path: root/utils/perlcc.PL
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/perlcc.PL')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/utils/perlcc.PL b/utils/perlcc.PL
index df27b75dc4..51f52eda5a 100644
--- a/utils/perlcc.PL
+++ b/utils/perlcc.PL
@@ -63,11 +63,14 @@ use subs qw{
grab_stash parse_argv sanity_check vprint yclept spawnit
sub opt(*); # imal quoting
+sub is_win32();
+sub is_msvc();
our ($Options, $BinPerl, $Backend);
our ($Input => $Output);
our ($logfh);
our ($cfile);
+our (@begin_output); # output from BEGIN {}, for testsuite
# eval { main(); 1 } or die;
@@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ sub parse_argv {
'L:s', # lib directory
'I:s', # include directories (FOR C, NOT FOR PERL)
'o:s', # Output executable
- 'v:i', # Verbosity level
+ 'v:i', # Verbosity level
'e:s', # One-liner
'r', # run resulting executable
'B', # Byte compiler backend
@@ -170,24 +173,34 @@ sub parse_argv {
'h', # Help me
'S', # Dump C files
'r', # run the resulting executable
+ 'T', # run the backend using perl -T
+ 't', # run the backend using perl -t
'static', # Dirty hack to enable -shared/-static
'shared', # Create a shared library (--shared for compat.)
- 'log:s' # where to log compilation process information
+ 'log:s', # where to log compilation process information
+ 'testsuite', # try to be nice to testsuite
$Options->{v} += 0;
+ if( opt(t) && opt(T) ) {
+ warn "Can't specify both -T and -t, -t ignored";
+ $Options->{t} = 0;
+ }
helpme() if opt(h); # And exit
- $Output = opt(o) || 'a.out';
- $Output = relativize($Output);
+ $Output = opt(o) || ( is_win32 ? 'a.exe' : 'a.out' );
+ $Output = is_win32() ? $Output : relativize($Output);
$logfh = new FileHandle(">> " . opt('log')) if (opt('log'));
if (opt(e)) {
warn "$0: using -e 'code' as input file, ignoring @ARGV\n" if @ARGV;
# We don't use a temporary file here; why bother?
# XXX: this is not bullet proof -- spaces or quotes in name!
- $Input = "-e '".opt(e)."'"; # Quotes eaten by shell
+ $Input = is_win32() ? # Quotes eaten by shell
+ '-e "'.opt(e).'"' :
+ "-e '".opt(e)."'";
} else {
$Input = shift @ARGV; # XXX: more files?
_usage_and_die("$0: No input file specified\n") unless $Input;
@@ -252,7 +265,7 @@ EOF
my @error = grep { !/^$Input syntax OK$/o } @$error_r;
warn "$0: Unexpected compiler output:\n@error" if @error;
# Write it and leave.
print OUT @$output_r or _die("can't write $Output: $!");
close OUT or _die("can't close $Output: $!");
@@ -264,11 +277,25 @@ EOF
sub compile_cstyle {
my $stash = grab_stash();
+ my $taint = opt(T) ? '-T' :
+ opt(t) ? '-t' : '';
# What are we going to call our output C file?
my $lose = 0;
my ($cfh);
+ my $testsuite = '';
+ if (opt(testsuite)) {
+ my $bo = join '', @begin_output;
+ $bo =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\/gs;
+ $bo =~ s/\n/\\n/gs;
+ $bo =~ s/,/\\054/gs;
+ # don't look at that: it hurts
+ $testsuite = q{-fuse-script-name,-fsave-data,-fsave-sig-hash,}.
+ qq[-e"print q{$bo}",] .
+ q{-e"open(Test::Builder::TESTOUT\054 '>&STDOUT') or die $!",} .
+ q{-e"open(Test::Builder::TESTERR\054 '>&STDERR') or die $!",};
+ }
if (opt(S) || opt(c)) {
# We need to keep it.
if (opt(e)) {
@@ -297,7 +324,7 @@ sub compile_cstyle {
# This has to do the write itself, so we can't keep a lock. Life
# sucks.
- my $command = "$BinPerl -MO=$Backend,$max_line_len$stash,-o$cfile $Input";
+ my $command = "$BinPerl $taint -MO=$Backend,$testsuite$max_line_len$stash,-o$cfile $Input";
vprint 1, "Compiling...";
vprint 1, "Calling $command";
@@ -309,7 +336,9 @@ sub compile_cstyle {
_die("$0: $Input did not compile, which can't happen:\n@error\n");
- cc_harness($cfile,$stash) unless opt(c);
+ is_msvc ?
+ cc_harness_msvc($cfile,$stash) :
+ cc_harness($cfile,$stash) unless opt(c);
if ($lose) {
vprint 2, "unlinking $cfile";
@@ -317,6 +346,23 @@ sub compile_cstyle {
+sub cc_harness_msvc {
+ my ($cfile,$stash)=@_;
+ use ExtUtils::Embed ();
+ my $obj = "${Output}.obj";
+ my $compile = ExtUtils::Embed::ccopts." -c -Fo$obj $cfile ";
+ my $link = "-out:$Output $obj";
+ $compile .= " -I".$_ for split /\s+/, opt(I);
+ $link .= " -libpath:".$_ for split /\s+/, opt(L);
+ my @mods = split /-?u /, $stash;
+ $link .= " ".ExtUtils::Embed::ldopts("-std", \@mods);
+ $link .= " perl57.lib msvcrt.lib";
+ vprint 3, "running $Config{cc} $compile";
+ system("$Config{cc} $compile");
+ vprint 3, "running $Config{ld} $link";
+ system("$Config{ld} $link");
sub cc_harness {
my ($cfile,$stash)=@_;
use ExtUtils::Embed ();
@@ -356,7 +402,9 @@ sub yclept {
warn "already called get_stash once" if $_stash;
- my $command = "$BinPerl -MB::Stash -c $Input";
+ my $taint = opt(T) ? '-T' :
+ opt(t) ? '-t' : '';
+ my $command = "$BinPerl $taint -MB::Stash -c $Input";
# Filename here is perfectly sanitised.
vprint 3, "Calling $command\n";
@@ -368,7 +416,14 @@ sub yclept {
_die("$0: $Input did not compile:\n@error\n");
+ # band-aid for modules with noisy BEGIN {}
+ foreach my $i ( @stash ) {
+ $i =~ m/-u(?:[\w:]+|\<none\>)$/ and $stash[0] = $i and next;
+ push @begin_output, $i;
+ }
+ chomp $stash[0];
$stash[0] =~ s/,-u\<none\>//;
+ $stash[0] =~ s/^.*?-u/-u/s;
vprint 2, "Stash: ", join " ", split /,?-u/, $stash[0];
chomp $stash[0];
return $_stash = $stash[0];
@@ -548,6 +603,9 @@ sub interruptrun
+sub is_win32() { $^O =~ m/^MSWin/ }
+sub is_msvc() { is_win32 && $Config{cc} =~ m/^cl/i }
unlink $cfile if ($cfile && !opt(S) && !opt(c));