path: root/utils/h2ph.PL
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/h2ph.PL')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/utils/h2ph.PL b/utils/h2ph.PL
index 730c2259e7..da7bb64843 100644
--- a/utils/h2ph.PL
+++ b/utils/h2ph.PL
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
- if (s/^\s*#\s*//) {
+ if (s/^\s*\#\s*//) {
if (s/^define\s+(\w+)//) {
$name = $1;
$new = '';
@@ -171,37 +171,25 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
print OUT $t,"require '$incl';\n";
} elsif(/^include_next\s*[<"](.*)[>"]/) {
($incl = $1) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
- # should've read up on #include_next properly before attempting
- # to implement it...
- #
- #print OUT $t, "{\n";
- #$tab += 4;
- #$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- #print OUT $t, "my(\$INC) = shift(\@INC);\n";
- #print OUT $t, "require '$incl';\n";
- #print OUT $t, "unshift(\@INC, \$INC);}\n";
- #$tab -= 4;
- #$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- #print OUT $t, "}\n";
- #
- # try this instead:
- print OUT ($t, "my(\$i) = 0;\n");
- print OUT ($t, "if(exists(\$INC{$incl})) {\n");
- $tab += 4;
- $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- print OUT ($t, "++\$i while (\$i <= \$#INC",
- " and \$INC[\$i].'/$incl' ne \$INC{'$incl'});\n");
- print OUT ($t, "\$i = 0 if \$INC[\$i].'/$incl' ne",
- " \$INC{'$incl'};\n");
- $tab -= 4;
- $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
- print OUT ($t, "}\n");
print OUT ($t,
- "eval(\"require '\" . ",
- "(\$i ? \$INC[\$i].'/' : '') . \"\$incl';\");");
- # any better? require is smart enough not to try and include a
- # file twice, i believe, so require-ing the same actual file
- # should end up just being a null operation...
+ "eval {\n");
+ $tab += 4;
+ $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "my(\%INCD) = map { \$INC{\$_} => 1 } ",
+ "(grep { \$_ eq \"$incl\" } keys(\%INC));\n");
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "my(\@REM) = map { \"\$_/$incl\" } ",
+ "(grep { not exists(\$INCD{\"\$_/$incl\"})",
+ "and -f \"\$_/$incl\" } \@INC);\n");
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "require \"\$REM[0]\" if \@REM;\n");
+ $tab -= 4;
+ $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "};\n");
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "warn(\$\@) if \$\@;\n");
} elsif (/^ifdef\s+(\w+)/) {
print OUT $t,"if(defined(&$1)) {\n";
$tab += 4;
@@ -247,6 +235,34 @@ while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
} elsif(/^ident\s+(.*)/) {
print OUT $t, "# $1\n";
+ } elsif(/^\s*(typedef\s*)?enum\b/) {
+ until(/\}.*?;/) {
+ chomp($next = <IN>);
+ $_ .= $next;
+ print OUT "# $next\n" if $opt_D;
+ }
+ s@/\*.*?\*/@@g;
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ /^\s?(typedef\s?)?enum\s?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?\s?\{(.*)\}\s?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?\s?;/;
+ ($enum_subs = $3) =~ s/\s//g;
+ @enum_subs = split(/,/, $enum_subs);
+ $enum_val = -1;
+ for $enum (@enum_subs) {
+ ($enum_name, $enum_value) = $enum =~ /^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(=.+)?$/;
+ $enum_value =~ s/^=//;
+ $enum_val = (length($enum_value) ? $enum_value : $enum_val + 1);
+ if ($opt_h) {
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "eval(\"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n",
+ "sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ",
+ "unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n");
+ ++ $eval_index;
+ } else {
+ print OUT ($t,
+ "eval(\"sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ",
+ "unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n");
+ }
+ }
print OUT "1;\n";