path: root/util.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'util.c')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
index 767082c20f..bc90b55e7a 100644
--- a/util.c
+++ b/util.c
@@ -819,7 +819,8 @@ fbm_compile(SV *sv)
I32 rarest = 0;
U32 frequency = 256;
- if (len > 255)
+ sv_upgrade(sv, SVt_PVBM);
+ if (len > 255 || len == 0) /* TAIL might be on on a zero-length string. */
return; /* can't have offsets that big */
table = (unsigned char*)(SvPVX(sv) + len + 1);
@@ -834,7 +835,6 @@ fbm_compile(SV *sv)
table[*s] = i;
- sv_upgrade(sv, SVt_PVBM);
sv_magic(sv, Nullsv, 'B', Nullch, 0); /* deep magic */
@@ -864,8 +864,15 @@ fbm_instr(unsigned char *big, register unsigned char *bigend, SV *littlestr)
if (SvTYPE(littlestr) != SVt_PVBM || !SvVALID(littlestr)) {
char *l = SvPV(littlestr,len);
- if (!len)
+ if (!len) {
+ if (SvTAIL(littlestr)) {
+ if (bigend > big && bigend[-1] == '\n')
+ return bigend - 1;
+ else
+ return bigend;
+ }
return (char*)big;
+ }
return ninstr((char*)big,(char*)bigend, l, l + len);
@@ -911,20 +918,35 @@ fbm_instr(unsigned char *big, register unsigned char *bigend, SV *littlestr)
while (tmp--) {
if (*--s == *--little)
+ differ:
s = olds + 1; /* here we pay the price for failure */
little = oldlittle;
if (s < bigend) /* fake up continue to outer loop */
goto top2;
return Nullch;
+ if (SvTAIL(littlestr) /* automatically multiline */
+ && olds + 1 != bigend
+ && olds[1] != '\n')
+ goto differ;
return (char *)s;
return Nullch;
+/* start_shift, end_shift are positive quantities which give offsets
+ of ends of some substring of bigstr.
+ If `last' we want the last occurence.
+ old_posp is the way of communication between consequent calls if
+ the next call needs to find the .
+ The initial *old_posp should be -1.
+ Note that we do not take into account SvTAIL, so it may give wrong
+ positives if _ALL flag is set.
+ */
char *
-screaminstr(SV *bigstr, SV *littlestr)
+screaminstr(SV *bigstr, SV *littlestr, I32 start_shift, I32 end_shift, I32 *old_posp, I32 last)
register unsigned char *s, *x;
register unsigned char *big;
@@ -932,54 +954,65 @@ screaminstr(SV *bigstr, SV *littlestr)
register I32 previous;
register I32 first;
register unsigned char *little;
- register unsigned char *bigend;
+ register I32 stop_pos;
register unsigned char *littleend;
+ I32 found = 0;
- if ((pos = screamfirst[BmRARE(littlestr)]) < 0)
+ if (*old_posp == -1
+ ? (pos = screamfirst[BmRARE(littlestr)]) < 0
+ : (((pos = *old_posp), pos += screamnext[pos]) == 0))
return Nullch;
little = (unsigned char *)(SvPVX(littlestr));
littleend = little + SvCUR(littlestr);
first = *little++;
+ /* The value of pos we can start at: */
previous = BmPREVIOUS(littlestr);
big = (unsigned char *)(SvPVX(bigstr));
- bigend = big + SvCUR(bigstr);
- while (pos < previous) {
+ /* The value of pos we can stop at: */
+ stop_pos = SvCUR(bigstr) - end_shift - (SvCUR(littlestr) - 1 - previous);
+ if (previous + start_shift > stop_pos) return Nullch;
+ while (pos < previous + start_shift) {
if (!(pos += screamnext[pos]))
return Nullch;
do {
+ if (pos >= stop_pos) return Nullch;
if (big[pos-previous] != first)
for (x=big+pos+1-previous,s=little; s < littleend; /**/ ) {
- if (x >= bigend)
- return Nullch;
if (*s++ != *x++) {
- if (s == littleend)
- return (char *)(big+pos-previous);
+ if (s == littleend) {
+ *old_posp = pos;
+ if (!last) return (char *)(big+pos-previous);
+ found = 1;
+ }
} while ( pos += screamnext[pos] );
+ return (last && found) ? (char *)(big+(*old_posp)-previous) : Nullch;
#else /* !POINTERRIGOR */
big -= previous;
do {
+ if (pos >= stop_pos) return Nullch;
if (big[pos] != first)
for (x=big+pos+1,s=little; s < littleend; /**/ ) {
- if (x >= bigend)
- return Nullch;
if (*s++ != *x++) {
- if (s == littleend)
- return (char *)(big+pos);
+ if (s == littleend) {
+ *old_posp = pos;
+ if (!last) return (char *)(big+pos);
+ found = 1;
+ }
} while ( pos += screamnext[pos] );
+ return (last && found) ? (char *)(big+(*old_posp)) : Nullch;
#endif /* POINTERRIGOR */
- return Nullch;