path: root/macos/configpm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macos/configpm')
1 files changed, 697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macos/configpm b/macos/configpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2be1d0c941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macos/configpm
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+#!./miniperl -w
+# commonly used names to put first (and hence lookup fastest)
+my %Common = map {($_,$_)}
+ qw(archname osname osvers prefix libs libpth
+ dynamic_ext static_ext dlsrc so
+ cc ccflags cppflags
+ privlibexp archlibexp installprivlib installarchlib
+ sharpbang startsh shsharp
+ );
+# names of things which may need to have slashes changed to double-colons
+my %Extensions = map {($_,$_)}
+ qw(dynamic_ext static_ext extensions known_extensions);
+# allowed opts as well as specifies default and initial values
+my %Allowed_Opts = (
+ 'cross' => '', # --cross=PALTFORM - crosscompiling for PLATFORM
+ 'glossary' => 1, # --no-glossary - no glossary file inclusion,
+ # for compactness
+sub opts {
+ # user specified options
+ my %given_opts = (
+ # --opt=smth
+ (map {/^--([\-_\w]+)=(.*)$/} @ARGV),
+ # --opt --no-opt --noopt
+ (map {/^no-?(.*)$/i?($1=>0):($_=>1)} map {/^--([\-_\w]+)$/} @ARGV),
+ );
+ my %opts = (%Allowed_Opts, %given_opts);
+ for my $opt (grep {!exists $Allowed_Opts{$_}} keys %given_opts) {
+ die "option '$opt' is not recognized";
+ }
+ @ARGV = grep {!/^--/} @ARGV;
+ return %opts;
+my %Opts = opts();
+my $Config_PM;
+my $Glossary = $ARGV[1] || ($^O eq 'MacOS' ? '::Porting:Glossary' : 'Porting/Glossary');
+if ($Opts{cross}) {
+ # creating cross-platform config file
+ mkdir "xlib";
+ mkdir "xlib/$Opts{cross}";
+ $Config_PM = $ARGV[0] || "xlib/$Opts{cross}/";
+else {
+ $Config_PM = $ARGV[0] || ($^O eq 'MacOS' ? '' : 'lib/');
+open CONFIG, ">$Config_PM" or die "Can't open $Config_PM: $!\n";
+my $myver = sprintf "v%vd", $^V;
+printf CONFIG <<'ENDOFBEG', ($myver) x 3;
+# This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
+# made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
+package Config;
+@EXPORT = qw(%%Config);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
+my %%Export_Cache = map {($_ => 1)} (@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK);
+# Define our own import method to avoid pulling in the full Exporter:
+sub import {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ @_ = @EXPORT unless @_;
+ my @funcs = grep $_ ne '%%Config', @_;
+ my $export_Config = @funcs < @_ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $callpkg = caller(0);
+ foreach my $func (@funcs) {
+ die sprintf qq{"%%s" is not exported by the %%s module\n},
+ $func, __PACKAGE__ unless $Export_Cache{$func};
+ *{$callpkg.'::'.$func} = \&{$func};
+ }
+ *{"$callpkg\::Config"} = \%%Config if $export_Config;
+ return;
+die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version ($])"
+ unless $^V;
+$^V eq %s
+ or die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version (" .
+ sprintf("v%%vd",$^V) . ")";
+my @non_v = ();
+my @v_fast = ();
+my %v_fast = ();
+my @v_others = ();
+my $in_v = 0;
+my %Data = ();
+# This is somewhat grim, but I want the code for parsing here and
+# now so that I can expand $Config{ivsize} and $Config{ivtype}
+my $fetch_string = <<'EOT';
+# Search for it in the big string
+sub fetch_string {
+ my($self, $key) = @_;
+ my $quote_type = "'";
+ my $marker = "$key=";
+ # Check for the common case, ' delimited
+ my $start = index($Config_SH, "\n$marker$quote_type");
+ # If that failed, check for " delimited
+ if ($start == -1) {
+ $quote_type = '"';
+ $start = index($Config_SH, "\n$marker$quote_type");
+ }
+ return undef if ( ($start == -1) && # in case it's first
+ (substr($Config_SH, 0, length($marker)) ne $marker) );
+ if ($start == -1) {
+ # It's the very first thing we found. Skip $start forward
+ # and figure out the quote mark after the =.
+ $start = length($marker) + 1;
+ $quote_type = substr($Config_SH, $start - 1, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $start += length($marker) + 2;
+ }
+ my $value = substr($Config_SH, $start,
+ index($Config_SH, "$quote_type\n", $start) - $start);
+ # If we had a double-quote, we'd better eval it so escape
+ # sequences and such can be interpolated. Since the incoming
+ # value is supposed to follow shell rules and not perl rules,
+ # we escape any perl variable markers
+ if ($quote_type eq '"') {
+ $value =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
+ $value =~ s/\@/\\\@/g;
+ eval "\$value = \"$value\"";
+ }
+ # So we can say "if $Config{'foo'}".
+ $value = undef if $value eq 'undef';
+ $self->{$key} = $value; # cache it
+eval $fetch_string;
+die if $@;
+open(CONFIG_SH, '') || die "Can't open $!";
+while (<CONFIG_SH>) {
+ next if m:^#!/bin/sh:;
+ # Catch PERL_CONFIG_SH=true and PERL_VERSION=n line from Configure.
+ s/^(\w+)=(true|\d+)\s*$/$1='$2'\n/ or m/^(\w+)='(.*)'$/;
+ my($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
+ # grandfather PATCHLEVEL and SUBVERSION and CONFIG
+ if ($k) {
+ if ($k eq 'PERL_VERSION') {
+ push @v_others, "PATCHLEVEL='$v'\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($k eq 'PERL_SUBVERSION') {
+ push @v_others, "SUBVERSION='$v'\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($k eq 'PERL_CONFIG_SH') {
+ push @v_others, "CONFIG='$v'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # We can delimit things in with either ' or ".
+ unless ($in_v or m/^(\w+)=(['"])(.*\n)/){
+ push(@non_v, "#$_"); # not a name='value' line
+ next;
+ }
+ $quote = $2;
+ if ($in_v) {
+ $val .= $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ ($name,$val) = ($1,$3);
+ }
+ $in_v = $val !~ /$quote\n/;
+ next if $in_v;
+ s,/,::,g if $Extensions{$name};
+ $val =~ s/$quote\n?\z//;
+ my $line = "$name=$quote$val$quote\n";
+ if (!$Common{$name}){
+ push(@v_others, $line);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@v_fast, $line);
+ $v_fast{$name} = "'$name' => $quote$val$quote";
+ }
+close CONFIG_SH;
+print CONFIG @non_v, "\n";
+# copy config summary format from the myconfig.SH script
+print CONFIG "my \$summary = <<'!END!';\n";
+open(MYCONFIG, ($^O eq 'MacOS' ? "<::myconfig.SH" : "<myconfig.SH"))
+ || die "open myconfig.SH failed: $!";
+1 while defined($_ = <MYCONFIG>) && !/^Summary of/;
+do { print CONFIG $_ } until !defined($_ = <MYCONFIG>) || /^\s*$/;
+print CONFIG "\n!END!\n", <<'EOT';
+my $summary_expanded = 0;
+sub myconfig {
+ return $summary if $summary_expanded;
+ $summary =~ s{\$(\w+)}
+ { my $c = $Config{$1}; defined($c) ? $c : 'undef' }ge;
+ $summary_expanded = 1;
+ $summary;
+our $Config_SH : unique = <<'!END!';
+print CONFIG join("", @v_fast, sort @v_others);
+print CONFIG "!END!\n", $fetch_string;
+sub fetch_virtual {
+ my($self, $key) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ if ($key =~ /^((?:cc|ld)flags|libs(?:wanted)?)_nolargefiles/) {
+ # These are purely virtual, they do not exist, but need to
+ # be computed on demand for largefile-incapable extensions.
+ my $new_key = "${1}_uselargefiles";
+ $value = $Config{$1};
+ my $withlargefiles = $Config{$new_key};
+ if ($new_key =~ /^(?:cc|ld)flags_/) {
+ $value =~ s/\Q$withlargefiles\E\b//;
+ } elsif ($new_key =~ /^libs/) {
+ my @lflibswanted = split(' ', $Config{libswanted_uselargefiles});
+ if (@lflibswanted) {
+ my %lflibswanted;
+ @lflibswanted{@lflibswanted} = ();
+ if ($new_key =~ /^libs_/) {
+ my @libs = grep { /^-l(.+)/ &&
+ not exists $lflibswanted{$1} }
+ split(' ', $Config{libs});
+ $Config{libs} = join(' ', @libs);
+ } elsif ($new_key =~ /^libswanted_/) {
+ my @libswanted = grep { not exists $lflibswanted{$_} }
+ split(' ', $Config{libswanted});
+ $Config{libswanted} = join(' ', @libswanted);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{$key} = $value;
+sub FETCH {
+ my($self, $key) = @_;
+ # check for cached value (which may be undef so we use exists not defined)
+ return $self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key};
+ $self->fetch_string($key);
+ return $self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key};
+ $self->fetch_virtual($key);
+ # Might not exist, in which undef is correct.
+ return $self->{$key};
+my $prevpos = 0;
+ $prevpos = 0;
+ substr($Config_SH, 0, index($Config_SH, '=') );
+sub NEXTKEY {
+ # Find out how the current key's quoted so we can skip to its end.
+ my $quote = substr($Config_SH, index($Config_SH, "=", $prevpos)+1, 1);
+ my $pos = index($Config_SH, qq($quote\n), $prevpos) + 2;
+ my $len = index($Config_SH, "=", $pos) - $pos;
+ $prevpos = $pos;
+ $len > 0 ? substr($Config_SH, $pos, $len) : undef;
+sub EXISTS {
+ return 1 if exists($_[0]->{$_[1]});
+ return(index($Config_SH, "\n$_[1]='") != -1 or
+ substr($Config_SH, 0, length($_[1])+2) eq "$_[1]='" or
+ index($Config_SH, "\n$_[1]=\"") != -1 or
+ substr($Config_SH, 0, length($_[1])+2) eq "$_[1]=\"" or
+ $_[1] =~ /^(?:(?:cc|ld)flags|libs(?:wanted)?)_nolargefiles$/
+ );
+sub STORE { die "\%Config::Config is read-only\n" }
+sub config_sh {
+ $Config_SH
+sub config_re {
+ my $re = shift;
+ return map { chomp; $_ } grep /^$re=/, split /^/, $Config_SH;
+sub config_vars {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ if (/\W/) {
+ my @matches = config_re($_);
+ print map "$_\n", @matches ? @matches : "$_: not found";
+ } else {
+ my $v = (exists $Config{$_}) ? $Config{$_} : 'UNKNOWN';
+ $v = 'undef' unless defined $v;
+ print "$_='$v';\n";
+ }
+ }
+if ($^O eq 'os2') {
+ print CONFIG <<'ENDOFSET';
+my %preconfig;
+if ($OS2::is_aout) {
+ my ($value, $v) = $Config_SH =~ m/^used_aout='(.*)'\s*$/m;
+ for (split ' ', $value) {
+ ($v) = $Config_SH =~ m/^aout_$_='(.*)'\s*$/m;
+ $preconfig{$_} = $v eq 'undef' ? undef : $v;
+ }
+$preconfig{d_fork} = undef unless $OS2::can_fork; # Some funny cases can't
+sub TIEHASH { bless {%preconfig} }
+ # Extract the name of the DLL from the makefile to avoid duplication
+ my ($f) = grep -r, qw(GNUMakefile Makefile);
+ my $dll;
+ if (open my $fh, '<', $f) {
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ $dll = $1, last if /^PERL_DLL_BASE\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/;
+ }
+ }
+ print CONFIG <<ENDOFSET if $dll;
+\$preconfig{dll_name} = '$dll';
+} elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
+ print CONFIG <<'ENDOFSET';
+my %preconfig;
+ local $^W;
+ my $inst = ($ENV{MACPERL} || "") . "site_perl:";
+ my $arch = $MacPerl::Architecture || "";
+ my $cc = $MacPerl::Compiler || "";
+ %preconfig = (
+ installsitelib => $inst,
+ installsitearch => "$inst$arch:",
+ archname => $arch,
+ myarchname => $arch,
+ cc => $cc,
+ );
+sub TIEHASH { bless { %preconfig } }
+} else {
+ print CONFIG <<'ENDOFSET';
+sub TIEHASH {
+ bless $_[1], $_[0];
+# Calculation for the keys for byteorder
+# This is somewhat grim, but I need to run fetch_string here.
+our $Config_SH = join "\n", @v_fast, @v_others;
+my $t = fetch_string ({}, 'ivtype');
+my $s = fetch_string ({}, 'ivsize');
+# byteorder does exist on its own but we overlay a virtual
+# dynamically recomputed value.
+# However, ivtype and ivsize will not vary for sane fat binaries
+my $f = $t eq 'long' ? 'L!' : $s == 8 ? 'Q': 'I';
+my $byteorder_code;
+if ($s == 4 || $s == 8) {
+ my $list = join ',', reverse(2..$s);
+ my $format = 'a'x$s;
+ $byteorder_code = <<"EOT";
+my \$i = 0;
+foreach my \$c ($list) { \$i |= ord(\$c); \$i <<= 8 }
+\$i |= ord(1);
+my \$value = join('', unpack('$format', pack('$f', \$i)));
+} else {
+ $byteorder_code = "\$value = '?'x$s;\n";
+my $fast_config = join '', map { " $_,\n" }
+ values (%v_fast), 'byteorder => $value' ;
+print CONFIG sprintf <<'ENDOFTIE', $byteorder_code, $fast_config;
+# avoid Config..Exporter..UNIVERSAL search for DESTROY then AUTOLOAD
+sub DESTROY { }
+tie %%Config, 'Config', {
+my $podfile = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? '::lib:Config.pod' : 'lib/Config.pod';
+open(CONFIG_POD, ">$podfile") or die "Can't open $podfile: $!";
+=head1 NAME
+Config - access Perl configuration information
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Config;
+ if ($Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/) {
+ print "built by gcc\n";
+ }
+ use Config qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
+ print myconfig();
+ print config_sh();
+ print config_re();
+ config_vars(qw(osname archname));
+The Config module contains all the information that was available to
+the C<Configure> program at Perl build time (over 900 values).
+Shell variables from the F<> file (written by Configure) are
+stored in the readonly-variable C<%Config>, indexed by their names.
+Values stored in as 'undef' are returned as undefined
+values. The perl C<exists> function can be used to check if a
+named variable exists.
+=over 4
+=item myconfig()
+Returns a textual summary of the major perl configuration values.
+See also C<-V> in L<perlrun/Switches>.
+=item config_sh()
+Returns the entire perl configuration information in the form of the
+original shell variable assignment script.
+=item config_re($regex)
+Like config_sh() but returns, as a list, only the config entries who's
+names match the $regex.
+=item config_vars(@names)
+Prints to STDOUT the values of the named configuration variable. Each is
+printed on a separate line in the form:
+ name='value';
+Names which are unknown are output as C<name='UNKNOWN';>.
+See also C<-V:name> in L<perlrun/Switches>.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+Here's a more sophisticated example of using %Config:
+ use Config;
+ use strict;
+ my %sig_num;
+ my @sig_name;
+ unless($Config{sig_name} && $Config{sig_num}) {
+ die "No sigs?";
+ } else {
+ my @names = split ' ', $Config{sig_name};
+ @sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config{sig_num};
+ foreach (@names) {
+ $sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ print "signal #17 = $sig_name[17]\n";
+ if ($sig_num{ALRM}) {
+ print "SIGALRM is $sig_num{ALRM}\n";
+ }
+=head1 WARNING
+Because this information is not stored within the perl executable
+itself it is possible (but unlikely) that the information does not
+relate to the actual perl binary which is being used to access it.
+The Config module is installed into the architecture and version
+specific library directory ($Config{installarchlib}) and it checks the
+perl version number when loaded.
+The values stored in may be either single-quoted or
+double-quoted. Double-quoted strings are handy for those cases where you
+need to include escape sequences in the strings. To avoid runtime variable
+interpolation, any C<$> and C<@> characters are replaced by C<\$> and
+C<\@>, respectively. This isn't foolproof, of course, so don't embed C<\$>
+or C<\@> in double-quoted strings unless you're willing to deal with the
+consequences. (The slashes will end up escaped and the C<$> or C<@> will
+trigger variable interpolation)
+=head1 GLOSSARY
+Most C<Config> variables are determined by the C<Configure> script
+on platforms supported by it (which is most UNIX platforms). Some
+platforms have custom-made C<Config> variables, and may thus not have
+some of the variables described below, or may have extraneous variables
+specific to that particular port. See the port specific documentation
+in such cases.
+if ($Opts{glossary}) {
+ open(GLOS, "<$Glossary") or die "Can't open $Glossary: $!";
+%seen = ();
+$text = 0;
+$/ = '';
+sub process {
+ if (s/\A(\w*)\s+\(([\w.]+)\):\s*\n(\t?)/=item C<$1>\n\nFrom F<$2>:\n\n/m) {
+ my $c = substr $1, 0, 1;
+ unless ($seen{$c}++) {
+ print CONFIG_POD <<EOF if $text;
+ print CONFIG_POD <<EOF;
+=head2 $c
+=over 4
+ $text = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$text || !/\A\t/) {
+ warn "Expected a Configure variable header",
+ ($text ? " or another paragraph of description" : () );
+ }
+ s/n't/n\00t/g; # leave can't, won't etc untouched
+ s/^\t\s+(.*)/\n$1/gm; # Indented lines ===> new paragraph
+ s/^(?<!\n\n)\t(.*)/$1/gm; # Not indented lines ===> text
+ s{([\'\"])(?=[^\'\"\s]*[./][^\'\"\s]*\1)([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(F<$2>)g; # '.o'
+ s{([\'\"])([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(C<$2>)g; # "date" command
+ s{\'([A-Za-z_\- *=/]+)\'}(C<$1>)g; # 'ln -s'
+ s{
+ (?<! [\w./<\'\"] ) # Only standalone file names
+ (?! e \. g \. ) # Not e.g.
+ (?! \. \. \. ) # Not ...
+ (?! \d ) # Not 5.004
+ (?! read/ ) # Not read/write
+ (?! etc\. ) # Not etc.
+ (?! I/O ) # Not I/O
+ (
+ \$ ? # Allow leading $
+ [\w./]* [./] [\w./]* # Require . or / inside
+ )
+ (?<! \. (?= [\s)] ) ) # Do not include trailing dot
+ (?! [\w/] ) # Include all of it
+ }
+ (F<$1>)xg; # /usr/local
+ s/((?<=\s)~\w*)/F<$1>/g; # ~name
+ s/(?<![.<\'\"])\b([A-Z_]{2,})\b(?![\'\"])/C<$1>/g; # UNISTD
+ s/(?<![.<\'\"])\b(?!the\b)(\w+)\s+macro\b/C<$1> macro/g; # FILE_cnt macro
+ s/n[\0]t/n't/g; # undo can't, won't damage
+if ($Opts{glossary}) {
+ <GLOS>; # Skip the "DO NOT EDIT"
+ <GLOS>; # Skip the preamble
+ while (<GLOS>) {
+ process;
+ print CONFIG_POD;
+ }
+=head1 NOTE
+This module contains a good example of how to use tie to implement a
+cache and an example of how to make a tied variable readonly to those
+outside of it.
+# Now create if needed
+if ($Opts{cross}) {
+ open CROSS, ">lib/" or die "Can not open >lib/ $!";
+ my $cross = <<'EOS';
+# typical invocation:
+# perl -MCross Makefile.PL
+# perl -MCross=wince -V:cc
+package Cross;
+sub import {
+ my ($package,$platform) = @_;
+ unless (defined $platform) {
+ # if $platform is not specified, then use last one when
+ # 'configpm; was invoked with --cross option
+ $platform = '***replace-marker***';
+ }
+ @INC = map {/\blib\b/?(do{local $_=$_;s/\blib\b/xlib\/$platform/;$_},$_):($_)} @INC;
+ $::Cross::platform = $platform;
+ $cross =~ s/\*\*\*replace-marker\*\*\*/$Opts{cross}/g;
+ print CROSS $cross;
+ close CROSS;
+# Now do some simple tests on the file we have created
+require $Config_PM;
+import Config;
+die "$0: $Config_PM not valid"
+ unless $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} eq 'true';
+die "$0: error processing $Config_PM"
+ if defined($Config{'an impossible name'})
+ or $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} ne 'true' # test cache
+ ;
+die "$0: error processing $Config_PM"
+ if eval '$Config{"cc"} = 1'
+ or eval 'delete $Config{"cc"}'
+ ;
+exit 0;