path: root/pod/pod2html.SH
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pod/pod2html.SH')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/pod/pod2html.SH b/pod/pod2html.SH
deleted file mode 100755
index af5161377d..0000000000
--- a/pod/pod2html.SH
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-case $CONFIG in
- if test -f; then TOP=.;
- elif test -f ../; then TOP=..;
- elif test -f ../../; then TOP=../..;
- elif test -f ../../../; then TOP=../../..;
- elif test -f ../../../../; then TOP=../../../..;
- else
- echo "Can't find"; exit 1
- fi
- . $TOP/
- ;;
-case "$0" in
-*/*) cd `expr X$0 : 'X\(.*\)/'` ;;
-echo "Extracting pod/pod2html (with variable substitutions)"
-rm -f pod2html
-$spitshell >pod2html <<!GROK!THIS!
-eval 'exec perl -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}'
- if \$running_under_some_shell;
-$spitshell >>pod2html <<'!NO!SUBS!'
-# pod2html - convert pod format to html
-# usage: pod2html [podfiles]
-# will read the cwd and parse all files with .pod extension
-# if no arguments are given on the command line.
-*RS = */;
-*ERRNO = *!;
-use Carp;
-$gensym = 0;
-while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-d(.*)/) {
- shift;
- $Debug{ lc($1 || shift) }++;
-# look in these pods for things not found within the current pod
-@inclusions = qw[
- perlfunc perlvar perlrun perlop
-# ck for podnames on command line
-while ($ARGV[0]) {
- push(@Pods,shift);
-# location of pods
-# The beginning of the url for the anchors to the other sections.
-# Edit $type to suit. It's configured for relative url's now.
-$type='<A HREF="';
-$debug = 0;
- opendir(DIR,$dir) or die "Can't opendir $dir: $ERRNO";
- @Pods = grep(/\.pod$/,readdir(DIR));
- closedir(DIR) or die "Can't closedir $dir: $ERRNO";
-@Pods or die "expected pods";
-# loop twice through the pods, first to learn the links, then to produce html
-for $count (0,1){
- (print "Scanning pods...\n") unless $count;
- foreach $podfh ( @Pods ) {
- ($pod = $podfh) =~ s/\.pod$//;
- Debug("files", "opening 2 $podfh" );
- (print "Creating $pod.html from $podfh\n") if $count;
- $RS = "\n=";
- open($podfh,"<".$podfh) || die "can't open $podfh: $ERRNO";
- @all=<$podfh>;
- close($podfh);
- $RS = "\n";
- $all[0]=~s/^=//;
- for(@all){s/=$//;}
- $Podnames{$pod} = 1;
- $in_list=0;
- $html=$pod.".html";
- if($count){
- open(HTML,">$html") || die "can't create $html: $ERRNO";
- print HTML <<'HTML__EOQ', <<"HTML__EOQQ";
- <!-- \$RCSfile\$\$Revision\$\$Date\$ -->
- <!-- \$Log\$ -->
- <HTML>
- <TITLE>\U$pod\E</TITLE>
- }
- for($i=0;$i<=$#all;$i++){
- $all[$i] =~ /^(\w+)\s*(.*)\n?([^\0]*)$/ ;
- ($cmd, $title, $rest) = ($1,$2,$3);
- if ($cmd eq "item") {
- if($count ){
- ($depth) or do_list("over",$all[$i],\$in_list,\$depth);
- do_item($title,$rest,$in_list);
- }
- else{
- # scan item
- scan_thing("item",$title,$pod);
- }
- }
- elsif ($cmd =~ /^head([12])/){
- $num=$1;
- if($count){
- do_hdr($num,$title,$rest,$depth);
- }
- else{
- # header scan
- scan_thing($cmd,$title,$pod); # skip head1
- }
- }
- elsif ($cmd =~ /^over/) {
- $count and $depth and do_list("over",$all[$i+1],\$in_list,\$depth);
- }
- elsif ($cmd =~ /^back/) {
- if($count){
- ($depth) or next; # just skip it
- do_list("back",$all[$i+1],\$in_list,\$depth);
- do_rest("$title.$rest");
- }
- }
- elsif ($cmd =~ /^cut/) {
- next;
- }
- elsif($Debug){
- (warn "unrecognized header: $cmd") if $Debug;
- }
- }
- # close open lists without '=back' stmts
- if($count){
- while($depth){
- do_list("back",$all[$i+1],\$in_list,\$depth);
- }
- print HTML "\n</HTML>\n";
- }
- }
-sub do_list{
- my($which,$next_one,$list_type,$depth)=@_;
- my($key);
- if($which eq "over"){
- ($next_one =~ /^item\s+(.*)/ ) or (warn "Bad list, $1\n") if $Debug;
- $key=$1;
- if($key =~ /^1\.?/){
- $$list_type = "OL";
- }
- elsif($key =~ /\*\s*$/){
- $$list_type="UL";
- }
- elsif($key =~ /\*?\s*\w/){
- $$list_type="DL";
- }
- else{
- (warn "unknown list type for item $key") if $Debug;
- }
- print HTML qq{\n};
- print HTML qq{<$$list_type>};
- $$depth++;
- }
- elsif($which eq "back"){
- print HTML qq{\n</$$list_type>\n};
- $$depth--;
- }
-sub do_hdr{
- my($num,$title,$rest,$depth)=@_;
- ($num == 1) and print HTML qq{<p><hr>\n};
- process_thing(\$title,"NAME");
- print HTML qq{\n<H$num> };
- print HTML $title;
- print HTML qq{</H$num>\n};
- do_rest($rest);
-sub do_item{
- my($title,$rest,$list_type)=@_;
- process_thing(\$title,"NAME");
- if($list_type eq "DL"){
- print HTML qq{\n<DT><STRONG>\n};
- print HTML $title;
- print HTML qq{\n</STRONG></DT>\n};
- print HTML qq{<DD>\n};
- }
- else{
- print HTML qq{\n<LI>};
- ($list_type ne "OL") && (print HTML $title,"\n");
- }
- do_rest($rest);
- print HTML ($list_type eq "DL" )? qq{</DD>} : qq{</LI>};
-sub do_rest{
- my($rest)=@_;
- my(@lines,$p,$q,$line,,@paras,$inpre);
- @paras=split(/\n\n+/,$rest);
- for($p=0;$p<=$#paras;$p++){
- @lines=split(/\n/,$paras[$p]);
- if($lines[0] =~ /^\s+\w*\t.*/){ # listing or unordered list
- print HTML qq{<UL>};
- foreach $line (@lines){
- ($line =~ /^\s+(\w*)\t(.*)/) && (($key,$rem) = ($1,$2));
- print HTML defined($Podnames{$key}) ?
- "<LI>$type$key.html\">$key<\/A>\t$rem</LI>\n" :
- "<LI>$line</LI>\n";
- }
- print HTML qq{</UL>\n};
- }
- elsif($lines[0] =~ /^\s/){ # preformatted code
- if($paras[$p] =~/>>|<</){
- print HTML qq{\n<PRE>\n};
- $inpre=1;
- }
- else{
- print HTML qq{\n<XMP>\n};
- $inpre=0;
- }
- while(defined($paras[$p])){
- @lines=split(/\n/,$paras[$p]);
- foreach $q (@lines){
- if($paras[$p]=~/>>|<</){
- if($inpre){
- process_thing(\$q,"HTML");
- }
- else {
- print HTML qq{\n</XMP>\n};
- print HTML qq{<PRE>\n};
- $inpre=1;
- process_thing(\$q,"HTML");
- }
- }
- while($q =~ s/\t+/' 'x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e){
- 1;
- }
- print HTML $q,"\n";
- }
- last if $paras[$p+1] !~ /^\s/;
- $p++;
- }
- print HTML ($inpre==1) ? (qq{\n</PRE>\n}) : (qq{\n</XMP>\n});
- }
- else{ # other text
- @lines=split(/\n/,$paras[$p]);
- foreach $line (@lines){
- process_thing(\$line,"HTML");
- print HTML qq{$line\n};
- }
- }
- print HTML qq{<p>};
- }
-sub process_thing{
- my($thing,$htype)=@_;
- pre_escapes($thing);
- find_refs($thing,$htype);
- post_escapes($thing);
-sub scan_thing{
- my($cmd,$title,$pod)=@_;
- $_=$title;
- s/\n$//;
- s/E<(.*?)>/&$1;/g;
- # remove any formatting information for the headers
- s/[SFCBI]<(.*?)>/$1/g;
- # the "don't format me" thing
- s/Z<>//g;
- if ($cmd eq "item") {
- if (/^\*/) { return } # skip bullets
- if (/^\d+\./) { return } # skip numbers
- s/(-[a-z]).*/$1/i;
- trim($_);
- return if defined $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_};
- $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_} = gensym($pod, $_);
- $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{(split(' ',$_))[0]}=$A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_};
- Debug("items", "item $_");
- if (!/^-\w$/ && /([%\$\@\w]+)/ && $1 ne $_
- && !defined($A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_}) && ($_ ne $1))
- {
- $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$1} = $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_};
- Debug("items", "item $1 REF TO $_");
- }
- if ( m{^(tr|y|s|m|q[qwx])/.*[^/]} ) {
- my $pf = $1 . '//';
- $pf .= "/" if $1 eq "tr" || $1 eq "y" || $1 eq "s";
- if ($pf ne $_) {
- $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$pf} = $A->{$pod}->{"Items"}->{$_};
- Debug("items", "item $pf REF TO $_");
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($cmd =~ /^head[12]/){
- return if defined($Headers{$_});
- $A->{$pod}->{"Headers"}->{$_} = gensym($pod, $_);
- Debug("headers", "header $_");
- }
- else {
- (warn "unrecognized header: $cmd") if $Debug;
- }
-sub picrefs {
- my($char, $bigkey, $lilkey,$htype) = @_;
- my($key,$ref,$podname);
- for $podname ($pod,@inclusions){
- for $ref ( "Items", "Headers" ) {
- if (defined $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$bigkey}) {
- $value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$key=$bigkey};
- Debug("subs", "bigkey is $bigkey, value is $value\n");
- }
- elsif (defined $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$lilkey}) {
- $value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$key=$lilkey};
- return "" if $lilkey eq '';
- Debug("subs", "lilkey is $lilkey, value is $value\n");
- }
- }
- if (length($key)) {
- ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2);
- if($htype eq "NAME"){
- return "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$bigkey</A>\n"
- }
- else{
- return "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$bigkey<\/A>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($char =~ /[IF]/) {
- return "<EM>$bigkey</EM>";
- } elsif($char =~ /C/) {
- return "<CODE>$bigkey</CODE>";
- } else {
- return "<STRONG>$bigkey</STRONG>";
- }
-sub find_refs {
- my($thing,$htype)=@_;
- my($orig) = $$thing;
- # LREF: a manpage(3f) we don't know about
- $$thing=~s:L<([a-zA-Z][^\s\/]+)(\([^\)]+\))>:the I<$1>$2 manpage:g;
- $$thing=~s/L<([^>]*)>/lrefs($1,$htype)/ge;
- $$thing=~s/([CIBF])<(\W*?(-?\w*).*?)>/picrefs($1, $2, $3, $htype)/ge;
- $$thing=~s/((\w+)\(\))/picrefs("I", $1, $2,$htype)/ge;
- $$thing=~s/([\$\@%](?!&[gl]t)([\w:]+|\W\b))/varrefs($1,$htype)/ge;
- (($$thing eq $orig) && ($htype eq "NAME")) &&
- ($$thing=picrefs("I", $$thing, "", $htype));
-sub lrefs {
- my($page, $item) = split(m#/#, $_[0], 2);
- my($htype)=$_[1];
- my($podname);
- my($section) = $page =~ /\((.*)\)/;
- my $selfref;
- if ($page =~ /^[A-Z]/ && $item) {
- $selfref++;
- $item = "$page/$item";
- $page = $pod;
- } elsif (!$item && $page =~ /[^a-z\-]/ && $page !~ /^\$.$/) {
- $selfref++;
- $item = $page;
- $page = $pod;
- }
- $item =~ s/\(\)$//;
- if (!$item) {
- if (!defined $section && defined $Podnames{$page}) {
- return "\n$type$page.html\">\nthe <EM>$page</EM> manpage<\/A>\n";
- } else {
- (warn "Bizarre entry $page/$item") if $Debug;
- return "the <EM>$_[0]</EM> manpage\n";
- }
- }
- if ($item =~ s/"(.*)"/$1/ || ($item =~ /[^\w\/\-]/ && $item !~ /^\$.$/)) {
- $text = "<EM>$item</EM>";
- $ref = "Headers";
- } else {
- $text = "<EM>$item</EM>";
- $ref = "Items";
- }
- for $podname ($pod, @inclusions){
- undef $value;
- if ($ref eq "Items") {
- if (defined($value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$item})) {
- ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2);
- return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME"))
- ? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$text</A>\n"
- : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n";
- }
- }
- elsif($ref eq "Headers") {
- if (defined($value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$item})) {
- ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2);
- return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME"))
- ? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$text</A>\n"
- : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- (warn "No $ref reference for $item (@_)") if $Debug;
- return $text;
-sub varrefs {
- my ($var,$htype) = @_;
- for $podname ($pod,@inclusions){
- if ($value = $A->{$podname}->{"Items"}->{$var}) {
- ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2);
- Debug("vars", "way cool -- var ref on $var");
- return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME")) # INHERIT $_, $pod
- ? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$var</A>\n"
- : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$var<\/A>\n";
- }
- }
- Debug( "vars", "bummer, $var not a var");
- return "<STRONG>$var</STRONG>";
-sub gensym {
- my ($podname, $key) = @_;
- $key =~ s/\s.*//;
- ($key = lc($key)) =~ tr/a-z/_/cs;
- my $name = "${podname}_${key}_0";
- $name =~ s/__/_/g;
- while ($sawsym{$name}++) {
- $name =~ s/_?(\d+)$/'_' . ($1 + 1)/e;
- }
- return $name;
-sub pre_escapes {
- my($thing)=@_;
- $$thing=~s/&/noremap("&amp;")/ge;
- $$thing=~s/<</noremap("&lt;&lt;")/eg;
- $$thing=~s/(?:[^ESIBLCF])</noremap("&lt;")/eg;
- $$thing=~s/E<([^\/][^<>]*)>/\&$1\;/g; # embedded special
-sub noremap {
- my $hide = $_[0];
- $hide =~ tr/\000-\177/\200-\377/;
- $hide;
-sub post_escapes {
- my($thing)=@_;
- $$thing=~s/[^GM]>>/\&gt\;\&gt\;/g;
- $$thing=~s/([^"MGAE])>/$1\&gt\;/g;
- $$thing=~tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/;
-sub Debug {
- my $level = shift;
- print STDERR @_,"\n" if $Debug{$level};
-sub dumptable {
- my $t = shift;
- print STDERR "TABLE DUMP $t\n";
- foreach $k (sort keys %$t) {
- printf STDERR "%-20s <%s>\n", $t->{$k}, $k;
- }
-sub trim {
- for (@_) {
- s/^\s+//;
- s/\s\n?$//;
- }
-chmod 755 pod2html
-$eunicefix pod2html