path: root/vms/vms.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vms/vms.c')
1 files changed, 2095 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vms/vms.c b/vms/vms.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26aeecb4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vms/vms.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2095 @@
+/* VMS-specific routines for perl5
+ *
+ * Last revised: 09-Oct-1994
+ */
+#include <acedef.h>
+#include <acldef.h>
+#include <armdef.h>
+#include <chpdef.h>
+#include <descrip.h>
+#include <dvidef.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <fscndef.h>
+#include <iodef.h>
+#include <jpidef.h>
+#include <libdef.h>
+#include <lib$routines.h>
+#include <lnmdef.h>
+#include <psldef.h>
+#include <rms.h>
+#include <shrdef.h>
+#include <ssdef.h>
+#include <starlet.h>
+#include <stsdef.h>
+#include <syidef.h>
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+struct itmlst_3 {
+ unsigned short int buflen;
+ unsigned short int itmcode;
+ void *bufadr;
+ unsigned long int retlen;
+static unsigned long int sts;
+#define _cksts(call) \
+ if (!(sts=(call))&1) { \
+ errno = EVMSERR; vaxc$errno = sts; \
+ croak("fatal error at %s, line %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); \
+ } else { 1; }
+/* my_getenv
+ * Translate a logical name. Substitute for CRTL getenv() to avoid
+ * memory leak, and to keep my_getenv() and my_setenv() in the same
+ * domain (mostly - my_getenv() need not return a translation from
+ * the process logical name table)
+ *
+ * Note: Uses static buffer -- not thread-safe!
+ */
+/*{{{ char *my_getenv(char *lnm)*/
+char *
+my_getenv(char *lnm)
+ static char __my_getenv_eqv[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH+1];
+ char uplnm[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH], *cp1, *cp2;
+ unsigned short int eqvlen;
+ unsigned long int retsts, attr = LNM$M_CASE_BLIND;
+ $DESCRIPTOR(sysdiskdsc,"SYS$DISK");
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s lnmdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,uplnm},
+ eqvdsc = {sizeof __my_getenv_eqv,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
+ DSC$K_CLASS_S, __my_getenv_eqv};
+ struct itmlst_3 lnmlst[2] = {sizeof __my_getenv_eqv - 1, LNM$_STRING,
+ __my_getenv_eqv, &eqvlen, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ for (cp1 = lnm, cp2= uplnm; *cp1; cp1++, cp2++) *cp2 = _toupper(*cp1);
+ *cp2 = '\0';
+ lnmdsc.dsc$w_length = cp1 - lnm;
+ if (lnmdsc.dsc$w_length = 7 && !strncmp(uplnm,"DEFAULT",7)) {
+ _cksts(sys$trnlnm(&attr,&tabdsc,&sysdiskdsc,0,lnmlst));
+ eqvdsc.dsc$a_pointer += eqvlen;
+ eqvdsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof __my_getenv_eqv - eqvlen - 1;
+ _cksts(sys$setddir(0,&eqvlen,&eqvdsc));
+ eqvdsc.dsc$a_pointer[eqvlen] = '\0';
+ return __my_getenv_eqv;
+ }
+ else {
+ retsts = sys$trnlnm(&attr,&tabdsc,&lnmdsc,0,lnmlst);
+ if (retsts != SS$_NOLOGNAM) {
+ if (retsts & 1) {
+ __my_getenv_eqv[eqvlen] = '\0';
+ return __my_getenv_eqv;
+ }
+ _cksts(retsts);
+ }
+ else {
+ retsts = lib$get_symbol(&lnmdsc,&eqvdsc,&(eqvdsc.dsc$w_length),0);
+ if (retsts != LIB$_NOSUCHSYM) {
+ /* We want to return only logical names or CRTL Unix emulations */
+ if (retsts & 1) return Nullch;
+ _cksts(retsts);
+ }
+ else return getenv(lnm); /* Try for CRTL emulation of a Unix/POSIX name */
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+} /* end of my_getenv() */
+/*{{{ void my_setenv(char *lnm, char *eqv)*/
+my_setenv(char *lnm,char *eqv)
+/* Define a supervisor-mode logical name in the process table.
+ * In the future we'll add tables, attribs, and acmodes,
+ * probably through a different call.
+ */
+ char uplnm[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH], *cp1, *cp2;
+ unsigned long int retsts, usermode = PSL$C_USER;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s lnmdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,uplnm},
+ eqvdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,0};
+ for(cp1 = lnm, cp2 = uplnm; *cp1; cp1++, cp2++) *cp2 = _toupper(*cp1);
+ lnmdsc.dsc$w_length = cp1 - lnm;
+ if (!eqv || !*eqv) { /* we're deleting a logical name */
+ retsts = sys$dellnm(&tabdsc,&lnmdsc,&usermode); /* try user mode first */
+ if (retsts != SS$_NOLOGNAM) _cksts(retsts);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ retsts = lib$delete_logical(&lnmdsc,&tabdsc); /* then supervisor mode */
+ if (retsts != SS$_NOLOGNAM) _cksts(retsts);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ eqvdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(eqv);
+ eqvdsc.dsc$a_pointer = eqv;
+ _cksts(lib$set_logical(&lnmdsc,&eqvdsc,&tabdsc,0,0));
+ }
+} /* end of my_setenv() */
+static char *do_fileify_dirspec(char *, char *, int);
+static char *do_tovmsspec(char *, char *, int);
+/*{{{int do_rmdir(char *name)*/
+do_rmdir(char *name)
+ char dirfile[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int retval;
+ stat_t st;
+ if (do_fileify_dirspec(name,dirfile,0) == NULL) return -1;
+ if (flex_stat(dirfile,&st) || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) retval = -1;
+ else retval = kill_file(dirfile);
+ return retval;
+} /* end of do_rmdir */
+/* kill_file
+ * Delete any file to which user has control access, regardless of whether
+ * delete access is explicitly allowed.
+ * Limitations: User must have write access to parent directory.
+ * Does not block signals or ASTs; if interrupted in midstream
+ * may leave file with an altered ACL.
+ */
+/*{{{int kill_file(char *name)*/
+kill_file(char *name)
+ char vmsname[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int jpicode = JPI$_UIC, type = ACL$C_FILE;
+ unsigned long int uics[2] = {0,0}, cxt = 0, aclsts, fndsts, rmsts = -1;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s fildsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ struct myacedef {
+ unsigned char ace$b_length;
+ unsigned char ace$b_type;
+ unsigned short int ace$w_flags;
+ unsigned long int ace$l_access;
+ unsigned long int ace$l_ident;
+ } newace = { sizeof(struct myacedef), ACE$C_KEYID, 0,
+ oldace = { sizeof(struct myacedef), ACE$C_KEYID, 0, 0, 0};
+ struct itmlst_3
+ findlst[3] = {sizeof oldace, ACL$C_FNDACLENT, &oldace, 0,
+ sizeof oldace, ACL$C_READACE, &oldace, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ addlst[2] = {sizeof newace, ACL$C_ADDACLENT, &newace, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ dellst[2] = {sizeof newace, ACL$C_DELACLENT, &newace, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ lcklst[2] = {sizeof newace, ACL$C_WLOCK_ACL, &newace, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ ulklst[2] = {sizeof newace, ACL$C_UNLOCK_ACL, &newace, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ if (!remove(name)) return 0; /* Can we just get rid of it? */
+ /* No, so we get our own UIC to use as a rights identifier,
+ * and the insert an ACE at the head of the ACL which allows us
+ * to delete the file.
+ */
+ _cksts(lib$getjpi(&jpicode,0,0,&(oldace.ace$l_ident),0,0));
+ if (do_tovmsspec(name,vmsname,0) == NULL) return -1;
+ fildsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(vmsname);
+ fildsc.dsc$a_pointer = vmsname;
+ cxt = 0;
+ newace.ace$l_ident = oldace.ace$l_ident;
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,lcklst,0,0,0)) & 1)) {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ vaxc$errno = aclsts;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Grab any existing ACEs with this identifier in case we fail */
+ aclsts = fndsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,findlst,0,0,&cxt);
+ if ( fndsts & 1 || fndsts == SS$_ACLEMPTY || fndsts == SS$_NOENTRY) {
+ /* Add the new ACE . . . */
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,addlst,0,0,0)) & 1))
+ goto yourroom;
+ if (rmsts = remove(name)) {
+ /* We blew it - dir with files in it, no write priv for
+ * parent directory, etc. Put things back the way they were. */
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,dellst,0,0,0)) & 1))
+ goto yourroom;
+ if (fndsts & 1) {
+ addlst[0].bufadr = &oldace;
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,addlst,0,0,&cxt)) & 1))
+ goto yourroom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ yourroom:
+ if (rmsts) {
+ fndsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,ulklst,0,0,0);
+ if (aclsts & 1) aclsts = fndsts;
+ }
+ if (!(aclsts & 1)) {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ vaxc$errno = aclsts;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return rmsts;
+} /* end of kill_file() */
+static void
+create_mbx(unsigned short int *chan, struct dsc$descriptor_s *namdsc)
+ static unsigned long int mbxbufsiz;
+ long int syiitm = SYI$_MAXBUF, dviitm = DVI$_DEVNAM;
+ if (!mbxbufsiz) {
+ /*
+ * Get the SYSGEN parameter MAXBUF, and the smaller of it and the
+ * preprocessor consant BUFSIZ from stdio.h as the size of the
+ * 'pipe' mailbox.
+ */
+ _cksts(lib$getsyi(&syiitm, &mbxbufsiz, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ if (mbxbufsiz > BUFSIZ) mbxbufsiz = BUFSIZ;
+ }
+ _cksts(sys$crembx(0,chan,mbxbufsiz,mbxbufsiz,0,0,0));
+ _cksts(lib$getdvi(&dviitm, chan, NULL, NULL, namdsc, &namdsc->dsc$w_length));
+ namdsc->dsc$a_pointer[namdsc->dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+} /* end of create_mbx() */
+/*{{{ my_popen and my_pclose*/
+struct pipe_details
+ struct pipe_details *next;
+ FILE *fp;
+ int pid;
+ unsigned long int completion;
+static struct pipe_details *open_pipes = NULL;
+static $DESCRIPTOR(nl_desc, "NL:");
+static int waitpid_asleep = 0;
+static void
+popen_completion_ast(unsigned long int unused)
+ if (waitpid_asleep) {
+ waitpid_asleep = 0;
+ sys$wake(0,0);
+ }
+/*{{{ FILE *my_popen(char *cmd, char *mode)*/
+my_popen(char *cmd, char *mode)
+ char mbxname[64];
+ unsigned short int chan;
+ unsigned long int flags=1; /* nowait - gnu c doesn't allow &1 */
+ struct pipe_details *info;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s namdsc = {sizeof mbxname, DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
+ DSC$K_CLASS_S, mbxname},
+ cmddsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
+ DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ New(7001,info,1,struct pipe_details);
+ info->completion=0; /* I assume this will remain 0 until terminates */
+ /* create mailbox */
+ create_mbx(&chan,&namdsc);
+ /* open a FILE* onto it */
+ info->fp=fopen(mbxname, mode);
+ /* give up other channel onto it */
+ _cksts(sys$dassgn(chan));
+ if (!info->fp)
+ return Nullfp;
+ cmddsc.dsc$w_length=strlen(cmd);
+ cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer=cmd;
+ if (strcmp(mode,"r")==0) {
+ _cksts(lib$spawn(&cmddsc, &nl_desc, &namdsc, &flags,
+ 0 /* name */, &info->pid, &info->completion,
+ 0, popen_completion_ast,0,0,0,0));
+ }
+ else {
+ _cksts(lib$spawn(&cmddsc, &namdsc, 0 /* sys$output */,
+ 0 /* name */, &info->pid, &info->completion));
+ }
+ info->next=open_pipes; /* prepend to list */
+ open_pipes=info;
+ return info->fp;
+/*{{{ I32 my_pclose(FILE *fp)*/
+I32 my_pclose(FILE *fp)
+ struct pipe_details *info, *last = NULL;
+ unsigned long int abort = SS$_TIMEOUT, retsts;
+ for (info = open_pipes; info != NULL; last = info, info = info->next)
+ if (info->fp == fp) break;
+ if (info == NULL)
+ /* get here => no such pipe open */
+ croak("my_pclose() - no such pipe open ???");
+ if (!info->completion) { /* Tap them gently on the shoulder . . .*/
+ _cksts(sys$forcex(&info->pid,0,&abort));
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (!info->completion) /* We tried to be nice . . . */
+ _cksts(sys$delprc(&info->pid));
+ fclose(info->fp);
+ /* remove from list of open pipes */
+ if (last) last->next = info->next;
+ else open_pipes = info->next;
+ retsts = info->completion;
+ Safefree(info);
+ return retsts;
+} /* end of my_pclose() */
+#ifndef HAS_WAITPID
+/* sort-of waitpid; use only with popen() */
+/*{{{unsigned long int waitpid(unsigned long int pid, int *statusp, int flags)*/
+unsigned long int
+waitpid(unsigned long int pid, int *statusp, int flags)
+ struct pipe_details *info;
+ unsigned long int abort = SS$_TIMEOUT;
+ for (info = open_pipes; info != NULL; info = info->next)
+ if (info->pid == pid) break;
+ if (info != NULL) { /* we know about this child */
+ while (!info->completion) {
+ waitpid_asleep = 1;
+ sys$hiber();
+ }
+ *statusp = info->completion;
+ return pid;
+ }
+ else { /* we haven't heard of this child */
+ $DESCRIPTOR(intdsc,"0 00:00:01");
+ unsigned long int ownercode = JPI$_OWNER, ownerpid, mypid;
+ unsigned long int interval[2];
+ _cksts(lib$getjpi(&ownercode,&pid,0,&ownerpid,0,0));
+ _cksts(lib$getjpi(&ownercode,0,0,&mypid,0,0));
+ if (ownerpid != mypid)
+ croak("pid %d not a child",pid);
+ _cksts(sys$bintim(&intdsc,interval));
+ while ((sts=lib$getjpi(&ownercode,&pid,0,&ownerpid,0,0)) & 1) {
+ _cksts(sys$schdwk(0,0,interval,0));
+ _cksts(sys$hiber());
+ }
+ _cksts(sts);
+ /* There's no easy way to find the termination status a child we're
+ * not aware of beforehand. If we're really interested in the future,
+ * we can go looking for a termination mailbox, or chase after the
+ * accounting record for the process.
+ */
+ *statusp = 0;
+ return pid;
+ }
+} /* end of waitpid() */
+/*{{{ char *my_gconvert(double val, int ndig, int trail, char *buf) */
+char *
+my_gconvert(double val, int ndig, int trail, char *buf)
+ static char __gcvtbuf[DBL_DIG+1];
+ char *loc;
+ loc = buf ? buf : __gcvtbuf;
+ if (val) {
+ if (!buf && ndig > DBL_DIG) ndig = DBL_DIG;
+ return gcvt(val,ndig,loc);
+ }
+ else {
+ loc[0] = '0'; loc[1] = '\0';
+ return loc;
+ }
+** The following routines are provided to make life easier when
+** converting among VMS-style and Unix-style directory specifications.
+** All will take input specifications in either VMS or Unix syntax. On
+** failure, all return NULL. If successful, the routines listed below
+** return a pointer to a static buffer containing the appropriately
+** reformatted spec (and, therefore, subsequent calls to that routine
+** will clobber the result), while the routines of the same names with
+** a _ts suffix appended will return a pointer to a mallocd string
+** containing the appropriately reformatted spec.
+** In all cases, only explicit syntax is altered; no check is made that
+** the resulting string is valid or that the directory in question
+** actually exists.
+** fileify_dirspec() - convert a directory spec into the name of the
+** directory file (i.e. what you can stat() to see if it's a dir).
+** The style (VMS or Unix) of the result is the same as the style
+** of the parameter passed in.
+** pathify_dirspec() - convert a directory spec into a path (i.e.
+** what you prepend to a filename to indicate what directory it's in).
+** The style (VMS or Unix) of the result is the same as the style
+** of the parameter passed in.
+** tounixpath() - convert a directory spec into a Unix-style path.
+** tovmspath() - convert a directory spec into a VMS-style path.
+** tounixspec() - convert any file spec into a Unix-style file spec.
+** tovmsspec() - convert any file spec into a VMS-style spec.
+ */
+/*{{{ char *fileify_dirspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_fileify_dirspec(char *dir,char *buf,int ts)
+ static char __fileify_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int dirlen, retlen, addmfd = 0;
+ char *retspec, *cp1, *cp2, *lastdir;
+ if (dir == NULL) return NULL;
+ dirlen = strlen(dir);
+ if (!strpbrk(dir,"]:>")) { /* Unix-style path or plain dir name */
+ if (dir[dirlen-1] == '/') { /* path ends with '/'; just add .dir;1 */
+ dirlen -= 1; /* to last element */
+ lastdir = strrchr(dir,'/');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!(lastdir = cp1 = strrchr(dir,'/'))) cp1 = dir;
+ if ((cp2 = strchr(cp1,'.'))) { /* look for explicit type */
+ if (toupper(*(cp2+1)) == 'D' && /* Yep. Is it .dir? */
+ toupper(*(cp2+2)) == 'I' &&
+ toupper(*(cp2+3)) == 'R') {
+ if ((cp1 = strchr(cp2,';')) || (cp1 = strchr(cp2+1,'.'))) {
+ if (*(cp1+1) != '1' || *(cp1+2) != '\0') { /* Version is not ;1 */
+ errno = ENOTDIR; /* Bzzt. */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ dirlen = cp2 - dir;
+ }
+ else { /* There's a type, and it's not .dir. Bzzt. */
+ errno = ENOTDIR;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we lead off with a device or rooted logical, add the MFD
+ if we're specifying a top-level directory. */
+ if (lastdir && *dir == '/') {
+ addmfd = 1;
+ for (cp1 = lastdir - 1; cp1 > dir; cp1--) {
+ if (*cp1 == '/') {
+ addmfd = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ retlen = dirlen + addmfd ? 13 : 6;
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7009,retspec,retlen+6,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ if (addmfd) {
+ dirlen = lastdir - dir;
+ memcpy(retspec,dir,dirlen);
+ strcpy(&retspec[dirlen],"/000000");
+ strcpy(&retspec[dirlen+7],lastdir);
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(retspec,dir,dirlen);
+ retspec[dirlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ /* We've picked up everything up to the directory file name.
+ Now just add the type and version, and we're set. */
+ strcat(retspec,".dir;1");
+ return retspec;
+ }
+ else { /* VMS-style directory spec */
+ char esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], term;
+ unsigned long int sts, cmplen;
+ struct FAB dirfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ struct NAM savnam, dirnam = cc$rms_nam;
+ dirfab.fab$b_fns = strlen(dir);
+ dirfab.fab$l_fna = dir;
+ dirfab.fab$l_nam = &dirnam;
+ dirnam.nam$b_ess = NAM$C_MAXRSS;
+ dirnam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ dirnam.nam$b_nop = NAM$M_SYNCHK;
+ if (!(sys$parse(&dirfab)&1)) {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ vaxc$errno = dirfab.fab$l_sts;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ savnam = dirnam;
+ if (sys$search(&dirfab)&1) { /* Does the file really exist? */
+ /* Yes; fake the fnb bits so we'll check type below */
+ dirnam.nam$l_fnb |= NAM$M_EXP_TYPE | NAM$M_EXP_VER;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dirfab.fab$l_sts != RMS$_FNF) {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ vaxc$errno = dirfab.fab$l_sts;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dirnam = savnam; /* No; just work with potential name */
+ }
+ if (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_TYPE) { /* Was type specified? */
+ /* Yep; check version while we're at it, if it's there. */
+ cmplen = (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_VER) ? 6 : 4;
+ if (strncmp(dirnam.nam$l_type,".DIR;1",cmplen)) {
+ /* Something other than .DIR[;1]. Bzzt. */
+ errno = ENOTDIR;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else { /* Ok, it was .DIR[;1]; copy over everything up to the */
+ retlen = dirnam.nam$l_type - esa; /* file name. */
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7010,retspec,retlen+6,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ strncpy(retspec,esa,retlen);
+ retspec[retlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* They didn't explicitly specify the directory file. Ignore
+ any file names in the input, pull off the last element of the
+ directory path, and make it the file name. If you want to
+ pay attention to filenames without .dir in the input, just use
+ ".DIR;1" as a default filespec for the $PARSE */
+ esa[dirnam.nam$b_esl] = '\0';
+ if ((cp1 = strrchr(esa,']')) == NULL) cp1 = strrchr(esa,'>');
+ if (cp1 == NULL) return NULL; /* should never happen */
+ term = *cp1;
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ retlen = strlen(esa);
+ if ((cp1 = strrchr(esa,'.')) != NULL) {
+ /* There's more than one directory in the path. Just roll back. */
+ *cp1 = term;
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7011,retspec,retlen+6,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retspec,esa);
+ }
+ else { /* This is a top-level dir. Add the MFD to the path. */
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7012,retspec,retlen+14,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ cp1 = esa;
+ cp2 = retspec;
+ while (*cp1 != ':') *(cp2++) = *(cp1++);
+ strcpy(cp2,":[000000]");
+ cp1 += 2;
+ strcpy(cp2+9,cp1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Again, we've set up the string up through the filename. Add the
+ type and version, and we're done. */
+ strcat(retspec,".DIR;1");
+ return retspec;
+ }
+} /* end of do_fileify_dirspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *fileify_dirspec(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_fileify_dirspec(dir,buf,0); }
+char *fileify_dirspec_ts(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_fileify_dirspec(dir,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *pathify_dirspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_pathify_dirspec(char *dir,char *buf, int ts)
+ static char __pathify_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int retlen;
+ char *retpath, *cp1, *cp2;
+ if (dir == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (!strpbrk(dir,"]:>")) { /* Unix-style path or plain dir name */
+ if (!(cp1 = strrchr(dir,'/'))) cp1 = dir;
+ if (cp2 = strchr(cp1,'.')) {
+ if (toupper(*(cp2+1)) == 'D' && /* They specified .dir. */
+ toupper(*(cp2+2)) == 'I' && /* Trim it off. */
+ toupper(*(cp2+3)) == 'R') {
+ retlen = cp2 - dir + 1;
+ }
+ else { /* Some other file type. Bzzt. */
+ errno = ENOTDIR;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* No file type present. Treat the filename as a directory. */
+ retlen = strlen(dir) + 1;
+ }
+ if (buf) retpath = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7013,retpath,retlen,char);
+ else retpath = __pathify_retbuf;
+ strncpy(retpath,dir,retlen-1);
+ if (retpath[retlen-2] != '/') { /* If the path doesn't already end */
+ retpath[retlen-1] = '/'; /* with '/', add it. */
+ retpath[retlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ else retpath[retlen-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ else { /* VMS-style directory spec */
+ char esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int sts, cmplen;
+ struct FAB dirfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ struct NAM savnam, dirnam = cc$rms_nam;
+ dirfab.fab$b_fns = strlen(dir);
+ dirfab.fab$l_fna = dir;
+ dirfab.fab$l_nam = &dirnam;
+ dirnam.nam$b_ess = sizeof esa;
+ dirnam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ dirnam.nam$b_nop = NAM$M_SYNCHK;
+ if (!(sys$parse(&dirfab)&1)) {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ vaxc$errno = dirfab.fab$l_sts;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ savnam = dirnam;
+ if (sys$search(&dirfab)&1) { /* Does the file really exist? */
+ /* Yes; fake the fnb bits so we'll check type below */
+ dirnam.nam$l_fnb |= NAM$M_EXP_TYPE | NAM$M_EXP_VER;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dirfab.fab$l_sts != RMS$_FNF) {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ vaxc$errno = dirfab.fab$l_sts;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dirnam = savnam; /* No; just work with potential name */
+ }
+ if (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_TYPE) { /* Was type specified? */
+ /* Yep; check version while we're at it, if it's there. */
+ cmplen = (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_VER) ? 6 : 4;
+ if (strncmp(dirnam.nam$l_type,".DIR;1",cmplen)) {
+ /* Something other than .DIR[;1]. Bzzt. */
+ errno = ENOTDIR;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* OK, the type was fine. Now pull any file name into the
+ directory path. */
+ if (cp1 = strrchr(esa,']')) *dirnam.nam$l_type = ']';
+ else {
+ cp1 = strrchr(esa,'>');
+ *dirnam.nam$l_type = '>';
+ }
+ *cp1 = '.';
+ *(dirnam.nam$l_type + 1) = '\0';
+ retlen = dirnam.nam$l_type - esa + 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There wasn't a type on the input, so ignore any file names as
+ well. If you want to pay attention to filenames without .dir
+ in the input, just use ".DIR;1" as a default filespec for
+ the $PARSE and set retlen thus
+ retlen = (dirnam.nam$b_rsl ? dirnam.nam$b_rsl : dirnam.nam$b_esl);
+ */
+ retlen = dirnam.nam$l_name - esa;
+ esa[retlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (buf) retpath = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7014,retpath,retlen,char);
+ else retpath = __pathify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retpath,esa);
+ }
+ return retpath;
+} /* end of do_pathify_dirspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *pathify_dirspec(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_pathify_dirspec(dir,buf,0); }
+char *pathify_dirspec_ts(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_pathify_dirspec(dir,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tounixspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tounixspec(char *spec, char *buf, int ts)
+ static char __tounixspec_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ char *dirend, *rslt, *cp1, *cp2, *cp3, tmp[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int devlen, dirlen;
+ if (spec == NULL || *spec == '\0') return NULL;
+ if (buf) rslt = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7015,rslt,NAM$C_MAXRSS+1,char);
+ else rslt = __tounixspec_retbuf;
+ if (strchr(spec,'/') != NULL) {
+ strcpy(rslt,spec);
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ cp1 = rslt;
+ cp2 = spec;
+ dirend = strrchr(spec,']');
+ if (dirend == NULL) dirend = strrchr(spec,'>');
+ if (dirend == NULL) dirend = strchr(spec,':');
+ if (dirend == NULL) {
+ strcpy(rslt,spec);
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ if (*cp2 != '[') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ }
+ else { /* the VMS spec begins with directories */
+ cp2++;
+ if (*cp2 == '-') {
+ while (*cp2 == '-') {
+ *(cp1++) = '.'; *(cp1++) = '.'; *(cp1++) = '/';
+ cp2++;
+ }
+ if (*cp2 != '.' && *cp2 != ']' && *cp2 != '>') { /* we don't allow */
+ if (ts) Safefree(rslt); /* filespecs like */
+ errno = EVMSERR; vaxc$errno = RMS$_SYN; /* [] */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cp2++;
+ }
+ else if ( *(cp2) != '.') { /* add the implied device into the Unix spec */
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ if (getcwd(tmp,sizeof tmp,1) == NULL) {
+ if (ts) Safefree(rslt);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ do {
+ cp3 = tmp;
+ while (*cp3 != ':' && *cp3) cp3++;
+ *(cp3++) = '\0';
+ if (strchr(cp3,']') != NULL) break;
+ } while (((cp3 = getenv(tmp)) != NULL) && strcpy(tmp,cp3));
+ cp3 = tmp;
+ while (*cp3) *(cp1++) = *(cp3++);
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ if ((devlen = strlen(tmp)) + (dirlen = strlen(cp2)) + 1 > NAM$C_MAXRSS) {
+ if (ts) Safefree(rslt);
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else cp2++;
+ }
+ for (; cp2 <= dirend; cp2++) {
+ if (*cp2 == ':') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ if (*(cp2+1) == '[') cp2++;
+ }
+ else if (*cp2 == ']' || *cp2 == '>') *(cp1++) = '/';
+ else if (*cp2 == '.') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ while (*(cp2+1) == ']' || *(cp2+1) == '>' ||
+ *(cp2+1) == '[' || *(cp2+1) == '<') cp2++;
+ }
+ else if (*cp2 == '-') {
+ if (*(cp2-1) == '[' || *(cp2-1) == '<' || *(cp2-1) == '.') {
+ while (*cp2 == '-') {
+ cp2++;
+ *(cp1++) = '.'; *(cp1++) = '.'; *(cp1++) = '/';
+ }
+ if (*cp2 != '.' && *cp2 != ']' && *cp2 != '>') { /* we don't allow */
+ if (ts) Safefree(rslt); /* filespecs like */
+ errno = EVMSERR; vaxc$errno = RMS$_SYN; /* [] */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cp2++;
+ }
+ else *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ }
+ else *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ }
+ while (*cp2) *(cp1++) = *(cp2++);
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ return rslt;
+} /* end of do_tounixspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tounixspec(char *spec, char *buf) { return do_tounixspec(spec,buf,0); }
+char *tounixspec_ts(char *spec, char *buf) { return do_tounixspec(spec,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tovmsspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tovmsspec(char *path, char *buf, int ts) {
+ static char __tovmsspec_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ char *rslt, *dirend, *cp1, *cp2;
+ if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') return NULL;
+ if (buf) rslt = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7016,rslt,strlen(path)+1,char);
+ else rslt = __tovmsspec_retbuf;
+ if (strchr(path,']') != NULL || strchr(path,'>') != NULL ||
+ (dirend = strrchr(path,'/')) == NULL) {
+ strcpy(rslt,path);
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ cp1 = rslt;
+ cp2 = path;
+ if (*cp2 == '/') {
+ while (*(++cp2) != '/' && *cp2) *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ *(cp1++) = ':';
+ *(cp1++) = '[';
+ cp2++;
+ }
+ else {
+ *(cp1++) = '[';
+ *(cp1++) = '.';
+ }
+ for (; cp2 < dirend; cp2++) *(cp1++) = (*cp2 == '/') ? '.' : *cp2;
+ *(cp1++) = ']';
+ cp2++;
+ while (*cp2) *(cp1++) = *(cp2++);
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ return rslt;
+} /* end of do_tovmsspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tovmsspec(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmsspec(path,buf,0); }
+char *tovmsspec_ts(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmsspec(path,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tovmspath[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tovmspath(char *path, char *buf, int ts) {
+ static char __tovmspath_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int vmslen;
+ char pathified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], vmsified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *cp;
+ if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') return NULL;
+ if (do_pathify_dirspec(path,pathified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_tovmsspec(pathified,buf ? buf : vmsified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (buf) return buf;
+ else if (ts) {
+ vmslen = strlen(vmsified);
+ New(7017,cp,vmslen,char);
+ memcpy(cp,vmsified,vmslen);
+ cp[vmslen] = '\0';
+ return cp;
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(__tovmspath_retbuf,vmsified);
+ return __tovmspath_retbuf;
+ }
+} /* end of do_tovmspath() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tovmspath(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmspath(path,buf,0); }
+char *tovmspath_ts(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmspath(path,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tounixpath[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tounixpath(char *path, char *buf, int ts) {
+ static char __tounixpath_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int unixlen;
+ char pathified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], unixified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *cp;
+ if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') return NULL;
+ if (do_pathify_dirspec(path,pathified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_tounixspec(pathified,buf ? buf : unixified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (buf) return buf;
+ else if (ts) {
+ unixlen = strlen(unixified);
+ New(7017,cp,unixlen,char);
+ memcpy(cp,unixified,unixlen);
+ cp[unixlen] = '\0';
+ return cp;
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(__tounixpath_retbuf,unixified);
+ return __tounixpath_retbuf;
+ }
+} /* end of do_tounixpath() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tounixpath(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tounixpath(path,buf,0); }
+char *tounixpath_ts(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tounixpath(path,buf,1); }
+ * @(#)argproc.c 2.2 94/08/16 Mark Pizzolato (
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * Copyright (C) 1989-1994 by *
+ * Mark Pizzolato - INFO COMM, Danville, California (510) 837-5600 *
+ * *
+ * Permission is hereby granted for the reproduction of this software, *
+ * on condition that this copyright notice is included in the reproduction, *
+ * and that such reproduction is not for purposes of profit or material *
+ * gain. *
+ * *
+ * 27-Aug-1994 Modified for inclusion in perl5 *
+ * by Charles Bailey *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+ * getredirection() is intended to aid in porting C programs
+ * to VMS (Vax-11 C). The native VMS environment does not support
+ * '>' and '<' I/O redirection, or command line wild card expansion,
+ * or a command line pipe mechanism using the '|' AND background
+ * command execution '&'. All of these capabilities are provided to any
+ * C program which calls this procedure as the first thing in the
+ * main program.
+ * The piping mechanism will probably work with almost any 'filter' type
+ * of program. With suitable modification, it may useful for other
+ * portability problems as well.
+ *
+ * Author: Mark Pizzolato
+ */
+struct list_item
+ {
+ struct list_item *next;
+ char *value;
+ };
+static void add_item(struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ char *value,
+ int *count);
+static void expand_wild_cards(char *item,
+ struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ int *count);
+static int background_process(int argc, char **argv);
+static void pipe_and_fork(char **cmargv);
+/*{{{ void getredirection(int *ac, char ***av)*/
+getredirection(int *ac, char ***av)
+ * Process vms redirection arg's. Exit if any error is seen.
+ * If getredirection() processes an argument, it is erased
+ * from the vector. getredirection() returns a new argc and argv value.
+ * In the event that a background command is requested (by a trailing "&"),
+ * this routine creates a background subprocess, and simply exits the program.
+ *
+ * Warning: do not try to simplify the code for vms. The code
+ * presupposes that getredirection() is called before any data is
+ * read from stdin or written to stdout.
+ *
+ * Normal usage is as follows:
+ *
+ * main(argc, argv)
+ * int argc;
+ * char *argv[];
+ * {
+ * getredirection(&argc, &argv);
+ * }
+ */
+ int argc = *ac; /* Argument Count */
+ char **argv = *av; /* Argument Vector */
+ char *ap; /* Argument pointer */
+ int j; /* argv[] index */
+ int item_count = 0; /* Count of Items in List */
+ struct list_item *list_head = 0; /* First Item in List */
+ struct list_item *list_tail; /* Last Item in List */
+ char *in = NULL; /* Input File Name */
+ char *out = NULL; /* Output File Name */
+ char *outmode = "w"; /* Mode to Open Output File */
+ char *err = NULL; /* Error File Name */
+ char *errmode = "w"; /* Mode to Open Error File */
+ int cmargc = 0; /* Piped Command Arg Count */
+ char **cmargv = NULL;/* Piped Command Arg Vector */
+ stat_t statbuf; /* fstat buffer */
+ /*
+ * First handle the case where the last thing on the line ends with
+ * a '&'. This indicates the desire for the command to be run in a
+ * subprocess, so we satisfy that desire.
+ */
+ ap = argv[argc-1];
+ if (0 == strcmp("&", ap))
+ exit(background_process(--argc, argv));
+ if ('&' == ap[strlen(ap)-1])
+ {
+ ap[strlen(ap)-1] = '\0';
+ exit(background_process(argc, argv));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now we handle the general redirection cases that involve '>', '>>',
+ * '<', and pipes '|'.
+ */
+ for (j = 0; j < argc; ++j)
+ {
+ if (0 == strcmp("<", argv[j]))
+ {
+ if (j+1 >= argc)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ croak("No input file");
+ }
+ in = argv[++j];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('<' == *(ap = argv[j]))
+ {
+ in = 1 + ap;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (0 == strcmp(">", ap))
+ {
+ if (j+1 >= argc)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ croak("No input file");
+ }
+ out = argv[++j];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('>' == *ap)
+ {
+ if ('>' == ap[1])
+ {
+ outmode = "a";
+ if ('\0' == ap[2])
+ out = argv[++j];
+ else
+ out = 2 + ap;
+ }
+ else
+ out = 1 + ap;
+ if (j >= argc)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ croak("No output file");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (('2' == *ap) && ('>' == ap[1]))
+ {
+ if ('>' == ap[2])
+ {
+ errmode = "a";
+ if ('\0' == ap[3])
+ err = argv[++j];
+ else
+ err = 3 + ap;
+ }
+ else
+ if ('\0' == ap[2])
+ err = argv[++j];
+ else
+ err = 1 + ap;
+ if (j >= argc)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ croak("No error file");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (0 == strcmp("|", argv[j]))
+ {
+ if (j+1 >= argc)
+ {
+ errno = EPIPE;
+ croak("No command into which to pipe");
+ }
+ cmargc = argc-(j+1);
+ cmargv = &argv[j+1];
+ argc = j;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('|' == *(ap = argv[j]))
+ {
+ ++argv[j];
+ cmargc = argc-j;
+ cmargv = &argv[j];
+ argc = j;
+ continue;
+ }
+ expand_wild_cards(ap, &list_head, &list_tail, &item_count);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Allocate and fill in the new argument vector, Some Unix's terminate
+ * the list with an extra null pointer.
+ */
+ New(7002, argv, item_count+1, char *);
+ *av = argv;
+ for (j = 0; j < item_count; ++j, list_head = list_head->next)
+ argv[j] = list_head->value;
+ *ac = item_count;
+ if (cmargv != NULL)
+ {
+ if (out != NULL)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ croak("'|' and '>' may not both be specified on command line");
+ }
+ pipe_and_fork(cmargv);
+ }
+ /* Check for input from a pipe (mailbox) */
+ if (1 == isapipe(0))
+ {
+ char mbxname[L_tmpnam];
+ long int bufsize;
+ long int dvi_item = DVI$_DEVBUFSIZ;
+ $DESCRIPTOR(mbxnam, "");
+ $DESCRIPTOR(mbxdevnam, "");
+ /* Input from a pipe, reopen it in binary mode to disable */
+ /* carriage control processing. */
+ if (in != NULL)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ croak("'|' and '<' may not both be specified on command line");
+ }
+ fgetname(stdin, mbxname);
+ mbxnam.dsc$a_pointer = mbxname;
+ mbxnam.dsc$w_length = strlen(mbxnam.dsc$a_pointer);
+ lib$getdvi(&dvi_item, 0, &mbxnam, &bufsize, 0, 0);
+ mbxdevnam.dsc$a_pointer = mbxname;
+ mbxdevnam.dsc$w_length = sizeof(mbxname);
+ dvi_item = DVI$_DEVNAM;
+ lib$getdvi(&dvi_item, 0, &mbxnam, 0, &mbxdevnam, &mbxdevnam.dsc$w_length);
+ mbxdevnam.dsc$a_pointer[mbxdevnam.dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+ errno = 0;
+ freopen(mbxname, "rb", stdin);
+ if (errno != 0)
+ {
+ croak("Error reopening pipe (name: %s) in binary mode",mbxname);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((in != NULL) && (NULL == freopen(in, "r", stdin, "mbc=32", "mbf=2")))
+ {
+ croak("Can't open input file %s",in);
+ }
+ if ((out != NULL) && (NULL == freopen(out, outmode, stdout, "mbc=32", "mbf=2")))
+ {
+ croak("Can't open output file %s",out);
+ }
+ if ((err != NULL) && (NULL == freopen(err, errmode, stderr, "mbc=32", "mbf=2")))
+ {
+ croak("Can't open error file %s",err);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Arglist:\n");
+ for (j = 0; j < *ac; ++j)
+ fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = '%s'\n", j, argv[j]);
+} /* end of getredirection() */
+static void add_item(struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ char *value,
+ int *count)
+ if (*head == 0)
+ {
+ New(7003,*head,1,struct list_item);
+ *tail = *head;
+ }
+ else {
+ New(7004,(*tail)->next,1,struct list_item);
+ *tail = (*tail)->next;
+ }
+ (*tail)->value = value;
+ ++(*count);
+static void expand_wild_cards(char *item,
+ struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ int *count)
+int expcount = 0;
+int context = 0;
+int isunix = 0;
+int status;
+int status_value;
+char *had_version;
+char *had_device;
+int had_directory;
+char *devdir;
+char vmsspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+$DESCRIPTOR(filespec, "");
+$DESCRIPTOR(defaultspec, "SYS$DISK:[]*.*;");
+$DESCRIPTOR(resultspec, "");
+unsigned long int zero = 0;
+ if (strcspn(item, "*%") == strlen(item))
+ {
+ add_item(head, tail, item, count);
+ return;
+ }
+ resultspec.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ resultspec.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_D;
+ resultspec.dsc$a_pointer = NULL;
+ if (isunix = strchr(item,'/'))
+ filespec.dsc$a_pointer = do_tovmsspec(item,vmsspec,0);
+ if (!isunix || !filespec.dsc$a_pointer)
+ filespec.dsc$a_pointer = item;
+ filespec.dsc$w_length = strlen(filespec.dsc$a_pointer);
+ /*
+ * Only return version specs, if the caller specified a version
+ */
+ had_version = strchr(item, ';');
+ /*
+ * Only return device and directory specs, if the caller specifed either.
+ */
+ had_device = strchr(item, ':');
+ had_directory = (isunix || NULL != strchr(item, '[')) || (NULL != strchr(item, '<'));
+ while (1 == (1&lib$find_file(&filespec, &resultspec, &context,
+ &defaultspec, 0, &status_value, &zero)))
+ {
+ char *string;
+ char *c;
+ New(7005,string,resultspec.dsc$w_length+1,char);
+ strncpy(string, resultspec.dsc$a_pointer, resultspec.dsc$w_length);
+ string[resultspec.dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+ if (NULL == had_version)
+ *((char *)strrchr(string, ';')) = '\0';
+ if ((!had_directory) && (had_device == NULL))
+ {
+ if (NULL == (devdir = strrchr(string, ']')))
+ devdir = strrchr(string, '>');
+ strcpy(string, devdir + 1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Be consistent with what the C RTL has already done to the rest of
+ * the argv items and lowercase all of these names.
+ */
+ for (c = string; *c; ++c)
+ if (isupper(*c))
+ *c = tolower(*c);
+ if (isunix) trim_unixpath(item,string);
+ add_item(head, tail, string, count);
+ ++expcount;
+ }
+ if (expcount == 0)
+ add_item(head, tail, item, count);
+ lib$sfree1_dd(&resultspec);
+ lib$find_file_end(&context);
+static int child_st[2];/* Event Flag set when child process completes */
+static short child_chan;/* I/O Channel for Pipe Mailbox */
+static exit_handler(int *status)
+short iosb[4];
+ if (0 == child_st[0])
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for Child Process to Finish . . .\n");
+ fflush(stdout); /* Have to flush pipe for binary data to */
+ /* terminate properly -- <> */
+ sys$qiow(0, child_chan, IO$_WRITEOF, iosb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ sys$dassgn(child_chan);
+ fclose(stdout);
+ sys$synch(0, child_st);
+ }
+ return(1);
+static void sig_child(int chan)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Child Completion AST\n");
+ if (child_st[0] == 0)
+ child_st[0] = 1;
+static struct exit_control_block
+ {
+ struct exit_control_block *flink;
+ int (*exit_routine)();
+ int arg_count;
+ int *status_address;
+ int exit_status;
+ } exit_block =
+ {
+ 0,
+ exit_handler,
+ 1,
+ &exit_block.exit_status,
+ 0
+ };
+static void pipe_and_fork(char **cmargv)
+ char subcmd[2048];
+ $DESCRIPTOR(cmddsc, "");
+ static char mbxname[64];
+ $DESCRIPTOR(mbxdsc, mbxname);
+ short iosb[4];
+ int status;
+ int pid, j;
+ short dvi_item = DVI$_DEVNAM;
+ unsigned long int zero = 0, one = 1;
+ strcpy(subcmd, cmargv[0]);
+ for (j = 1; NULL != cmargv[j]; ++j)
+ {
+ strcat(subcmd, " \"");
+ strcat(subcmd, cmargv[j]);
+ strcat(subcmd, "\"");
+ }
+ cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer = subcmd;
+ cmddsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ create_mbx(&child_chan,&mbxdsc);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Pipe Mailbox Name = '%s'\n", mbxdsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Sub Process Command = '%s'\n", cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ if (0 == (1&(vaxc$errno = lib$spawn(&cmddsc, &mbxdsc, 0, &one,
+ 0, &pid, child_st, &zero, sig_child,
+ &child_chan))))
+ {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ croak("Can't spawn subprocess");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Subprocess's Pid = %08X\n", pid);
+ sys$dclexh(&exit_block);
+ if (NULL == freopen(mbxname, "wb", stdout))
+ {
+ croak("Can't open pipe mailbox for output");
+ }
+static int background_process(int argc, char **argv)
+char command[2048] = "$";
+$DESCRIPTOR(value, "");
+static $DESCRIPTOR(null, "NLA0:");
+char pidstring[80];
+$DESCRIPTOR(pidstr, "");
+int pid;
+unsigned long int flags = 17, one = 1;
+ strcat(command, argv[0]);
+ while (--argc)
+ {
+ strcat(command, " \"");
+ strcat(command, *(++argv));
+ strcat(command, "\"");
+ }
+ value.dsc$a_pointer = command;
+ value.dsc$w_length = strlen(value.dsc$a_pointer);
+ if (0 == (1&(vaxc$errno = lib$set_symbol(&cmd, &value))))
+ {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ croak("Can't create symbol for subprocess command");
+ }
+ if ((0 == (1&(vaxc$errno = lib$spawn(&cmd, &null, 0, &flags, 0, &pid)))) &&
+ (vaxc$errno != 0x38250))
+ {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ croak("Can't spawn subprocess");
+ }
+ if (vaxc$errno == 0x38250) /* We must be BATCH, so retry */
+ if (0 == (1&(vaxc$errno = lib$spawn(&cmd, &null, 0, &one, 0, &pid))))
+ {
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ croak("Can't spawn subprocess");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", command);
+ sprintf(pidstring, "%08X", pid);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pidstring);
+ pidstr.dsc$a_pointer = pidstring;
+ pidstr.dsc$w_length = strlen(pidstr.dsc$a_pointer);
+ lib$set_symbol(&pidsymbol, &pidstr);
+ return(SS$_NORMAL);
+/***** End of code taken from Mark Pizzolato's argproc.c package *****/
+ * flex_stat, flex_fstat
+ * basic stat, but gets it right when asked to stat
+ * a Unix-style path ending in a directory name (e.g. dir1/dir2/dir3)
+ */
+static char namecache[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+static int
+ const char *name;
+ /* The VMS null device is named "_NLA0:", usually abbreviated as "NL:".
+ The underscore prefix, controller letter, and unit number are
+ independently optional; for our purposes, the colon punctuation
+ is not. The colon can be trailed by optional directory and/or
+ filename, but two consecutive colons indicates a nodename rather
+ than a device. [pr] */
+ if (*name == '_') ++name;
+ if (tolower(*name++) != 'n') return 0;
+ if (tolower(*name++) != 'l') return 0;
+ if (tolower(*name) == 'a') ++name;
+ if (*name == '0') ++name;
+ return (*name++ == ':') && (*name != ':');
+/*{{{ int flex_fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf)*/
+flex_fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf)
+ char fspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ if (!getname(fd,fspec)) return -1;
+ return flex_stat(fspec,statbuf);
+} /* end of flex_fstat() */
+/*{{{ int flex_stat(char *fspec, struct stat *statbufp)*/
+flex_stat(char *fspec, struct stat *statbufp)
+ char fileified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int retval,myretval;
+ struct stat tmpbuf;
+ if (statbufp == &statcache) strcpy(namecache,fspec);
+ if (is_null_device(fspec)) { /* Fake a stat() for the null device */
+ memset(statbufp,0,sizeof *statbufp);
+ statbufp->st_dev = "_NLA0:";
+ statbufp->st_mode = S_IFBLK | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC;
+ statbufp->st_uid = 0x00010001;
+ statbufp->st_gid = 0x0001;
+ time(&statbufp->st_mtime);
+ statbufp->st_atime = statbufp->st_ctime = statbufp->st_mtime;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (do_fileify_dirspec(fspec,fileified,0) == NULL) myretval = -1;
+ else {
+ myretval = stat(fileified,&tmpbuf);
+ }
+ retval = stat(fspec,statbufp);
+ if (!myretval) {
+ if (retval == -1) {
+ *statbufp = tmpbuf;
+ retval = 0;
+ }
+ else if (!retval) { /* Dir with same name. Substitute it. */
+ statbufp->st_mode &= ~S_IFDIR;
+ statbufp->st_mode |= tmpbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR;
+ strcpy(namecache,fileified);
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+} /* end of flex_stat() */
+/* trim_unixpath()
+ * Trim Unix-style prefix off filespec, so it looks like what a shell
+ * glob expansion would return (i.e. from specified prefix on, not
+ * full path). Note that returned filespec is Unix-style, regardless
+ * of whether input filespec was VMS-style or Unix-style.
+ *
+ * Returns !=0 on success, 0 on failure.
+ */
+/*{{{int trim_unixpath(char *template, char *fspec)*/
+trim_unixpath(char *template, char *fspec)
+ char unixified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *base, *cp1, *cp2;
+ register int tmplen;
+ if (strpbrk(fspec,"]>:") != NULL) {
+ if (do_tounixspec(fspec,unixified,0) == NULL) return 0;
+ else base = unixified;
+ }
+ else base = fspec;
+ for (cp2 = base; *cp2; cp2++) ; /* Find end of filespec */
+ /* Find prefix to template consisting of path elements without wildcards */
+ if ((cp1 = strpbrk(template,"*%?")) == NULL)
+ for (cp1 = template; *cp1; cp1++) ;
+ else while (cp1 >= template && *cp1 != '/') cp1--;
+ if (cp1 == template) return 1; /* Wildcard was up front - no prefix to clip */
+ tmplen = cp1 - template;
+ /* Try to find template prefix on filespec */
+ if (!memcmp(base,template,tmplen)) return 1; /* Nothing before prefix - we're done */
+ for (; cp2 - base > tmplen; base++) {
+ if (*base != '/') continue;
+ if (!memcmp(base + 1,template,tmplen)) break;
+ }
+ if (cp2 - base == tmplen) return 0; /* Not there - not good */
+ base++; /* Move past leading '/' */
+ /* Copy down remaining portion of filespec, including trailing NUL */
+ memmove(fspec,base,cp2 - base + 1);
+ return 1;
+} /* end of trim_unixpath() */
+/* Do the permissions allow some operation? Assumes statcache already set. */
+/* Do this via $Check_Access on VMS, since the CRTL stat() returns only a
+ * subset of the applicable information.
+ */
+/*{{{I32 cando(I32 bit, I32 effective, struct stat *statbufp)*/
+cando(I32 bit, I32 effective, struct stat *statbufp)
+ unsigned long int objtyp = ACL$C_FILE, access, retsts;
+ unsigned short int retlen;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s namdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, namecache};
+ static char usrname[L_cuserid];
+ static struct dsc$descriptor_s usrdsc =
+ {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, usrname};
+ struct itmlst_3 armlst[2] = {sizeof access, CHP$_ACCESS, &access, &retlen,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ if (!usrdsc.dsc$w_length) {
+ cuserid(usrname);
+ usrdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(usrname);
+ }
+ namdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(namecache);
+ switch (bit) {
+ case S_IXUSR:
+ case S_IXGRP:
+ case S_IXOTH:
+ access = ARM$M_EXECUTE;
+ break;
+ case S_IRUSR:
+ case S_IRGRP:
+ case S_IROTH:
+ access = ARM$M_READ;
+ break;
+ case S_IWUSR:
+ case S_IWGRP:
+ case S_IWOTH:
+ access = ARM$M_READ;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ retsts = sys$check_access(&objtyp,&namdsc,&usrdsc,armlst);
+ if (retsts == SS$_NORMAL) return TRUE;
+ if (retsts == SS$_NOPRIV) return FALSE;
+ _cksts(retsts);
+ return FALSE; /* Should never get here */
+} /* end of cando() */
+ * VMS readdir() routines.
+ * Written by Rich $alz, <> in August, 1990.
+ * This code has no copyright.
+ *
+ * 21-Jul-1994 Charles Bailey
+ * Minor modifications to original routines.
+ */
+ /* Number of elements in vms_versions array */
+#define VERSIZE(e) (sizeof e->vms_versions / sizeof e->vms_versions[0])
+ * Open a directory, return a handle for later use.
+ */
+/*{{{ DIR *opendir(char*name) */
+DIR *
+opendir(char *name)
+ DIR *dd;
+ char dir[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ /* Get memory for the handle, and the pattern. */
+ New(7006,dd,1,DIR);
+ if (do_tovmspath(name,dir,0) == NULL) {
+ Safefree((char *)dd);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ New(7007,dd->pattern,strlen(dir)+sizeof "*.*" + 1,char);
+ /* Fill in the fields; mainly playing with the descriptor. */
+ (void)sprintf(dd->pattern, "%s*.*",dir);
+ dd->context = 0;
+ dd->count = 0;
+ dd->vms_wantversions = 0;
+ dd->pat.dsc$a_pointer = dd->pattern;
+ dd->pat.dsc$w_length = strlen(dd->pattern);
+ dd->pat.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ dd->pat.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ return dd;
+} /* end of opendir() */
+ * Set the flag to indicate we want versions or not.
+ */
+/*{{{ void vmsreaddirversions(DIR *dd, int flag)*/
+vmsreaddirversions(DIR *dd, int flag)
+ dd->vms_wantversions = flag;
+ * Free up an opened directory.
+ */
+/*{{{ void closedir(DIR *dd)*/
+closedir(DIR *dd)
+ (void)lib$find_file_end(&dd->context);
+ Safefree(dd->pattern);
+ Safefree((char *)dd);
+ * Collect all the version numbers for the current file.
+ */
+static void
+ DIR *dd;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s pat;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s res;
+ struct dirent *e;
+ char *p, *text, buff[sizeof dd->entry.d_name];
+ int i;
+ unsigned long context, tmpsts;
+ /* Convenient shorthand. */
+ e = &dd->entry;
+ /* Add the version wildcard, ignoring the "*.*" put on before */
+ i = strlen(dd->pattern);
+ New(7008,text,i + e->d_namlen + 3,char);
+ (void)strcpy(text, dd->pattern);
+ (void)sprintf(&text[i - 3], "%s;*", e->d_name);
+ /* Set up the pattern descriptor. */
+ pat.dsc$a_pointer = text;
+ pat.dsc$w_length = i + e->d_namlen - 1;
+ pat.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ pat.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ /* Set up result descriptor. */
+ res.dsc$a_pointer = buff;
+ res.dsc$w_length = sizeof buff - 2;
+ res.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ res.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ /* Read files, collecting versions. */
+ for (context = 0, e->vms_verscount = 0;
+ e->vms_verscount < VERSIZE(e);
+ e->vms_verscount++) {
+ tmpsts = lib$find_file(&pat, &res, &context);
+ if (tmpsts == RMS$_NMF || context == 0) break;
+ _cksts(tmpsts);
+ buff[sizeof buff - 1] = '\0';
+ if (p = strchr(buff, ';'))
+ e->vms_versions[e->vms_verscount] = atoi(p + 1);
+ else
+ e->vms_versions[e->vms_verscount] = -1;
+ }
+ _cksts(lib$find_file_end(&context));
+ Safefree(text);
+} /* end of collectversions() */
+ * Read the next entry from the directory.
+ */
+/*{{{ struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dd)*/
+struct dirent *
+readdir(DIR *dd)
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s res;
+ char *p, buff[sizeof dd->entry.d_name];
+ int i;
+ unsigned long int tmpsts;
+ /* Set up result descriptor, and get next file. */
+ res.dsc$a_pointer = buff;
+ res.dsc$w_length = sizeof buff - 2;
+ res.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ res.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ dd->count++;
+ tmpsts = lib$find_file(&dd->pat, &res, &dd->context);
+ if ( tmpsts == RMS$_NMF || dd->context == 0) return NULL; /* None left. */
+ /* Force the buffer to end with a NUL, and downcase name to match C convention. */
+ buff[sizeof buff - 1] = '\0';
+ for (p = buff; !isspace(*p); p++) *p = _tolower(*p);
+ *p = '\0';
+ /* Skip any directory component and just copy the name. */
+ if (p = strchr(buff, ']')) (void)strcpy(dd->entry.d_name, p + 1);
+ else (void)strcpy(dd->entry.d_name, buff);
+ /* Clobber the version. */
+ if (p = strchr(dd->entry.d_name, ';')) *p = '\0';
+ dd->entry.d_namlen = strlen(dd->entry.d_name);
+ dd->entry.vms_verscount = 0;
+ if (dd->vms_wantversions) collectversions(dd);
+ return &dd->entry;
+} /* end of readdir() */
+ * Return something that can be used in a seekdir later.
+ */
+/*{{{ long telldir(DIR *dd)*/
+telldir(DIR *dd)
+ return dd->count;
+ * Return to a spot where we used to be. Brute force.
+ */
+/*{{{ void seekdir(DIR *dd,long count)*/
+seekdir(DIR *dd, long count)
+ int vms_wantversions;
+ unsigned long int tmpsts;
+ /* If we haven't done anything yet... */
+ if (dd->count == 0)
+ return;
+ /* Remember some state, and clear it. */
+ vms_wantversions = dd->vms_wantversions;
+ dd->vms_wantversions = 0;
+ _cksts(lib$find_file_end(&dd->context));
+ dd->context = 0;
+ /* The increment is in readdir(). */
+ for (dd->count = 0; dd->count < count; )
+ (void)readdir(dd);
+ dd->vms_wantversions = vms_wantversions;
+} /* end of seekdir() */
+/* VMS subprocess management
+ *
+ * my_vfork() - just a vfork(), after setting a flag to record that
+ * the current script is trying a Unix-style fork/exec.
+ *
+ * vms_do_aexec() and vms_do_exec() are called in response to the
+ * perl 'exec' function. If this follows a vfork call, then they
+ * call out the the regular perl routines in doio.c which do an
+ * execvp (for those who really want to try this under VMS).
+ * Otherwise, they do exactly what the perl docs say exec should
+ * do - terminate the current script and invoke a new command
+ * (See below for notes on command syntax.)
+ *
+ * do_aspawn() and do_spawn() implement the VMS side of the perl
+ * 'system' function.
+ *
+ * Note on command arguments to perl 'exec' and 'system': When handled
+ * in 'VMSish fashion' (i.e. not after a call to vfork) The args
+ * are concatenated to form a DCL command string. If the first arg
+ * begins with '$' (i.e. the perl script had "\$ Type" or some such),
+ * the the command string is hrnded off to DCL directly. Otherwise,
+ * the first token of the command is taken as the filespec of an image
+ * to run. The filespec is expanded using a default type of '.EXE' and
+ * the process defaults for device, directory, etc., and the resultant
+ * filespec is invoked using the DCL verb 'MCR', and passed the rest of
+ * the command string as parameters. This is perhaps a bit compicated,
+ * but I hope it will form a happy medium between what VMS folks expect
+ * from lib$spawn and what Unix folks expect from exec.
+ */
+static int vfork_called;
+/*{{{int my_vfork()*/
+ vfork_called = 1;
+ return vfork();
+static void
+setup_argstr(SV *really, SV **mark, SV **sp, char **argstr)
+ char *tmps, *junk;
+ register size_t cmdlen = 0;
+ size_t rlen;
+ register SV **idx;
+ idx = mark;
+ if (really && *(tmps = SvPV(really,rlen))) {
+ cmdlen += rlen + 1;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ for (idx++; idx <= sp; idx++) {
+ if (*idx) {
+ junk = SvPVx(*idx,rlen);
+ cmdlen += rlen ? rlen + 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ New(401,*argstr,cmdlen, char);
+ if (*tmps) {
+ strcpy(*argstr,tmps);
+ mark++;
+ }
+ else **argstr = '\0';
+ while (++mark <= sp) {
+ if (*mark) {
+ strcat(*argstr," ");
+ strcat(*argstr,SvPVx(*mark,na));
+ }
+ }
+} /* end of setup_argstr() */
+static unsigned long int
+setup_cmddsc(char *cmd, struct dsc$descriptor_s *cmddsc, int check_img)
+ char resspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ $DESCRIPTOR(defdsc,".EXE");
+ $DESCRIPTOR(resdsc,resspec);
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s imgdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ unsigned long int cxt = 0, flags = 1, retsts;
+ register char *s, *rest, *cp;
+ register int isdcl = 0;
+ s = cmd;
+ while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+ if (check_img) {
+ if (*s == '$') { /* Check whether this is a DCL command: leading $ and */
+ isdcl = 1; /* no dev/dir separators (i.e. not a foreign command) */
+ for (cp = s; *cp && *cp != '/' && !isspace(*cp); cp++) {
+ if (*cp == ':' || *cp == '[' || *cp == '<') {
+ isdcl = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else isdcl = 1;
+ if (isdcl) { /* It's a DCL command, just do it. */
+ cmddsc->dsc$a_pointer = cmd;
+ cmddsc->dsc$w_length = strlen(cmd);
+ }
+ else { /* assume first token is an image spec */
+ cmd = s;
+ while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ rest = *s ? s : 0;
+ imgdsc.dsc$a_pointer = cmd;
+ imgdsc.dsc$w_length = s - cmd;
+ retsts = lib$find_file(&imgdsc,&resdsc,&cxt,&defdsc,0,0,&flags);
+ if ((retsts & STS$M_CODE) == (SHR$_NOWILD & STS$M_CODE)) return retsts;
+ else {
+ _cksts(retsts);
+ _cksts(lib$find_file_end(&cxt));
+ s = resspec;
+ while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ *s = '\0';
+ New(402,Cmd,6 + s - resspec + (rest ? strlen(rest) : 0),char);
+ strcpy(Cmd,"$ MCR ");
+ strcat(Cmd,resspec);
+ if (rest) strcat(Cmd,rest);
+ cmddsc->dsc$a_pointer = Cmd;
+ cmddsc->dsc$w_length = strlen(Cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ return SS$_NORMAL;
+} /* end of setup_cmddsc() */
+/* {{{ bool vms_do_aexec(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp) */
+vms_do_aexec(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp)
+ if (sp > mark) {
+ if (vfork_called) { /* this follows a vfork - act Unixish */
+ vfork_called = 0;
+ do_aexec(really,mark,sp);
+ }
+ else { /* no vfork - act VMSish */
+ setup_argstr(really,mark,sp,&Argv);
+ return vms_do_exec(Argv);
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end of vms_do_aexec() */
+/* {{{bool vms_do_exec(char *cmd) */
+vms_do_exec(char *cmd)
+ if (vfork_called) { /* this follows a vfork - act Unixish */
+ vfork_called = 0;
+ do_exec(cmd);
+ }
+ else { /* no vfork - act VMSish */
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s cmddsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ if ((vaxc$errno = setup_cmddsc(cmd,&cmddsc,1)) & 1)
+ vaxc$errno = lib$do_command(&cmddsc);
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ if (dowarn)
+ warn("Can't exec \"%s\": %s", cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer, Strerror(errno));
+ do_execfree();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end of vms_do_exec() */
+unsigned long int do_spawn(char *);
+/* {{{ unsigned long int do_aspawn(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp) */
+unsigned long int
+do_aspawn(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp)
+ if (sp > mark) {
+ setup_argstr(really,mark,sp,&Argv);
+ return do_spawn(Argv);
+ }
+ return SS$_ABORT;
+} /* end of do_aspawn() */
+/* {{{unsigned long int do_spawn(char *cmd) */
+unsigned long int
+do_spawn(char *cmd)
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s cmddsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ unsigned long int substs;
+ if ((substs = setup_cmddsc(cmd,&cmddsc,0)) & 1)
+ _cksts(lib$spawn(&cmddsc,&nl_desc,0,0,0,&substs,0,0,0,0,0));
+ if (!(substs&1)) {
+ vaxc$errno = substs;
+ errno = EVMSERR;
+ if (dowarn)
+ warn("Can't exec \"%s\": %s", cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer, Strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return substs;
+} /* end of do_spawn() */
+ * A simple fwrite replacement which outputs itmsz*nitm chars without
+ * introducing record boundaries every itmsz chars.
+ */
+/*{{{ int my_fwrite(void *src, size_t itmsz, size_t nitm, FILE *dest)*/
+my_fwrite(void *src, size_t itmsz, size_t nitm, FILE *dest)
+ register char *cp, *end;
+ end = (char *)src + itmsz * nitm;
+ while ((char *)src <= end) {
+ for (cp = src; cp <= end; cp++) if (!*cp) break;
+ if (fputs(src,dest) == EOF) return EOF;
+ if (cp < end)
+ if (fputc('\0',dest) == EOF) return EOF;
+ src = cp + 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+} /* end of my_fwrite() */
+/***** The following two routines are temporary, and should be removed,
+ * along with the corresponding #defines in vmsish.h, when TCP/IP support
+ * has been added to the VMS port of perl5. (The temporary hacks are
+ * here now sho that pack can handle type N elements.)
+ * - C. Bailey 16-Aug-1994
+ *****/
+/*{{{ unsigned short int tmp_shortflip(unsigned short int val)*/
+unsigned short int
+tmp_shortflip(unsigned short int val)
+ return val << 8 | val >> 8;
+/*{{{ unsigned long int tmp_longflip(unsigned long int val)*/
+unsigned long int
+tmp_longflip(unsigned long int val)
+ unsigned long int scratch = val;
+ unsigned char savbyte, *tmp;
+ tmp = (unsigned char *) &scratch;
+ savbyte = tmp[0]; tmp[0] = tmp[3]; tmp[3] = savbyte;
+ savbyte = tmp[1]; tmp[1] = tmp[2]; tmp[2] = savbyte;
+ return scratch;