path: root/pod/perlxstut.pod
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+=head1 NAME
+perlXStut - Tutorial for XSUB's
+This tutorial will educate the reader on the steps involved in creating
+a Perl 5 extension. The reader is assumed to have access to L<perlguts> and
+This tutorial starts with very simple examples and becomes more complex,
+bringing in more features that are available. Thus, certain statements
+towards the beginning may be incomplete. The reader is encouraged to
+read the entire document before lambasting the author about apparent
+This tutorial is still under construction. Constructive comments
+are welcome.
+=head1 EXAMPLE 1
+Our first extension will be very simple. When we call the routine in the
+extension, it will print out a well-known message and terminate.
+Run "h2xs -A -n Test1". This creates a directory named Test1, possibly under
+ext/ if it exists in the current working directory. Four files will be
+created in the Test1 dir: MANIFEST, Makefile.PL,, Test1.xs.
+The MANIFEST file should contain the names of the four files created.
+The file Makefile.PL should look something like this:
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
+ # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+ WriteMakefile(
+ 'NAME' => 'Test1',
+ 'VERSION' => '0.1',
+ 'LIBS' => [''], # e.g., '-lm'
+ 'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
+ 'INC' => '', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
+ );
+The file should look something like this:
+ package Test1;
+ require Exporter;
+ require DynaLoader;
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+ # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
+ # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
+ # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
+ @EXPORT = qw(
+ );
+ bootstrap Test1;
+ # Preloaded methods go here.
+ # Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program.
+ 1;
+ __END__
+And the Test1.xs file should look something like this:
+ #include "EXTERN.h"
+ #include "perl.h"
+ #include "XSUB.h"
+ MODULE = Test1 PACKAGE = Test1
+Let's edit the .xs file by adding this to the end of the file:
+ void
+ hello()
+ printf("Hello, world!\n");
+Now we'll run "perl Makefile.PL". This will create a real Makefile,
+which make needs. It's output looks something like:
+ % perl Makefile.PL
+ Checking if your kit is complete...
+ Looks good
+ Writing Makefile for Test1
+ %
+Now, running make will produce output that looks something like this:
+ % make
+ mkdir ./blib
+ mkdir ./blib/auto
+ mkdir ./blib/auto/Test1
+ perl xsubpp -typemap typemap Test1.xs > && mv Test1.c
+ cc -c Test1.c
+ Running Mkbootstrap for Test1 ()
+ chmod 644
+ LD_RUN_PATH="" ld -o ./blib/auto/Test1/ -b Test1.o
+ chmod 755 ./blib/auto/Test1/
+ cp ./blib/auto/Test1/
+ chmod 644 ./blib/auto/Test1/
+ cp ./blib/
+ chmod 644 ./blib/
+Now we'll create a test script, in the Test1 directory. It should
+look like this:
+ #! /usr/local/bin/perl
+ BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./blib") }
+ use Test1;
+ Test1::hello();
+Now we run the script and we should see the following output:
+ % perl
+ Hello, world!
+ %
+=head1 EXAMPLE 2
+Now let's create a simple extension that will take a single argument and
+return 0 if the argument is even, 1 if the argument is odd.
+Run "h2xs -A -n Test2". This will create a Test2 directory with a file
+Test2.xs underneath it. Add the following to the end of the XS file:
+ int
+ is_even(input)
+ int input
+ RETVAL = input % 2;
+(Note that the line after the declaration of is_even is indented one tab
+stop. Although there is a tab between "int" and "input", this can be any
+amount of white space. Also notice that there is no semi-colon following
+the "declaration" of the variable input)
+Now perform the same steps before, generating a Makefile from the
+Makefile.PL file, and running make.
+Our test file will now look like:
+ BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./blib"); }
+ use Test2;
+ $a = &Test2::is_even(2);
+ $b = &Test2::is_even(3);
+ print "\$a is $a, \$b is $b\n";
+The output should look like:
+ % perl
+ $a is 0, $b is 1
+ %
+The program h2xs is the starting point for creating extensions. In later
+examples, we'll see how we can use h2xs to read header files and generate
+templates to connect to C routines.
+h2xs creates a number of files in the extension directory. The file
+Makefile.PL is a perl script which will generate a true Makefile to build
+the extension. We'll take a closer look at it later.
+The files <extension>.pm and <extension>.xs contain the meat of the extension.
+The .xs file holds the C routines that make up the extension. The .pm file
+contains routines that tells Perl how to load your extension.
+Generating the invoking the Makefile created a directory blib in the current
+working directory. This directory will contain the shared library that we
+will build. Once we have tested it, we can install it into its final location.
+Finally, our test scripts do two important things. First of all, they place
+the directory "blib" at the head of the @INC array. Placing this inside a
+BEGIN block assures us that Perl will look in the blib directory hierarchy
+before looking in the system directories. This could be important if you are
+upgrading an already-existing extension and do not want to disturb the system
+version until you are ready to install it.
+Second, the test scripts tell Perl to C<use extension;>. When Perl sees this,
+it searches for a .pm file of the same name in the various directories kept
+in the @INC array. If it cannot be found, perl will die with an error that
+will look something like:
+ Can't locate in @INC at ./ line 5.
+ BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 5.
+The .pm file tells perl that it will need the Exporter and Dynamic Loader
+extensions. It then sets the @ISA array, which is used for looking up
+methods that might not exist in the current package, and finally tells perl
+to bootstrap the module. Perl will call its dynamic loader routine and load
+the shared library.
+The @EXPORT array in the .pm file tells Perl which of the extension's
+routines should be placed into the calling package's namespace. In our two
+examples so far, we have not modified the @EXPORT array, so our test
+scripts must call the routines by their complete name (e.g., Test1::hello).
+If we placed the name of the routine in the @EXPORT array, so that the file looked like:
+ @EXPORT = qw( hello );
+Then the hello routine would also be callable from the "main" package.
+We could therefore change to look like:
+ #! /usr/local/bin/perl
+ BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./blib") }
+ use Test1;
+ hello();
+And we would get the same output, "Hello, world!".
+Most of the time you do not want to export the names of your extension's
+subroutines, because they might accidentally clash with other subroutines
+from other extensions or from the calling program itself.
+=head1 EXAMPLE 3
+Our third extension will take one argument as its input, round off that
+value, and set the argument to the rounded value.
+Run "h2xs -A -n Test3". This will create a Test3 directory with a file
+Test3.xs underneath it. Add the following to the end of the XS file:
+ void
+ round(arg)
+ double arg
+ if (arg > 0.0) {
+ arg = floor(arg + 0.5);
+ } else if (arg < 0.0) {
+ arg = ceil(arg - 0.5);
+ } else {
+ arg = 0.0;
+ }
+ arg
+Edit the file Makefile.PL so that the corresponding line looks like this:
+ 'LIBS' => ['-lm'], # e.g., '-lm'
+Generate the Makefile and run make. The test script looks like:
+ #! /usr/local/bin/perl
+ BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./blib"); }
+ use Test3;
+ foreach $i (-1.4, -0.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5) {
+ $j = $i;
+ &Test3::round($j);
+ print "Rounding $i results in $j\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "Trying to round a constant -- ";
+ &Test3::round(2.0);
+Notice the output from trying to send a constant in to the routine. Perl
+ Modification of a read-only value attempted at ./ line 15.
+Perl won't let you change the value of two to, say, three, unlike a FORTRAN
+compiler from long, long ago!
+=head1 WHAT'S NEW HERE?
+Two things are new here. First, we've made some changes to Makefile.PL.
+In this case, we've specified an extra library to link in, in this case the
+math library, libm. We'll talk later about how to write XSUBs that can call
+every routine in a library.
+Second, the value of the function is being passed back not as the function's
+return value, but through the same variable that was passed into the function.
+You specify the parameters that will be passed into the XSUB just after you
+declare the function return value and name. The list of parameters looks
+very C-like, but the lines must be indented by a tab stop, and each line
+may not have an ending semi-colon.
+The list of output parameters occurs after the OUTPUT: directive. The use
+of RETVAL tells Perl that you wish to send this value back as the return
+value of the XSUB function. Otherwise, you specify which variables used
+in the XSUB function should be placed into the respective Perl variables
+passed in.
+The compiler xsubpp takes the XS code in the .xs file and converts it into
+C code, placing it in a file whose suffix is .c. The C code created makes
+heavy use of the C functions within Perl.
+The xsubpp compiler uses rules to convert from Perl's data types (scalar,
+array, etc.) to C's data types (int, char *, etc.). These rules are stored
+in the typemap file ($PERLLIB/ExtUtils/typemap). This file is split into
+three parts.
+The first part attempts to map various C data types to a coded flag, which
+has some correspondence with the various Perl types. The second part contains
+C code which xsubpp uses for input parameters. The third part contains C
+code which xsubpp uses for output parameters. We'll talk more about the
+C code later.
+Let's now take a look at the .c file created for the Test3 extension.
+ /*
+ * This file was generated automatically by xsubpp version 1.9 from the
+ * contents of Test3.xs. Don't edit this file, edit Test3.xs instead.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ #include "EXTERN.h"
+ #include "perl.h"
+ #include "XSUB.h"
+ XS(XS_Test3_round)
+ {
+ if (items != 1) {
+ croak("Usage: Test3::round(arg)");
+ }
+ {
+ double arg = (double)SvNV(ST(0)); /* XXXXX */
+ if (arg > 0.0) {
+ arg = floor(arg + 0.5);
+ } else if (arg < 0.0) {
+ arg = ceil(arg - 0.5);
+ }
+ sv_setnv(ST(0), (double)arg); /* XXXXX */
+ }
+ }
+ XS(boot_Test3)
+ {
+ char* file = __FILE__;
+ newXS("Test3::round", XS_Test3_round, file);
+ ST(0) = &sv_yes;
+ }
+Notice the two lines marked with "XXXXX". If you check the first section of
+the typemap file, you'll see that doubles are of type T_DOUBLE. In the
+INPUT section, an argument that is T_DOUBLE is assigned to the variable
+arg by calling the routine SvNV on something, then casting it to double,
+then assigned to the variable arg. Similarly, in the OUTPUT section,
+once arg has its final value, it is passed to the sv_setnv function to
+be passed back to the calling subroutine. These two functions are explained
+in perlguts; we'll talk more later about what that "ST(0)" means in the
+section on the argument stack.
+=head1 WARNING
+In general, it's not agood idea to write extensions that modify their input
+parameters, as in Example 3. However, in order to better accomodate calling
+pre-existing C routines, which often do modify their input parameters,
+this behavior is tolerated. The next example will show to do this.
+=head1 EXAMPLE 4
+We'll now show how we can call routines in libraries, such as the curses
+screen handling package, or a DBM module like GDBM. Each of these libraries
+has a header file from which we will generate an XS template that we'll then
+Rather than attempt to find a library that exists on all systems, we'll
+first create our own C library, then create an XSUB to it.
+Let's create the files libtest4.h and libtest4.c as follows:
+ /* libtest4.h */
+ #define TESTVAL 4
+ extern int test4(int, long, const char*);
+ /* libtest4.c */
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "./libtest4.h"
+ int
+ test4(a, b, c)
+ int a;
+ long b;
+ const char * c;
+ {
+ return (a + b + atof(c) + TESTVAL);
+ }
+Now let's compile it into a library. Since we'll be eventually using this
+archive to create a shared library, be sure to use the correct flags to
+generate position-independent code. In HP-UX, that's:
+ % cc -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE -c +z libtest4.c
+ % ar cr libtest4.a libtest4.o
+Now let's move the libtest4.h and libtest.a files into a sub-directory under
+/tmp, so we don't interfere with anything.
+ % mkdir /tmp/test4
+ % mkdir /tmp/test4/include
+ % mkdir /tmp/test4/lib
+ % cp libtest4.h /tmp/test4/include
+ % cp libtest4.a /tmp/test4/lib
+Okay, now that we have a header file and a library, let's begin actually
+writing the extension.
+Run "h2xs -n Test4 /tmp/test4/include/libtest4.h" (notice we are no longer
+specifying -A as an argument). This will create a Test4 directory with a file
+Test4.xs underneath it. If we look at it now, we'll see some interesting
+things have been added to the various files.
+=over 2
+=item *
+In the .xs file, there's now a #include declaration with the full path to
+the libtest4.h header file.
+=item *
+There's now some new C code that's been added to the .xs file. The purpose
+of the C<constant> routine is to make the values that are #define'd in the
+header file available to the Perl script by calling C<&main::TESTVAL>.
+There's also some XS code to allow calls to the C<constant> routine.
+=item *
+The .pm file has exported the name TESTVAL in the @EXPORT array. This
+could lead to name clashes. A good rule of thumb is that if the #define
+is only going to be used by the C routines themselves, and not by the user,
+they should be removed from the @EXPORT array. Alternately, if you don't
+mind using the "fully qualified name" of a variable, you could remove most
+or all of the items in the @EXPORT array.
+Let's now add a definition for the routine in our library. Add the following
+code to the end of the .xs file:
+ int
+ test4(a,b,c)
+ int a
+ long b
+ const char * c
+Now we also need to create a typemap file because the default Perl doesn't
+currently support the const char * type. Create a file called typemap and
+place the following in it:
+ const char * T_PV
+Now we must tell our Makefile template where our new library is. Edit the
+Makefile.PL and change the following line:
+ 'LIBS' => ['-ltest4 -L/tmp/test4'], # e.g., '-lm'
+This specifies that we want the library test4 linked into our XSUB, and that
+it should also look in the directory /tmp/test4.
+Let's also change the following line in the Makefile.PL to this:
+ 'INC' => '-I/tmp/test/include', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
+and also change the #include in test4.xs to be:
+ #include <libtest4.h>
+Now we don't have to specify the absolute path of the header file in the
+.xs file, relying on the Makefile to tell the compiler where to find the
+header files. This is generally considered a Good Thing.
+Okay, let's create the Makefile, and run make. You can ignore a message that
+may look like:
+ Warning (non-fatal): No library found for -ltest4
+If you forgot to create the typemap file, you might see output that looks
+like this:
+ Error: 'const char *' not in typemap in test4.xs, line 102
+This error means that you have used a C datatype that xsubpp doesn't know
+how to convert between Perl and C. You'll have to create a typemap file to
+tell xsubpp how to do the conversions.
+=head1 Author
+Jeff Okamoto
+=head1 Last Changed
+Jeff Okamoto