path: root/utils/perlbug.PL
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/perlbug.PL')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/perlbug.PL b/utils/perlbug.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e877707184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/perlbug.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+use Config;
+use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
+# List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to
+# generate. Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you
+# have to mention them as if they were shell variables, not
+# %Config entries. Thus you write
+# $startperl
+# to ensure Configure will look for $Config{startperl}.
+# This forces PL files to create target in same directory as PL file.
+# This is so that make depend always knows where to find PL derivatives.
+($file = basename($0)) =~ s/\.PL$//;
+$file =~ s/\.pl$//
+ if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'VMS' or
+ $Config{'osname'} eq 'OS2'); # "case-forgiving"
+open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!";
+print "Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n";
+# In this section, perl variables will be expanded during extraction.
+# You can use $Config{...} to use Configure variables.
+print OUT <<"!GROK!THIS!";
+ eval 'exec perl -S \$0 "\$@"'
+ if 0;
+# In the following, perl variables are not expanded during extraction.
+print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!';
+use Config;
+use Mail::Send;
+use Mail::Util;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use strict;
+sub paraprint;
+my($Version) = "1.06";
+my( $file, $cc, $address, $perlbug, $testaddress, $filename,
+ $subject, $from, $verbose, $ed,
+ $fh, $me, $Is_VMS, $msg, $body, $andcc );
+if($::opt_h) { Help(); exit; }
+sub Init {
+ # -------- Setup --------
+ $Is_VMS = $::Config{'osname'} eq 'VMS';
+ getopts("hva:s:b:f:r:e:SCc:t");
+ # This comment is needed to notify metaconfig that we are
+ # using the $perladmin, $cf_by, and $cf_time definitions.
+ # -------- Configuration ---------
+ # perlbug address
+ $perlbug = '';
+ # Test address
+ $testaddress = '';
+ # Target address
+ $address = $::opt_a || ($::opt_t ? $testaddress : $perlbug);
+ # Possible administrator addresses, in order of confidence
+ # (Note that cf_email is not mentioned to metaconfig, since
+ # we don't really want it. We'll just take it if we have to.)
+ $cc = ($::opt_C ? "" : (
+ $::opt_c || $::Config{perladmin} || $::Config{cf_email} || $::Config{cf_by}
+ ));
+ # Users address, used in message and in Reply-To header
+ $from = $::opt_r || "";
+ # Include verbose configuration information
+ $verbose = $::opt_v || 0;
+ # Subject of bug-report message
+ $subject = $::opt_s || "";
+ # File to send as report
+ $file = $::opt_f || "";
+ # Body of report
+ $body = $::opt_b || "";
+ # Editor
+ $ed = ($::opt_f ? "file" : (
+ $::opt_e || $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{EDIT} ||
+ ($Is_VMS ? "edit/tpu" : "vi")
+ ));
+ # My username
+ $me = getpwuid($<);
+sub Query {
+ # Explain what perlbug is
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+This program allows you to enter a bug report,
+which will be sent as an e-mail message to $address
+once you have filled in the report.
+ # Prompt for subject of message, if needed
+ if(! $subject) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+First of all, please provide a subject for the
+message. It should be concise description of the bug,
+if at all possible.
+ print "Subject: ";
+ $subject = <>;
+ chop $subject;
+ my($err)=0;
+ while( $subject =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ print "\nPlease enter a subject: ";
+ $subject = <>;
+ chop $subject;
+ if($err++>5) {
+ die "Aborting.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Prompt for return address, if needed
+ if( !$from) {
+ # Try and guess return address
+ my($domain) = Mail::Util::maildomain();
+ my($guess);
+ if( !$domain) {
+ $guess = "";
+ } elsif ($Is_VMS && !$::Config{'d_has_sockets'}) {
+ $guess = "$domain$me";
+ } else {
+ $guess = "$me\@$domain" if $domain;
+ $guess = "$me\@unknown.addresss" unless $domain;
+ }
+ if( $guess ) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+Your e-mail address will be useful if you need to be contacted.
+If the default is not your proper address, please correct it here.
+ } else {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+So that you may be contacted if necessary, please enter
+your e-mail address here.
+ }
+ print "Your address [$guess]: ";
+ $from = <>;
+ chop $from;
+ if($from eq "") { $from = $guess }
+ }
+ #if( $from =~ /^(.*)\@(.*)$/ ) {
+ # $mailname = $1;
+ # $maildomain = $2;
+ #}
+ if( $from eq $cc or $me eq $cc ) {
+ # Try not to copy ourselves
+ $cc = "none";
+ }
+ # Prompt for administrator address, unless an override was given
+ if( !$::opt_C and !$::opt_c ) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+A copy of this report can be sent to your local
+perl administrator. If the address is wrong, please
+correct it, or enter 'none' to not send a copy.
+ print "Local perl administrator [$cc]: ";
+ my($entry) = scalar(<>);
+ chop $entry;
+ if($entry ne "") {
+ $cc = $entry;
+ if($me eq $cc) { $cc = "" }
+ }
+ }
+ if($cc eq "none") { $cc = "" }
+ $andcc = " and $cc" if $cc;
+ # Prompt for editor, if no override is given
+ if(! $::opt_e and ! $::opt_f and ! $::opt_b) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+Now you need to enter the bug report. Try to make
+the report concise but descriptive. Include any
+relevant detail. Some information about your local
+perl configuration will automatically be included
+at the end of the report.
+You will probably want to use an editor to enter
+the report. If "$ed" is the editor you want
+to use, then just press Enter, otherwise type in
+the name of the editor you would like to use.
+If you would like to use a prepared file, just enter
+"file", and you will be asked for the filename.
+ print "Editor [$ed]: ";
+ my($entry) =scalar(<>);
+ chop $entry;
+ if($entry ne "") {
+ $ed = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ # Generate scratch file to edit report in
+ $filename = ($Is_VMS ? 'sys$scratch:' : '/tmp/') . "bugrep0$$";
+ $filename++ while -e $filename;
+ # Prompt for file to read report from, if needed
+ if( $ed eq "file" and ! $file) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+What is the name of the file that contains your report?
+ print "Filename: ";
+ my($entry) = scalar(<>);
+ chop($entry);
+ if(!-f $entry or !-r $entry) {
+ print "\n\nUnable to read `$entry'.\nExiting.\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ $file = $entry;
+ }
+ # Generate report
+ open(REP,">$filename");
+ print REP <<EOF;
+This is a bug report for perl from $from,
+generated with the help of perlbug $Version running under perl $].
+ if($body) {
+ print REP $body;
+ } elsif($file) {
+ open(F,"<$file") or die "Unable to read report file: $!\n";
+ while(<F>) {
+ print REP $_
+ }
+ close(F);
+ } else {
+ print REP "[Please enter your report here]\n";
+ }
+ print REP <<EOF;
+Site configuration information for perl $]:
+ if( $::Config{cf_by} and $::Config{cf_time}) {
+ print REP "Configured by $::Config{cf_by} at $::Config{cf_time}.\n\n";
+ }
+ print REP Config::myconfig;
+ if($verbose) {
+ print REP "\nComplete configuration data for perl $]:\n\n";
+ my($value);
+ foreach (sort keys %::Config) {
+ $value = $::Config{$_};
+ $value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ print REP "$_='$value'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(REP);
+sub Edit {
+ # Edit the report
+ if(!$file and !$body) {
+ if( system("$ed $filename") ) {
+ print "\nUnabled to run editor!\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub NowWhat {
+ # Report is done, prompt for further action
+ if( !$::opt_S ) {
+ while(1) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+Now that you have completed your report, would you like to send
+the message to $address$andcc, display the message on
+the screen, re-edit it, or cancel without sending anything?
+You may also save the message as a file to mail at another time.
+ print "Action (Send/Display/Edit/Cancel/File): ";
+ my($action) = scalar(<>);
+ chop $action;
+ if($action =~ /^s/i) { # Send
+ # Send the message
+ last;
+ } elsif($action =~ /^f/i) { # File
+ print "\n\nName of file to save message in [perlbug.rep]: ";
+ my($file) = scalar(<>);
+ chop $file;
+ if($file eq "") { $file = "perlbug.rep" }
+ open(FILE,">$file");
+ open(REP,"<$filename");
+ print FILE "To: $address\nSubject: $subject\n";
+ print FILE "Cc: $cc\n" if $cc;
+ print FILE "Reply-To: $from\n" if $from;
+ print FILE "\n";
+ while(<REP>) { print FILE }
+ close(REP);
+ close(FILE);
+ print "\nMessage saved in `$file'.\n";
+ exit;
+ } elsif($action =~ /^[drl]/i) { # Display, Redisplay, List
+ # Display the message
+ open(REP,"<$filename");
+ while(<REP>) { print $_ }
+ close(REP);
+ } elsif($action =~ /^e/i) { # Edit
+ # edit the message
+ system("$ed $filename");
+ } elsif($action =~ /^[qc]/i) { # Cancel, Quit
+ 1 while unlink($filename); # remove all versions under VMS
+ print "\nCancelling.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub Send {
+ # Message has been accepted for transmission -- Send the message
+ $msg = new Mail::Send Subject => $subject, To => $address;
+ $msg->cc($cc) if $cc;
+ $msg->add("Reply-To",$from) if $from;
+ $fh = $msg->open;
+ open(REP,"<$filename");
+ while(<REP>) { print $fh $_ }
+ close(REP);
+ $fh->close;
+ print "\nMessage sent.\n";
+ 1 while unlink($filename); # remove all versions under VMS
+sub Help {
+ print <<EOF;
+A program to help generate bug reports about perl5, and mail them.
+It is designed to be used interactively. Normally no arguments will
+be needed.
+$0 [-v] [-a address] [-s subject] [-b body | -f file ]
+ [-r returnaddress] [-e editor] [-c adminaddress | -C] [-S] [-t]
+Simplest usage: execute "$0", and follow the prompts.
+ -v Include Verbose configuration data in the report
+ -f File containing the body of the report. Use this to
+ quickly send a prepared message.
+ -S Send without asking for confirmation.
+ -a Address to send the report to. Defaults to `$address'.
+ -c Address to send copy of report to. Defaults to `$cc'.
+ -C Don't send copy to administrator.
+ -s Subject to include with the message. You will be prompted
+ if you don't supply one on the command line.
+ -b Body of the report. If not included on the command line, or
+ in a file with -f, you will get a chance to edit the message.
+ -r Your return address. The program will ask you to confirm
+ this if you don't give it here.
+ -e Editor to use.
+ -t Test mode. The target address defaults to `$testaddress'.
+sub paraprint {
+ my @paragraphs = split /\n{2,}/, "@_";
+ print "\n";
+ for (@paragraphs) { # implicit local $_
+ s/(\S)\s*\n/$1 /g;
+ write;
+ print "\n";
+ }
+format STDOUT =
+^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~
+close OUT or die "Can't close $file: $!";
+chmod 0755, $file or die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n";
+exec("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':';