path: root/vos/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vos/')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/vos/ b/vos/
index a75d4e4740..86a8d6a182 100644
--- a/vos/
+++ b/vos/
@@ -1,13 +1,40 @@
+& This command macro creates the appropriate subdirectory
+& for the specified processor type and then runs the
+& build macro in that subdirectory to create the perl
+& executable program module file.
+& Written 99-02-03 by Paul Green (
+ cpu option(-processor)name,allow(mc68020,i80860,pa7100,pa8000),=mc68020
+ recompile switch(-recompile),=1
+ rebind switch(-rebind),=1
+ module option(-module)module_name,='(current_module)'
&echo command_lines
-& This macro assumes you have either licensed the cross-compilers or
-& have one module of each type of architecture. Comment-out or edit
-& the lines that are different for your system.
-!change_current_dir obj
-!start_process '< -processor mc68020' -module m75
-!change_current_dir <obj.860
-!start_process '< -processor i80860' -module m10
-!change_current_dir <obj.7100
-!start_process '< -processor pa7100' -module m9
-!change_current_dir <obj.8000
-!start_process '< -processor pa8000' -module m9
+&if &recompile&
+&then &set_string recompile -recompile
+&else &set_string recompile -no_recompile
+&if &rebind&
+&then &set_string rebind -rebind
+&else &set_string rebind -no_rebind
+&if &cpu& = mc68020
+&then &set_string obj ''
+&if &cpu& = i80860
+&then &set_string obj .860
+&if &cpu& = pa7100
+&then &set_string obj .7100
+&if &cpu& = pa8000
+&then &set_string obj .8000
+&if ^ (exists obj&obj& -directory)
+&then !create_dir obj&obj&
+&if ^ (exists obj&obj&>build.out)
+&then !create_file obj&obj&>build.out ; set_implicit_locking obj&obj&>build.out
+!change_current_dir obj&obj&
+!start_process (string <build -processor &cpu& &recompile& &rebind&) -module &module&
!change_current_dir <