path: root/os2/os2.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'os2/os2.c')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/os2/os2.c b/os2/os2.c
index e8e10d97b7..776031d17b 100644
--- a/os2/os2.c
+++ b/os2/os2.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <os2.h>
#include "dlfcn.h"
#include <emx/syscalls.h>
+#include <sys/emxload.h>
#include <sys/uflags.h>
@@ -32,6 +33,14 @@
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
+enum module_name_how { mod_name_handle, mod_name_shortname, mod_name_full,
+ mod_name_C_function = 0x100, mod_name_HMODULE = 0x200};
+/* Find module name to which *this* subroutine is compiled */
+#define module_name(how) module_name_at(&module_name_at, how)
+static SV* module_name_at(void *pp, enum module_name_how how);
croak_with_os2error(char *s)
@@ -118,6 +127,7 @@ static struct perlos2_state_t {
int po2__my_pwent; /* = -1; */
int po2_DOS_harderr_state; /* = -1; */
signed char po2_DOS_suppression_state; /* = -1; */
PFN po2_ExtFCN[ORD_NENTRIES]; /* Labeled by ord ORD_*. */
/* struct PMWIN_entries_t po2_PMWIN_entries; */
@@ -153,7 +163,10 @@ static struct perlos2_state_t {
int po2_emx_runtime_init; /* If 1, we need to manually init it */
int po2_emx_exception_init; /* If 1, we need to manually set it */
int po2_emx_runtime_secondary;
+ char* (*po2_perllib_mangle_installed)(char *s, unsigned int l);
+ char* po2_perl_sh_installed;
+ PGINFOSEG po2_gTable;
+ PLINFOSEG po2_lTable;
} perlos2_state = {
-1, /* po2__my_pwent */
-1, /* po2_DOS_harderr_state */
@@ -195,10 +208,13 @@ static struct perlos2_state_t {
#define emx_runtime_init (Perl_po2()->po2_emx_runtime_init)
#define emx_exception_init (Perl_po2()->po2_emx_exception_init)
#define emx_runtime_secondary (Perl_po2()->po2_emx_runtime_secondary)
+#define perllib_mangle_installed (Perl_po2()->po2_perllib_mangle_installed)
+#define perl_sh_installed (Perl_po2()->po2_perl_sh_installed)
+#define gTable (Perl_po2()->po2_gTable)
+#define lTable (Perl_po2()->po2_lTable)
const Perl_PFN * const pExtFCN = (Perl_po2()->po2_ExtFCN);
#if defined(USE_5005THREADS) || defined(USE_ITHREADS)
typedef void (*emx_startroutine)(void *);
@@ -966,7 +982,7 @@ do_spawn_ve(pTHX_ SV *really, U32 flag, U32 execf, char *inicmd, U32 addflag)
int trueflag = flag;
int rc, pass = 1;
- char *real_name;
+ char *real_name = NULL; /* Shut down the warning */
char const * args[4];
static const char * const fargs[4]
= { "/bin/sh", "-c", "\"$@\"", "spawn-via-shell", };
@@ -2100,34 +2116,50 @@ void
CroakWinError(int die, char *name)
- if (die && Perl_rc) {
- dTHX;
+ if (die && Perl_rc)
+ croak_with_os2error(name ? name : "Win* API call");
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%s: %s", (name ? name : "Win* API call"), os2error(Perl_rc));
- }
+static char *
+dllname2buffer(pTHX_ char *buf, STRLEN l)
+ char *o;
+ STRLEN ll;
+ SV *dll = Nullsv;
+ dll = module_name(mod_name_full);
+ o = SvPV(dll, ll);
+ if (ll < l)
+ memcpy(buf,o,ll);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(dll);
+ return (ll >= l ? "???" : buf);
-char *
+static char *
+execname2buffer(char *buf, STRLEN l, char *oname)
- char buf[300], *p, *o = PL_origargv[0], ok = 1;
+ char *p, *orig = oname, ok = oname != NULL;
- if (_execname(buf, sizeof buf) != 0)
- return o;
+ if (_execname(buf, l) != 0) {
+ if (!oname || strlen(oname) >= l)
+ return oname;
+ strcpy(buf, oname);
+ ok = 0;
+ }
p = buf;
while (*p) {
if (*p == '\\')
*p = '/';
if (*p == '/') {
- if (ok && *o != '/' && *o != '\\')
+ if (ok && *oname != '/' && *oname != '\\')
ok = 0;
- } else if (ok && tolower(*o) != tolower(*p))
+ } else if (ok && tolower(*oname) != tolower(*p))
ok = 0;
- o++;
+ oname++;
- if (ok) { /* PL_origargv[0] matches the real name. Use PL_origargv[0]: */
- strcpy(buf, PL_origargv[0]); /* _execname() is always uppercased */
+ if (ok) { /* orig matches the real name. Use orig: */
+ strcpy(buf, orig); /* _execname() is always uppercased */
p = buf;
while (*p) {
if (*p == '\\')
@@ -2135,61 +2167,238 @@ os2_execname(pTHX)
- p = savepv(buf);
+ return buf;
+char *
+ char buf[300], *p = execname2buffer(buf, sizeof buf, PL_origargv[0]);
+ p = savepv(p);
return p;
+Perl_OS2_handler_install(void *handler, enum Perlos2_handler how)
+ char *s, b[300];
+ switch (how) {
+ case Perlos2_handler_mangle:
+ perllib_mangle_installed = (char *(*)(char *s, unsigned int l))handler;
+ return 1;
+ case Perlos2_handler_perl_sh:
+ s = (char *)handler;
+ s = dir_subst(s, strlen(s), b, sizeof b, 0, "handler_perl_sh");
+ perl_sh_installed = savepv(s);
+ return 1;
+ case Perlos2_handler_perllib_from:
+ s = (char *)handler;
+ s = dir_subst(s, strlen(s), b, sizeof b, 0, "handler_perllib_from");
+ oldl = strlen(s);
+ oldp = savepv(s);
+ return 1;
+ case Perlos2_handler_perllib_to:
+ s = (char *)handler;
+ s = dir_subst(s, strlen(s), b, sizeof b, 0, "handler_perllib_to");
+ newl = strlen(s);
+ newp = savepv(s);
+ strcpy(mangle_ret, newp);
+ s = mangle_ret - 1;
+ while (*++s)
+ if (*s == '\\')
+ *s = '/';
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Returns a malloc()ed copy */
+char *
+dir_subst(char *s, unsigned int l, char *b, unsigned int bl, enum dir_subst_e flags, char *msg)
+ char *from, *to = b, *e = b; /* `to' assignment: shut down the warning */
+ STRLEN froml = 0, tol = 0, rest = 0; /* froml: likewise */
+ if (l >= 2 && s[0] == '~') {
+ switch (s[1]) {
+ case 'i': case 'I':
+ from = "installprefix"; break;
+ case 'd': case 'D':
+ from = "dll"; break;
+ case 'e': case 'E':
+ from = "exe"; break;
+ default:
+ from = NULL;
+ froml = l + 1; /* Will not match */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (from)
+ froml = strlen(from) + 1;
+ if (l >= froml && strnicmp(s + 2, from + 1, froml - 2) == 0) {
+ int strip = 1;
+ switch (s[1]) {
+ case 'i': case 'I':
+ strip = 0;
+ tol = strlen(INSTALL_PREFIX);
+ if (tol >= bl) {
+ if (flags & dir_subst_fatal)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("INSTALL_PREFIX too long: `%s'", INSTALL_PREFIX);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(b, INSTALL_PREFIX, tol + 1);
+ to = b;
+ e = b + tol;
+ break;
+ case 'd': case 'D':
+ if (flags & dir_subst_fatal) {
+ dTHX;
+ to = dllname2buffer(aTHX_ b, bl);
+ } else { /* No Perl present yet */
+ HMODULE self = find_myself();
+ APIRET rc = DosQueryModuleName(self, bl, b);
+ if (rc)
+ return 0;
+ to = b - 1;
+ while (*++to)
+ if (*to == '\\')
+ *to = '/';
+ to = b;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e': case 'E':
+ if (flags & dir_subst_fatal) {
+ dTHX;
+ to = execname2buffer(b, bl, PL_origargv[0]);
+ } else
+ to = execname2buffer(b, bl, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!to)
+ return NULL;
+ if (strip) {
+ e = strrchr(to, '/');
+ if (!e && (flags & dir_subst_fatal))
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("%s: Can't parse EXE/DLL name: '%s'", msg, to);
+ else if (!e)
+ return NULL;
+ *e = 0;
+ }
+ s += froml; l -= froml;
+ if (!l)
+ return to;
+ if (!tol)
+ tol = strlen(to);
+ while (l >= 3 && (s[0] == '/' || s[0] == '\\')
+ && s[1] == '.' && s[2] == '.'
+ && (l == 3 || s[3] == '/' || s[3] == '\\' || s[3] == ';')) {
+ e = strrchr(b, '/');
+ if (!e && (flags & dir_subst_fatal))
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("%s: Error stripping dirs from EXE/DLL/INSTALLDIR name", msg);
+ else if (!e)
+ return NULL;
+ *e = 0;
+ l -= 3; s += 3;
+ }
+ if (l && s[0] != '/' && s[0] != '\\' && s[0] != ';')
+ *e++ = '/';
+ }
+ } /* Else: copy as is */
+ if (l && (flags & dir_subst_pathlike)) {
+ STRLEN i = 0;
+ while ( i < l - 2 && s[i] != ';') /* May have ~char after `;' */
+ i++;
+ if (i < l - 2) { /* Found */
+ rest = l - i - 1;
+ l = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (e + l >= b + bl) {
+ if (flags & dir_subst_fatal)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("%s: name `%s%s' too long", msg, b, s);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(e, s, l);
+ if (rest) {
+ e = dir_subst(s + l, rest, e + l, bl - (e + l - b), flags, msg);
+ return e ? b : e;
+ }
+ e[l] = 0;
+ return b;
+char *
+perllib_mangle_with(char *s, unsigned int l, char *from, unsigned int froml, char *to, unsigned int tol)
+ if (!to)
+ return s;
+ if (l == 0)
+ l = strlen(s);
+ if (l < froml || strnicmp(from, s, froml) != 0)
+ return s;
+ if (l + tol - froml > STATIC_FILE_LENGTH || tol > STATIC_FILE_LENGTH)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Malformed PERLLIB_PREFIX");
+ if (to && to != mangle_ret)
+ memcpy(mangle_ret, to, tol);
+ strcpy(mangle_ret + tol, s + froml);
+ return mangle_ret;
char *
perllib_mangle(char *s, unsigned int l)
+ char *name;
+ if (perllib_mangle_installed && (name = perllib_mangle_installed(s,l)))
+ return name;
if (!newp && !notfound) {
+ newp = getenv(name = "PERLLIB_" STRINGIFY(PERL_REVISION)
if (!newp)
+ newp = getenv(name = "PERLLIB_" STRINGIFY(PERL_REVISION)
if (!newp)
+ newp = getenv(name = "PERLLIB_" STRINGIFY(PERL_REVISION) "_PREFIX");
if (!newp)
- newp = getenv("PERLLIB_PREFIX");
+ newp = getenv(name = "PERLLIB_PREFIX");
if (newp) {
- char *s;
+ char *s, b[300];
oldp = newp;
- while (*newp && !isSPACE(*newp) && *newp != ';') {
- newp++; oldl++; /* Skip digits. */
- }
- while (*newp && (isSPACE(*newp) || *newp == ';')) {
+ while (*newp && !isSPACE(*newp) && *newp != ';')
+ newp++; /* Skip old name. */
+ oldl = newp - oldp;
+ s = dir_subst(oldp, oldl, b, sizeof b, dir_subst_fatal, name);
+ oldp = savepv(s);
+ oldl = strlen(s);
+ while (*newp && (isSPACE(*newp) || *newp == ';'))
newp++; /* Skip whitespace. */
- }
- newl = strlen(newp);
- if (newl == 0 || oldl == 0) {
- Perl_croak_nocontext("Malformed PERLLIB_PREFIX");
- }
- strcpy(mangle_ret, newp);
- s = mangle_ret;
- while (*s) {
- if (*s == '\\') *s = '/';
- s++;
- }
- } else {
+ Perl_OS2_handler_install((void *)newp, Perlos2_handler_perllib_to);
+ if (newl == 0 || oldl == 0)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Malformed %s", name);
+ } else
notfound = 1;
- }
- if (!newp) {
+ if (!newp)
return s;
- }
- if (l == 0) {
+ if (l == 0)
l = strlen(s);
- }
- if (l < oldl || strnicmp(oldp, s, oldl) != 0) {
+ if (l < oldl || strnicmp(oldp, s, oldl) != 0)
return s;
- }
- if (l + newl - oldl > STATIC_FILE_LENGTH || newl > STATIC_FILE_LENGTH) {
+ if (l + newl - oldl > STATIC_FILE_LENGTH || newl > STATIC_FILE_LENGTH)
Perl_croak_nocontext("Malformed PERLLIB_PREFIX");
- }
strcpy(mangle_ret + newl, s + oldl);
return mangle_ret;
@@ -2394,6 +2603,105 @@ XS(XS_OS2_Errors2Drive)
+async_mssleep(ULONG ms, int switch_priority) {
+ /* This is similar to DosSleep(), but has 8ms granularity in time-critical
+ threads even on Warp3. */
+ HEV hevEvent1 = 0; /* Event semaphore handle */
+ HTIMER htimerEvent1 = 0; /* Timer handle */
+ APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; /* Return code */
+ int ret = 1;
+ ULONG priority = 0, nesting; /* Shut down the warnings */
+ PPIB pib;
+ PTIB tib;
+ char *e = NULL;
+ APIRET badrc;
+ if (!(_emx_env & 0x200)) /* DOS */
+ return !_sleep2(ms);
+ os2cp_croak(DosCreateEventSem(NULL, /* Unnamed */
+ &hevEvent1, /* Handle of semaphore returned */
+ DC_SEM_SHARED, /* Shared needed for DosAsyncTimer */
+ FALSE), /* Semaphore is in RESET state */
+ "DosCreateEventSem");
+ if (ms >= switch_priority)
+ switch_priority = 0;
+ if (switch_priority) {
+ if (CheckOSError(DosGetInfoBlocks(&tib, &pib)))
+ switch_priority = 0;
+ else {
+ /* In Warp3, to switch scheduling to 8ms step, one needs to do
+ DosAsyncTimer() in time-critical thread. On laters versions,
+ more and more cases of wait-for-something are covered.
+ It turns out that on Warp3fp42 it is the priority at the time
+ of DosAsyncTimer() which matters. Let's hope that this works
+ with later versions too... XXXX
+ */
+ priority = (tib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ulpri);
+ if ((priority & 0xFF00) == 0x0300) /* already time-critical */
+ switch_priority = 0;
+ /* Make us time-critical. Just modifying TIB is not enough... */
+ /* tib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ulpri = 0x0300;*/
+ /* We do not want to run at high priority if a signal causes us
+ to longjmp() out of this section... */
+ if (DosEnterMustComplete(&nesting))
+ switch_priority = 0;
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ if ((badrc = DosAsyncTimer(ms,
+ (HSEM) hevEvent1, /* Semaphore to post */
+ &htimerEvent1))) /* Timer handler (returned) */
+ e = "DosAsyncTimer";
+ if (switch_priority && tib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ulpri == 0x0300) {
+ /* Nobody switched priority while we slept... Ignore errors... */
+ /* tib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ulpri = priority; */ /* Get back... */
+ if (!(rc = DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, (priority>>8) & 0xFF, 0, 0)))
+ rc = DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, 0, priority & 0xFF, 0);
+ }
+ if (switch_priority)
+ rc = DosExitMustComplete(&nesting); /* Ignore errors */
+ /* The actual blocking call is made with "normal" priority. This way we
+ should not bother with DosSleep(0) etc. to compensate for us interrupting
+ higher-priority threads. The goal is to prohibit the system spending too
+ much time halt()ing, not to run us "no matter what". */
+ if (!e) /* Wait for AsyncTimer event */
+ badrc = DosWaitEventSem(hevEvent1, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
+ if (e) ; /* Do nothing */
+ else if (badrc == ERROR_INTERRUPT)
+ ret = 0;
+ else if (badrc)
+ e = "DosWaitEventSem";
+ if ((rc = DosCloseEventSem(hevEvent1)) && !e) { /* Get rid of semaphore */
+ e = "DosCloseEventSem";
+ badrc = rc;
+ }
+ if (e)
+ os2cp_croak(badrc, e);
+ return ret;
+XS(XS_OS2_ms_sleep) /* for testing only... */
+ ULONG ms, lim;
+ if (items > 2 || items < 1)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: OS2::ms_sleep(wait_ms [, high_priority_limit])");
+ ms = SvUV(ST(0));
+ lim = items > 1 ? SvUV(ST(1)) : ms + 1;
+ async_mssleep(ms, lim);
ULONG (*pDosTmrQueryFreq) (PULONG);
ULONG (*pDosTmrQueryTime) (unsigned long long *);
@@ -2425,6 +2733,37 @@ XS(XS_OS2_Timer)
+ if (items != 0)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: OS2::msCounter()");
+ {
+ XSprePUSH; PUSHu(msCounter());
+ }
+ int is_local = 0;
+ if (items > 1)
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: OS2::_infoTable([isLocal])");
+ if (items == 1)
+ is_local = (int)SvIV(ST(0));
+ {
+ XSprePUSH; PUSHu(InfoTable(is_local));
+ }
static const char * const dc_fields[] = {
@@ -3219,11 +3558,13 @@ typedef APIRET (*PELP)(PSZ path, ULONG type);
-ExtLIBPATH(ULONG ord, PSZ path, IV type)
+ExtLIBPATH(ULONG ord, PSZ path, IV type, int fatal)
ULONG what;
- PFN f = loadByOrdinal(ord, 1); /* Guarantied to load or die! */
+ PFN f = loadByOrdinal(ord, fatal); /* if fatal: load or die! */
+ if (!f) /* Impossible with fatal */
+ return Perl_rc;
if (type > 0)
else if (type == 0)
@@ -3233,23 +3574,35 @@ ExtLIBPATH(ULONG ord, PSZ path, IV type)
return (*(PELP)f)(path, what);
-#define extLibpath(to,type) \
- (CheckOSError(ExtLIBPATH(ORD_DosQueryExtLibpath, (to), (type))) ? NULL : (to) )
+#define extLibpath(to,type, fatal) \
+ (CheckOSError(ExtLIBPATH(ORD_DosQueryExtLibpath, (to), (type), fatal)) ? NULL : (to) )
+#define extLibpath_set(p,type, fatal) \
+ (!CheckOSError(ExtLIBPATH(ORD_DosSetExtLibpath, (p), (type), fatal)))
-#define extLibpath_set(p,type) \
- (!CheckOSError(ExtLIBPATH(ORD_DosSetExtLibpath, (p), (type))))
+static void
+early_error(char *msg1, char *msg2, char *msg3)
+{ /* Buffer overflow detected; there is very little we can do... */
+ ULONG rc;
+ DosWrite(2, msg1, strlen(msg1), &rc);
+ DosWrite(2, msg2, strlen(msg2), &rc);
+ DosWrite(2, msg3, strlen(msg3), &rc);
+ DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 2);
if (items < 0 || items > 1)
- Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: Cwd::extLibpath(type = 0)");
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: OS2::extLibpath(type = 0)");
IV type;
char to[1024];
U32 rc;
char * RETVAL;
if (items < 1)
type = 0;
@@ -3258,9 +3611,13 @@ XS(XS_Cwd_extLibpath)
to[0] = 1; to[1] = 0; /* Sometimes no error reported */
- RETVAL = extLibpath(to, type);
+ RETVAL = extLibpath(to, type, 1); /* Make errors fatal */
if (RETVAL && RETVAL[0] == 1 && RETVAL[1] == 0)
- Perl_croak_nocontext("panic Cwd::extLibpath parameter");
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("panic OS2::extLibpath parameter");
+ l = strlen(to);
+ if (l >= sizeof(to))
+ early_error("Buffer overflow while getting BEGIN/ENDLIBPATH: `",
+ to, "'\r\n"); /* Will not return */
sv_setpv(TARG, RETVAL);
@@ -3271,7 +3628,7 @@ XS(XS_Cwd_extLibpath_set)
if (items < 1 || items > 2)
- Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: Cwd::extLibpath_set(s, type = 0)");
+ Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: OS2::extLibpath_set(s, type = 0)");
char * s = (char *)SvPV(ST(0),n_a);
@@ -3285,13 +3642,74 @@ XS(XS_Cwd_extLibpath_set)
type = SvIV(ST(1));
- RETVAL = extLibpath_set(s, type);
+ RETVAL = extLibpath_set(s, type, 1); /* Make errors fatal */
ST(0) = boolSV(RETVAL);
if (SvREFCNT(ST(0))) sv_2mortal(ST(0));
+fill_extLibpath(int type, char *pre, char *post, int replace, char *msg)
+ char buf[2048], *to = buf, buf1[300], *s;
+ ULONG rc;
+ if (!pre && !post)
+ return 0;
+ if (pre) {
+ pre = dir_subst(pre, strlen(pre), buf1, sizeof buf1, dir_subst_pathlike, msg);
+ if (!pre)
+ l = strlen(pre);
+ if (l >= sizeof(buf)/2)
+ s = pre - 1;
+ while (*++s)
+ if (*s == '/')
+ *s = '\\'; /* Be extra causious */
+ memcpy(to, pre, l);
+ if (!l || to[l-1] != ';')
+ to[l++] = ';';
+ to += l;
+ }
+ if (!replace) {
+ to[0] = 1; to[1] = 0; /* Sometimes no error reported */
+ rc = ExtLIBPATH(ORD_DosQueryExtLibpath, to, type, 0); /* Do not croak */
+ if (rc)
+ return rc;
+ if (to[0] == 1 && to[1] == 0)
+ to += strlen(to);
+ if (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1 <= to) /* Buffer overflow */
+ early_error("Buffer overflow while getting BEGIN/ENDLIBPATH: `",
+ buf, "'\r\n"); /* Will not return */
+ if (to > buf && to[-1] != ';')
+ *to++ = ';';
+ }
+ if (post) {
+ post = dir_subst(post, strlen(post), buf1, sizeof buf1, dir_subst_pathlike, msg);
+ if (!post)
+ l = strlen(post);
+ if (l + to - buf >= sizeof(buf) - 1)
+ s = post - 1;
+ while (*++s)
+ if (*s == '/')
+ *s = '\\'; /* Be extra causious */
+ memcpy(to, post, l);
+ if (!l || to[l-1] != ';')
+ to[l++] = ';';
+ to += l;
+ }
+ *to = 0;
+ rc = ExtLIBPATH(ORD_DosSetExtLibpath, buf, type, 0); /* Do not croak */
+ return rc;
/* Input: Address, BufLen
DosQueryModFromEIP (HMODULE * hmod, ULONG * obj, ULONG BufLen, PCHAR Buf,
@@ -3303,9 +3721,6 @@ DeclOSFuncByORD(APIRET, _DosQueryModFromEIP,ORD_DosQueryModFromEIP,
ULONG * Offset, ULONG Address),
(hmod, obj, BufLen, Buf, Offset, Address))
-enum module_name_how { mod_name_handle, mod_name_shortname, mod_name_full,
- mod_name_C_function = 0x100, mod_name_HMODULE = 0x200};
static SV*
module_name_at(void *pp, enum module_name_how how)
@@ -3351,9 +3766,6 @@ module_name_of_cv(SV *cv, enum module_name_how how)
return module_name_at(CvXSUB(SvRV(cv)), how);
-/* Find module name to which *this* subroutine is compiled */
-#define module_name(how) module_name_at(&module_name_at, how)
@@ -3589,6 +4001,8 @@ Xs_OS2_init(pTHX)
newXS("File::Copy::syscopy", XS_File__Copy_syscopy, file);
newXS("Cwd::extLibpath", XS_Cwd_extLibpath, file);
newXS("Cwd::extLibpath_set", XS_Cwd_extLibpath_set, file);
+ newXS("OS2::extLibpath", XS_Cwd_extLibpath, file);
+ newXS("OS2::extLibpath_set", XS_Cwd_extLibpath_set, file);
newXS("OS2::Error", XS_OS2_Error, file);
newXS("OS2::Errors2Drive", XS_OS2_Errors2Drive, file);
@@ -3620,6 +4034,9 @@ Xs_OS2_init(pTHX)
newXSproto("OS2::_headerInfo", XS_OS2__headerInfo, file, "$$;$$");
newXSproto("OS2::libPath", XS_OS2_libPath, file, "");
newXSproto("OS2::Timer", XS_OS2_Timer, file, "");
+ newXSproto("OS2::msCounter", XS_OS2_msCounter, file, "");
+ newXSproto("OS2::ms_sleep", XS_OS2_ms_sleep, file, "$;$");
+ newXSproto("OS2::_InfoTable", XS_OS2__InfoTable, file, ";$");
newXSproto("OS2::incrMaxFHandles", XS_OS2_incrMaxFHandles, file, ";$");
newXSproto("OS2::SysValues", XS_OS2_SysValues, file, ";$$");
newXSproto("OS2::SysValues_set", XS_OS2_SysValues_set, file, "$$;$");
@@ -3741,6 +4158,12 @@ force_init_emx_runtime(EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD *preg, ULONG flags)
oldstack = tib->tib_pstack;
oldstackend = tib->tib_pstacklimit;
+ if ( (char*)&s < (char*)oldstack + 4*1024
+ || (char *)oldstackend < (char*)oldstack + 52*1024 )
+ early_error("It is a lunacy to try to run EMX Perl ",
+ "with less than 64K of stack;\r\n",
+ " at least with non-EMX starter...\r\n");
/* Minimize the damage to the stack via reducing the size of argv. */
pib->pib_pchcmd = "\0\0"; /* Need 3 concatenated strings */
@@ -3863,7 +4286,7 @@ extern ULONG __os_version(); /* See system.doc */
check_emx_runtime(char **env, EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD *preg)
- ULONG v_crt, v_emx, count = 0, rc, rc1, maybe_inited = 0;
+ ULONG v_crt, v_emx, count = 0, rc = NO_ERROR, rc1, maybe_inited = 0;
static HMTX hmtx_emx_init = NULLHANDLE;
static int emx_init_done = 0;
@@ -4000,7 +4423,8 @@ Perl_OS2_init(char **env)
Perl_OS2_init3(char **env, void **preg, int flags)
- char *shell;
+ char *shell, *s;
+ ULONG rc;
@@ -4009,15 +4433,20 @@ Perl_OS2_init3(char **env, void **preg, int flags)
OS2_Perl_data.xs_init = &Xs_OS2_init;
- if ( (shell = getenv("PERL_SH_DRIVE")) ) {
+ if (perl_sh_installed) {
+ int l = strlen(perl_sh_installed);
+ New(1304, PL_sh_path, l + 1, char);
+ memcpy(PL_sh_path, perl_sh_installed, l + 1);
+ } else if ( (shell = getenv("PERL_SH_DRIVE")) ) {
New(1304, PL_sh_path, strlen(SH_PATH) + 1, char);
strcpy(PL_sh_path, SH_PATH);
PL_sh_path[0] = shell[0];
} else if ( (shell = getenv("PERL_SH_DIR")) ) {
int l = strlen(shell), i;
- if (shell[l-1] == '/' || shell[l-1] == '\\') {
+ while (l && (shell[l-1] == '/' || shell[l-1] == '\\'))
- }
New(1304, PL_sh_path, l + 8, char);
strncpy(PL_sh_path, shell, l);
strcpy(PL_sh_path + l, "/sh.exe");
@@ -4032,6 +4461,29 @@ Perl_OS2_init3(char **env, void **preg, int flags)
os2_mytype = my_type(); /* Do it before morphing. Needed? */
os2_mytype_ini = os2_mytype;
Perl_os2_initial_mode = -1; /* Uninit */
+ s = getenv("PERL_BEGINLIBPATH");
+ if (s)
+ rc = fill_extLibpath(0, s, NULL, 1, "PERL_BEGINLIBPATH");
+ else
+ rc = fill_extLibpath(0, getenv("PERL_PRE_BEGINLIBPATH"), getenv("PERL_POST_BEGINLIBPATH"), 0, "PERL_(PRE/POST)_BEGINLIBPATH");
+ if (!rc) {
+ s = getenv("PERL_ENDLIBPATH");
+ if (s)
+ rc = fill_extLibpath(1, s, NULL, 1, "PERL_ENDLIBPATH");
+ else
+ rc = fill_extLibpath(1, getenv("PERL_PRE_ENDLIBPATH"), getenv("PERL_POST_ENDLIBPATH"), 0, "PERL_(PRE/POST)_ENDLIBPATH");
+ }
+ if (rc) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Error setting BEGIN/ENDLIBPATH: %s\n",
+ os2error(rc));
+ DosWrite(2, buf, strlen(buf), &rc);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ _emxload_env("PERL_EMXLOAD_SECS");
/* Some DLLs reset FP flags on load. We may have been linked with them */
_control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM);
@@ -4460,3 +4912,52 @@ int fork_with_resources()
return rc;
+/* APIRET APIENTRY DosGetInfoSeg(PSEL pselGlobal, PSEL pselLocal); */
+ULONG _THUNK_FUNCTION(Dos16GetInfoSeg)(USHORT *pGlobal, USHORT *pLocal);
+myDosGetInfoSeg(PGINFOSEG *pGlobal, PLINFOSEG *pLocal)
+ APIRET rc;
+ USHORT gSel, lSel; /* Will not cross 64K boundary */
+ rc = ((USHORT)
+ (_THUNK_PROLOG (4+4);
+ _THUNK_FLAT (&gSel);
+ _THUNK_FLAT (&lSel);
+ _THUNK_CALL (Dos16GetInfoSeg)));
+ if (rc)
+ return rc;
+ *pGlobal = MAKEPGINFOSEG(gSel);
+ *pLocal = MAKEPLINFOSEG(lSel);
+ return rc;
+static void
+ ULONG rc = 0;
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&perlos2_state_mutex);
+ if (!gTable)
+ rc = myDosGetInfoSeg(&gTable, &lTable);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&perlos2_state_mutex);
+ os2cp_croak(rc, "Dos16GetInfoSeg");
+{ /* XXXX Is not lTable thread-specific? */
+ if (!gTable)
+ GetInfoTables();
+ return gTable->SIS_MsCount;
+InfoTable(int local)
+ if (!gTable)
+ GetInfoTables();
+ return local ? (ULONG)lTable : (ULONG)gTable;