Foo\n\n=cut\n" );
-&ok( e "=head1 Foo\n\n=cut\n", "\n\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n" );
-print "# Simple XMLification tests...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n\n\nprint \$^T;\n\n\n"),
- qq{<Document\ncontentless="1"></Document>}
- # make sure the contentless flag is set
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n\n"),
- qq{<Document\ncontentless="1"></Document>}
- # make sure the contentless flag is set
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n"),
- qq{<Document\ncontentless="1"></Document>}
- # make sure the contentless flag is set
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(""),
- qq{<Document\ncontentless="1"></Document>}
- # make sure the contentless flag is set
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out('', '<Document></Document>' ) );
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nFoo\n"),
- '<Document><Para>Foo</Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head1 Chacha\n\nFoo\n"),
- '<Document><head1>Chacha</head1><Para>Foo</Para></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/begin.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/begin.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b40095d22..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/begin.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 62 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d, 0);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-sub moj {$_[0]->accept_target('mojojojo')}
-sub mojtext {$_[0]->accept_target_as_text('mojojojo')}
-sub any {$_[0]->accept_target_as_text('*')}
-print "# Testing non-matching complaint...\n";
-my $out;
-ok( ($out = $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nStuff\n\n=end blorp\n\nYup.\n"))
- =~ m/POD ERRORS/
-) or print "# Didn't contain POD ERRORS:\n# $out\n";
-ok( ($out = $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\nStuff\n\n=end :blorp\n\nYup.\n"))
- =~ m/POD ERRORS/
-) or print "# Didn't contain POD ERRORS:\n# $out\n";
-ok( ($out = $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\n=begin :zaz\n\nStuff\n\n=end :blorp\n\nYup.\n"))
- =~ m/POD ERRORS/
-) or print "# Didn't contain POD ERRORS:\n# $out\n";
-print "# Testing some trivial cases of non-acceptance...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nStuff\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\n\nStuff\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\n\nStuff\n\n=end :mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\n Stuff\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\n\n Stuff\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\n\n Stuff\n\n=end :mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<Stuff>\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\n\nI<Stuff>\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\n\nI<Stuff>\n\n=end :mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nStuff\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\nStuff\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\nStuff\n\n=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n Stuff\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\n Stuff\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\n Stuff\n\n=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<Stuff>\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\nI<Stuff>\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\nI<Stuff>\n\n=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing matching because of negated non-acceptance...\n";
-#$d = 5;
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !crunk\n\nstuff\n\n=end !crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !crunk\n\nstuff\n\n=end !crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !mojojojo\n\nstuff\n\n=end !mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end !mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !:mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end !:mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!:mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :!mojojojo \n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end :!mojojojo \t \n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !crunk,zaz\n\nstuff\n\n=end !crunk,zaz\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!crunk,zaz" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !crunk\n\nstuff\n\n=end !crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !crunk\n\nstuff\n\n=end !crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !crunk\n\nstuff\n\n=end !crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !mojojojo\n\nstuff\n\n=end !mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n\n=end !mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end !psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin !:psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end !:psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!:psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target + simple ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end mojojojo \n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk \n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target_as_text + simple ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end mojojojo \n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk \n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target + two simples ...\n";
-#$d = 10;
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\nHm, B<things>!\n\n=end mojojojo\n\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data><Data xml:space="preserve">Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\nHm, B<things>!\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data><Data xml:space="preserve">Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\nHm, B<things>!\n\n=end :mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para><Para>Hm, <B>things</B>!</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\nHm, B<things>!\n\n=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para><Para>Hm, <B>things</B>!</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target_as_text + two simples ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\nHm, B<things>!\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para><Para>Hm, <B>things</B>!</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\nHm, B<things>!\n\n=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para><Para>Hm, <B>things</B>!</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target + two simples, latter with leading whitespace ...\n";
-#$d = 10;
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n=end mojojojo\n\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data><Data xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data><Data xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n\n=end mojojojo\n\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data><Data xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n\n=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data><Data xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# Testing :-target and accept_target + two simples, latter with leading whitespace ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\nTrala!\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n=end :mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.</Verbatim></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nI<stuff>\nTrala!\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.</Verbatim></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# now with accept_target_as_text\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo\n\nI<stuff>\nTrala!\n\n Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.\n\n=end mojojojo\n\nYup.\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.</Verbatim></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- "=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{</for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# Now with five paragraphs (p,v,v,p,p) and accept_target_as_text\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Oh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Boing C<spr-\t\n\t\t\toink>\n Blorg!",
- "Woohah S<thwack\nwoohah>squim!",
- "=end psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Oh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Boing <C>spr- oink</C> Blorg!</Para>}.
- qq{<Para>Woohah <S>thwack woohah</S>squim!</Para>}.
- qq{</for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "#\n# Now nested begin...end regions...\n";
-sub mojprok { shift->accept_targets(qw{mojojojo prok}) }
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojprok, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.",
- "=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Oh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Boing C<spr-\t\n\t\t\toink>\n Blorg!",
- "=begin :prok",
- "Woohah S<thwack\nwoohah>squim!",
- "=end :prok",
- "ZubZ<>aaz.",
- "=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Oh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Boing <C>spr- oink</C> Blorg!</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":prok" target_matching="prok">}.
- qq{<Para>Woohah <S>thwack woohah</S>squim!</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Zubaaz.</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# a little more complex this time...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojprok, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.",
- "=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Oh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Boing C<spr-\t\n\t\t\toink>\n Blorg!",
- "=begin :prok",
- " Blorp, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Khh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Woohah S<thwack\nwoohah>squim!",
- "=end :prok",
- "ZubZ<>aaz.",
- "=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Oh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Boing <C>spr- oink</C> Blorg!</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":prok" target_matching="prok">}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Blorp, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Khh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Woohah <S>thwack woohah</S>squim!</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Zubaaz.</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-$d = 10;
-print "# Now with nesting where inner region is non-resolving...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojprok, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.",
- "=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Oh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Boing C<spr-\t\n\t\t\toink>\n Blorg!",
- "=begin prok",
- " Blorp, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Khh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Woohah S<thwack\nwoohah>squim!",
- "=end prok",
- "ZubZ<>aaz.",
- "=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Oh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Boing <C>spr- oink</C> Blorg!</Para>}.
- qq{<for target="prok" target_matching="prok">}.
- qq{<Data xml:space="preserve"> Blorp, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Khh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.\n</Data>}.
- qq{<Data xml:space="preserve">Woohah S&#60;thwack\nwoohah&#62;squim!</Data>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Zubaaz.</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# Now a begin...end with a non-resolving for inside\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojprok, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.",
- "=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Oh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Boing C<spr-\t\n\t\t\toink>\n Blorg!",
- "=for prok"
- . " Blorp, B<things>!\nTrala.\n Khh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "ZubZ<>aaz.",
- "=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Oh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Boing <C>spr- oink</C> Blorg!</Para>}.
- qq{<for target="prok" target_matching="prok">}.
- qq{<Data xml:space="preserve">Blorp, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n}.
- qq{ Khh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Data>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Zubaaz.</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# Now a begin...end with a resolving for inside\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojprok, join "\n\n" =>
- "=pod\n\nI like pie.",
- "=begin :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "I<stuff>\nTrala!",
- " Hm, B<things>!\nTrala.",
- " Oh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "Boing C<spr-\t\n\t\t\toink>\n Blorg!",
- "=for :prok"
- . " Blorp, B<things>!\nTrala.\n Khh, F<< dodads >>!\nHurf.",
- "ZubZ<>aaz.",
- "=end :psketti,mojojojo,crunk",
- "Yup.\n"
- ),
- qq{<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo">}.
- qq{<Para><I>stuff</I> Trala!</Para>}.
- qq{<Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Hm, B&#60;things&#62;!\nTrala.\n\n}.
- qq{ Oh, F&#60;&#60; dodads &#62;&#62;!\nHurf.</Verbatim>}.
- qq{<Para>Boing <C>spr- oink</C> Blorg!</Para>}.
- qq{<for target=":prok" target_matching="prok">}.
- qq{<Para>Blorp, <B>things</B>! Trala. Khh, }.
- qq{<F>dodads</F>! Hurf.</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Zubaaz.</Para>}.
- qq{</for>}.
- qq{<Para>Yup.</Para></Document>}
-print "# Testing matching of begin block titles\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=begin mojojojo Title\n\nstuff\n\n=end mojojojo \n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo" title="Title"><Data xml:space="preserve">stuff</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/cbacks.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/cbacks.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c15c82f7e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/cbacks.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d, 0);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsText;
-my @from = (
- 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'
- => '<Document><head1>I LIKE PIE</head1></Document>',
- 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'
- => "<Document>\n <head1>\n I LIKE PIE\n </head1>\n</Document>\n",
- 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'
- => "++Document\n ++head1\n * \"I LIKE PIE\"\n --head1\n--Document\n",
-# Might as well test all the classes...
-while(@from) {
- my($x => $expected) = splice(@from, 0,2);
- my $more = '';
- print "#Testing via class $x, version ", $x->VERSION(), "\n";
- my $p = $x->new;
- my($got, $exp);
- ok scalar($got = $x->_out(
- # Mutor:
- sub {
- $_[0]->code_handler(sub { $more .= $_[1] . ":" . $_[0] . "\n" } );
- $_[0]->cut_handler( sub { $more .= "~" . $_[1] . ":" . $_[0]. "\n" } );
- } => join "\n",
- "",
- "\t# This is handy...",
- "=head1 I LIKE PIE",
- "",
- "=cut",
- "use Test::Harness;",
- "runtests(sort glob 't/*.t');",
- "",
- "",
- ))
- => scalar($exp = $expected);
- ;
- unless($got eq $exp) {
- print '# Got vs exp:\n# ', Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty($got),
- "\n# ",Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty($exp),"\n";
- }
- ok scalar($got = $more), scalar($exp = join "\n" =>
- "1:",
- "2:\t# This is handy...",
- "~5:=cut",
- "6:use Test::Harness;",
- "7:runtests(sort glob 't/*.t');",
- "8:",
- "",
- );
- unless($got eq $exp) {
- print '# Got vs exp:\n# ', Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty($got),
- "\n# ",Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty($exp),"\n";
- }
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/chunking.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/chunking.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f51766dd7b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/chunking.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (2);
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head1 =head1"),
- '<Document><head1>=head1</head1></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 =head1"),
- '<Document><head1>=head1</head1></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 =head1\n"),
- '<Document><head1>=head1</head1></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 =head1\n\n"),
- '<Document><head1>=head1</head1></Document>'
-&ok(e "\n=head1 =head1\n\n" , "\n=head1 =head1\n\n");
-&ok(e "\n=head1\n=head1\n\n", "\n=head1 =head1\n\n");
-&ok(e "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n" , "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n");
-&ok(e "\n=pod\n\nCha\tcha cha\n\n" , "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n");
-&ok(e "\n=pod\n\nCha\ncha cha\n\n" , "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n");
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/closeys.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/closeys.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 683ce13ff3..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/closeys.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d,0);
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::->_duo(\&nowhine, @_) }
-sub nowhine {
-# $_[0]->{'no_whining'} = 1;
- $_[0]->accept_targets("*");
-"=begin :foo\n\n=begin :bar\n\nZaz\n\n",
-"=begin :foo\n\n=begin :bar\n\nZaz\n\n=end :bar\n\n=end :foo\n\n",
-print "# Ending ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 291edd649a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
- use Config;
- if ($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bEncode\b/) {
- print "1..0 # Skip: Encode was not built\n";
- exit 0;
- }
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-use Test qw(plan ok skip);
-use File::Spec;
-#use utf8;
-use strict;
-my(@testfiles, %xmlfiles, %wouldxml);
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
- my @bits;
- if(-e( File::Spec::->catdir( @bits =
- source_path('corpus') ) ) )
- {
- # OK
- print "# 1Bits: @bits\n";
- } elsif( -e (File::Spec::->catdir( @bits =
- (File::Spec::->curdir, 'corpus') ) )
- ) {
- # OK
- print "# 2Bits: @bits\n";
- } elsif ( -e (File::Spec::->catdir( @bits =
- (File::Spec::->curdir, 't', 'corpus') ) )
- ) {
- # OK
- print "# 3Bits: @bits\n";
- } else {
- die "Can't find the corpusdir";
- }
- my $corpusdir = File::Spec::->catdir( @bits);
- print "#Corpusdir: $corpusdir\n";
- opendir(INDIR, $corpusdir) or die "Can't opendir corpusdir : $!";
- my @f = map File::Spec::->catfile(@bits, $_), readdir(INDIR);
- closedir(INDIR);
- my %f;
- @f{@f} = ();
- foreach my $maybetest (sort @f) {
- my $xml = $maybetest;
- $xml =~ s/\.(txt|pod)$/\.xml/is or next;
- $wouldxml{$maybetest} = $xml;
- push @testfiles, $maybetest;
- foreach my $x ($xml, uc($xml), lc($xml)) {
- next unless exists $f{$x};
- $xmlfiles{$maybetest} = $x;
- last;
- }
- }
- die "Too few test files (".@testfiles.")" unless @ARGV or @testfiles > 20;
- @testfiles = @ARGV if @ARGV and !grep !m/\.txt/, @ARGV;
- plan tests => (2 + 2*@testfiles - 1);
-my $HACK = 1;
-#@testfiles = ('nonesuch.txt');
-ok 1;
-my $skippy = ($] < 5.008) ? "skip because perl ($]) pre-dates v5.8.0" : 0;
-if($skippy) {
- print "# This is just perl v$], so I'm skipping many many tests.\n";
- my @x = @testfiles;
- print "# Files to test:\n";
- while(@x) { print "# ", join(' ', splice @x,0,3), "\n" }
-require Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-foreach my $f (@testfiles) {
- my $xml = $xmlfiles{$f};
- if($xml) {
- print "#\n#To test $f against $xml\n";
- } else {
- print "#\n# $f has no xml to test it against\n";
- }
- my $outstring;
- eval {
- my $p = Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->new;
- $p->output_string( \$outstring );
- $p->parse_file( $f );
- undef $p;
- };
- if($@) {
- my $x = "#** Couldn't parse $f:\n $@";
- $x =~ s/([\n\r]+)/\n#** /g;
- print $x, "\n";
- ok 0;
- ok 0;
- next;
- } else {
- print "# OK, parsing $f generated ", length($outstring), " bytes\n";
- ok 1;
- }
- die "Null outstring?" unless $outstring;
- next if $f =~ /nonesuch/;
- # foo.xml.out is not a portable filename. foo.xml_out may be a bit more portable
- my $outfilename = ($HACK > 1) ? $wouldxml{$f} : "$wouldxml{$f}_out";
- if($HACK) {
- open OUT, ">$outfilename" or die "Can't write-open $outfilename: $!\n";
- binmode(OUT);
- print OUT $outstring;
- close(OUT);
- }
- unless($xml) {
- print "# (no comparison done)\n";
- ok 1;
- next;
- }
- open(IN, "<$xml") or die "Can't read-open $xml: $!";
- #binmode(IN);
- local $/;
- my $xmlsource = <IN>;
- close(IN);
- print "# There's errata!\n" if $outstring =~ m/start_line="-321"/;
- if(
- $xmlsource eq $outstring
- or do {
- $xmlsource =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/g;
- $outstring =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/g;
- $xmlsource eq $outstring;
- }
- ) {
- print "# (Perfect match to $xml)\n";
- unlink $outfilename unless $outfilename =~ m/\.xml$/is;
- ok 1;
- next;
- }
- if($skippy) {
- skip $skippy, 0;
- } else {
- print "# $outfilename and $xml don't match!\n";
- ok 0;
- }
-print "#\n# I've been using Encode v",
- $Encode::VERSION ? $Encode::VERSION : "(NONE)", "\n";
-print "# Byebye\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jp.txt.packed b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jp.txt.packed
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff9cda007..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jp.txt.packed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-This is a binary file that was packed with the '' which
-is included in the Perl distribution.
-To unpack this file use the following command:
- -u 2202jp.txt.packed 2202jp.txt
-To recreate it use the following command:
- -p 2202jp.txt 2202jp.txt.packed
-Created at Thu Mar 22 13:31:40 2007
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jp.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0304954d4..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="3">
- <head1 start_line="3">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="5">
- haiku-iso2022jp -- a test Japanese document in iso-2022-jp
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="7">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="11">
- This is a test Pod document in ISO-2202-JP. Its content
- is some Japanese haiku by famous poets.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="15">
- MATSUO BASHO (&#26494;&#23614;&#33453;&#34121; 1644 - 1694)
- :
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="17">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- (furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="21">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="23" xml:space="preserve">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head2 start_line="27">
- YOSA BUSON (&#19982;&#35613;&#34154;&#26449;1716 - 1783)
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="29">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="31">
- (ho hachiri / amagumo yosenu / botan kana)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="33">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="35" xml:space="preserve">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head2 start_line="37">
- MASAOKA SHIKI (&#27491;&#23713;&#23376;&#35215; 1867 - 1902)
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="39">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="41">
- (ichihatsu no / ichirin shiroshi / haruno kure)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="43">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="45" xml:space="preserve">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="47">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="49">
- (yomei / ikubakuka aru / yo mijikashi)
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="51" xml:space="preserve">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head1 start_line="53">
- </head1>
- <over-text indent="4" start_line="55">
- <item-text start_line="57">
- MATSUO BASHO (&#26494;&#23614;&#33453;&#34121; 1644 - 1694)
- :
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="59">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="61">
- (furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="63">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="65" xml:space="preserve">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <item-text start_line="69">
- YOSA BUSON (&#19982;&#35613;&#34154;&#26449;1716 - 1783)
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="71">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="73">
- (ho hachiri / amagumo yosenu / botan kana)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="75">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="77" xml:space="preserve">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <item-text start_line="79">
- MASAOKA SHIKI (&#27491;&#23713;&#23376;&#35215; 1867 - 1902)
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="81">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="83">
- (ichihatsu no / ichirin shiroshi / haruno kure)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="85">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="87" xml:space="preserve">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="89">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="91">
- (yomei / ikubakuka aru / yo mijikashi)
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="93" xml:space="preserve">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- </over-text>
- <Para start_line="97">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpx.txt.packed b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpx.txt.packed
deleted file mode 100644
index df173d446a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpx.txt.packed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-This is a binary file that was packed with the '' which
-is included in the Perl distribution.
-To unpack this file use the following command:
- -u 2202jpx.txt.packed 2202jpx.txt
-To recreate it use the following command:
- -p 2202jpx.txt 2202jpx.txt.packed
-Created at Thu Mar 22 13:32:14 2007
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpx.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 57cb4ceadc..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="3">
- <head1 start_line="3">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="5">
- haiku-iso2022jp -- a test Japanese document in iso-2022-jp
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="7">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="11">
- This is a test Pod document in ISO-2202-JP. Its content
- is some Japanese haiku by famous poets.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="15">
- MATSUO BASHO (&#26494;&#23614;&#33453;&#34121; 1644 - 1694)
- :
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="17">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- (furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="21">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="23" xml:space="preserve">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head2 start_line="27">
- YOSA BUSON (&#19982;&#35613;&#34154;&#26449;1716 - 1783)
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="29">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="31">
- (ho hachiri / amagumo yosenu / botan kana)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="33">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="35" xml:space="preserve">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head2 start_line="37">
- MASAOKA SHIKI (&#27491;&#23713;&#23376;&#35215; 1867 - 1902)
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="39">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="41">
- (ichihatsu no / ichirin shiroshi / haruno kure)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="43">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="45" xml:space="preserve">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="47">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="49">
- (yomei / ikubakuka aru / yo mijikashi)
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="51" xml:space="preserve">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head1 start_line="53">
- </head1>
- <over-text indent="4" start_line="55">
- <item-text start_line="57">
- MATSUO BASHO (&#26494;&#23614;&#33453;&#34121; 1644 - 1694)
- :
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="59">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="61">
- (furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="63">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="65" xml:space="preserve">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <item-text start_line="69">
- YOSA BUSON (&#19982;&#35613;&#34154;&#26449;1716 - 1783)
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="71">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="73">
- (ho hachiri / amagumo yosenu / botan kana)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="75">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="77" xml:space="preserve">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <item-text start_line="79">
- MASAOKA SHIKI (&#27491;&#23713;&#23376;&#35215; 1867 - 1902)
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="81">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="83">
- (ichihatsu no / ichirin shiroshi / haruno kure)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="85">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="87" xml:space="preserve">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="89">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="91">
- (yomei / ikubakuka aru / yo mijikashi)
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="93" xml:space="preserve">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- </over-text>
- <Para start_line="97">
- .end.
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpy.txt.packed b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpy.txt.packed
deleted file mode 100644
index fb960e2493..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpy.txt.packed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-This is a binary file that was packed with the '' which
-is included in the Perl distribution.
-To unpack this file use the following command:
- -u 2202jpy.txt.packed 2202jpy.txt
-To recreate it use the following command:
- -p 2202jpy.txt 2202jpy.txt.packed
-Created at Thu Mar 22 13:32:29 2007
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpy.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpy.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23d51e1ebb..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpy.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- haiku-iso2022jp -- a test Japanese document in iso-2022-jp
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in ISO-2202-JP. Its content
- is some Japanese haiku by famous poets.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="14">
- MATSUO BASHO (&#26494;&#23614;&#33453;&#34121; 1644 - 1694)
- :
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="16">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="18">
- (furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="20">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="22" xml:space="preserve">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head2 start_line="26">
- YOSA BUSON (&#19982;&#35613;&#34154;&#26449;1716 - 1783)
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="28">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="30">
- (ho hachiri / amagumo yosenu / botan kana)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="32">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="34" xml:space="preserve">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head2 start_line="36">
- MASAOKA SHIKI (&#27491;&#23713;&#23376;&#35215; 1867 - 1902)
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="38">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="40">
- (ichihatsu no / ichirin shiroshi / haruno kure)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="42">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="44" xml:space="preserve">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="46">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="48">
- (yomei / ikubakuka aru / yo mijikashi)
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="50" xml:space="preserve">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <head1 start_line="52">
- </head1>
- <over-text indent="4" start_line="54">
- <item-text start_line="56">
- MATSUO BASHO (&#26494;&#23614;&#33453;&#34121; 1644 - 1694)
- :
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="58">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="60">
- (furuike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="62">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="64" xml:space="preserve">
- &#21476;&#27744;&#12420;&#34521;&#12392;&#12403;&#36796;&#12416;&#27700;&#12398;&#38899;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <item-text start_line="68">
- YOSA BUSON (&#19982;&#35613;&#34154;&#26449;1716 - 1783)
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="70">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="72">
- (ho hachiri / amagumo yosenu / botan kana)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="74">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="76" xml:space="preserve">
- &#26041;&#20843;&#37324;&#38632;&#38642;&#12424;&#12379;&#12396;&#29281;&#20025;&#12363;&#12394;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <item-text start_line="78">
- MASAOKA SHIKI (&#27491;&#23713;&#23376;&#35215; 1867 - 1902)
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="80">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="82">
- (ichihatsu no / ichirin shiroshi / haruno kure)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="84">
- As verbatim:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="86" xml:space="preserve">
- &#12356;&#12385;&#12399;&#12388;&#12398;&#19968;&#36650;&#30333;&#12375;&#26149;&#12398;&#26286;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="88">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="90">
- (yomei / ikubakuka aru / yo mijikashi)
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="92" xml:space="preserve">
- &#20313;&#21629;&#12356;&#12367;&#12400;&#12367;&#12363;&#12354;&#12427;&#22812;&#30701;&#12375;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- </over-text>
- <Para start_line="96">
- &#34;end&#34;
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpz.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpz.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 230fd2ba9d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpz.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-haiku-iso2022jp -- a test Japanese document in iso-2022-jp
-=encoding iso-2022-jp
-This is a test Pod document in ISO-2202-JP.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpz.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpz.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 734ed6f5d8..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/2202jpz.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- haiku-iso2022jp -- a test Japanese document in iso-2022-jp
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in ISO-2202-JP.
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/8859_7.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/8859_7.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 9596f8f69e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/8859_7.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-=encoding iso-8859-7
-=head1 NAME
-Ïëõìðéáêüò ¾ìíïò -- ÊùóôÞò ÐáëáìÜò
-Áñ÷áßï Ðíåýì' áèÜíáôïí, áãíÝ ðáôÝñá
-ôïõ ùñáßïõ, ôïõ ìåãÜëïõ êáé ô' áëçèéíïý,
-êáôÝâá, öáíåñþóïõ êé Üóôñáø' åäþ ðÝñá
-óôç äüîá ôçò äéêÞò óïõ ãçò êáé ô' ïõñáíïý.
-Óôï äñüìï êáé óôï ðÜëåìá êáé óôï ëéèÜñé,
-óôùí åõãåíþí Áãþíùí ëÜìøå ôçí ïñìÞ,
-êáé ìå ô' áìÜñáíôï óôåöÜíùóå êëùíÜñé
-êáé óéäåñÝíéï ðëÜóå êé Üîéï ôï êïñìß.
-ÊÜìðïé, âïõíÜ êáé ðÝëáãá öÝããïõí ìáæß óïõ
-óáí Ýíáò ëåõêïðüñöõñïò ìÝãáò íáüò,
-êáé ôñÝ÷åé óôï íáü åäþ ðñïóêõíçôÞò óïõ.
-Áñ÷áßï Ðíåýì' áèÜíáôï, êÜèå ëáüò.
-The above is the Olympic Hymn, by Kostis Palamas.
-Yup, it's in Greek.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/8859_7.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/8859_7.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ffbf0d0855..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/8859_7.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- &#927;&#955;&#965;&#956;&#960;&#953;&#945;&#954;&#972;&#962;
- &#910;&#956;&#957;&#959;&#962; -- &#922;&#969;&#963;&#964;&#942;&#962;
- &#928;&#945;&#955;&#945;&#956;&#940;&#962;
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- &#913;&#961;&#967;&#945;&#943;&#959; &#928;&#957;&#949;&#973;&#956;&#39;
- &#945;&#952;&#940;&#957;&#945;&#964;&#959;&#957;, &#945;&#947;&#957;&#941;
- &#960;&#945;&#964;&#941;&#961;&#945; &#964;&#959;&#965;
- &#969;&#961;&#945;&#943;&#959;&#965;, &#964;&#959;&#965;
- &#956;&#949;&#947;&#940;&#955;&#959;&#965; &#954;&#945;&#953;
- &#964;&#39; &#945;&#955;&#951;&#952;&#953;&#957;&#959;&#973;,
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- &#954;&#945;&#964;&#941;&#946;&#945;, &#966;&#945;&#957;&#949;&#961;&#974;&#963;&#959;&#965;
- &#954;&#953; &#940;&#963;&#964;&#961;&#945;&#968;&#39; &#949;&#948;&#974;
- &#960;&#941;&#961;&#945; &#963;&#964;&#951; &#948;&#972;&#958;&#945;
- &#964;&#951;&#962; &#948;&#953;&#954;&#942;&#962; &#963;&#959;&#965;
- &#947;&#951;&#962; &#954;&#945;&#953; &#964;&#39; &#959;&#965;&#961;&#945;&#957;&#959;&#973;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="16">
- &#931;&#964;&#959; &#948;&#961;&#972;&#956;&#959; &#954;&#945;&#953;
- &#963;&#964;&#959; &#960;&#940;&#955;&#949;&#956;&#945;
- &#954;&#945;&#953; &#963;&#964;&#959; &#955;&#953;&#952;&#940;&#961;&#953;,
- &#963;&#964;&#969;&#957; &#949;&#965;&#947;&#949;&#957;&#974;&#957;
- &#913;&#947;&#974;&#957;&#969;&#957; &#955;&#940;&#956;&#968;&#949;
- &#964;&#951;&#957; &#959;&#961;&#956;&#942;,
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- &#954;&#945;&#953; &#956;&#949; &#964;&#39; &#945;&#956;&#940;&#961;&#945;&#957;&#964;&#959;
- &#963;&#964;&#949;&#966;&#940;&#957;&#969;&#963;&#949; &#954;&#955;&#969;&#957;&#940;&#961;&#953;
- &#954;&#945;&#953; &#963;&#953;&#948;&#949;&#961;&#941;&#957;&#953;&#959;
- &#960;&#955;&#940;&#963;&#949; &#954;&#953; &#940;&#958;&#953;&#959;
- &#964;&#959; &#954;&#959;&#961;&#956;&#943;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="22">
- &#922;&#940;&#956;&#960;&#959;&#953;, &#946;&#959;&#965;&#957;&#940;
- &#954;&#945;&#953; &#960;&#941;&#955;&#945;&#947;&#945;
- &#966;&#941;&#947;&#947;&#959;&#965;&#957; &#956;&#945;&#950;&#943;
- &#963;&#959;&#965; &#963;&#945;&#957; &#941;&#957;&#945;&#962;
- &#955;&#949;&#965;&#954;&#959;&#960;&#972;&#961;&#966;&#965;&#961;&#959;&#962;
- &#956;&#941;&#947;&#945;&#962; &#957;&#945;&#972;&#962;,
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="25">
- &#954;&#945;&#953; &#964;&#961;&#941;&#967;&#949;&#953;
- &#963;&#964;&#959; &#957;&#945;&#972; &#949;&#948;&#974;
- &#960;&#961;&#959;&#963;&#954;&#965;&#957;&#951;&#964;&#942;&#962;
- &#963;&#959;&#965;. &#913;&#961;&#967;&#945;&#943;&#959;
- &#928;&#957;&#949;&#973;&#956;&#39; &#945;&#952;&#940;&#957;&#945;&#964;&#959;,
- &#954;&#940;&#952;&#949; &#955;&#945;&#972;&#962;.
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/cp1256.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/cp1256.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a79bc0eda..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/cp1256.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-buniya1256 -- test document: a paragraph in Arabic as CP-1256
-This Pod document is a paragraph in Arabic from "The Five Pillars of Islam"
-as CP-1256.
-=encoding cp1256
-æÚä ÚãÇÑÉ Èä ÍÒã ÞÇá ÞÇá ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã:
-ÇÑÈÚ ÝÑÖåä Çááå ÚÒ æÌá Ýí ÇáÇÓáÇã Ýãä ÌÇÁ ÈËáÇË áã íÛäíä Úäå
-ÔíÆÇ ÍÊì íÃÊí Èåä ÌãíÚÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÒßÇÉ æÕíÇã ÑãÖÇä æÍÌ
-ÇáÈíÊ. ÑæÇå ÇÍãÏ æÇáØÈÑÇäí Ýí ÇáßÈíÑ æÝí ÇÓäÇÏå ÇÈä áåíÚÉ.
-And now as a real single paragraph:
-æÚä ÚãÇÑÉ Èä ÍÒã ÞÇá ÞÇá ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã:
-ÇÑÈÚ ÝÑÖåä Çááå ÚÒ æÌá Ýí ÇáÇÓáÇã Ýãä ÌÇÁ ÈËáÇË áã íÛäíä Úäå
-ÔíÆÇ ÍÊì íÃÊí Èåä ÌãíÚÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÒßÇÉ æÕíÇã ÑãÖÇä æÍÌ
-ÇáÈíÊ. ÑæÇå ÇÍãÏ æÇáØÈÑÇäí Ýí ÇáßÈíÑ æÝí ÇÓäÇÏå ÇÈä áåíÚÉ.
-And now as a verbatim paragraph:
- æÚä ÚãÇÑÉ Èä ÍÒã ÞÇá ÞÇá ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã:
- ÇÑÈÚ ÝÑÖåä Çááå ÚÒ æÌá Ýí ÇáÇÓáÇã Ýãä ÌÇÁ ÈËáÇË áã íÛäíä Úäå
- ÔíÆÇ ÍÊì íÃÊí Èåä ÌãíÚÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÒßÇÉ æÕíÇã ÑãÖÇä æÍÌ
- ÇáÈíÊ. ÑæÇå ÇÍãÏ æÇáØÈÑÇäí Ýí ÇáßÈíÑ æÝí ÇÓäÇÏå ÇÈä áåíÚÉ.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/cp1256.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/cp1256.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index deacfd6c85..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/cp1256.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- buniya1256 -- test document: a paragraph in Arabic as CP-1256
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- This Pod document is a paragraph in Arabic from &#34;The
- Five Pillars of Islam&#34; as CP-1256.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1606; &#1593;&#1605;&#1575;&#1585;&#1577;
- &#1576;&#1606; &#1581;&#1586;&#1605; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604;
- &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1585;&#1587;&#1608;&#1604; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="15">
- &#1575;&#1585;&#1576;&#1593; &#1601;&#1585;&#1590;&#1607;&#1606;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1586; &#1608;&#1580;&#1604;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;
- &#1601;&#1605;&#1606; &#1580;&#1575;&#1569; &#1576;&#1579;&#1604;&#1575;&#1579;
- &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1594;&#1606;&#1610;&#1606; &#1593;&#1606;&#1607;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
- &#1588;&#1610;&#1574;&#1575; &#1581;&#1578;&#1609; &#1610;&#1571;&#1578;&#1610;
- &#1576;&#1607;&#1606; &#1580;&#1605;&#1610;&#1593;&#1575;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1586;&#1603;&#1575;&#1577;
- &#1608;&#1589;&#1610;&#1575;&#1605; &#1585;&#1605;&#1590;&#1575;&#1606;
- &#1608;&#1581;&#1580;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1610;&#1578;. &#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1610;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1576;&#1610;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1606;&#1575;&#1583;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1607;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="21">
- And now as a real single paragraph:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="23">
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1606; &#1593;&#1605;&#1575;&#1585;&#1577;
- &#1576;&#1606; &#1581;&#1586;&#1605; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604;
- &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1585;&#1587;&#1608;&#1604; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;: &#1575;&#1585;&#1576;&#1593;
- &#1601;&#1585;&#1590;&#1607;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1593;&#1586; &#1608;&#1580;&#1604; &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;
- &#1601;&#1605;&#1606; &#1580;&#1575;&#1569; &#1576;&#1579;&#1604;&#1575;&#1579;
- &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1594;&#1606;&#1610;&#1606; &#1593;&#1606;&#1607;
- &#1588;&#1610;&#1574;&#1575; &#1581;&#1578;&#1609; &#1610;&#1571;&#1578;&#1610;
- &#1576;&#1607;&#1606; &#1580;&#1605;&#1610;&#1593;&#1575;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1586;&#1603;&#1575;&#1577;
- &#1608;&#1589;&#1610;&#1575;&#1605; &#1585;&#1605;&#1590;&#1575;&#1606;
- &#1608;&#1581;&#1580; &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1610;&#1578;.
- &#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1607; &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583;
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1610;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1576;&#1610;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1606;&#1575;&#1583;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1607;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="28">
- And now as a verbatim paragraph:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="30" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1606; &#1593;&#1605;&#1575;&#1585;&#1577;
- &#1576;&#1606; &#1581;&#1586;&#1605; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604;
- &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1585;&#1587;&#1608;&#1604; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;:
- &#1575;&#1585;&#1576;&#1593; &#1601;&#1585;&#1590;&#1607;&#1606;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1586; &#1608;&#1580;&#1604;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;
- &#1601;&#1605;&#1606; &#1580;&#1575;&#1569; &#1576;&#1579;&#1604;&#1575;&#1579;
- &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1594;&#1606;&#1610;&#1606; &#1593;&#1606;&#1607;
- &#1588;&#1610;&#1574;&#1575; &#1581;&#1578;&#1609; &#1610;&#1571;&#1578;&#1610;
- &#1576;&#1607;&#1606; &#1580;&#1605;&#1610;&#1593;&#1575;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1586;&#1603;&#1575;&#1577;
- &#1608;&#1589;&#1610;&#1575;&#1605; &#1585;&#1605;&#1590;&#1575;&#1606;
- &#1608;&#1581;&#1580;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1610;&#1578;. &#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1610;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1576;&#1610;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1606;&#1575;&#1583;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1607;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577;.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="35">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_cont.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_cont.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b83208ca..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_cont.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-We have deliberately contradictory =encoding statements here.
-This should generate errata.
-=encoding koi8-r
-=head1 NAME
-ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading"
-=head1 TEXT
-=encoding Shift-JIS
-(This is a test Pod pocument in KOI8-R.)
-15 ÆÅ×ÒÁÌÑ 1887
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_cont.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_cont.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f4995f925..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_cont.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
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- &#1090;&#1099; &#1084;&#1091;&#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1099;&#1077;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080; -- Fet&#39;s
- &#34;When you were reading&#34;
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="11">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="15">
- (This is a test Pod pocument in KOI8-R.)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
- 15 &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103; 1887
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- [end]
- </Para>
- <head1 errata="1" start_line="-321">
- </head1>
- <Para errata="1" start_line="-321">
- Hey!
- <B>
- The above document had some coding errors, which are explained
- below:
- </B>
- </Para>
- <over-text errata="1" indent="4" start_line="-321">
- <item-text start_line="-321">
- Around line 13:
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="-321">
- Couldn&#39;t do =encoding Shift-JIS: Encoding is already
- set to koi8-r
- </Para>
- </over-text>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_dup.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_dup.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 92e95eb264..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_dup.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-We have deliberately reduntant =encoding statements here.
-This should generate no errata.
-=encoding koi8-r
-=head1 NAME
-ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading"
-=head1 TEXT
-(This is a test Pod pocument in KOI8-R.)
-15 ÆÅ×ÒÁÌÑ 1887
-And now, as a verbatim section:
-=encoding koi8-r
- 15 ÆÅ×ÒÁÌÑ 1887
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_dup.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_dup.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c33277deb0..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/fet_dup.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
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- &#1090;&#1099; &#1084;&#1091;&#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1099;&#1077;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080; -- Fet&#39;s
- &#34;When you were reading&#34;
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="11">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="13">
- (This is a test Pod pocument in KOI8-R.)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="15">
- &#1050;&#1086;&#1075;&#1076;&#1072; &#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1090;&#1099; &#1084;&#1091;&#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1099;&#1077;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;, / &#1043;&#1076;&#1077;
- &#1089;&#1077;&#1088;&#1076;&#1094;&#1072; &#1079;&#1074;&#1091;&#1095;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1087;&#1099;&#1083; &#1089;&#1080;&#1103;&#1085;&#1100;&#1077;
- &#1083;&#1100;&#1077;&#1090; &#1082;&#1088;&#1091;&#1075;&#1086;&#1084;
- / &#1048; &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1090;&#1080;
- &#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1086;&#1074;&#1086;&#1081; &#1074;&#1079;&#1076;&#1099;&#1084;&#1072;&#1102;&#1090;&#1089;&#1103;
- &#1087;&#1086;&#1090;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;,- / &#1053;&#1077;
- &#1074;&#1089;&#1087;&#1086;&#1084;&#1085;&#1080;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1083;&#1100; &#1086; &#1095;&#1077;&#1084;?
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="20">
- &#1071; &#1074;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080;&#1090;&#1100; &#1085;&#1077;
- &#1093;&#1086;&#1095;&#1091;! &#1050;&#1086;&#1075;&#1076;&#1072;
- &#1074; &#1089;&#1090;&#1077;&#1087;&#1080;, &#1082;&#1072;&#1082;
- &#1076;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;, / &#1042; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;&#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1086;&#1090;&#1077; &#1073;&#1077;&#1079;&#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1103;, / &#1042;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080;
- &#1087;&#1077;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076; &#1090;&#1086;&#1073;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1079;&#1088;&#1072;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1080; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;
- / &#1042;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072;&#1074;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1074;&#1076;&#1088;&#1091;&#1075;&#1079;&#1072;&#1088;&#1103;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="25">
- &#1048; &#1074; &#1101;&#1090;&#1091; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1086;&#1090;&#1091;
- &#1085;&#1077;&#1074;&#1086;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1074;&#1079;&#1086;&#1088; &#1090;&#1103;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;,
- / &#1042; &#1090;&#1086;&#1090; &#1074;&#1077;&#1083;&#1080;&#1095;&#1072;&#1074;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1073;&#1083;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082; &#1079;&#1072; &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1074;&#1077;&#1089;&#1100; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1077;&#1083;,-
- / &#1059;&#1078;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100; &#1085;&#1080;&#1095;&#1090;&#1086;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1073;&#1077; &#1074; &#1090;&#1086; &#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1103;
- &#1085;&#1077; &#1096;&#1077;&#1087;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;:
- / &#1058;&#1072;&#1084; &#1095;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;&#1074;&#1077;&#1082;
- &#1089;&#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;!
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="30">
- 15 &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103; 1887
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="32">
- And now, as a verbatim section:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="34" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1050;&#1086;&#1075;&#1076;&#1072; &#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1090;&#1099; &#1084;&#1091;&#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1099;&#1077;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;,
- &#1043;&#1076;&#1077; &#1089;&#1077;&#1088;&#1076;&#1094;&#1072;
- &#1079;&#1074;&#1091;&#1095;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081; &#1087;&#1099;&#1083;
- &#1089;&#1080;&#1103;&#1085;&#1100;&#1077; &#1083;&#1100;&#1077;&#1090;
- &#1082;&#1088;&#1091;&#1075;&#1086;&#1084;
- &#1048; &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1090;&#1080;
- &#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1086;&#1074;&#1086;&#1081; &#1074;&#1079;&#1076;&#1099;&#1084;&#1072;&#1102;&#1090;&#1089;&#1103;
- &#1087;&#1086;&#1090;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;,-
- &#1053;&#1077; &#1074;&#1089;&#1087;&#1086;&#1084;&#1085;&#1080;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1083;&#1100; &#1086; &#1095;&#1077;&#1084;?
- &#1071; &#1074;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080;&#1090;&#1100; &#1085;&#1077;
- &#1093;&#1086;&#1095;&#1091;! &#1050;&#1086;&#1075;&#1076;&#1072;
- &#1074; &#1089;&#1090;&#1077;&#1087;&#1080;, &#1082;&#1072;&#1082;
- &#1076;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;,
- &#1042; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;&#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1086;&#1090;&#1077; &#1073;&#1077;&#1079;&#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1103;,
- &#1042;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080; &#1087;&#1077;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;
- &#1090;&#1086;&#1073;&#1086;&#1081; &#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1079;&#1088;&#1072;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1080; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;
- &#1042;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072;&#1074;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1074;&#1076;&#1088;&#1091;&#1075;&#1079;&#1072;&#1088;&#1103;.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="46" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1048; &#1074; &#1101;&#1090;&#1091; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1086;&#1090;&#1091;
- &#1085;&#1077;&#1074;&#1086;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1074;&#1079;&#1086;&#1088; &#1090;&#1103;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;,
- &#1042; &#1090;&#1086;&#1090; &#1074;&#1077;&#1083;&#1080;&#1095;&#1072;&#1074;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1073;&#1083;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082; &#1079;&#1072; &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1074;&#1077;&#1089;&#1100; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1077;&#1083;,-
- &#1059;&#1078;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100; &#1085;&#1080;&#1095;&#1090;&#1086;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1073;&#1077; &#1074; &#1090;&#1086; &#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1103;
- &#1085;&#1077; &#1096;&#1077;&#1087;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;:
- &#1058;&#1072;&#1084; &#1095;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;&#1074;&#1077;&#1082;
- &#1089;&#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;!
- 15 &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103;
- 1887
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="53">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/iso6.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/iso6.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0152bd3c00..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/iso6.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-buniya-iso-6 -- test document: a paragraph in Arabic as ISO-8859-6
-This document is a paragraph in Arabic from "The Five Pillars of Islam"
-as ISO-8859-6.
-=encoding iso-8859-6
-èÙæ ÙåÇÑÉ Èæ ÍÒå âÇä âÇä ÑÓèä Çääç Õäé Çääç Ùäêç èÓäå:
-ÇÑÈÙ áÑÖçæ Çääç ÙÒ èÌä áê ÇäÇÓäÇå áåæ ÌÇÁ ÈËäÇË äå êÚæêæ Ùæç
-ÔêÆÇ ÍÊé êÃÊê Èçæ ÌåêÙÇ ÇäÕäÇÉ èÇäÒãÇÉ èÕêÇå ÑåÖÇæ èÍÌ
-ÇäÈêÊ. ÑèÇç ÇÍåÏ èÇä×ÈÑÇæê áê ÇäãÈêÑ èáê ÇÓæÇÏç ÇÈæ äçêÙÉ.
-And now as a real single paragraph:
-èÙæ ÙåÇÑÉ Èæ ÍÒå âÇä âÇä ÑÓèä Çääç Õäé Çääç Ùäêç èÓäå:
-ÇÑÈÙ áÑÖçæ Çääç ÙÒ èÌä áê ÇäÇÓäÇå áåæ ÌÇÁ ÈËäÇË äå êÚæêæ Ùæç
-ÔêÆÇ ÍÊé êÃÊê Èçæ ÌåêÙÇ ÇäÕäÇÉ èÇäÒãÇÉ èÕêÇå ÑåÖÇæ èÍÌ
-ÇäÈêÊ. ÑèÇç ÇÍåÏ èÇä×ÈÑÇæê áê ÇäãÈêÑ èáê ÇÓæÇÏç ÇÈæ äçêÙÉ.
-And now as a verbatim paragraph:
- èÙæ ÙåÇÑÉ Èæ ÍÒå âÇä âÇä ÑÓèä Çääç Õäé Çääç Ùäêç èÓäå:
- ÇÑÈÙ áÑÖçæ Çääç ÙÒ èÌä áê ÇäÇÓäÇå áåæ ÌÇÁ ÈËäÇË äå êÚæêæ Ùæç
- ÔêÆÇ ÍÊé êÃÊê Èçæ ÌåêÙÇ ÇäÕäÇÉ èÇäÒãÇÉ èÕêÇå ÑåÖÇæ èÍÌ
- ÇäÈêÊ. ÑèÇç ÇÍåÏ èÇä×ÈÑÇæê áê ÇäãÈêÑ èáê ÇÓæÇÏç ÇÈæ äçêÙÉ.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/iso6.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/iso6.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b597324087..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/iso6.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- buniya-iso-6 -- test document: a paragraph in Arabic as
- ISO-8859-6
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- This document is a paragraph in Arabic from &#34;The Five
- Pillars of Islam&#34; as ISO-8859-6.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1606; &#1593;&#1605;&#1575;&#1585;&#1577;
- &#1576;&#1606; &#1581;&#1586;&#1605; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604;
- &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1585;&#1587;&#1608;&#1604; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="15">
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- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1586; &#1608;&#1580;&#1604;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;
- &#1601;&#1605;&#1606; &#1580;&#1575;&#1569; &#1576;&#1579;&#1604;&#1575;&#1579;
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- &#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1586;&#1603;&#1575;&#1577;
- &#1608;&#1589;&#1610;&#1575;&#1605; &#1585;&#1605;&#1590;&#1575;&#1606;
- &#1608;&#1581;&#1580;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1610;&#1578;. &#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1610;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1576;&#1610;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1606;&#1575;&#1583;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1607;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577;.
- </Para>
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- And now as a real single paragraph:
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- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;: &#1575;&#1585;&#1576;&#1593;
- &#1601;&#1585;&#1590;&#1607;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
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- &#1608;&#1589;&#1610;&#1575;&#1605; &#1585;&#1605;&#1590;&#1575;&#1606;
- &#1608;&#1581;&#1580; &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1610;&#1578;.
- &#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1607; &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583;
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1610;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1576;&#1610;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1606;&#1575;&#1583;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1607;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="28">
- And now as a verbatim paragraph:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="30" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1606; &#1593;&#1605;&#1575;&#1585;&#1577;
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- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;:
- &#1575;&#1585;&#1576;&#1593; &#1601;&#1585;&#1590;&#1607;&#1606;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1586; &#1608;&#1580;&#1604;
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- &#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1586;&#1603;&#1575;&#1577;
- &#1608;&#1589;&#1610;&#1575;&#1605; &#1585;&#1605;&#1590;&#1575;&#1606;
- &#1608;&#1581;&#1580;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1610;&#1578;. &#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1610;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1576;&#1610;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1606;&#1575;&#1583;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1607;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577;.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
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- [end]
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-=encoding koi8-r
-=head1 NAME
-ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading"
-=head1 TEXT
-(This is a test Pod pocument in KOI8-R.)
-15 ÆÅ×ÒÁÌÑ 1887
-And now, as a verbatim section:
- 15 ÆÅ×ÒÁÌÑ 1887
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/koi8r.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/koi8r.xml
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- &#1090;&#1099; &#1084;&#1091;&#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1099;&#1077;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080; -- Fet&#39;s
- &#34;When you were reading&#34;
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- (This is a test Pod pocument in KOI8-R.)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="12">
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- &#1087;&#1086;&#1090;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;,- / &#1053;&#1077;
- &#1074;&#1089;&#1087;&#1086;&#1084;&#1085;&#1080;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1083;&#1100; &#1086; &#1095;&#1077;&#1084;?
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
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- &#1076;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;, / &#1042; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;&#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
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- &#1080; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;
- / &#1042;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072;&#1074;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
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- </Para>
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- &#1074;&#1079;&#1086;&#1088; &#1090;&#1103;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;,
- / &#1042; &#1090;&#1086;&#1090; &#1074;&#1077;&#1083;&#1080;&#1095;&#1072;&#1074;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1073;&#1083;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082; &#1079;&#1072; &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1074;&#1077;&#1089;&#1100; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1077;&#1083;,-
- / &#1059;&#1078;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100; &#1085;&#1080;&#1095;&#1090;&#1086;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1073;&#1077; &#1074; &#1090;&#1086; &#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1103;
- &#1085;&#1077; &#1096;&#1077;&#1087;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;:
- / &#1058;&#1072;&#1084; &#1095;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;&#1074;&#1077;&#1082;
- &#1089;&#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;!
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="27">
- 15 &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103; 1887
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="29">
- And now, as a verbatim section:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="31" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1050;&#1086;&#1075;&#1076;&#1072; &#1095;&#1080;&#1090;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
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- &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;,
- &#1043;&#1076;&#1077; &#1089;&#1077;&#1088;&#1076;&#1094;&#1072;
- &#1079;&#1074;&#1091;&#1095;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081; &#1087;&#1099;&#1083;
- &#1089;&#1080;&#1103;&#1085;&#1100;&#1077; &#1083;&#1100;&#1077;&#1090;
- &#1082;&#1088;&#1091;&#1075;&#1086;&#1084;
- &#1048; &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1090;&#1080;
- &#1088;&#1086;&#1082;&#1086;&#1074;&#1086;&#1081; &#1074;&#1079;&#1076;&#1099;&#1084;&#1072;&#1102;&#1090;&#1089;&#1103;
- &#1087;&#1086;&#1090;&#1086;&#1082;&#1080;,-
- &#1053;&#1077; &#1074;&#1089;&#1087;&#1086;&#1084;&#1085;&#1080;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1083;&#1100; &#1086; &#1095;&#1077;&#1084;?
- &#1071; &#1074;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080;&#1090;&#1100; &#1085;&#1077;
- &#1093;&#1086;&#1095;&#1091;! &#1050;&#1086;&#1075;&#1076;&#1072;
- &#1074; &#1089;&#1090;&#1077;&#1087;&#1080;, &#1082;&#1072;&#1082;
- &#1076;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;,
- &#1042; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;&#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1086;&#1090;&#1077; &#1073;&#1077;&#1079;&#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1103;,
- &#1042;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080; &#1087;&#1077;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;
- &#1090;&#1086;&#1073;&#1086;&#1081; &#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1079;&#1088;&#1072;&#1095;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1080; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1080;&#1074;&#1086;
- &#1042;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072;&#1074;&#1072;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1074;&#1076;&#1088;&#1091;&#1075;&#1079;&#1072;&#1088;&#1103;.
- &#1048; &#1074; &#1101;&#1090;&#1091; &#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1089;&#1086;&#1090;&#1091;
- &#1085;&#1077;&#1074;&#1086;&#1083;&#1100;&#1085;&#1086;
- &#1074;&#1079;&#1086;&#1088; &#1090;&#1103;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;,
- &#1042; &#1090;&#1086;&#1090; &#1074;&#1077;&#1083;&#1080;&#1095;&#1072;&#1074;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1073;&#1083;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082; &#1079;&#1072; &#1090;&#1077;&#1084;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1074;&#1077;&#1089;&#1100; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1077;&#1083;,-
- &#1059;&#1078;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100; &#1085;&#1080;&#1095;&#1090;&#1086;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1073;&#1077; &#1074; &#1090;&#1086; &#1074;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1103;
- &#1085;&#1077; &#1096;&#1077;&#1087;&#1085;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086;:
- &#1058;&#1072;&#1084; &#1095;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;&#1074;&#1077;&#1082;
- &#1089;&#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;!
- 15 &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103;
- 1887
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="48">
- [end]
- </Para>
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-=encoding big5
-=head1 ¦Ñ¤l¹D¼w¸g¡@¤T¤Q¤K³¹ -- Big5 (Chinese) encoding test
-And as a verbatim section:
- ¤W¼w¤£¼w¡A¬O¥H¦³¼w¡Q
- ¤U¼w¤£¥¢¼w¡A¬O¥HµL¼w¡C
- ¤W¼wµL¬°¦ÓµL¥H¬°¡Q
- ¤U¼wµL¬°¦Ó¦³¥H¬°¡C
- ¤W¤¯¬°¤§¦ÓµL¥H¬°¡Q
- ¤W¸q¬°¤§¦Ó¦³¥H¬°¡C
- ¤W§¬°¤§¦Ó²ö¤§À³¡A«hÄcÁu¦Ó¥µ¤§¡C
- ¬G¥¢¹D¦Ó¦Z¼w¡A¥¢¼w¦Ó¦Z¤¯¡A¥¢¤¯¦Ó¦Z¸q¡A¥¢¸q¦Ó¦Z§¡C¤Ò§ªÌ¡A©¾«H¤§Á¡¡A¦Ó¶Ã¤§­º¡C
- «eÃѪ̡A¹D¤§µØ¡A¦Ó·M¤§©l¡C
- ¬O¥H¤j¤V¤Ò©~¨ä«p¡A¤£©~¨äÁ¡¡Q©~¨ä¹ê¡A¤£©~¨äµØ¡C
- ¬G¥h©¼¨ú¦¹¡C
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- And as a verbatim section:
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-=encoding big5-eten
-=head1 ¦Ñ¤l¹D¼w¸g¡@¤T¤Q¤K³¹ -- Big5 (Chinese) encoding test
-And as a verbatim section:
- ¤W¼w¤£¼w¡A¬O¥H¦³¼w¡Q
- ¤U¼w¤£¥¢¼w¡A¬O¥HµL¼w¡C
- ¤W¼wµL¬°¦ÓµL¥H¬°¡Q
- ¤U¼wµL¬°¦Ó¦³¥H¬°¡C
- ¤W¤¯¬°¤§¦ÓµL¥H¬°¡Q
- ¤W¸q¬°¤§¦Ó¦³¥H¬°¡C
- ¤W§¬°¤§¦Ó²ö¤§À³¡A«hÄcÁu¦Ó¥µ¤§¡C
- ¬G¥¢¹D¦Ó¦Z¼w¡A¥¢¼w¦Ó¦Z¤¯¡A¥¢¤¯¦Ó¦Z¸q¡A¥¢¸q¦Ó¦Z§¡C¤Ò§ªÌ¡A©¾«H¤§Á¡¡A¦Ó¶Ã¤§­º¡C
- «eÃѪ̡A¹D¤§µØ¡A¦Ó·M¤§©l¡C
- ¬O¥H¤j¤V¤Ò©~¨ä«p¡A¤£©~¨äÁ¡¡Q©~¨ä¹ê¡A¤£©~¨äµØ¡C
- ¬G¥h©¼¨ú¦¹¡C
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- And as a verbatim section:
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- &#25925;&#22833;&#36947;&#32780;&#21518;&#24503;&#65292;&#22833;&#24503;&#32780;&#21518;&#20161;&#65292;&#22833;&#20161;&#32780;&#21518;&#32681;&#65292;&#22833;&#32681;&#32780;&#21518;&#31150;&#12290;&#22827;&#31150;&#32773;&#65292;&#24544;&#20449;&#20043;&#34180;&#65292;&#32780;&#20098;&#20043;&#39318;&#12290;
- &#21069;&#35672;&#32773;&#65292;&#36947;&#20043;&#33775;&#65292;&#32780;&#24858;&#20043;&#22987;&#12290;
- &#26159;&#20197;&#22823;&#19976;&#22827;&#23621;&#20854;&#21402;&#65292;&#19981;&#23621;&#20854;&#34180;&#65108;&#23621;&#20854;&#23526;&#65292;&#19981;&#23621;&#20854;&#33775;&#12290;
- &#25925;&#21435;&#24444;&#21462;&#27492;&#12290;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="33">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/laozi38p.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/laozi38p.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 477c785a3e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/laozi38p.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-=encoding big5
-=head1 NAME
-¦Ñ¤l¹D¼w¸g¡@¤T¤Q¤K³¹ -- Big5 (Chinese) encoding test
-This is a test Pod document in the Big5 encoding. Its content is
-the 38th canto from the I<Dao De Jing>.
-=head2 ¦Ñ¤l¹D¼w¸g¡@¤T¤Q¤K³¹
-And as a verbatim section:
- ¤W¼w¤£¼w¡A¬O¥H¦³¼w¡Q
- ¤U¼w¤£¥¢¼w¡A¬O¥HµL¼w¡C
- ¤W¼wµL¬°¦ÓµL¥H¬°¡Q
- ¤U¼wµL¬°¦Ó¦³¥H¬°¡C
- ¤W¤¯¬°¤§¦ÓµL¥H¬°¡Q
- ¤W¸q¬°¤§¦Ó¦³¥H¬°¡C
- ¤W§¬°¤§¦Ó²ö¤§À³¡A«hÄcÁu¦Ó¥µ¤§¡C
- ¬G¥¢¹D¦Ó¦Z¼w¡A¥¢¼w¦Ó¦Z¤¯¡A¥¢¤¯¦Ó¦Z¸q¡A¥¢¸q¦Ó¦Z§¡C¤Ò§ªÌ¡A©¾«H¤§Á¡¡A¦Ó¶Ã¤§­º¡C
- «eÃѪ̡A¹D¤§µØ¡A¦Ó·M¤§©l¡C
- ¬O¥H¤j¤V¤Ò©~¨ä«p¡A¤£©~¨äÁ¡¡Q©~¨ä¹ê¡A¤£©~¨äµØ¡C
- ¬G¥h©¼¨ú¦¹¡C
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/laozi38p.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/laozi38p.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bae00f25d4..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/laozi38p.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- &#32769;&#23376;&#36947;&#24503;&#32147; &#19977;&#21313;&#20843;&#31456;
- -- Big5 (Chinese) encoding test
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in the Big5 encoding. Its content
- is the 38th canto from the
- <I>
- Dao De Jing
- </I>
- .
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="13">
- &#32769;&#23376;&#36947;&#24503;&#32147; &#19977;&#21313;&#20843;&#31456;
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="15">
- &#19978;&#24503;&#19981;&#24503;&#65292;&#26159;&#20197;&#26377;&#24503;&#65108;
- &#19979;&#24503;&#19981;&#22833;&#24503;&#65292;&#26159;&#20197;&#28961;&#24503;&#12290;
- &#19978;&#24503;&#28961;&#28858;&#32780;&#28961;&#20197;&#28858;&#65108;
- &#19979;&#24503;&#28961;&#28858;&#32780;&#26377;&#20197;&#28858;&#12290;
- &#19978;&#20161;&#28858;&#20043;&#32780;&#28961;&#20197;&#28858;&#65108;
- &#19978;&#32681;&#28858;&#20043;&#32780;&#26377;&#20197;&#28858;&#12290;
- &#19978;&#31150;&#28858;&#20043;&#32780;&#33707;&#20043;&#25033;&#65292;&#21063;&#25880;&#33218;&#32780;&#25172;&#20043;&#12290;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="23">
- &#25925;&#22833;&#36947;&#32780;&#21518;&#24503;&#65292;&#22833;&#24503;&#32780;&#21518;&#20161;&#65292;&#22833;&#20161;&#32780;&#21518;&#32681;&#65292;&#22833;&#32681;&#32780;&#21518;&#31150;&#12290;&#22827;&#31150;&#32773;&#65292;&#24544;&#20449;&#20043;&#34180;&#65292;&#32780;&#20098;&#20043;&#39318;&#12290;
- &#21069;&#35672;&#32773;&#65292;&#36947;&#20043;&#33775;&#65292;&#32780;&#24858;&#20043;&#22987;&#12290;
- &#26159;&#20197;&#22823;&#19976;&#22827;&#23621;&#20854;&#21402;&#65292;&#19981;&#23621;&#20854;&#34180;&#65108;&#23621;&#20854;&#23526;&#65292;&#19981;&#23621;&#20854;&#33775;&#12290;
- &#25925;&#21435;&#24444;&#21462;&#27492;&#12290;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="28">
- And as a verbatim section:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="30" xml:space="preserve">
- &#19978;&#24503;&#19981;&#24503;&#65292;&#26159;&#20197;&#26377;&#24503;&#65108;
- &#19979;&#24503;&#19981;&#22833;&#24503;&#65292;&#26159;&#20197;&#28961;&#24503;&#12290;
- &#19978;&#24503;&#28961;&#28858;&#32780;&#28961;&#20197;&#28858;&#65108;
- &#19979;&#24503;&#28961;&#28858;&#32780;&#26377;&#20197;&#28858;&#12290;
- &#19978;&#20161;&#28858;&#20043;&#32780;&#28961;&#20197;&#28858;&#65108;
- &#19978;&#32681;&#28858;&#20043;&#32780;&#26377;&#20197;&#28858;&#12290;
- &#19978;&#31150;&#28858;&#20043;&#32780;&#33707;&#20043;&#25033;&#65292;&#21063;&#25880;&#33218;&#32780;&#25172;&#20043;&#12290;
- &#25925;&#22833;&#36947;&#32780;&#21518;&#24503;&#65292;&#22833;&#24503;&#32780;&#21518;&#20161;&#65292;&#22833;&#20161;&#32780;&#21518;&#32681;&#65292;&#22833;&#32681;&#32780;&#21518;&#31150;&#12290;&#22827;&#31150;&#32773;&#65292;&#24544;&#20449;&#20043;&#34180;&#65292;&#32780;&#20098;&#20043;&#39318;&#12290;
- &#21069;&#35672;&#32773;&#65292;&#36947;&#20043;&#33775;&#65292;&#32780;&#24858;&#20043;&#22987;&#12290;
- &#26159;&#20197;&#22823;&#19976;&#22827;&#23621;&#20854;&#21402;&#65292;&#19981;&#23621;&#20854;&#34180;&#65108;&#23621;&#20854;&#23526;&#65292;&#19981;&#23621;&#20854;&#33775;&#12290;
- &#25925;&#21435;&#24444;&#21462;&#27492;&#12290;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="43">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1fr.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1fr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f53e1a6f..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1fr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-=encoding iso-8859-1
-=head1 NAME
-French-Latin-1 -- explicitly Latin-1 test document in French
-This is a test Pod document in Latin-1. Its content is the last two
-paragraphs of Baudelaire's I<Le Joujou du pauvre>.
-A travers ces barreaux symboliques séparant deux mondes, la grande route
-et le château, l'enfant pauvre montrait à l'enfant riche son propre
-joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
-Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon agaçait, agitait et secouait dans
-une boîte grillée, c'était un rat vivantE<160>! Les parents, par économie
-sans doute, avaient tiré le joujou de la vie elle-même.
-Et les deux enfants se riaient l'un à l'autre fraternellement, avec des
-dents d'une I<égale> blancheur.
-=head2 As Verbatim
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques séparant deux mondes, la grande route
- et le château, l'enfant pauvre montrait à l'enfant riche son propre
- joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon agaçait, agitait et secouait dans
- une boîte grillée, c'était un rat vivant ! Les parents, par économie
- sans doute, avaient tiré le joujou de la vie elle-même.
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l'un à l'autre fraternellement, avec des
- dents d'une égale blancheur.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1fr.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1fr.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 017ae6abf7..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1fr.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- French-Latin-1 -- explicitly Latin-1 test document in French
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in Latin-1. Its content is the
- last two paragraphs of Baudelaire&#39;s
- <I>
- Le Joujou du pauvre
- </I>
- .
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques s&#233;parant deux mondes,
- la grande route et le ch&#226;teau, l&#39;enfant pauvre
- montrait &#224; l&#39;enfant riche son propre joujou, que
- celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon aga&#231;ait, agitait
- et secouait dans une bo&#238;te grill&#233;e, c&#39;&#233;tait
- un rat vivant
- &#160;
- ! Les parents, par &#233;conomie sans doute, avaient tir&#233;
- le joujou de la vie elle-m&#234;me.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="20">
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l&#39;un &#224; l&#39;autre
- fraternellement, avec des dents d&#39;une
- <I>
- &#233;gale
- </I>
- blancheur.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="23">
- As Verbatim
- </head2>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="25" xml:space="preserve">
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques s&#233;parant deux mondes,
- la grande route
- et le ch&#226;teau, l&#39;enfant pauvre montrait &#224;
- l&#39;enfant riche son propre
- joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet
- rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon aga&#231;ait, agitait
- et secouait dans
- une bo&#238;te grill&#233;e, c&#39;&#233;tait un rat vivant&#160;!
- Les parents, par &#233;conomie
- sans doute, avaient tir&#233; le joujou de la vie elle-m&#234;me.
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l&#39;un &#224; l&#39;autre
- fraternellement, avec des
- dents d&#39;une &#233;gale blancheur.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="35">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1frim.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1frim.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 470836890f..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1frim.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-French-Latin-1 -- implicitly Latin-1 test document in French
-This is a test Pod document in Latin-1. Its content is the last two
-paragraphs of Baudelaire's I<Le Joujou du pauvre>.
-A travers ces barreaux symboliques séparant deux mondes, la grande route
-et le château, l'enfant pauvre montrait à l'enfant riche son propre
-joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
-Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon agaçait, agitait et secouait dans
-une boîte grillée, c'était un rat vivantE<160>! Les parents, par économie
-sans doute, avaient tiré le joujou de la vie elle-même.
-Et les deux enfants se riaient l'un à l'autre fraternellement, avec des
-dents d'une I<égale> blancheur.
-=head2 As Verbatim
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques séparant deux mondes, la grande route
- et le château, l'enfant pauvre montrait à l'enfant riche son propre
- joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon agaçait, agitait et secouait dans
- une boîte grillée, c'était un rat vivant ! Les parents, par économie
- sans doute, avaient tiré le joujou de la vie elle-même.
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l'un à l'autre fraternellement, avec des
- dents d'une égale blancheur.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1frim.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1frim.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ffbbdb05ac..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/lat1frim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- French-Latin-1 -- implicitly Latin-1 test document in French
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- This is a test Pod document in Latin-1. Its content is the
- last two paragraphs of Baudelaire&#39;s
- <I>
- Le Joujou du pauvre
- </I>
- .
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="11">
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques s&#233;parant deux mondes,
- la grande route et le ch&#226;teau, l&#39;enfant pauvre
- montrait &#224; l&#39;enfant riche son propre joujou, que
- celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon aga&#231;ait, agitait
- et secouait dans une bo&#238;te grill&#233;e, c&#39;&#233;tait
- un rat vivant
- &#160;
- ! Les parents, par &#233;conomie sans doute, avaient tir&#233;
- le joujou de la vie elle-m&#234;me.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="18">
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l&#39;un &#224; l&#39;autre
- fraternellement, avec des dents d&#39;une
- <I>
- &#233;gale
- </I>
- blancheur.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="21">
- As Verbatim
- </head2>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="23" xml:space="preserve">
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques s&#233;parant deux mondes,
- la grande route
- et le ch&#226;teau, l&#39;enfant pauvre montrait &#224;
- l&#39;enfant riche son propre
- joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet
- rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon aga&#231;ait, agitait
- et secouait dans
- une bo&#238;te grill&#233;e, c&#39;&#233;tait un rat vivant&#160;!
- Les parents, par &#233;conomie
- sans doute, avaient tir&#233; le joujou de la vie elle-m&#234;me.
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l&#39;un &#224; l&#39;autre
- fraternellement, avec des
- dents d&#39;une &#233;gale blancheur.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="33">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/nonesuch.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/nonesuch.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d6fc0a582..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/nonesuch.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-=encoding blorpy
-=head1 nonesuch -- Document in an unknown encoding
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/nonesuch.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/nonesuch.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d7efb6ee..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/nonesuch.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="1">
- <head1 start_line="3">
- nonesuch -- Document in an unknown encoding
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="5">
- Blorp.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="7">
- [end]
- </Para>
- <head1 errata="1" start_line="-321">
- </head1>
- <Para errata="1" start_line="-321">
- Hey!
- <B>
- The above document had some coding errors, which are explained
- below:
- </B>
- </Para>
- <over-text errata="1" indent="4" start_line="-321">
- <item-text start_line="-321">
- Around line 1:
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="-321">
- This document probably does not appear as it should, because
- its &#34;=encoding blorpy&#34; line calls for an unsupported
- encoding. [ v1.98&#39;s supported encodings are:
- 7bit-jis AdobeStandardEncoding AdobeSymbol AdobeZdingbat
- ascii ascii-ctrl big5-eten big5-hkscs cp1006 cp1026 cp1047
- cp1250 cp1251 cp1252 cp1253 cp1254 cp1255 cp1256 cp1257
- cp1258 cp37 cp424 cp437 cp500 cp737 cp775 cp850 cp852 cp855
- cp856 cp857 cp860 cp861 cp862 cp863 cp864 cp865 cp866 cp869
- cp874 cp875 cp932 cp936 cp949 cp950 dingbats euc-cn euc-jp
- euc-kr gb12345-raw gb2312-raw gsm0338 hp-roman8 hz iso-2022-jp
- iso-2022-jp-1 iso-2022-kr iso-8859-1 iso-8859-10 iso-8859-11
- iso-8859-13 iso-8859-14 iso-8859-15 iso-8859-16 iso-8859-2
- iso-8859-3 iso-8859-4 iso-8859-5 iso-8859-6 iso-8859-7 iso-8859-8
- iso-8859-9 iso-ir-165 jis0201-raw jis0208-raw jis0212-raw
- johab koi8-f koi8-r koi8-u ksc5601-raw MacArabic MacCentralEurRoman
- MacChineseSimp MacChineseTrad MacCroatian MacCyrillic MacDingbats
- MacFarsi MacGreek MacHebrew MacIcelandic MacJapanese MacKorean
- MacRoman MacRomanian MacRumanian MacSami MacSymbol MacThai
- MacTurkish MacUkrainian MIME-B MIME-Header MIME-Q nextstep
- null posix-bc shiftjis symbol UCS-2BE UCS-2LE UTF-16 UTF-16BE
- UTF-16LE UTF-32 UTF-32BE UTF-32LE UTF-7 utf8 viscii]
- </Para>
- </over-text>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/pasternak_cp1251.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/pasternak_cp1251.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8f7a09a6..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/pasternak_cp1251.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-=encoding cp1251
-=head1 NAME
-Çèìíÿÿ íî÷ü -- Pasternak Russian test file (cp1251)
-=head1 TEXT
-(This is a test Pod pocument in cp1251.)
-Çèìíÿÿ íî÷ü.
-Ìåëî, ìåëî ïî âñåé çåìëå /
-Âî âñå ïðåäåëû. /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå, /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
-Êàê ëåòîì ðîåì ìîøêîðà /
-Ëåòèò íà ïëàìÿ, /
-Ñëåòàëèñü õëîïüÿ ñî äâîðà /
-Ê îêîííîé ðàìå.
-Ìåòåëü ëåïèëà íà ñòîëå /
-Êðóæêè è ñòðåëû. /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå, /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
-Íà îçàðåííûé ïîòîëîê /
-Ëîæèëèñü òåíè, /
-Ñêðåùåíüÿ ðóê, ñêðêùåíüÿ íîã, /
-Ñóäüáû ñêðåùåíüÿ.
-È ïàäàëè äâà áàøìà÷êà /
-Ñî ñòóêîì íà ïîë, /
-È âîñê ñëåçàìè ñ íî÷íèêà /
-Íà ïëàòüå êàïàë.
-È âñå òåðÿëîñü â ñíåæíîé ìãëå /
-Ñåäîé è áåëîé. /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå, /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
-Íà ñâå÷êó äóëî èç óãëà, /
-È æàð ñîáëàçíà /
-Âçäûìàë, êàê àíãåë, äâà êðûëà /
-Êðåñòîîáðàçíî. /
-Ìåëî âåñü ìåñÿö â ôåâðàëå, /
-È òî è äåëî /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå, /
-Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
--- Áîðèñ Ïàñòåðíàê, 1946
-=head2 As Preformatted
-And now as a preformatted section:
- Çèìíÿÿ íî÷ü.
- Ìåëî, ìåëî ïî âñåé çåìëå
- Âî âñå ïðåäåëû.
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå,
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
- Êàê ëåòîì ðîåì ìîøêîðà
- Ëåòèò íà ïëàìÿ,
- Ñëåòàëèñü õëîïüÿ ñî äâîðà
- Ê îêîííîé ðàìå.
- Ìåòåëü ëåïèëà íà ñòîëå
- Êðóæêè è ñòðåëû.
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå,
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
- Íà îçàðåííûé ïîòîëîê
- Ëîæèëèñü òåíè,
- Ñêðåùåíüÿ ðóê, ñêðêùåíüÿ íîã,
- Ñóäüáû ñêðåùåíüÿ.
- È ïàäàëè äâà áàøìà÷êà
- Ñî ñòóêîì íà ïîë,
- È âîñê ñëåçàìè ñ íî÷íèêà
- Íà ïëàòüå êàïàë.
- È âñå òåðÿëîñü â ñíåæíîé ìãëå
- Ñåäîé è áåëîé.
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå,
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
- Íà ñâå÷êó äóëî èç óãëà,
- È æàð ñîáëàçíà
- Âçäûìàë, êàê àíãåë, äâà êðûëà
- Êðåñòîîáðàçíî.
- Ìåëî âåñü ìåñÿö â ôåâðàëå,
- È òî è äåëî
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà íà ñòîëå,
- Ñâå÷à ãîðåëà.
- -- Áîðèñ Ïàñòåðíàê, 1946
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/pasternak_cp1251.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/pasternak_cp1251.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2276551b31..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/pasternak_cp1251.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- &#1047;&#1080;&#1084;&#1085;&#1103;&#1103; &#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1100;
- -- Pasternak Russian test file (cp1251)
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- (This is a test Pod pocument in cp1251.)
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="12">
- &#1047;&#1080;&#1084;&#1085;&#1103;&#1103; &#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1100;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="14">
- &#1052;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;, &#1084;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;
- &#1087;&#1086; &#1074;&#1089;&#1077;&#1081; &#1079;&#1077;&#1084;&#1083;&#1077;
- / &#1042;&#1086; &#1074;&#1089;&#1077; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1077;&#1083;&#1099;.
- / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;, / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- &#1050;&#1072;&#1082; &#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1086;&#1084;
- &#1088;&#1086;&#1077;&#1084; &#1084;&#1086;&#1096;&#1082;&#1086;&#1088;&#1072;
- / &#1051;&#1077;&#1090;&#1080;&#1090; &#1085;&#1072; &#1087;&#1083;&#1072;&#1084;&#1103;,
- / &#1057;&#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1093;&#1083;&#1086;&#1087;&#1100;&#1103; &#1089;&#1086;
- &#1076;&#1074;&#1086;&#1088;&#1072; / &#1050; &#1086;&#1082;&#1086;&#1085;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1088;&#1072;&#1084;&#1077;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="24">
- &#1052;&#1077;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100; &#1083;&#1077;&#1087;&#1080;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077; / &#1050;&#1088;&#1091;&#1078;&#1082;&#1080;
- &#1080; &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1099;. / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072; &#1085;&#1072;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;, / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="29">
- &#1053;&#1072; &#1086;&#1079;&#1072;&#1088;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1087;&#1086;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1086;&#1082; / &#1051;&#1086;&#1078;&#1080;&#1083;&#1080;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1085;&#1080;, / &#1057;&#1082;&#1088;&#1077;&#1097;&#1077;&#1085;&#1100;&#1103;
- &#1088;&#1091;&#1082;, &#1089;&#1082;&#1088;&#1082;&#1097;&#1077;&#1085;&#1100;&#1103;
- &#1085;&#1086;&#1075;, / &#1057;&#1091;&#1076;&#1100;&#1073;&#1099;
- &#1089;&#1082;&#1088;&#1077;&#1097;&#1077;&#1085;&#1100;&#1103;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="34">
- &#1048; &#1087;&#1072;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080; &#1076;&#1074;&#1072;
- &#1073;&#1072;&#1096;&#1084;&#1072;&#1095;&#1082;&#1072;
- / &#1057;&#1086; &#1089;&#1090;&#1091;&#1082;&#1086;&#1084;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;, / &#1048; &#1074;&#1086;&#1089;&#1082;
- &#1089;&#1083;&#1077;&#1079;&#1072;&#1084;&#1080; &#1089;
- &#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1085;&#1080;&#1082;&#1072; / &#1053;&#1072;
- &#1087;&#1083;&#1072;&#1090;&#1100;&#1077; &#1082;&#1072;&#1087;&#1072;&#1083;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="39">
- &#1048; &#1074;&#1089;&#1077; &#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1103;&#1083;&#1086;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1074; &#1089;&#1085;&#1077;&#1078;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1084;&#1075;&#1083;&#1077; / &#1057;&#1077;&#1076;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1080; &#1073;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;&#1081;. / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072; &#1085;&#1072;
- &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;, / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="44">
- &#1053;&#1072; &#1089;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1082;&#1091;
- &#1076;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086; &#1080;&#1079; &#1091;&#1075;&#1083;&#1072;,
- / &#1048; &#1078;&#1072;&#1088; &#1089;&#1086;&#1073;&#1083;&#1072;&#1079;&#1085;&#1072;
- / &#1042;&#1079;&#1076;&#1099;&#1084;&#1072;&#1083;, &#1082;&#1072;&#1082;
- &#1072;&#1085;&#1075;&#1077;&#1083;, &#1076;&#1074;&#1072;
- &#1082;&#1088;&#1099;&#1083;&#1072; / &#1050;&#1088;&#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1086;&#1073;&#1088;&#1072;&#1079;&#1085;&#1086;.
- /
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="49">
- &#1052;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086; &#1074;&#1077;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1084;&#1077;&#1089;&#1103;&#1094; &#1074; &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1077;,
- / &#1048; &#1090;&#1086; &#1080; &#1076;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;
- / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;, / &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072;
- &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="54">
- -- &#1041;&#1086;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089; &#1055;&#1072;&#1089;&#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1085;&#1072;&#1082;,
- 1946
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="57">
- As Preformatted
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="59">
- And now as a preformatted section:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="61" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1047;&#1080;&#1084;&#1085;&#1103;&#1103; &#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1100;.
- &#1052;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;, &#1084;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;
- &#1087;&#1086; &#1074;&#1089;&#1077;&#1081; &#1079;&#1077;&#1084;&#1083;&#1077;
- &#1042;&#1086; &#1074;&#1089;&#1077; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1077;&#1083;&#1099;.
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;,
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- &#1050;&#1072;&#1082; &#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1086;&#1084;
- &#1088;&#1086;&#1077;&#1084; &#1084;&#1086;&#1096;&#1082;&#1086;&#1088;&#1072;
- &#1051;&#1077;&#1090;&#1080;&#1090; &#1085;&#1072; &#1087;&#1083;&#1072;&#1084;&#1103;,
- &#1057;&#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1093;&#1083;&#1086;&#1087;&#1100;&#1103; &#1089;&#1086;
- &#1076;&#1074;&#1086;&#1088;&#1072;
- &#1050; &#1086;&#1082;&#1086;&#1085;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1088;&#1072;&#1084;&#1077;.
- &#1052;&#1077;&#1090;&#1077;&#1083;&#1100; &#1083;&#1077;&#1087;&#1080;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;
- &#1050;&#1088;&#1091;&#1078;&#1082;&#1080; &#1080; &#1089;&#1090;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1099;.
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;,
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- &#1053;&#1072; &#1086;&#1079;&#1072;&#1088;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1099;&#1081;
- &#1087;&#1086;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1086;&#1082;
- &#1051;&#1086;&#1078;&#1080;&#1083;&#1080;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1090;&#1077;&#1085;&#1080;,
- &#1057;&#1082;&#1088;&#1077;&#1097;&#1077;&#1085;&#1100;&#1103;
- &#1088;&#1091;&#1082;, &#1089;&#1082;&#1088;&#1082;&#1097;&#1077;&#1085;&#1100;&#1103;
- &#1085;&#1086;&#1075;,
- &#1057;&#1091;&#1076;&#1100;&#1073;&#1099; &#1089;&#1082;&#1088;&#1077;&#1097;&#1077;&#1085;&#1100;&#1103;.
- &#1048; &#1087;&#1072;&#1076;&#1072;&#1083;&#1080; &#1076;&#1074;&#1072;
- &#1073;&#1072;&#1096;&#1084;&#1072;&#1095;&#1082;&#1072;
- &#1057;&#1086; &#1089;&#1090;&#1091;&#1082;&#1086;&#1084;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;,
- &#1048; &#1074;&#1086;&#1089;&#1082; &#1089;&#1083;&#1077;&#1079;&#1072;&#1084;&#1080;
- &#1089; &#1085;&#1086;&#1095;&#1085;&#1080;&#1082;&#1072;
- &#1053;&#1072; &#1087;&#1083;&#1072;&#1090;&#1100;&#1077;
- &#1082;&#1072;&#1087;&#1072;&#1083;.
- &#1048; &#1074;&#1089;&#1077; &#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1103;&#1083;&#1086;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1074; &#1089;&#1085;&#1077;&#1078;&#1085;&#1086;&#1081;
- &#1084;&#1075;&#1083;&#1077;
- &#1057;&#1077;&#1076;&#1086;&#1081; &#1080; &#1073;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;&#1081;.
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;,
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- &#1053;&#1072; &#1089;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1082;&#1091;
- &#1076;&#1091;&#1083;&#1086; &#1080;&#1079; &#1091;&#1075;&#1083;&#1072;,
- &#1048; &#1078;&#1072;&#1088; &#1089;&#1086;&#1073;&#1083;&#1072;&#1079;&#1085;&#1072;
- &#1042;&#1079;&#1076;&#1099;&#1084;&#1072;&#1083;, &#1082;&#1072;&#1082;
- &#1072;&#1085;&#1075;&#1077;&#1083;, &#1076;&#1074;&#1072;
- &#1082;&#1088;&#1099;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1050;&#1088;&#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1086;&#1073;&#1088;&#1072;&#1079;&#1085;&#1086;.
- &#1052;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086; &#1074;&#1077;&#1089;&#1100;
- &#1084;&#1077;&#1089;&#1103;&#1094; &#1074; &#1092;&#1077;&#1074;&#1088;&#1072;&#1083;&#1077;,
- &#1048; &#1090;&#1086; &#1080; &#1076;&#1077;&#1083;&#1086;
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;
- &#1085;&#1072; &#1089;&#1090;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;,
- &#1057;&#1074;&#1077;&#1095;&#1072; &#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;.
- -- &#1041;&#1086;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089; &#1055;&#1072;&#1089;&#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1085;&#1072;&#1082;,
- 1946
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="105">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b7d7d9296..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-simple_text_document -- an implicitly US-ASCII test document.
-=head1 TEXT
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
-Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News DSD Time
-Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA CCS DEVGRP
-CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex garbage
-KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 05dc732ee5..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- simple_text_document -- an implicitly US-ASCII test document.
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="10">
- Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News
- DSD Time Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex
- garbage KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="16">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_explicit.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_explicit.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a465ac2ed7..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_explicit.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-=encoding ascii
-=head1 NAME
-simple_text_document -- an explicitly US-ASCII test document.
-=head1 TEXT
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
-Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News DSD Time
-Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA CCS DEVGRP
-CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex garbage
-KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_explicit.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_explicit.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db06b81f8..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_explicit.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- simple_text_document -- an explicitly US-ASCII test document.
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="12">
- Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News
- DSD Time Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="15">
- CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex
- garbage KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="18">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_latin1.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_latin1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d185bbb05..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_latin1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#Doesn't actually use any of the Latin-1 bytes.
-=encoding iso-8859-1
-=head1 NAME
-simple_text_document -- an explicitly Latin-1 (ASCII subset) test document
-=head1 TEXT
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
-Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News DSD Time
-Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA CCS DEVGRP
-CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex garbage
-KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_latin1.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_latin1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f9baeb73..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_latin1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="4">
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- simple_text_document -- an explicitly Latin-1 (ASCII subset)
- test document
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="10">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="12">
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="14">
- Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News
- DSD Time Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
- CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex
- garbage KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="20">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_utf8.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_utf8.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f3e6932bb0..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_utf8.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#Doesn't actually use any of the utf8 bytes.
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-simple_text_document -- an explicitly UTF8 (ASCII subset) test document
-=head1 TEXT
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
-Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News DSD Time
-Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA CCS DEVGRP
-CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex garbage
-KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_utf8.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_utf8.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f78846b54a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/plain_utf8.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="4">
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- simple_text_document -- an explicitly UTF8 (ASCII subset)
- test document
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="10">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="12">
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="14">
- Military Intelligence Yukon rhosts penrep Weekly World News
- DSD Time Cohiba finks rail gun DF ~ Corporate Security NATOA
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
- CONUS Khaddafi NATIA data havens Spetznaz afsatcom BOP Semtex
- garbage KGB ^? 737 1080H 1080H Satellite imagery smuggle
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="20">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/polish_utf8.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/polish_utf8.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 969f8ba4a1..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/polish_utf8.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-WŚRÓD NOCNEJ CISZY -- explicitly utf8 test document in Polish
-This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the lyrics to
-the Polish Christmas carol "Wśród nocnej ciszy".
-Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi: /
-Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi! /
-Czym prędzej się wybierajcie, /
-Do Betlejem pospieszajcie /
-Przywitać Pana.
-Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie /
-Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. /
-Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali, /
-A witając zawołali /
-Z wielkiej radości:
-Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany, /
-Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany /
-Na Ciebie króle, prorocy /
-Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy /
-Nam się objawił.
-I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, /
-A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana, /
-Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…, /
-Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną /
-Chleba i wina.
-=head2 As Verbatim
-And now as verbatim text:
- Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi:
- Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi!
- Czym prędzej się wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywitać Pana.
- Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali,
- A witając zawołali
- Z wielkiej radości:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany,
- Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany
- Na Ciebie króle, prorocy
- Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy
- Nam się objawił.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…,
- Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną
- Chleba i wina.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/polish_utf8.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/polish_utf8.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa77ec029..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/polish_utf8.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- W&#346;R&#211;D NOCNEJ CISZY -- explicitly utf8 test document
- in Polish
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the
- lyrics to the Polish Christmas carol &#34;W&#347;r&#243;d
- nocnej ciszy&#34;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- W&#347;r&#243;d nocnej ciszy g&#322;os si&#281; rozchodzi:
- / Wsta&#324;cie, pasterze, B&#243;g si&#281; nam rodzi!
- / Czym pr&#281;dzej si&#281; wybierajcie, / Do Betlejem
- pospieszajcie / Przywita&#263; Pana.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="19">
- Poszli, znale&#378;li Dzieci&#261;tko w &#380;&#322;obie
- / Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. / Jako Bogu cze&#347;&#263;
- Mu dali, / A witaj&#261;c zawo&#322;ali / Z wielkiej rado&#347;ci:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="25">
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno &#380;&#261;dany, / Wiele tysi&#281;cy
- lat wygl&#261;dany / Na Ciebie kr&#243;le, prorocy / Czekali,
- a Ty&#347; tej nocy / Nam si&#281; objawi&#322;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="31">
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, / A skoro przyjdziesz na g&#322;os
- kap&#322;ana, / Padniemy na twarz przed Tob&#261;, / Wierz&#261;c,
- &#380;e&#347; jest pod os&#322;on&#261; / Chleba i wina.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="37">
- As Verbatim
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="39">
- And now as verbatim text:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="41" xml:space="preserve">
- W&#347;r&#243;d nocnej ciszy g&#322;os si&#281; rozchodzi:
- Wsta&#324;cie, pasterze, B&#243;g si&#281; nam rodzi!
- Czym pr&#281;dzej si&#281; wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywita&#263; Pana.
- Poszli, znale&#378;li Dzieci&#261;tko w &#380;&#322;obie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cze&#347;&#263; Mu dali,
- A witaj&#261;c zawo&#322;ali
- Z wielkiej rado&#347;ci:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno &#380;&#261;dany,
- Wiele tysi&#281;cy lat wygl&#261;dany
- Na Ciebie kr&#243;le, prorocy
- Czekali, a Ty&#347; tej nocy
- Nam si&#281; objawi&#322;.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na g&#322;os kap&#322;ana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed Tob&#261;,
- Wierz&#261;c, &#380;e&#347; jest pod os&#322;on&#261;
- Chleba i wina.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="65">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/s2763_sjis.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/s2763_sjis.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d495734922..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/s2763_sjis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-=encoding shiftjis
-=head1 NAME
-Œ^”ÔS2763 -- test document in Shift-JIS
-This is a test Pod document in Shift-JIS. Its content is
-some uninteresting product specs I found on the Net.
-It's an textitem list:
-=item Œ^”Ô
-=item ŒõŒ¹
-GZ4 ƒ_ƒCƒNƒƒCƒbƒNƒ~ƒ‰[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒv 12V 10W~1
-=item ¡–@
-‚E295 •E365 ‰œE76mm
-=item Ž¿—Ê
-=item ÞŽ¿
-=item ‰¿Ši
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/s2763_sjis.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/s2763_sjis.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a4fd0027..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/s2763_sjis.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- &#22411;&#30058;S2763 -- test document in Shift-JIS
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in Shift-JIS. Its content is
- some uninteresting product specs I found on the Net.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- It&#39;s an textitem list:
- </Para>
- <over-text indent="4" start_line="15">
- <item-text start_line="17">
- &#22411;&#30058;
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="19">
- S2763
- </Para>
- <item-text start_line="21">
- &#20809;&#28304;
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="23">
- GZ4 &#12480;&#12452;&#12463;&#12525;&#12452;&#12483;&#12463;&#12511;&#12521;&#12540;&#12521;&#12531;&#12503;
- 12V 10W&#215;1
- </Para>
- <item-text start_line="25">
- &#23544;&#27861;
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="27">
- &#39640;&#12539;295 &#24133;&#12539;365 &#22885;&#12539;76mm
- </Para>
- <item-text start_line="29">
- &#36074;&#37327;
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="31">
- 8.0kg
- </Para>
- <item-text start_line="33">
- &#26448;&#36074;
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="35">
- &#27193;&#33026; &#12450;&#12523;&#12511;&#12289;&#12450;&#12523;&#12510;&#12452;&#12488;&#20181;&#19978;
- &#12460;&#12521;&#12473;
- </Para>
- <item-text start_line="37">
- &#20385;&#26684;
- </item-text>
- <Para start_line="39">
- 76,000&#20870;&#65288;&#12521;&#12531;&#12503;&#12539;&#12488;&#12521;&#12531;&#12473;&#36796;&#12415;&#65289;
- </Para>
- </over-text>
- <Para start_line="43">
- 2001&#24180;10&#26376;3&#26085;&#65288;&#27700;&#65289;&#30330;&#22770;&#38283;&#22987;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="45">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/thai_iso11.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/thai_iso11.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fdcdab561..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/thai_iso11.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Khun::Thong::Dang -- a test Thai document in ISO-8859-11
-=encoding iso-8859-11
-This is a test Pod document in ISO-8859-11. Its content is a poem to (by?)
-Khun Thong Dang (ÀÒ¾ÁÔè§Á§¤Å), the pet of Bhumibol, the King of
-As four flowed paragraphs:
-ï ¾ÃÐàÁµµÒá¨èÁ¨Ñºã¨ä¼·ÊÂÒÁ /
-¾ÃзѧÒÁ...ÁͧÀÒ¾¶èÒÂÁÔ¶èÒ¶͹ /
-à¡ÅéÒÏ ¹éÍÁà¡ÅéÒÏ ¾¨¹ìàÃÕ§༴Õ§¡Å͹ /
-ï ·Ø¡ÀÒ¾ÁÔè§Á§¤ÅÂÅáÅéÇÂÔéÁ /
-ÍÂÒ¡à»ç¹¤Ø³·Í§á´§¹Ñ¡¨Ñ¡ÍÂÙè§Ò¹ /
-ï ¾ÃÐËѵ¶ìºØ­·Ã§àºÔ¡ËÅéÒ¾ÅÔ¡ËÅéÒà¢ÕÂÇ /
-¾ÃзÑ ¸ âÍÀÒʼèͧ¶èͧʡŠ/
-ï ¹éÍÁà¡ÅéÒà·Ô´Í§¤ìÃҪѹÈÃѹÂìÈÃÕ /
-ºÒÃÁÕËÁ×蹤Ù褧Íʧä¢Â /
-¡ÃôÔÃÒª¡ÄɮҡéͧËÅéÒä¡Å /
-=head2 Verbatim Section
-And as a verbatim section:
- ï ¾ÃÐàÁµµÒá¨èÁ¨Ñºã¨ä¼·ÊÂÒÁ
- ¾ÃзѧÒÁ...ÁͧÀÒ¾¶èÒÂÁÔ¶èÒ¶͹
- à¡ÅéÒÏ ¹éÍÁà¡ÅéÒÏ ¾¨¹ìàÃÕ§༴Õ§¡Å͹
- Ê×èÍÊзé͹¾ÃСÒÃسÂìÍØ蹴ǧÁÒ¹ú
- ï ·Ø¡ÀÒ¾ÁÔè§Á§¤ÅÂÅáÅéÇÂÔéÁ
- ÍÂÒ¡à»ç¹¤Ø³·Í§á´§¹Ñ¡¨Ñ¡ÍÂÙè§Ò¹
- ï ¾ÃÐËѵ¶ìºØ­·Ã§àºÔ¡ËÅéÒ¾ÅÔ¡ËÅéÒà¢ÕÂÇ
- ¾ÃзÑ ¸ âÍÀÒʼèͧ¶èͧʡÅ
- ¾ÃÐÂؤźҷÂèÒ§Ê׺ÊÃéÒ§ä·Âú
- ï ¹éÍÁà¡ÅéÒà·Ô´Í§¤ìÃҪѹÈÃѹÂìÈÃÕ
- ºÒÃÁÕËÁ×蹤Ù褧Íʧä¢Â
- ¡ÃôÔÃÒª¡ÄɮҡéͧËÅéÒä¡Å
- »Å×éÁ»ÃзѺ¶éǹ·Ø¡ã¨áËè§ä·éàÍÂúÐû
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/thai_iso11.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/thai_iso11.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f4bb7a6e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus/thai_iso11.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- Khun::Thong::Dang -- a test Thai document in ISO-8859-11
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This is a test Pod document in ISO-8859-11. Its content
- is a poem to (by?) Khun Thong Dang (&#3616;&#3634;&#3614;&#3617;&#3636;&#3656;&#3591;&#3617;&#3591;&#3588;&#3621;),
- the pet of Bhumibol, the King of Thailand.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="14">
- As four flowed paragraphs:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="16">
- &#3663; &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3648;&#3617;&#3605;&#3605;&#3634;&#3649;&#3592;&#3656;&#3617;&#3592;&#3633;&#3610;&#3651;&#3592;&#3652;&#3612;&#3607;&#3626;&#3618;&#3634;&#3617;
- / &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3607;&#3633;&#3618;&#3591;&#3634;&#3617;...&#3617;&#3629;&#3591;&#3616;&#3634;&#3614;&#3606;&#3656;&#3634;&#3618;&#3617;&#3636;&#3606;&#3656;&#3634;&#3618;&#3606;&#3629;&#3609;
- / &#3648;&#3585;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3631; &#3609;&#3657;&#3629;&#3617;&#3648;&#3585;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3631;
- &#3614;&#3592;&#3609;&#3660;&#3648;&#3619;&#3637;&#3618;&#3591;&#3648;&#3612;&#3604;&#3637;&#3618;&#3591;&#3585;&#3621;&#3629;&#3609;
- / &#3626;&#3639;&#3656;&#3629;&#3626;&#3632;&#3607;&#3657;&#3629;&#3609;&#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3585;&#3634;&#3619;&#3640;&#3603;&#3618;&#3660;&#3629;&#3640;&#3656;&#3609;&#3604;&#3623;&#3591;&#3617;&#3634;&#3609;&#3674;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="21">
- &#3663; &#3607;&#3640;&#3585;&#3616;&#3634;&#3614;&#3617;&#3636;&#3656;&#3591;&#3617;&#3591;&#3588;&#3621;&#3618;&#3621;&#3649;&#3621;&#3657;&#3623;&#3618;&#3636;&#3657;&#3617;
- / &#3648;&#3629;&#3639;&#3657;&#3629;&#3629;&#3585;&#3629;&#3636;&#3656;&#3617;&#3621;&#3657;&#3635;&#3588;&#3656;&#3634;&#3617;&#3627;&#3634;&#3624;&#3634;&#3621;
- / &#3629;&#3618;&#3634;&#3585;&#3648;&#3611;&#3655;&#3609;&#3588;&#3640;&#3603;&#3607;&#3629;&#3591;&#3649;&#3604;&#3591;&#3609;&#3633;&#3585;&#3592;&#3633;&#3585;&#3629;&#3618;&#3641;&#3656;&#3591;&#3634;&#3609;
- / &#3648;&#3613;&#3657;&#3634;&#3588;&#3621;&#3629;&#3648;&#3588;&#3621;&#3637;&#3618;&#3610;&#3607;&#3617;&#3634;&#3621;&#3618;&#3660;&#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3616;&#3641;&#3617;&#3636;&#3614;&#3621;&#3674;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="26">
- &#3663; &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3627;&#3633;&#3605;&#3606;&#3660;&#3610;&#3640;&#3597;&#3607;&#3619;&#3591;&#3648;&#3610;&#3636;&#3585;&#3627;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3614;&#3621;&#3636;&#3585;&#3627;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3648;&#3586;&#3637;&#3618;&#3623;
- / &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3650;&#3629;&#3625;&#3600;&#3660;&#3648;&#3619;&#3637;&#3618;&#3623;&#3605;&#3619;&#3633;&#3626;&#3627;&#3657;&#3634;&#3617;&#3626;&#3591;&#3588;&#3619;&#3634;&#3617;&#3593;&#3621;
- / &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3607;&#3633;&#3618; &#3608; &#3650;&#3629;&#3616;&#3634;&#3626;&#3612;&#3656;&#3629;&#3591;&#3606;&#3656;&#3629;&#3591;&#3626;&#3585;&#3621;
- / &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3618;&#3640;&#3588;&#3621;&#3610;&#3634;&#3607;&#3618;&#3656;&#3634;&#3591;&#3626;&#3639;&#3610;&#3626;&#3619;&#3657;&#3634;&#3591;&#3652;&#3607;&#3618;&#3674;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="31">
- &#3663; &#3609;&#3657;&#3629;&#3617;&#3648;&#3585;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3648;&#3607;&#3636;&#3604;&#3629;&#3591;&#3588;&#3660;&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3633;&#3609;&#3624;&#3619;&#3633;&#3609;&#3618;&#3660;&#3624;&#3619;&#3637;
- / &#3610;&#3634;&#3619;&#3617;&#3637;&#3627;&#3617;&#3639;&#3656;&#3609;&#3588;&#3641;&#3656;&#3588;&#3591;&#3629;&#3626;&#3591;&#3652;&#3586;&#3618;
- / &#3585;&#3619;&#3619;&#3604;&#3636;&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3585;&#3620;&#3625;&#3598;&#3634;&#3585;&#3657;&#3629;&#3591;&#3627;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3652;&#3585;&#3621;
- / &#3611;&#3621;&#3639;&#3657;&#3617;&#3611;&#3619;&#3632;&#3607;&#3633;&#3610;&#3606;&#3657;&#3623;&#3609;&#3607;&#3640;&#3585;&#3651;&#3592;&#3649;&#3627;&#3656;&#3591;&#3652;&#3607;&#3657;&#3648;&#3629;&#3618;&#3674;&#3632;&#3675;
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="36">
- Verbatim Section
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="38">
- And as a verbatim section:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="40" xml:space="preserve">
- &#3663; &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3648;&#3617;&#3605;&#3605;&#3634;&#3649;&#3592;&#3656;&#3617;&#3592;&#3633;&#3610;&#3651;&#3592;&#3652;&#3612;&#3607;&#3626;&#3618;&#3634;&#3617;
- &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3607;&#3633;&#3618;&#3591;&#3634;&#3617;...&#3617;&#3629;&#3591;&#3616;&#3634;&#3614;&#3606;&#3656;&#3634;&#3618;&#3617;&#3636;&#3606;&#3656;&#3634;&#3618;&#3606;&#3629;&#3609;
- &#3648;&#3585;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3631; &#3609;&#3657;&#3629;&#3617;&#3648;&#3585;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3631;
- &#3614;&#3592;&#3609;&#3660;&#3648;&#3619;&#3637;&#3618;&#3591;&#3648;&#3612;&#3604;&#3637;&#3618;&#3591;&#3585;&#3621;&#3629;&#3609;
- &#3626;&#3639;&#3656;&#3629;&#3626;&#3632;&#3607;&#3657;&#3629;&#3609;&#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3585;&#3634;&#3619;&#3640;&#3603;&#3618;&#3660;&#3629;&#3640;&#3656;&#3609;&#3604;&#3623;&#3591;&#3617;&#3634;&#3609;&#3674;
- &#3663; &#3607;&#3640;&#3585;&#3616;&#3634;&#3614;&#3617;&#3636;&#3656;&#3591;&#3617;&#3591;&#3588;&#3621;&#3618;&#3621;&#3649;&#3621;&#3657;&#3623;&#3618;&#3636;&#3657;&#3617;
- &#3648;&#3629;&#3639;&#3657;&#3629;&#3629;&#3585;&#3629;&#3636;&#3656;&#3617;&#3621;&#3657;&#3635;&#3588;&#3656;&#3634;&#3617;&#3627;&#3634;&#3624;&#3634;&#3621;
- &#3629;&#3618;&#3634;&#3585;&#3648;&#3611;&#3655;&#3609;&#3588;&#3640;&#3603;&#3607;&#3629;&#3591;&#3649;&#3604;&#3591;&#3609;&#3633;&#3585;&#3592;&#3633;&#3585;&#3629;&#3618;&#3641;&#3656;&#3591;&#3634;&#3609;
- &#3648;&#3613;&#3657;&#3634;&#3588;&#3621;&#3629;&#3648;&#3588;&#3621;&#3637;&#3618;&#3610;&#3607;&#3617;&#3634;&#3621;&#3618;&#3660;&#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3616;&#3641;&#3617;&#3636;&#3614;&#3621;&#3674;
- &#3663; &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3627;&#3633;&#3605;&#3606;&#3660;&#3610;&#3640;&#3597;&#3607;&#3619;&#3591;&#3648;&#3610;&#3636;&#3585;&#3627;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3614;&#3621;&#3636;&#3585;&#3627;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3648;&#3586;&#3637;&#3618;&#3623;
- &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3650;&#3629;&#3625;&#3600;&#3660;&#3648;&#3619;&#3637;&#3618;&#3623;&#3605;&#3619;&#3633;&#3626;&#3627;&#3657;&#3634;&#3617;&#3626;&#3591;&#3588;&#3619;&#3634;&#3617;&#3593;&#3621;
- &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3607;&#3633;&#3618; &#3608; &#3650;&#3629;&#3616;&#3634;&#3626;&#3612;&#3656;&#3629;&#3591;&#3606;&#3656;&#3629;&#3591;&#3626;&#3585;&#3621;
- &#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3618;&#3640;&#3588;&#3621;&#3610;&#3634;&#3607;&#3618;&#3656;&#3634;&#3591;&#3626;&#3639;&#3610;&#3626;&#3619;&#3657;&#3634;&#3591;&#3652;&#3607;&#3618;&#3674;
- &#3663; &#3609;&#3657;&#3629;&#3617;&#3648;&#3585;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3648;&#3607;&#3636;&#3604;&#3629;&#3591;&#3588;&#3660;&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3633;&#3609;&#3624;&#3619;&#3633;&#3609;&#3618;&#3660;&#3624;&#3619;&#3637;
- &#3610;&#3634;&#3619;&#3617;&#3637;&#3627;&#3617;&#3639;&#3656;&#3609;&#3588;&#3641;&#3656;&#3588;&#3591;&#3629;&#3626;&#3591;&#3652;&#3586;&#3618;
- &#3585;&#3619;&#3619;&#3604;&#3636;&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3585;&#3620;&#3625;&#3598;&#3634;&#3585;&#3657;&#3629;&#3591;&#3627;&#3621;&#3657;&#3634;&#3652;&#3585;&#3621;
- &#3611;&#3621;&#3639;&#3657;&#3617;&#3611;&#3619;&#3632;&#3607;&#3633;&#3610;&#3606;&#3657;&#3623;&#3609;&#3607;&#3640;&#3585;&#3651;&#3592;&#3649;&#3627;&#3656;&#3591;&#3652;&#3607;&#3657;&#3648;&#3629;&#3618;&#3674;&#3632;&#3675;
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="60">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/fiqhakbar_iso6.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/fiqhakbar_iso6.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index db124abbee..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/fiqhakbar_iso6.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-=encoding iso-8859-6
-=head1 NAME
-åÊæ Çäáâç ÇäÇãÈÑ -- test document: "al-Fiqh al-Akbar" as ISO-8859-6
-This document is Abu Hanifah's "al-Fiqh al-Akbar" as ISO-8859-6, presented
-as an item-number list:
-åÊæ Çäáâç ÇäÇãÈÑ
-ÇäåæÓèÈ Çäé ÇÈê ÍæêáÉ ÇäæÙåÇæ Èæ ËÇÈÊ
-=item 1
-äÇ æãáÑ ÃÍÏÇ ÈÐæÈ èäÇ ææáê ÃÍÏÇ åæ ÇäÇêåÇæ .
-=item 2
-ÅæÇ æÃåÑ ÈÇäåÙÑèá èææçê Ùæ ÇäåæãÑ .
-=item 3
-èÇÙäå Ãæ åÇ ÃÕÇÈã äå êãæ äêÎ×Æã ¬ èåÇ ÃÎ×Ãã äå êãæ äêÕêÈã .
-=item 4
-äÇ æÊÈÑà åæ ÃÍÏ åæ ÃÕÍÇÈ ÑÓèä Çääç Õäé Çääç Ùäêç èÓäå èäÇ êÊèÇäé ÃÍÏ Ïèæ ÃÍÏ .
-=item 5
-ÅæÇ æÑÏ ÃåÑ ÙËåÇæ èÙäê Çäé Çääç èçè ÙÇäå ÇäÓÑ èÇäÎáêÇÊ .
-=item 6
-Çäáâç áê ÇäÏêæ ÃáÖä åæ Çäáâç áê ÇäÙäå .
-=item 7
-èÇÎÊäÇá ÇäÇåÉ ÑÍåÉ .
-=item 8
-åæ Âåæ ÈÌåêÙ åÇ êÄåÑ Èç ÇäÇ Ãæç âÇä äÇ ÃÙÑá åèÓé èÙêÓé ÙäêçåÇ ÇäÓäÇå Ãåæ ÇäåÑÓäêæ Ãå åæ ÚêÑ ÇäåÑÓäêæ áÅæç êãáÑ .
-=item 9
-åæ âÇä äÇ ÃÙÑá Çääç Ãáê ÇäÓåÇÁ Ãå áê ÇäÇÑÖ áâÏ ãáÑ .
-=item 10
-åæ âÇä äÇ ÃÙÑá ÙÐÇÈ ÇäâÈÑ áçè åæ Çä×ÈâÉ ÇäÌçåêÉ èÇäçÇäãêÉ .
-And now run together as a paragraph:
-äÇ æãáÑ ÃÍÏÇ ÈÐæÈ èäÇ ææáê ÃÍÏÇ åæ ÇäÇêåÇæ .
-ÅæÇ æÃåÑ ÈÇäåÙÑèá èææçê Ùæ ÇäåæãÑ .
-èÇÙäå Ãæ åÇ ÃÕÇÈã äå êãæ äêÎ×Æã ¬ èåÇ ÃÎ×Ãã äå êãæ äêÕêÈã .
-äÇ æÊÈÑà åæ ÃÍÏ åæ ÃÕÍÇÈ ÑÓèä Çääç Õäé Çääç Ùäêç èÓäå èäÇ êÊèÇäé ÃÍÏ Ïèæ ÃÍÏ .
-ÅæÇ æÑÏ ÃåÑ ÙËåÇæ èÙäê Çäé Çääç èçè ÙÇäå ÇäÓÑ èÇäÎáêÇÊ .
-Çäáâç áê ÇäÏêæ ÃáÖä åæ Çäáâç áê ÇäÙäå .
-èÇÎÊäÇá ÇäÇåÉ ÑÍåÉ .
-åæ Âåæ ÈÌåêÙ åÇ êÄåÑ Èç ÇäÇ Ãæç âÇä äÇ ÃÙÑá åèÓé èÙêÓé ÙäêçåÇ ÇäÓäÇå Ãåæ ÇäåÑÓäêæ Ãå åæ ÚêÑ ÇäåÑÓäêæ áÅæç êãáÑ .
-åæ âÇä äÇ ÃÙÑá Çääç Ãáê ÇäÓåÇÁ Ãå áê ÇäÇÑÖ áâÏ ãáÑ .
-åæ âÇä äÇ ÃÙÑá ÙÐÇÈ ÇäâÈÑ áçè åæ Çä×ÈâÉ ÇäÌçåêÉ èÇäçÇäãêÉ .
-And now the first three as a verbatim section:
- äÇ æãáÑ ÃÍÏÇ ÈÐæÈ èäÇ ææáê ÃÍÏÇ åæ ÇäÇêåÇæ .
- ÅæÇ æÃåÑ ÈÇäåÙÑèá èææçê Ùæ ÇäåæãÑ .
- èÇÙäå Ãæ åÇ ÃÕÇÈã äå êãæ äêÎ×Æã ¬ èåÇ ÃÎ×Ãã äå êãæ äêÕêÈã .
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/fiqhakbar_iso6.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/fiqhakbar_iso6.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff04978d2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/fiqhakbar_iso6.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="4">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="6">
- &#1605;&#1578;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1601;&#1602;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1603;&#1576;&#1585; -- test document:
- &#34;al-Fiqh al-Akbar&#34; as ISO-8859-6
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="8">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="10">
- This document is Abu Hanifah&#39;s &#34;al-Fiqh al-Akbar&#34;
- as ISO-8859-6, presented as an item-number list:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="13">
- &#1605;&#1578;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1601;&#1602;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1603;&#1576;&#1585;
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="15">
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1606;&#1587;&#1608;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1609;
- &#1575;&#1576;&#1610; &#1581;&#1606;&#1610;&#1601;&#1577;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1606;&#1593;&#1605;&#1575;&#1606; &#1576;&#1606;
- &#1579;&#1575;&#1576;&#1578;
- </Para>
- <over-number indent="4" start_line="17">
- <item-number number="1" start_line="19">
- &#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1603;&#1601;&#1585; &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;&#1575;
- &#1576;&#1584;&#1606;&#1576; &#1608;&#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1606;&#1601;&#1610;
- &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;&#1575; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1610;&#1605;&#1575;&#1606;
- .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="2" start_line="23">
- &#1573;&#1606;&#1575; &#1606;&#1571;&#1605;&#1585; &#1576;&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1593;&#1585;&#1608;&#1601;
- &#1608;&#1606;&#1606;&#1607;&#1610; &#1593;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1606;&#1603;&#1585;
- .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="3" start_line="27">
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1593;&#1604;&#1605; &#1571;&#1606; &#1605;&#1575;
- &#1571;&#1589;&#1575;&#1576;&#1603; &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1603;&#1606;
- &#1604;&#1610;&#1582;&#1591;&#1574;&#1603; &#1548; &#1608;&#1605;&#1575;
- &#1571;&#1582;&#1591;&#1571;&#1603; &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1603;&#1606;
- &#1604;&#1610;&#1589;&#1610;&#1576;&#1603; .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="4" start_line="31">
- &#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1578;&#1576;&#1585;&#1571; &#1605;&#1606;
- &#1571;&#1581;&#1583; &#1605;&#1606; &#1571;&#1589;&#1581;&#1575;&#1576;
- &#1585;&#1587;&#1608;&#1604; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;
- &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605; &#1608;&#1604;&#1575; &#1610;&#1578;&#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1609;
- &#1571;&#1581;&#1583; &#1583;&#1608;&#1606; &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;
- .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="5" start_line="35">
- &#1573;&#1606;&#1575; &#1606;&#1585;&#1583; &#1571;&#1605;&#1585;
- &#1593;&#1579;&#1605;&#1575;&#1606; &#1608;&#1593;&#1604;&#1610;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1608;&#1607;&#1608;
- &#1593;&#1575;&#1604;&#1605; &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1582;&#1601;&#1610;&#1575;&#1578;
- .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="6" start_line="39">
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1601;&#1602;&#1607; &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1583;&#1610;&#1606;
- &#1571;&#1601;&#1590;&#1604; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1601;&#1602;&#1607;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1604;&#1605; .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="7" start_line="43">
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1582;&#1578;&#1604;&#1575;&#1601; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1577;
- &#1585;&#1581;&#1605;&#1577; .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="8" start_line="47">
- &#1605;&#1606; &#1570;&#1605;&#1606; &#1576;&#1580;&#1605;&#1610;&#1593;
- &#1605;&#1575; &#1610;&#1572;&#1605;&#1585; &#1576;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1606;&#1607; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604;
- &#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1593;&#1585;&#1601; &#1605;&#1608;&#1587;&#1609;
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1610;&#1587;&#1609; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;&#1605;&#1575;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605; &#1571;&#1605;&#1606;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1585;&#1587;&#1604;&#1610;&#1606;
- &#1571;&#1605; &#1605;&#1606; &#1594;&#1610;&#1585; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1585;&#1587;&#1604;&#1610;&#1606;
- &#1601;&#1573;&#1606;&#1607; &#1610;&#1603;&#1601;&#1585;
- .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="9" start_line="51">
- &#1605;&#1606; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1593;&#1585;&#1601;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1571;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1605;&#1575;&#1569;
- &#1571;&#1605; &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1590;
- &#1601;&#1602;&#1583; &#1603;&#1601;&#1585; .
- </item-number>
- <item-number number="10" start_line="55">
- &#1605;&#1606; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1593;&#1585;&#1601;
- &#1593;&#1584;&#1575;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1602;&#1576;&#1585;
- &#1601;&#1607;&#1608; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1602;&#1577;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1607;&#1605;&#1610;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1607;&#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1610;&#1577;
- .
- </item-number>
- </over-number>
- <Para start_line="61">
- And now run together as a paragraph:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="63">
- &#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1603;&#1601;&#1585; &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;&#1575;
- &#1576;&#1584;&#1606;&#1576; &#1608;&#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1606;&#1601;&#1610;
- &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;&#1575; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1610;&#1605;&#1575;&#1606;
- . &#1573;&#1606;&#1575; &#1606;&#1571;&#1605;&#1585; &#1576;&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1593;&#1585;&#1608;&#1601;
- &#1608;&#1606;&#1606;&#1607;&#1610; &#1593;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1606;&#1603;&#1585;
- . &#1608;&#1575;&#1593;&#1604;&#1605; &#1571;&#1606; &#1605;&#1575;
- &#1571;&#1589;&#1575;&#1576;&#1603; &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1603;&#1606;
- &#1604;&#1610;&#1582;&#1591;&#1574;&#1603; &#1548; &#1608;&#1605;&#1575;
- &#1571;&#1582;&#1591;&#1571;&#1603; &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1603;&#1606;
- &#1604;&#1610;&#1589;&#1610;&#1576;&#1603; . &#1604;&#1575;
- &#1606;&#1578;&#1576;&#1585;&#1571; &#1605;&#1606; &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;
- &#1605;&#1606; &#1571;&#1589;&#1581;&#1575;&#1576; &#1585;&#1587;&#1608;&#1604;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;
- &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607; &#1608;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;
- &#1608;&#1604;&#1575; &#1610;&#1578;&#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1609;
- &#1571;&#1581;&#1583; &#1583;&#1608;&#1606; &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;
- . &#1573;&#1606;&#1575; &#1606;&#1585;&#1583; &#1571;&#1605;&#1585;
- &#1593;&#1579;&#1605;&#1575;&#1606; &#1608;&#1593;&#1604;&#1610;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1608;&#1607;&#1608;
- &#1593;&#1575;&#1604;&#1605; &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1585;
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1582;&#1601;&#1610;&#1575;&#1578;
- . &#1575;&#1604;&#1601;&#1602;&#1607; &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1583;&#1610;&#1606;
- &#1571;&#1601;&#1590;&#1604; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1601;&#1602;&#1607;
- &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1604;&#1605; . &#1608;&#1575;&#1582;&#1578;&#1604;&#1575;&#1601;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1577; &#1585;&#1581;&#1605;&#1577;
- . &#1605;&#1606; &#1570;&#1605;&#1606; &#1576;&#1580;&#1605;&#1610;&#1593;
- &#1605;&#1575; &#1610;&#1572;&#1605;&#1585; &#1576;&#1607;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1606;&#1607; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604;
- &#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1593;&#1585;&#1601; &#1605;&#1608;&#1587;&#1609;
- &#1608;&#1593;&#1610;&#1587;&#1609; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607;&#1605;&#1575;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605; &#1571;&#1605;&#1606;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1585;&#1587;&#1604;&#1610;&#1606;
- &#1571;&#1605; &#1605;&#1606; &#1594;&#1610;&#1585; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1585;&#1587;&#1604;&#1610;&#1606;
- &#1601;&#1573;&#1606;&#1607; &#1610;&#1603;&#1601;&#1585;
- . &#1605;&#1606; &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1593;&#1585;&#1601;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1571;&#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1605;&#1575;&#1569;
- &#1571;&#1605; &#1601;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1590;
- &#1601;&#1602;&#1583; &#1603;&#1601;&#1585; . &#1605;&#1606;
- &#1602;&#1575;&#1604; &#1604;&#1575; &#1571;&#1593;&#1585;&#1601;
- &#1593;&#1584;&#1575;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1602;&#1576;&#1585;
- &#1601;&#1607;&#1608; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1591;&#1576;&#1602;&#1577;
- &#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1607;&#1605;&#1610;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1607;&#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1610;&#1577;
- .
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="74">
- And now the first three as a verbatim section:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="76" xml:space="preserve">
- &#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1603;&#1601;&#1585; &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;&#1575;
- &#1576;&#1584;&#1606;&#1576; &#1608;&#1604;&#1575; &#1606;&#1606;&#1601;&#1610;
- &#1571;&#1581;&#1583;&#1575; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1610;&#1605;&#1575;&#1606;
- .
- &#1573;&#1606;&#1575; &#1606;&#1571;&#1605;&#1585; &#1576;&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1593;&#1585;&#1608;&#1601;
- &#1608;&#1606;&#1606;&#1607;&#1610; &#1593;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1606;&#1603;&#1585;
- .
- &#1608;&#1575;&#1593;&#1604;&#1605; &#1571;&#1606; &#1605;&#1575;
- &#1571;&#1589;&#1575;&#1576;&#1603; &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1603;&#1606;
- &#1604;&#1610;&#1582;&#1591;&#1574;&#1603; &#1548; &#1608;&#1605;&#1575;
- &#1571;&#1582;&#1591;&#1571;&#1603; &#1604;&#1605; &#1610;&#1603;&#1606;
- &#1604;&#1610;&#1589;&#1610;&#1576;&#1603; .
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="80">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_implicit_utf8.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_implicit_utf8.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 54c41599ee..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_implicit_utf8.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-WŚRÓD NOCNEJ CISZY -- implicitly utf8 test document in Polish
-This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the lyrics to
-the Polish Christmas carol "Wśród nocnej ciszy".
-Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi: /
-Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi! /
-Czym prędzej się wybierajcie, /
-Do Betlejem pospieszajcie /
-Przywitać Pana.
-Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie /
-Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. /
-Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali, /
-A witając zawołali /
-Z wielkiej radości:
-Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany, /
-Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany /
-Na Ciebie króle, prorocy /
-Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy /
-Nam się objawił.
-I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, /
-A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana, /
-Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…, /
-Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną /
-Chleba i wina.
-=head2 As Verbatim
-And now as verbatim text:
- Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi:
- Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi!
- Czym prędzej się wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywitać Pana.
- Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali,
- A witając zawołali
- Z wielkiej radości:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany,
- Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany
- Na Ciebie króle, prorocy
- Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy
- Nam się objawił.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…,
- Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną
- Chleba i wina.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf16be_bom.txt.packed b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf16be_bom.txt.packed
deleted file mode 100644
index bf333c899b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf16be_bom.txt.packed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-This is a binary file that was packed with the '' which
-is included in the Perl distribution.
-To unpack this file use the following command:
- -u polish_utf16be_bom.txt.packed polish_utf16be_bom.txt
-To recreate it use the following command:
- -p polish_utf16be_bom.txt polish_utf16be_bom.txt.packed
-Created at Thu Mar 22 13:56:57 2007
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf16le_bom.txt.packed b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf16le_bom.txt.packed
deleted file mode 100644
index d7d3a19eba..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf16le_bom.txt.packed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-This is a binary file that was packed with the '' which
-is included in the Perl distribution.
-To unpack this file use the following command:
- -u polish_utf16le_bom.txt.packed polish_utf16le_bom.txt
-To recreate it use the following command:
- -p polish_utf16le_bom.txt polish_utf16le_bom.txt.packed
-Created at Thu Mar 22 14:01:47 2007
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d15a122fe6..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-WŚRÓD NOCNEJ CISZY -- implicitly utf8 test document in Polish
-This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the lyrics to
-the Polish Christmas carol "Wśród nocnej ciszy".
-Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi: /
-Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi! /
-Czym prędzej się wybierajcie, /
-Do Betlejem pospieszajcie /
-Przywitać Pana.
-Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie /
-Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. /
-Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali, /
-A witając zawołali /
-Z wielkiej radości:
-Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany, /
-Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany /
-Na Ciebie króle, prorocy /
-Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy /
-Nam się objawił.
-I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, /
-A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana, /
-Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…, /
-Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną /
-Chleba i wina.
-=head2 As Verbatim
-And now as verbatim text:
- Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi:
- Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi!
- Czym prędzej się wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywitać Pana.
- Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali,
- A witając zawołali
- Z wielkiej radości:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany,
- Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany
- Na Ciebie króle, prorocy
- Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy
- Nam się objawił.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…,
- Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną
- Chleba i wina.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 08a114555d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="2">
- <head1 start_line="2">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- W&#197;&#154;R&#195;&#147;D NOCNEJ CISZY -- implicitly utf8
- test document in Polish
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the
- lyrics to the Polish Christmas carol &#34;W&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d
- nocnej ciszy&#34;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="11">
- W&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d nocnej ciszy g&#197;&#130;os
- si&#196;&#153; rozchodzi: / Wsta&#197;&#132;cie, pasterze,
- B&#195;&#179;g si&#196;&#153; nam rodzi! / Czym pr&#196;&#153;dzej
- si&#196;&#153; wybierajcie, / Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- / Przywita&#196;&#135; Pana.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
- Poszli, znale&#197;&#186;li Dzieci&#196; tko w &#197;&#188;&#197;&#130;obie
- / Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. / Jako Bogu cze&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135;
- Mu dali, / A witaj&#196; c zawo&#197;&#130;ali / Z wielkiej
- rado&#197;&#155;ci:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="23">
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno &#197;&#188;&#196; dany, / Wiele
- tysi&#196;&#153;cy lat wygl&#196; dany / Na Ciebie kr&#195;&#179;le,
- prorocy / Czekali, a Ty&#197;&#155; tej nocy / Nam si&#196;&#153;
- objawi&#197;&#130;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="29">
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, / A skoro przyjdziesz na g&#197;&#130;os
- kap&#197;&#130;ana, / Padniemy na twarz przed Tob&#196;
- , / Wierz&#196; c, &#197;&#188;e&#197;&#155; jest pod os&#197;&#130;on&#196;
- / Chleba i wina.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="35">
- As Verbatim
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="37">
- And now as verbatim text:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="39" xml:space="preserve">
- W&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d nocnej ciszy g&#197;&#130;os
- si&#196;&#153; rozchodzi:
- Wsta&#197;&#132;cie, pasterze, B&#195;&#179;g si&#196;&#153;
- nam rodzi!
- Czym pr&#196;&#153;dzej si&#196;&#153; wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywita&#196;&#135; Pana.
- Poszli, znale&#197;&#186;li Dzieci&#196;&#133;tko w &#197;&#188;&#197;&#130;obie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cze&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135; Mu dali,
- A witaj&#196;&#133;c zawo&#197;&#130;ali
- Z wielkiej rado&#197;&#155;ci:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno &#197;&#188;&#196;&#133;dany,
- Wiele tysi&#196;&#153;cy lat wygl&#196;&#133;dany
- Na Ciebie kr&#195;&#179;le, prorocy
- Czekali, a Ty&#197;&#155; tej nocy
- Nam si&#196;&#153; objawi&#197;&#130;.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na g&#197;&#130;os kap&#197;&#130;ana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed Tob&#196;&#133;,
- Wierz&#196;&#133;c, &#197;&#188;e&#197;&#155; jest pod
- os&#197;&#130;on&#196;&#133;
- Chleba i wina.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="63">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom2.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 20b0410538..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-WŚRÓD NOCNEJ CISZY -- implicitly utf8 test document in Polish
-This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the lyrics to
-the Polish Christmas carol "Wśród nocnej ciszy".
-Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi: /
-Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi! /
-Czym prędzej się wybierajcie, /
-Do Betlejem pospieszajcie /
-Przywitać Pana.
-Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie /
-Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. /
-Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali, /
-A witając zawołali /
-Z wielkiej radości:
-Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany, /
-Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany /
-Na Ciebie króle, prorocy /
-Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy /
-Nam się objawił.
-I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, /
-A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana, /
-Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…, /
-Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną /
-Chleba i wina.
-=head2 As Verbatim
-And now as verbatim text:
- Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi:
- Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi!
- Czym prędzej się wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywitać Pana.
- Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali,
- A witając zawołali
- Z wielkiej radości:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno żądany,
- Wiele tysięcy lat wyglądany
- Na Ciebie króle, prorocy
- Czekali, a TyÅ› tej nocy
- Nam się objawił.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed TobÄ…,
- Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną
- Chleba i wina.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom2.xml b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8439ea1590..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/corpus2/polish_utf8_bom2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<Document start_line="1">
- <head1 start_line="1">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="4">
- W&#197;&#154;R&#195;&#147;D NOCNEJ CISZY -- implicitly utf8
- test document in Polish
- </Para>
- <head1 start_line="6">
- </head1>
- <Para start_line="8">
- This is a test Pod document in UTF8. Its content is the
- lyrics to the Polish Christmas carol &#34;W&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d
- nocnej ciszy&#34;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="11">
- W&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d nocnej ciszy g&#197;&#130;os
- si&#196;&#153; rozchodzi: / Wsta&#197;&#132;cie, pasterze,
- B&#195;&#179;g si&#196;&#153; nam rodzi! / Czym pr&#196;&#153;dzej
- si&#196;&#153; wybierajcie, / Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- / Przywita&#196;&#135; Pana.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="17">
- Poszli, znale&#197;&#186;li Dzieci&#196; tko w &#197;&#188;&#197;&#130;obie
- / Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. / Jako Bogu cze&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135;
- Mu dali, / A witaj&#196; c zawo&#197;&#130;ali / Z wielkiej
- rado&#197;&#155;ci:
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="23">
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno &#197;&#188;&#196; dany, / Wiele
- tysi&#196;&#153;cy lat wygl&#196; dany / Na Ciebie kr&#195;&#179;le,
- prorocy / Czekali, a Ty&#197;&#155; tej nocy / Nam si&#196;&#153;
- objawi&#197;&#130;.
- </Para>
- <Para start_line="29">
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana, / A skoro przyjdziesz na g&#197;&#130;os
- kap&#197;&#130;ana, / Padniemy na twarz przed Tob&#196;
- , / Wierz&#196; c, &#197;&#188;e&#197;&#155; jest pod os&#197;&#130;on&#196;
- / Chleba i wina.
- </Para>
- <head2 start_line="35">
- As Verbatim
- </head2>
- <Para start_line="37">
- And now as verbatim text:
- </Para>
- <VerbatimFormatted start_line="39" xml:space="preserve">
- W&#197;&#155;r&#195;&#179;d nocnej ciszy g&#197;&#130;os
- si&#196;&#153; rozchodzi:
- Wsta&#197;&#132;cie, pasterze, B&#195;&#179;g si&#196;&#153;
- nam rodzi!
- Czym pr&#196;&#153;dzej si&#196;&#153; wybierajcie,
- Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
- Przywita&#196;&#135; Pana.
- Poszli, znale&#197;&#186;li Dzieci&#196;&#133;tko w &#197;&#188;&#197;&#130;obie
- Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
- Jako Bogu cze&#197;&#155;&#196;&#135; Mu dali,
- A witaj&#196;&#133;c zawo&#197;&#130;ali
- Z wielkiej rado&#197;&#155;ci:
- Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawno &#197;&#188;&#196;&#133;dany,
- Wiele tysi&#196;&#153;cy lat wygl&#196;&#133;dany
- Na Ciebie kr&#195;&#179;le, prorocy
- Czekali, a Ty&#197;&#155; tej nocy
- Nam si&#196;&#153; objawi&#197;&#130;.
- I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
- A skoro przyjdziesz na g&#197;&#130;os kap&#197;&#130;ana,
- Padniemy na twarz przed Tob&#196;&#133;,
- Wierz&#196;&#133;c, &#197;&#188;e&#197;&#155; jest pod
- os&#197;&#130;on&#196;&#133;
- Chleba i wina.
- </VerbatimFormatted>
- <Para start_line="63">
- [end]
- </Para>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod01.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod01.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe9b9f238..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod01.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-use Test;
-use File::Spec;
-#use utf8;
-use strict;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }
-use Pod::Simple;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-my $thefile;
- # Find the path to the test source files. This requires some fiddling when
-# these tests are run as part of Perl core.
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir ($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't', 'corpus');
- return File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
- if( -e
- ($thefile = source_path('nonesuch.txt'))
- #or (print("# Nope, not $thefile\n"), 0)
- ) {
- # okay,
- } elsif( -e
- ($thefile = File::Spec::->catfile( File::Spec::->curdir, 'corpus', 'nonesuch.txt' ))
- #or (print("# Nope, not $thefile\n"), 0)
- ) {
- # okay,
- } elsif (-e
- ($thefile = File::Spec::->catfile( File::Spec::->curdir, 't', 'corpus', 'nonesuch.txt' ))
- #or (print("# Nope, not $thefile\n"), 0)
- ) {
- # okay,
- } else {
- die "Can't find the corpus directory\n Aborting";
- }
-print "# Testing that $thefile parses right.\n";
-my $outstring;
- my $p = Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->new;
- $p->output_string( \$outstring );
- $p->parse_file( $thefile );
- undef $p;
-ok 1 ; # make sure it parsed at all
-ok( $outstring && length($outstring) ); # make sure it parsed to something.
-#print $outstring;
-ok( $outstring =~ m/Blorp/ );
-ok( $outstring =~ m/errata/ );
-ok( $outstring =~ m/unsupported/ );
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod02.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod02.t
deleted file mode 100644
index de75ef0fa2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod02.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-my @output_lines = split m/[\cm\cj]+/, Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out( q{
-=encoding koi8-r
-=head1 NAME
-ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading"
-} );
-if(grep m/Unknown directive/i, @output_lines ) {
- ok 0;
- print "# I saw an Unknown directive warning here! :\n",
- map("#==> $_\n", @output_lines), "#\n#\n";
-} else {
- ok 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-print "# Now a control group, to make sure that =fishbladder DOES\n",
- "# cause an 'unknown directive' error...\n";
-my @output_lines = split m/[\cm\cj]+/, Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out( q{
-=head1 NAME
-Fet's "When you were reading"
-} );
-if(grep m/Unknown directive/i, @output_lines ) {
- ok 1;
-} else {
- ok 0;
- print "# But I didn't see an Unknows directive warning here! :\n",
- map("#==> $_\n", @output_lines), "#\n#\n";
-print "#\n# And one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod03.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod03.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a058ce7b84..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/encod03.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-my @output_lines = split m/[\cm\cj]+/, Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out( q{
-=encoding koi8-r
-=head1 NAME
-Bippitty Boppity Boo -- Yormp
-} );
-if(grep m/Unknown directive/i, @output_lines ) {
- ok 0;
- print "# I saw an Unknown directive warning here! :\n",
- map("#==> $_\n", @output_lines), "#\n#\n";
-} else {
- ok 1;
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-print "# Now a control group, to make sure that =fishbladder DOES\n",
- "# cause an 'unknown directive' error...\n";
-my @output_lines = split m/[\cm\cj]+/, Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out( q{
-=head1 NAME
-Fet's "When you were reading"
-} );
-if(grep m/Unknown directive/i, @output_lines ) {
- ok 1;
-} else {
- ok 0;
- print "# But I didn't see an Unknows directive warning here! :\n",
- map("#==> $_\n", @output_lines), "#\n#\n";
-print "#\n# And one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/end_over.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/end_over.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ca61b03013..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/end_over.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 5 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d,0);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::->_duo(\&nowhine, @_) }
-sub nowhine {
- $_[0]->{'no_whining'} = 1;
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=head1 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=back\n\n=head1 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=head2 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=back\n\n=head2 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=head3 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=back\n\n=head3 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=head4 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
-"=head2 BLOOP\n\nHoopbehwo!\n\n=over\n\n=item Stuff. Um.\n\nBrop.\n\n=back\n\n=head4 SVUP\n\nMyup.",
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e2a27ee1..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 18 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-print "# With weird leading whitespace...\n";
-# With weird whitespace
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nI<foo>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><I>foo</I></Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nB< foo>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B> foo</B></Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nB<\tfoo>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B> foo</B></Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nB<\nfoo>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B> foo</B></Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nB<foo>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B>foo</B></Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nB<foo\t>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B>foo </B></Para></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nB<foo\n>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><B>foo </B></Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# Tests for wedges outside of formatting codes...\n";
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nX < 3 and N > 19\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nX E<lt> 3 and N E<gt> 19\n")
-print "# A complex test with internal whitespace...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nI<foo>B< bar>C<baz >F< quux\t?>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><I>foo</I><B> bar</B><C>baz </C><F> quux ?</F></Para></Document>'
-print "# Without any nesting...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nF<a>C<b>I<c>B<d>X<e>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F>a</F><C>b</C><I>c</I><B>d</B><X>e</X></Para></Document>'
-print "# Without any nesting, but with Z's...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nZ<>F<a>C<b>I<c>B<d>X<e>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F>a</F><C>b</C><I>c</I><B>d</B><X>e</X></Para></Document>'
-print "# With lots of nesting, and Z's...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>foo> I<bar>> B<X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F><C>foo</C> <I>bar</I></F> <B><X>thing</X>baz</B></Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# *** Now testing different numbers of wedges ***\n";
-print "# Without any nesting...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nF<< a >>C<<< b >>>I<<<< c >>>>B<< d >>X<< e >>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F>a</F><C>b</C><I>c</I><B>d</B><X>e</X></Para></Document>'
-print "# Without any nesting, but with Z's, and odder whitespace...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nF<< aZ<> >>C<<< Z<>b >>>I<<<< c >>>>B<< d \t >>X<<\ne >>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F>a</F><C>b</C><I>c</I><B>d</B><X>e</X></Para></Document>'
-print "# With nesting and Z's, and odder whitespace...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nF<< aZ<> >>C<<< Z<>bZ<>B<< d \t >>X<<\ne >> >>>I<<<< c >>>>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F>a</F><C>b<B>d</B><X>e</X></C><I>c</I></Para></Document>'
-print "# Misc...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(
- "=pod\n\nI like I<PIE> with B<cream> and Stuff and N < 3 and X<< things >> hoohah\n"
-."And I<pie is B<also> a happy time>.\n"
-."And B<I<<< I like pie >>>.>\n"
-) =>
-"<Document><Para>I like <I>PIE</I> with <B>cream</B> and Stuff and N &#60; 3 and <X>things</X> hoohah "
-."And <I>pie is <B>also</B> a happy time</I>. "
-."And <B><I>I like pie</I>.</B></Para></Document>"
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_e.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_e.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b71b326e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_e.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 20 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-print "# Pod::Escapes version $Pod::Escapes::VERSION\n",
- if $Pod::Escapes::VERSION;
-# Presumably that's the library being used
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-&ok( e "", "" );
-&ok( e "\n", "", );
-print "# Testing some basic mnemonic E sequences...\n";
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<lt>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1<2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<gt>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1>2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<verbar>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1|2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<sol>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1/2\n")
-print "# Testing some more mnemonic E sequences...\n";
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<apos>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1'2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<quot>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1\"2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1&2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<amp>2\n")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<eacute>2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<233>2\n")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<infin>2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<8734>2\n")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<lchevron>2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<171>2\n")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<rchevron>2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<187>2\n")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<laquo>2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<171>2\n")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<raquo>2"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<187>2\n")
-print "# Testing numeric E sequences...\n";
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<0101>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1A2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<65>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1A2")
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1E<0x41>2\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\n1A2")
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_l.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_l.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7865a08e9d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_l.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 99 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-print "##### Testing L codes via x class $x...\n";
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-print "# Simple/moderate L<stuff> tests...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="crontab(5)" type="man">crontab(5)</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/Ping-pong>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/"Ping-pong">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"Object Methods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</Object Methods>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"Object Methods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Complex L<stuff> tests...\n";
-print "# Ents in the middle...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/"Ping-E<112>ong">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"Object E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</Object E<77>ethods>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"Object E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Ents in the middle and at the start...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/"Ping-E<112>ong">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"E<79>bject E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</E<79>bject E<77>ethods>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"E<79>bject E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Ents in the middle and at the start and at the end...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::PinE<103>/Ping-E<112>onE<103>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::PinE<103>/"Ping-E<112>onE<103>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"E<79>bject E<77>ethodE<115>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</E<79>bject E<77>ethodE<115>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"E<79>bject E<77>ethodE<115>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Even more complex L<stuff> tests...\n";
-print "# Ents in the middle...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/"Ping-E<112>ong">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"Object E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</Object E<77>ethods>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"Object E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;Object Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# VERY complex L sequences...\n";
-print "# Ents in the middle and at the start...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/Ping-B<E<112>ong>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-<B>pong</B>&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Net::Ping/"Ping-B<E<112>ong>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-<B>pong</B>&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"B<Object> E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</B<Object> E<77>ethods>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"B<Object> E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Ents in the middle and at the start...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-B<E<112>ong>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-<B>pong</B>&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/"Ping-B<E<112>ong>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-<B>pong</B>&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"B<E<79>bject> E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</B<E<79>bject> E<77>ethods>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"B<E<79>bject> E<77>ethods">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Ents in the middle and at the start and at the end...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::PinE<103>/Ping-B<E<112>onE<103>>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-<B>pong</B>&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::PinE<103>/"Ping-B<E<112>onE<103>>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-<B>pong</B>&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</"B<E<79>bject> E<77>ethodE<115>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL</B<E<79>bject> E<77>ethodE<115>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<"B<E<79>bject> E<77>ethodE<115>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Object Methods" type="pod">&#34;<B>Object</B> Methods&#34;</L></Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# L<url> tests...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<news:comp.lang.perl.misc>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="news:comp.lang.perl.misc" type="url">news:comp.lang.perl.misc</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="" type="url"></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="" type="url"></L></Para></Document>'
-print "# L<url> tests with entities...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<news:compE<46>lang.perl.misc>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="news:comp.lang.perl.misc" type="url">news:comp.lang.perl.misc</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<http://wwwE<46>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="" type="url"></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<http://wwwE<46>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="" type="url"></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<http://wwwE<46><47>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" to="" type="url"></L></Para></Document>'
-print "# L<text|stuff> tests...\n";
- '<Document><Para><L to="crontab(5)" type="man">things</L></Para></Document>'
- '<Document><Para><L section="ENVIRONMENT" to="crontab(5)" type="man">things</L></Para></Document>'
- '<Document><Para><L section="ENVIRONMENT" to="crontab(5)" type="man">things</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Perl Error Messages|perldiag>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl Error Messages</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Perl\nError\nMessages|perldiag>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl Error Messages</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Perl\nError\t Messages|perldiag>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl Error Messages</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<SWITCH statements|perlsyn/"Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH statements</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<SWITCH statements|perlsyn/Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH statements</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<the various attributes|/"Member Data">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the various attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<the various attributes|/Member Data>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the various attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<the various attributes|"Member Data">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the various attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# Now some very complex L<text|stuff> tests...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Perl B<Error E<77>essages>|perldiag>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Perl\nB<Error\nE<77>essages>|perldiag>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<Perl\nB<Error\t E<77>essages>|perldiag>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<SWITCH B<E<115>tatements>|perlsyn/"Basic I<BLOCKs> and Switch StatementE<115>">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH <B>statements</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<SWITCH B<E<115>tatements>|perlsyn/Basic I<BLOCKs> and Switch StatementE<115>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH <B>statements</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<the F<various> attributes|/"Member Data">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<the F<various> attributes|/Member Data>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<the F<various> attributes|"Member Data">\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# Now some very complex L<text|stuff> tests with variant syntax...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<< Perl B<<< Error E<77>essages >>>|perldiag >>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<< Perl\nB<<< Error\nE<77>essages >>>|perldiag >>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<< Perl\nB<<< Error\t E<77>essages >>>|perldiag >>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<< SWITCH B<<< E<115>tatements >>>|perlsyn/"Basic I<<<< BLOCKs >>>> and Switch StatementE<115>" >>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH <B>statements</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<< SWITCH B<<< E<115>tatements >>>|perlsyn/Basic I<<<< BLOCKs >>>> and Switch StatementE<115> >>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH <B>statements</B></L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<<< the F<< various >> attributes|/"Member Data" >>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<<< the F<< various >> attributes|/Member Data >>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<<< the F<< various >> attributes|"Member Data" >>>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L></Para></Document>'
-print "#\n# Now some very complex L<text|stuff> tests with variant syntax and text around it...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<< Perl B<<< Error E<77>essages >>>|perldiag >>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<< Perl\nB<<< Error\nE<77>essages >>>|perldiag >>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<< Perl\nB<<< Error\t E<77>essages >>>|perldiag >>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L to="perldiag" type="pod">Perl <B>Error Messages</B></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<< SWITCH B<<< E<115>tatements >>>|perlsyn/"Basic I<<<< BLOCKs >>>> and Switch StatementE<115>" >>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH <B>statements</B></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<< SWITCH B<<< E<115>tatements >>>|perlsyn/Basic I<<<< BLOCKs >>>> and Switch StatementE<115> >>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L section="Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements" to="perlsyn" type="pod">SWITCH <B>statements</B></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< the F<< various >> attributes|/"Member Data" >>>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< the F<< various >> attributes|/Member Data >>>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< the F<< various >> attributes|"Member Data" >>>.\n}),
- '<Document><Para>I like <L section="Member Data" type="pod">the <F>various</F> attributes</L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< B<text>s| >>>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L to="" type="url"><B>text</B>s</L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< text| >>>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L to="" type="url">text</L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< I<text>| >>>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L to="" type="url"><I>text</I></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< C<text>| >>>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L to="" type="url"><C>text</C></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< I<tI<eI<xI<t>>>>|mailto:earlE<64> >>>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L to="" type="url"><I>t<I>e<I>x<I>t</I></I></I></I></L>.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out(qq{=pod\n\nI like L<<< textZ<>| >>>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L to="" type="url">text</L>.</Para></Document>'
-# TODO: S testing.
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_s.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_s.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 14866873d1..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fcodes_s.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 14 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-sub e ($$) { $x->_duo(@_) }
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-print "# S as such...\n";
-ok( $x->_out("=pod\n\nI like S<bric-a-brac>.\n"),
- => '<Document><Para>I like <S>bric-a-brac</S>.</Para></Document>' );
-ok( $x->_out("=pod\n\nI like S<bric-a-brac a gogo >.\n"),
- => '<Document><Para>I like <S>bric-a-brac a gogo </S>.</Para></Document>' );
-ok( $x->_out("=pod\n\nI like S<< bric-a-brac a gogo >>.\n"),
- => '<Document><Para>I like <S>bric-a-brac a gogo</S>.</Para></Document>' );
-my $unless_ascii = (chr(65) eq 'A') ? '' :
- "Skip because not in ASCIIland";
-skip( $unless_ascii,
- $x->_out( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- "=pod\n\nI like S<bric-a-brac a gogo>.\n"),
-'<Document><Para>I like bric-a-brac&#160;a&#160;gogo.</Para></Document>'
-skip( $unless_ascii,
- $x->_out( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- qq{=pod\n\nI like S<L</"bric-a-brac a gogo">>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L content-implicit="yes" section="bric-a-brac a gogo" type="pod">&#34;bric-a-brac&#160;a&#160;gogo&#34;</L>.</Para></Document>'
-skip( $unless_ascii,
- $x->_out( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- qq{=pod\n\nI like S<L<Stuff like that|/"bric-a-brac a gogo">>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L section="bric-a-brac a gogo" type="pod">Stuff&#160;like&#160;that</L>.</Para></Document>'
-skip( $unless_ascii,
- $x->_out( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- qq{=pod\n\nI like S<L<Stuff I<like that>|/"bric-a-brac a gogo">>.\n}),
-'<Document><Para>I like <L section="bric-a-brac a gogo" type="pod">Stuff&#160;<I>like&#160;that</I></L>.</Para></Document>'
-&ok( $x->_duo( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- "=pod\n\nI like S<bric-a-brac a gogo>.\n",
- "=pod\n\nI like bric-a-bracE<160>aE<160>gogo.\n",
- map {my $z = $_; $z =~ s/content-implicit="yes" //g; $z }
- $x->_duo( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- qq{=pod\n\nI like S<L</"bric-a-brac a gogo">>.\n},
- qq{=pod\n\nI like L<"bric-a-bracE<160>aE<160>gogo"|/"bric-a-brac a gogo">.\n},
-&ok( $x->_duo( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- qq{=pod\n\nI like S<L<Stuff like that|"bric-a-brac a gogo">>.\n},
- qq{=pod\n\nI like L<StuffE<160>likeE<160>that|"bric-a-brac a gogo">.\n},
- map {my $z = $_; $z =~ s/content-implicit="yes" //g; $z }
- $x->_duo( sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(1) },
- qq{=pod\n\nI like S<L<Stuff I<like that>|"bric-a-brac a gogo">>.\n},
- qq{=pod\n\nI like L<StuffE<160>I<likeE<160>that>|"bric-a-brac a gogo">.\n},
-use Pod::Simple::Text;
-$x = Pod::Simple::Text->new;
-# RT#25679
- $x->_out(<<END
-=head1 The Tk::mega manpage showed me how C<< SE<lt> E<gt> foo >> is being rendered
-Both pod2text and pod2man S< > lose the rest of the line
-=head1 Do they always S< > lose the rest of the line?
- ),
- <<END
-The Tk::mega manpage showed me how S< > foo is being rendered
- Both pod2text and pod2man lose the rest of the line
-Do they always lose the rest of the line?
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/for.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/for.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 158cdc2b58..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/for.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 21 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-sub moj {shift->accept_target('mojojojo')}
-sub mojtext {shift->accept_target_as_text('mojojojo')}
-sub any {shift->accept_target('*')}
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo stuff\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for psketti,mojojojo,crunk stuff\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for crunk stuff\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target_as_text ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":mojojojo" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="mojojojo"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target(*) ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="*"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="mojojojo" target_matching="*"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="*"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":mojojojo" target_matching="*"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="*"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fornot.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fornot.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 863b00aa6e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fornot.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 21 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-sub moj {shift->accept_target( 'mojojojo')}
-sub mojtext {shift->accept_target_as_text('mojojojo')}
-sub any {shift->accept_target( '*' )}
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for mojojojo stuff\n\n=for !mojojojo bzarcho\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">bzarcho</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for psketti,mojojojo,crunk stuff\n\n=for !psketti,mojojojo,crunk bzarcho\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">bzarcho</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :mojojojo stuff\n\n=for :!mojojojo bzarcho\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Para>bzarcho</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk stuff\n\n=for :!psketti,mojojojo,crunk bzarcho\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":!psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Para>bzarcho</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :mojojojo stuff\n\n=for :!mojojojo I<bzarcho>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Para><I>bzarcho</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk stuff\n\n=for :!psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<bzarcho>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target=":!psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Para><I>bzarcho</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# ( Now just swapping '!' and ':' )\n";
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :mojojojo stuff\n\n=for !:mojojojo bzarcho\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!:mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Para>bzarcho</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :psketti,mojojojo,crunk stuff\n\n=for !:psketti,mojojojo,crunk bzarcho\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!:psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Para>bzarcho</Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&moj, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :!mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target_as_text ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&mojtext, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for :!mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Testing accept_target(*) ...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Data xml:space="preserve">I&#60;stuff&#62;</Data></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !:mojojojo I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!:mojojojo" target_matching="!"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( \&any, "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n\n=for !:psketti,mojojojo,crunk I<stuff>\n\nYup.\n"),
- '<Document><Para>I like pie.</Para><for target="!:psketti,mojojojo,crunk" target_matching="!"><Para><I>stuff</I></Para></for><Para>Yup.</Para></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fullstop.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fullstop.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f021744c0..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/fullstop.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-print "# Hi, I'm ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-&ok( e "", "" );
-&ok( e "\n", "", );
-die unless ok !! Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->can('fullstop_space_harden');
-sub harden { $_[0]->fullstop_space_harden(1) }
-print "# Test that \". \" always compacts without the hardening on...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\nShe set me a message about the M.D. I\ncalled back!\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>She set me a message about the M.D. I called back!</Para></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\nShe set me a message about the M.D. I called back!\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>She set me a message about the M.D. I called back!</Para></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\nShe set me a message about the M.D.\nI called back!\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>She set me a message about the M.D. I called back!</Para></Document>}
-print "# Now testing with the hardening on...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&harden, "\n=pod\n\nShe set me a message about the M.D. I\ncalled back!\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>She set me a message about the M.D.&#160; I called back!</Para></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&harden, "\n=pod\n\nShe set me a message about the M.D. I called back!\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>She set me a message about the M.D. I called back!</Para></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&harden, "\n=pod\n\nShe set me a message about the M.D.\nI called back!\n"),
- qq{<Document><Para>She set me a message about the M.D. I called back!</Para></Document>}
-print "# Byebye\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/heads.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/heads.t
deleted file mode 100644
index bd04ce3ba2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/heads.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 19 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-print "# Simple tests for head1 - head4...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 Chacha\n\n"),
- '<Document><head1>Chacha</head1></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head2 Chacha\n\n"),
- '<Document><head2>Chacha</head2></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head3 Chacha\n\n"),
- '<Document><head3>Chacha</head3></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head4 Chacha\n\n"),
- '<Document><head4>Chacha</head4></Document>'
-print "# Testing whitespace equivalence...\n";
-&ok(e "\n=head1 Chacha\n\n", "\n=head1 Chacha\n\n");
-&ok(e "\n=head1 Chacha\n\n", "\n=head1\tChacha\n\n");
-&ok(e "\n=head1 Chacha\n\n", "\n=head1\tChacha \n\n");
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head1 Chachacha"),
- '<Document><head1>Chachacha</head1></Document>'
-print "# Testing whitespace variance ...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head1 Cha cha cha \n"),
- '<Document><head1>Cha cha cha</head1></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head1 Cha cha\tcha \n"),
- '<Document><head1>Cha cha cha</head1></Document>'
-print "# Testing head2, head3, head4 more...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head2 Cha cha\tcha \n"),
- '<Document><head2>Cha cha cha</head2></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head3 Cha cha\tcha \n"),
- '<Document><head3>Cha cha cha</head3></Document>'
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head4 Cha cha\tcha \n"),
- '<Document><head4>Cha cha cha</head4></Document>'
-print "# Testing entity expansion...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head4 fooE<64>bar!\n"),
- Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head4 foo\@bar!\n\n"),
-# TODO: a mode so that DumpAsXML can ask for all contiguous string
-# sequences to be fused?
-# &ok( e "=head4 fooE<64>bar!\n", "\n=head4 foo\@bar!\n\n");
-print "# Testing formatting sequences...\n";
-# True only if the sequences resolve, as they should...
-&ok( e "=head4 C<foobar!>\n", "\n=head4 C<< foobar! >>\n\n");
-&ok( e "=head4 C<foobar!>\n", "\n\n=head4 C<<< foobar! >>>\n");
-&ok( e "=head4 C<foobar!>\n", "\n=head4 C<< foobar!\n\t>>\n\n");
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html01.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html01.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1afe5cde..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html01.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# t/html-para.t
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-use Pod::Simple::HTML;
-sub x ($) { Pod::Simple::HTML->_out(
- sub{ $_[0]->bare_output(1) },
- "=pod\n\n$_[0]",
-) }
-ok( x(
-This is a paragraph
- qq{\n<p>This is a paragraph</p>\n},
- "paragraph building"
-ok( x(qq{=pod\n\nThis is a paragraph}),
- qq{\n<p>This is a paragraph</p>\n},
- "paragraph building"
-ok( x(qq{This is a paragraph}),
- qq{\n<p>This is a paragraph</p>\n},
- "paragraph building"
-'=head1 This is a heading')
- => q{/\s*<h1><a[^<>]+>This\s+is\s+a\s+heading</a></h1>\s*$/},
- "heading building"
-'=head2 This is a heading too')
- => q{/\s*<h2><a[^<>]+>This\s+is\s+a\s+heading\s+too</a></h2>\s*$/},
- "heading building"
-'=head3 Also, this is a heading')
- => q{/\s*<h3><a[^<>]+>Also,\s+this\s+is\s+a\s+heading</a></h3>\s*$/},
- "heading building"
-'=head4 This, too, is a heading')
- => q{/\s*<h4><a[^<>]+>This,\s+too,\s+is\s+a\s+heading</a></h4>\s*$/},
- "heading building"
-print "# And one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html02.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html02.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f00507c931..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html02.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# t/html-styles.t
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7};
-use Pod::Simple::HTML;
-sub x ($) { Pod::Simple::HTML->_out(
- sub{ $_[0]->bare_output(1) },
- "=pod\n\n$_[0]",
-) }
-ok 1;
-my @pairs = (
-[ "I<italicized>" => qq{\n<p><i>italicized</i></p>\n} ],
-[ 'B<bolded>' => qq{\n<p><b>bolded</b></p>\n} ],
-[ 'C<code>' => qq{\n<p><code>code</code></p>\n} ],
-[ 'F</tmp/foo>' => qq{\n<p><em>/tmp/foo</em></p>\n} ],
-[ 'F</tmp/foo>' => qq{\n<p><em>/tmp/foo</em></p>\n} ],
-foreach( @pairs ) {
- print "# Testing pod source $$_[0] ...\n" unless $_->[0] =~ m/\n/;
- ok( x($_->[0]), $_->[1] )
-print "# And one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html03.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html03.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b3718389..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/html03.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# t/html-para.t
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
-use Pod::Simple::HTML;
-sub x ($) { Pod::Simple::HTML->_out(
- #sub{ $_[0]->bare_output(1) },
- "=pod\n\n$_[0]",
-) }
-# make sure empty file => empty output
-ok 1;
-ok( x(''),'', "Contentlessness" );
-ok( x(qq{=pod\n\nThis is a paragraph}) =~ m{<title></title>}i );
-ok( x(qq{This is a paragraph}) =~ m{<title></title>}i );
-ok( x(qq{=head1 Prok\n\nThis is a paragraph}) =~ m{<title>Prok</title>}i );
-ok( x(qq{=head1 NAME\n\nProk -- stuff\n\nThis}), q{/<title>Prok</title>/} );
-print "# And one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/htmlbat.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/htmlbat.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 497f0e57d5..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/htmlbat.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Testing HTMLBatch
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-# Time-stamp: "2004-05-24 02:07:47 ADT"
-use strict;
-#sub Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::DEBUG () {5};
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 }
-require Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-my $t_dir;
-my $corpus_dir;
-foreach my $t_maybe (
- File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->updir(), 'lib','Pod','Simple','t'),
- File::Spec->catdir( $cwd ),
- File::Spec->catdir( $cwd, 't' ),
-) {
- die "Can't find the test corpus" if $t_maybe eq 'OHSNAP';
- next unless -e $t_maybe;
- $t_dir = $t_maybe;
- $corpus_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $t_maybe, 'testlib1' );
- next unless -e $corpus_dir;
- last;
-print "# OK, found the test corpus as $corpus_dir\n";
-ok 1;
-my $outdir;
-while(1) {
- my $rand = sprintf "%05x", rand( 0x100000 );
- $outdir = File::Spec->catdir( $t_dir, "delme-$rand-out" );
- last unless -e $outdir;
-END {
- use File::Path;
- rmtree $outdir, 0, 0;
-ok 1;
-print "# Output dir: $outdir\n";
-mkdir $outdir, 0777 or die "Can't mkdir $outdir: $!";
-print "# Converting $corpus_dir => $outdir\n";
-my $conv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
-$conv->batch_convert( [$corpus_dir], $outdir );
-ok 1;
-print "# OK, back from converting.\n";
-my @files;
-use File::Find;
-find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name; return }, $outdir );
- my $long = ( grep m/zikzik\./i, @files )[0];
- ok($long) or print "# How odd, no zikzik file in $outdir!?\n";
- if($long) {
- $long =~ s{zikzik\.html?$}{}s;
- for(@files) { substr($_, 0, length($long)) = '' }
- @files = grep length($_), @files;
- }
-print "#Produced in $outdir ...\n";
-foreach my $f (sort @files) {
- print "# $f\n";
-print "# (", scalar(@files), " items total)\n";
-# Some minimal sanity checks:
-ok scalar(grep m/\.css/i, @files) > 5;
-ok scalar(grep m/\.html?/i, @files) > 5;
-ok scalar grep m{squaa\W+Glunk.html?}i, @files;
-# use Pod::Simple;
-# *pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-print "# Bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/items.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/items.t
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb695f3dd..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/items.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 24 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d,0);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-print "##### Tests for =item directives via class $x\n";
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-print "#\n# Tests for simple =item *'s\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item *\n\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="4"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item *\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="4"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over 10\n\n=item *\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="10"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item *\n\nStuff\n=cut\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="4"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-print "#\n# Tests for simple =item 1.'s\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 1.\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2.\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-number indent="4"><item-number number="1">Stuff</item-number><item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number></over-number></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 1.\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2.\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-number indent="4"><item-number number="1">Stuff</item-number><item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number></over-number></Document>'
-# Now without a dot
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 1\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-number indent="4"><item-number number="1">Stuff</item-number><item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number></over-number></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 1\n\nStuff\n=cut\nStuff\n\n=item 2\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back"),
- '<Document><over-number indent="4"><item-number number="1">Stuff</item-number><item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number></over-number></Document>'
-print "#\n# Tests for =over blocks (without =items)\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\nStuff\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-block indent="4"><Para>Stuff</Para><Para>Bar <I>baz</I>!</Para></over-block></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n Stuff\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-block indent="4"><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Stuff</Verbatim><Para>Bar <I>baz</I>!</Para></over-block></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n Stuff\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-block indent="4"><Para>Bar <I>baz</I>!</Para><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Stuff</Verbatim></over-block></Document>'
-print "#\n# Tests for =item Text blocks...\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item Foo\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nCrunk\nZorp\n\n=item Bar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-text indent="4"><item-text>Foo</item-text><Para>Stuff</Para><item-text>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-text><Para>Quux</Para></over-text></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item Foo\n\n Stuff\n\tSnork\n\n=cut\n\nCrunk\nZorp\n\n=item Bar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=back\n\n"),
- qq{<Document><over-text indent="4"><item-text>Foo</item-text><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Stuff\n Snork</Verbatim>}
- . qq{<item-text>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-text><Para>Quux</Para></over-text></Document>}
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item Foo\n\n Stuff\n\tSnork\n=cut\n\nCrunk\nZorp\n\n=item Bar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=back\n\n"),
- qq{<Document><over-text indent="4"><item-text>Foo</item-text><Verbatim xml:space="preserve"> Stuff\n Snork</Verbatim>}
- . qq{<item-text>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-text><Para>Quux</Para></over-text></Document>}
-print "#\n# Test for mixed =item blocks...\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item Foo\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2.\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=item *\n\nThwoong\n\n=back\n\n"),
- qq{<Document><over-text indent="4"><item-text>Foo</item-text><Para>Stuff</Para>}
- . qq{<item-text>2.</item-text><Para>Bar <I>baz</I>!</Para><Para>Quux</Para>}
- . qq{<item-text>*</item-text><Para>Thwoong</Para></over-text></Document>}
-# ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item *\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2.\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=item *\n\nThwoong\n\n=back\n\n"),
-# ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 1.\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2.\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=item *\n\nThwoong\n\n=back\n\n"),
-print "#\n# Tests for indenting\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over 19\n\n=item *\n\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="19"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over 19\n\n=item 1.\n\nStuff\n\n=item 2.\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-number indent="19"><item-number number="1">Stuff</item-number><item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number></over-number></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over 19\n\nStuff\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-block indent="19"><Para>Stuff</Para><Para>Bar <I>baz</I>!</Para></over-block></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over 19\n\n=item Foo\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nCrunk\nZorp\n\n=item Bar I<baz>!\n\nQuux\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-text indent="19"><item-text>Foo</item-text><Para>Stuff</Para><item-text>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-text><Para>Quux</Para></over-text></Document>'
-print "# Now testing nesting...\n";
-ok( $x->_out(join "\n\n", '',
- '=over',
- '=item *',
- 'Stuff',
- '=cut',
- 'Stuff',
- '=over',
- '=item 1.',
- '=item 2.',
- 'Bar I<baz>!',
- '=back',
- '=item *',
- 'Bar I<baz>!',
- '=back', ''
- ), join '',
- '<Document>',
- '<over-bullet indent="4">',
- '<item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet>',
- '<over-number indent="4">',
- '<item-number number="1"></item-number>',
- '<item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number>',
- '</over-number>',
- '<item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet>',
- '</over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out( join "\n\n", '', '',
- '=over',
- '=item *',
- 'Stuff',
- '=cut',
- 'Stuff',
- '=over',
- '=item 1.',
- '=over 19',
- 'Gleiven',
- 'Squim F<.thingrc>!',
- '=back',
- '=item 2.',
- 'Bar I<baz>!',
- '=back',
- '=item *',
- 'Bar I<baz>!',
- '=back',
- '', ''
- ), join '',
- '<Document>',
- '<over-bullet indent="4">',
- '<item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet>',
- '<over-number indent="4">',
- '<item-number number="1"></item-number>',
- '<over-block indent="19">',
- '<Para>Gleiven</Para>',
- '<Para>Squim <F>.thingrc</F>!</Para>',
- '</over-block>',
- '<item-number number="2">Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-number>',
- '</over-number>',
- '<item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet>',
- '</over-bullet></Document>'
-$d = 11;
-print "# Now checking that document-end closes things right...\n";
-ok( $x->_out( join "\n\n", '', '',
- '=over',
- '=item *',
- 'Stuff',
- '=cut',
- 'Stuff',
- '=over',
- '=item 1.',
- '=over 19',
- 'Gleiven',
- 'Squim F<.thingrc>!',
- '', ''
- ), join '',
- '<Document>',
- '<over-bullet indent="4">',
- '<item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet>',
- '<over-number indent="4">',
- '<item-number number="1"></item-number>',
- '<over-block indent="19">',
- '<Para>Gleiven</Para>',
- '<Para>Squim <F>.thingrc</F>!</Para>',
- '</over-block>',
- '</over-number>',
- '</over-bullet></Document>'
-# TODO: more checking of coercion in nesting?
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/items02.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/items02.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 125241f762..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/items02.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d,0);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-print "##### Tests for =item directives via class $x\n";
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-print "#\n# Tests for =item [number] that are icky...\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 5\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nCrunk\nZorp\n\n=item 4\n\nQuux\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-text indent="4"><item-text>5</item-text><Para>Stuff</Para><item-text>4</item-text><Para>Quux</Para></over-text></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item 5.\n\nStuff\n\n=cut\n\nCrunk\nZorp\n\n=item 4.\n\nQuux\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-text indent="4"><item-text>5.</item-text><Para>Stuff</Para><item-text>4.</item-text><Para>Quux</Para></over-text></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/itemstar.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/itemstar.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e6ac41b66..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/itemstar.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
-#my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (3);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream';
-print "##### Tests for '=item * Foo' tolerance via class $x\n";
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-print "#\n# Tests for simple =item *'s\n";
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item * Stuff\n\n=item * Bar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="4"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item * Stuff\n\n=cut\n\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="4"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over 10\n\n=item * Stuff\n\n=cut\n\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back\n\n"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="10"><item-bullet>Stuff</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-ok( $x->_out("\n=over\n\n=item * Stuff I<things\num> hoo!\n=cut\nStuff\n\n=item *\n\nBar I<baz>!\n\n=back"),
- '<Document><over-bullet indent="4"><item-bullet>Stuff <I>things um</I> hoo!</item-bullet><item-bullet>Bar <I>baz</I>!</item-bullet></over-bullet></Document>'
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk1.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk1.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 402880109e..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk1.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-=head9 I like pie
-B<pie is nice
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk1o.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk1o.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4559ac0f..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk1o.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-pie is nice E<puppies>
-Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
-Around line 2:
- =cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.
-Around line 4:
- Unknown directive: =head9
-Around line 6:
- Unterminated B<...> sequence
-Around line 8:
- Unknown E content in E<puppies>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk2.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk2.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 696aabfbfa..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk2.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-=head9 I like pie
-B<pie is nice
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk2o.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk2o.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5612c7d3a1..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/junk2o.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-pie is nice
-Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
-Around line 2:
- Unknown directive: =head9
-Around line 4:
- Unterminated B<...> sequence
-Around line 6:
- Unknown E content in E<puppies>
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/linkclas.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/linkclas.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5df3799b91..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/linkclas.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-### Test the basic sanity of the link-section treelet class
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::LinkSection;
-use Pod::Simple::BlackBox; # for its pretty()
-my $bare_treelet =
- ['B', {'pie' => 'no'},
- 'a',
- ['C', {'bzrok' => 'plip'},
- 'b'
- ],
- 'c'
- ]
-my $treelet = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new($bare_treelet);
-# Make sure they're not the same
-ok ref($bare_treelet), 'ARRAY';
-ok ref($treelet), 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection';
-print "# Testing stringification...\n";
-ok $treelet->stringify, 'abc'; # explicit
-ok join('', $treelet), 'abc'; # implicit
-print "# Testing non-coreferentiality...\n";
- my @stack = ($bare_treelet);
- my $this;
- while(@stack) {
- $this = shift @stack;
- if(ref($this || '') eq 'ARRAY') {
- push @stack, splice @$this;
- push @$this, ("BAD!") x 3;
- } elsif(ref($this || '') eq 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection') {
- push @stack, splice @$this;
- push @$this, ("BAD!") x 3;
- } elsif(ref($this || '') eq 'HASH') {
- %$this = ();
- }
- }
- # These will fail if $treelet and $bare_treelet are coreferential,
- # since we just conspicuously nuked $bare_treelet
- ok $treelet->stringify, 'abc'; # explicit
- ok join('', $treelet), 'abc'; # implicit
-print "# Byebye...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlcyg.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlcyg.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 6264a15788..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlcyg.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you
-see. It is written in the POD format (see pod/perlpod.pod) which is
-specially designed to be readable as is.
-=head1 NAME
-README.cygwin - Perl for Cygwin
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document will help you configure, make, test and install Perl
-on Cygwin. This document also describes features of Cygwin that will
-affect how Perl behaves at runtime.
-B<NOTE:> There are pre-built Perl packages available for Cygwin and a
-version of Perl is provided on the Cygwin CD. If you do not need to
-customize the configuration, consider using one of these packages:
-=head2 Cygwin = GNU+Cygnus+Windows (Don't leave UNIX without it)
-The Cygwin tools are ports of the popular GNU development tools for Win32
-platforms. They run thanks to the Cygwin library which provides the UNIX
-system calls and environment these programs expect. More information
-about this project can be found at:
-A recent net or commercial release of Cygwin is required.
-At the time this document was last updated, Cygwin 1.1.5 was current.
-B<NOTE:> At this point, minimal effort has been made to provide
-compatibility with old (beta) Cygwin releases. The focus has been to
-provide a high quality release and not worry about working around old
-bugs. If you wish to use Perl with Cygwin B20.1 or earlier, consider
-using perl5.005_03, which is available in source and binary form at
-C<>. If there is significant demand,
-a patch kit can be developed to port back to earlier Cygwin versions.
-=head2 Cygwin Configuration
-While building Perl some changes may be necessary to your Cygwin setup so
-that Perl builds cleanly. These changes are B<not> required for normal
-Perl usage.
-B<NOTE:> The binaries that are built will run on all Win32 versions.
-They do not depend on your host system (Win9x/WinME, WinNT/Win2K)
-or your Cygwin configuration (I<ntea>, I<ntsec>, binary/text mounts).
-The only dependencies come from hard-coded pathnames like C</usr/local>.
-However, your host system and Cygwin configuration will affect Perl's
-runtime behavior (see L</"TEST">).
-=over 4
-=item * C<PATH>
-Set the C<PATH> environment variable so that Configure finds the Cygwin
-versions of programs. Any Windows directories should be removed or
-moved to the end of your C<PATH>.
-=item * I<nroff>
-If you do not have I<nroff> (which is part of the I<groff> package),
-Configure will B<not> prompt you to install I<man> pages.
-=item * Permissions
-On WinNT with either the I<ntea> or I<ntsec> C<CYGWIN> settings, directory
-and file permissions may not be set correctly. Since the build process
-creates directories and files, to be safe you may want to run a `C<chmod
--R +w *>' on the entire Perl source tree.
-Also, it is a well known WinNT "feature" that files created by a login
-that is a member of the I<Administrators> group will be owned by the
-I<Administrators> group. Depending on your umask, you may find that you
-can not write to files that you just created (because you are no longer
-the owner). When using the I<ntsec> C<CYGWIN> setting, this is not an
-issue because it "corrects" the ownership to what you would expect on
-a UNIX system.
-The default options gathered by Configure with the assistance of
-F<hints/> will build a Perl that supports dynamic loading
-(which requires a shared F<libperl.dll>).
-This will run Configure and keep a record:
- ./Configure 2>&1 | tee log.configure
-If you are willing to accept all the defaults run Configure with B<-de>.
-However, several useful customizations are available.
-=head2 Strip Binaries
-It is possible to strip the EXEs and DLLs created by the build process.
-The resulting binaries will be significantly smaller. If you want the
-binaries to be stripped, you can either add a B<-s> option when Configure
-prompts you,
- Any additional ld flags (NOT including libraries)? [none] -s
- Any special flags to pass to gcc to use dynamic linking? [none] -s
- Any special flags to pass to ld2 to create a dynamically loaded library?
- [none] -s
-or you can edit F<hints/> and uncomment the relevant variables
-near the end of the file.
-=head2 Optional Libraries
-Several Perl functions and modules depend on the existence of
-some optional libraries. Configure will find them if they are
-installed in one of the directories listed as being used for library
-searches. Pre-built packages for most of these are available at
-=over 4
-=item * C<-lcrypt>
-The crypt package distributed with Cygwin is a Linux compatible 56-bit
-DES crypt port by Corinna Vinschen.
-Alternatively, the crypt libraries in GNU libc have been ported to Cygwin.
-The DES based Ultra Fast Crypt port was done by Alexey Truhan:
-NOTE: There are various export restrictions on DES implementations,
-see the glibc README for more details.
-The MD5 port was done by Andy Piper:
-=item * C<-lgdbm> (C<use GDBM_File>)
-GDBM is available for Cygwin. GDBM's ndbm/dbm compatibility feature
-also makes C<NDBM_File> and C<ODBM_File> possible (although they add
-little extra value).
-NOTE: The ndbm/dbm emulations only completely work on NTFS partitions.
-=item * C<-ldb> (C<use DB_File>)
-BerkeleyDB is available for Cygwin. Some details can be found in
-NOTE: The BerkeleyDB library only completely works on NTFS partitions.
-=item * C<-lcygipc> (C<use IPC::SysV>)
-A port of SysV IPC is available for Cygwin.
-NOTE: This has B<not> been extensively tested. In particular,
-C<d_semctl_semun> is undefined because it fails a Configure test
-and on Win9x the I<shm*()> functions seem to hang. It also creates
-a compile time dependency because F<perl.h> includes F<<sys/ipc.h>>
-and F<<sys/sem.h>> (which will be required in the future when compiling
-CPAN modules).
-=head2 Configure-time Options
-The F<INSTALL> document describes several Configure-time options. Some of
-these will work with Cygwin, others are not yet possible. Also, some of
-these are experimental. You can either select an option when Configure
-prompts you or you can define (undefine) symbols on the command line.
-=over 4
-=item * C<-Uusedl>
-Undefining this symbol forces Perl to be compiled statically.
-=item * C<-Uusemymalloc>
-By default Perl uses the malloc() included with the Perl source. If you
-want to force Perl to build with the system malloc() undefine this symbol.
-=item * C<-Dusemultiplicity>
-Multiplicity is required when embedding Perl in a C program and using
-more than one interpreter instance. This works with the Cygwin port.
-=item * C<-Duseperlio>
-The PerlIO abstraction works with the Cygwin port.
-=item * C<-Duse64bitint>
-I<gcc> supports 64-bit integers. However, several additional long long
-functions are necessary to use them within Perl (I<{strtol,strtoul}l>).
-These are B<not> yet available with Cygwin.
-=item * C<-Duselongdouble>
-I<gcc> supports long doubles (12 bytes). However, several additional
-long double math functions are necessary to use them within Perl
-These are B<not> yet available with Cygwin.
-=item * C<-Dusethreads>
-POSIX threads are B<not> yet implemented in Cygwin.
-=item * C<-Duselargefiles>
-Although Win32 supports large files, Cygwin currently uses 32-bit integers
-for internal size and position calculations.
-=head2 Suspicious Warnings
-You may see some messages during Configure that seem suspicious.
-=over 4
-=item * I<dlsym()>
-I<ld2> is needed to build dynamic libraries, but it does not exist
-when dlsym() checking occurs (it is not created until `C<make>' runs).
-You will see the following message:
- Checking whether your dlsym() needs a leading underscore ...
- ld2: not found
- I can't compile and run the test program.
- I'm guessing that dlsym doesn't need a leading underscore.
-Since the guess is correct, this is not a problem.
-=item * Win9x and C<d_eofnblk>
-Win9x does not correctly report C<EOF> with a non-blocking read on a
-closed pipe. You will see the following messages:
- But it also returns -1 to signal EOF, so be careful!
- WARNING: you can't distinguish between EOF and no data!
- *** WHOA THERE!!! ***
- The recommended value for $d_eofnblk on this machine was "define"!
- Keep the recommended value? [y]
-At least for consistency with WinNT, you should keep the recommended
-=item * Compiler/Preprocessor defines
-The following error occurs because of the Cygwin C<#define> of
- Guessing which symbols your C compiler and preprocessor define...
- try.c:<line#>: parse error
-This failure does not seem to cause any problems.
-=head1 MAKE
-Simply run I<make> and wait:
- make 2>&1 | tee log.make
-=head2 Warnings
-Warnings like these are normal:
- warning: overriding commands for target <file>
- warning: ignoring old commands for target <file>
- dllwrap: no export definition file provided
- dllwrap: creating one, but that may not be what you want
-=head2 ld2
-During `C<make>', I<ld2> will be created and installed in your $installbin
-directory (where you said to put public executables). It does not
-wait until the `C<make install>' process to install the I<ld2> script,
-this is because the remainder of the `C<make>' refers to I<ld2> without
-fully specifying its path and does this from multiple subdirectories.
-The assumption is that $installbin is in your current C<PATH>. If this
-is not the case `C<make>' will fail at some point. If this happens,
-just manually copy I<ld2> from the source directory to somewhere in
-your C<PATH>.
-=head1 TEST
-There are two steps to running the test suite:
- make test 2>&1 | tee log.make-test
- cd t;./perl harness 2>&1 | tee ../log.harness
-The same tests are run both times, but more information is provided when
-running as `C<./perl harness>'.
-Test results vary depending on your host system and your Cygwin
-configuration. If a test can pass in some Cygwin setup, it is always
-attempted and explainable test failures are documented. It is possible
-for Perl to pass all the tests, but it is more likely that some tests
-will fail for one of the reasons listed below.
-=head2 File Permissions
-UNIX file permissions are based on sets of mode bits for
-{read,write,execute} for each {user,group,other}. By default Cygwin
-only tracks the Win32 read-only attribute represented as the UNIX file
-user write bit (files are always readable, files are executable if they
-have a F<.{com,bat,exe}> extension or begin with C<#!>, directories are
-always readable and executable). On WinNT with the I<ntea> C<CYGWIN>
-setting, the additional mode bits are stored as extended file attributes.
-On WinNT with the I<ntsec> C<CYGWIN> setting, permissions use the standard
-WinNT security descriptors and access control lists. Without one of
-these options, these tests will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- io/fs.t 5, 7, 9-10
- lib/anydbm.t 2
- lib/db-btree.t 20
- lib/db-hash.t 16
- lib/db-recno.t 18
- lib/gdbm.t 2
- lib/ndbm.t 2
- lib/odbm.t 2
- lib/sdbm.t 2
- op/stat.t 9, 20 (.tmp not an executable extension)
-=head2 Hard Links
-FAT partitions do not support hard links (whereas NTFS does), in which
-case Cygwin implements link() by copying the file. On remote (network)
-drives Cygwin's stat() always sets C<st_nlink> to 1, so the link count
-for remote directories and files is not available. In either case,
-these tests will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- io/fs.t 4
- op/stat.t 3
-=head2 Filetime Granularity
-On FAT partitions the filetime granularity is 2 seconds. The following
-test will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- io/fs.t 18
-=head2 Tainting Checks
-When Perl is running in taint mode, C<$ENV{PATH}> is considered tainted
-and not used, so DLLs not in the default system directories will not
-be found. While the tests are running you will see warnings popup from
-the system with messages like:
- Win9x
- Error Starting Program
- A required .DLL file, CYGWIN1.DLL, was not found
- WinNT
- perl.exe - Unable to Locate DLL
- The dynamic link library cygwin1.dll could not be found in the
- specified path ...
-Just click OK and ignore them. When running `C<make test>', 2 popups
-occur. During `C<./perl harness>', 4 popups occur. Also, these tests
-will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- op/taint.t 1, 3, 31, 37
-Alternatively, you can copy F<cygwin1.dll> into the directory where the
-tests run:
- cp /bin/cygwin1.dll t
-or one of the Windows system directories (although, this is B<not>
-=head2 /etc/group
-Cygwin does not require F</etc/group>, in which case the F<op/grent.t>
-test will be skipped. The check performed by F<op/grent.t> expects to
-see entries that use the members field, otherwise this test will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- op/grent.t 1
-=head2 Script Portability
-Cygwin does an outstanding job of providing UNIX-like semantics on top of
-Win32 systems. However, in addition to the items noted above, there are
-some differences that you should know about. This is a very brief guide
-to portability, more information can be found in the Cygwin documentation.
-=over 4
-=item * Pathnames
-Cygwin pathnames can be separated by forward (F</>) or backward (F<\>)
-slashes. They may also begin with drive letters (F<C:>) or Universal
-Naming Codes (F<//UNC>). DOS device names (F<aux>, F<con>, F<prn>,
-F<com*>, F<lpt?>, F<nul>) are invalid as base filenames. However, they
-can be used in extensions (e.g., F<hello.aux>). Names may contain all
-printable characters except these:
- : * ? " < > |
-File names are case insensitive, but case preserving. A pathname that
-contains a backslash or drive letter is a Win32 pathname (and not subject
-to the translations applied to POSIX style pathnames).
-=item * Text/Binary
-When a file is opened it is in either text or binary mode. In text mode
-a file is subject to CR/LF/Ctrl-Z translations. With Cygwin, the default
-mode for an open() is determined by the mode of the mount that underlies
-the file. Perl provides a binmode() function to set binary mode on files
-that otherwise would be treated as text. sysopen() with the C<O_TEXT>
-flag sets text mode on files that otherwise would be treated as binary:
- sysopen(FOO, "bar", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TEXT)
-lseek(), tell() and sysseek() only work with files opened in binary mode.
-The text/binary issue is covered at length in the Cygwin documentation.
-=item * F<.exe>
-The Cygwin stat(), lstat() and readlink() functions make the F<.exe>
-extension transparent by looking for F<foo.exe> when you ask for F<foo>
-(unless a F<foo> also exists). Cygwin does not require a F<.exe>
-extension, but I<gcc> adds it automatically when building a program.
-However, when accessing an executable as a normal file (e.g., I<cp>
-in a makefile) the F<.exe> is not transparent. The I<install> included
-with Cygwin automatically appends a F<.exe> when necessary.
-=item * chown()
-On WinNT chown() can change a file's user and group IDs. On Win9x chown()
-is a no-op, although this is appropriate since there is no security model.
-=item * Miscellaneous
-File locking using the C<F_GETLK> command to fcntl() is a stub that
-returns C<ENOSYS>.
-Win9x can not rename() an open file (although WinNT can).
-The Cygwin chroot() implementation has holes (it can not restrict file
-access by native Win32 programs).
-=head1 INSTALL
-This will install Perl, including I<man> pages.
- make install | tee log.make-install
-NOTE: If C<STDERR> is redirected `C<make install>' will B<not> prompt
-you to install I<perl> into F</usr/bin>.
-You may need to be I<Administrator> to run `C<make install>'. If you
-are not, you must have write access to the directories in question.
-Information on installing the Perl documentation in HTML format can be
-found in the F<INSTALL> document.
-=head1 MANIFEST
-These are the files in the Perl release that contain references to Cygwin.
-These very brief notes attempt to explain the reason for all conditional
-code. Hopefully, keeping this up to date will allow the Cygwin port to
-be kept as clean as possible.
-=over 4
-=item Documentation
- Changes Changes5.005 Changes5.004 Changes5.6
- pod/perl.pod pod/perlport.pod pod/perlfaq3.pod
- pod/perldelta.pod pod/perl5004delta.pod pod/perl56delta.pod
- pod/perlhist.pod pod/perlmodlib.pod pod/buildtoc.PL pod/perltoc.pod
-=item Build, Configure, Make, Install
- cygwin/Makefile.SHs
- cygwin/
- cygwin/
- ext/IPC/SysV/hints/
- ext/NDBM_File/hints/
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/
- hints/
- Configure - help finding hints from uname,
- shared libperl required for dynamic loading
- Makefile.SH - linklibperl
- Porting/patchls - cygwin in port list
- installman - man pages with :: translated to .
- installperl - install dll/ld2/perlld, install to pods
- makedepend.SH - uwinfix
-=item Tests
- t/io/tell.t - binmode
- t/lib/b.t - ignore Cwd from os_extras
- t/lib/glob-basic.t - Win32 directory list access differs from read mode
- t/op/magic.t - $^X/symlink WORKAROUND, s/.exe//
- t/op/stat.t - no /dev, skip Win32 ftCreationTime quirk
- (cache manager sometimes preserves ctime of file
- previously created and deleted), no -u (setuid)
-=item Compiled Perl Source
- EXTERN.h - __declspec(dllimport)
- XSUB.h - __declspec(dllexport)
- cygwin/cygwin.c - os_extras (getcwd, spawn)
- perl.c - os_extras
- perl.h - binmode
- doio.c - win9x can not rename a file when it is open
- pp_sys.c - do not define h_errno, pp_system with spawn
- util.c - use setenv
-=item Compiled Module Source
- ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs - tzname defined externally
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/pair.c
- - EXTCONST needs to be redefined from EXTERN.h
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.c
- - binary open
-=item Perl Modules/Scripts
- lib/ - hook to internal Cwd::cwd
- lib/ExtUtils/
- - require
- lib/ExtUtils/
- - canonpath, cflags, manifypods, perl_archive
- lib/File/ - on remote drives stat() always sets st_nlink to 1
- lib/File/Spec/ - preserve //unc
- lib/File/ - no directory sticky bit
- lib/ - use stdin not /dev/tty
- utils/perldoc.PL - version comment
-=head1 BUGS
-When I<make> starts, it warns about overriding commands for F<perlmain.o>.
-`C<make clean>' does not remove library F<.def> or F<.exe.stackdump>
-The I<ld2> script contains references to the source directory. You should
-change these to $installbin after `C<make install>'.
-Support for swapping real and effective user and group IDs is incomplete.
-On WinNT Cygwin provides setuid(), seteuid(), setgid() and setegid().
-However, additional Cygwin calls for manipulating WinNT access tokens
-and security contexts are required.
-When building DLLs, `C<dllwrap --export-all-symbols>' is used to export
-global symbols. It might be better to generate an explicit F<.def> file
-(see F<>). Also, DLLs can now be build with `C<gcc -shared>'.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Charles Wilson <>,
-Eric Fifer <>,
-alexander smishlajev <>,
-Steven Morlock <>,
-Sebastien Barre <>,
-Teun Burgers <>.
-=head1 HISTORY
-Last updated: 9 November 2000
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlcygo.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlcygo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d834344d6f..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlcygo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-README.cygwin - Perl for Cygwin
-This document will help you configure, make, test and install Perl on Cygwin. This document also describes features of Cygwin that will affect how Perl behaves at runtime.
-NOTE: There are pre-built Perl packages available for Cygwin and a version of Perl is provided on the Cygwin CD. If you do not need to customize the configuration, consider using one of these packages:
-Cygwin = GNU+Cygnus+Windows (Don't leave UNIX without it)
-The Cygwin tools are ports of the popular GNU development tools for Win32 platforms. They run thanks to the Cygwin library which provides the UNIX system calls and environment these programs expect. More information about this project can be found at:
-A recent net or commercial release of Cygwin is required.
-At the time this document was last updated, Cygwin 1.1.5 was current.
-NOTE: At this point, minimal effort has been made to provide compatibility with old (beta) Cygwin releases. The focus has been to provide a high quality release and not worry about working around old bugs. If you wish to use Perl with Cygwin B20.1 or earlier, consider using perl5.005_03, which is available in source and binary form at If there is significant demand, a patch kit can be developed to port back to earlier Cygwin versions.
-Cygwin Configuration
-While building Perl some changes may be necessary to your Cygwin setup so that Perl builds cleanly. These changes are not required for normal Perl usage.
-NOTE: The binaries that are built will run on all Win32 versions. They do not depend on your host system (Win9x/WinME, WinNT/Win2K) or your Cygwin configuration (ntea, ntsec, binary/text mounts). The only dependencies come from hard-coded pathnames like /usr/local. However, your host system and Cygwin configuration will affect Perl's runtime behavior (see "TEST").
-Set the PATH environment variable so that Configure finds the Cygwin versions of programs. Any Windows directories should be removed or moved to the end of your PATH.
-If you do not have nroff (which is part of the groff package), Configure will not prompt you to install man pages.
-On WinNT with either the ntea or ntsec CYGWIN settings, directory and file permissions may not be set correctly. Since the build process creates directories and files, to be safe you may want to run a `chmod -R +w *' on the entire Perl source tree.
-Also, it is a well known WinNT "feature" that files created by a login that is a member of the Administrators group will be owned by the Administrators group. Depending on your umask, you may find that you can not write to files that you just created (because you are no longer the owner). When using the ntsec CYGWIN setting, this is not an issue because it "corrects" the ownership to what you would expect on a UNIX system.
-The default options gathered by Configure with the assistance of hints/ will build a Perl that supports dynamic loading (which requires a shared libperl.dll).
-This will run Configure and keep a record:
- ./Configure 2>&1 | tee log.configure
-If you are willing to accept all the defaults run Configure with -de. However, several useful customizations are available.
-Strip Binaries
-It is possible to strip the EXEs and DLLs created by the build process. The resulting binaries will be significantly smaller. If you want the binaries to be stripped, you can either add a -s option when Configure prompts you,
- Any additional ld flags (NOT including libraries)? [none] -s
- Any special flags to pass to gcc to use dynamic linking? [none] -s
- Any special flags to pass to ld2 to create a dynamically loaded library?
- [none] -s
-or you can edit hints/ and uncomment the relevant variables near the end of the file.
-Optional Libraries
-Several Perl functions and modules depend on the existence of some optional libraries. Configure will find them if they are installed in one of the directories listed as being used for library searches. Pre-built packages for most of these are available at
-The crypt package distributed with Cygwin is a Linux compatible 56-bit DES crypt port by Corinna Vinschen.
-Alternatively, the crypt libraries in GNU libc have been ported to Cygwin.
-The DES based Ultra Fast Crypt port was done by Alexey Truhan:
-NOTE: There are various export restrictions on DES implementations, see the glibc README for more details.
-The MD5 port was done by Andy Piper:
--lgdbm (use GDBM_File)
-GDBM is available for Cygwin. GDBM's ndbm/dbm compatibility feature also makes NDBM_File and ODBM_File possible (although they add little extra value).
-NOTE: The ndbm/dbm emulations only completely work on NTFS partitions.
--ldb (use DB_File)
-BerkeleyDB is available for Cygwin. Some details can be found in ext/DB_File/
-NOTE: The BerkeleyDB library only completely works on NTFS partitions.
--lcygipc (use IPC::SysV)
-A port of SysV IPC is available for Cygwin.
-NOTE: This has not been extensively tested. In particular, d_semctl_semun is undefined because it fails a Configure test and on Win9x the shm*() functions seem to hang. It also creates a compile time dependency because perl.h includes <sys/ipc.h> and <sys/sem.h> (which will be required in the future when compiling CPAN modules).
-Configure-time Options
-The INSTALL document describes several Configure-time options. Some of these will work with Cygwin, others are not yet possible. Also, some of these are experimental. You can either select an option when Configure prompts you or you can define (undefine) symbols on the command line.
-Undefining this symbol forces Perl to be compiled statically.
-By default Perl uses the malloc() included with the Perl source. If you want to force Perl to build with the system malloc() undefine this symbol.
-Multiplicity is required when embedding Perl in a C program and using more than one interpreter instance. This works with the Cygwin port.
-The PerlIO abstraction works with the Cygwin port.
-gcc supports 64-bit integers. However, several additional long long functions are necessary to use them within Perl ({strtol,strtoul}l). These are not yet available with Cygwin.
-gcc supports long doubles (12 bytes). However, several additional long double math functions are necessary to use them within Perl ({atan2,cos,exp,floor,fmod,frexp,isnan,log,modf,pow,sin,sqrt}l,strtold). These are not yet available with Cygwin.
-POSIX threads are not yet implemented in Cygwin.
-Although Win32 supports large files, Cygwin currently uses 32-bit integers for internal size and position calculations.
-Suspicious Warnings
-You may see some messages during Configure that seem suspicious.
-ld2 is needed to build dynamic libraries, but it does not exist when dlsym() checking occurs (it is not created until `make' runs). You will see the following message:
- Checking whether your dlsym() needs a leading underscore ...
- ld2: not found
- I can't compile and run the test program.
- I'm guessing that dlsym doesn't need a leading underscore.
-Since the guess is correct, this is not a problem.
-Win9x and d_eofnblk
-Win9x does not correctly report EOF with a non-blocking read on a closed pipe. You will see the following messages:
- But it also returns -1 to signal EOF, so be careful!
- WARNING: you can't distinguish between EOF and no data!
- *** WHOA THERE!!! ***
- The recommended value for $d_eofnblk on this machine was "define"!
- Keep the recommended value? [y]
-At least for consistency with WinNT, you should keep the recommended value.
-Compiler/Preprocessor defines
-The following error occurs because of the Cygwin #define of _LONG_DOUBLE:
- Guessing which symbols your C compiler and preprocessor define...
- try.c:<line#>: parse error
-This failure does not seem to cause any problems.
-Simply run make and wait:
- make 2>&1 | tee log.make
-Warnings like these are normal:
- warning: overriding commands for target <file>
- warning: ignoring old commands for target <file>
- dllwrap: no export definition file provided
- dllwrap: creating one, but that may not be what you want
-During `make', ld2 will be created and installed in your $installbin directory (where you said to put public executables). It does not wait until the `make install' process to install the ld2 script, this is because the remainder of the `make' refers to ld2 without fully specifying its path and does this from multiple subdirectories. The assumption is that $installbin is in your current PATH. If this is not the case `make' will fail at some point. If this happens, just manually copy ld2 from the source directory to somewhere in your PATH.
-There are two steps to running the test suite:
- make test 2>&1 | tee log.make-test
- cd t;./perl harness 2>&1 | tee ../log.harness
-The same tests are run both times, but more information is provided when running as `./perl harness'.
-Test results vary depending on your host system and your Cygwin configuration. If a test can pass in some Cygwin setup, it is always attempted and explainable test failures are documented. It is possible for Perl to pass all the tests, but it is more likely that some tests will fail for one of the reasons listed below.
-File Permissions
-UNIX file permissions are based on sets of mode bits for {read,write,execute} for each {user,group,other}. By default Cygwin only tracks the Win32 read-only attribute represented as the UNIX file user write bit (files are always readable, files are executable if they have a .{com,bat,exe} extension or begin with #!, directories are always readable and executable). On WinNT with the ntea CYGWIN setting, the additional mode bits are stored as extended file attributes. On WinNT with the ntsec CYGWIN setting, permissions use the standard WinNT security descriptors and access control lists. Without one of these options, these tests will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- io/fs.t 5, 7, 9-10
- lib/anydbm.t 2
- lib/db-btree.t 20
- lib/db-hash.t 16
- lib/db-recno.t 18
- lib/gdbm.t 2
- lib/ndbm.t 2
- lib/odbm.t 2
- lib/sdbm.t 2
- op/stat.t 9, 20 (.tmp not an executable extension)
-Hard Links
-FAT partitions do not support hard links (whereas NTFS does), in which case Cygwin implements link() by copying the file. On remote (network) drives Cygwin's stat() always sets st_nlink to 1, so the link count for remote directories and files is not available. In either case, these tests will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- io/fs.t 4
- op/stat.t 3
-Filetime Granularity
-On FAT partitions the filetime granularity is 2 seconds. The following test will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- io/fs.t 18
-Tainting Checks
-When Perl is running in taint mode, $ENV{PATH} is considered tainted and not used, so DLLs not in the default system directories will not be found. While the tests are running you will see warnings popup from the system with messages like:
- Win9x
- Error Starting Program
- A required .DLL file, CYGWIN1.DLL, was not found
- WinNT
- perl.exe - Unable to Locate DLL
- The dynamic link library cygwin1.dll could not be found in the
- specified path ...
-Just click OK and ignore them. When running `make test', 2 popups occur. During `./perl harness', 4 popups occur. Also, these tests will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- op/taint.t 1, 3, 31, 37
-Alternatively, you can copy cygwin1.dll into the directory where the tests run:
- cp /bin/cygwin1.dll t
-or one of the Windows system directories (although, this is not recommended).
-Cygwin does not require /etc/group, in which case the op/grent.t test will be skipped. The check performed by op/grent.t expects to see entries that use the members field, otherwise this test will fail:
- Failed Test List of failed
- ------------------------------------
- op/grent.t 1
-Script Portability
-Cygwin does an outstanding job of providing UNIX-like semantics on top of Win32 systems. However, in addition to the items noted above, there are some differences that you should know about. This is a very brief guide to portability, more information can be found in the Cygwin documentation.
-Cygwin pathnames can be separated by forward (/) or backward (\) slashes. They may also begin with drive letters (C:) or Universal Naming Codes (//UNC). DOS device names (aux, con, prn, com*, lpt?, nul) are invalid as base filenames. However, they can be used in extensions (e.g., hello.aux). Names may contain all printable characters except these:
- : * ? " < > |
-File names are case insensitive, but case preserving. A pathname that contains a backslash or drive letter is a Win32 pathname (and not subject to the translations applied to POSIX style pathnames).
-When a file is opened it is in either text or binary mode. In text mode a file is subject to CR/LF/Ctrl-Z translations. With Cygwin, the default mode for an open() is determined by the mode of the mount that underlies the file. Perl provides a binmode() function to set binary mode on files that otherwise would be treated as text. sysopen() with the O_TEXT flag sets text mode on files that otherwise would be treated as binary:
- sysopen(FOO, "bar", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TEXT)
-lseek(), tell() and sysseek() only work with files opened in binary mode.
-The text/binary issue is covered at length in the Cygwin documentation.
-The Cygwin stat(), lstat() and readlink() functions make the .exe extension transparent by looking for foo.exe when you ask for foo (unless a foo also exists). Cygwin does not require a .exe extension, but gcc adds it automatically when building a program. However, when accessing an executable as a normal file (e.g., cp in a makefile) the .exe is not transparent. The install included with Cygwin automatically appends a .exe when necessary.
-On WinNT chown() can change a file's user and group IDs. On Win9x chown() is a no-op, although this is appropriate since there is no security model.
-File locking using the F_GETLK command to fcntl() is a stub that returns ENOSYS.
-Win9x can not rename() an open file (although WinNT can).
-The Cygwin chroot() implementation has holes (it can not restrict file access by native Win32 programs).
-This will install Perl, including man pages.
- make install | tee log.make-install
-NOTE: If STDERR is redirected `make install' will not prompt you to install perl into /usr/bin.
-You may need to be Administrator to run `make install'. If you are not, you must have write access to the directories in question.
-Information on installing the Perl documentation in HTML format can be found in the INSTALL document.
-These are the files in the Perl release that contain references to Cygwin. These very brief notes attempt to explain the reason for all conditional code. Hopefully, keeping this up to date will allow the Cygwin port to be kept as clean as possible.
- Changes Changes5.005 Changes5.004 Changes5.6
- pod/perl.pod pod/perlport.pod pod/perlfaq3.pod
- pod/perldelta.pod pod/perl5004delta.pod pod/perl56delta.pod
- pod/perlhist.pod pod/perlmodlib.pod pod/buildtoc.PL pod/perltoc.pod
-Build, Configure, Make, Install
- cygwin/Makefile.SHs
- cygwin/
- cygwin/
- ext/IPC/SysV/hints/
- ext/NDBM_File/hints/
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/
- hints/
- Configure - help finding hints from uname,
- shared libperl required for dynamic loading
- Makefile.SH - linklibperl
- Porting/patchls - cygwin in port list
- installman - man pages with :: translated to .
- installperl - install dll/ld2/perlld, install to pods
- makedepend.SH - uwinfix
- t/io/tell.t - binmode
- t/lib/b.t - ignore Cwd from os_extras
- t/lib/glob-basic.t - Win32 directory list access differs from read mode
- t/op/magic.t - $^X/symlink WORKAROUND, s/.exe//
- t/op/stat.t - no /dev, skip Win32 ftCreationTime quirk
- (cache manager sometimes preserves ctime of file
- previously created and deleted), no -u (setuid)
-Compiled Perl Source
- EXTERN.h - __declspec(dllimport)
- XSUB.h - __declspec(dllexport)
- cygwin/cygwin.c - os_extras (getcwd, spawn)
- perl.c - os_extras
- perl.h - binmode
- doio.c - win9x can not rename a file when it is open
- pp_sys.c - do not define h_errno, pp_system with spawn
- util.c - use setenv
-Compiled Module Source
- ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs - tzname defined externally
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/pair.c
- - EXTCONST needs to be redefined from EXTERN.h
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.c
- - binary open
-Perl Modules/Scripts
- lib/ - hook to internal Cwd::cwd
- lib/ExtUtils/
- - require
- lib/ExtUtils/
- - canonpath, cflags, manifypods, perl_archive
- lib/File/ - on remote drives stat() always sets st_nlink to 1
- lib/File/Spec/ - preserve //unc
- lib/File/ - no directory sticky bit
- lib/ - use stdin not /dev/tty
- utils/perldoc.PL - version comment
-When make starts, it warns about overriding commands for perlmain.o.
-`make clean' does not remove library .def or .exe.stackdump files.
-The ld2 script contains references to the source directory. You should change these to $installbin after `make install'.
-Support for swapping real and effective user and group IDs is incomplete. On WinNT Cygwin provides setuid(), seteuid(), setgid() and setegid(). However, additional Cygwin calls for manipulating WinNT access tokens and security contexts are required.
-When building DLLs, `dllwrap --export-all-symbols' is used to export global symbols. It might be better to generate an explicit .def file (see Also, DLLs can now be build with `gcc -shared'.
-Charles Wilson <>, Eric Fifer <>, alexander smishlajev <>, Steven Morlock <>, Sebastien Barre <>, Teun Burgers <>.
-Last updated: 9 November 2000
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlfaq.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlfaq.pod
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index 49cae1a209..0000000000
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@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-perlfaq3 - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.38 $, $Date: 1999/05/23 16:08:30 $)
-This section of the FAQ answers questions related to programmer tools
-and programming support.
-=head2 How do I do (anything)?
-Have you looked at CPAN (see L<perlfaq2>)? The chances are that
-someone has already written a module that can solve your problem.
-Have you read the appropriate man pages? Here's a brief index:
- Basics perldata, perlvar, perlsyn, perlop, perlsub
- Execution perlrun, perldebug
- Functions perlfunc
- Objects perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
- Data Structures perlref, perllol, perldsc
- Modules perlmod, perlmodlib, perlsub
- Regexes perlre, perlfunc, perlop, perllocale
- Moving to perl5 perltrap, perl
- Linking w/C perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed
- Various
- (not a man-page but still useful)
-A crude table of contents for the Perl man page set is found in L<perltoc>.
-=head2 How can I use Perl interactively?
-The typical approach uses the Perl debugger, described in the
-perldebug(1) man page, on an ``empty'' program, like this:
- perl -de 42
-Now just type in any legal Perl code, and it will be immediately
-evaluated. You can also examine the symbol table, get stack
-backtraces, check variable values, set breakpoints, and other
-operations typically found in symbolic debuggers.
-=head2 Is there a Perl shell?
-In general, no. The module (distributed with Perl) makes
-Perl try commands which aren't part of the Perl language as shell
-commands. perlsh from the source distribution is simplistic and
-uninteresting, but may still be what you want.
-=head2 How do I debug my Perl programs?
-Have you tried C<use warnings> or used C<-w>? They enable warnings
-to detect dubious practices.
-Have you tried C<use strict>? It prevents you from using symbolic
-references, makes you predeclare any subroutines that you call as bare
-words, and (probably most importantly) forces you to predeclare your
-variables with C<my>, C<our>, or C<use vars>.
-Did you check the return values of each and every system call? The operating
-system (and thus Perl) tells you whether they worked, and if not
- open(FH, "> /etc/cantwrite")
- or die "Couldn't write to /etc/cantwrite: $!\n";
-Did you read L<perltrap>? It's full of gotchas for old and new Perl
-programmers and even has sections for those of you who are upgrading
-from languages like I<awk> and I<C>.
-Have you tried the Perl debugger, described in L<perldebug>? You can
-step through your program and see what it's doing and thus work out
-why what it's doing isn't what it should be doing.
-=head2 How do I profile my Perl programs?
-You should get the Devel::DProf module from the standard distribution
-(or separately on CPAN) and also use from the standard
-distribution. The Benchmark module lets you time specific portions of
-your code, while Devel::DProf gives detailed breakdowns of where your
-code spends its time.
-Here's a sample use of Benchmark:
- use Benchmark;
- @junk = `cat /etc/motd`;
- $count = 10_000;
- timethese($count, {
- 'map' => sub { my @a = @junk;
- map { s/a/b/ } @a;
- return @a
- },
- 'for' => sub { my @a = @junk;
- local $_;
- for (@a) { s/a/b/ };
- return @a },
- });
-This is what it prints (on one machine--your results will be dependent
-on your hardware, operating system, and the load on your machine):
- Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of for, map...
- for: 4 secs ( 3.97 usr 0.01 sys = 3.98 cpu)
- map: 6 secs ( 4.97 usr 0.00 sys = 4.97 cpu)
-Be aware that a good benchmark is very hard to write. It only tests the
-data you give it and proves little about the differing complexities
-of contrasting algorithms.
-=head2 How do I cross-reference my Perl programs?
-The B::Xref module, shipped with the new, alpha-release Perl compiler
-(not the general distribution prior to the 5.005 release), can be used
-to generate cross-reference reports for Perl programs.
- perl -MO=Xref[,OPTIONS] scriptname.plx
-=head2 Is there a pretty-printer (formatter) for Perl?
-There is no program that will reformat Perl as much as indent(1) does
-for C. The complex feedback between the scanner and the parser (this
-feedback is what confuses the vgrind and emacs programs) makes it
-challenging at best to write a stand-alone Perl parser.
-Of course, if you simply follow the guidelines in L<perlstyle>, you
-shouldn't need to reformat. The habit of formatting your code as you
-write it will help prevent bugs. Your editor can and should help you
-with this. The perl-mode or newer cperl-mode for emacs can provide
-remarkable amounts of help with most (but not all) code, and even less
-programmable editors can provide significant assistance. Tom swears
-by the following settings in vi and its clones:
- set ai sw=4
- map! ^O {^M}^[O^T
-Now put that in your F<.exrc> file (replacing the caret characters
-with control characters) and away you go. In insert mode, ^T is
-for indenting, ^D is for undenting, and ^O is for blockdenting--
-as it were. If you haven't used the last one, you're missing
-a lot. A more complete example, with comments, can be found at
-If you are used to using the I<vgrind> program for printing out nice code
-to a laser printer, you can take a stab at this using
-, but the
-results are not particularly satisfying for sophisticated code.
-The a2ps at does lots of things
-related to generating nicely printed output of documents.
-=head2 Is there a ctags for Perl?
-There's a simple one at
- which may do
-the trick. And if not, it's easy to hack into what you want.
-=head2 Is there an IDE or Windows Perl Editor?
-Perl programs are just plain text, so any editor will do.
-If you're on Unix, you already have an IDE--Unix itself. The UNIX
-philosophy is the philosophy of several small tools that each do one
-thing and do it well. It's like a carpenter's toolbox.
-If you want a Windows IDE, check the following:
-=over 4
-=item CodeMagicCD
-=item Komodo
-ActiveState's cross-platform, multi-language IDE has Perl support,
-including a regular expression debugger and remote debugging
-(Visual Perl, a Visual Studio.NET plug-in is currently (early 2001)
-in beta (
-=item The Object System
-( is a Perl web
-applications development IDE.
-=item PerlBuilder
-( is an integrated development
-environment for Windows that supports Perl development.
-=item Perl code magic
-=item visiPerl+
-, from Help Consulting.
-For editors: if you're on Unix you probably have vi or a vi clone already,
-and possibly an emacs too, so you may not need to download anything.
-In any emacs the cperl-mode (M-x cperl-mode) gives you perhaps the
-best available Perl editing mode in any editor.
-For Windows editors: you can download an Emacs
-=over 4
-=item GNU Emacs
-=item MicroEMACS
-=item XEmacs
-or a vi clone such as
-=over 4
-=item Elvis
-=item Vile
-=item Vim
-For vi lovers in general, Windows or elsewhere:
-nvi (, available from CPAN in src/misc/) is
-yet another vi clone, unfortunately not available for Windows, but in
-UNIX platforms you might be interested in trying it out, firstly because
-strictly speaking it is not a vi clone, it is the real vi, or the new
-incarnation of it, and secondly because you can embed Perl inside it
-to use Perl as the scripting language. nvi is not alone in this,
-though: at least also vim and vile offer an embedded Perl.
-The following are Win32 multilanguage editor/IDESs that support Perl:
-=over 4
-=item Codewright
-=item MultiEdit
-=item SlickEdit
-There is also a toyedit Text widget based editor written in Perl
-that is distributed with the Tk module on CPAN. The ptkdb
-( is a Perl/tk based debugger that
-acts as a development environment of sorts. Perl Composer
-( is an IDE for Perl/Tk
-GUI creation.
-In addition to an editor/IDE you might be interested in a more
-powerful shell environment for Win32. Your options include
-=over 4
-=item Bash
-from the Cygwin package (
-=item Ksh
-from the MKS Toolkit (, or the Bourne shell of
-the U/WIN environment (
-=item Tcsh
-, see also
-=item Zsh
-, see also
-MKS and U/WIN are commercial (U/WIN is free for educational and
-research purposes), Cygwin is covered by the GNU Public License (but
-that shouldn't matter for Perl use). The Cygwin, MKS, and U/WIN all
-contain (in addition to the shells) a comprehensive set of standard
-UNIX toolkit utilities.
-If you're transferring text files between Unix and Windows using FTP
-be sure to transfer them in ASCII mode so the ends of lines are
-appropriately converted.
-On Mac OS the MacPerl Application comes with a simple 32k text editor
-that behaves like a rudimentary IDE. In contrast to the MacPerl Application
-the MPW Perl tool can make use of the MPW Shell itself as an editor (with
-no 32k limit).
-=over 4
-=item BBEdit and BBEdit Lite
-are text editors for Mac OS that have a Perl sensitivity mode
-=item Alpha
-is an editor, written and extensible in Tcl, that nonetheless has
-built in support for several popular markup and programming languages
-including Perl and HTML (
-Pepper and Pe are programming language sensitive text editors for Mac
-OS X and BeOS respectively (
-=head2 Where can I get Perl macros for vi?
-For a complete version of Tom Christiansen's vi configuration file,
-see ,
-the standard benchmark file for vi emulators. The file runs best with nvi,
-the current version of vi out of Berkeley, which incidentally can be built
-with an embedded Perl interpreter--see
-=head2 Where can I get perl-mode for emacs?
-Since Emacs version 19 patchlevel 22 or so, there have been both a
-perl-mode.el and support for the Perl debugger built in. These should
-come with the standard Emacs 19 distribution.
-In the Perl source directory, you'll find a directory called "emacs",
-which contains a cperl-mode that color-codes keywords, provides
-context-sensitive help, and other nifty things.
-Note that the perl-mode of emacs will have fits with C<"main'foo">
-(single quote), and mess up the indentation and highlighting. You
-are probably using C<"main::foo"> in new Perl code anyway, so this
-shouldn't be an issue.
-=head2 How can I use curses with Perl?
-The Curses module from CPAN provides a dynamically loadable object
-module interface to a curses library. A small demo can be found at the
-this program repeats a command and updates the screen as needed, rendering
-B<rep ps axu> similar to B<top>.
-=head2 How can I use X or Tk with Perl?
-Tk is a completely Perl-based, object-oriented interface to the Tk toolkit
-that doesn't force you to use Tcl just to get at Tk. Sx is an interface
-to the Athena Widget set. Both are available from CPAN. See the
-Invaluable for Perl/Tk programming are the Perl/Tk FAQ at
- , the Perl/Tk Reference
-Guide available at
- , and the
-online manpages at
- .
-=head2 How can I generate simple menus without using CGI or Tk?
-module, which is curses-based, can help with this.
-=head2 What is undump?
-See the next question on ``How can I make my Perl program run faster?''
-=head2 How can I make my Perl program run faster?
-The best way to do this is to come up with a better algorithm. This
-can often make a dramatic difference. Jon Bentley's book
-``Programming Pearls'' (that's not a misspelling!) has some good tips
-on optimization, too. Advice on benchmarking boils down to: benchmark
-and profile to make sure you're optimizing the right part, look for
-better algorithms instead of microtuning your code, and when all else
-fails consider just buying faster hardware.
-A different approach is to autoload seldom-used Perl code. See the
-AutoSplit and AutoLoader modules in the standard distribution for
-that. Or you could locate the bottleneck and think about writing just
-that part in C, the way we used to take bottlenecks in C code and
-write them in assembler. Similar to rewriting in C,
-modules that have critical sections can be written in C (for instance, the
-PDL module from CPAN).
-In some cases, it may be worth it to use the backend compiler to
-produce byte code (saving compilation time) or compile into C, which
-will certainly save compilation time and sometimes a small amount (but
-not much) execution time. See the question about compiling your Perl
-programs for more on the compiler--the wins aren't as obvious as you'd
-If you're currently linking your perl executable to a shared I<>,
-you can often gain a 10-25% performance benefit by rebuilding it to
-link with a static libc.a instead. This will make a bigger perl
-executable, but your Perl programs (and programmers) may thank you for
-it. See the F<INSTALL> file in the source distribution for more
-Unsubstantiated reports allege that Perl interpreters that use sfio
-outperform those that don't (for I/O intensive applications). To try
-this, see the F<INSTALL> file in the source distribution, especially
-the ``Selecting File I/O mechanisms'' section.
-The undump program was an old attempt to speed up your Perl program
-by storing the already-compiled form to disk. This is no longer
-a viable option, as it only worked on a few architectures, and
-wasn't a good solution anyway.
-=head2 How can I make my Perl program take less memory?
-When it comes to time-space tradeoffs, Perl nearly always prefers to
-throw memory at a problem. Scalars in Perl use more memory than
-strings in C, arrays take more than that, and hashes use even more. While
-there's still a lot to be done, recent releases have been addressing
-these issues. For example, as of 5.004, duplicate hash keys are
-shared amongst all hashes using them, so require no reallocation.
-In some cases, using substr() or vec() to simulate arrays can be
-highly beneficial. For example, an array of a thousand booleans will
-take at least 20,000 bytes of space, but it can be turned into one
-125-byte bit vector--a considerable memory savings. The standard
-Tie::SubstrHash module can also help for certain types of data
-structure. If you're working with specialist data structures
-(matrices, for instance) modules that implement these in C may use
-less memory than equivalent Perl modules.
-Another thing to try is learning whether your Perl was compiled with
-the system malloc or with Perl's builtin malloc. Whichever one it
-is, try using the other one and see whether this makes a difference.
-Information about malloc is in the F<INSTALL> file in the source
-distribution. You can find out whether you are using perl's malloc by
-typing C<perl -V:usemymalloc>.
-=head2 Is it unsafe to return a pointer to local data?
-No, Perl's garbage collection system takes care of this.
- sub makeone {
- my @a = ( 1 .. 10 );
- return \@a;
- }
- for $i ( 1 .. 10 ) {
- push @many, makeone();
- }
- print $many[4][5], "\n";
- print "@many\n";
-=head2 How can I free an array or hash so my program shrinks?
-You can't. On most operating systems, memory allocated to a program
-can never be returned to the system. That's why long-running programs
-sometimes re-exec themselves. Some operating systems (notably,
-FreeBSD and Linux) allegedly reclaim large chunks of memory that is no
-longer used, but it doesn't appear to happen with Perl (yet). The Mac
-appears to be the only platform that will reliably (albeit, slowly)
-return memory to the OS.
-We've had reports that on Linux (Redhat 5.1) on Intel, C<undef
-$scalar> will return memory to the system, while on Solaris 2.6 it
-won't. In general, try it yourself and see.
-However, judicious use of my() on your variables will help make sure
-that they go out of scope so that Perl can free up that space for
-use in other parts of your program. A global variable, of course, never
-goes out of scope, so you can't get its space automatically reclaimed,
-although undef()ing and/or delete()ing it will achieve the same effect.
-In general, memory allocation and de-allocation isn't something you can
-or should be worrying about much in Perl, but even this capability
-(preallocation of data types) is in the works.
-=head2 How can I make my CGI script more efficient?
-Beyond the normal measures described to make general Perl programs
-faster or smaller, a CGI program has additional issues. It may be run
-several times per second. Given that each time it runs it will need
-to be re-compiled and will often allocate a megabyte or more of system
-memory, this can be a killer. Compiling into C B<isn't going to help
-you> because the process start-up overhead is where the bottleneck is.
-There are two popular ways to avoid this overhead. One solution
-involves running the Apache HTTP server (available from
- with either of the mod_perl or mod_fastcgi
-plugin modules.
-With mod_perl and the Apache::Registry module (distributed with
-mod_perl), httpd will run with an embedded Perl interpreter which
-pre-compiles your script and then executes it within the same address
-space without forking. The Apache extension also gives Perl access to
-the internal server API, so modules written in Perl can do just about
-anything a module written in C can. For more on mod_perl, see
-With the FCGI module (from CPAN) and the mod_fastcgi
-module (available from each of your Perl
-programs becomes a permanent CGI daemon process.
-Both of these solutions can have far-reaching effects on your system
-and on the way you write your CGI programs, so investigate them with
-See .
-A non-free, commercial product, ``The Velocity Engine for Perl'',
-( or )
-might also be worth looking at. It will allow you to increase the
-performance of your Perl programs, running programs up to 25 times
-faster than normal CGI Perl when running in persistent Perl mode or 4
-to 5 times faster without any modification to your existing CGI
-programs. Fully functional evaluation copies are available from the
-web site.
-=head2 How can I hide the source for my Perl program?
-Delete it. :-) Seriously, there are a number of (mostly
-unsatisfactory) solutions with varying levels of ``security''.
-First of all, however, you I<can't> take away read permission, because
-the source code has to be readable in order to be compiled and
-interpreted. (That doesn't mean that a CGI script's source is
-readable by people on the web, though--only by people with access to
-the filesystem.) So you have to leave the permissions at the socially
-friendly 0755 level.
-Some people regard this as a security problem. If your program does
-insecure things and relies on people not knowing how to exploit those
-insecurities, it is not secure. It is often possible for someone to
-determine the insecure things and exploit them without viewing the
-source. Security through obscurity, the name for hiding your bugs
-instead of fixing them, is little security indeed.
-You can try using encryption via source filters (Filter::* from CPAN),
-but any decent programmer will be able to decrypt it. You can try using
-the byte code compiler and interpreter described below, but the curious
-might still be able to de-compile it. You can try using the native-code
-compiler described below, but crackers might be able to disassemble it.
-These pose varying degrees of difficulty to people wanting to get at
-your code, but none can definitively conceal it (true of every
-language, not just Perl).
-If you're concerned about people profiting from your code, then the
-bottom line is that nothing but a restrictive license will give you
-legal security. License your software and pepper it with threatening
-statements like ``This is unpublished proprietary software of XYZ Corp.
-Your access to it does not give you permission to use it blah blah
-blah.'' We are not lawyers, of course, so you should see a lawyer if
-you want to be sure your license's wording will stand up in court.
-=head2 How can I compile my Perl program into byte code or C?
-Malcolm Beattie has written a multifunction backend compiler,
-available from CPAN, that can do both these things. It is included
-in the perl5.005 release, but is still considered experimental.
-This means it's fun to play with if you're a programmer but not
-really for people looking for turn-key solutions.
-Merely compiling into C does not in and of itself guarantee that your
-code will run very much faster. That's because except for lucky cases
-where a lot of native type inferencing is possible, the normal Perl
-run-time system is still present and so your program will take just as
-long to run and be just as big. Most programs save little more than
-compilation time, leaving execution no more than 10-30% faster. A few
-rare programs actually benefit significantly (even running several times
-faster), but this takes some tweaking of your code.
-You'll probably be astonished to learn that the current version of the
-compiler generates a compiled form of your script whose executable is
-just as big as the original perl executable, and then some. That's
-because as currently written, all programs are prepared for a full
-eval() statement. You can tremendously reduce this cost by building a
-shared I<> library and linking against that. See the
-F<INSTALL> podfile in the Perl source distribution for details. If
-you link your main perl binary with this, it will make it minuscule.
-For example, on one author's system, F</usr/bin/perl> is only 11k in
-In general, the compiler will do nothing to make a Perl program smaller,
-faster, more portable, or more secure. In fact, it can make your
-situation worse. The executable will be bigger, your VM system may take
-longer to load the whole thing, the binary is fragile and hard to fix,
-and compilation never stopped software piracy in the form of crackers,
-viruses, or bootleggers. The real advantage of the compiler is merely
-packaging, and once you see the size of what it makes (well, unless
-you use a shared I<>), you'll probably want a complete
-Perl install anyway.
-=head2 How can I compile Perl into Java?
-You can also integrate Java and Perl with the
-Perl Resource Kit from O'Reilly and Associates. See
- .
-Perl 5.6 comes with Java Perl Lingo, or JPL. JPL, still in
-development, allows Perl code to be called from Java. See jpl/README
-in the Perl source tree.
-=head2 How can I get C<#!perl> to work on [MS-DOS,NT,...]?
-For OS/2 just use
- extproc perl -S -your_switches
-as the first line in C<*.cmd> file (C<-S> due to a bug in cmd.exe's
-`extproc' handling). For DOS one should first invent a corresponding
-batch file and codify it in C<ALTERNATIVE_SHEBANG> (see the
-F<INSTALL> file in the source distribution for more information).
-The Win95/NT installation, when using the ActiveState port of Perl,
-will modify the Registry to associate the C<.pl> extension with the
-perl interpreter. If you install another port, perhaps even building
-your own Win95/NT Perl from the standard sources by using a Windows port
-of gcc (e.g., with cygwin or mingw32), then you'll have to modify
-the Registry yourself. In addition to associating C<.pl> with the
-interpreter, NT people can use: C<SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PL> to let them
-run the program C<> merely by typing C<install-linux>.
-Macintosh Perl programs will have the appropriate Creator and
-Type, so that double-clicking them will invoke the Perl application.
-I<IMPORTANT!>: Whatever you do, PLEASE don't get frustrated, and just
-throw the perl interpreter into your cgi-bin directory, in order to
-get your programs working for a web server. This is an EXTREMELY big
-security risk. Take the time to figure out how to do it correctly.
-=head2 Can I write useful Perl programs on the command line?
-Yes. Read L<perlrun> for more information. Some examples follow.
-(These assume standard Unix shell quoting rules.)
- # sum first and last fields
- perl -lane 'print $F[0] + $F[-1]' *
- # identify text files
- perl -le 'for(@ARGV) {print if -f && -T _}' *
- # remove (most) comments from C program
- perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
- # make file a month younger than today, defeating reaper daemons
- perl -e '$X=24*60*60; utime(time(),time() + 30 * $X,@ARGV)' *
- # find first unused uid
- perl -le '$i++ while getpwuid($i); print $i'
- # display reasonable manpath
- echo $PATH | perl -nl -072 -e '
- s![^/+]*$!man!&&-d&&!$s{$_}++&&push@m,$_;END{print"@m"}'
-OK, the last one was actually an Obfuscated Perl Contest entry. :-)
-=head2 Why don't Perl one-liners work on my DOS/Mac/VMS system?
-The problem is usually that the command interpreters on those systems
-have rather different ideas about quoting than the Unix shells under
-which the one-liners were created. On some systems, you may have to
-change single-quotes to double ones, which you must I<NOT> do on Unix
-or Plan9 systems. You might also have to change a single % to a %%.
-For example:
- # Unix
- perl -e 'print "Hello world\n"'
- # DOS, etc.
- perl -e "print \"Hello world\n\""
- # Mac
- print "Hello world\n"
- (then Run "Myscript" or Shift-Command-R)
- # VMS
- perl -e "print ""Hello world\n"""
-The problem is that none of these examples are reliable: they depend on the
-command interpreter. Under Unix, the first two often work. Under DOS,
-it's entirely possible that neither works. If 4DOS was the command shell,
-you'd probably have better luck like this:
- perl -e "print <Ctrl-x>"Hello world\n<Ctrl-x>""
-Under the Mac, it depends which environment you are using. The MacPerl
-shell, or MPW, is much like Unix shells in its support for several
-quoting variants, except that it makes free use of the Mac's non-ASCII
-characters as control characters.
-Using qq(), q(), and qx(), instead of "double quotes", 'single
-quotes', and `backticks`, may make one-liners easier to write.
-There is no general solution to all of this. It is a mess, pure and
-simple. Sucks to be away from Unix, huh? :-)
-[Some of this answer was contributed by Kenneth Albanowski.]
-=head2 Where can I learn about CGI or Web programming in Perl?
-For modules, get the CGI or LWP modules from CPAN. For textbooks,
-see the two especially dedicated to web stuff in the question on
-books. For problems and questions related to the web, like ``Why
-do I get 500 Errors'' or ``Why doesn't it run from the browser right
-when it runs fine on the command line'', see these sources:
- WWW Security FAQ
- Web FAQ
- HTTP Spec
- HTML Spec
- CGI Spec
- CGI Security FAQ
-=head2 Where can I learn about object-oriented Perl programming?
-A good place to start is L<perltoot>, and you can use L<perlobj>,
-L<perlboot>, and L<perlbot> for reference. Perltoot didn't come out
-until the 5.004 release; you can get a copy (in pod, html, or
-postscript) from .
-=head2 Where can I learn about linking C with Perl? [h2xs, xsubpp]
-If you want to call C from Perl, start with L<perlxstut>,
-moving on to L<perlxs>, L<xsubpp>, and L<perlguts>. If you want to
-call Perl from C, then read L<perlembed>, L<perlcall>, and
-L<perlguts>. Don't forget that you can learn a lot from looking at
-how the authors of existing extension modules wrote their code and
-solved their problems.
-=head2 I've read perlembed, perlguts, etc., but I can't embed perl in
-my C program; what am I doing wrong?
-Download the ExtUtils::Embed kit from CPAN and run `make test'. If
-the tests pass, read the pods again and again and again. If they
-fail, see L<perlbug> and send a bug report with the output of
-C<make test TEST_VERBOSE=1> along with C<perl -V>.
-=head2 When I tried to run my script, I got this message. What does it
-A complete list of Perl's error messages and warnings with explanatory
-text can be found in L<perldiag>. You can also use the splain program
-(distributed with Perl) to explain the error messages:
- perl program 2>diag.out
- splain [-v] [-p] diag.out
-or change your program to explain the messages for you:
- use diagnostics;
- use diagnostics -verbose;
-=head2 What's MakeMaker?
-This module (part of the standard Perl distribution) is designed to
-write a Makefile for an extension module from a Makefile.PL. For more
-information, see L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.
-Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington.
-All rights reserved.
-When included as an integrated part of the Standard Distribution
-of Perl or of its documentation (printed or otherwise), this works is
-covered under Perl's Artistic License. For separate distributions of
-all or part of this FAQ outside of that, see L<perlfaq>.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
-domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
-derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
-see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
-be courteous but is not required.
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-perlfaq3 - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.38 $, $Date: 1999/05/23 16:08:30 $)
-This section of the FAQ answers questions related to programmer tools and programming support.
-How do I do (anything)?
-Have you looked at CPAN (see perlfaq2)? The chances are that someone has already written a module that can solve your problem. Have you read the appropriate man pages? Here's a brief index:
- Basics perldata, perlvar, perlsyn, perlop, perlsub
- Execution perlrun, perldebug
- Functions perlfunc
- Objects perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
- Data Structures perlref, perllol, perldsc
- Modules perlmod, perlmodlib, perlsub
- Regexes perlre, perlfunc, perlop, perllocale
- Moving to perl5 perltrap, perl
- Linking w/C perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed
- Various
- (not a man-page but still useful)
-A crude table of contents for the Perl man page set is found in perltoc.
-How can I use Perl interactively?
-The typical approach uses the Perl debugger, described in the perldebug(1) man page, on an ``empty'' program, like this:
- perl -de 42
-Now just type in any legal Perl code, and it will be immediately evaluated. You can also examine the symbol table, get stack backtraces, check variable values, set breakpoints, and other operations typically found in symbolic debuggers.
-Is there a Perl shell?
-In general, no. The module (distributed with Perl) makes Perl try commands which aren't part of the Perl language as shell commands. perlsh from the source distribution is simplistic and uninteresting, but may still be what you want.
-How do I debug my Perl programs?
-Have you tried use warnings or used -w? They enable warnings to detect dubious practices.
-Have you tried use strict? It prevents you from using symbolic references, makes you predeclare any subroutines that you call as bare words, and (probably most importantly) forces you to predeclare your variables with my, our, or use vars.
-Did you check the return values of each and every system call? The operating system (and thus Perl) tells you whether they worked, and if not why.
- open(FH, "> /etc/cantwrite")
- or die "Couldn't write to /etc/cantwrite: $!\n";
-Did you read perltrap? It's full of gotchas for old and new Perl programmers and even has sections for those of you who are upgrading from languages like awk and C.
-Have you tried the Perl debugger, described in perldebug? You can step through your program and see what it's doing and thus work out why what it's doing isn't what it should be doing.
-How do I profile my Perl programs?
-You should get the Devel::DProf module from the standard distribution (or separately on CPAN) and also use from the standard distribution. The Benchmark module lets you time specific portions of your code, while Devel::DProf gives detailed breakdowns of where your code spends its time.
-Here's a sample use of Benchmark:
- use Benchmark;
- @junk = `cat /etc/motd`;
- $count = 10_000;
- timethese($count, {
- 'map' => sub { my @a = @junk;
- map { s/a/b/ } @a;
- return @a
- },
- 'for' => sub { my @a = @junk;
- local $_;
- for (@a) { s/a/b/ };
- return @a },
- });
-This is what it prints (on one machine--your results will be dependent on your hardware, operating system, and the load on your machine):
- Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of for, map...
- for: 4 secs ( 3.97 usr 0.01 sys = 3.98 cpu)
- map: 6 secs ( 4.97 usr 0.00 sys = 4.97 cpu)
-Be aware that a good benchmark is very hard to write. It only tests the data you give it and proves little about the differing complexities of contrasting algorithms.
-How do I cross-reference my Perl programs?
-The B::Xref module, shipped with the new, alpha-release Perl compiler (not the general distribution prior to the 5.005 release), can be used to generate cross-reference reports for Perl programs.
- perl -MO=Xref[,OPTIONS] scriptname.plx
-Is there a pretty-printer (formatter) for Perl?
-There is no program that will reformat Perl as much as indent(1) does for C. The complex feedback between the scanner and the parser (this feedback is what confuses the vgrind and emacs programs) makes it challenging at best to write a stand-alone Perl parser.
-Of course, if you simply follow the guidelines in perlstyle, you shouldn't need to reformat. The habit of formatting your code as you write it will help prevent bugs. Your editor can and should help you with this. The perl-mode or newer cperl-mode for emacs can provide remarkable amounts of help with most (but not all) code, and even less programmable editors can provide significant assistance. Tom swears by the following settings in vi and its clones:
- set ai sw=4
- map! ^O {^M}^[O^T
-Now put that in your .exrc file (replacing the caret characters with control characters) and away you go. In insert mode, ^T is for indenting, ^D is for undenting, and ^O is for blockdenting-- as it were. If you haven't used the last one, you're missing a lot. A more complete example, with comments, can be found at
-If you are used to using the vgrind program for printing out nice code to a laser printer, you can take a stab at this using, but the results are not particularly satisfying for sophisticated code.
-The a2ps at does lots of things related to generating nicely printed output of documents.
-Is there a ctags for Perl?
-There's a simple one at which may do the trick. And if not, it's easy to hack into what you want.
-Is there an IDE or Windows Perl Editor?
-Perl programs are just plain text, so any editor will do.
-If you're on Unix, you already have an IDE--Unix itself. The UNIX philosophy is the philosophy of several small tools that each do one thing and do it well. It's like a carpenter's toolbox.
-If you want a Windows IDE, check the following:
-ActiveState's cross-platform, multi-language IDE has Perl support, including a regular expression debugger and remote debugging ( (Visual Perl, a Visual Studio.NET plug-in is currently (early 2001) in beta (
-The Object System
-( is a Perl web applications development IDE.
-( is an integrated development environment for Windows that supports Perl development.
-Perl code magic
-, from Help Consulting.
-For editors: if you're on Unix you probably have vi or a vi clone already, and possibly an emacs too, so you may not need to download anything. In any emacs the cperl-mode (M-x cperl-mode) gives you perhaps the best available Perl editing mode in any editor.
-For Windows editors: you can download an Emacs
-GNU Emacs
-or a vi clone such as
-For vi lovers in general, Windows or elsewhere:
-nvi (, available from CPAN in src/misc/) is yet another vi clone, unfortunately not available for Windows, but in UNIX platforms you might be interested in trying it out, firstly because strictly speaking it is not a vi clone, it is the real vi, or the new incarnation of it, and secondly because you can embed Perl inside it to use Perl as the scripting language. nvi is not alone in this, though: at least also vim and vile offer an embedded Perl.
-The following are Win32 multilanguage editor/IDESs that support Perl:
-There is also a toyedit Text widget based editor written in Perl that is distributed with the Tk module on CPAN. The ptkdb ( is a Perl/tk based debugger that acts as a development environment of sorts. Perl Composer ( is an IDE for Perl/Tk GUI creation.
-In addition to an editor/IDE you might be interested in a more powerful shell environment for Win32. Your options include
-from the Cygwin package (
-from the MKS Toolkit (, or the Bourne shell of the U/WIN environment (
-, see also
-, see also
-MKS and U/WIN are commercial (U/WIN is free for educational and research purposes), Cygwin is covered by the GNU Public License (but that shouldn't matter for Perl use). The Cygwin, MKS, and U/WIN all contain (in addition to the shells) a comprehensive set of standard UNIX toolkit utilities.
-If you're transferring text files between Unix and Windows using FTP be sure to transfer them in ASCII mode so the ends of lines are appropriately converted.
-On Mac OS the MacPerl Application comes with a simple 32k text editor that behaves like a rudimentary IDE. In contrast to the MacPerl Application the MPW Perl tool can make use of the MPW Shell itself as an editor (with no 32k limit).
-BBEdit and BBEdit Lite
-are text editors for Mac OS that have a Perl sensitivity mode (
-is an editor, written and extensible in Tcl, that nonetheless has built in support for several popular markup and programming languages including Perl and HTML (
-Pepper and Pe are programming language sensitive text editors for Mac OS X and BeOS respectively (
-Where can I get Perl macros for vi?
-For a complete version of Tom Christiansen's vi configuration file, see , the standard benchmark file for vi emulators. The file runs best with nvi, the current version of vi out of Berkeley, which incidentally can be built with an embedded Perl interpreter--see
-Where can I get perl-mode for emacs?
-Since Emacs version 19 patchlevel 22 or so, there have been both a perl-mode.el and support for the Perl debugger built in. These should come with the standard Emacs 19 distribution.
-In the Perl source directory, you'll find a directory called "emacs", which contains a cperl-mode that color-codes keywords, provides context-sensitive help, and other nifty things.
-Note that the perl-mode of emacs will have fits with "main'foo" (single quote), and mess up the indentation and highlighting. You are probably using "main::foo" in new Perl code anyway, so this shouldn't be an issue.
-How can I use curses with Perl?
-The Curses module from CPAN provides a dynamically loadable object module interface to a curses library. A small demo can be found at the directory; this program repeats a command and updates the screen as needed, rendering rep ps axu similar to top.
-How can I use X or Tk with Perl?
-Tk is a completely Perl-based, object-oriented interface to the Tk toolkit that doesn't force you to use Tcl just to get at Tk. Sx is an interface to the Athena Widget set. Both are available from CPAN. See the directory
-Invaluable for Perl/Tk programming are the Perl/Tk FAQ at , the Perl/Tk Reference Guide available at , and the online manpages at .
-How can I generate simple menus without using CGI or Tk?
-The module, which is curses-based, can help with this.
-What is undump?
-See the next question on ``How can I make my Perl program run faster?''
-How can I make my Perl program run faster?
-The best way to do this is to come up with a better algorithm. This can often make a dramatic difference. Jon Bentley's book ``Programming Pearls'' (that's not a misspelling!) has some good tips on optimization, too. Advice on benchmarking boils down to: benchmark and profile to make sure you're optimizing the right part, look for better algorithms instead of microtuning your code, and when all else fails consider just buying faster hardware.
-A different approach is to autoload seldom-used Perl code. See the AutoSplit and AutoLoader modules in the standard distribution for that. Or you could locate the bottleneck and think about writing just that part in C, the way we used to take bottlenecks in C code and write them in assembler. Similar to rewriting in C, modules that have critical sections can be written in C (for instance, the PDL module from CPAN).
-In some cases, it may be worth it to use the backend compiler to produce byte code (saving compilation time) or compile into C, which will certainly save compilation time and sometimes a small amount (but not much) execution time. See the question about compiling your Perl programs for more on the compiler--the wins aren't as obvious as you'd hope.
-If you're currently linking your perl executable to a shared, you can often gain a 10-25% performance benefit by rebuilding it to link with a static libc.a instead. This will make a bigger perl executable, but your Perl programs (and programmers) may thank you for it. See the INSTALL file in the source distribution for more information.
-Unsubstantiated reports allege that Perl interpreters that use sfio outperform those that don't (for I/O intensive applications). To try this, see the INSTALL file in the source distribution, especially the ``Selecting File I/O mechanisms'' section.
-The undump program was an old attempt to speed up your Perl program by storing the already-compiled form to disk. This is no longer a viable option, as it only worked on a few architectures, and wasn't a good solution anyway.
-How can I make my Perl program take less memory?
-When it comes to time-space tradeoffs, Perl nearly always prefers to throw memory at a problem. Scalars in Perl use more memory than strings in C, arrays take more than that, and hashes use even more. While there's still a lot to be done, recent releases have been addressing these issues. For example, as of 5.004, duplicate hash keys are shared amongst all hashes using them, so require no reallocation.
-In some cases, using substr() or vec() to simulate arrays can be highly beneficial. For example, an array of a thousand booleans will take at least 20,000 bytes of space, but it can be turned into one 125-byte bit vector--a considerable memory savings. The standard Tie::SubstrHash module can also help for certain types of data structure. If you're working with specialist data structures (matrices, for instance) modules that implement these in C may use less memory than equivalent Perl modules.
-Another thing to try is learning whether your Perl was compiled with the system malloc or with Perl's builtin malloc. Whichever one it is, try using the other one and see whether this makes a difference. Information about malloc is in the INSTALL file in the source distribution. You can find out whether you are using perl's malloc by typing perl -V:usemymalloc.
-Is it unsafe to return a pointer to local data?
-No, Perl's garbage collection system takes care of this.
- sub makeone {
- my @a = ( 1 .. 10 );
- return \@a;
- }
- for $i ( 1 .. 10 ) {
- push @many, makeone();
- }
- print $many[4][5], "\n";
- print "@many\n";
-How can I free an array or hash so my program shrinks?
-You can't. On most operating systems, memory allocated to a program can never be returned to the system. That's why long-running programs sometimes re-exec themselves. Some operating systems (notably, FreeBSD and Linux) allegedly reclaim large chunks of memory that is no longer used, but it doesn't appear to happen with Perl (yet). The Mac appears to be the only platform that will reliably (albeit, slowly) return memory to the OS.
-We've had reports that on Linux (Redhat 5.1) on Intel, undef $scalar will return memory to the system, while on Solaris 2.6 it won't. In general, try it yourself and see.
-However, judicious use of my() on your variables will help make sure that they go out of scope so that Perl can free up that space for use in other parts of your program. A global variable, of course, never goes out of scope, so you can't get its space automatically reclaimed, although undef()ing and/or delete()ing it will achieve the same effect. In general, memory allocation and de-allocation isn't something you can or should be worrying about much in Perl, but even this capability (preallocation of data types) is in the works.
-How can I make my CGI script more efficient?
-Beyond the normal measures described to make general Perl programs faster or smaller, a CGI program has additional issues. It may be run several times per second. Given that each time it runs it will need to be re-compiled and will often allocate a megabyte or more of system memory, this can be a killer. Compiling into C isn't going to help you because the process start-up overhead is where the bottleneck is.
-There are two popular ways to avoid this overhead. One solution involves running the Apache HTTP server (available from with either of the mod_perl or mod_fastcgi plugin modules.
-With mod_perl and the Apache::Registry module (distributed with mod_perl), httpd will run with an embedded Perl interpreter which pre-compiles your script and then executes it within the same address space without forking. The Apache extension also gives Perl access to the internal server API, so modules written in Perl can do just about anything a module written in C can. For more on mod_perl, see
-With the FCGI module (from CPAN) and the mod_fastcgi module (available from each of your Perl programs becomes a permanent CGI daemon process.
-Both of these solutions can have far-reaching effects on your system and on the way you write your CGI programs, so investigate them with care.
-See .
-A non-free, commercial product, ``The Velocity Engine for Perl'', ( or ) might also be worth looking at. It will allow you to increase the performance of your Perl programs, running programs up to 25 times faster than normal CGI Perl when running in persistent Perl mode or 4 to 5 times faster without any modification to your existing CGI programs. Fully functional evaluation copies are available from the web site.
-How can I hide the source for my Perl program?
-Delete it. :-) Seriously, there are a number of (mostly unsatisfactory) solutions with varying levels of ``security''.
-First of all, however, you can't take away read permission, because the source code has to be readable in order to be compiled and interpreted. (That doesn't mean that a CGI script's source is readable by people on the web, though--only by people with access to the filesystem.) So you have to leave the permissions at the socially friendly 0755 level.
-Some people regard this as a security problem. If your program does insecure things and relies on people not knowing how to exploit those insecurities, it is not secure. It is often possible for someone to determine the insecure things and exploit them without viewing the source. Security through obscurity, the name for hiding your bugs instead of fixing them, is little security indeed.
-You can try using encryption via source filters (Filter::* from CPAN), but any decent programmer will be able to decrypt it. You can try using the byte code compiler and interpreter described below, but the curious might still be able to de-compile it. You can try using the native-code compiler described below, but crackers might be able to disassemble it. These pose varying degrees of difficulty to people wanting to get at your code, but none can definitively conceal it (true of every language, not just Perl).
-If you're concerned about people profiting from your code, then the bottom line is that nothing but a restrictive license will give you legal security. License your software and pepper it with threatening statements like ``This is unpublished proprietary software of XYZ Corp. Your access to it does not give you permission to use it blah blah blah.'' We are not lawyers, of course, so you should see a lawyer if you want to be sure your license's wording will stand up in court.
-How can I compile my Perl program into byte code or C?
-Malcolm Beattie has written a multifunction backend compiler, available from CPAN, that can do both these things. It is included in the perl5.005 release, but is still considered experimental. This means it's fun to play with if you're a programmer but not really for people looking for turn-key solutions.
-Merely compiling into C does not in and of itself guarantee that your code will run very much faster. That's because except for lucky cases where a lot of native type inferencing is possible, the normal Perl run-time system is still present and so your program will take just as long to run and be just as big. Most programs save little more than compilation time, leaving execution no more than 10-30% faster. A few rare programs actually benefit significantly (even running several times faster), but this takes some tweaking of your code.
-You'll probably be astonished to learn that the current version of the compiler generates a compiled form of your script whose executable is just as big as the original perl executable, and then some. That's because as currently written, all programs are prepared for a full eval() statement. You can tremendously reduce this cost by building a shared library and linking against that. See the INSTALL podfile in the Perl source distribution for details. If you link your main perl binary with this, it will make it minuscule. For example, on one author's system, /usr/bin/perl is only 11k in size!
-In general, the compiler will do nothing to make a Perl program smaller, faster, more portable, or more secure. In fact, it can make your situation worse. The executable will be bigger, your VM system may take longer to load the whole thing, the binary is fragile and hard to fix, and compilation never stopped software piracy in the form of crackers, viruses, or bootleggers. The real advantage of the compiler is merely packaging, and once you see the size of what it makes (well, unless you use a shared, you'll probably want a complete Perl install anyway.
-How can I compile Perl into Java?
-You can also integrate Java and Perl with the Perl Resource Kit from O'Reilly and Associates. See .
-Perl 5.6 comes with Java Perl Lingo, or JPL. JPL, still in development, allows Perl code to be called from Java. See jpl/README in the Perl source tree.
-How can I get #!perl to work on [MS-DOS,NT,...]?
-For OS/2 just use
- extproc perl -S -your_switches
-as the first line in *.cmd file (-S due to a bug in cmd.exe's `extproc' handling). For DOS one should first invent a corresponding batch file and codify it in ALTERNATIVE_SHEBANG (see the INSTALL file in the source distribution for more information).
-The Win95/NT installation, when using the ActiveState port of Perl, will modify the Registry to associate the .pl extension with the perl interpreter. If you install another port, perhaps even building your own Win95/NT Perl from the standard sources by using a Windows port of gcc (e.g., with cygwin or mingw32), then you'll have to modify the Registry yourself. In addition to associating .pl with the interpreter, NT people can use: SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PL to let them run the program merely by typing install-linux.
-Macintosh Perl programs will have the appropriate Creator and Type, so that double-clicking them will invoke the Perl application.
-IMPORTANT!: Whatever you do, PLEASE don't get frustrated, and just throw the perl interpreter into your cgi-bin directory, in order to get your programs working for a web server. This is an EXTREMELY big security risk. Take the time to figure out how to do it correctly.
-Can I write useful Perl programs on the command line?
-Yes. Read perlrun for more information. Some examples follow. (These assume standard Unix shell quoting rules.)
- # sum first and last fields
- perl -lane 'print $F[0] + $F[-1]' *
- # identify text files
- perl -le 'for(@ARGV) {print if -f && -T _}' *
- # remove (most) comments from C program
- perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
- # make file a month younger than today, defeating reaper daemons
- perl -e '$X=24*60*60; utime(time(),time() + 30 * $X,@ARGV)' *
- # find first unused uid
- perl -le '$i++ while getpwuid($i); print $i'
- # display reasonable manpath
- echo $PATH | perl -nl -072 -e '
- s![^/+]*$!man!&&-d&&!$s{$_}++&&push@m,$_;END{print"@m"}'
-OK, the last one was actually an Obfuscated Perl Contest entry. :-)
-Why don't Perl one-liners work on my DOS/Mac/VMS system?
-The problem is usually that the command interpreters on those systems have rather different ideas about quoting than the Unix shells under which the one-liners were created. On some systems, you may have to change single-quotes to double ones, which you must NOT do on Unix or Plan9 systems. You might also have to change a single % to a %%.
-For example:
- # Unix
- perl -e 'print "Hello world\n"'
- # DOS, etc.
- perl -e "print \"Hello world\n\""
- # Mac
- print "Hello world\n"
- (then Run "Myscript" or Shift-Command-R)
- # VMS
- perl -e "print ""Hello world\n"""
-The problem is that none of these examples are reliable: they depend on the command interpreter. Under Unix, the first two often work. Under DOS, it's entirely possible that neither works. If 4DOS was the command shell, you'd probably have better luck like this:
- perl -e "print <Ctrl-x>"Hello world\n<Ctrl-x>""
-Under the Mac, it depends which environment you are using. The MacPerl shell, or MPW, is much like Unix shells in its support for several quoting variants, except that it makes free use of the Mac's non-ASCII characters as control characters.
-Using qq(), q(), and qx(), instead of "double quotes", 'single quotes', and `backticks`, may make one-liners easier to write.
-There is no general solution to all of this. It is a mess, pure and simple. Sucks to be away from Unix, huh? :-)
-[Some of this answer was contributed by Kenneth Albanowski.]
-Where can I learn about CGI or Web programming in Perl?
-For modules, get the CGI or LWP modules from CPAN. For textbooks, see the two especially dedicated to web stuff in the question on books. For problems and questions related to the web, like ``Why do I get 500 Errors'' or ``Why doesn't it run from the browser right when it runs fine on the command line'', see these sources:
- WWW Security FAQ
- Web FAQ
- HTTP Spec
- HTML Spec
- CGI Spec
- CGI Security FAQ
-Where can I learn about object-oriented Perl programming?
-A good place to start is perltoot, and you can use perlobj, perlboot, and perlbot for reference. Perltoot didn't come out until the 5.004 release; you can get a copy (in pod, html, or postscript) from .
-Where can I learn about linking C with Perl? [h2xs, xsubpp]
-If you want to call C from Perl, start with perlxstut, moving on to perlxs, xsubpp, and perlguts. If you want to call Perl from C, then read perlembed, perlcall, and perlguts. Don't forget that you can learn a lot from looking at how the authors of existing extension modules wrote their code and solved their problems.
-I've read perlembed, perlguts, etc., but I can't embed perl in my C program; what am I doing wrong?
-Download the ExtUtils::Embed kit from CPAN and run `make test'. If the tests pass, read the pods again and again and again. If they fail, see perlbug and send a bug report with the output of make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 along with perl -V.
-When I tried to run my script, I got this message. What does it mean?
-A complete list of Perl's error messages and warnings with explanatory text can be found in perldiag. You can also use the splain program (distributed with Perl) to explain the error messages:
- perl program 2>diag.out
- splain [-v] [-p] diag.out
-or change your program to explain the messages for you:
- use diagnostics;
- use diagnostics -verbose;
-What's MakeMaker?
-This module (part of the standard Perl distribution) is designed to write a Makefile for an extension module from a Makefile.PL. For more information, see ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
-Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington. All rights reserved.
-When included as an integrated part of the Standard Distribution of Perl or of its documentation (printed or otherwise), this works is covered under Perl's Artistic License. For separate distributions of all or part of this FAQ outside of that, see perlfaq.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would be courteous but is not required. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlvar.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlvar.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 765ff04825..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlvar.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-perlvar - Perl predefined variables
-=head2 Predefined Names
-The following names have special meaning to Perl. Most
-punctuation names have reasonable mnemonics, or analogs in the
-shells. Nevertheless, if you wish to use long variable names,
-you need only say
- use English;
-at the top of your program. This will alias all the short names to the
-long names in the current package. Some even have medium names,
-generally borrowed from B<awk>.
-If you don't mind the performance hit, variables that depend on the
-currently selected filehandle may instead be set by calling an
-appropriate object method on the IO::Handle object. (Summary lines
-below for this contain the word HANDLE.) First you must say
- use IO::Handle;
-after which you may use either
- method HANDLE EXPR
-or more safely,
- HANDLE->method(EXPR)
-Each method returns the old value of the IO::Handle attribute.
-The methods each take an optional EXPR, which if supplied specifies the
-new value for the IO::Handle attribute in question. If not supplied,
-most methods do nothing to the current value--except for
-autoflush(), which will assume a 1 for you, just to be different.
-Because loading in the IO::Handle class is an expensive operation, you should
-learn how to use the regular built-in variables.
-A few of these variables are considered "read-only". This means that if
-you try to assign to this variable, either directly or indirectly through
-a reference, you'll raise a run-time exception.
-The following list is ordered by scalar variables first, then the
-arrays, then the hashes.
-=over 8
-=item $ARG
-=item $_
-The default input and pattern-searching space. The following pairs are
- while (<>) {...} # equivalent only in while!
- while (defined($_ = <>)) {...}
- /^Subject:/
- $_ =~ /^Subject:/
- tr/a-z/A-Z/
- $_ =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/
- chomp
- chomp($_)
-Here are the places where Perl will assume $_ even if you
-don't use it:
-=over 3
-=item *
-Various unary functions, including functions like ord() and int(), as well
-as the all file tests (C<-f>, C<-d>) except for C<-t>, which defaults to
-=item *
-Various list functions like print() and unlink().
-=item *
-The pattern matching operations C<m//>, C<s///>, and C<tr///> when used
-without an C<=~> operator.
-=item *
-The default iterator variable in a C<foreach> loop if no other
-variable is supplied.
-=item *
-The implicit iterator variable in the grep() and map() functions.
-=item *
-The default place to put an input record when a C<< <FH> >>
-operation's result is tested by itself as the sole criterion of a C<while>
-test. Outside a C<while> test, this will not happen.
-(Mnemonic: underline is understood in certain operations.)
-=over 8
-=item $<I<digits>>
-Contains the subpattern from the corresponding set of capturing
-parentheses from the last pattern match, not counting patterns
-matched in nested blocks that have been exited already. (Mnemonic:
-like \digits.) These variables are all read-only and dynamically
-scoped to the current BLOCK.
-=item $MATCH
-=item $&
-The string matched by the last successful pattern match (not counting
-any matches hidden within a BLOCK or eval() enclosed by the current
-BLOCK). (Mnemonic: like & in some editors.) This variable is read-only
-and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-The use of this variable anywhere in a program imposes a considerable
-performance penalty on all regular expression matches. See L<BUGS>.
-=item $PREMATCH
-=item $`
-The string preceding whatever was matched by the last successful
-pattern match (not counting any matches hidden within a BLOCK or eval
-enclosed by the current BLOCK). (Mnemonic: C<`> often precedes a quoted
-string.) This variable is read-only.
-The use of this variable anywhere in a program imposes a considerable
-performance penalty on all regular expression matches. See L<BUGS>.
-=item $'
-The string following whatever was matched by the last successful
-pattern match (not counting any matches hidden within a BLOCK or eval()
-enclosed by the current BLOCK). (Mnemonic: C<'> often follows a quoted
-string.) Example:
- $_ = 'abcdefghi';
- /def/;
- print "$`:$&:$'\n"; # prints abc:def:ghi
-This variable is read-only and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-The use of this variable anywhere in a program imposes a considerable
-performance penalty on all regular expression matches. See L<BUGS>.
-=item $+
-The last bracket matched by the last search pattern. This is useful if
-you don't know which one of a set of alternative patterns matched. For
- /Version: (.*)|Revision: (.*)/ && ($rev = $+);
-(Mnemonic: be positive and forward looking.)
-This variable is read-only and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-=item @+
-This array holds the offsets of the ends of the last successful
-submatches in the currently active dynamic scope. C<$+[0]> is
-the offset into the string of the end of the entire match. This
-is the same value as what the C<pos> function returns when called
-on the variable that was matched against. The I<n>th element
-of this array holds the offset of the I<n>th submatch, so
-C<$+[1]> is the offset past where $1 ends, C<$+[2]> the offset
-past where $2 ends, and so on. You can use C<$#+> to determine
-how many subgroups were in the last successful match. See the
-examples given for the C<@-> variable.
-=item $*
-Set to a non-zero integer value to do multi-line matching within a
-string, 0 (or undefined) to tell Perl that it can assume that strings
-contain a single line, for the purpose of optimizing pattern matches.
-Pattern matches on strings containing multiple newlines can produce
-confusing results when C<$*> is 0 or undefined. Default is undefined.
-(Mnemonic: * matches multiple things.) This variable influences the
-interpretation of only C<^> and C<$>. A literal newline can be searched
-for even when C<$* == 0>.
-Use of C<$*> is deprecated in modern Perl, supplanted by
-the C</s> and C</m> modifiers on pattern matching.
-Assigning a non-numerical value to C<$*> triggers a warning (and makes
-C<$*> act if C<$* == 0>), while assigning a numerical value to C<$*>
-makes that an implicit C<int> is applied on the value.
-=item input_line_number HANDLE EXPR
-=item $NR
-=item $.
-The current input record number for the last file handle from which
-you just read() (or called a C<seek> or C<tell> on). The value
-may be different from the actual physical line number in the file,
-depending on what notion of "line" is in effect--see C<$/> on how
-to change that. An explicit close on a filehandle resets the line
-number. Because C<< <> >> never does an explicit close, line
-numbers increase across ARGV files (but see examples in L<perlfunc/eof>).
-Consider this variable read-only: setting it does not reposition
-the seek pointer; you'll have to do that on your own. Localizing C<$.>
-has the effect of also localizing Perl's notion of "the last read
-filehandle". (Mnemonic: many programs use "." to mean the current line
-=item input_record_separator HANDLE EXPR
-=item $RS
-=item $/
-The input record separator, newline by default. This
-influences Perl's idea of what a "line" is. Works like B<awk>'s RS
-variable, including treating empty lines as a terminator if set to
-the null string. (An empty line cannot contain any spaces
-or tabs.) You may set it to a multi-character string to match a
-multi-character terminator, or to C<undef> to read through the end
-of file. Setting it to C<"\n\n"> means something slightly
-different than setting to C<"">, if the file contains consecutive
-empty lines. Setting to C<""> will treat two or more consecutive
-empty lines as a single empty line. Setting to C<"\n\n"> will
-blindly assume that the next input character belongs to the next
-paragraph, even if it's a newline. (Mnemonic: / delimits
-line boundaries when quoting poetry.)
- undef $/; # enable "slurp" mode
- $_ = <FH>; # whole file now here
- s/\n[ \t]+/ /g;
-Remember: the value of C<$/> is a string, not a regex. B<awk> has to be
-better for something. :-)
-Setting C<$/> to a reference to an integer, scalar containing an integer, or
-scalar that's convertible to an integer will attempt to read records
-instead of lines, with the maximum record size being the referenced
-integer. So this:
- $/ = \32768; # or \"32768", or \$var_containing_32768
- open(FILE, $myfile);
- $_ = <FILE>;
-will read a record of no more than 32768 bytes from FILE. If you're
-not reading from a record-oriented file (or your OS doesn't have
-record-oriented files), then you'll likely get a full chunk of data
-with every read. If a record is larger than the record size you've
-set, you'll get the record back in pieces.
-On VMS, record reads are done with the equivalent of C<sysread>,
-so it's best not to mix record and non-record reads on the same
-file. (This is unlikely to be a problem, because any file you'd
-want to read in record mode is probably unusable in line mode.)
-Non-VMS systems do normal I/O, so it's safe to mix record and
-non-record reads of a file.
-See also L<perlport/"Newlines">. Also see C<$.>.
-=item autoflush HANDLE EXPR
-=item $|
-If set to nonzero, forces a flush right away and after every write
-or print on the currently selected output channel. Default is 0
-(regardless of whether the channel is really buffered by the
-system or not; C<$|> tells you only whether you've asked Perl
-explicitly to flush after each write). STDOUT will
-typically be line buffered if output is to the terminal and block
-buffered otherwise. Setting this variable is useful primarily when
-you are outputting to a pipe or socket, such as when you are running
-a Perl program under B<rsh> and want to see the output as it's
-happening. This has no effect on input buffering. See L<perlfunc/getc>
-for that. (Mnemonic: when you want your pipes to be piping hot.)
-=item output_field_separator HANDLE EXPR
-=item $OFS
-=item $,
-The output field separator for the print operator. Ordinarily the
-print operator simply prints out its arguments without further
-adornment. To get behavior more like B<awk>, set this variable as
-you would set B<awk>'s OFS variable to specify what is printed
-between fields. (Mnemonic: what is printed when there is a "," in
-your print statement.)
-=item output_record_separator HANDLE EXPR
-=item $ORS
-=item $\
-The output record separator for the print operator. Ordinarily the
-print operator simply prints out its arguments as is, with no
-trailing newline or other end-of-record string added. To get
-behavior more like B<awk>, set this variable as you would set
-B<awk>'s ORS variable to specify what is printed at the end of the
-print. (Mnemonic: you set C<$\> instead of adding "\n" at the
-end of the print. Also, it's just like C<$/>, but it's what you
-get "back" from Perl.)
-=item $"
-This is like C<$,> except that it applies to array and slice values
-interpolated into a double-quoted string (or similar interpreted
-string). Default is a space. (Mnemonic: obvious, I think.)
-=item $SUBSEP
-=item $;
-The subscript separator for multidimensional array emulation. If you
-refer to a hash element as
- $foo{$a,$b,$c}
-it really means
- $foo{join($;, $a, $b, $c)}
-But don't put
- @foo{$a,$b,$c} # a slice--note the @
-which means
- ($foo{$a},$foo{$b},$foo{$c})
-Default is "\034", the same as SUBSEP in B<awk>. If your
-keys contain binary data there might not be any safe value for C<$;>.
-(Mnemonic: comma (the syntactic subscript separator) is a
-semi-semicolon. Yeah, I know, it's pretty lame, but C<$,> is already
-taken for something more important.)
-Consider using "real" multidimensional arrays as described
-in L<perllol>.
-=item $OFMT
-=item $#
-The output format for printed numbers. This variable is a half-hearted
-attempt to emulate B<awk>'s OFMT variable. There are times, however,
-when B<awk> and Perl have differing notions of what counts as
-numeric. The initial value is "%.I<n>g", where I<n> is the value
-of the macro DBL_DIG from your system's F<float.h>. This is different from
-B<awk>'s default OFMT setting of "%.6g", so you need to set C<$#>
-explicitly to get B<awk>'s value. (Mnemonic: # is the number sign.)
-Use of C<$#> is deprecated.
-=item format_page_number HANDLE EXPR
-=item $%
-The current page number of the currently selected output channel.
-Used with formats.
-(Mnemonic: % is page number in B<nroff>.)
-=item format_lines_per_page HANDLE EXPR
-=item $=
-The current page length (printable lines) of the currently selected
-output channel. Default is 60.
-Used with formats.
-(Mnemonic: = has horizontal lines.)
-=item format_lines_left HANDLE EXPR
-=item $-
-The number of lines left on the page of the currently selected output
-Used with formats.
-(Mnemonic: lines_on_page - lines_printed.)
-=item @-
-$-[0] is the offset of the start of the last successful match.
-C<$-[>I<n>C<]> is the offset of the start of the substring matched by
-I<n>-th subpattern, or undef if the subpattern did not match.
-Thus after a match against $_, $& coincides with C<substr $_, $-[0],
-$+[0] - $-[0]>. Similarly, C<$>I<n> coincides with C<substr $_, $-[>I<n>C<],
-$+[>I<n>C<] - $-[>I<n>C<]> if C<$-[>I<n>C<]> is defined, and $+ coincides with
-C<substr $_, $-[$#-], $+[$#-]>. One can use C<$#-> to find the last
-matched subgroup in the last successful match. Contrast with
-C<$#+>, the number of subgroups in the regular expression. Compare
-with C<@+>.
-This array holds the offsets of the beginnings of the last
-successful submatches in the currently active dynamic scope.
-C<$-[0]> is the offset into the string of the beginning of the
-entire match. The I<n>th element of this array holds the offset
-of the I<n>th submatch, so C<$+[1]> is the offset where $1
-begins, C<$+[2]> the offset where $2 begins, and so on.
-You can use C<$#-> to determine how many subgroups were in the
-last successful match. Compare with the C<@+> variable.
-After a match against some variable $var:
-=over 5
-=item C<$`> is the same as C<substr($var, 0, $-[0])>
-=item C<$&> is the same as C<substr($var, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0])>
-=item C<$'> is the same as C<substr($var, $+[0])>
-=item C<$1> is the same as C<substr($var, $-[1], $+[1] - $-[1])>
-=item C<$2> is the same as C<substr($var, $-[2], $+[2] - $-[2])>
-=item C<$3> is the same as C<substr $var, $-[3], $+[3] - $-[3])>
-=item format_name HANDLE EXPR
-=item $~
-The name of the current report format for the currently selected output
-channel. Default is the name of the filehandle. (Mnemonic: brother to
-=item format_top_name HANDLE EXPR
-=item $^
-The name of the current top-of-page format for the currently selected
-output channel. Default is the name of the filehandle with _TOP
-appended. (Mnemonic: points to top of page.)
-=item format_line_break_characters HANDLE EXPR
-=item $:
-The current set of characters after which a string may be broken to
-fill continuation fields (starting with ^) in a format. Default is
-S<" \n-">, to break on whitespace or hyphens. (Mnemonic: a "colon" in
-poetry is a part of a line.)
-=item format_formfeed HANDLE EXPR
-=item $^L
-What formats output as a form feed. Default is \f.
-=item $^A
-The current value of the write() accumulator for format() lines. A format
-contains formline() calls that put their result into C<$^A>. After
-calling its format, write() prints out the contents of C<$^A> and empties.
-So you never really see the contents of C<$^A> unless you call
-formline() yourself and then look at it. See L<perlform> and
-=item $?
-The status returned by the last pipe close, backtick (C<``>) command,
-successful call to wait() or waitpid(), or from the system()
-operator. This is just the 16-bit status word returned by the
-wait() system call (or else is made up to look like it). Thus, the
-exit value of the subprocess is really (C<<< $? >> 8 >>>), and
-C<$? & 127> gives which signal, if any, the process died from, and
-C<$? & 128> reports whether there was a core dump. (Mnemonic:
-similar to B<sh> and B<ksh>.)
-Additionally, if the C<h_errno> variable is supported in C, its value
-is returned via $? if any C<gethost*()> function fails.
-If you have installed a signal handler for C<SIGCHLD>, the
-value of C<$?> will usually be wrong outside that handler.
-Inside an C<END> subroutine C<$?> contains the value that is going to be
-given to C<exit()>. You can modify C<$?> in an C<END> subroutine to
-change the exit status of your program. For example:
- END {
- $? = 1 if $? == 255; # die would make it 255
- }
-Under VMS, the pragma C<use vmsish 'status'> makes C<$?> reflect the
-actual VMS exit status, instead of the default emulation of POSIX
-Also see L<Error Indicators>.
-=item $OS_ERROR
-=item $ERRNO
-=item $!
-If used numerically, yields the current value of the C C<errno>
-variable, with all the usual caveats. (This means that you shouldn't
-depend on the value of C<$!> to be anything in particular unless
-you've gotten a specific error return indicating a system error.)
-If used an a string, yields the corresponding system error string.
-You can assign a number to C<$!> to set I<errno> if, for instance,
-you want C<"$!"> to return the string for error I<n>, or you want
-to set the exit value for the die() operator. (Mnemonic: What just
-went bang?)
-Also see L<Error Indicators>.
-=item $^E
-Error information specific to the current operating system. At
-the moment, this differs from C<$!> under only VMS, OS/2, and Win32
-(and for MacPerl). On all other platforms, C<$^E> is always just
-the same as C<$!>.
-Under VMS, C<$^E> provides the VMS status value from the last
-system error. This is more specific information about the last
-system error than that provided by C<$!>. This is particularly
-important when C<$!> is set to B<EVMSERR>.
-Under OS/2, C<$^E> is set to the error code of the last call to
-OS/2 API either via CRT, or directly from perl.
-Under Win32, C<$^E> always returns the last error information
-reported by the Win32 call C<GetLastError()> which describes
-the last error from within the Win32 API. Most Win32-specific
-code will report errors via C<$^E>. ANSI C and Unix-like calls
-set C<errno> and so most portable Perl code will report errors
-via C<$!>.
-Caveats mentioned in the description of C<$!> generally apply to
-C<$^E>, also. (Mnemonic: Extra error explanation.)
-Also see L<Error Indicators>.
-=item $EVAL_ERROR
-=item $@
-The Perl syntax error message from the last eval() operator. If null, the
-last eval() parsed and executed correctly (although the operations you
-invoked may have failed in the normal fashion). (Mnemonic: Where was
-the syntax error "at"?)
-Warning messages are not collected in this variable. You can,
-however, set up a routine to process warnings by setting C<$SIG{__WARN__}>
-as described below.
-Also see L<Error Indicators>.
-=item $PROCESS_ID
-=item $PID
-=item $$
-The process number of the Perl running this script. You should
-consider this variable read-only, although it will be altered
-across fork() calls. (Mnemonic: same as shells.)
-=item $REAL_USER_ID
-=item $UID
-=item $<
-The real uid of this process. (Mnemonic: it's the uid you came I<from>,
-if you're running setuid.)
-=item $EUID
-=item $>
-The effective uid of this process. Example:
- $< = $>; # set real to effective uid
- ($<,$>) = ($>,$<); # swap real and effective uid
-(Mnemonic: it's the uid you went I<to>, if you're running setuid.)
-C<< $< >> and C<< $> >> can be swapped only on machines
-supporting setreuid().
-=item $GID
-=item $(
-The real gid of this process. If you are on a machine that supports
-membership in multiple groups simultaneously, gives a space separated
-list of groups you are in. The first number is the one returned by
-getgid(), and the subsequent ones by getgroups(), one of which may be
-the same as the first number.
-However, a value assigned to C<$(> must be a single number used to
-set the real gid. So the value given by C<$(> should I<not> be assigned
-back to C<$(> without being forced numeric, such as by adding zero.
-(Mnemonic: parentheses are used to I<group> things. The real gid is the
-group you I<left>, if you're running setgid.)
-=item $EGID
-=item $)
-The effective gid of this process. If you are on a machine that
-supports membership in multiple groups simultaneously, gives a space
-separated list of groups you are in. The first number is the one
-returned by getegid(), and the subsequent ones by getgroups(), one of
-which may be the same as the first number.
-Similarly, a value assigned to C<$)> must also be a space-separated
-list of numbers. The first number sets the effective gid, and
-the rest (if any) are passed to setgroups(). To get the effect of an
-empty list for setgroups(), just repeat the new effective gid; that is,
-to force an effective gid of 5 and an effectively empty setgroups()
-list, say C< $) = "5 5" >.
-(Mnemonic: parentheses are used to I<group> things. The effective gid
-is the group that's I<right> for you, if you're running setgid.)
-C<< $< >>, C<< $> >>, C<$(> and C<$)> can be set only on
-machines that support the corresponding I<set[re][ug]id()> routine. C<$(>
-and C<$)> can be swapped only on machines supporting setregid().
-=item $0
-Contains the name of the program being executed. On some operating
-systems assigning to C<$0> modifies the argument area that the B<ps>
-program sees. This is more useful as a way of indicating the current
-program state than it is for hiding the program you're running.
-(Mnemonic: same as B<sh> and B<ksh>.)
-Note for BSD users: setting C<$0> does not completely remove "perl"
-from the ps(1) output. For example, setting C<$0> to C<"foobar"> will
-result in C<"perl: foobar (perl)">. This is an operating system
-=item $[
-The index of the first element in an array, and of the first character
-in a substring. Default is 0, but you could theoretically set it
-to 1 to make Perl behave more like B<awk> (or Fortran) when
-subscripting and when evaluating the index() and substr() functions.
-(Mnemonic: [ begins subscripts.)
-As of release 5 of Perl, assignment to C<$[> is treated as a compiler
-directive, and cannot influence the behavior of any other file.
-Its use is highly discouraged.
-=item $]
-The version + patchlevel / 1000 of the Perl interpreter. This variable
-can be used to determine whether the Perl interpreter executing a
-script is in the right range of versions. (Mnemonic: Is this version
-of perl in the right bracket?) Example:
- warn "No checksumming!\n" if $] < 3.019;
-See also the documentation of C<use VERSION> and C<require VERSION>
-for a convenient way to fail if the running Perl interpreter is too old.
-The use of this variable is deprecated. The floating point representation
-can sometimes lead to inaccurate numeric comparisons. See C<$^V> for a
-more modern representation of the Perl version that allows accurate string
-=item $^C
-The current value of the flag associated with the B<-c> switch.
-Mainly of use with B<-MO=...> to allow code to alter its behavior
-when being compiled, such as for example to AUTOLOAD at compile
-time rather than normal, deferred loading. See L<perlcc>. Setting
-C<$^C = 1> is similar to calling C<B::minus_c>.
-=item $^D
-The current value of the debugging flags. (Mnemonic: value of B<-D>
-=item $^F
-The maximum system file descriptor, ordinarily 2. System file
-descriptors are passed to exec()ed processes, while higher file
-descriptors are not. Also, during an open(), system file descriptors are
-preserved even if the open() fails. (Ordinary file descriptors are
-closed before the open() is attempted.) The close-on-exec
-status of a file descriptor will be decided according to the value of
-C<$^F> when the corresponding file, pipe, or socket was opened, not the
-time of the exec().
-=item $^H
-WARNING: This variable is strictly for internal use only. Its availability,
-behavior, and contents are subject to change without notice.
-This variable contains compile-time hints for the Perl interpreter. At the
-end of compilation of a BLOCK the value of this variable is restored to the
-value when the interpreter started to compile the BLOCK.
-When perl begins to parse any block construct that provides a lexical scope
-(e.g., eval body, required file, subroutine body, loop body, or conditional
-block), the existing value of $^H is saved, but its value is left unchanged.
-When the compilation of the block is completed, it regains the saved value.
-Between the points where its value is saved and restored, code that
-executes within BEGIN blocks is free to change the value of $^H.
-This behavior provides the semantic of lexical scoping, and is used in,
-for instance, the C<use strict> pragma.
-The contents should be an integer; different bits of it are used for
-different pragmatic flags. Here's an example:
- sub add_100 { $^H |= 0x100 }
- sub foo {
- BEGIN { add_100() }
- bar->baz($boon);
- }
-Consider what happens during execution of the BEGIN block. At this point
-the BEGIN block has already been compiled, but the body of foo() is still
-being compiled. The new value of $^H will therefore be visible only while
-the body of foo() is being compiled.
-Substitution of the above BEGIN block with:
- BEGIN { require strict; strict->import('vars') }
-demonstrates how C<use strict 'vars'> is implemented. Here's a conditional
-version of the same lexical pragma:
- BEGIN { require strict; strict->import('vars') if $condition }
-=item %^H
-WARNING: This variable is strictly for internal use only. Its availability,
-behavior, and contents are subject to change without notice.
-The %^H hash provides the same scoping semantic as $^H. This makes it
-useful for implementation of lexically scoped pragmas.
-=item $^I
-The current value of the inplace-edit extension. Use C<undef> to disable
-inplace editing. (Mnemonic: value of B<-i> switch.)
-=item $^M
-By default, running out of memory is an untrappable, fatal error.
-However, if suitably built, Perl can use the contents of C<$^M>
-as an emergency memory pool after die()ing. Suppose that your Perl
-were compiled with -DPERL_EMERGENCY_SBRK and used Perl's malloc.
- $^M = 'a' x (1 << 16);
-would allocate a 64K buffer for use in an emergency. See the
-F<INSTALL> file in the Perl distribution for information on how to
-enable this option. To discourage casual use of this advanced
-feature, there is no L<English|English> long name for this variable.
-=item $OSNAME
-=item $^O
-The name of the operating system under which this copy of Perl was
-built, as determined during the configuration process. The value
-is identical to C<$Config{'osname'}>. See also L<Config> and the
-B<-V> command-line switch documented in L<perlrun>.
-=item $PERLDB
-=item $^P
-The internal variable for debugging support. The meanings of the
-various bits are subject to change, but currently indicate:
-=over 6
-=item 0x01
-Debug subroutine enter/exit.
-=item 0x02
-Line-by-line debugging.
-=item 0x04
-Switch off optimizations.
-=item 0x08
-Preserve more data for future interactive inspections.
-=item 0x10
-Keep info about source lines on which a subroutine is defined.
-=item 0x20
-Start with single-step on.
-=item 0x40
-Use subroutine address instead of name when reporting.
-=item 0x80
-Report C<goto &subroutine> as well.
-=item 0x100
-Provide informative "file" names for evals based on the place they were compiled.
-=item 0x200
-Provide informative names to anonymous subroutines based on the place they
-were compiled.
-Some bits may be relevant at compile-time only, some at
-run-time only. This is a new mechanism and the details may change.
-=item $^R
-The result of evaluation of the last successful C<(?{ code })>
-regular expression assertion (see L<perlre>). May be written to.
-=item $^S
-Current state of the interpreter. Undefined if parsing of the current
-module/eval is not finished (may happen in $SIG{__DIE__} and
-$SIG{__WARN__} handlers). True if inside an eval(), otherwise false.
-=item $BASETIME
-=item $^T
-The time at which the program began running, in seconds since the
-epoch (beginning of 1970). The values returned by the B<-M>, B<-A>,
-and B<-C> filetests are based on this value.
-=item $^V
-The revision, version, and subversion of the Perl interpreter, represented
-as a string composed of characters with those ordinals. Thus in Perl v5.6.0
-it equals C<chr(5) . chr(6) . chr(0)> and will return true for
-C<$^V eq v5.6.0>. Note that the characters in this string value can
-potentially be in Unicode range.
-This can be used to determine whether the Perl interpreter executing a
-script is in the right range of versions. (Mnemonic: use ^V for Version
-Control.) Example:
- warn "No \"our\" declarations!\n" if $^V and $^V lt v5.6.0;
-See the documentation of C<use VERSION> and C<require VERSION>
-for a convenient way to fail if the running Perl interpreter is too old.
-See also C<$]> for an older representation of the Perl version.
-=item $WARNING
-=item $^W
-The current value of the warning switch, initially true if B<-w>
-was used, false otherwise, but directly modifiable. (Mnemonic:
-related to the B<-w> switch.) See also L<warnings>.
-=item ${^WARNING_BITS}
-The current set of warning checks enabled by the C<use warnings> pragma.
-See the documentation of C<warnings> for more details.
-Global flag that enables system calls made by Perl to use wide character
-APIs native to the system, if available. This is currently only implemented
-on the Windows platform.
-This can also be enabled from the command line using the C<-C> switch.
-The initial value is typically C<0> for compatibility with Perl versions
-earlier than 5.6, but may be automatically set to C<1> by Perl if the system
-provides a user-settable default (e.g., C<$ENV{LC_CTYPE}>).
-The C<bytes> pragma always overrides the effect of this flag in the current
-lexical scope. See L<bytes>.
-=item $^X
-The name that the Perl binary itself was executed as, from C's C<argv[0]>.
-This may not be a full pathname, nor even necessarily in your path.
-=item $ARGV
-contains the name of the current file when reading from <>.
-=item @ARGV
-The array @ARGV contains the command-line arguments intended for
-the script. C<$#ARGV> is generally the number of arguments minus
-one, because C<$ARGV[0]> is the first argument, I<not> the program's
-command name itself. See C<$0> for the command name.
-=item @INC
-The array @INC contains the list of places that the C<do EXPR>,
-C<require>, or C<use> constructs look for their library files. It
-initially consists of the arguments to any B<-I> command-line
-switches, followed by the default Perl library, probably
-F</usr/local/lib/perl>, followed by ".", to represent the current
-directory. If you need to modify this at runtime, you should use
-the C<use lib> pragma to get the machine-dependent library properly
-loaded also:
- use lib '/mypath/libdir/';
- use SomeMod;
-=item @_
-Within a subroutine the array @_ contains the parameters passed to that
-subroutine. See L<perlsub>.
-=item %INC
-The hash %INC contains entries for each filename included via the
-C<do>, C<require>, or C<use> operators. The key is the filename
-you specified (with module names converted to pathnames), and the
-value is the location of the file found. The C<require>
-operator uses this hash to determine whether a particular file has
-already been included.
-=item %ENV
-=item $ENV{expr}
-The hash %ENV contains your current environment. Setting a
-value in C<ENV> changes the environment for any child processes
-you subsequently fork() off.
-=item %SIG
-=item $SIG{expr}
-The hash %SIG contains signal handlers for signals. For example:
- sub handler { # 1st argument is signal name
- my($sig) = @_;
- print "Caught a SIG$sig--shutting down\n";
- close(LOG);
- exit(0);
- }
- $SIG{'INT'} = \&handler;
- $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&handler;
- ...
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT'; # restore default action
- $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'IGNORE'; # ignore SIGQUIT
-Using a value of C<'IGNORE'> usually has the effect of ignoring the
-signal, except for the C<CHLD> signal. See L<perlipc> for more about
-this special case.
-Here are some other examples:
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = "Plumber"; # assumes main::Plumber (not recommended)
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = \&Plumber; # just fine; assume current Plumber
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = *Plumber; # somewhat esoteric
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = Plumber(); # oops, what did Plumber() return??
-Be sure not to use a bareword as the name of a signal handler,
-lest you inadvertently call it.
-If your system has the sigaction() function then signal handlers are
-installed using it. This means you get reliable signal handling. If
-your system has the SA_RESTART flag it is used when signals handlers are
-installed. This means that system calls for which restarting is supported
-continue rather than returning when a signal arrives. If you want your
-system calls to be interrupted by signal delivery then do something like
- use POSIX ':signal_h';
- my $alarm = 0;
- sigaction SIGALRM, new POSIX::SigAction sub { $alarm = 1 }
- or die "Error setting SIGALRM handler: $!\n";
-See L<POSIX>.
-Certain internal hooks can be also set using the %SIG hash. The
-routine indicated by C<$SIG{__WARN__}> is called when a warning message is
-about to be printed. The warning message is passed as the first
-argument. The presence of a __WARN__ hook causes the ordinary printing
-of warnings to STDERR to be suppressed. You can use this to save warnings
-in a variable, or turn warnings into fatal errors, like this:
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
- eval $proggie;
-The routine indicated by C<$SIG{__DIE__}> is called when a fatal exception
-is about to be thrown. The error message is passed as the first
-argument. When a __DIE__ hook routine returns, the exception
-processing continues as it would have in the absence of the hook,
-unless the hook routine itself exits via a C<goto>, a loop exit, or a die().
-The C<__DIE__> handler is explicitly disabled during the call, so that you
-can die from a C<__DIE__> handler. Similarly for C<__WARN__>.
-Due to an implementation glitch, the C<$SIG{__DIE__}> hook is called
-even inside an eval(). Do not use this to rewrite a pending exception
-in C<$@>, or as a bizarre substitute for overriding CORE::GLOBAL::die().
-This strange action at a distance may be fixed in a future release
-so that C<$SIG{__DIE__}> is only called if your program is about
-to exit, as was the original intent. Any other use is deprecated.
-C<__DIE__>/C<__WARN__> handlers are very special in one respect:
-they may be called to report (probable) errors found by the parser.
-In such a case the parser may be in inconsistent state, so any
-attempt to evaluate Perl code from such a handler will probably
-result in a segfault. This means that warnings or errors that
-result from parsing Perl should be used with extreme caution, like
- require Carp if defined $^S;
- Carp::confess("Something wrong") if defined &Carp::confess;
- die "Something wrong, but could not load Carp to give backtrace...
- To see backtrace try starting Perl with -MCarp switch";
-Here the first line will load Carp I<unless> it is the parser who
-called the handler. The second line will print backtrace and die if
-Carp was available. The third line will be executed only if Carp was
-not available.
-See L<perlfunc/die>, L<perlfunc/warn>, L<perlfunc/eval>, and
-L<warnings> for additional information.
-=head2 Error Indicators
-The variables C<$@>, C<$!>, C<$^E>, and C<$?> contain information
-about different types of error conditions that may appear during
-execution of a Perl program. The variables are shown ordered by
-the "distance" between the subsystem which reported the error and
-the Perl process. They correspond to errors detected by the Perl
-interpreter, C library, operating system, or an external program,
-To illustrate the differences between these variables, consider the
-following Perl expression, which uses a single-quoted string:
- eval q{
- open PIPE, "/cdrom/install |";
- @res = <PIPE>;
- close PIPE or die "bad pipe: $?, $!";
- };
-After execution of this statement all 4 variables may have been set.
-C<$@> is set if the string to be C<eval>-ed did not compile (this
-may happen if C<open> or C<close> were imported with bad prototypes),
-or if Perl code executed during evaluation die()d . In these cases
-the value of $@ is the compile error, or the argument to C<die>
-(which will interpolate C<$!> and C<$?>!). (See also L<Fatal>,
-When the eval() expression above is executed, open(), C<< <PIPE> >>,
-and C<close> are translated to calls in the C run-time library and
-thence to the operating system kernel. C<$!> is set to the C library's
-C<errno> if one of these calls fails.
-Under a few operating systems, C<$^E> may contain a more verbose
-error indicator, such as in this case, "CDROM tray not closed."
-Systems that do not support extended error messages leave C<$^E>
-the same as C<$!>.
-Finally, C<$?> may be set to non-0 value if the external program
-F</cdrom/install> fails. The upper eight bits reflect specific
-error conditions encountered by the program (the program's exit()
-value). The lower eight bits reflect mode of failure, like signal
-death and core dump information See wait(2) for details. In
-contrast to C<$!> and C<$^E>, which are set only if error condition
-is detected, the variable C<$?> is set on each C<wait> or pipe
-C<close>, overwriting the old value. This is more like C<$@>, which
-on every eval() is always set on failure and cleared on success.
-For more details, see the individual descriptions at C<$@>, C<$!>, C<$^E>,
-and C<$?>.
-=head2 Technical Note on the Syntax of Variable Names
-Variable names in Perl can have several formats. Usually, they
-must begin with a letter or underscore, in which case they can be
-arbitrarily long (up to an internal limit of 251 characters) and
-may contain letters, digits, underscores, or the special sequence
-C<::> or C<'>. In this case, the part before the last C<::> or
-C<'> is taken to be a I<package qualifier>; see L<perlmod>.
-Perl variable names may also be a sequence of digits or a single
-punctuation or control character. These names are all reserved for
-special uses by Perl; for example, the all-digits names are used
-to hold data captured by backreferences after a regular expression
-match. Perl has a special syntax for the single-control-character
-names: It understands C<^X> (caret C<X>) to mean the control-C<X>
-character. For example, the notation C<$^W> (dollar-sign caret
-C<W>) is the scalar variable whose name is the single character
-control-C<W>. This is better than typing a literal control-C<W>
-into your program.
-Finally, new in Perl 5.6, Perl variable names may be alphanumeric
-strings that begin with control characters (or better yet, a caret).
-These variables must be written in the form C<${^Foo}>; the braces
-are not optional. C<${^Foo}> denotes the scalar variable whose
-name is a control-C<F> followed by two C<o>'s. These variables are
-reserved for future special uses by Perl, except for the ones that
-begin with C<^_> (control-underscore or caret-underscore). No
-control-character name that begins with C<^_> will acquire a special
-meaning in any future version of Perl; such names may therefore be
-used safely in programs. C<$^_> itself, however, I<is> reserved.
-Perl identifiers that begin with digits, control characters, or
-punctuation characters are exempt from the effects of the C<package>
-declaration and are always forced to be in package C<main>. A few
-other names are also exempt:
-In particular, the new special C<${^_XYZ}> variables are always taken
-to be in package C<main>, regardless of any C<package> declarations
-presently in scope.
-=head1 BUGS
-Due to an unfortunate accident of Perl's implementation, C<use
-English> imposes a considerable performance penalty on all regular
-expression matches in a program, regardless of whether they occur
-in the scope of C<use English>. For that reason, saying C<use
-English> in libraries is strongly discouraged. See the
-Devel::SawAmpersand module documentation from CPAN
-for more information.
-Having to even think about the C<$^S> variable in your exception
-handlers is simply wrong. C<$SIG{__DIE__}> as currently implemented
-invites grievous and difficult to track down errors. Avoid it
-and use an C<END{}> or CORE::GLOBAL::die override instead.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlvaro.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlvaro.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a67979962..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/perlvaro.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-perlvar - Perl predefined variables
-Predefined Names
-The following names have special meaning to Perl. Most punctuation names have reasonable mnemonics, or analogs in the shells. Nevertheless, if you wish to use long variable names, you need only say
- use English;
-at the top of your program. This will alias all the short names to the long names in the current package. Some even have medium names, generally borrowed from awk.
-If you don't mind the performance hit, variables that depend on the currently selected filehandle may instead be set by calling an appropriate object method on the IO::Handle object. (Summary lines below for this contain the word HANDLE.) First you must say
- use IO::Handle;
-after which you may use either
- method HANDLE EXPR
-or more safely,
- HANDLE->method(EXPR)
-Each method returns the old value of the IO::Handle attribute. The methods each take an optional EXPR, which if supplied specifies the new value for the IO::Handle attribute in question. If not supplied, most methods do nothing to the current value--except for autoflush(), which will assume a 1 for you, just to be different. Because loading in the IO::Handle class is an expensive operation, you should learn how to use the regular built-in variables.
-A few of these variables are considered "read-only". This means that if you try to assign to this variable, either directly or indirectly through a reference, you'll raise a run-time exception.
-The following list is ordered by scalar variables first, then the arrays, then the hashes.
-The default input and pattern-searching space. The following pairs are equivalent:
- while (<>) {...} # equivalent only in while!
- while (defined($_ = <>)) {...}
- /^Subject:/
- $_ =~ /^Subject:/
- tr/a-z/A-Z/
- $_ =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/
- chomp
- chomp($_)
-Here are the places where Perl will assume $_ even if you don't use it:
- Various unary functions, including functions like ord() and int(), as well as the all file tests (-f, -d) except for -t, which defaults to STDIN.
- Various list functions like print() and unlink().
- The pattern matching operations m//, s///, and tr/// when used without an =~ operator.
- The default iterator variable in a foreach loop if no other variable is supplied.
- The implicit iterator variable in the grep() and map() functions.
- The default place to put an input record when a <FH> operation's result is tested by itself as the sole criterion of a while test. Outside a while test, this will not happen.
-(Mnemonic: underline is understood in certain operations.)
-Contains the subpattern from the corresponding set of capturing parentheses from the last pattern match, not counting patterns matched in nested blocks that have been exited already. (Mnemonic: like \digits.) These variables are all read-only and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-The string matched by the last successful pattern match (not counting any matches hidden within a BLOCK or eval() enclosed by the current BLOCK). (Mnemonic: like & in some editors.) This variable is read-only and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-The use of this variable anywhere in a program imposes a considerable performance penalty on all regular expression matches. See BUGS.
-The string preceding whatever was matched by the last successful pattern match (not counting any matches hidden within a BLOCK or eval enclosed by the current BLOCK). (Mnemonic: ` often precedes a quoted string.) This variable is read-only.
-The use of this variable anywhere in a program imposes a considerable performance penalty on all regular expression matches. See BUGS.
-The string following whatever was matched by the last successful pattern match (not counting any matches hidden within a BLOCK or eval() enclosed by the current BLOCK). (Mnemonic: ' often follows a quoted string.) Example:
- $_ = 'abcdefghi';
- /def/;
- print "$`:$&:$'\n"; # prints abc:def:ghi
-This variable is read-only and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-The use of this variable anywhere in a program imposes a considerable performance penalty on all regular expression matches. See BUGS.
-The last bracket matched by the last search pattern. This is useful if you don't know which one of a set of alternative patterns matched. For example:
- /Version: (.*)|Revision: (.*)/ && ($rev = $+);
-(Mnemonic: be positive and forward looking.) This variable is read-only and dynamically scoped to the current BLOCK.
-This array holds the offsets of the ends of the last successful submatches in the currently active dynamic scope. $+[0] is the offset into the string of the end of the entire match. This is the same value as what the pos function returns when called on the variable that was matched against. The nth element of this array holds the offset of the nth submatch, so $+[1] is the offset past where $1 ends, $+[2] the offset past where $2 ends, and so on. You can use $#+ to determine how many subgroups were in the last successful match. See the examples given for the @- variable.
-Set to a non-zero integer value to do multi-line matching within a string, 0 (or undefined) to tell Perl that it can assume that strings contain a single line, for the purpose of optimizing pattern matches. Pattern matches on strings containing multiple newlines can produce confusing results when $* is 0 or undefined. Default is undefined. (Mnemonic: * matches multiple things.) This variable influences the interpretation of only ^ and $. A literal newline can be searched for even when $* == 0.
-Use of $* is deprecated in modern Perl, supplanted by the /s and /m modifiers on pattern matching.
-Assigning a non-numerical value to $* triggers a warning (and makes $* act if $* == 0), while assigning a numerical value to $* makes that an implicit int is applied on the value.
-input_line_number HANDLE EXPR
-The current input record number for the last file handle from which you just read() (or called a seek or tell on). The value may be different from the actual physical line number in the file, depending on what notion of "line" is in effect--see $/ on how to change that. An explicit close on a filehandle resets the line number. Because <> never does an explicit close, line numbers increase across ARGV files (but see examples in "eof" in perlfunc). Consider this variable read-only: setting it does not reposition the seek pointer; you'll have to do that on your own. Localizing $. has the effect of also localizing Perl's notion of "the last read filehandle". (Mnemonic: many programs use "." to mean the current line number.)
-input_record_separator HANDLE EXPR
-The input record separator, newline by default. This influences Perl's idea of what a "line" is. Works like awk's RS variable, including treating empty lines as a terminator if set to the null string. (An empty line cannot contain any spaces or tabs.) You may set it to a multi-character string to match a multi-character terminator, or to undef to read through the end of file. Setting it to "\n\n" means something slightly different than setting to "", if the file contains consecutive empty lines. Setting to "" will treat two or more consecutive empty lines as a single empty line. Setting to "\n\n" will blindly assume that the next input character belongs to the next paragraph, even if it's a newline. (Mnemonic: / delimits line boundaries when quoting poetry.)
- undef $/; # enable "slurp" mode
- $_ = <FH>; # whole file now here
- s/\n[ \t]+/ /g;
-Remember: the value of $/ is a string, not a regex. awk has to be better for something. :-)
-Setting $/ to a reference to an integer, scalar containing an integer, or scalar that's convertible to an integer will attempt to read records instead of lines, with the maximum record size being the referenced integer. So this:
- $/ = \32768; # or \"32768", or \$var_containing_32768
- open(FILE, $myfile);
- $_ = <FILE>;
-will read a record of no more than 32768 bytes from FILE. If you're not reading from a record-oriented file (or your OS doesn't have record-oriented files), then you'll likely get a full chunk of data with every read. If a record is larger than the record size you've set, you'll get the record back in pieces.
-On VMS, record reads are done with the equivalent of sysread, so it's best not to mix record and non-record reads on the same file. (This is unlikely to be a problem, because any file you'd want to read in record mode is probably unusable in line mode.) Non-VMS systems do normal I/O, so it's safe to mix record and non-record reads of a file.
-See also "Newlines" in perlport. Also see $..
-autoflush HANDLE EXPR
-If set to nonzero, forces a flush right away and after every write or print on the currently selected output channel. Default is 0 (regardless of whether the channel is really buffered by the system or not; $| tells you only whether you've asked Perl explicitly to flush after each write). STDOUT will typically be line buffered if output is to the terminal and block buffered otherwise. Setting this variable is useful primarily when you are outputting to a pipe or socket, such as when you are running a Perl program under rsh and want to see the output as it's happening. This has no effect on input buffering. See "getc" in perlfunc for that. (Mnemonic: when you want your pipes to be piping hot.)
-output_field_separator HANDLE EXPR
-The output field separator for the print operator. Ordinarily the print operator simply prints out its arguments without further adornment. To get behavior more like awk, set this variable as you would set awk's OFS variable to specify what is printed between fields. (Mnemonic: what is printed when there is a "," in your print statement.)
-output_record_separator HANDLE EXPR
-The output record separator for the print operator. Ordinarily the print operator simply prints out its arguments as is, with no trailing newline or other end-of-record string added. To get behavior more like awk, set this variable as you would set awk's ORS variable to specify what is printed at the end of the print. (Mnemonic: you set $\ instead of adding "\n" at the end of the print. Also, it's just like $/, but it's what you get "back" from Perl.)
-This is like $, except that it applies to array and slice values interpolated into a double-quoted string (or similar interpreted string). Default is a space. (Mnemonic: obvious, I think.)
-The subscript separator for multidimensional array emulation. If you refer to a hash element as
- $foo{$a,$b,$c}
-it really means
- $foo{join($;, $a, $b, $c)}
-But don't put
- @foo{$a,$b,$c} # a slice--note the @
-which means
- ($foo{$a},$foo{$b},$foo{$c})
-Default is "\034", the same as SUBSEP in awk. If your keys contain binary data there might not be any safe value for $;. (Mnemonic: comma (the syntactic subscript separator) is a semi-semicolon. Yeah, I know, it's pretty lame, but $, is already taken for something more important.)
-Consider using "real" multidimensional arrays as described in perllol.
-The output format for printed numbers. This variable is a half-hearted attempt to emulate awk's OFMT variable. There are times, however, when awk and Perl have differing notions of what counts as numeric. The initial value is "", where n is the value of the macro DBL_DIG from your system's float.h. This is different from awk's default OFMT setting of "%.6g", so you need to set $# explicitly to get awk's value. (Mnemonic: # is the number sign.)
-Use of $# is deprecated.
-format_page_number HANDLE EXPR
-The current page number of the currently selected output channel. Used with formats. (Mnemonic: % is page number in nroff.)
-format_lines_per_page HANDLE EXPR
-The current page length (printable lines) of the currently selected output channel. Default is 60. Used with formats. (Mnemonic: = has horizontal lines.)
-format_lines_left HANDLE EXPR
-The number of lines left on the page of the currently selected output channel. Used with formats. (Mnemonic: lines_on_page - lines_printed.)
-$-[0] is the offset of the start of the last successful match. $-[n] is the offset of the start of the substring matched by n-th subpattern, or undef if the subpattern did not match.
-Thus after a match against $_, $& coincides with substr $_, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]. Similarly, $n coincides with substr $_, $-[n], $+[n] - $-[n] if $-[n] is defined, and $+ coincides with substr $_, $-[$#-], $+[$#-]. One can use $#- to find the last matched subgroup in the last successful match. Contrast with $#+, the number of subgroups in the regular expression. Compare with @+.
-This array holds the offsets of the beginnings of the last successful submatches in the currently active dynamic scope. $-[0] is the offset into the string of the beginning of the entire match. The nth element of this array holds the offset of the nth submatch, so $+[1] is the offset where $1 begins, $+[2] the offset where $2 begins, and so on. You can use $#- to determine how many subgroups were in the last successful match. Compare with the @+ variable.
-After a match against some variable $var:
-$` is the same as substr($var, 0, $-[0])
-$& is the same as substr($var, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0])
-$' is the same as substr($var, $+[0])
-$1 is the same as substr($var, $-[1], $+[1] - $-[1])
-$2 is the same as substr($var, $-[2], $+[2] - $-[2])
-$3 is the same as substr $var, $-[3], $+[3] - $-[3])
-format_name HANDLE EXPR
-The name of the current report format for the currently selected output channel. Default is the name of the filehandle. (Mnemonic: brother to $^.)
-format_top_name HANDLE EXPR
-The name of the current top-of-page format for the currently selected output channel. Default is the name of the filehandle with _TOP appended. (Mnemonic: points to top of page.)
-format_line_break_characters HANDLE EXPR
-The current set of characters after which a string may be broken to fill continuation fields (starting with ^) in a format. Default is " \n-", to break on whitespace or hyphens. (Mnemonic: a "colon" in poetry is a part of a line.)
-format_formfeed HANDLE EXPR
-What formats output as a form feed. Default is \f.
-The current value of the write() accumulator for format() lines. A format contains formline() calls that put their result into $^A. After calling its format, write() prints out the contents of $^A and empties. So you never really see the contents of $^A unless you call formline() yourself and then look at it. See perlform and "formline()" in perlfunc.
-The status returned by the last pipe close, backtick (``) command, successful call to wait() or waitpid(), or from the system() operator. This is just the 16-bit status word returned by the wait() system call (or else is made up to look like it). Thus, the exit value of the subprocess is really ($? >> 8), and $? & 127 gives which signal, if any, the process died from, and $? & 128 reports whether there was a core dump. (Mnemonic: similar to sh and ksh.)
-Additionally, if the h_errno variable is supported in C, its value is returned via $? if any gethost*() function fails.
-If you have installed a signal handler for SIGCHLD, the value of $? will usually be wrong outside that handler.
-Inside an END subroutine $? contains the value that is going to be given to exit(). You can modify $? in an END subroutine to change the exit status of your program. For example:
- END {
- $? = 1 if $? == 255; # die would make it 255
- }
-Under VMS, the pragma use vmsish 'status' makes $? reflect the actual VMS exit status, instead of the default emulation of POSIX status.
-Also see "Error Indicators".
-If used numerically, yields the current value of the C errno variable, with all the usual caveats. (This means that you shouldn't depend on the value of $! to be anything in particular unless you've gotten a specific error return indicating a system error.) If used an a string, yields the corresponding system error string. You can assign a number to $! to set errno if, for instance, you want "$!" to return the string for error n, or you want to set the exit value for the die() operator. (Mnemonic: What just went bang?)
-Also see "Error Indicators".
-Error information specific to the current operating system. At the moment, this differs from $! under only VMS, OS/2, and Win32 (and for MacPerl). On all other platforms, $^E is always just the same as $!.
-Under VMS, $^E provides the VMS status value from the last system error. This is more specific information about the last system error than that provided by $!. This is particularly important when $! is set to EVMSERR.
-Under OS/2, $^E is set to the error code of the last call to OS/2 API either via CRT, or directly from perl.
-Under Win32, $^E always returns the last error information reported by the Win32 call GetLastError() which describes the last error from within the Win32 API. Most Win32-specific code will report errors via $^E. ANSI C and Unix-like calls set errno and so most portable Perl code will report errors via $!.
-Caveats mentioned in the description of $! generally apply to $^E, also. (Mnemonic: Extra error explanation.)
-Also see "Error Indicators".
-The Perl syntax error message from the last eval() operator. If null, the last eval() parsed and executed correctly (although the operations you invoked may have failed in the normal fashion). (Mnemonic: Where was the syntax error "at"?)
-Warning messages are not collected in this variable. You can, however, set up a routine to process warnings by setting $SIG{__WARN__} as described below.
-Also see "Error Indicators".
-The process number of the Perl running this script. You should consider this variable read-only, although it will be altered across fork() calls. (Mnemonic: same as shells.)
-The real uid of this process. (Mnemonic: it's the uid you came from, if you're running setuid.)
-The effective uid of this process. Example:
- $< = $>; # set real to effective uid
- ($<,$>) = ($>,$<); # swap real and effective uid
-(Mnemonic: it's the uid you went to, if you're running setuid.) $< and $> can be swapped only on machines supporting setreuid().
-The real gid of this process. If you are on a machine that supports membership in multiple groups simultaneously, gives a space separated list of groups you are in. The first number is the one returned by getgid(), and the subsequent ones by getgroups(), one of which may be the same as the first number.
-However, a value assigned to $( must be a single number used to set the real gid. So the value given by $( should not be assigned back to $( without being forced numeric, such as by adding zero.
-(Mnemonic: parentheses are used to group things. The real gid is the group you left, if you're running setgid.)
-The effective gid of this process. If you are on a machine that supports membership in multiple groups simultaneously, gives a space separated list of groups you are in. The first number is the one returned by getegid(), and the subsequent ones by getgroups(), one of which may be the same as the first number.
-Similarly, a value assigned to $) must also be a space-separated list of numbers. The first number sets the effective gid, and the rest (if any) are passed to setgroups(). To get the effect of an empty list for setgroups(), just repeat the new effective gid; that is, to force an effective gid of 5 and an effectively empty setgroups() list, say $) = "5 5" .
-(Mnemonic: parentheses are used to group things. The effective gid is the group that's right for you, if you're running setgid.)
-$<, $>, $( and $) can be set only on machines that support the corresponding set[re][ug]id() routine. $( and $) can be swapped only on machines supporting setregid().
-Contains the name of the program being executed. On some operating systems assigning to $0 modifies the argument area that the ps program sees. This is more useful as a way of indicating the current program state than it is for hiding the program you're running. (Mnemonic: same as sh and ksh.)
-Note for BSD users: setting $0 does not completely remove "perl" from the ps(1) output. For example, setting $0 to "foobar" will result in "perl: foobar (perl)". This is an operating system feature.
-The index of the first element in an array, and of the first character in a substring. Default is 0, but you could theoretically set it to 1 to make Perl behave more like awk (or Fortran) when subscripting and when evaluating the index() and substr() functions. (Mnemonic: [ begins subscripts.)
-As of release 5 of Perl, assignment to $[ is treated as a compiler directive, and cannot influence the behavior of any other file. Its use is highly discouraged.
-The version + patchlevel / 1000 of the Perl interpreter. This variable can be used to determine whether the Perl interpreter executing a script is in the right range of versions. (Mnemonic: Is this version of perl in the right bracket?) Example:
- warn "No checksumming!\n" if $] < 3.019;
-See also the documentation of use VERSION and require VERSION for a convenient way to fail if the running Perl interpreter is too old.
-The use of this variable is deprecated. The floating point representation can sometimes lead to inaccurate numeric comparisons. See $^V for a more modern representation of the Perl version that allows accurate string comparisons.
-The current value of the flag associated with the -c switch. Mainly of use with -MO=... to allow code to alter its behavior when being compiled, such as for example to AUTOLOAD at compile time rather than normal, deferred loading. See perlcc. Setting $^C = 1 is similar to calling B::minus_c.
-The current value of the debugging flags. (Mnemonic: value of -D switch.)
-The maximum system file descriptor, ordinarily 2. System file descriptors are passed to exec()ed processes, while higher file descriptors are not. Also, during an open(), system file descriptors are preserved even if the open() fails. (Ordinary file descriptors are closed before the open() is attempted.) The close-on-exec status of a file descriptor will be decided according to the value of $^F when the corresponding file, pipe, or socket was opened, not the time of the exec().
-WARNING: This variable is strictly for internal use only. Its availability, behavior, and contents are subject to change without notice.
-This variable contains compile-time hints for the Perl interpreter. At the end of compilation of a BLOCK the value of this variable is restored to the value when the interpreter started to compile the BLOCK.
-When perl begins to parse any block construct that provides a lexical scope (e.g., eval body, required file, subroutine body, loop body, or conditional block), the existing value of $^H is saved, but its value is left unchanged. When the compilation of the block is completed, it regains the saved value. Between the points where its value is saved and restored, code that executes within BEGIN blocks is free to change the value of $^H.
-This behavior provides the semantic of lexical scoping, and is used in, for instance, the use strict pragma.
-The contents should be an integer; different bits of it are used for different pragmatic flags. Here's an example:
- sub add_100 { $^H |= 0x100 }
- sub foo {
- BEGIN { add_100() }
- bar->baz($boon);
- }
-Consider what happens during execution of the BEGIN block. At this point the BEGIN block has already been compiled, but the body of foo() is still being compiled. The new value of $^H will therefore be visible only while the body of foo() is being compiled.
-Substitution of the above BEGIN block with:
- BEGIN { require strict; strict->import('vars') }
-demonstrates how use strict 'vars' is implemented. Here's a conditional version of the same lexical pragma:
- BEGIN { require strict; strict->import('vars') if $condition }
-WARNING: This variable is strictly for internal use only. Its availability, behavior, and contents are subject to change without notice.
-The %^H hash provides the same scoping semantic as $^H. This makes it useful for implementation of lexically scoped pragmas.
-The current value of the inplace-edit extension. Use undef to disable inplace editing. (Mnemonic: value of -i switch.)
-By default, running out of memory is an untrappable, fatal error. However, if suitably built, Perl can use the contents of $^M as an emergency memory pool after die()ing. Suppose that your Perl were compiled with -DPERL_EMERGENCY_SBRK and used Perl's malloc. Then
- $^M = 'a' x (1 << 16);
-would allocate a 64K buffer for use in an emergency. See the INSTALL file in the Perl distribution for information on how to enable this option. To discourage casual use of this advanced feature, there is no English long name for this variable.
-The name of the operating system under which this copy of Perl was built, as determined during the configuration process. The value is identical to $Config{'osname'}. See also Config and the -V command-line switch documented in perlrun.
-The internal variable for debugging support. The meanings of the various bits are subject to change, but currently indicate:
-Debug subroutine enter/exit.
-Line-by-line debugging.
-Switch off optimizations.
-Preserve more data for future interactive inspections.
-Keep info about source lines on which a subroutine is defined.
-Start with single-step on.
-Use subroutine address instead of name when reporting.
-Report goto &subroutine as well.
-Provide informative "file" names for evals based on the place they were compiled.
-Provide informative names to anonymous subroutines based on the place they were compiled.
-Some bits may be relevant at compile-time only, some at run-time only. This is a new mechanism and the details may change.
-The result of evaluation of the last successful (?{ code }) regular expression assertion (see perlre). May be written to.
-Current state of the interpreter. Undefined if parsing of the current module/eval is not finished (may happen in $SIG{__DIE__} and $SIG{__WARN__} handlers). True if inside an eval(), otherwise false.
-The time at which the program began running, in seconds since the epoch (beginning of 1970). The values returned by the -M, -A, and -C filetests are based on this value.
-The revision, version, and subversion of the Perl interpreter, represented as a string composed of characters with those ordinals. Thus in Perl v5.6.0 it equals chr(5) . chr(6) . chr(0) and will return true for $^V eq v5.6.0. Note that the characters in this string value can potentially be in Unicode range.
-This can be used to determine whether the Perl interpreter executing a script is in the right range of versions. (Mnemonic: use ^V for Version Control.) Example:
- warn "No \"our\" declarations!\n" if $^V and $^V lt v5.6.0;
-See the documentation of use VERSION and require VERSION for a convenient way to fail if the running Perl interpreter is too old.
-See also $] for an older representation of the Perl version.
-The current value of the warning switch, initially true if -w was used, false otherwise, but directly modifiable. (Mnemonic: related to the -w switch.) See also warnings.
-The current set of warning checks enabled by the use warnings pragma. See the documentation of warnings for more details.
-Global flag that enables system calls made by Perl to use wide character APIs native to the system, if available. This is currently only implemented on the Windows platform.
-This can also be enabled from the command line using the -C switch.
-The initial value is typically 0 for compatibility with Perl versions earlier than 5.6, but may be automatically set to 1 by Perl if the system provides a user-settable default (e.g., $ENV{LC_CTYPE}).
-The bytes pragma always overrides the effect of this flag in the current lexical scope. See bytes.
-The name that the Perl binary itself was executed as, from C's argv[0]. This may not be a full pathname, nor even necessarily in your path.
-contains the name of the current file when reading from <>.
-The array @ARGV contains the command-line arguments intended for the script. $#ARGV is generally the number of arguments minus one, because $ARGV[0] is the first argument, not the program's command name itself. See $0 for the command name.
-The array @INC contains the list of places that the do EXPR, require, or use constructs look for their library files. It initially consists of the arguments to any -I command-line switches, followed by the default Perl library, probably /usr/local/lib/perl, followed by ".", to represent the current directory. If you need to modify this at runtime, you should use the use lib pragma to get the machine-dependent library properly loaded also:
- use lib '/mypath/libdir/';
- use SomeMod;
-Within a subroutine the array @_ contains the parameters passed to that subroutine. See perlsub.
-The hash %INC contains entries for each filename included via the do, require, or use operators. The key is the filename you specified (with module names converted to pathnames), and the value is the location of the file found. The require operator uses this hash to determine whether a particular file has already been included.
-The hash %ENV contains your current environment. Setting a value in ENV changes the environment for any child processes you subsequently fork() off.
-The hash %SIG contains signal handlers for signals. For example:
- sub handler { # 1st argument is signal name
- my($sig) = @_;
- print "Caught a SIG$sig--shutting down\n";
- close(LOG);
- exit(0);
- }
- $SIG{'INT'} = \&handler;
- $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&handler;
- ...
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT'; # restore default action
- $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'IGNORE'; # ignore SIGQUIT
-Using a value of 'IGNORE' usually has the effect of ignoring the signal, except for the CHLD signal. See perlipc for more about this special case.
-Here are some other examples:
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = "Plumber"; # assumes main::Plumber (not recommended)
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = \&Plumber; # just fine; assume current Plumber
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = *Plumber; # somewhat esoteric
- $SIG{"PIPE"} = Plumber(); # oops, what did Plumber() return??
-Be sure not to use a bareword as the name of a signal handler, lest you inadvertently call it.
-If your system has the sigaction() function then signal handlers are installed using it. This means you get reliable signal handling. If your system has the SA_RESTART flag it is used when signals handlers are installed. This means that system calls for which restarting is supported continue rather than returning when a signal arrives. If you want your system calls to be interrupted by signal delivery then do something like this:
- use POSIX ':signal_h';
- my $alarm = 0;
- sigaction SIGALRM, new POSIX::SigAction sub { $alarm = 1 }
- or die "Error setting SIGALRM handler: $!\n";
-Certain internal hooks can be also set using the %SIG hash. The routine indicated by $SIG{__WARN__} is called when a warning message is about to be printed. The warning message is passed as the first argument. The presence of a __WARN__ hook causes the ordinary printing of warnings to STDERR to be suppressed. You can use this to save warnings in a variable, or turn warnings into fatal errors, like this:
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
- eval $proggie;
-The routine indicated by $SIG{__DIE__} is called when a fatal exception is about to be thrown. The error message is passed as the first argument. When a __DIE__ hook routine returns, the exception processing continues as it would have in the absence of the hook, unless the hook routine itself exits via a goto, a loop exit, or a die(). The __DIE__ handler is explicitly disabled during the call, so that you can die from a __DIE__ handler. Similarly for __WARN__.
-Due to an implementation glitch, the $SIG{__DIE__} hook is called even inside an eval(). Do not use this to rewrite a pending exception in $@, or as a bizarre substitute for overriding CORE::GLOBAL::die(). This strange action at a distance may be fixed in a future release so that $SIG{__DIE__} is only called if your program is about to exit, as was the original intent. Any other use is deprecated.
-__DIE__/__WARN__ handlers are very special in one respect: they may be called to report (probable) errors found by the parser. In such a case the parser may be in inconsistent state, so any attempt to evaluate Perl code from such a handler will probably result in a segfault. This means that warnings or errors that result from parsing Perl should be used with extreme caution, like this:
- require Carp if defined $^S;
- Carp::confess("Something wrong") if defined &Carp::confess;
- die "Something wrong, but could not load Carp to give backtrace...
- To see backtrace try starting Perl with -MCarp switch";
-Here the first line will load Carp unless it is the parser who called the handler. The second line will print backtrace and die if Carp was available. The third line will be executed only if Carp was not available.
-See "die" in perlfunc, "warn" in perlfunc, "eval" in perlfunc, and warnings for additional information.
-Error Indicators
-The variables $@, $!, $^E, and $? contain information about different types of error conditions that may appear during execution of a Perl program. The variables are shown ordered by the "distance" between the subsystem which reported the error and the Perl process. They correspond to errors detected by the Perl interpreter, C library, operating system, or an external program, respectively.
-To illustrate the differences between these variables, consider the following Perl expression, which uses a single-quoted string:
- eval q{
- open PIPE, "/cdrom/install |";
- @res = <PIPE>;
- close PIPE or die "bad pipe: $?, $!";
- };
-After execution of this statement all 4 variables may have been set.
-$@ is set if the string to be eval-ed did not compile (this may happen if open or close were imported with bad prototypes), or if Perl code executed during evaluation die()d . In these cases the value of $@ is the compile error, or the argument to die (which will interpolate $! and $?!). (See also Fatal, though.)
-When the eval() expression above is executed, open(), <PIPE>, and close are translated to calls in the C run-time library and thence to the operating system kernel. $! is set to the C library's errno if one of these calls fails.
-Under a few operating systems, $^E may contain a more verbose error indicator, such as in this case, "CDROM tray not closed." Systems that do not support extended error messages leave $^E the same as $!.
-Finally, $? may be set to non-0 value if the external program /cdrom/install fails. The upper eight bits reflect specific error conditions encountered by the program (the program's exit() value). The lower eight bits reflect mode of failure, like signal death and core dump information See wait(2) for details. In contrast to $! and $^E, which are set only if error condition is detected, the variable $? is set on each wait or pipe close, overwriting the old value. This is more like $@, which on every eval() is always set on failure and cleared on success.
-For more details, see the individual descriptions at $@, $!, $^E, and $?.
-Technical Note on the Syntax of Variable Names
-Variable names in Perl can have several formats. Usually, they must begin with a letter or underscore, in which case they can be arbitrarily long (up to an internal limit of 251 characters) and may contain letters, digits, underscores, or the special sequence :: or '. In this case, the part before the last :: or ' is taken to be a package qualifier; see perlmod.
-Perl variable names may also be a sequence of digits or a single punctuation or control character. These names are all reserved for special uses by Perl; for example, the all-digits names are used to hold data captured by backreferences after a regular expression match. Perl has a special syntax for the single-control-character names: It understands ^X (caret X) to mean the control-X character. For example, the notation $^W (dollar-sign caret W) is the scalar variable whose name is the single character control-W. This is better than typing a literal control-W into your program.
-Finally, new in Perl 5.6, Perl variable names may be alphanumeric strings that begin with control characters (or better yet, a caret). These variables must be written in the form ${^Foo}; the braces are not optional. ${^Foo} denotes the scalar variable whose name is a control-F followed by two o's. These variables are reserved for future special uses by Perl, except for the ones that begin with ^_ (control-underscore or caret-underscore). No control-character name that begins with ^_ will acquire a special meaning in any future version of Perl; such names may therefore be used safely in programs. $^_ itself, however, is reserved.
-Perl identifiers that begin with digits, control characters, or punctuation characters are exempt from the effects of the package declaration and are always forced to be in package main. A few other names are also exempt:
-In particular, the new special ${^_XYZ} variables are always taken to be in package main, regardless of any package declarations presently in scope.
-Due to an unfortunate accident of Perl's implementation, use English imposes a considerable performance penalty on all regular expression matches in a program, regardless of whether they occur in the scope of use English. For that reason, saying use English in libraries is strongly discouraged. See the Devel::SawAmpersand module documentation from CPAN ( for more information.
-Having to even think about the $^S variable in your exception handlers is simply wrong. $SIG{__DIE__} as currently implemented invites grievous and difficult to track down errors. Avoid it and use an END{} or CORE::GLOBAL::die override instead.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/puller.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/puller.t
deleted file mode 100644
index df0e00ef69..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/puller.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 136 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-#sub Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES () {1}
-#sub Pod::Simple::PullParser::DEBUG () {1}
-use Pod::Simple::PullParser;
-sub pump_it_up {
- my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
- $p->set_source( \( $_[0] ) );
- my(@t, $t);
- while($t = $p->get_token) { push @t, $t }
- print "# Count of tokens: ", scalar(@t), "\n";
- print "# I.e., {", join("\n# + ",
- map ref($_) . ": " . $_->dump, @t), "} \n";
- return @t;
-my @t;
-@t = pump_it_up(qq{\n\nProk\n\n=head1 Things\n\n=cut\n\nBzorch\n\n});
- ok scalar( grep { ref $_ and $_->can('type') } @t), 5
-)) {
- ok 0,1, "Wrong token count. Failing subsequent tests.\n";
- for ( 1 .. 12 ) {ok 0}
-} else {
- ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
- ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
- ok $t[1]->tagname, 'head1';
- ok $t[2]->text, 'Things';
- ok $t[3]->tagname, 'head1';
- ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
- ok $t[0]->attr('start_line'), '5';
- ok $t[1]->attr('start_line'), '5';
-@t = pump_it_up(
- qq{Woowoo\n\n=over\n\n=item *\n\nStuff L<HTML::TokeParser>\n\n}
- . qq{=item *\n\nThings I<like that>\n\n=back\n\n=cut\n\n}
- not( ok scalar( grep { ref $_ and $_->can('type') } @t) => 16 )
-) {
- ok 0,1, "Wrong token count. Failing subsequent tests.\n";
- for ( 1 .. 32 ) {ok 0}
-} else {
- ok $t[ 0]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[ 1]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[ 2]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[ 3]->type, 'text';
- ok $t[ 4]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[ 5]->type, 'text';
- ok $t[ 6]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[ 7]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[ 8]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[ 9]->type, 'text';
- ok $t[10]->type, 'start';
- ok $t[11]->type, 'text';
- ok $t[12]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[13]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[14]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[15]->type, 'end';
- ok $t[ 0]->tagname, 'Document';
- ok $t[ 1]->tagname, 'over-bullet';
- ok $t[ 2]->tagname, 'item-bullet';
- ok $t[ 3]->text, 'Stuff ';
- ok $t[ 4]->tagname, 'L';
- ok $t[ 5]->text, 'HTML::TokeParser';
- ok $t[ 6]->tagname, 'L';
- ok $t[ 7]->tagname, 'item-bullet';
- ok $t[ 8]->tagname, 'item-bullet';
- ok $t[ 9]->text, 'Things ';
- ok $t[10]->tagname, 'I';
- ok $t[11]->text, 'like that';
- ok $t[12]->tagname, 'I';
- ok $t[13]->tagname, 'item-bullet';
- ok $t[14]->tagname, 'over-bullet';
- ok $t[15]->tagname, 'Document';
- ok $t[4]->attr("type"), "pod";
-print "# Testing unget_token\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\nBzorch\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok 1;
-my $t;
-$t = $p->get_token;
-ok $t && $t->type, 'start';
-ok $t && $t->tagname, 'Document';
-print "# ungetting ($t).\n";
-ok 1;
-$t = $p->get_token;
-ok $t && $t->type, 'start';
-ok $t && $t->tagname, 'Document';
-my @to_save = ($t);
-$t = $p->get_token;
-ok $t && $t->type, 'start';
-ok $t && $t->tagname, 'Para';
-push @to_save, $t;
-print "# ungetting (@to_save).\n";
-splice @to_save;
-$t = $p->get_token;
-ok $t && $t->type, 'start';
-ok $t && $t->tagname, 'Document';
-$t = $p->get_token;
-ok $t && $t->type, 'start';
-ok $t && $t->tagname, 'Para';
-ok 1;
-print "# Testing pullparsing from an arrayref\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-ok 1;
-$p->set_source( ['','Bzorch', '','=pod', '', 'Lala', 'zaza', '', '=cut'] );
-ok 1;
-my( @t, $t );
-while($t = $p->get_token) {
- print "# Got a token: ", $t->dump, "\n#\n";
- push @t, $t;
-ok scalar(@t), 5; # count of tokens
-ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
-ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
-ok $t[1]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[2]->text, 'Lala zaza';
-ok $t[3]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
-print "# Testing pullparsing from an arrayref with terminal newlines\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-ok 1;
-$p->set_source( [ map "$_\n",
- '','Bzorch', '','=pod', '', 'Lala', 'zaza', '', '=cut'] );
-ok 1;
-my( @t, $t );
-while($t = $p->get_token) {
- print "# Got a token: ", $t->dump, "\n#\n";
- push @t, $t;
-ok scalar(@t), 5; # count of tokens
-ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
-ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
-ok $t[1]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[2]->text, 'Lala zaza';
-ok $t[3]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
-END { unlink "temp.pod" }
-print "# Testing pullparsing from a file\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-ok 1;
-open(OUT, ">temp.pod") || die "Can't write-open temp.pod: $!";
-print OUT
- map "$_\n",
- '','Bzorch', '','=pod', '', 'Lala', 'zaza', '', '=cut'
-ok 1;
-sleep 1;
-my( @t, $t );
-while($t = $p->get_token) {
- print "# Got a token: ", $t->dump, "\n#\n";
- push @t, $t;
- print "# That's token number ", scalar(@t), "\n";
-ok scalar(@t), 5; # count of tokens
-ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
-ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
-ok $t[1]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[2]->text, 'Lala zaza';
-ok $t[3]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-print "# Testing pullparsing from a glob\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-ok 1;
-open(IN, "<temp.pod") || die "Can't read-open temp.pod: $!";
-my( @t, $t );
-while($t = $p->get_token) {
- print "# Got a token: ", $t->dump, "\n#\n";
- push @t, $t;
- print "# That's token number ", scalar(@t), "\n";
-ok scalar(@t), 5; # count of tokens
-ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
-ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
-ok $t[1]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[2]->text, 'Lala zaza';
-ok $t[3]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-print "# Testing pullparsing from a globref\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-ok 1;
-open(IN, "<temp.pod") || die "Can't read-open temp.pod: $!";
-my( @t, $t );
-while($t = $p->get_token) {
- print "# Got a token: ", $t->dump, "\n#\n";
- push @t, $t;
- print "# That's token number ", scalar(@t), "\n";
-ok scalar(@t), 5; # count of tokens
-ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
-ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
-ok $t[1]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[2]->text, 'Lala zaza';
-ok $t[3]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-print "# Testing pullparsing from a filehandle\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-ok 1;
-open(IN, "<temp.pod") || die "Can't read-open temp.pod: $!";
-my( @t, $t );
-while($t = $p->get_token) {
- print "# Got a token: ", $t->dump, "\n#\n";
- push @t, $t;
- print "# That's token number ", scalar(@t), "\n";
-ok scalar(@t), 5; # count of tokens
-ok $t[0]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[1]->type, 'start';
-ok $t[2]->type, 'text';
-ok $t[3]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[4]->type, 'end';
-ok $t[0]->tagname, 'Document';
-ok $t[1]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[2]->text, 'Lala zaza';
-ok $t[3]->tagname, 'Para';
-ok $t[4]->tagname, 'Document';
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/pulltitl.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/pulltitl.t
deleted file mode 100644
index abaf83f7b7..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/pulltitl.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 104 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (5);
-#sub Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES () {1}
-#sub Pod::Simple::PullParser::DEBUG () {3}
-use Pod::Simple::PullParser;
-ok 1;
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 NAME\n\nBzorch\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'head1' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'text');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'text' && $t->text, 'NAME' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 NE<65>ME\n\nBzorch\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'head1' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'text');
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 NAME\n\nBzorch - I<thing> lala\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch - thing lala';
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 NAME\n\nBzorch - I<thing> lala\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch - thing lala';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'head1' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'text');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'text' && $t->text, 'NAME' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 Bzorch lala\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch lala';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'head1' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'text');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'text' && $t->text, 'Bzorch lala' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 Bzorch - I<thing> lala\n\n=pod\n\nLala\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch - thing lala';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'head1' );
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'text');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'text' && $t->text, 'Bzorch - ' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 Nombre (NAME)\n\nBzorch - I<thing> lala\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_version || '', '';
-ok $p->get_author || '', '';
-ok $p->get_title(), 'Bzorch - thing lala';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ (NAME)\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 (NAME) ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 (DESCRIPTION) ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title() || '', '';
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 (DESCRIPTION) ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-ok $p->get_title() || '', '';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 NAME\n\nThingy\n\n=head1 (DESCRIPTION) ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-ok $p->get_title(), "Thingy";
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 NAME\n\nThingy\n\n=head1 (DESCRIPTION) ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), "Thingy";
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \qq{\n=head1 (NAME) ÷ÄÁÌÉ ÐÅÒÅÄ\n\nThingy\n\n=head1 (DESCRIPTION) ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ\n\nëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading\n\n=pod\n\nGrunk\n\n\=cut\n} );
-ok $p->get_title(), "Thingy";
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \q{
-=head1 (NAME) ÷ÄÁÌÉ ÐÅÒÅÄ
-ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading
-} );
-ok $p->get_title(), "Thingy";
-ok $p->get_version() || '', '';
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Testing another set, at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
-my $p = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-$p->set_source( \q{
-=head1 (NAME) ÷ÄÁÌÉ ÐÅÒÅÄ
-ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's I<"When you were> reading
-=head1 VERSION
- Stuff: Thing
- Whatever: Um.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Jojoj E<65>arzarz
-} );
-ok $p->get_title(), "Thingy";
-my $v = $p->get_version || '';
-$v =~ s/^ +//m;
-$v =~ s/^\s+//s;
-$v =~ s/\s+$//s;
-ok $v, "Stuff: Thing\nWhatever: Um.";
-ok $p->get_description(), q{ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ -- Fet's "When you were reading};
-ok $p->get_author() || '', 'Jojoj Aarzarz';
-my $t;
-ok( $t = $p->get_token);
-ok( $t && $t->type, 'start');
-ok( $t && $t->type eq 'start' && $t->tagname, 'Document' );
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/reinit.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/reinit.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c10c65eb17..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/reinit.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use lib '../lib';
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 5 };
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir ($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-use Pod::Simple::Text;
-$Pod::Simple::Text::FREAKYMODE = 1;
-my $parser = Pod::Simple::Text->new();
-foreach my $file (
- "junk1.pod",
- "junk2.pod",
- "perlcyg.pod",
- "perlfaq.pod",
- "perlvar.pod",
-) {
- unless(-e source_path($file)) {
- ok 0;
- print "# But $file doesn't exist!!\n";
- next;
- }
- my $precooked = source_path($file);
- my $outstring;
- my $compstring;
- $precooked =~ s<\.pod><o.txt>s;
- $parser->reinit;
- $parser->output_string(\$outstring);
- $parser->parse_file(source_path($file));
- open(IN, $precooked) or die "Can't read-open $precooked: $!";
- {
- local $/;
- $compstring = <IN>;
- }
- close(IN);
- for ($outstring,$compstring) { s/\s+/ /g; s/^\s+//s; s/\s+$//s; }
- if($outstring eq $compstring) {
- ok 1;
- next;
- } elsif( do{
- for ($outstring, $compstring) { tr/ //d; };
- $outstring eq $compstring;
- }){
- print "# Differ only in whitespace.\n";
- ok 1;
- next;
- } else {
- my $x = $outstring ^ $compstring;
- $x =~ m/^(\x00*)/s or die;
- my $at = length($1);
- print "# Difference at byte $at...\n";
- if($at > 10) {
- $at -= 5;
- }
- {
- print "# ", substr($outstring,$at,20), "\n";
- print "# ", substr($compstring,$at,20), "\n";
- print "# ^...";
- }
- ok 0;
- printf "# Unequal lengths %s and %s\n", length($outstring), length($compstring);
- next;
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/render.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/render.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7b8f401d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/render.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- } else {
- push @INC, '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 26 };
-use Pod::Simple::TextContent;
-use Pod::Simple::Text;
- *mytime = defined(&Win32::GetTickCount)
- ? sub () {Win32::GetTickCount() / 1000}
- : sub () {time()}
-$Pod::Simple::Text::FREAKYMODE = 1;
-use Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH ();
-chdir 't' unless $ENV{PERL_CORE};
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir ($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my $outfile = '10000';
-foreach my $file (
- "junk1.pod",
- "junk2.pod",
- "perlcyg.pod",
- "perlfaq.pod",
- "perlvar.pod",
-) {
- unless(-e source_path($file)) {
- ok 0;
- print "# But $file doesn't exist!!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my @out;
- my $precooked = source_path($file);
- $precooked =~ s<\.pod><o.txt>s;
- unless(-e $precooked) {
- ok 0;
- print "# But $precooked doesn't exist!!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- print "#\n#\n#\n###################\n# $file\n";
- foreach my $class ('Pod::Simple::TextContent', 'Pod::Simple::Text') {
- my $p = $class->new;
- push @out, '';
- $p->output_string(\$out[-1]);
- my $t = mytime();
- $p->parse_file(source_path($file));
- printf "# %s %s %sb, %.03fs\n",
- ref($p), source_path($file), length($out[-1]), mytime() - $t ;
- ok 1;
- }
- print "# Reading $precooked...\n";
- open(IN, $precooked) or die "Can't read-open $precooked: $!";
- {
- local $/;
- push @out, <IN>;
- }
- close(IN);
- print "# ", length($out[-1]), " bytes pulled in.\n";
- for (@out) { s/\s+/ /g; s/^\s+//s; s/\s+$//s; }
- my $faily = 0;
- print "#\n#Now comparing 1 and 2...\n";
- $faily += compare2($out[0], $out[1]);
- print "#\n#Now comparing 2 and 3...\n";
- $faily += compare2($out[1], $out[2]);
- print "#\n#Now comparing 1 and 3...\n";
- $faily += compare2($out[0], $out[2]);
- if($faily) {
- ++$outfile;
- my @outnames = map $outfile . $_ , qw(0 1);
- open(OUT2, ">$outnames[0].~out.txt") || die "Can't write-open $outnames[0].txt: $!";
- foreach my $out (@out) { push @outnames, $outnames[-1]; ++$outnames[-1] };
- pop @outnames;
- printf "# Writing to %s.txt .. %s.txt\n", $outnames[0], $outnames[-1];
- shift @outnames;
- binmode(OUT2);
- foreach my $out (@out) {
- my $outname = shift @outnames;
- open(OUT, ">$outname.txt") || die "Can't write-open $outname.txt: $!";
- binmode(OUT);
- print OUT $out, "\n";
- print OUT2 $out, "\n";
- close(OUT);
- }
- close(OUT2);
- }
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
-sub compare2 {
- my @out = @_;
- if($out[0] eq $out[1]) {
- ok 1;
- return 0;
- } elsif( do{
- for ($out[0], $out[1]) { tr/ //d; };
- $out[0] eq $out[1];
- }){
- print "# Differ only in whitespace.\n";
- ok 1;
- return 0;
- } else {
- #ok $out[0], $out[1];
- my $x = $out[0] ^ $out[1];
- $x =~ m/^(\x00*)/s or die;
- my $at = length($1);
- print "# Difference at byte $at...\n";
- if($at > 10) {
- $at -= 5;
- }
- {
- print "# ", substr($out[0],$at,20), "\n";
- print "# ", substr($out[1],$at,20), "\n";
- print "# ^...";
- }
- ok 0;
- printf "# Unequal lengths %s and %s\n", length($out[0]), length($out[1]);
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search05.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search05.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a55ca72ce1..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search05.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 15 }
-print "# Some basic sanity tests...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-print "# New object: $x\n";
-print "# Version: ", $x->VERSION, "\n";
-ok defined $x->can('callback');
-ok defined $x->can('dir_prefix');
-ok defined $x->can('inc');
-ok defined $x->can('laborious');
-ok defined $x->can('limit_glob');
-ok defined $x->can('limit_re');
-ok defined $x->can('shadows');
-ok defined $x->can('verbose');
-ok defined $x->can('survey');
-ok defined $x->can('_state_as_string');
-ok defined $x->can('contains_pod');
-ok defined $x->can('find');
-ok defined $x->can('simplify_name');
-print "# Testing state dumping...\n";
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-$x->inc("I\nLike Pie!\t!!");
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-print "# bye\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search10.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search10.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c69334b1f6..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search10.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-# Time-stamp: "2004-05-23 22:38:58 ADT"
-use strict;
-#sub Pod::Simple::Search::DEBUG () {5};
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing the surveying of a single specified docroot...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-print "# Testing the surveying of the current directory...\n";
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my $here;
-if( -e ($here = source_path('testlib1'))) {
- #
-} elsif(-e ($here = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1'))) {
- #
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpus";
-print "# OK, found the test corpus as $here\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "Blorm|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|zikzik";
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-ok $names, "Blorm|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|zikzik";
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/');
-ok grep( m/squaa\.pm/, keys %$where2name ), 1;
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search12.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search12.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f620c0cf9..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search12.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing the surveying of the current directory...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my $here;
-if( -e ($here = source_path('testlib1'))) {
- chdir $here;
-} elsif(-e ($here = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1'))) {
- chdir $here;
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpus";
-print "# OK, found the test corpus as $here\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey('.');
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "Blorm|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|zikzik";
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-ok $names, "Blorm|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|zikzik";
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/');
-ok grep( m/squaa\.pm/, keys %$where2name ), 1;
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search20.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search20.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 3022b3653b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search20.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing the scanning of several (well, two) docroots...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-$x->callback(sub {
- print "# ", join(" ", map "{$_}", @_), "\n";
- return;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path('testlib1'))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path('testlib2'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-print "# OK, starting run...\n# [[\n";
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2);
-print "# ]]\n#OK, run done.\n";
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-skip $^O eq 'VMS' ? '-- case may or may not be preserved' : 0,
- $names,
- "Blorm|Suzzle|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|perlzuk|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo|zikzik";
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-skip $^O eq 'VMS' ? '-- case may or may not be preserved' : 0,
- $names,
- "Blorm|Suzzle|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|perlzuk|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo|zikzik";
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/');
-ok grep( m/squaa\.pm/, keys %$where2name ), 1;
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search22.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search22.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e6d662a1b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search22.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 13 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing the scanning of several docroots...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2, $here3);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path('testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path('testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = source_path('testlib3'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib3'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n# and $here3\n#\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2, $here3);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-print "# won't show any shadows, since we're just looking at the name2where keys\n";
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-skip $^O eq 'VMS' ? '-- case may or may not be preserved' : 0,
- $names,
- "Blorm|Suzzle|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|perlzuk|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo|zikzik";
-print "# but here we'll see shadowing:\n";
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-skip $^O eq 'VMS' ? '-- case may or may not be preserved' : 0,
- $names,
- "Blorm|Suzzle|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|perlthng|perlzuk|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo|zikzik";
-my %count;
-for(values %$where2name) { ++$count{$_} };
-#print pretty(\%count), "\n\n";
-delete @count{ grep $count{$_} < 2, keys %count };
-my $shadowed = join "|", sort keys %count;
-ok $shadowed, "hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlthng|squaa::Vliff";
-sub thar { print "# Seen $_[0] :\n", map "# {$_}\n", sort grep $where2name->{$_} eq $_[0],keys %$where2name; return; }
-ok $count{'perlthng'}, 2;
-thar 'perlthng';
-ok $count{'squaa::Vliff'}, 3;
-thar 'squaa::Vliff';
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/');
-ok grep( m/squaa\.pm/, keys %$where2name ), 1;
-ok( ($name2where->{'perlthng'} || 'huh???'), '/[^\^]testlib1/' );
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa::Vliff'} || 'huh???'), '/[^\^]testlib1/' );
-# Some sanity:
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa::Wowo'} || 'huh???'), '/testlib2/' );
-print "# OK, bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search25.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search25.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 77045033b9..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search25.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-#sub Pod::Simple::Search::DEBUG () {5};
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 10 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing limit_glob ...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-my $dir;
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2, $here3);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path( 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path( 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = source_path( 'testlib3'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib3'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora: $dir";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n# and $here3\n#\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my $glob = 'squaa::*';
-print "# Limiting to $glob\n";
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2, $here3);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-ok $names, "squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo";
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo";
-my %count;
-for(values %$where2name) { ++$count{$_} };
-#print pretty(\%count), "\n\n";
-delete @count{ grep $count{$_} < 2, keys %count };
-my $shadowed = join "|", sort keys %count;
-ok $shadowed, "squaa::Vliff";
-sub thar { print "# Seen $_[0] :\n", map "# {$_}\n", sort grep $where2name->{$_} eq $_[0],keys %$where2name; return; }
-ok $count{'squaa::Vliff'}, 3;
-thar 'squaa::Vliff';
-ok ! $name2where->{'squaa'}; # because isn't squaa::*
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa::Vliff'} || 'huh???'), '/[^\^]testlib1/' );
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa::Wowo'} || 'huh???'), '/testlib2/' );
-print "# OK, bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search26.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search26.t
deleted file mode 100644
index fb9d322c76..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search26.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 5 }
-# "kleene" rhymes with "zany". It's a fact!
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing limit_glob ...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2, $here3);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path( 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path ( 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = source_path( 'testlib3'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib3'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n# and $here3\n#\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my $glob = '*k';
-print "# Limiting to $glob\n";
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2, $here3);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-ok $names, "Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|perlzuk|squaa::Glunk|zikzik";
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Glunk|perlzuk|squaa::Glunk|zikzik";
-print "# OK, bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search27.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search27.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 22cf32d107..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search27.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 10 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing limit_glob ...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2, $here3);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path( 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path( 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = source_path( 'testlib3'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib3'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n# and $here3\n#\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my $glob = 'squaa*';
-print "# Limiting to $glob\n";
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2, $here3);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
-ok $names, "squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo";
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Vliff|squaa::Wowo";
-my %count;
-for(values %$where2name) { ++$count{$_} };
-#print pretty(\%count), "\n\n";
-delete @count{ grep $count{$_} < 2, keys %count };
-my $shadowed = join "|", sort keys %count;
-ok $shadowed, "squaa::Vliff";
-sub thar { print "# Seen $_[0] :\n", map "# {$_}\n", sort grep $where2name->{$_} eq $_[0],keys %$where2name; return; }
-ok $count{'squaa::Vliff'}, 3;
-thar 'squaa::Vliff';
-ok $name2where->{'squaa'}; # because IS squaa*
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa::Vliff'} || 'huh???'), '/[^\^]testlib1/' );
-ok( ($name2where->{'squaa::Wowo'} || 'huh???'), '/testlib2/' );
-print "# OK, bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search28.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search28.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9301232317..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search28.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing limit_glob ...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2, $here3);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path( 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path( 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = source_path( 'testlib3'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib3'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n# and $here3\n#\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my $glob = '*z*k*';
-print "# Limiting to $glob\n";
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2, $here3);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "Zonk::Pronk|perlzuk|zikzik";
-print "# OK, bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search29.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search29.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c62befbbf8..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search29.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 }
-print "# ", __FILE__,
- ": Testing limit_glob ...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-my $cwd = cwd();
-print "# CWD: $cwd\n";
-sub source_path {
- my $file = shift;
- if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
- return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
- } else {
- return $file;
- }
-my($here1, $here2, $here3);
-if( -e ($here1 = source_path( 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = source_path( 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = source_path( 'testlib3'));
-} elsif( -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1' ))) {
- die "But where's $here2?"
- unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
- die "But where's $here3?"
- unless -e ($here3 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib3'));
-} else {
- die "Can't find the test corpora";
-print "# OK, found the test corpora\n# as $here1\n# and $here2\n# and $here3\n#\n";
-ok 1;
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my $glob = '*z?k*';
-print "# Limiting to $glob\n";
-my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here1, $here2, $here3);
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
-ok $names, "perlzuk|zikzik";
-print "# OK, bye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search50.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search50.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d207276857..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/search50.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
- chdir 't';
- use File::Spec;
- @INC = (File::Spec->rel2abs('../lib') );
- }
-use strict;
-#sub Pod::Simple::Search::DEBUG () {5};
-use Pod::Simple::Search;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
-print "# Test the scanning of the whole of \@INC ...\n";
-my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
-die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
-ok $x->inc; # make sure inc=1 is the default
-print $x->_state_as_string;
-use Pod::Simple;
-*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
-my $found = 0;
-$x->callback(sub {
- print "# ", join(" ", map "{$_}", @_), "\n";
- ++$found;
- return;
-print "# \@INC == @INC\n";
-my $t = time(); my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey();
-$t = time() - $t;
-ok $found;
-print "# Found $found items in $t seconds!\n# See...\n";
-my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
-$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
-$p =~ s/^/# /mg;
-print $p;
-print "# OK, making sure strict and were in there...\n";
-ok( ($name2where->{'strict'} || 'huh???'), '/strict\.(pod|pm)$/');
-ok grep( m/strict\.(pod|pm)/, keys %$where2name );
-my $strictpath = $name2where->{'strict'};
-if( $strictpath ) {
- my @x = ($x->find('strict')||'(nil)', $strictpath);
- print "# Comparing \"$x[0]\" to \"$x[1]\"\n";
- for(@x) { s{[/\\]}{/}g; }
- print "# => \"$x[0]\" to \"$x[1]\"\n";
- ok $x[0], $x[1], " find('strict') should match survey's name2where{strict}";
-} else {
- ok 0; # no 'thatpath/' means can't test find()
-ok 1;
-print "# Byebye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
-print "# @INC\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/stree.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/stree.t
deleted file mode 100644
index efdf8097fa..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/stree.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 33 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::SimpleTree;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-my $hashes_dont_matter = 0;
-my $x = 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree';
-sub x {
- my $p = $x->new;
- $p->merge_text(1);
- $p->parse_string_document( shift )->root;
-ok 1;
-print "# a bit of meta-testing...\n";
-&ok( deq( 1, 1 ));
-&ok(!deq( 2, 1 ));
-&ok( deq( undef, undef ));
-&ok(!deq( undef, 1 ));
-&ok(!deq( 1, undef ));
-&ok( deq( [ ], [ ] ));
-&ok(!deq( [ ], 1 ));
-&ok(!deq( 1, [ ] ));
-&ok( deq( [1], [1] ));
-&ok(!deq( [1], 1 ));
-&ok(!deq( 1, [1] ));
-&ok(!deq( [1], [ ] ));
-&ok(!deq( [ ], [1] ));
-&ok(!deq( [1], [2] ));
-&ok(!deq( [2], [1] ));
-&ok( deq( [ ], [ ] ));
-&ok(!deq( [ ], 1 ));
-&ok(!deq( 1, [ ] ));
-&ok( deq( {}, {} ));
-&ok(!deq( {}, 1 ));
-&ok(!deq( 1, {} ));
-&ok(!deq( {1,2}, {} ));
-&ok(!deq( {}, {1,2} ));
-&ok( deq( {1,2}, {1,2} ));
-&ok(!deq( {2,1}, {1,2} ));
-print '# ', Pod::Simple::pretty(x( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n" )), "\n";
-print "# Making sure we get a tree at all...\n";
-ok x( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n" );
-print "# Some real tests...\n";
-&ok( deq( x( "=pod\n\nI like pie.\n"),
- [ "Document", {"start_line"=>1},
- [ "Para", {"start_line"=>3},
- "I like pie."
- ]
- ]
-$hashes_dont_matter = 1;
-&ok( deq( x("=pod\n\nB<foo\t>\n"),
- [ "Document", {},
- [ "Para", {},
- ["B", {},
- "foo "
- ]
- ]
- ]
-&ok( deq( x("=pod\n\nB<pieF<zorch>X<foo>I<pling>>\n"),
- [ "Document", {},
- [ "Para", {},
- ["B", {},
- "pie",
- ['F',{}, 'zorch'],
- ['X',{}, 'foo' ],
- ['I',{}, 'pling'],
- ]
- ]
- ]
-&ok( deq( x("=over\n\n=item B<pieF<zorch>X<foo>I<pling>>!\n\n=back"),
- [ "Document", {},
- [ "over-text", {},
- [ "item-text", {},
- ["B", {},
- "pie",
- ['F',{}, 'zorch'],
- ['X',{}, 'foo' ],
- ['I',{}, 'pling'],
- ],
- '!'
- ]
- ]
- ]
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
-sub deq { # deep-equals
- #print "# deq ", Pod::Simple::pretty($_[0], $_[1]), "\n";
- return 1 unless defined $_[0] or defined $_[1]; # two undefs = same
- return '' if defined $_[0] xor defined $_[1];
- return '' if ref($_[0]) ne ref($_[1]); # unequal referentiality
- return $_[0] eq $_[1] unless ref $_[0];
- # So it's a ref:
- if(UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY')) {
- return '' unless @{$_[0]} == @{$_[1]};
- for(my $i = 0; $i < @{$_[0]}; $i++) {
- print("# NEQ ", Pod::Simple::pretty($_[0]),
- "\n# != ", Pod::Simple::pretty($_[1]), "\n"),
- return '' unless deq($_[0][$i], $_[1][$i]); # recurse!
- }
- return 1;
- } elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH')) {
- return 1 if $hashes_dont_matter;
- return '' unless keys %{$_[0]} == keys %{$_[1]};
- foreach my $k (keys %{$_[0]}) {
- return '' unless exists $_[1]{$k};
- return '' unless deq($_[0]{$k}, $_[1]{$k});
- }
- return 1;
- } else {
- print "# I don't know how to deque $_[0] & $_[1]\n";
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/
deleted file mode 100644
index 13499fadc9..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Blorm -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/Fiddle.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/Fiddle.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 656827cf74..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/Fiddle.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This is just a dummy file. It's podless and shouldn't even be scanned for pod.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 559af82920..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Zonk::Pronk -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
-This is a test Pod document in Latin-1. Its content is the last two
-paragraphs of Baudelaire's I<Le Joujou du pauvre>.
-A travers ces barreaux symboliques séparant deux mondes, la grande route
-et le château, l'enfant pauvre montrait à l'enfant riche son propre
-joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
-Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon agaçait, agitait et secouait dans
-une boîte grillée, c'était un rat vivantE<160>! Les parents, par économie
-sans doute, avaient tiré le joujou de la vie elle-même.
-Et les deux enfants se riaient l'un à l'autre fraternellement, avec des
-dents d'une I<égale> blancheur.
-=head2 As Verbatim
- A travers ces barreaux symboliques séparant deux mondes, la grande route
- et le château, l'enfant pauvre montrait à l'enfant riche son propre
- joujou, que celui-ci examinait avidement comme un objet rare et inconnu.
- Or, ce joujou, que le petit souillon agaçait, agitait et secouait dans
- une boîte grillée, c'était un rat vivant ! Les parents, par économie
- sans doute, avaient tiré le joujou de la vie elle-même.
- Et les deux enfants se riaient l'un à l'autre fraternellement, avec des
- dents d'une égale blancheur.
-print "HOOBOY!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 078119534d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/Zonk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# This is just a podless test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/Glunk.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/Glunk.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e7624a71..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/Glunk.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Glunk -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d1b411f2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Vliff -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
-print "HOOBOY!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/readme.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ae070ee8..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/hinkhonk/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This directory should never be scanned.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/pod/perlflif.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/pod/perlflif.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ae3da342..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/pod/perlflif.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-perlthang - This is just some test file
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/pod/perlthng.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/pod/perlthng.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ae3da342..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/pod/perlthng.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-perlthang - This is just some test file
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/
deleted file mode 100644
index 43228fd174..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package squaa;
-=head1 NAME
-squaa -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/squaa/Glunk.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/squaa/Glunk.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e7624a71..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/squaa/Glunk.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Glunk -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/squaa/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/squaa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d1b411f2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/squaa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Vliff -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
-print "HOOBOY!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/zikzik.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/zikzik.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f86dec6a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib1/zikzik.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-zikzik -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/
deleted file mode 100644
index b96722c13b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Sizzlesuzzle -- hooboy, this is a test file too.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/Glunk.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/Glunk.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e7624a71..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/Glunk.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Glunk -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d1b411f2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Vliff -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
-print "HOOBOY!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/readme.txt b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ae070ee8..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/hinkhonk/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This directory should never be scanned.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/pod/perlthng.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/pod/perlthng.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ae3da342..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/pod/perlthng.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-perlthang - This is just some test file
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/pod/perlzuk.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/pod/perlzuk.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ae3da342..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/pod/perlzuk.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-perlthang - This is just some test file
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/squaa/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/squaa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d1b411f2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/squaa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Vliff -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
-print "HOOBOY!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/squaa/Wowo.pod b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/squaa/Wowo.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c9d5d90d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib2/squaa/Wowo.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Wowo -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib3/squaa/ b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib3/squaa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d1b411f2..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/testlib3/squaa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-squaa::Vliff -- blorpoesu
-This is just a test file.
-print "HOOBOY!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/tiedfh.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/tiedfh.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 74da0c6373..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/tiedfh.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
- chdir 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
- }
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
-use Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH;
-ok 1;
-print "# Sanity test of Perl and Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH\n";
- my $x = 'abc';
- my $out = Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH->handle_on($x);
- print $out "Puppies\n";
- print $out "rrrrr";
- print $out "uffuff!";
- ok $x, "abcPuppies\nrrrrruffuff!";
- undef $out;
- ok $x, "abcPuppies\nrrrrruffuff!";
-# Now test that we can have two different strings.
- my $x1 = 'abc';
- my $x2 = 'xyz';
- my $out1 = Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH->handle_on($x1);
- my $out2 = Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH->handle_on($x2);
- print $out1 "Puppies\n";
- print $out2 "Kitties\n";
- print $out2 "mmmmm";
- print $out1 "rrrrr";
- print $out2 "iaooowwlllllllrrr!\n";
- print $out1 "uffuff!";
- ok $x1, "abcPuppies\nrrrrruffuff!", "out1 test";
- ok $x2, "xyzKitties\nmmmmmiaooowwlllllllrrr!\n", "out2 test";
- undef $out1;
- undef $out2;
- ok $x1, "abcPuppies\nrrrrruffuff!", "out1 test";
- ok $x2, "xyzKitties\nmmmmmiaooowwlllllllrrr!\n", "out2 test";
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/verb_fmt.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/verb_fmt.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a3f422fde6..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/verb_fmt.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 62 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(\&without_vf, @_) }
-sub ev ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(\&with_vf, @_) }
-sub with_vf { $_[0]-> accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted') }
-sub without_vf { $_[0]->unaccept_codes('VerbatimFormatted') }
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-print "# Testing VerbatimFormatted...\n";
- # A formatty line has to have #: in the first two columns, and uses
- # "^" to mean bold, "/" to mean underline, and "%" to mean bold italic.
- # Example:
- # What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
- # #:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
- Hooboy.
-}) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI>\n Hooboy.</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
- Hooboy.
-}) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI>\n Hooboy.</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
-}) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////}
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //////////////////}
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///}
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or</VerbatimI> whatever]</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///}
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or</VerbatimI> whatever]\n#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
-# with a tab:
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// }
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or</VerbatimI> whatever]</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-# Now testing the % too:
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %%%% //////////////////}
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i <VerbatimBI>like</VerbatimBI> pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
- Hooboy!
- What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
-#: ^^^^^ %%%% //////////////////}
-) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> Hooboy!\n What do you <VerbatimB>want?</VerbatimB> i <VerbatimBI>like</VerbatimBI> pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-print "# Now running some tests adapted from verbatims.t...\n#\n#\n";
-print "# Without VerbatimFormatted...\n";
-&ok( e "", "" );
-&ok( e "\n", "", );
-&ok( e "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz" );
-&ok( e "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n" );
-print "# With VerbatimFormatted...\n";
-&ok( ev "", "" );
-&ok( ev "\n", "", );
-&ok( ev "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz" );
-&ok( ev "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n" );
-print "# Now testing via XMLOutStream without VerbatimFormatted...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\nquux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\nquux</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "# Contiguous verbatims...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "# Testing =cut...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "#\n# Now retesting with VerbatimFormatted...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n"),
- qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n quux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\nquux\n"),
- qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\nquux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-print "# Contiguous verbatims...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n quux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n\n quux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-print "# Testing =cut...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-my $it =
-qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim><head1>Foo</head1><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> quux\nquum</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "# Various \\n-(in)significance sanity checks...\n";
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity zero...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity one...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity two...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity three...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity four...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-# : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
-print "#\n# Now retesting with VerbatimFormatted...\n";
-my $it =
-qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</VerbatimFormatted><head1>Foo</head1><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> quux\nquum</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
-print "# Various \\n-(in)significance sanity checks...\n";
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity zero...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity one...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity two...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity three...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity four...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/verbatim.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/verbatim.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 35d419e372..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/verbatim.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 31 };
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
-sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
-&ok( e "", "" );
-&ok( e "\n", "", );
-&ok( e "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz" );
-&ok( e "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n" );
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\nquux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\nquux</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "# Contiguous verbatims...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "# Testing =cut...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n quux\n"),
- qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim></Document>}
-# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-my $it =
-qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim><head1>Foo</head1><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> quux\nquum</Verbatim></Document>}
-print "# Various \\n-(in)significance sanity checks...\n";
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity zero...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity one...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity two...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity three...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity four...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
-print "# Testing tab expansion...\n";
-&ok( e
- here we go now
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- h
- i
- j
- k
- l
- m
- n
- o
- p
- q
- r
- s
- t
- u
- v
- w
- x
- y
- z
- here we go now
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- h
- i
- j
- k
- l
- m
- n
- o
- p
- q
- r
- s
- t
- u
- v
- w
- x
- y
- z
-&ok( e
- here we go now
-. c
-. d
-. e
-. f
-. g
-. h
-. i
-. j
-. k
-. l
-. m
-. n
-. o
-. p
-. q
-. r
-. s
-. t
-. u
-. v
-. w
-. x
-. y
-. z
- here we go now
-. c
-. d
-. e
-. f
-. g
-. h
-. i
-. j
-. k
-. l
-. m
-. n
-. o
-. p
-. q
-. r
-. s
-. t
-. u
-. v
-. w
-. x
-. y
-. z
-&ok( e
- here we go now
-.. d
-.. e
-.. f
-.. g
-.. h
-.. i
-.. j
-.. k
-.. l
-.. m
-.. n
-.. o
-.. p
-.. q
-.. r
-.. s
-.. t
-.. u
-.. v
-.. w
-.. x
-.. y
-.. z
- here we go now
-.. d
-.. e
-.. f
-.. g
-.. h
-.. i
-.. j
-.. k
-.. l
-.. m
-.. n
-.. o
-.. p
-.. q
-.. r
-.. s
-.. t
-.. u
-.. v
-.. w
-.. x
-.. y
-.. z
-&ok( e
- here we go now
-.. d
-.. e
-.. f
-.. g
-.. h
-.. i
-.. .j
-.. . k
-.. . l
-.. . m
-.. . n
-.. . o
-.. . p
-.. . q
-.. . r
-.. . s
-.. . t
-.. . u
-.. . v
-.. . w
-.. . x
-.. . y
-.. . z
- here we go now
-.. d
-.. e
-.. f
-.. g
-.. h
-.. i
-.. .j
-.. . k
-.. . l
-.. . m
-.. . n
-.. . o
-.. . p
-.. . q
-.. . r
-.. . s
-.. . t
-.. . u
-.. . v
-.. . w
-.. . x
-.. . y
-.. . z
-# TODO: long-line splitting?
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/x_nixer.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/x_nixer.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 488b72cd62..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/x_nixer.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
-my $d;
-#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d, 0);
-ok 1;
-use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
-use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
-$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
-print "# A simple sanity test...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F><C>foo</C> <I>bar</I></F> <B>stuff <X>thing</X>baz</B></Para></Document>'
-print "# With lots of nesting, and Z's...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- '<Document><Para><F><C>foo</C> <I>bar</I></F> <B>stuff <X>thing</X>baz</B></Para></Document>'
-sub mergy {$_[0]->merge_text(1)}
-sub nixy {$_[0]->nix_X_codes(1)}
-sub nixy_mergy {$_[0]->merge_text(1); $_[0]->nix_X_codes(1);}
-print "# With no F/X\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- join "\n",
- '<Document>',
- ' <Para>',
- ' <F>',
- ' <C>',
- ' f',
- ' o',
- ' o',
- ' </C>',
- ' ',
- ' <I>',
- ' bar',
- ' </I>',
- ' </F>',
- ' ',
- ' <B>',
- ' stuff ',
- ' <X>',
- ' thing',
- ' </X>',
- ' baz',
- ' </B>',
- ' </Para>',
- '</Document>',
- '',
-print "# with just X-nixing...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&nixy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- join "\n",
- '<Document>',
- ' <Para>',
- ' <F>',
- ' <C>',
- ' f',
- ' o',
- ' o',
- ' </C>',
- ' ',
- ' <I>',
- ' bar',
- ' </I>',
- ' </F>',
- ' ',
- ' <B>',
- ' stuff ',
- ' baz',
- ' </B>',
- ' </Para>',
- '</Document>',
- '',
-print "# With merging...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&mergy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- join "\n",
- '<Document>',
- ' <Para>',
- ' <F>',
- ' <C>',
- ' foo',
- ' </C>',
- ' ',
- ' <I>',
- ' bar',
- ' </I>',
- ' </F>',
- ' ',
- ' <B>',
- ' stuff ',
- ' <X>',
- ' thing',
- ' </X>',
- ' baz',
- ' </B>',
- ' </Para>',
- '</Document>',
- '',
-print "# With nixing and merging...\n";
-#$d = 10;
-ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&nixy_mergy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- join "\n",
- '<Document>',
- ' <Para>',
- ' <F>',
- ' <C>',
- ' foo',
- ' </C>',
- ' ',
- ' <I>',
- ' bar',
- ' </I>',
- ' </F>',
- ' ',
- ' <B>',
- ' stuff baz',
- ' </B>',
- ' </Para>',
- '</Document>',
- '',
-# Now the scary bits... with L's!
-print "# A wee L<...> sanity test...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
- '<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">&#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
-print "# Now a wee L<...> with mergy...\n";
-$d = 10;
-ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out(\&mergy, qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
- join "\n",
- '<Document>',
- ' <Para>',
- ' <L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">',
- ' &#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping',
- ' </L>',
- ' </Para>',
- '</Document>',
- ''
-print "# Now a complex tree with L's, with nixy+mergy...\n";
-ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&nixy_mergy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>L<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
- join "\n",
- '<Document>',
- ' <Para>',
- ' <F>',
- ' <C>',
- ' fo',
- ' <L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">',
- ' &#34;Ping-pong&#34; in Net::Ping',
- ' </L>',
- ' o',
- ' </C>',
- ' ',
- ' <I>',
- ' bar',
- ' </I>',
- ' </F>',
- ' ',
- ' <B>',
- ' stuff baz',
- ' </B>',
- ' </Para>',
- '</Document>',
- '',
-print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
-ok 1;
-print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/xhtml01.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/xhtml01.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d75605a1ea..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/xhtml01.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# t/xhtml01.t - check basic output from Pod::Simple::XHTML
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
-use strict;
-use lib '../lib';
-use Test::More tests => 26;
-use_ok('Pod::Simple::XHTML') or exit;
-my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new ();
-isa_ok ($parser, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML');
-my $results;
-my $PERLDOC = "";
-initialize($parser, $results);
-$parser->parse_string_document( "=head1 Poit!" );
-is($results, "<h1>Poit!</h1>\n\n", "head1 level output");
-initialize($parser, $results);
-$parser->parse_string_document( "=head2 I think so Brain." );
-is($results, "<h2>I think so Brain.</h2>\n\n", "head2 level output");
-initialize($parser, $results);
-$parser->parse_string_document( "=head3 I say, Brain..." );
-is($results, "<h3>I say, Brain...</h3>\n\n", "head3 level output");
-initialize($parser, $results);
-$parser->parse_string_document( "=head4 Zort!" );
-is($results, "<h4>Zort!</h4>\n\n", "head4 level output");
-initialize($parser, $results);
-Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "simple paragraph");
-<p>Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-B: Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission,
-remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to
-Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?
-P: Mmmm, no, Brain, don't think I can.
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "multiple paragraphs");
-<p>B: Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?</p>
-<p>P: Mmmm, no, Brain, don't think I can.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-=item *
-P: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
-=item *
-B: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "simple bulleted list");
-<li>P: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?</li>
-<li>B: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!</li>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-=item 1
-P: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
-=item 2
-B: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "numbered list");
-<li>1. P: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?</li>
-<li>2. B: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!</li>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-=item Pinky
-Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
-=item Brain
-The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "list with text headings");
-<p>Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?</p>
-<p>The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
- 1 + 1 = 2;
- 2 + 2 = 4;
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "code block");
-<pre><code> 1 + 1 = 2;
- 2 + 2 = 4;</code></pre>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with a C<functionname>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "code entity in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with a <code>functionname</code>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with body tags turned on.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "adding html body tags");
-<p>A plain paragraph with body tags turned on.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with body tags and css tags turned on.
-like($results, qr/<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text\/css'>/,
-"adding html body tags and css tags");
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with S<non breaking text>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Non breaking text in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with <nobr>non breaking text</nobr>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with a L<Newlines>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Link entity in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with a <a href="${PERLDOC}Newlines">Newlines</a>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with a L<perlport/Newlines>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Link entity in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with a <a href="${PERLDOC}perlport/Newlines">"Newlines" in perlport</a>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with a L<Boo|>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "A link in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with a <a href="">Boo</a>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with a L<>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "A link in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with a <a href=""></a>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with B<bold text>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Bold text in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with <b>bold text</b>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with I<italic text>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Italic text in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with <i>italic text</i>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
-A plain paragraph with a F<filename>.
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "File name in a paragraph");
-<p>A plain paragraph with a <i>filename</i>.</p>
-initialize($parser, $results);
- # this header is very important & don't you forget it
- my $text = "File is: " . <FILE>;
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Verbatim text with encodable entities");
-<pre><code> # this header is very important &amp; don&#39;t you forget it
- my \$text = &quot;File is: &quot; . &lt;FILE&gt;;</code></pre>
-SKIP: for my $use_html_entities (0, 1) {
- if ($use_html_entities and not $Pod::Simple::XHTML::HAS_HTML_ENTITIES) {
- skip("HTML::Entities not installed", 1);
- }
- local $Pod::Simple::XHTML::HAS_HTML_ENTITIES = $use_html_entities;
- initialize($parser, $results);
- $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD');
- # this header is very important & don't you forget it
- B<my $file = <FILEE<gt> || 'Blank!';>
- my $text = "File is: " . <FILE>;
-is($results, <<"EOHTML", "Verbatim text with markup and embedded formatting");
-<pre><code> # this header is very important &amp; don&#39;t you forget it
- <b>my \$file = &lt;FILE&gt; || &#39;Blank!&#39;;</b>
- my \$text = &quot;File is: &quot; . &lt;FILE&gt;;</code></pre>
-sub initialize {
- $_[0] = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new ();
- $_[0]->html_header("");
- $_[0]->html_footer("");
- $_[0]->output_string( \$results ); # Send the resulting output to a string
- $_[1] = '';
- return;
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/xhtml05.t b/lib/Pod/Simple/t/xhtml05.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2738ee7f..0000000000
--- a/lib/Pod/Simple/t/xhtml05.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# t/xhtml05.t - check block output from Pod::Simple::XHTML
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
-use strict;
-use lib '../lib';
-use Test::More tests => 6;
-use_ok('Pod::Simple::XHTML') or exit;
-my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new ();
-isa_ok ($parser, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML');
-my $results;
-initialize($parser, $results);
-$parser->accept_targets_as_text( 'comment' );
-=for comment
-This is an ordinary for block.
-is($results, <<'EOHTML', "a for block");
-<div class="comment">
-<p>This is an ordinary for block.</p>
-foreach my $target qw(note tip warning) {
- initialize($parser, $results);
- $parser->accept_targets_as_text( $target );
- $parser->parse_string_document(<<"EOPOD");
-=begin $target
-This is a $target.
-=end $target
- is($results, <<"EOHTML", "allow $target blocks");
-<div class="$target">
-<p>This is a $target.</p>
-sub initialize {
- $_[0] = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new ();
- $_[0]->html_header("");
- $_[0]->html_footer("");
- $_[0]->output_string( \$results ); # Send the resulting output to a string
- $_[1] = '';
- return;