path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 494 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 3f8eb62d07..175c9c63ec 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -389,6 +389,12 @@ September, 1999; by Barrie Slaymaker: math fixes and accuracy and
efficiency tweaks. Added cmpthese(). A result is now returned from
timethese(). Exposed countit() (was runfor()).
+December, 2001; by Nicholas Clark: make timestr() recognise the style 'none'
+and return an empty string. If cmpthese is calling timethese, make it pass the
+style in. (so that 'none' will suppress output). Make sub new dump its
+debugging output to STDERR, to be consistent with everything else.
+All bugs found while writing a regression test.
# evaluate something in a clean lexical environment
@@ -406,7 +412,7 @@ use Exporter;
clearcache clearallcache disablecache enablecache);
%EXPORT_TAGS=( all => [ @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK ] ) ;
-$VERSION = 1.03;
+$VERSION = 1.04;
@@ -435,7 +441,7 @@ sub disablecache { $cache = 0; }
# --- Functions to process the 'time' data type
sub new { my @t = (time, times, @_ == 2 ? $_[1] : 0);
- print "new=@t\n" if $debug;
+ print STDERR "new=@t\n" if $debug;
bless \@t; }
sub cpu_p { my($r,$pu,$ps,$cu,$cs) = @{$_[0]}; $pu+$ps ; }
@@ -471,6 +477,7 @@ sub timestr {
$f = $defaultfmt unless defined $f;
# format a time in the required style, other formats may be added here
$style ||= $defaultstyle;
+ return '' if $style eq 'none';
$style = ($ct>0) ? 'all' : 'noc' if $style eq 'auto';
my $s = "@t $style"; # default for unknown style
$s=sprintf("%2d wallclock secs (%$f usr %$f sys + %$f cusr %$f csys = %$f CPU)",
@@ -706,7 +713,7 @@ sub timethese{
sub cmpthese{
- my ($results, $style) = ref $_[0] ? @_ : ( timethese( @_[0,1] ), $_[2] ) ;
+ my ($results, $style) = ref $_[0] ? @_ : ( timethese( @_[0,1,2] ), $_[2] ) ;
$style = "" unless defined $style;
diff --git a/lib/Benchmark.t b/lib/Benchmark.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b5e1b4fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Benchmark.t
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+#!./perl -w
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($foo $bar $baz $ballast);
+use Test::More tests => 159;
+use Benchmark qw(:all);
+my $delta = 0.2;
+# Some timing ballast
+sub fib {
+ my $n = shift;
+ return $n if $n < 2;
+ fib($n-1) + fib($n-2);
+$ballast = 15;
+my $all_pattern =
+ qr/(\d+) +wallclock secs? +\( *(-?\d+\.\d\d) +usr +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +sys +\+ +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +cusr +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +csys += +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +CPU\)/;
+my $noc_pattern =
+ qr/(\d+) +wallclock secs? +\( *(-?\d+\.\d\d) +usr +\+ +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +sys += +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +CPU\)/;
+my $nop_pattern =
+ qr/(\d+) +wallclock secs? +\( *(-?\d+\.\d\d) +cusr +\+ +(-?\d+\.\d\d) +csys += +\d+\.\d\d +CPU\)/;
+# Please don't trust the matching parenthises to be useful in this :-)
+my $default_pattern = qr/$all_pattern|$noc_pattern/;
+my $t0 = new Benchmark;
+isa_ok ($t0, 'Benchmark', "Ensure we can create a benchmark object");
+# We use the benchmark object once we've done some work:
+isa_ok(timeit(5, sub {++$foo}), 'Benchmark', "timeit CODEREF");
+is ($foo, 5, "benchmarked code was run 5 times");
+isa_ok(timeit(5, '++$bar'), 'Benchmark', "timeit eval");
+is ($bar, 5, "benchmarked code was run 5 times");
+print "# Burning CPU to benchmark things will take time...\n";
+# We need to do something fairly slow in the coderef.
+# Same coderef. Same place in memory.
+my $coderef = sub {$baz += fib($ballast)};
+# The default is three.
+$baz = 0;
+my $threesecs = countit(0, $coderef);
+isa_ok($threesecs, 'Benchmark', "countit 0, CODEREF");
+isnt ($baz, 0, "benchmarked code was run");
+my $in_threesecs = $threesecs->iters;
+print "# $in_threesecs iterations\n";
+ok ($in_threesecs > 0, "iters returned positive iterations");
+my $estimate = int ($in_threesecs / 3);
+print "# from the 3 second run estimate $estimate iterations in 1 second...\n";
+$baz = 0;
+my $onesec = countit(1, $coderef);
+isa_ok($onesec, 'Benchmark', "countit 1, CODEREF");
+isnt ($baz, 0, "benchmarked code was run");
+my $in_onesec = $onesec->iters;
+print "# $in_onesec iterations\n";
+ok ($in_onesec > 0, "iters returned positive iterations");
+my $difference = $in_onesec - $estimate;
+ok (abs ($difference / $in_onesec) < $delta,
+ "is $in_onesec within $delta of estimate ($estimate)");
+# I found that the eval'ed version was 3 times faster than the coderef.
+# (now it has a different ballast value)
+$baz = 0;
+my $again = countit(1, '$baz += fib($ballast)');
+isa_ok($onesec, 'Benchmark', "countit 1, eval");
+isnt ($baz, 0, "benchmarked code was run");
+my $in_again = $again->iters;
+print "# $in_again iterations\n";
+ok ($in_again > 0, "iters returned positive iterations");
+my $t1 = new Benchmark;
+isa_ok ($t1, 'Benchmark', "Create another benchmark object now we're finished");
+my $diff = timediff ($t1, $t0);
+isa_ok ($diff, 'Benchmark', "Get the time difference");
+isa_ok (timesum ($t0, $t1), 'Benchmark', "check timesum");
+my $default = timestr ($diff);
+isnt ($default, '', 'timestr ($diff)');
+my $auto = timestr ($diff, 'auto');
+is ($auto, $default, 'timestr ($diff, "auto") matches timestr ($diff)');
+ my $all = timestr ($diff, 'all');
+ like ($all, $all_pattern, 'timestr ($diff, "all")');
+ print "# $all\n";
+ my ($wallclock, $usr, $sys, $cusr, $csys, $cpu) = $all =~ $all_pattern;
+ is (timestr ($diff, 'none'), '', "none supresses output");
+ my $noc = timestr ($diff, 'noc');
+ like ($noc, qr/$wallclock +wallclock secs? +\( *$usr +usr +\+ +$sys +sys += +$cpu +CPU\)/, 'timestr ($diff, "noc")');
+ my $nop = timestr ($diff, 'nop');
+ like ($nop, qr/$wallclock +wallclock secs? +\( *$cusr +cusr +\+ +$csys +csys += +\d+\.\d\d +CPU\)/, 'timestr ($diff, "nop")');
+ if ($auto eq $noc) {
+ pass ('"auto" is "noc"');
+ } else {
+ is ($auto, $all, '"auto" isn\'t "noc", so should be eq to "all"');
+ }
+ like (timestr ($diff, 'all', 'E'),
+ qr/(\d+) +wallclock secs? +\( *\d\.\d+E[-+]?\d\d\d? +usr +\d\.\d+E[-+]?\d\d\d? +sys +\+ +\d\.\d+E[-+]?\d\d\d? +cusr +\d\.\d+E[-+]?\d\d\d? +csys += +\d\.\d+E[-+]?\d\d\d? +CPU\)/, 'timestr ($diff, "all", "E") [sprintf format of "E"]');
+my $out = tie *OUT, 'TieOut';
+my $iterations = 3;
+$foo = 0;
+my $got = timethis($iterations, sub {++$foo});
+isa_ok($got, 'Benchmark', "timethis CODEREF");
+is ($foo, $iterations, "benchmarked code was run $iterations times");
+$got = $out->read();
+like ($got, qr/^timethis $iterations/, 'default title');
+like ($got, $default_pattern, 'default format is all or noc');
+$bar = 0;
+$got = timethis($iterations, '++$bar');
+isa_ok($got, 'Benchmark', "timethis eval");
+is ($bar, $iterations, "benchmarked code was run $iterations times");
+$got = $out->read();
+like ($got, qr/^timethis $iterations/, 'default title');
+like ($got, $default_pattern, 'default format is all or noc');
+my $title = 'lies, damn lies and benchmarks';
+$foo = 0;
+$got = timethis($iterations, sub {++$foo}, $title);
+isa_ok($got, 'Benchmark', "timethis with title");
+is ($foo, $iterations, "benchmarked code was run $iterations times");
+$got = $out->read();
+like ($got, qr/^$title:/, 'specify title');
+like ($got, $default_pattern, 'default format is all or noc');
+# default is auto, which is all or noc. nop can never match the default
+$foo = 0;
+$got = timethis($iterations, sub {++$foo}, $title, 'nop');
+isa_ok($got, 'Benchmark', "timethis with format");
+is ($foo, $iterations, "benchmarked code was run $iterations times");
+$got = $out->read();
+like ($got, qr/^$title:/, 'specify title');
+like ($got, $nop_pattern, 'specify format as nop');
+ $foo = 0;
+ select(OUT);
+ my $start = time;
+ $got = timethis(-2, sub {$foo+= fib($ballast)}, $title, 'none');
+ my $end = time;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ isa_ok($got, 'Benchmark',
+ "timethis, at least 2 seconds with format 'none'");
+ ok ($foo > 0, "benchmarked code was run");
+ ok ($end - $start > 1, "benchmarked code ran for over 1 second");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ # Remove any warnings about having too few iterations.
+ $got =~ s/\(warning:[^\)]+\)//gs;
+ $got =~ s/^[ \t\n]+//s; # Remove all the whitespace from the beginning
+ is ($got, '', "format 'none' should suppress output");
+$foo = $bar = $baz = 0;
+$got = timethese($iterations, { Foo => sub {++$foo}, Bar => '++$bar',
+ Baz => sub {++$baz} });
+is(ref ($got), 'HASH', "timethese should return a hashref");
+isa_ok($got->{Foo}, 'Benchmark', "Foo value");
+isa_ok($got->{Bar}, 'Benchmark', "Bar value");
+isa_ok($got->{Baz}, 'Benchmark', "Baz value");
+eq_set([keys %$got], [qw(Foo Bar Baz)], 'should be exactly three objects');
+is ($foo, $iterations, "Foo code was run $iterations times");
+is ($bar, $iterations, "Bar code was run $iterations times");
+is ($baz, $iterations, "Baz code was run $iterations times");
+$got = $out->read();
+# Remove any warnings about having too few iterations.
+$got =~ s/\(warning:[^\)]+\)//gs;
+like ($got, qr/timing $iterations iterations of\s+Bar\W+Baz\W+Foo\W*?\.\.\./s,
+ 'check title');
+# Remove the title
+$got =~ s/.*\.\.\.//s;
+like ($got, qr/\bBar\b.*\bBaz\b.*\bFoo\b/s, 'check output is in sorted order');
+like ($got, $default_pattern, 'should find default format somewhere');
+my $code_to_test = { Foo => sub {$foo+=fib($ballast-2)},
+ Bar => sub {$bar+=fib($ballast)}};
+# Keep these for later.
+my $results;
+ $foo = $bar = 0;
+ select(OUT);
+ my $start = times;
+ $results = timethese(-0.1, $code_to_test, 'none');
+ my $end = times;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ is(ref ($results), 'HASH', "timethese should return a hashref");
+ isa_ok($results->{Foo}, 'Benchmark', "Foo value");
+ isa_ok($results->{Bar}, 'Benchmark', "Bar value");
+ eq_set([keys %$results], [qw(Foo Bar)], 'should be exactly two objects');
+ ok ($foo > 0, "Foo code was run");
+ ok ($bar > 0, "Bar code was run");
+ ok (($end - $start) > 0.1, "benchmarked code ran for over 0.1 seconds");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ # Remove any warnings about having too few iterations.
+ $got =~ s/\(warning:[^\)]+\)//gs;
+ is ($got =~ tr/ \t\n//c, 0, "format 'none' should suppress output");
+my $graph_dissassembly =
+ qr!^[ \t]+(\S+)[ \t]+(\w+)[ \t]+(\w+)[ \t]* # Title line
+ \n[ \t]*(\w+)[ \t]+([0-9.]+(?:/s)?)[ \t]+(-+)[ \t]+(-?\d+%)[ \t]*
+ \n[ \t]*(\w+)[ \t]+([0-9.]+(?:/s)?)[ \t]+(-?\d+%)[ \t]+(-+)[ \t]*$!xm;
+sub check_graph_consistency {
+ my ( $ratetext, $slowc, $fastc,
+ $slowr, $slowratet, $slowslow, $slowfastt,
+ $fastr, $fastratet, $fastslowt, $fastfast)
+ = @_;
+ is ($slowc, $slowr, "left col tag should be top row tag");
+ is ($fastc, $fastr, "right col tag should be bottom row tag");
+ like ($slowslow, qr/^-+/, "should be dash for comparing slow with slow");
+ is ($slowslow, $fastfast, "slow v slow should be same as fast v fast");
+ my $slowrate = $slowratet;
+ my $fastrate = $fastratet;
+ my ($slow_is_rate, $fast_is_rate);
+ unless ($slow_is_rate = $slowrate =~ s!/s!!) {
+ # Slow is expressed as iters per second.
+ $slowrate = 1/$slowrate if $slowrate;
+ }
+ unless ($fast_is_rate = $fastrate =~ s!/s!!) {
+ # Fast is expressed as iters per second.
+ $fastrate = 1/$fastrate if $fastrate;
+ }
+ if ($ratetext =~ /rate/i) {
+ ok ($slow_is_rate, "slow should be expressed as a rate");
+ ok ($fast_is_rate, "fast should be expressed as a rate");
+ } else {
+ ok (!$slow_is_rate, "slow should be expressed as a iters per second");
+ ok (!$fast_is_rate, "fast should be expressed as a iters per second");
+ }
+ (my $slowfast = $slowfastt) =~ s!%!!;
+ (my $fastslow = $fastslowt) =~ s!%!!;
+ if ($slowrate < $fastrate) {
+ pass ("slow rate is less than fast rate");
+ ok ($slowfast < 0 && $slowfast > -100,
+ "slowfast should be less than zero, and > -100");
+ ok ($fastslow > 100, "fastslow should be > 100");
+ } else {
+ is ($slowrate, $fastrate,
+ "slow rate isn't less than fast rate, so should be the same");
+ is ($slowfast, 0, "slowfast should be zero");
+ is ($fastslow, 0, "fastslow should be zero");
+ }
+sub check_graph_vs_output {
+ my ($chart, $got) = @_;
+ my ( $ratetext, $slowc, $fastc,
+ $slowr, $slowratet, $slowslow, $slowfastt,
+ $fastr, $fastratet, $fastslowt, $fastfast)
+ = $got =~ $graph_dissassembly;
+ check_graph_consistency ( $ratetext, $slowc, $fastc,
+ $slowr, $slowratet, $slowslow, $slowfastt,
+ $fastr, $fastratet, $fastslowt, $fastfast);
+ is_deeply ($chart, [['', $ratetext, $slowc, $fastc],
+ [$slowr, $slowratet, $slowslow, $slowfastt],
+ [$fastr, $fastratet, $fastslowt, $fastfast]],
+ "check the chart layout matches the formatted output");
+sub check_graph {
+ my ($title, $row1, $row2) = @_;
+ is (scalar @$title, 4, "Four entries in title row");
+ is (scalar @$row1, 4, "Four entries in first row");
+ is (scalar @$row2, 4, "Four entries in second row");
+ is (shift @$title, '', "First entry of output graph should be ''");
+ check_graph_consistency (@$title, @$row1, @$row2);
+ select(OUT);
+ my $start = times;
+ my $chart = cmpthese( -0.1, { a => "++\$i", b => "\$i *= 2" } ) ;
+ my $end = times;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ ok (($end - $start) > 0.05, "benchmarked code ran for over 0.05 seconds");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ # Remove any warnings about having too few iterations.
+ $got =~ s/\(warning:[^\)]+\)//gs;
+ like ($got, qr/running\W+a\W+b.*?for at least 0\.1 CPU second/s,
+ 'check title');
+ # Remove the title
+ $got =~ s/.*\.\.\.//s;
+ like ($got, $default_pattern, 'should find default format somewhere');
+ like ($got, $graph_dissassembly, "Should find the output graph somewhere");
+ check_graph_vs_output ($chart, $got);
+ $foo = $bar = 0;
+ select(OUT);
+ my $chart = cmpthese( 10, $code_to_test, 'nop' ) ;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ ok ($foo > 0, "Foo code was run");
+ ok ($bar > 0, "Bar code was run");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ # Remove any warnings about having too few iterations.
+ $got =~ s/\(warning:[^\)]+\)//gs;
+ like ($got, qr/timing 10 iterations of\s+Bar\W+Foo\W*?\.\.\./s,
+ 'check title');
+ # Remove the title
+ $got =~ s/.*\.\.\.//s;
+ like ($got, $nop_pattern, 'specify format as nop');
+ like ($got, $graph_dissassembly, "Should find the output graph somewhere");
+ check_graph_vs_output ($chart, $got);
+ $foo = $bar = 0;
+ select(OUT);
+ my $chart = cmpthese( 10, $code_to_test, 'none' ) ;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ ok ($foo > 0, "Foo code was run");
+ ok ($bar > 0, "Bar code was run");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ # Remove any warnings about having too few iterations.
+ $got =~ s/\(warning:[^\)]+\)//gs;
+ $got =~ s/^[ \t\n]+//s; # Remove all the whitespace from the beginning
+ is ($got, '', "format 'none' should suppress output");
+ is (ref $chart, 'ARRAY', "output should be an array ref");
+ # Some of these will go bang if the preceding test fails. There will be
+ # a big clue as to why, from the previous test's diagnostic
+ is (ref $chart->[0], 'ARRAY', "output should be an array of arrays");
+ check_graph (@$chart);
+ $foo = $bar = 0;
+ select(OUT);
+ my $chart = cmpthese( $results ) ;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ is ($foo, 0, "Foo code was not run");
+ is ($bar, 0, "Bar code was not run");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ ok ($got !~ /\.\.\./s, 'check that there is no title');
+ like ($got, $graph_dissassembly, "Should find the output graph somewhere");
+ check_graph_vs_output ($chart, $got);
+ $foo = $bar = 0;
+ select(OUT);
+ my $chart = cmpthese( $results, 'none' ) ;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ is ($foo, 0, "Foo code was not run");
+ is ($bar, 0, "Bar code was not run");
+ $got = $out->read();
+ is ($got, '', "'none' should suppress all output");
+ is (ref $chart, 'ARRAY', "output should be an array ref");
+ # Some of these will go bang if the preceding test fails. There will be
+ # a big clue as to why, from the previous test's diagnostic
+ is (ref $chart->[0], 'ARRAY', "output should be an array of arrays");
+ check_graph (@$chart);
+###}my $out = tie *OUT, 'TieOut'; my ($got); ###
+my $debug = tie *STDERR, 'TieOut';
+$bar = 0;
+isa_ok(timeit(5, '++$bar'), 'Benchmark', "timeit eval");
+is ($bar, 5, "benchmarked code was run 5 times");
+is ($debug->read(), '', "There was no debug output");
+$bar = 0;
+$got = timeit(5, '++$bar');
+isa_ok($got, 'Benchmark', "timeit eval");
+is ($bar, 5, "benchmarked code was run 5 times");
+is ($out->read(), '', "There was no STDOUT output with debug enabled");
+isnt ($debug->read(), '', "There was STDERR debug output with debug enabled");
+$bar = 0;
+isa_ok(timeit(5, '++$bar'), 'Benchmark', "timeit eval");
+is ($bar, 5, "benchmarked code was run 5 times");
+is ($debug->read(), '', "There was no debug output debug disabled");
+undef $debug;
+untie *STDERR;
+# To check the cache we are poking where we don't belong, inside the namespace.
+# The way benchmark is written We can't actually check whehter the cache is
+# being used, merely what's become cached.
+my @before_keys = keys %Benchmark::cache;
+$bar = 0;
+isa_ok(timeit(5, '++$bar'), 'Benchmark', "timeit eval");
+is ($bar, 5, "benchmarked code was run 5 times");
+my @after5_keys = keys %Benchmark::cache;
+$bar = 0;
+isa_ok(timeit(10, '++$bar'), 'Benchmark', "timeit eval");
+is ($bar, 10, "benchmarked code was run 10 times");
+ok (!eq_array ([keys %Benchmark::cache], \@after5_keys), "10 differs from 5");
+# Hash key order will be the same if there are the same keys.
+is_deeply ([keys %Benchmark::cache], \@after5_keys,
+ "cleared 10, only cached results for 5 should remain");
+is_deeply ([keys %Benchmark::cache], \@before_keys,
+ "back to square 1 when we clear the cache again?");
+package TieOut;
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless(\( my $ref = ''), $class);
+sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self .= join('', @_);
+sub PRINTF {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self .= sprintf shift, @_;
+sub read {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return substr($$self, 0, length($$self), '');