path: root/pp_hot.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pp_hot.c')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pp_hot.c b/pp_hot.c
index 35493eb1b4..24bf8e9086 100644
--- a/pp_hot.c
+++ b/pp_hot.c
@@ -1857,6 +1857,442 @@ PP(pp_helem)
+/* a stripped-down version of Perl_softref2xv() for use by
+ * pp_multideref(), which doesn't use PL_op->op_flags */
+GV *
+S_softref2xv_lite(pTHX_ SV *const sv, const char *const what,
+ const svtype type)
+ if (PL_op->op_private & HINT_STRICT_REFS) {
+ if (SvOK(sv))
+ Perl_die(aTHX_ PL_no_symref_sv, sv,
+ (SvPOKp(sv) && SvCUR(sv)>32 ? "..." : ""), what);
+ else
+ Perl_die(aTHX_ PL_no_usym, what);
+ }
+ if (!SvOK(sv))
+ Perl_die(aTHX_ PL_no_usym, what);
+ return gv_fetchsv_nomg(sv, GV_ADD, type);
+/* handle one or more derefs and array/hash indexings, e.g.
+ * $h->{foo} or $a[0]{$key}[$i] or f()->[1]
+ *
+ * op_aux points to an array of unions of UV / IV / SV* / PADOFFSET.
+ * Each of these either contains an action, or an argument, such as
+ * a UV to use as an array index, or a lexical var to retrieve.
+ * In fact, several actions re stored per UV; we keep shifting new actions
+ * of the one UV, and only reload when it becomes zero.
+ */
+ SV *sv = NULL; /* init to avoid spurious 'may be used uninitialized' */
+ UNOP_AUX_item *items = cUNOP_AUXx(PL_op)->op_aux;
+ UV actions = items->uv;
+ assert(actions);
+ /* this tells find_uninit_var() where we're up to */
+ PL_multideref_pc = items;
+ while (1) {
+ /* there are three main classes of action; the first retrieve
+ * the initial AV or HV from a variable or the stack; the second
+ * does the equivalent of an unrolled (/DREFAV, rv2av, aelem),
+ * the third an unrolled (/DREFHV, rv2hv, helem).
+ */
+ switch (actions & MDEREF_ACTION_MASK) {
+ case MDEREF_reload:
+ actions = (++items)->uv;
+ continue;
+ case MDEREF_AV_padav_aelem: /* $lex[...] */
+ sv = PAD_SVl((++items)->pad_offset);
+ goto do_AV_aelem;
+ case MDEREF_AV_gvav_aelem: /* $pkg[...] */
+ sv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ assert(isGV_with_GP(sv));
+ sv = (SV*)GvAVn((GV*)sv);
+ goto do_AV_aelem;
+ case MDEREF_AV_pop_rv2av_aelem: /* expr->[...] */
+ {
+ dSP;
+ sv = POPs;
+ goto do_AV_rv2av_aelem;
+ }
+ case MDEREF_AV_gvsv_vivify_rv2av_aelem: /* $pkg->[...] */
+ sv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ assert(isGV_with_GP(sv));
+ sv = GvSVn((GV*)sv);
+ goto do_AV_vivify_rv2av_aelem;
+ case MDEREF_AV_padsv_vivify_rv2av_aelem: /* $lex->[...] */
+ sv = PAD_SVl((++items)->pad_offset);
+ do_AV_vivify_rv2av_aelem:
+ case MDEREF_AV_vivify_rv2av_aelem: /* vivify, ->[...] */
+ /* this is the OPpDEREF action normally found at the end of
+ * ops like aelem, helem, rv2sv */
+ sv = vivify_ref(sv, OPpDEREF_AV);
+ do_AV_rv2av_aelem:
+ /* this is basically a copy of pp_rv2av when it just has the
+ * sKR/1 flags */
+ if (LIKELY(SvROK(sv))) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(SvAMAGIC(sv))) {
+ sv = amagic_deref_call(sv, to_av_amg);
+ }
+ sv = SvRV(sv);
+ if (UNLIKELY(SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVAV))
+ DIE(aTHX_ "Not an ARRAY reference");
+ }
+ else if (SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVAV) {
+ if (!isGV_with_GP(sv))
+ sv = (SV*)S_softref2xv_lite(aTHX_ sv, "an ARRAY", SVt_PVAV);
+ sv = MUTABLE_SV(GvAVn((GV*)sv));
+ }
+ do_AV_aelem:
+ {
+ /* retrieve the key; this may be either a lexical or package
+ * var (whose index/ptr is stored as an item) or a signed
+ * integer constant stored as an item.
+ */
+ SV *elemsv;
+ IV elem = 0; /* to shut up stupid compiler warnings */
+ assert(SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVAV);
+ switch (actions & MDEREF_INDEX_MASK) {
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_none:
+ goto finish;
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_const:
+ elem = (++items)->iv;
+ break;
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_padsv:
+ elemsv = PAD_SVl((++items)->pad_offset);
+ goto check_elem;
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_gvsv:
+ elemsv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ assert(isGV_with_GP(elemsv));
+ elemsv = GvSVn((GV*)elemsv);
+ check_elem:
+ if (UNLIKELY(SvROK(elemsv) && !SvGAMAGIC(elemsv)
+ && ckWARN(WARN_MISC)))
+ Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_MISC),
+ "Use of reference \"%"SVf"\" as array index",
+ SVfARG(elemsv));
+ /* the only time that S_find_uninit_var() needs this
+ * is to determine which index value triggered the
+ * undef warning. So just update it here. Note that
+ * since we don't save and restore this var (e.g. for
+ * tie or overload execution), its value will be
+ * meaningless apart from just here */
+ PL_multideref_pc = items;
+ elem = SvIV(elemsv);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* this is basically a copy of pp_aelem with OPpDEREF skipped */
+ if (!(actions & MDEREF_FLAG_last)) {
+ SV** svp = av_fetch((AV*)sv, elem, 1);
+ if (!svp || ! (sv=*svp))
+ DIE(aTHX_ PL_no_aelem, elem);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (PL_op->op_private &
+ {
+ if (PL_op->op_private & OPpMULTIDEREF_EXISTS) {
+ sv = av_exists((AV*)sv, elem) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no;
+ }
+ else {
+ I32 discard = (GIMME_V == G_VOID) ? G_DISCARD : 0;
+ sv = av_delete((AV*)sv, elem, discard);
+ if (discard)
+ return NORMAL;
+ if (!sv)
+ sv = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const U32 lval = PL_op->op_flags & OPf_MOD || LVRET;
+ const U32 defer = PL_op->op_private & OPpLVAL_DEFER;
+ const bool localizing = PL_op->op_private & OPpLVAL_INTRO;
+ bool preeminent = TRUE;
+ AV *const av = (AV*)sv;
+ SV** svp;
+ if (UNLIKELY(localizing)) {
+ MAGIC *mg;
+ HV *stash;
+ /* If we can determine whether the element exist,
+ * Try to preserve the existenceness of a tied array
+ * element by using EXISTS and DELETE if possible.
+ * Fallback to FETCH and STORE otherwise. */
+ preeminent = av_exists(av, elem);
+ }
+ svp = av_fetch(av, elem, lval && !defer);
+ if (lval) {
+ if (!svp || !(sv = *svp)) {
+ IV len;
+ if (!defer)
+ DIE(aTHX_ PL_no_aelem, elem);
+ len = av_tindex(av);
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVavdefelem(av,
+ /* Resolve a negative index now, unless it points
+ * before the beginning of the array, in which
+ * case record it for error reporting in
+ * magic_setdefelem. */
+ elem < 0 && len + elem >= 0
+ ? len + elem : elem, 1));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (UNLIKELY(localizing)) {
+ if (preeminent) {
+ save_aelem(av, elem, svp);
+ sv = *svp; /* may have changed */
+ }
+ else
+ SAVEADELETE(av, elem);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ sv = (svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef);
+ /* see note in pp_helem() */
+ if (SvRMAGICAL(av) && SvGMAGICAL(sv))
+ mg_get(sv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finish:
+ {
+ dSP;
+ XPUSHs(sv);
+ }
+ case MDEREF_HV_padhv_helem: /* $lex{...} */
+ sv = PAD_SVl((++items)->pad_offset);
+ goto do_HV_helem;
+ case MDEREF_HV_gvhv_helem: /* $pkg{...} */
+ sv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ assert(isGV_with_GP(sv));
+ sv = (SV*)GvHVn((GV*)sv);
+ goto do_HV_helem;
+ case MDEREF_HV_pop_rv2hv_helem: /* expr->{...} */
+ {
+ dSP;
+ sv = POPs;
+ goto do_HV_rv2hv_helem;
+ }
+ case MDEREF_HV_gvsv_vivify_rv2hv_helem: /* $pkg->{...} */
+ sv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ assert(isGV_with_GP(sv));
+ sv = GvSVn((GV*)sv);
+ goto do_HV_vivify_rv2hv_helem;
+ case MDEREF_HV_padsv_vivify_rv2hv_helem: /* $lex->{...} */
+ sv = PAD_SVl((++items)->pad_offset);
+ do_HV_vivify_rv2hv_helem:
+ case MDEREF_HV_vivify_rv2hv_helem: /* vivify, ->{...} */
+ /* this is the OPpDEREF action normally found at the end of
+ * ops like aelem, helem, rv2sv */
+ sv = vivify_ref(sv, OPpDEREF_HV);
+ do_HV_rv2hv_helem:
+ /* this is basically a copy of pp_rv2hv when it just has the
+ * sKR/1 flags (and pp_rv2hv is aliased to pp_rv2av) */
+ if (LIKELY(SvROK(sv))) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(SvAMAGIC(sv))) {
+ sv = amagic_deref_call(sv, to_hv_amg);
+ }
+ sv = SvRV(sv);
+ if (UNLIKELY(SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVHV))
+ DIE(aTHX_ "Not a HASH reference");
+ }
+ else if (SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVHV) {
+ if (!isGV_with_GP(sv))
+ sv = (SV*)S_softref2xv_lite(aTHX_ sv, "a HASH", SVt_PVHV);
+ sv = MUTABLE_SV(GvHVn((GV*)sv));
+ }
+ do_HV_helem:
+ {
+ /* retrieve the key; this may be either a lexical / package
+ * var or a string constant, whose index/ptr is stored as an
+ * item
+ */
+ SV *keysv = NULL; /* to shut up stupid compiler warnings */
+ assert(SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVHV);
+ switch (actions & MDEREF_INDEX_MASK) {
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_none:
+ goto finish;
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_const:
+ keysv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ break;
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_padsv:
+ keysv = PAD_SVl((++items)->pad_offset);
+ break;
+ case MDEREF_INDEX_gvsv:
+ keysv = UNOP_AUX_item_sv(++items);
+ keysv = GvSVn((GV*)keysv);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* see comment above about setting this var */
+ PL_multideref_pc = items;
+ /* ensure that candidate CONSTs have been HEKified */
+ assert( ((actions & MDEREF_INDEX_MASK) != MDEREF_INDEX_const)
+ || SvTYPE(keysv) >= SVt_PVMG
+ || !SvOK(keysv)
+ || SvROK(keysv)
+ || SvIsCOW_shared_hash(keysv));
+ /* this is basically a copy of pp_helem with OPpDEREF skipped */
+ if (!(actions & MDEREF_FLAG_last)) {
+ HE *he = hv_fetch_ent((HV*)sv, keysv, 1, 0);
+ if (!he || !(sv=HeVAL(he)) || sv == &PL_sv_undef)
+ DIE(aTHX_ PL_no_helem_sv, SVfARG(keysv));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (PL_op->op_private &
+ {
+ if (PL_op->op_private & OPpMULTIDEREF_EXISTS) {
+ sv = hv_exists_ent((HV*)sv, keysv, 0)
+ ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no;
+ }
+ else {
+ I32 discard = (GIMME_V == G_VOID) ? G_DISCARD : 0;
+ sv = hv_delete_ent((HV*)sv, keysv, discard, 0);
+ if (discard)
+ return NORMAL;
+ if (!sv)
+ sv = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const U32 lval = PL_op->op_flags & OPf_MOD || LVRET;
+ const U32 defer = PL_op->op_private & OPpLVAL_DEFER;
+ const bool localizing = PL_op->op_private & OPpLVAL_INTRO;
+ bool preeminent = TRUE;
+ SV **svp;
+ HV * const hv = (HV*)sv;
+ HE* he;
+ if (UNLIKELY(localizing)) {
+ MAGIC *mg;
+ HV *stash;
+ /* If we can determine whether the element exist,
+ * Try to preserve the existenceness of a tied hash
+ * element by using EXISTS and DELETE if possible.
+ * Fallback to FETCH and STORE otherwise. */
+ preeminent = hv_exists_ent(hv, keysv, 0);
+ }
+ he = hv_fetch_ent(hv, keysv, lval && !defer, 0);
+ svp = he ? &HeVAL(he) : NULL;
+ if (lval) {
+ if (!svp || !(sv = *svp) || sv == &PL_sv_undef) {
+ SV* lv;
+ SV* key2;
+ if (!defer)
+ DIE(aTHX_ PL_no_helem_sv, SVfARG(keysv));
+ lv = sv_newmortal();
+ sv_upgrade(lv, SVt_PVLV);
+ LvTYPE(lv) = 'y';
+ sv_magic(lv, key2 = newSVsv(keysv),
+ PERL_MAGIC_defelem, NULL, 0);
+ /* sv_magic() increments refcount */
+ SvREFCNT_dec_NN(key2);
+ LvTARG(lv) = SvREFCNT_inc_simple(hv);
+ LvTARGLEN(lv) = 1;
+ sv = lv;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (localizing) {
+ if (HvNAME_get(hv) && isGV(sv))
+ save_gp(MUTABLE_GV(sv),
+ !(PL_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL));
+ else if (preeminent) {
+ save_helem_flags(hv, keysv, svp,
+ (PL_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL)
+ ? 0 : SAVEf_SETMAGIC);
+ sv = *svp; /* may have changed */
+ }
+ else
+ SAVEHDELETE(hv, keysv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ sv = (svp && *svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef);
+ /* see note in pp_helem() */
+ if (SvRMAGICAL(hv) && SvGMAGICAL(sv))
+ mg_get(sv);
+ }
+ }
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ } /* switch */
+ actions >>= MDEREF_SHIFT;
+ } /* while */