path: root/t/japh/abigail.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/japh/abigail.t')
1 files changed, 636 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/japh/abigail.t b/t/japh/abigail.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b2dc968ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/japh/abigail.t
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+#!./perl -w
+# Tests derived from Japhs.
+ if (ord("A") == 193) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: EBCDIC\n"; # For now, until someone has time.
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ require "./";
+ undef &skip;
+# ./ does real evilness by jumping to a label.
+# This function copies the skip from ./test, omitting the goto.
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ my $test = curr_test;
+ my $n = @_ ? shift : 1;
+ for (1..$n) {
+ print STDOUT "ok $test # skip: $why\n";
+ next_test;
+ }
+# ./ doesn't give use 'notok', so we make it here.
+sub notok {
+ my ($pass, $name, @mess) = @_;
+ _ok(!$pass, _where(), $name, @mess);
+my $JaPH = "Just another Perl Hacker";
+my $JaPh = "Just another Perl hacker";
+my $JaPH_n = "Just another Perl Hacker\n";
+my $JaPh_n = "Just another Perl hacker\n";
+my $JaPH_s = "Just another Perl Hacker ";
+my $JaPh_s = "Just another Perl hacker ";
+my $JaPH_c = "Just another Perl Hacker,";
+my $JaPh_c = "Just another Perl hacker,";
+plan tests => 130;
+ my $out = sprintf "Just another Perl Hacker";
+ is ($out, $JaPH);
+ my @primes = (2, 3, 7, 13, 53, 101, 557, 1429);
+ my @composites = (4, 10, 25, 32, 75, 143, 1333, 1728);
+ my %primeness = ((map {$_ => 1} @primes),
+ (map {$_ => 0} @composites));
+ while (my ($num, $is_prime) = each %primeness) {
+ my $comment = "$num is " . ($is_prime ? "prime." : "composite.");
+ my $sub = $is_prime ? "ok" : "notok";
+ &$sub (( 1 x $num) !~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/, $comment);
+ &$sub (( 0 x $num) !~ m 0^\0?$|^(\0\0+?)\1+$0, $comment);
+ &$sub (("m" x $num) !~ m m^\m?$|^(\m\m+?)\1+$mm, $comment);
+ }
+{ # Some platforms use different quoting techniques.
+ # I do not have access to those platforms to test
+ # things out. So, we'll skip things....
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ||
+ $^O eq 'NetWare' ||
+ $^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip 3, "Your platform quotes differently.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ my $expected = $JaPH;
+ $expected =~ s/ /\n/g;
+ $expected .= "\n";
+ is (runperl (switches => [qw /'-weprint<<EOT;' -eJust -eanother
+ -ePerl -eHacker -eEOT/],
+ verbose => 0),
+ $expected, "Multiple -e switches");
+ is (runperl (switches => [q !'-wle$_=<<EOT;y/\n/ /;print;'!,
+ qw ! -eJust -eanother -ePerl -eHacker -eEOT!],
+ verbose => 0),
+ $JaPH . " \n", "Multiple -e switches");
+ is (runperl (switches => [qw !-wl!],
+ progs => [qw !print qq-@{[ qw+ Just
+ another Perl Hacker +]}-!],
+ verbose => 0),
+ $JaPH_n, "Multiple -e switches");
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ||
+ $^O eq 'NetWare' ||
+ $^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip 1, "Your platform quotes differently.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ is (runperl (switches => [qw /-sweprint --/,
+ "-_='Just another Perl Hacker'"],
+ nolib => 1,
+ verbose => 0),
+ $JaPH, 'setting $_ via -s');
+ my $datafile = "datatmp000";
+ 1 while -f ++ $datafile;
+ END {unlink_all $datafile}
+ open MY_DATA, "> $datafile" or die "Failed to open $datafile: $!";
+ print MY_DATA << " --";
+ One
+ Two
+ Three
+ Four
+ Five
+ Six
+ --
+ close MY_DATA or die "Failed to close $datafile: $!\n";
+ my @progs;
+ my $key;
+ while (<DATA>) {
+ last if /^__END__$/;
+ if (/^#{7}(?:\s+(.*))?/) {
+ push @progs => {COMMENT => $1 || '',
+ CODE => '',
+ SKIP_OS => [],
+ ARGS => [],
+ SWITCHES => [],};
+ $key = 'CODE';
+ next;
+ }
+ (?::\s+(.*))?$/sx) {
+ $key = $1;
+ $progs [-1] {$key} = '' unless exists $progs [-1] {$key};
+ next unless defined $2;
+ $_ = $2;
+ }
+ elsif (/^$/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if (ref ($progs [-1] {$key})) {
+ push @{$progs [-1] {$key}} => $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $progs [-1] {$key} .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $program (@progs) {
+ if (exists $program -> {SKIP}) {
+ chomp $program -> {SKIP};
+ skip $program -> {SKIP};
+ next;
+ }
+ if (@{$program -> {SKIP_OS}} &&
+ grep {$^O eq $_} @{$program -> {SKIP_OS}}) {
+ skip "Your OS uses different quoting.";
+ next;
+ }
+ map {s/\$datafile/$datafile/} @{$program -> {ARGS}};
+ $program -> {EXPECT} = $JaPH unless exists $program -> {EXPECT};
+ $program -> {EXPECT} =~ s/\$JaPH_s\b/$JaPH_s/g;
+ $program -> {EXPECT} =~ s/\$JaPh_c\b/$JaPh_c/g;
+ $program -> {EXPECT} =~ s/\$JaPh\b/$JaPh/g;
+ chomp ($program -> {EXPECT}, @{$program -> {SWITCHES}},
+ @{$program -> {ARGS}});
+ fresh_perl_is ($program -> {CODE},
+ $program -> {EXPECT},
+ {switches => $program -> {SWITCHES},
+ args => $program -> {ARGS},
+ verbose => 0},
+ $program -> {COMMENT});
+ }
+ my $progfile = "progtmp000";
+ 1 while -f ++ $progfile;
+ END {unlink_all $progfile}
+ my @programs = (<< ' --', << ' --');
+#!./perl -- # No trailing newline after the last line!
+BEGIN{$|=$SIG{__WARN__}=sub{$_=$_[0];y-_- -;print/(.)"$/;seek _,-open(_
+,"+<$0"),2;truncate _,tell _;close _;exec$0}}//rekcaH_lreP_rehtona_tsuJ
+ --
+#!./perl -- # Remove trailing newline!
+BEGIN{$SIG{__WARN__}=sub{$_=pop;y-_- -;print/".*(.)"/;
+ --
+ chomp @programs;
+ my $i = 1;
+ foreach my $program (@programs) {
+ open my $fh => "> $progfile" or die "Failed to open $progfile: $!\n";
+ print $fh $program;
+ close $fh or die "Failed to close $progfile: $!\n";
+ chmod 0755 => $progfile or die "Failed to chmod $progfile: $!\n";
+ my $command = "./$progfile";
+ $command .= ' 2>&1' unless $^O eq 'MacOS';
+ my $output = `$command`;
+ $i ++;
+ is ($output, $JaPH, "Self correcting code $i");
+ $output = `$command`;
+ is ($output, "", "Self corrected code $i");
+ }
+####### Funky loop 1.
+$_ = q ;4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as;;
+ for (s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s)
+ {s;(..)s?;qq qprint chr 0x$1 and \161 ssq;excess;}
+####### Funky loop 2.
+$_ = q *4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720a*;
+for ($*=******;$**=******;$**=******) {$**=*******s*..*qq}
+print chr 0x$& and q
+####### Funky loop 3.
+$_ = q *4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720a*;
+for ($*=******;$**=******;$**=******) {$**=*******s*..*qq}
+print chr 0x$& and q
+####### Funky loop 4.
+$_ = q ?4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??;
+for (??;(??)x??;??)
+ {??;s;(..)s?;qq ?print chr 0x$1 and \161 ss?;excess;??}
+SKIP: Abuses a fixed bug.
+####### Funky loop 5.
+for (s??4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??;??)
+ {s?(..)s\??qq \?print chr 0x$1 and q ss\??excess}
+SKIP: Abuses a fixed bug.
+####### Funky loop 6.
+$a = q 94a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720a9 and
+${qq$\x5F$} = q 97265646f9 and s g..g;
+qq e\x63\x68\x72\x20\x30\x78$&eggee;
+{eval if $a =~ s e..eqq qprint chr 0x$& and \x71\x20\x71\x71qeexcess}
+####### Roman Dates.
+SKIP: Times::JulianDay not part of the main distribution.
+####### Autoload 1.
+sub _'_{$_'_=~s/$a/$_/}map{$$_=$Z++}Y,a..z,A..X;*{($_::_=sprintf+q=%X==>"$A$Y".
+"$b$r$T$u")=~s~0~O~g;map+_::_,U=>T=>L=>$Z;$_::_}=*_;sub _{print+/.*::(.*)/s};;;
+*{chr($b*$e)}=*_'_;*__=*{chr(1<<$e)}; # Perl 5.6.0 broke this...
+EXPECT: Just__another__Perl__Hacker
+####### Autoload 2.
+$\=$/;q<Just another Perl Hacker>->();
+####### Autoload 3.
+sub _ {push @_ => /::(.*)/s and goto &{ shift}}
+sub shift {print shift; @_ and goto &{+shift}}
+Hack ("Just", "Perl ", " ano", "er\n", "ther "); # YYYYMMDD
+####### Autoload 4.
+$, = " "; sub AUTOLOAD {($AUTOLOAD =~ /::(.*)/) [0];}
+print+Just (), another (), Perl (), Hacker ();
+####### Look ma! No letters!
+ "\150\145\162\040\120\145\162\154\040\110\141\143\153\145\162".
+ "\042\040\076\040\057\144\145\166\057\164\164\171";`$@`
+SKIP: Unix specific
+####### sprintf fun 1.
+sub f{sprintf$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]}print f('%c%s',74,f('%c%s',117,f('%c%s',115,f(
+####### sprintf fun 2.
+sub f{sprintf'%c%s',$_[0],$_[1]}print f(74,f(117,f(115,f(116,f(32,f(97,
+f(0x48,f(97,f(99,f(107,f(101,f(114,f(10,q ff)))))))))))))))))))))))))
+####### Hanoi.
+%0=map{local$_=$_;reverse+chop,$_}ABC,ACB,BAC,BCA,CAB,CBA;$_=3 .AC;1while+
+s/(\d+)((.)(.))/($0=$1-1)?"$0$3$0{$2}1$2$0$0{$2}$4":"$3 => $4\n"/xeg;print
+A => C
+A => B
+C => B
+A => C
+B => A
+B => C
+A => C
+####### Funky -p 1
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Funky -p 2
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Funky -p 3
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Funky -p 4
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Funky -p 5
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Funky -p 6
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Funky -p 7
+ARGS: $datafile
+####### Abusing -M
+-Mstrict='}); print "Just another Perl Hacker"; ({'
+####### rand
+srand 123456;$-=rand$_--=>@[[$-,$_]=@[[$_,$-]for(reverse+1..(@[=split
+SKIP: Solaris specific.
+####### print and __PACKAGE__
+package Just_another_Perl_Hacker; sub print {($_=$_[0])=~ s/_/ /g;
+ print } sub __PACKAGE__ { &
+ print ( __PACKAGE__)} &
+ ( )
+####### Decorations.
+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %;
+BEGIN {% % = ($ _ = " " => print "Just another Perl Hacker\n")}
+####### Tie 1
+sub J::FETCH{Just }$_.='print+"@{[map';sub J::TIESCALAR{bless\my$J,J}
+sub A::FETCH{another}$_.='{tie my($x),$';sub A::TIESCALAR{bless\my$A,A}
+sub P::FETCH{Perl }$_.='_;$x}qw/J A P';sub P::TIESCALAR{bless\my$P,P}
+sub H::FETCH{Hacker }$_.=' H/]}\n"';eval;sub H::TIESCALAR{bless\my$H,H}
+####### Tie 2
+package Z;use overload'""'=>sub{$b++?Hacker:another};
+sub TIESCALAR{bless\my$y=>Z}sub FETCH{$a++?Perl:Just}
+####### Tie 3
+sub A::TIESCALAR{bless\my$x=>A};package B;@q[0..3]=qw/Hacker Perl
+another Just/;use overload'""'=>sub{pop @q};sub A::FETCH{bless\my
+$y=>B}; tie my $shoe => qq 'A';print "$shoe $shoe $shoe $shoe\n";
+####### Tie 4
+sub A::TIESCALAR{bless\my$x=>'A'};package B;@q=qw/Hacker Perl
+another Just/;use overload'""',sub{pop @q};sub A::FETCH{bless
+\my $y=>B};tie my$shoe=>'A';print"$shoe $shoe $shoe $shoe\n";
+####### Tie 5
+tie $" => A; $, = " "; $\ = "\n"; @a = ("") x 2; print map {"@a"} 1 .. 4;
+sub A::TIESCALAR {bless \my $A => A} # Yet Another silly JAPH by Abigail
+sub A::FETCH {@q = qw /Just Another Perl Hacker/ unless @q; shift @q}
+SKIP: Pending a bug fix.
+####### Prototype fun 1
+sub camel (^#87=i@J&&&#]u'^^s]#'#={123{#}7890t[0.9]9@+*`"'***}A&&&}n2o}00}t324i;
+h[{e **###{r{+P={**{e^^^#'#i@{r'^=^{l+{#}H***i[0.9]&@a5`"':&^;&^,*&^$43##@@####;
+print+((($llama=prototype'camel')=~y|+{#}$=^*&[0-9]i@:;`"',.| |d)&&$llama."\n");
+SKIP: Abuses a fixed bug.
+####### Prototype fun 2
+print prototype sub "Just another Perl Hacker" {};
+####### Prototype fun 3
+sub _ "Just another Perl Hacker"; print prototype \&_
+####### Split 1
+ split // => '"';
+${"@_"} = "/"; split // => eval join "+" => 1 .. 7;
+*{"@_"} = sub {foreach (sort keys %_) {print "$_ $_{$_} "}};
+%{"@_"} = %_ = (Just => another => Perl => Hacker); &{%{%_}};
+####### Split 2
+$" = "/"; split // => eval join "+" => 1 .. 7;
+*{"@_"} = sub {foreach (sort keys %_) {print "$_ $_{$_} "}};
+%_ = (Just => another => Perl => Hacker); &{%_};
+####### Split 3
+$" = "/"; split $, => eval join "+" => 1 .. 7;
+*{"@_"} = sub {foreach (sort keys %_) {print "$_ $_{$_} "}};
+%{"@_"} = %_ = (Just => another => Perl => Hacker); &{%{%_}};
+####### Here documents 1
+$_ = "\x3C\x3C\x45\x4F\x54"; s/<<EOT/<<EOT/e; print;
+Just another Perl Hacker
+####### Here documents 2
+$_ = "\x3C\x3C\x45\x4F\x54";
+print if s/<<EOT/<<EOT/e;
+Just another Perl Hacker
+####### Here documents 3
+$_ = "\x3C\x3C\x45\x4F\x54" and s/<<EOT/<<EOT/e and print;
+Just another Perl Hacker
+####### Here documents 4
+$_ = "\x3C\x3C\x45\x4F\x54\n" and s/<<EOT/<<EOT/ee and print;
+"Just another Perl Hacker"
+####### Self modifying code 1
+$_ = "goto F.print chop;\n=rekcaH lreP rehtona tsuJ";F1:eval
+####### Overloaded constants 1
+BEGIN {$^H {q} = sub {pop and pop and print pop}; $^H = 2**4.2**12}
+"Just "; "another "; "Perl "; "Hacker";
+####### Overloaded constants 2
+BEGIN {$^H {q} = sub {$_ [1] =~ y/S-ZA-IK-O/q-tc-fe-m/d; $_ [1]}; $^H = 0x28100}
+print "Just another PYTHON hacker\n";
+####### Overloaded constants 3
+BEGIN {$^H {join "" => ("a" .. "z") [8, 13, 19, 4, 6, 4, 17]} = sub
+ {["", "Just ", "another ", "Perl ", "Hacker\n"] -> [shift]};
+ $^H = hex join "" => reverse map {int ($_ / 2)} 0 .. 4}
+print 1, 2, 3, 4;
+####### Overloaded constants 4
+BEGIN {$^H {join "" => ("a" .. "z") [8, 13, 19, 4, 6, 4, 17]} = sub
+ {["", "Just ", "another ", "Perl ", "Hacker"] -> [shift]};
+ $^H = hex join "" => reverse map {int ($_ / 2)} 0 .. 4}
+print 1, 2, 3, 4, "\n";
+####### Overloaded constants 5
+BEGIN {my $x = "Knuth heals rare project\n";
+ $^H {integer} = sub {my $y = shift; $_ = substr $x => $y & 0x1F, 1;
+ $y > 32 ? uc : lc}; $^H = hex join "" => 2, 1, 1, 0, 0}
+print 52,2,10,23,16,8,1,19,3,6,15,12,5,49,21,14,9,11,36,13,22,32,7,18,24;
+####### v-strings 1
+print v74.;
+print v97.;
+print v80.;
+print v72.;
+####### v-strings 2
+####### v-strings 3
+print v74., v97.,
+ v80., v72.;
+####### v-strings 4
+####### v-strings 5
+print v74.
+ v32.;
+####### v-strings 6
+####### Symbolic references.
+print "$J$u$s$t $a$n$o$t$h$e$r $P$e$r$l $H$a$c$k$e$r\n";
+####### $; fun
+$; # A lone dollar?
+=$"; # Pod?
+$; # The return of the lone dollar?
+{Just=>another=>Perl=>Hacker=>} # Bare block?
+=$/; # More pod?
+print%; # No right operand for %?
+####### @; fun
+@;=split//=>"Joel, Preach sartre knuth\n";$;=chr 65;%;=map{$;++=>$_}
+EXPECT: $JaPh_c
+####### %; fun
+####### &func;
+$_ = "\112\165\163\1648\141\156\157\164\150\145\1628\120\145"
+ . "\162\1548\110\141\143\153\145\162\0128\177" and &japh;
+sub japh {print "@_" and return if pop; split /\d/ and &japh}
+####### magic goto.
+sub _ {$_ = shift and y/b-yB-Y/a-yB-Y/ xor !@ _?
+ exit print :
+ print and push @_ => shift and goto &{(caller (0)) [3]}}
+ split // => "KsvQtbuf fbsodpmu\ni flsI " xor & _
+####### $: fun 1
+####### $: fun 2
+ :;$:=~s:
+-:;another Perl Hacker
+ :;chop
+ :;::d;print+Just.
+####### $: fun 3
+ :;$:=~s:
+-:;another Perl Hacker
+ :;chop
+####### $!
+q[41342211132019313505])=~m[..]g]]e and y[yIbp][HJkP] and print;
+SKIP: Platform dependent.
+####### die 1
+eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker"]}; print ${$@}[$#{@${@}}]
+####### die 2
+eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker\n"]}; print ${$@}[$#{@${@}}]
+####### die 3
+eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker"]}; print ${${@}}[$#{@{${@}}}]
+####### die 4
+eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker\n"]}; print ${${@}}[$#{@{${@}}}]
+####### die 5
+eval {die [[qq [Just another Perl Hacker]]]};; print
+####### Closure returning itself.
+$_ = "\nrekcaH lreP rehtona tsuJ"; my $chop; $chop = sub {print chop; $chop};
+$chop -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> ()
+-> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> ()
+####### Special blocks 1
+BEGIN {print "Just " }
+CHECK {print "another "}
+INIT {print "Perl " }
+END {print "Hacker\n"}
+####### Special blocks 2
+END {print "Hacker\n"}
+INIT {print "Perl " }
+CHECK {print "another "}
+BEGIN {print "Just " }
+####### Recursive regex.
+ my $qr = qr/^.+?(;).+?\1|;Just another Perl Hacker;|;.+$/;
+ $qr =~ s/$qr//g;
+print $qr, "\n";
+####### use lib 'coderef'
+use lib sub {($\) = split /\./ => pop; print $"};
+eval "use Just" || eval "use another" || eval "use Perl" || eval "use Hacker";
+ Just another Perl Hacker