path: root/pod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pod')
2 files changed, 70 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perlfunc.pod b/pod/perlfunc.pod
index 09b5ad3df7..cf5dd8fef2 100644
--- a/pod/perlfunc.pod
+++ b/pod/perlfunc.pod
@@ -606,10 +606,8 @@ extirpated as a potential munition). This can prove useful for checking
the password file for lousy passwords, amongst other things. Only the
guys wearing white hats should do this.
-Note that crypt is intended to be a one-way function, much like breaking
-eggs to make an omelette. There is no (known) corresponding decrypt
-function. As a result, this function isn't all that useful for
-cryptography. (For that, see your nearby CPAN mirror.)
+Note that there is no corresponding decrypt, so this fucntion isn't
+all that useful for cryptography. (For that, see your nearby CPAN mirror.)
Here's an example that makes sure that whoever runs this program knows
their own password:
@@ -706,6 +704,8 @@ Examples:
print "$val\n" while defined($val = pop(@ary));
die "Can't readlink $sym: $!"
unless defined($value = readlink $sym);
+ eval '@foo = ()' if defined(@foo);
+ die "No XYZ package defined" unless defined %_XYZ;
sub foo { defined &$bar ? &$bar(@_) : die "No bar"; }
$debugging = 0 unless defined $debugging;
diff --git a/pod/pod2html.PL b/pod/pod2html.PL
index 76a3479855..602a866e42 100644
--- a/pod/pod2html.PL
+++ b/pod/pod2html.PL
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!';
# pod2html - convert pod format to html
-# Version 1.21
+# Version 1.15
# usage: pod2html [podfiles]
# Will read the cwd and parse all files with .pod extension
# if no arguments are given on the command line.
@@ -45,13 +45,11 @@ print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!';
# Please send patches/fixes/features to me
-require '';
*RS = */;
*ERRNO = *!;
# Invoke with various levels of debugging possible
@@ -66,151 +64,67 @@ while ($ARGV[0]) {
-# CONFIGURE - change the following to suit your OS and taste
# The beginning of the url for the anchors to the other sections.
# Edit $type to suit. It's configured for relative url's now.
# Other possibilities are:
# $type = '<A HREF="file://localhost/usr/local/htmldir/'; # file url
# $type = '<A HREF="' # server
-$type = '<A HREF="';
-# location of all podfiles unless on command line
-# $installprivlib="HD:usr:local:lib:perl5"; # uncomment and reset for Mac
-# $installprivlib="C:\usr\local\lib\perl5"; # uncomment and reset for DOS (I hope)
-# $installprivlib="/usr/local/lib/perl5"; # Unix
-$installprivlib="./"; # Standard perl pod directory for intallation
-# Where to write out the html files
-# $installhtmldir="HD:usr:local:lib:perl5:html"; # uncomment and reset for Mac
-# $installhtmldir="C:\usr\local\lib\perl5\html"; # uncomment and reset for DOS (I hope)
-$installhtmldir = "./";
-# test for validness
-if(!(-d $installhtmldir)){
- print "Installation directory $installhtmldir does not exist, using cwd\n";
- print "Hit ^C now to edit this script and configure installhtmldir\n";
- $installhtmldir = '.';
-# the html extension, change to htm for DOS
-$htmlext = "html";
-# arbitrary name for this group of pods
-$package = "perl";
+$type = '<A HREF="';
+$dir = "."; # location of pods
-# look in these pods for links to things not found within the current pod
+# look in these pods for things not found within the current pod
# be careful tho, namespace collisions cause stupid links
-@inclusions = qw[ perlfunc perlvar perlrun perlop ];
-# Directory path separator
-# $sep= ":"; # uncomment for Mac
-# $sep= "\"; # uncomment for DOS
-$sep= "/";
-# Create 8.3 html files if this equals 1
-# Create maximum 32 character html files if this equals 1
+@inclusions = qw[
+ perlfunc perlvar perlrun perlop
-# Beyond here be dragons. :-)
$A = {}; # The beginning of all things
- find($installprivlib);
- splice(@Pods,$#Pods+1,0,@modpods);;
+unless (@Pods) {
+ opendir(DIR,$dir) or die "Can't opendir $dir: $ERRNO";
+ @Pods = grep(/\.pod$/,readdir(DIR));
+ closedir(DIR) or die "Can't closedir $dir: $ERRNO";
@Pods or die "aak, expected pods";
-open(INDEX,">".$installhtmldir.$sep."index.".$htmlext) or
- (die "cant open index.$htmlext");
-print INDEX "\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Index of all pods for $package</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY>\n";
-print INDEX "<H1>Index of all pods for $package</H1>\n<hr><UL>\n";
# loop twice through the pods, first to learn the links, then to produce html
for $count (0,1) {
print STDERR "Scanning pods...\n" unless $count;
foreach $podfh ( @Pods ) {
- $didindex = 0;
- $refname = $podfh;
- $refname =~ s/$installprivlib${sep}?//;
- $refname =~ s/${sep}/::/g;
- $refname =~ s/\.p(m|od)$//;
- $refname =~ s/^pod:://;
- $savename = $refname;
- $refname =~ s/::/_/g;
- if($DOSify && !$count){ # shorten the name for DOS
- (length($refname) > 8) and ( $refname = substr($refname,0,8));
- while(defined($DosNames{$refname})){
- @refname=split(//,$refname);
- # allow 25 of em
- ($refname[$#refname] eq "z") and ($refname[$#refname] = "a");
- $refname[$#refname]++;
- $refname=join('',@refname);
- $refname =~ s/\W/_/g;
- }
- $DosNames{$refname} = 1;
- $Podnames{$savename} = $refname . ".$htmlext";
- }
- elsif(!$DOSify and !$count){
- $Podnames{$savename} = $refname . ".$htmlext";
- }
- $pod = $savename;
+ ($pod = $podfh) =~ s/\.(?:pod|pm)$//;
Debug("files", "opening 2 $podfh" );
- print "Creating $Podnames{$savename} from $podfh\n" if $count;
+ print "Creating $pod.html from $podfh\n" if $count;
$RS = "\n="; # grok pods by item (Nonstandard but effecient)
open($podfh,"<".$podfh) || die "can't open $podfh: $ERRNO";
@all = <$podfh>;
$RS = "\n";
- ($all[0] =~ s/^=//) || pop(@all);
- for ($i=0;$i <= $#all;$i++){ splice(@all,$i+1,1) unless
- (($all[$i] =~ s/=$//) && ($all[$i+1] !~ /^cut/)) ; # whoa..
- }
+ $all[0] =~ s/^=//;
+ for (@all) { s/=$// }
+ $Podnames{$pod} = 1;
$in_list = 0;
- unless (grep(/NAME/,@all)){
- print STDERR "NAME header not found in $podfh, skipping\n";
- #delete($Podnames{$savename});
- next loop1;
+ $html = $pod.".html";
+ if ($count) { # give us a html and rcs header
+ open(HTML,">$html") || die "can't create $html: $ERRNO";
+ print HTML '<!-- $Id$ -->',"\n",'<HTML><HEAD>',"\n";
+ print HTML "<CENTER>" unless $NO_NS;
+ print HTML "<TITLE>$pod</TITLE>";
+ print HTML "</CENTER>" unless $NO_NS;
+ print HTML "\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>";
- if ($count) {
- next unless length($Podnames{$savename});
- open(HTML,">".$installhtmldir.$sep.$Podnames{$savename}) or
- (die "can't create $Podnames{$savename}: $ERRNO");
- print HTML "<HTML><HEAD>";
- print HTML "<TITLE>$refname</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>";
- }
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#all; $i++) { # decide what to do with each chunk
$all[$i] =~ /^(\w+)\s*(.*)\n?([^\0]*)$/ ;
($cmd, $title, $rest) = ($1,$2,$3);
- if(length($cmd)){$cutting =0;}
- next if $cutting;
- if(($title =~ /NAME/) and ($didindex == 0) and $count){
- print INDEX "<LI><A HREF=\"$Podnames{$savename}\">$rest</A>\n";
- $didindex=1;
- }
if ($cmd eq "item") {
if ($count ) { # producing html
do_list("over",$all[$i],\$in_list,\$depth) unless $depth;
@@ -238,7 +152,7 @@ loop1:
if ($count) { # producing html
($depth) or next; # just skip it
- do_rest("$title$rest");
+ do_rest($title.$rest);
elsif ($cmd =~ /^cut/) {
@@ -248,7 +162,7 @@ loop1:
if ($count) { # producing html
if ($title =~ s/^html//) {
$in_html =1;
- do_rest("$title$rest");
+ do_rest($title.$rest);
@@ -275,7 +189,6 @@ loop1:
-print INDEX "\n</UL></BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
sub do_list{ # setup a list type, depending on some grok logic
my($which,$next_one,$list_type,$depth) = @_;
@@ -297,7 +210,7 @@ sub do_list{ # setup a list type, depending on some grok logic
print HTML qq{\n};
- print HTML qq{<$$list_type>};
+ print HTML $$list_type eq 'DL' ? qq{<DL COMPACT>} : qq{<$$list_type>};
elsif ($which eq "back") {
@@ -308,57 +221,28 @@ sub do_list{ # setup a list type, depending on some grok logic
sub do_hdr{ # headers
my($num,$title,$rest,$depth) = @_;
- my($savename,$restofname);
print HTML qq{<p><hr>\n} if $num == 1;
- ($savename = $title) =~ s/^(\w+)([\s,]+.*)/$1/;
- $restofname = $2;
- (defined($Podnames{$savename})) ? ($savename = $savename) : ($savename = 0);
print HTML qq{\n<H$num> };
- if($savename){
- print HTML "<A HREF=\"$Podnames{$savename}\">$savename$restofname</A>";
- }
- else{
- print HTML $title;
- }
+ print HTML $title;
print HTML qq{</H$num>\n};
sub do_item{ # list items
my($title,$rest,$list_type) = @_;
- my $bullet_only;
- $bullet_only = ($title eq '*' and $list_type eq 'UL') ? 1 : 0;
- my($savename);
- $savename = $title;
- (defined($Podnames{$savename})) ? ($savename = $savename) : ($savename = 0);
+ my $bullet_only = $title eq '*' and $list_type eq 'UL';
if ($list_type eq "DL") {
- print HTML qq{\n<DT>\n};
- if($savename){
- print HTML "<A HREF=\"$Podnames{$savename}\">$savename $rest</A>\n</DT>";
- }
- else{
- (print HTML qq{\n<STRONG>\n}) unless ($title =~ /STRONG/);
- print HTML $title;
- if($title !~ /STRONG/){
- print HTML "\n</STRONG></DT>\n";
- } else {
- print HTML "</DT>\n";
- }
- }
+ print HTML qq{\n<DT><STRONG>\n};
+ print HTML $title;
+ print HTML qq{\n</STRONG>\n};
print HTML qq{<DD>\n};
else {
print HTML qq{\n<LI>};
unless ($bullet_only or $list_type eq "OL") {
- if($savename){
- print HTML "<A HREF=\"$savename.$htmlext\">$savename</A>";
- }
- else{
- print HTML $title,"\n";
- }
+ print HTML $title,"\n";
@@ -381,7 +265,7 @@ sub do_rest{ # the rest of the chunk handled here
foreach $line (@lines) {
($line =~ /^\s+(\w*)\t(.*)/) && (($key,$rem) = ($1,$2));
print HTML defined($Podnames{$key})
- ? "<LI>$type$Podnames{$key}\">$key<\/A>\t$rem</LI>\n"
+ ? "<LI>$type$key.html\">$key<\/A>\t$rem</LI>\n"
: "<LI>$line</LI>\n";
print HTML qq{</UL>\n};
@@ -392,7 +276,7 @@ sub do_rest{ # the rest of the chunk handled here
else { # Still cant beat XMP. Yes, I know
- print HTML qq{\n<XMP>\n}; # it's been obsoleted... suggestions?
+ print HTML qq{\n<XMP>\n}; # it's been obsoleted... suggestions?
$inpre = 0;
while (defined($paras[$p])) {
@@ -421,7 +305,6 @@ sub do_rest{ # the rest of the chunk handled here
@lines = split(/\n/,$paras[$p]);
foreach $line (@lines) {
- $line =~ s/STRONG([^>])/STRONG>$1/; # lame attempt to fix strong
print HTML qq{$line\n};
@@ -440,6 +323,7 @@ sub scan_thing{ # scan a chunk for later references
my($cmd,$title,$pod) = @_;
$_ = $title;
+ s/E<(\d+)>/&#$1;/g;
# remove any formatting information for the headers
@@ -496,27 +380,21 @@ sub picrefs {
if (length($key)) {
- ($pod2, $num) = $value =~ /^(.*)_(\S+_\d+)$/;
+ ($pod2, $num) = $value =~ /^(.*)_(\S+_\d+)$/;
if ($htype eq "NAME") {
- return "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$bigkey</A>\n"
+ return "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$bigkey</A>\n"
else {
- 1; # break here
- return "\n$type$Podnames{$pod2}\#".$value."\">$bigkey<\/A>\n";
+ return "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$bigkey<\/A>\n";
if ($char =~ /[IF]/) {
return "<EM>$bigkey</EM>";
} elsif ($char =~ /C/) {
- return "<CODE>$bigkey</CODE>";
+ return "<CODE>$bigkey</CODE>";
} else {
- if($bigkey =~ /STRONG/){
- return $bigkey;
- }
- else {
- return "<STRONG>$bigkey</STRONG>";
- }
+ return "<STRONG>$bigkey</STRONG>";
@@ -558,7 +436,7 @@ sub lrefs {
$item =~ s/\(\)$//;
if (!$item) {
if (!defined $section && defined $Podnames{$page}) {
- return "\n$type$Podnames{$page}\">\nthe <EM>$page</EM> manpage<\/A>\n";
+ return "\n$type$page.html\">\nthe <EM>$page</EM> manpage<\/A>\n";
} else {
(warn "Bizarre entry $page/$item") if $Debug;
return "the <EM>$_[0]</EM> manpage\n";
@@ -576,18 +454,18 @@ sub lrefs {
undef $value;
if ($ref eq "Items") {
if (defined($value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$item})) {
- ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2); # break here
- return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME"))
- ? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$text</A>\n"
- : "\n$type$Podnames{$pod2}\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n";
- }
- }
+ ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2);
+ return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME"))
+ ? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$text</A>\n"
+ : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n";
+ }
+ }
elsif ($ref eq "Headers") {
if (defined($value = $A->{$podname}->{$ref}->{$item})) {
- ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2); # break here
+ ($pod2,$num) = split(/_/,$value,2);
return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME"))
? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$text</A>\n"
- : "\n$type$Podnames{$pod2}\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n";
+ : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$text<\/A>\n";
@@ -603,16 +481,11 @@ sub varrefs {
Debug("vars", "way cool -- var ref on $var");
return (($pod eq $pod2) && ($htype eq "NAME")) # INHERIT $_, $pod
? "\n<A NAME=\"".$value."\">\n$var</A>\n"
- : "\n$type$Podnames{$pod2}\#".$value."\">$var<\/A>\n";
+ : "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$value."\">$var<\/A>\n";
Debug( "vars", "bummer, $var not a var");
- if($var =~ /STRONG/){
- return $var;
- }
- else{
- return "<STRONG>$var</STRONG>";
- }
+ return "<STRONG>$var</STRONG>";
sub gensym {
@@ -630,13 +503,13 @@ sub gensym {
sub pre_escapes { # twiddle these, and stay up late :-)
my($thing) = @_;
for ($$thing) {
- s/([\200-\377])/noremap("&#".ord($1).";")/ge;
- s/"(.*?)"/``$1''/gs;
- s/&/noremap("&amp;")/ge;
- s/<</noremap("&lt;&lt;")/eg;
- s/([^ESIBLCF])</$1\&lt\;/g;
- s/E<(\d+)>/\&#$1\;/g; # embedded numeric special
- s/E<([^\/][^<>]*)>/\&$1\;/g; # embedded special
+ s/([\200-\377])/noremap("&#".ord($1).";")/ge;
+ s/"(.*?)"/``$1''/gs;
+ s/&/noremap("&amp;")/ge;
+ s/<</noremap("&lt;&lt;")/eg;
+ s/([^ESIBLCF])</$1\&lt\;/g;
+ s/E<(\d+)>/\&#$1\;/g; # embedded numeric special
+ s/E<([^\/][^<>]*)>/\&$1\;/g; # embedded special
sub noremap { # adding translator for hibit chars soon
@@ -673,15 +546,6 @@ sub trim {
-sub wanted {
- my $name = $name;
- if (-f $_) {
- if ($name =~ /\.p(m|od)$/){
- push(@modpods, $name) if ($name =~ /\.p(m|od)$/);
- }
- }
close OUT or die "Can't close $file: $!";