path: root/msdos/README.msdos
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diff --git a/msdos/README.msdos b/msdos/README.msdos
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- Notes on the MS-DOS Perl port
- Diomidis Spinellis
- (
-[0. First copy the files in the msdos directory into the parent
-1. Compiling.
- Perl has been compiled under MS-DOS using the Microsoft
-C compiler version 5.1. Before compiling install dir.h as
-<sys/dir.h>. You will need a Unix-like make program (e.g.
-pdmake) and something like yacc (e.g. bison). You could get
-away by running yacc and dry running make on a Unix host,
-but I haven't tried it. Compilation takes 12 minutes on a
-20MHz 386 machine (together with formating the manual), so
-you will probably need something to do in the meantime. The
-executable is 272k and the top level directory needs 1M for
-sources and about the same ammount for the object code and
-the executables.
- The makefile will compile glob for you which you will
-need to place somewhere in your path so that perl globbing
-will work correctly. I have not tried all the tests or the
-examples, nor the awk and sed to Perl translators. You are
-on your own with them. In the eg directory I have included
-an example program that uses ioctl to display the charac-
-teristics of the storage devices of the system.
-2. Using MS-DOS Perl
- The MS-DOS version of perl has most of the functional-
-ity of the Unix version. Functions that can not be provided
-under MS-DOS like sockets, password and host database
-access, fork and wait have been ommited and will terminate
-with a fatal error. Care has been taken to implement the
-rest. In particular directory access, redirection (includ-
-ing pipes, but excluding the pipe function), system, ioctl
-and sleep have been provided.
-[Files currently can be edited in-place provided you are cre-
-ating a backup. However, if the backup coincidentally has
-the same name as the original, or if the resulting backup
-filename is invalid, then the file will probably be trashed.
-For example, don't do
- perl -i~ script makefile
- perl -i.bak script file.dat
-because (1) MS-DOS treats "makefile~" and "makefile" as the
-same filename, and (2) "file.dat.bak" is an invalid filename.
-The files "makefile" and "file.dat" will probably be lost
-forever. Moral of the story: Don't use in-place editing
-under MS-DOS. --rjc]
-2.1. Interface to the MS-DOS ioctl system call.
- The function code of the ioctl function (the second
-argument) is encoded as follows:
-- The lowest nibble of the function code goes to AL.
-- The two middle nibbles go to CL.
-- The high nibble goes to CH.
- The return code is -1 in the case of an error and if
-- for functions AL = 00, 09, 0a the value of the register DX
-- for functions AL = 02 - 08, 0e the value of the register AX
-- for functions AL = 01, 0b - 0f the number 0.
- See the perl manual for instruction on how to distin-
-guish between the return value and the success of ioctl.
- Some ioctl functions need a number as the first argu-
-ment. Provided that no other files have been opened the
-number can be obtained if ioctl is called with
-@fdnum[number] as the first argument after executing the
-following code:
- @fdnum = ("STDIN", "STDOUT", "STDERR");
- $maxdrives = 15;
- for ($i = 3; $i < $maxdrives; $i++) {
- open("FD$i", "nul");
- @fdnum[$i - 1] = "FD$i";
- }
-2.2. Binary file access
- Files are opened in text mode by default. This means
-that CR LF pairs are translated to LF. If binary access is
-needed the `binary' function should be used. There is
-currently no way to reverse the effect of the binary func-
-tion. If that is needed close and reopen the file.
-2.3. Interpreter startup.
- The effect of the Unix #!/bin/perl interpreter startup
-can be obtained under MS-DOS by giving the script a .bat
-extension and using the following lines on its begining:
- @REM=("
- @perl %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- @end ") if 0 ;
-(Note that you will probably want an absolute path name in
-front of %0.bat).
- March 1990
- Diomidis Spinellis <>
- Myrsinis 1
- GR-145 62 Kifissia
- Greece
- Revisions to the MS-DOS support in Perl 4.0
- Tom Dinger, 18 March 1991
-The DOS compatibility added to Perl sometime in release 3.x was not
-maintained, and Perl as distributed could not be built without changes.
-Both myself and Len Reed more or less "rediscovered" how to get Perl built
-and running reliably for MS-DOS, using the Microsoft C compiler. He and I
-have communicated, and will be putting together additional patches for the
-DOS version of Perl.
-1. Compiling Perl
- For now, I have not supplied a makefile, as there is no standard for
- make utilities under DOS. All the files can be compiled with Microsoft
- C 5.1, using the switches "-AL -Ox" for Large memory model, maximum
- optimization (this turned out a few code generation bugs in MSC 5.1).
- The code will also compile with MSC 6.00A, with the optimization
- "-Oacegils /Gs" for all files (regcomp.c has special case code to change
- the aliasing optimizations).
- Generally, you follow the instructions given above to compile and build
- Perl 4.0 for DOS. I used the output of SunOS yacc run on perly.y,
- without modification, but I expect both Bison and Berkeley-YACC will work
- also. From inspection of the generated code, however, I believe AT&T
- derived YACC produces the smallest tables, i.e. uses the least memory.
- This is important for a 300K executable file.
-2. Editing in-place.
- You will need the file suffix.c from the os2 subdirectory -- it will
- create a backup file with much less danger for DOS.
-3. A "Smarter" chdir() function.
- I have added to the DOS version of Perl 4.0 a replacement chdir()
- function. Unlike the "normal" behavior, it is aware of drive letters
- at the start of paths for DOS. So for example:
- perl_chdir( "B:" ) changes to the default directory, on drive B:
- perl_chdir( "C:\FOO" ) changes to the specified directory, on drive C:
- perl_chdir( "\BAR" ) changes to the specified directory on the
- current drive.
-4. *.BAT Scripts as Perl scripts
- The strategy described above for turning a Perl script into a *.BAT
- script do not work. I have been using the following lines at the
- beginning of a Perl *.BAT script:
- @REM=(qq!
- @perl -S %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- @goto end !) if 0 ;
- and the following at the end of the *.BAT script:
- @REM=(qq!
- :end !) if 0 ;
- If you like, with the proper editor you can replace the four '!'
- characters with some untypeable character, such as Ctrl-A. This will
- allow you to pass any characters, including ".." strings as arguments.
-4. Things to Come
- * Better temporary file handling.
- * A real Makefile -- Len Reed has one for Dmake 3.6
- * Swapping code -- swaps most of Perl out of memory (to EMS, XMS or
- disk) before running a sub-program or pipe.
- * MKS command line support, both into Perl, and to other programs
- spawned by Perl.
- * Smarter pipe functions, not using COMMAND.COM.
- Tom Dinger
- tdinger@East.Sun.COM
- Martch 18, 1991