path: root/t/op/pat.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/op/pat.t')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/pat.t b/t/op/pat.t
index 0de3b14b41..0bc0eb675c 100755
--- a/t/op/pat.t
+++ b/t/op/pat.t
@@ -3851,65 +3851,65 @@ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
iseq($count,1,"should have matched once only [RT#36046]");
-{ # Test the (*NOMATCH) pattern
+{ # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
our $count = 0;
- iseq($count,9,"expect 9 for no (*NOMATCH)");
+ iseq($count,9,"expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)");
$count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*NOMATCH)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with (*NOMATCH)");
+ 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with (*PRUNE)");
local $_='aaab';
- 1 while /.(*NOMATCH)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*NOMATCH)/");
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,4,"/.(*PRUNE)/");
$count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(??{'(*NOMATCH)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with (*NOMATCH)");
+ 'aaab'=~/a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with (*PRUNE)");
local $_='aaab';
- 1 while /.(??{'(*NOMATCH)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*NOMATCH)/");
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,4,"/.(*PRUNE)/");
-{ # Test the (*CUT) pattern
+{ # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*CUT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*CUT)");
+ 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*SKIP)");
local $_='aaab';
- 1 while /.(*CUT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*CUT)/");
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,4,"/.(*SKIP)/");
our @res=();
- 1 while /(a+b?)(*CUT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,2,"Expect 2 with (*CUT)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab aaab","adjacent (*CUT) works as expected" );
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,2,"Expect 2 with (*SKIP)" );
+ iseq("@res","aaab aaab","adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected" );
-{ # Test the (*CUT) pattern
+{ # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*MARK)(*CUT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*CUT)");
+ 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*SKIP)");
local $_='aaab';
- 1 while /.(*MARK)(*CUT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*CUT)/");
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,4,"/.(*SKIP)/");
our @res=();
- 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK)(*CUT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,2,"Expect 2 with (*CUT)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab aaab","adjacent (*CUT) works as expected" );
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,2,"Expect 2 with (*SKIP)" );
+ iseq("@res","aaab aaab","adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected" );
-{ # Test the (*CUT) pattern
+{ # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*CUT:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*CUT:a)");
+ 'aaab'=~/a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)");
local $_='aaabaaab';
our @res=();
- 1 while /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK)(*CUT:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,5,"Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK)(*CUT:a)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab b aaab b ","adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK)(*CUT:a) works as expected" );
+ 1 while /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq($count,5,"Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)" );
+ iseq("@res","aaab b aaab b ","adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected" );
{ # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
our $count = 0;
@@ -3931,8 +3931,10 @@ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
for my $name ('',':foo')
- for my $pat ("(*NOMATCH$name)","(*MARK$name)(*CUT)",
- "(*CUT$name)","(*COMMIT$name)")
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name? "(*MARK$name)" : "")
+ . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)")
for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','')
@@ -3952,8 +3954,10 @@ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
for my $name ('',':foo')
- for my $pat ("(*NOMATCH$name)","(*MARK$name)(*CUT)",
- "(*CUT$name)","(*COMMIT$name)")
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name? "(*MARK$name)" : "")
+ . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)")
for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','')
@@ -3982,6 +3986,13 @@ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
ok($s =~ m/$rex/);
ok($s =~ m/^abc$/m);
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok(/A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x,"Simple (*THEN) test");
+ }
# Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
@@ -4008,5 +4019,4 @@ ok((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
# Put new tests above the line, not here.
# Don't forget to update this!
-BEGIN{print "1..1347\n"};
+BEGIN { print "1..1341\n" };