path: root/lib/Tie
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Tie')
7 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Tie/Array/push.t b/lib/Tie/Array/push.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b19aa0d0e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/Array/push.t
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+ package Basic;
+ use Tie::Array;
+ @ISA = qw(Tie::Array);
+ sub TIEARRAY { return bless [], shift }
+ sub FETCH { $_[0]->[$_[1]] }
+ sub STORE { $_[0]->[$_[1]] = $_[2] }
+ sub FETCHSIZE { scalar(@{$_[0]}) }
+ sub STORESIZE { $#{$_[0]} = $_[1]-1 }
+tie @x,Basic;
+tie @get,Basic;
+tie @got,Basic;
+tie @tests,Basic;
+require "op/push.t"
diff --git a/lib/Tie/Array/splice.t b/lib/Tie/Array/splice.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7ea6cc1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/Array/splice.t
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+# bug id 20001020.002
+# -dlc 20001021
+use Tie::Array;
+tie @a,Tie::StdArray;
+undef *Tie::StdArray::SPLICE;
+require "op/splice.t"
+# Pre-fix, this failed tests 6-9
diff --git a/lib/Tie/Array/std.t b/lib/Tie/Array/std.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c4ae07102e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/Array/std.t
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+use Tie::Array;
+tie @foo,Tie::StdArray;
+tie @ary,Tie::StdArray;
+tie @bar,Tie::StdArray;
+require "op/array.t"
diff --git a/lib/Tie/Array/stdpush.t b/lib/Tie/Array/stdpush.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..31af30c32c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/Array/stdpush.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+use Tie::Array;
+tie @x,Tie::StdArray;
+require "op/push.t"
diff --git a/lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle.t b/lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f03f5d92f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Tie::Handle;
+tie *tst,Tie::StdHandle;
+$f = 'tst';
+print "1..13\n";
+# my $file tests
+unlink("") if -f "afile";
+print "$!\nnot " unless open($f,"+>afile") && open($f, "+<", "afile");
+print "ok 1\n";
+print "$!\nnot " unless binmode($f);
+print "ok 2\n";
+print "not " unless -f "afile";
+print "ok 3\n";
+print "not " unless print $f "SomeData\n";
+print "ok 4\n";
+print "not " unless tell($f) == 9;
+print "ok 5\n";
+print "not " unless printf $f "Some %d value\n",1234;
+print "ok 6\n";
+print "not " unless seek($f,0,0);
+print "ok 7\n";
+$b = <$f>;
+print "not " unless $b eq "SomeData\n";
+print "ok 8\n";
+print "not " if eof($f);
+print "ok 9\n";
+print "'$b' not " unless $b eq 'Some';
+print "ok 10\n";
+print "not " unless getc($f) eq ' ';
+print "ok 11\n";
+$b = <$f>;
+print "not " unless eof($f);
+print "ok 12\n";
+print "not " unless close($f);
+print "ok 13\n";
diff --git a/lib/Tie/RefHash.t b/lib/Tie/RefHash.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d80b2e10fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/RefHash.t
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Basic test suite for Tie::RefHash and Tie::RefHash::Nestable.
+# The testing is in two parts: first, run lots of tests on both a tied
+# hash and an ordinary un-tied hash, and check they give the same
+# answer. Then there are tests for those cases where the tied hashes
+# should behave differently to normal hashes, that is, when using
+# references as keys.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+use strict;
+use Tie::RefHash;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $numtests = 34;
+my $currtest = 1;
+print "1..$numtests\n";
+my $ref = []; my $ref1 = [];
+# Test standard hash functionality, by performing the same operations
+# on a tied hash and on a normal hash, and checking that the results
+# are the same. This does of course assume that Perl hashes are not
+# buggy :-)
+my @tests = standard_hash_tests();
+my @ordinary_results = runtests(\@tests, undef);
+foreach my $class ('Tie::RefHash', 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable') {
+ my @tied_results = runtests(\@tests, $class);
+ my $all_ok = 1;
+ die if @ordinary_results != @tied_results;
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#ordinary_results) {
+ my ($or, $ow, $oe) = @{$ordinary_results[$i]};
+ my ($tr, $tw, $te) = @{$tied_results[$i]};
+ my $ok = 1;
+ local $^W = 0;
+ $ok = 0 if (defined($or) != defined($tr)) or ($or ne $tr);
+ $ok = 0 if (defined($ow) != defined($tw)) or ($ow ne $tw);
+ $ok = 0 if (defined($oe) != defined($te)) or ($oe ne $te);
+ if (not $ok) {
+ print STDERR
+ "failed for $class: $tests[$i]\n",
+ "ordinary hash gave:\n",
+ defined $or ? "\tresult: $or\n" : "\tundef result\n",
+ defined $ow ? "\twarning: $ow\n" : "\tno warning\n",
+ defined $oe ? "\texception: $oe\n" : "\tno exception\n",
+ "tied $class hash gave:\n",
+ defined $tr ? "\tresult: $tr\n" : "\tundef result\n",
+ defined $tw ? "\twarning: $tw\n" : "\tno warning\n",
+ defined $te ? "\texception: $te\n" : "\tno exception\n",
+ "\n";
+ $all_ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ test($all_ok);
+# Now test Tie::RefHash's special powers
+my (%h, $h);
+$h = eval { tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash' };
+warn $@ if $@;
+test(not $@);
+test(ref($h) eq 'Tie::RefHash');
+test(defined(tied(%h)) and tied(%h) =~ /^Tie::RefHash/);
+$h{$ref} = 'cholet';
+test($h{$ref} eq 'cholet');
+test(exists $h{$ref});
+test((keys %h) == 1);
+test(ref((keys %h)[0]) eq 'ARRAY');
+test((keys %h)[0] eq $ref);
+test((values %h) == 1);
+test((values %h)[0] eq 'cholet');
+my $count = 0;
+while (my ($k, $v) = each %h) {
+ if ($count++ == 0) {
+ test(ref($k) eq 'ARRAY');
+ test($k eq $ref);
+ }
+test($count == 1);
+delete $h{$ref};
+test(not defined $h{$ref});
+test(not exists($h{$ref}));
+test((keys %h) == 0);
+test((values %h) == 0);
+undef $h;
+untie %h;
+# And now Tie::RefHash::Nestable's differences from Tie::RefHash.
+$h = eval { tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable' };
+warn $@ if $@;
+test(not $@);
+test(ref($h) eq 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable');
+test(defined(tied(%h)) and tied(%h) =~ /^Tie::RefHash::Nestable/);
+$h{$ref}->{$ref1} = 'bungo';
+test($h{$ref}->{$ref1} eq 'bungo');
+# Test that the nested hash is also tied (for current implementation)
+ and tied(%{$h{$ref}}) =~ /^Tie::RefHash::Nestable=/ );
+test((keys %h) == 1);
+test((keys %h)[0] eq $ref);
+test((keys %{$h{$ref}}) == 1);
+test((keys %{$h{$ref}})[0] eq $ref1);
+die "expected to run $numtests tests, but ran ", $currtest - 1
+ if $currtest - 1 != $numtests;
+@tests = ();
+undef $ref;
+undef $ref1;
+# Print 'ok X' if true, 'not ok X' if false
+# Uses global $currtest.
+sub test {
+ my $t = shift;
+ print 'not ' if not $t;
+ print 'ok ', $currtest++, "\n";
+# Wrapper for Data::Dumper to 'dump' a scalar as an EXPR string.
+sub dumped {
+ my $s = shift;
+ my $d = Dumper($s);
+ $d =~ s/^\$VAR1 =\s*//;
+ $d =~ s/;$//;
+ chomp $d;
+ return $d;
+# Crudely dump a hash into a canonical string representation (because
+# hash keys can appear in any order, Data::Dumper may give different
+# strings for the same hash).
+sub dumph {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $r = '';
+ foreach (sort keys %$h) {
+ $r = dumped($_) . ' => ' . dumped($h->{$_}) . "\n";
+ }
+ return $r;
+# Run the tests and give results.
+# Parameters: reference to list of tests to run
+# name of class to use for tied hash, or undef if not tied
+# Returns: list of [R, W, E] tuples, one for each test.
+# R is the return value from running the test, W any warnings it gave,
+# and E any exception raised with 'die'. E and W will be tidied up a
+# little to remove irrelevant details like line numbers :-)
+# Will also run a few of its own 'ok N' tests.
+sub runtests {
+ my ($tests, $class) = @_;
+ my @r;
+ my (%h, $h);
+ if (defined $class) {
+ $h = eval { tie %h, $class };
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ test(not $@);
+ test(ref($h) eq $class);
+ test(defined(tied(%h)) and tied(%h) =~ /^\Q$class\E/);
+ }
+ foreach (@$tests) {
+ my ($result, $warning, $exception);
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= $_[0] };
+ $result = scalar(eval $_);
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ die "$@:$_" unless defined $class;
+ $exception = $@;
+ }
+ foreach ($warning, $exception) {
+ next if not defined;
+ s/ at .+ line \d+\.$//mg;
+ s/ at .+ line \d+, at .*//mg;
+ s/ at .+ line \d+, near .*//mg;
+ }
+ my (@warnings, %seen);
+ foreach (split /\n/, $warning) {
+ push @warnings, $_ unless $seen{$_}++;
+ }
+ $warning = join("\n", @warnings);
+ push @r, [ $result, $warning, $exception ];
+ }
+ return @r;
+# Things that should work just the same for an ordinary hash and a
+# Tie::RefHash.
+# Each test is a code string to be eval'd, it should do something with
+# %h and give a scalar return value. The global $ref and $ref1 may
+# also be used.
+# One thing we don't test is that the ordering from 'keys', 'values'
+# and 'each' is the same. You can't reasonably expect that.
+sub standard_hash_tests {
+ my @r;
+ # Library of standard tests on keys, values and each
+ my $STD_TESTS = <<'END'
+ join $;, sort keys %h;
+ join $;, sort values %h;
+ { my ($v, %tmp); $tmp{$v}++ while (defined($v = each %h)); dumph(\%tmp) }
+ { my ($k, $v, %tmp); $tmp{"$k$;$v"}++ while (($k, $v) = each %h); dumph(\%tmp) }
+ ;
+ # Tests on the existence of the element 'foo'
+ my $FOO_TESTS = <<'END'
+ defined $h{foo};
+ exists $h{foo};
+ $h{foo};
+ ;
+ # Test storing and deleting 'foo'
+ push @r, split /\n/, <<"END"
+ \$h{foo} = undef;
+ \$h{foo} = 'hello';
+ delete \$h{foo};
+ ;
+ # Test storing and removing under ordinary keys
+ my @things = ('boink', 0, 1, '', undef);
+ foreach my $key (map { dumped($_) } @things) {
+ foreach my $value ((map { dumped($_) } @things), '$ref') {
+ push @r, split /\n/, <<"END"
+ \$h{$key} = $value;
+ defined \$h{$key};
+ exists \$h{$key};
+ \$h{$key};
+ delete \$h{$key};
+ defined \$h{$key};
+ exists \$h{$key};
+ \$h{$key};
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ # Test hash slices
+ my @slicetests;
+ @slicetests = split /\n/, <<'END'
+ @h{'b'} = ();
+ @h{'c'} = ('d');
+ @h{'e'} = ('f', 'g');
+ @h{'h', 'i'} = ();
+ @h{'j', 'k'} = ('l');
+ @h{'m', 'n'} = ('o', 'p');
+ @h{'q', 'r'} = ('s', 't', 'u');
+ ;
+ my @aaa = @slicetests;
+ foreach (@slicetests) {
+ push @r, $_;
+ push @r, split(/\n/, $STD_TESTS);
+ }
+ # Test CLEAR
+ push @r, '%h = ();', split(/\n/, $STD_TESTS);
+ return @r;
diff --git a/lib/Tie/SubstrHash.t b/lib/Tie/SubstrHash.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8256db7b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/SubstrHash.t
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+print "1..20\n";
+use strict;
+require Tie::SubstrHash;
+my %a;
+tie %a, 'Tie::SubstrHash', 3, 3, 3;
+$a{abc} = 123;
+$a{bcd} = 234;
+print "not " unless $a{abc} == 123;
+print "ok 1\n";
+print "not " unless keys %a == 2;
+print "ok 2\n";
+delete $a{abc};
+print "not " unless $a{bcd} == 234;
+print "ok 3\n";
+print "not " unless (values %a)[0] == 234;
+print "ok 4\n";
+eval { $a{abcd} = 123 };
+print "not " unless $@ =~ /Key "abcd" is not 3 characters long/;
+print "ok 5\n";
+eval { $a{abc} = 1234 };
+print "not " unless $@ =~ /Value "1234" is not 3 characters long/;
+print "ok 6\n";
+eval { $a = $a{abcd}; $a++ };
+print "not " unless $@ =~ /Key "abcd" is not 3 characters long/;
+print "ok 7\n";
+@a{qw(abc cde)} = qw(123 345);
+print "not " unless $a{cde} == 345;
+print "ok 8\n";
+eval { $a{def} = 456 };
+print "not " unless $@ =~ /Table is full \(3 elements\)/;
+print "ok 9\n";
+%a = ();
+print "not " unless keys %a == 0;
+print "ok 10\n";
+# Tests 11..16 by Linc Madison.
+my $hashsize = 119; # arbitrary values from my data
+my %test;
+tie %test, "Tie::SubstrHash", 13, 86, $hashsize;
+for (my $i = 1; $i <= $hashsize; $i++) {
+ my $key1 = $i + 100_000; # fix to uniform 6-digit numbers
+ my $key2 = "abcdefg$key1";
+ $test{$key2} = ("abcdefgh" x 10) . "$key1";
+for (my $i = 1; $i <= $hashsize; $i++) {
+ my $key1 = $i + 100_000;
+ my $key2 = "abcdefg$key1";
+ unless ($test{$key2}) {
+ print "not ";
+ last;
+ }
+print "ok 11\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(1) == 2;
+print "ok 12\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(2) == 2;
+print "ok 13\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(5.5) == 7;
+print "ok 14\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(13) == 13;
+print "ok 15\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(13.000001) == 17;
+print "ok 16\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(114) == 127;
+print "ok 17\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(1000) == 1009;
+print "ok 18\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(1024) == 1031;
+print "ok 19\n";
+print "not " unless Tie::SubstrHash::findgteprime(10000) == 10007;
+print "ok 20\n";