path: root/lib/Test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Test')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/05_about_verbose.t b/lib/Test/t/05_about_verbose.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 70152e44c5..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/05_about_verbose.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-require 5;
-# Time-stamp: "2004-04-24 16:53:03 ADT"
-# Summary of, well, things.
-use Test;
-BEGIN {plan tests => 2};
-ok 1;
- my @out;
- push @out,
- "\n\nPerl v",
- defined($^V) ? sprintf('%vd', $^V) : $],
- " under $^O ",
- (defined(&Win32::BuildNumber) and defined &Win32::BuildNumber())
- ? ("(Win32::BuildNumber ", &Win32::BuildNumber(), ")") : (),
- (defined $MacPerl::Version)
- ? ("(MacPerl version $MacPerl::Version)") : (),
- "\n"
- ;
- # Ugly code to walk the symbol tables:
- my %v;
- my @stack = (''); # start out in %::
- my $this;
- my $count = 0;
- my $pref;
- while(@stack) {
- $this = shift @stack;
- die "Too many packages?" if ++$count > 1000;
- next if exists $v{$this};
- next if $this eq 'main'; # %main:: is %::
- #print "Peeking at $this => ${$this . '::VERSION'}\n";
- if(defined ${$this . '::VERSION'} ) {
- $v{$this} = ${$this . '::VERSION'}
- } elsif(
- defined *{$this . '::ISA'} or defined &{$this . '::import'}
- or ($this ne '' and grep defined *{$_}{'CODE'}, values %{$this . "::"})
- # If it has an ISA, an import, or any subs...
- ) {
- # It's a class/module with no version.
- $v{$this} = undef;
- } else {
- # It's probably an unpopulated package.
- ## $v{$this} = '...';
- }
- $pref = length($this) ? "$this\::" : '';
- push @stack, map m/^(.+)::$/ ? "$pref$1" : (), keys %{$this . '::'};
- #print "Stack: @stack\n";
- }
- push @out, " Modules in memory:\n";
- delete @v{'', '[none]'};
- foreach my $p (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %v) {
- $indent = ' ' x (2 + ($p =~ tr/:/:/));
- push @out, ' ', $indent, $p, defined($v{$p}) ? " v$v{$p};\n" : ";\n";
- }
- push @out, sprintf "[at %s (local) / %s (GMT)]\n",
- scalar(gmtime), scalar(localtime);
- my $x = join '', @out;
- $x =~ s/^/#/mg;
- print $x;
-print "# Running",
- (chr(65) eq 'A') ? " in an ASCII world.\n" : " in a non-ASCII world.\n",
- "#\n",
-print "# \@INC:\n", map("# [$_]\n", @INC), "#\n#\n";
-print "# \%INC:\n";
-foreach my $x (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %INC) {
- print "# [$x] = [", $INC{$x} || '', "]\n";
-ok 1;
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/fail.t b/lib/Test/t/fail.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9051a1f481..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/fail.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-use strict;
-use vars qw($Expect);
-use Test qw($TESTOUT $TESTERR $ntest ok skip plan);
-plan tests => 14;
-open F, ">fails";
-my $r=0;
- # Shut up deprecated usage warning.
- local $^W = 0;
- $r |= skip(0,0);
-$r |= ok(0);
-$r |= ok(0,1);
-$r |= ok(sub { 1+1 }, 3);
-$r |= ok(sub { 1+1 }, sub { 2 * 0});
-my @list = (0,0);
-$r |= ok @list, 1, "\@list=".join(',',@list);
-$r |= ok @list, 1, sub { "\@list=".join ',',@list };
-$r |= ok 'segmentation fault', '/bongo/';
-for (1..2) { $r |= ok(0); }
-$r |= ok(1, undef);
-$r |= ok(undef, 1);
-ok($r); # (failure==success :-)
-close F;
-$ntest = 1;
-open F, "fails";
-my $O;
-while (<F>) { $O .= $_; }
-close F;
-unlink "fails";
-ok join(' ', map { m/(\d+)/; $1 } grep /^not ok/, split /\n+/, $O),
- join(' ', 1..13);
-my @got = split /not ok \d+\n/, $O;
-shift @got;
-$Expect =~ s/\n+$//;
-my @expect = split /\n\n/, $Expect;
-sub commentless {
- my $in = $_[0];
- $in =~ s/^#[^\n]*\n//mg;
- $in =~ s/\n#[^\n]*$//mg;
- return $in;
-for (my $x=0; $x < @got; $x++) {
- ok commentless($got[$x]), commentless($expect[$x]."\n");
- $Expect = <<"EXPECT";
-# Failed test 1 in $0 at line 15
-# Failed test 2 in $0 at line 17
-# Test 3 got: '0' ($0 at line 18)
-# Expected: '1'
-# Test 4 got: '2' ($0 at line 19)
-# Expected: '3'
-# Test 5 got: '2' ($0 at line 20)
-# Expected: '0'
-# Test 6 got: '2' ($0 at line 23)
-# Expected: '1' (\@list=0,0)
-# Test 7 got: '2' ($0 at line 24)
-# Expected: '1' (\@list=0,0)
-# Test 8 got: 'segmentation fault' ($0 at line 25)
-# Expected: qr{bongo}
-# Failed test 9 in $0 at line 27
-# Failed test 10 in $0 at line 27 fail #2
-# Failed test 11 in $0 at line 29
-# Test 12 got: <UNDEF> ($0 at line 30)
-# Expected: '1'
-# Failed test 13 in $0 at line 32
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/mix.t b/lib/Test/t/mix.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5298338318..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/mix.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-use strict;
-use Test qw(:DEFAULT $TESTOUT $TESTERR $ntest);
-### This test is crafted in such a way as to prevent Test::Harness from
-### seeing the todo tests, otherwise you get people sending in bug reports
-### about having "UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED" tests.
-open F, ">mix";
-plan tests => 4, todo => [2,3];
-# line 15
-ok(sub {
- my $r = 0;
- for (my $x=0; $x < 10; $x++) {
- $r += $x*($r+1);
- }
- $r
- }, 3628799);
-close F;
-$ntest = 1;
-open F, "mix";
-my $out = join '', <F>;
-close F;
-unlink "mix";
-my $expect = <<"EXPECT";
-1..4 todo 2 3;
-ok 1
-not ok 2
-# Failed test 2 in $0 at line 23 *TODO*
-ok 3 # ($0 at line 24 TODO?!)
-ok 4 # skip
-sub commentless {
- my $in = $_[0];
- $in =~ s/^#[^\n]*\n//mg;
- $in =~ s/\n#[^\n]*$//mg;
- return $in;
-print "1..1\n";
-ok( commentless($out), commentless($expect) );
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/multiline.t b/lib/Test/t/multiline.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f91ff290d3..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/multiline.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-BEGIN { open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); }
-use strict;
-use Test; plan tests => 2, todo => [1,2]; # actually false failure
-# perl -Ilib -It/noinck t/multiline.t
-Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
-But he knew it couldn't last
-Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
-For some California Grass
-Get back, get back
-Get back to where you once belonged
-Get back, get back
-Get back to where you once belonged
-Get back Jojo Go home
-Get back, get back
-Back to where you once belonged
-Get back, get back
-Back to where you once belonged
-Get back Jo
-Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman
-But she was another man
-All the girls around her say she's got it coming
-But she gets it while she can
-Get back, get back
-Get back to where you once belonged
-Get back, get back
-Get back to where you once belonged
-Get back Loretta Go home
-Get back, get back
-Get back to where you once belonged
-Get back, get back
-Get back to where you once belonged
-Get home Loretta
-ok "zik\nzak\n wazaaaaap\ncha ching!\n", "crunk\n\t zonk\nbjork\nchachacha!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/onfail.t b/lib/Test/t/onfail.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 85fe9eb884..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/onfail.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-use strict;
-use Test qw($ntest plan ok $TESTOUT $TESTERR);
-use vars qw($mycnt);
-BEGIN { plan test => 6, onfail => \&myfail }
-$mycnt = 0;
-my $why = "zero != one";
-# sneak in a test that Test::Harness wont see
-open J, ">junk";
-ok(0, 1, $why);
-close J;
-unlink "junk";
-$ntest = 1;
-sub myfail {
- my ($f) = @_;
- ok(@$f, 1);
- my $t = $$f[0];
- ok($$t{diagnostic}, $why);
- ok($$t{'package'}, 'main');
- ok($$t{repetition}, 1);
- ok($$t{result}, 0);
- ok($$t{expected}, 1);
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/qr.t b/lib/Test/t/qr.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ea40f87308..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/qr.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-use strict;
- if ($] < 5.005) {
- print "1..0\n";
- print "ok 1 # skipped; this test requires at least perl 5.005\n";
- exit;
- }
-use Test; plan tests => 1;
-ok 'abc', qr/b/;
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/skip.t b/lib/Test/t/skip.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d1cf4c3c..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/skip.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-use strict;
-use Test qw($TESTOUT $TESTERR $ntest plan ok skip);
-plan tests => 6;
-open F, ">skips" or die "open skips: $!";
-skip(1, 0); #should skip
-my $skipped=1;
-skip('hop', sub { $skipped = 0 });
-skip(sub {'jump'}, sub { $skipped = 0 });
-skip('skipping stones is more fun', sub { $skipped = 0 });
-close F;
-$ntest = 1;
-open F, "skips" or die "open skips: $!";
-ok $skipped, 1, 'not skipped?';
-my @T = <F>;
-chop @T;
-my @expect = split /\n+/, join('',<DATA>);
-ok @T, 4;
-for (my $x=0; $x < @T; $x++) {
- ok $T[$x], $expect[$x];
-END { close F; unlink "skips" }
-ok 1 # skip
-ok 2 # skip hop
-ok 3 # skip jump
-ok 4 # skip skipping stones is more fun
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/success.t b/lib/Test/t/success.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a090bc59a..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/success.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 }
-ok(ok('fixed', 'fixed'));
-ok(skip("just testing skip()",0));
-ok(undef, undef);
-ok(ok 'the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', '/lazy/');
-ok(ok 'the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 'm,fox,');
diff --git a/lib/Test/t/todo.t b/lib/Test/t/todo.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f9aefb8b..0000000000
--- a/lib/Test/t/todo.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-use strict;
-use Test qw(:DEFAULT $TESTOUT $TESTERR $ntest);
-### This test is crafted in such a way as to prevent Test::Harness from
-### seeing the todo tests, otherwise you get people sending in bug reports
-### about having "UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED" tests.
-open F, ">todo";
-my $tests = 5;
-plan tests => $tests, todo => [2..$tests];
-# tests to go to the output file
-ok(0,1,"need more tuits");
-close F;
-$ntest = 1;
-open F, "todo";
-my $out = join '', <F>;
-close F;
-unlink "todo";
-my $expect = <<"EXPECT";
-1..5 todo 2 3 4 5;
-ok 1
-ok 2 # ($0 at line 18 TODO?!)
-not ok 3
-# Test 3 got: '0' ($0 at line 19 *TODO*)
-# Expected: '1'
-not ok 4
-# Test 4 got: '0' ($0 at line 20 *TODO*)
-# Expected: '1' (need more tuits)
-ok 5 # ($0 at line 21 TODO?!)
-sub commentless {
- my $in = $_[0];
- $in =~ s/^#[^\n]*\n//mg;
- $in =~ s/\n#[^\n]*$//mg;
- return $in;
-print "1..1\n";
-ok( commentless($out), commentless($expect) );