path: root/lib/overload.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/overload.t')
1 files changed, 1050 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/overload.t b/lib/overload.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d07506261d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/overload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+package Oscalar;
+use overload (
+ # Anonymous subroutines:
+'+' => sub {new Oscalar $ {$_[0]}+$_[1]},
+'-' => sub {new Oscalar
+ $_[2]? $_[1]-${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}-$_[1]},
+'<=>' => sub {new Oscalar
+ $_[2]? $_[1]-${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}-$_[1]},
+'cmp' => sub {new Oscalar
+ $_[2]? ($_[1] cmp ${$_[0]}) : (${$_[0]} cmp $_[1])},
+'*' => sub {new Oscalar ${$_[0]}*$_[1]},
+'/' => sub {new Oscalar
+ $_[2]? $_[1]/${$_[0]} :
+ ${$_[0]}/$_[1]},
+'%' => sub {new Oscalar
+ $_[2]? $_[1]%${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}%$_[1]},
+'**' => sub {new Oscalar
+ $_[2]? $_[1]**${$_[0]} : ${$_[0]}-$_[1]},
+"" stringify
+0+ numify) # Order of arguments unsignificant
+sub new {
+ my $foo = $_[1];
+ bless \$foo, $_[0];
+sub stringify { "${$_[0]}" }
+sub numify { 0 + "${$_[0]}" } # Not needed, additional overhead
+ # comparing to direct compilation based on
+ # stringify
+package main;
+$test = 0;
+$| = 1;
+print "1..",&last,"\n";
+sub test {
+ $test++;
+ if (@_ > 1) {
+ if ($_[0] eq $_[1]) {
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $test: '$_[0]' ne '$_[1]'\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (shift) {
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ }
+ }
+$a = new Oscalar "087";
+$b= "$a";
+# All test numbers in comments are off by 1.
+# So much for hard-wiring them in :-) To fix this:
+test(1); # 1
+test ($b eq $a); # 2
+test ($b eq "087"); # 3
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 4
+test ($a eq $a); # 5
+test ($a eq "087"); # 6
+$c = $a + 7;
+test (ref $c eq "Oscalar"); # 7
+test (!($c eq $a)); # 8
+test ($c eq "94"); # 9
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 10
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 11
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 12
+test ( $b eq "88"); # 13
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 14
+test (ref $c eq "Oscalar"); # 15
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 16
+test ( $c eq "1"); # 17
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 18
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 19
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 20
+test ( $b eq "88"); # 21
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 22
+eval q[ package Oscalar; use overload ('++' => sub { $ {$_[0]}++;$_[0] } ) ];
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 23
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 24
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 25
+test ( $b eq "88"); # 26
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 27
+package Oscalar;
+$dummy=bless \$dummy; # Now cache of method should be reloaded
+package main;
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 28
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 29
+test ( $b eq "88"); # 30
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 31
+undef $b; # Destroying updates tables too...
+eval q[package Oscalar; use overload ('++' => sub { $ {$_[0]} += 2; $_[0] } ) ];
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 32
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 33
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 34
+test ( $b eq "88"); # 35
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 36
+package Oscalar;
+$dummy=bless \$dummy; # Now cache of method should be reloaded
+package main;
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 37
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 38
+test ( $b eq "90"); # 39
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 40
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 41
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 42
+test ( $b eq "89"); # 43
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 44
+test ($b? 1:0); # 45
+eval q[ package Oscalar; use overload ('=' => sub {$main::copies++;
+ package Oscalar;
+ local $new=$ {$_[0]};
+ bless \$new } ) ];
+$b=new Oscalar "$a";
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 46
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 47
+test ( $b eq "087"); # 48
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 49
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 50
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 51
+test ( $b eq "89"); # 52
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 53
+test ($copies == 0); # 54
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 55
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 56
+test ( $b eq "90"); # 57
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 58
+test ($copies == 0); # 59
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 60
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 61
+test ( $b eq "88"); # 62
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 63
+test ($copies == 0); # 64
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar") || print ref $b,"=ref(b)\n"; # 65
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 66
+test ( $b eq "89"); # 67
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 68
+test ($copies == 1); # 69
+eval q[package Oscalar; use overload ('+=' => sub {$ {$_[0]} += 3*$_[1];
+ $_[0] } ) ];
+$c=new Oscalar; # Cause rehash
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 70
+test ( $a eq "087"); # 71
+test ( $b eq "90"); # 72
+test (ref $a eq "Oscalar"); # 73
+test ($copies == 2); # 74
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 75
+test ( $b eq "360"); # 76
+test ($copies == 2); # 77
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 78
+test ( $b eq "-360"); # 79
+test ($copies == 2); # 80
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 81
+test ( $b eq "360"); # 82
+test ($copies == 2); # 83
+test (ref $b eq "Oscalar"); # 84
+test ( $b eq "360"); # 85
+test ($copies == 2); # 86
+eval q[package Oscalar;
+ use overload ('x' => sub {new Oscalar ( $_[2] ? "_.$_[1]._" x $ {$_[0]}
+ : "_.${$_[0]}._" x $_[1])}) ];
+$a=new Oscalar "yy";
+$a x= 3;
+test ($a eq "_.yy.__.yy.__.yy._"); # 87
+eval q[package Oscalar;
+ use overload ('.' => sub {new Oscalar ( $_[2] ?
+ "_.$_[1].__.$ {$_[0]}._"
+ : "_.$ {$_[0]}.__.$_[1]._")}) ];
+$a=new Oscalar "xx";
+test ("b${a}c" eq "_._.b.__.xx._.__.c._"); # 88
+# Check inheritance of overloading;
+ package OscalarI;
+ @ISA = 'Oscalar';
+$aI = new OscalarI "$a";
+test (ref $aI eq "OscalarI"); # 89
+test ("$aI" eq "xx"); # 90
+test ($aI eq "xx"); # 91
+test ("b${aI}c" eq "_._.b.__.xx._.__.c._"); # 92
+# Here we test blessing to a package updates hash
+eval "package Oscalar; no overload '.'";
+test ("b${a}" eq "_.b.__.xx._"); # 93
+bless \$x, Oscalar;
+test ("b${a}c" eq "bxxc"); # 94
+new Oscalar 1;
+test ("b${a}c" eq "bxxc"); # 95
+# Negative overloading:
+$na = eval { ~$a };
+test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 96
+*Oscalar::AUTOLOAD =
+ sub { *{"Oscalar::$AUTOLOAD"} = sub {"_!_" . shift() . "_!_"} ;
+ goto &{"Oscalar::$AUTOLOAD"}};
+eval "package Oscalar; sub comple; use overload '~' => 'comple'";
+$na = eval { ~$a }; # Hash was not updated
+test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 97
+bless \$x, Oscalar;
+$na = eval { ~$a }; # Hash updated
+warn "`$na', $@" if $@;
+test !$@; # 98
+test($na eq '_!_xx_!_'); # 99
+$na = 0;
+$na = eval { ~$aI }; # Hash was not updated
+test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 100
+bless \$x, OscalarI;
+$na = eval { ~$aI };
+print $@;
+test !$@; # 101
+test($na eq '_!_xx_!_'); # 102
+eval "package Oscalar; sub rshft; use overload '>>' => 'rshft'";
+$na = eval { $aI >> 1 }; # Hash was not updated
+test($@ =~ /no method found/); # 103
+bless \$x, OscalarI;
+$na = 0;
+$na = eval { $aI >> 1 };
+print $@;
+test !$@; # 104
+test($na eq '_!_xx_!_'); # 105
+# warn overload::Method($a, '0+'), "\n";
+test (overload::Method($a, '0+') eq \&Oscalar::numify); # 106
+test (overload::Method($aI,'0+') eq \&Oscalar::numify); # 107
+test (overload::Overloaded($aI)); # 108
+test (!overload::Overloaded('overload')); # 109
+test (! defined overload::Method($aI, '<<')); # 110
+test (! defined overload::Method($a, '<')); # 111
+test (overload::StrVal($aI) =~ /^OscalarI=SCALAR\(0x[\da-fA-F]+\)$/); # 112
+test (overload::StrVal(\$aI) eq "@{[\$aI]}"); # 113
+# Check overloading by methods (specified deep in the ISA tree).
+ package OscalarII;
+ @ISA = 'OscalarI';
+ sub Oscalar::lshft {"_<<_" . shift() . "_<<_"}
+ eval "package OscalarI; use overload '<<' => 'lshft', '|' => 'lshft'";
+$aaII = "087";
+$aII = \$aaII;
+bless $aII, 'OscalarII';
+bless \$fake, 'OscalarI'; # update the hash
+test(($aI | 3) eq '_<<_xx_<<_'); # 114
+# warn $aII << 3;
+test(($aII << 3) eq '_<<_087_<<_'); # 115
+ BEGIN { $int = 7; overload::constant 'integer' => sub {$int++; shift}; }
+ $out = 2**10;
+test($int, 9); # 116
+test($out, 1024); # 117
+$foo = 'foo';
+$foo1 = 'f\'o\\o';
+ BEGIN { $q = $qr = 7;
+ overload::constant 'q' => sub {$q++; push @q, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); shift},
+ 'qr' => sub {$qr++; push @qr, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); shift}; }
+ $out = 'foo';
+ $out1 = 'f\'o\\o';
+ $out2 = "a\a$foo,\,";
+ /b\b$foo.\./;
+test($out, 'foo'); # 118
+test($out, $foo); # 119
+test($out1, 'f\'o\\o'); # 120
+test($out1, $foo1); # 121
+test($out2, "a\afoo,\,"); # 122
+test("@q", "foo q f'o\\\\o q a\\a qq ,\\, qq"); # 123
+test($q, 11); # 124
+test("@qr", "b\\b qq .\\. qq"); # 125
+test($qr, 9); # 126
+ $_ = '!<b>!foo!<-.>!';
+ BEGIN { overload::constant 'q' => sub {push @q1, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); "_<" . (shift) . ">_"},
+ 'qr' => sub {push @qr1, shift, ($_[1] || 'none'); "!<" . (shift) . ">!"}; }
+ $out = 'foo';
+ $out1 = 'f\'o\\o';
+ $out2 = "a\a$foo,\,";
+ $res = /b\b$foo.\./;
+ $a = <<EOF;
+ $b = <<'EOF';
+ $c = bareword;
+ m'try it';
+ s'first part'second part';
+ s/yet another/tail here/;
+ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+test($out, '_<foo>_'); # 117
+test($out1, '_<f\'o\\o>_'); # 128
+test($out2, "_<a\a>_foo_<,\,>_"); # 129
+test("@q1", "foo q f'o\\\\o q a\\a qq ,\\, qq oups
+ qq oups1
+ q second part q tail here s A-Z tr a-z tr"); # 130
+test("@qr1", "b\\b qq .\\. qq try it q first part q yet another qq"); # 131
+test($res, 1); # 132
+test($a, "_<oups
+>_"); # 133
+test($b, "_<oups1
+>_"); # 134
+test($c, "bareword"); # 135
+ package symbolic; # Primitive symbolic calculator
+ use overload nomethod => \&wrap, '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num,
+ '=' => \&cpy, '++' => \&inc, '--' => \&dec;
+ sub new { shift; bless ['n', @_] }
+ sub cpy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ bless [@$self], ref $self;
+ }
+ sub inc { $_[0] = bless ['++', $_[0], 1]; }
+ sub dec { $_[0] = bless ['--', $_[0], 1]; }
+ sub wrap {
+ my ($obj, $other, $inv, $meth) = @_;
+ if ($meth eq '++' or $meth eq '--') {
+ @$obj = ($meth, (bless [@$obj]), 1); # Avoid circular reference
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ ($obj, $other) = ($other, $obj) if $inv;
+ bless [$meth, $obj, $other];
+ }
+ sub str {
+ my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+ $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
+ if (defined $b) {
+ "[$meth $a $b]";
+ } else {
+ "[$meth $a]";
+ }
+ }
+ my %subr = ( 'n' => sub {$_[0]} );
+ foreach my $op (split " ", $overload::ops{with_assign}) {
+ $subr{$op} = $subr{"$op="} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+ }
+ my @bins = qw(binary 3way_comparison num_comparison str_comparison);
+ foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{ @bins }") {
+ $subr{$op} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+ }
+ foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{qw(unary func)}") {
+ $subr{$op} = eval "sub {$op shift()}";
+ }
+ $subr{'++'} = $subr{'+'};
+ $subr{'--'} = $subr{'-'};
+ sub num {
+ my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+ my $subr = $subr{$meth}
+ or die "Do not know how to ($meth) in symbolic";
+ $a = $a->num if ref $a eq __PACKAGE__;
+ $b = $b->num if ref $b eq __PACKAGE__;
+ $subr->($a,$b);
+ }
+ sub TIESCALAR { my $pack = shift; $pack->new(@_) }
+ sub FETCH { shift }
+ sub nop { } # Around a bug
+ sub vars { my $p = shift; tie($_, $p), $_->nop foreach @_; }
+ sub STORE {
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $#$obj = 1;
+ $obj->[1] = shift;
+ }
+ my $foo = new symbolic 11;
+ my $baz = $foo++;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '12');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '11');
+ my $bar = $foo;
+ $baz = ++$foo;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '13');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '13');
+ my $ban = $foo;
+ $baz = ($foo += 1);
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '14');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $ban), '13');
+ $baz = 0;
+ $baz = $foo++;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '15');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
+ test( "$foo", '[++ [+= [++ [++ [n 11] 1] 1] 1] 1]');
+ my $iter = new symbolic 2;
+ my $side = new symbolic 1;
+ my $cnt = $iter;
+ while ($cnt) {
+ $cnt = $cnt - 1; # The "simple" way
+ $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
+ }
+ my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
+ test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
+ test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
+ my $iter = new symbolic 2;
+ my $side = new symbolic 1;
+ my $cnt = $iter;
+ while ($cnt--) {
+ $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
+ }
+ my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
+ test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
+ test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
+ my ($a, $b);
+ symbolic->vars($a, $b);
+ my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
+ $a = 3; $b = 4;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '5');
+ $a = 12; $b = 5;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '13');
+ package symbolic1; # Primitive symbolic calculator
+ # Mutator inc/dec
+ use overload nomethod => \&wrap, '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num, '=' => \&cpy;
+ sub new { shift; bless ['n', @_] }
+ sub cpy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ bless [@$self], ref $self;
+ }
+ sub wrap {
+ my ($obj, $other, $inv, $meth) = @_;
+ if ($meth eq '++' or $meth eq '--') {
+ @$obj = ($meth, (bless [@$obj]), 1); # Avoid circular reference
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ ($obj, $other) = ($other, $obj) if $inv;
+ bless [$meth, $obj, $other];
+ }
+ sub str {
+ my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+ $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
+ if (defined $b) {
+ "[$meth $a $b]";
+ } else {
+ "[$meth $a]";
+ }
+ }
+ my %subr = ( 'n' => sub {$_[0]} );
+ foreach my $op (split " ", $overload::ops{with_assign}) {
+ $subr{$op} = $subr{"$op="} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+ }
+ my @bins = qw(binary 3way_comparison num_comparison str_comparison);
+ foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{ @bins }") {
+ $subr{$op} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+ }
+ foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{qw(unary func)}") {
+ $subr{$op} = eval "sub {$op shift()}";
+ }
+ $subr{'++'} = $subr{'+'};
+ $subr{'--'} = $subr{'-'};
+ sub num {
+ my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+ my $subr = $subr{$meth}
+ or die "Do not know how to ($meth) in symbolic";
+ $a = $a->num if ref $a eq __PACKAGE__;
+ $b = $b->num if ref $b eq __PACKAGE__;
+ $subr->($a,$b);
+ }
+ sub TIESCALAR { my $pack = shift; $pack->new(@_) }
+ sub FETCH { shift }
+ sub nop { } # Around a bug
+ sub vars { my $p = shift; tie($_, $p), $_->nop foreach @_; }
+ sub STORE {
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $#$obj = 1;
+ $obj->[1] = shift;
+ }
+ my $foo = new symbolic1 11;
+ my $baz = $foo++;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '12');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '11');
+ my $bar = $foo;
+ $baz = ++$foo;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '13');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '13');
+ my $ban = $foo;
+ $baz = ($foo += 1);
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '14');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $bar), '12');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $ban), '13');
+ $baz = 0;
+ $baz = $foo++;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $foo), '15');
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $baz), '14');
+ test( "$foo", '[++ [+= [++ [++ [n 11] 1] 1] 1] 1]');
+ my $iter = new symbolic1 2;
+ my $side = new symbolic1 1;
+ my $cnt = $iter;
+ while ($cnt) {
+ $cnt = $cnt - 1; # The "simple" way
+ $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
+ }
+ my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
+ test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
+ test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
+ my $iter = new symbolic1 2;
+ my $side = new symbolic1 1;
+ my $cnt = $iter;
+ while ($cnt--) {
+ $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
+ }
+ my $pi = $side*(2**($iter+2));
+ test "$side", '[/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]] 2]]] 1] [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]';
+ test( (sprintf "%f", $pi), '3.182598');
+ my ($a, $b);
+ symbolic1->vars($a, $b);
+ my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
+ $a = 3; $b = 4;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '5');
+ $a = 12; $b = 5;
+ test( (sprintf "%d", $c), '13');
+ package two_face; # Scalars with separate string and
+ # numeric values.
+ sub new { my $p = shift; bless [@_], $p }
+ use overload '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num, fallback => 1;
+ sub num {shift->[1]}
+ sub str {shift->[0]}
+ my $seven = new two_face ("vii", 7);
+ test( (sprintf "seven=$seven, seven=%d, eight=%d", $seven, $seven+1),
+ 'seven=vii, seven=7, eight=8');
+ test( scalar ($seven =~ /i/), '1')
+ package sorting;
+ use overload 'cmp' => \&comp;
+ sub new { my ($p, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $p }
+ sub comp { my ($x,$y) = @_; ($$x * 3 % 10) <=> ($$y * 3 % 10) or $$x cmp $$y }
+ my @arr = map sorting->new($_), 0..12;
+ my @sorted1 = sort @arr;
+ my @sorted2 = map $$_, @sorted1;
+ test "@sorted2", '0 10 7 4 1 11 8 5 12 2 9 6 3';
+ package iterator;
+ use overload '<>' => \&iter;
+ sub new { my ($p, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $p }
+ sub iter { my ($x) = @_; return undef if $$x < 0; return $$x--; }
+# XXX iterator overload not intended to work with CORE::GLOBAL?
+if (defined &CORE::GLOBAL::glob) {
+ test '1', '1'; # 175
+ test '1', '1'; # 176
+ test '1', '1'; # 177
+else {
+ my $iter = iterator->new(5);
+ my $acc = '';
+ my $out;
+ $acc .= " $out" while $out = <${iter}>;
+ test $acc, ' 5 4 3 2 1 0'; # 175
+ $iter = iterator->new(5);
+ test scalar <${iter}>, '5'; # 176
+ $acc = '';
+ $acc .= " $out" while $out = <$iter>;
+ test $acc, ' 4 3 2 1 0'; # 177
+ package deref;
+ use overload '%{}' => \&hderef, '&{}' => \&cderef,
+ '*{}' => \&gderef, '${}' => \&sderef, '@{}' => \&aderef;
+ sub new { my ($p, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $p }
+ sub deref {
+ my ($self, $key) = (shift, shift);
+ my $class = ref $self;
+ bless $self, 'deref::dummy'; # Disable overloading of %{}
+ my $out = $self->{$key};
+ bless $self, $class; # Restore overloading
+ $out;
+ }
+ sub hderef {shift->deref('h')}
+ sub aderef {shift->deref('a')}
+ sub cderef {shift->deref('c')}
+ sub gderef {shift->deref('g')}
+ sub sderef {shift->deref('s')}
+ my $deref = bless { h => { foo => 5 , fake => 23 },
+ c => sub {return shift() + 34},
+ 's' => \123,
+ a => [11..13],
+ g => \*srt,
+ }, 'deref';
+ # Hash:
+ my @cont = sort %$deref;
+ if ("\t" eq "\011") { # ascii
+ test "@cont", '23 5 fake foo'; # 178
+ }
+ else { # ebcdic alpha-numeric sort order
+ test "@cont", 'fake foo 23 5'; # 178
+ }
+ my @keys = sort keys %$deref;
+ test "@keys", 'fake foo'; # 179
+ my @val = sort values %$deref;
+ test "@val", '23 5'; # 180
+ test $deref->{foo}, 5; # 181
+ test defined $deref->{bar}, ''; # 182
+ my $key;
+ @keys = ();
+ push @keys, $key while $key = each %$deref;
+ @keys = sort @keys;
+ test "@keys", 'fake foo'; # 183
+ test exists $deref->{bar}, ''; # 184
+ test exists $deref->{foo}, 1; # 185
+ # Code:
+ test $deref->(5), 39; # 186
+ test &$deref(6), 40; # 187
+ sub xxx_goto { goto &$deref }
+ test xxx_goto(7), 41; # 188
+ my $srt = bless { c => sub {$b <=> $a}
+ }, 'deref';
+ *srt = \&$srt;
+ my @sorted = sort srt 11, 2, 5, 1, 22;
+ test "@sorted", '22 11 5 2 1'; # 189
+ # Scalar
+ test $$deref, 123; # 190
+ # Code
+ @sorted = sort $srt 11, 2, 5, 1, 22;
+ test "@sorted", '22 11 5 2 1'; # 191
+ # Array
+ test "@$deref", '11 12 13'; # 192
+ test $#$deref, '2'; # 193
+ my $l = @$deref;
+ test $l, 3; # 194
+ test $deref->[2], '13'; # 195
+ $l = pop @$deref;
+ test $l, 13; # 196
+ $l = 1;
+ test $deref->[$l], '12'; # 197
+ # Repeated dereference
+ my $double = bless { h => $deref,
+ }, 'deref';
+ test $double->{foo}, 5; # 198
+ package two_refs;
+ use overload '%{}' => \&gethash, '@{}' => sub { ${shift()} };
+ sub new {
+ my $p = shift;
+ bless \ [@_], $p;
+ }
+ sub gethash {
+ my %h;
+ my $self = shift;
+ tie %h, ref $self, $self;
+ \%h;
+ }
+ sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless \ shift, $p }
+ my %fields;
+ my $i = 0;
+ $fields{$_} = $i++ foreach qw{zero one two three};
+ sub STORE {
+ my $self = ${shift()};
+ my $key = $fields{shift()};
+ defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+ $$self->[$key] = shift;
+ }
+ sub FETCH {
+ my $self = ${shift()};
+ my $key = $fields{shift()};
+ defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+ $$self->[$key];
+ }
+my $bar = new two_refs 3,4,5,6;
+$bar->[2] = 11;
+test $bar->{two}, 11; # 199
+$bar->{three} = 13;
+test $bar->[3], 13; # 200
+ package two_refs_o;
+ @ISA = ('two_refs');
+$bar = new two_refs_o 3,4,5,6;
+$bar->[2] = 11;
+test $bar->{two}, 11; # 201
+$bar->{three} = 13;
+test $bar->[3], 13; # 202
+ package two_refs1;
+ use overload '%{}' => sub { ${shift()}->[1] },
+ '@{}' => sub { ${shift()}->[0] };
+ sub new {
+ my $p = shift;
+ my $a = [@_];
+ my %h;
+ tie %h, $p, $a;
+ bless \ [$a, \%h], $p;
+ }
+ sub gethash {
+ my %h;
+ my $self = shift;
+ tie %h, ref $self, $self;
+ \%h;
+ }
+ sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless \ shift, $p }
+ my %fields;
+ my $i = 0;
+ $fields{$_} = $i++ foreach qw{zero one two three};
+ sub STORE {
+ my $a = ${shift()};
+ my $key = $fields{shift()};
+ defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+ $a->[$key] = shift;
+ }
+ sub FETCH {
+ my $a = ${shift()};
+ my $key = $fields{shift()};
+ defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+ $a->[$key];
+ }
+$bar = new two_refs_o 3,4,5,6;
+$bar->[2] = 11;
+test $bar->{two}, 11; # 203
+$bar->{three} = 13;
+test $bar->[3], 13; # 204
+ package two_refs1_o;
+ @ISA = ('two_refs1');
+$bar = new two_refs1_o 3,4,5,6;
+$bar->[2] = 11;
+test $bar->{two}, 11; # 205
+$bar->{three} = 13;
+test $bar->[3], 13; # 206
+ package B;
+ use overload bool => sub { ${+shift} };
+my $aaa;
+{ my $bbbb = 0; $aaa = bless \$bbbb, B }
+test !$aaa, 1; # 207
+unless ($aaa) {
+ test 'ok', 'ok'; # 208
+} else {
+ test 'is not', 'ok'; # 208
+# check that overload isn't done twice by join
+{ my $c = 0;
+ package Join;
+ use overload '""' => sub { $c++ };
+ my $x = join '', bless([]), 'pq', bless([]);
+ main::test $x, '0pq1'; # 209
+# Test module-specific warning
+ # check the Odd number of arguments for overload::constant warning
+ my $a = "" ;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
+ $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" ; ' ;
+ test($a eq "") ; # 210
+ use warnings 'overload' ;
+ $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" ; ' ;
+ test($a =~ /^Odd number of arguments for overload::constant at/) ; # 211
+ # check the `$_[0]' is not an overloadable type warning
+ my $a = "" ;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
+ $x = eval ' overload::constant "fred" => sub {} ; ' ;
+ test($a eq "") ; # 212
+ use warnings 'overload' ;
+ $x = eval ' overload::constant "fred" => sub {} ; ' ;
+ test($a =~ /^`fred' is not an overloadable type at/); # 213
+ # check the `$_[1]' is not a code reference warning
+ my $a = "" ;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$a = $_[0]} ;
+ $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" => 1; ' ;
+ test($a eq "") ; # 214
+ use warnings 'overload' ;
+ $x = eval ' overload::constant "integer" => 1; ' ;
+ test($a =~ /^`1' is not a code reference at/); # 215
+ my $c = 0;
+ package ov_int1;
+ use overload '""' => sub { 3+shift->[0] },
+ '0+' => sub { 10+shift->[0] },
+ 'int' => sub { 100+shift->[0] };
+ sub new {my $p = shift; bless [shift], $p}
+ package ov_int2;
+ use overload '""' => sub { 5+shift->[0] },
+ '0+' => sub { 30+shift->[0] },
+ 'int' => sub { 'ov_int1'->new(1000+shift->[0]) };
+ sub new {my $p = shift; bless [shift], $p}
+ package noov_int;
+ use overload '""' => sub { 2+shift->[0] },
+ '0+' => sub { 9+shift->[0] };
+ sub new {my $p = shift; bless [shift], $p}
+ package main;
+ my $x = new noov_int 11;
+ my $int_x = int $x;
+ main::test("$int_x" eq 20); # 216
+ $x = new ov_int1 31;
+ $int_x = int $x;
+ main::test("$int_x" eq 131); # 217
+ $x = new ov_int2 51;
+ $int_x = int $x;
+ main::test("$int_x" eq 1054); # 218
+# make sure that we don't inifinitely recurse
+ my $c = 0;
+ package Recurse;
+ use overload '""' => sub { shift },
+ '0+' => sub { shift },
+ 'bool' => sub { shift },
+ fallback => 1;
+ my $x = bless([]);
+ main::test("$x" =~ /Recurse=ARRAY/); # 219
+ main::test($x); # 220
+ main::test($x+0 =~ /Recurse=ARRAY/); # 221
+# BugID 20010422.003
+package Foo;
+use overload
+ 'bool' => sub { return !$_[0]->is_zero() || undef; }
+sub is_zero
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{var} == 0;
+ }
+sub new
+ {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ $self->{var} = shift;
+ bless $self,$class;
+ }
+package main;
+use strict;
+my $r = Foo->new(8);
+$r = Foo->new(0);
+test(($r || 0) == 0); # 222
+# Last test is:
+sub last {222}