path: root/win32
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'win32')
16 files changed, 283 insertions, 2439 deletions
diff --git a/win32/Makefile b/win32/Makefile
index 8c99ef7550..8c8b1ad0bc 100644
--- a/win32/Makefile
+++ b/win32/Makefile
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ INST_DRV=c:
-# uncomment next line if you wish perl to run on Windows95 also
# uncomment next line if you are using Visual C++ 2.x
@@ -24,6 +20,18 @@ INST_TOP=$(INST_DRV)\perl
# uncomment next line if you want debug version of perl (big,slow)
+# set the install locations of the compiler include/libraries
+#CCHOME = f:\msvc20
+CCINCDIR = $(CCHOME)\include
+# set this to your email address (perl will guess a value from
+# from your loginname and your hostname, which may not be right)
##################### CHANGE THESE ONLY IF YOU MUST #####################
@@ -36,41 +44,47 @@ LIB32=$(LINK32) -lib
# Options
!IF "$(RUNTIME)" == ""
-INCLUDES = -I ".\include" -I "." -I ".."
+INCLUDES = -I.\include -I. -I..
#PCHFLAGS = -Fp"$(INTDIR)/modules.pch" -YX
SUBSYS = console
-LIBFILES = kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib \
- advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
!IF "$(RUNTIME)" == "-MD"
+LIBC = msvcrt.lib
+LIBC = libcmt.lib
WINIOMAYBE = win32io.obj
!IF "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
! IF "$(CCTYPE)" == "MSVC20"
LINK_DBG = -debug -pdb:none
! IF "$(CCTYPE)" == "MSVC20"
LINK_DBG = -release
+# we don't add LIBC here, the compiler do it based on -MD/-MT
+LIBFILES = oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib \
+ winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib \
+ oleaut32.lib netapi32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib \
+ version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
LINK_FLAGS = -nologo $(LIBFILES) $(LINK_DBG) -machine:I386
#################### do not edit below this line #######################
@@ -82,10 +96,11 @@ LINK_FLAGS = -nologo $(LIBFILES) $(LINK_DBG) -machine:I386
.SUFFIXES : .c .obj .dll .lib .exe
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $<
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(OBJOUT_FLAG)$@ $<
- $(LINK32) -dll -subsystem:windows -implib:$(*B).lib -def:$(*B).def -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $< $(LIBPERL)
+ $(LINK32) -dll -subsystem:windows -implib:$(*B).lib -def:$(*B).def \
+ -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $< $(LIBPERL)
@@ -108,7 +123,12 @@ CONFIGPM=..\lib\
+GLOBBAT = perlglob.bat
MAKE=nmake -nologo
XCOPY=xcopy /f /r /i /d
RCOPY=xcopy /f /r /i /e /d
@@ -145,20 +165,20 @@ CORE_C= ..\av.c \
..\universal.c \
-CORE_OBJ=..\av.obj \
+CORE_OBJ= ..\av.obj \
..\deb.obj \
..\doio.obj \
..\doop.obj \
..\dump.obj \
..\globals.obj \
- ..\gv.obj \
- ..\hv.obj \
- ..\mg.obj \
- ..\op.obj \
+ ..\gv.obj \
+ ..\hv.obj \
+ ..\mg.obj \
+ ..\op.obj \
..\perl.obj \
..\perlio.obj \
..\perly.obj \
- ..\pp.obj \
+ ..\pp.obj \
..\pp_ctl.obj \
..\pp_hot.obj \
..\pp_sys.obj \
@@ -166,56 +186,55 @@ CORE_OBJ=..\av.obj \
..\regexec.obj \
..\run.obj \
..\scope.obj \
- ..\sv.obj \
+ ..\sv.obj \
..\taint.obj \
..\toke.obj \
- ..\universal.obj \
+ ..\universal.obj\
WIN32_C = perllib.c \
win32.c \
win32io.c \
- win32sck.c \
+ win32sck.c
WIN32_OBJ = win32.obj \
win32io.obj \
- win32sck.obj \
+ win32sck.obj
DLL_OBJ = perllib.obj $(DYNALOADER).obj
-CORE_H = "..\av.h"\
- "..\cop.h"\
- "..\cv.h"\
- "..\dosish.h"\
- "..\embed.h"\
- "..\form.h"\
- "..\gv.h"\
- "..\handy.h"\
- "..\hv.h"\
- "..\mg.h"\
- "..\nostdio.h"\
- "..\op.h"\
- "..\opcode.h"\
- "..\perl.h"\
- "..\perlio.h"\
- "..\perlsdio.h"\
- "..\perlsfio.h"\
- "..\perly.h"\
- "..\pp.h"\
- "..\proto.h"\
- "..\regexp.h"\
- "..\scope.h"\
- "..\sv.h"\
- "..\unixish.h"\
- "..\util.h"\
- "..\XSUB.h"\
- ".\config.h"\
- "..\EXTERN.h"\
- ".\include\dirent.h"\
- ".\include\netdb.h"\
- ".\include\sys\socket.h"\
- ".\win32.h"
+CORE_H = ..\av.h \
+ ..\cop.h \
+ ..\cv.h \
+ ..\dosish.h \
+ ..\embed.h \
+ ..\form.h \
+ ..\gv.h \
+ ..\handy.h \
+ ..\hv.h \
+ ..\mg.h \
+ ..\nostdio.h \
+ ..\op.h \
+ ..\opcode.h \
+ ..\perl.h \
+ ..\perlio.h \
+ ..\perlsdio.h \
+ ..\perlsfio.h \
+ ..\perly.h \
+ ..\pp.h \
+ ..\proto.h \
+ ..\regexp.h \
+ ..\scope.h \
+ ..\sv.h \
+ ..\unixish.h \
+ ..\util.h \
+ ..\XSUB.h \
+ .\config.h \
+ ..\EXTERN.h \
+ .\include\dirent.h \
+ .\include\netdb.h \
+ .\include\sys\socket.h \
+ .\win32.h
EXTENSIONS=DynaLoader Socket IO Fcntl Opcode SDBM_File
@@ -249,7 +268,7 @@ POD2TEXT=$(PODDIR)\pod2text
# Top targets
$(DYNALOADER).obj : $(DYNALOADER).c $(CORE_H) $(EXTDIR)\DynaLoader\dlutils.c
@@ -258,13 +277,26 @@ $(DYNALOADER).obj : $(DYNALOADER).c $(CORE_H) $(EXTDIR)\DynaLoader\dlutils.c
$(GLOBEXE): perlglob.obj
$(LINK32) $(LINK_FLAGS) -out:$@ -subsystem:$(SUBSYS) perlglob.obj setargv.obj
+perlglob.bat : ..\lib\File\ $(MINIPERL)
+ $(MINIPERL) $(PL2BAT) - < ..\lib\File\ > $(*B).bat
perlglob.obj : perlglob.c
..\miniperlmain.obj : ..\miniperlmain.c $(CORE_H)
+config.w32 : $(CFGSH_TMPL)
+ copy $(CFGSH_TMPL) config.w32
+.\config.h : $(CFGSH_TMPL)
+ -del /f config.h
+ copy $(CFGH_TMPL) config.h
..\ : config.w32 $(MINIPERL) config_sh.PL
- $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_sh.PL "INST_DRV=$(INST_DRV)" "INST_TOP=$(INST_TOP)"\
- "cc=$(CC)" "ccflags=$(RUNTIME) -DWIN32" config.w32 > ..\
+ $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_sh.PL "INST_DRV=$(INST_DRV)" \
+ "INST_TOP=$(INST_TOP)" "cc=$(CC)" "ccflags=$(RUNTIME) -DWIN32" \
+ "cf_email=$(EMAIL)" "libs=$(LIBFILES)" \
+ "libpth=$(CCLIBDIR)" "libc=$(LIBC)" \
+ config.w32 > ..\
$(CONFIGPM) : $(MINIPERL) ..\ config_h.PL ..\
cd .. && miniperl configpm
@@ -272,7 +304,8 @@ $(CONFIGPM) : $(MINIPERL) ..\ config_h.PL ..\
$(XCOPY) ..\*.h ..\lib\CORE\*.*
$(XCOPY) *.h ..\lib\CORE\*.*
$(RCOPY) include ..\lib\CORE\*.*
+ $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_h.PL || $(MAKE) CCTYPE=$(CCTYPE) \
$(MINIPERL) : ..\miniperlmain.obj $(CORE_OBJ) $(WIN32_OBJ)
$(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:$@ @<<
@@ -284,7 +317,7 @@ $(CORE_OBJ) : $(CORE_H)
$(DLL_OBJ) : $(CORE_H)
perldll.def : $(MINIPERL) $(CONFIGPM)
- $(MINIPERL) -w > perldll.def
+ $(MINIPERL) -w $(CCTYPE) > perldll.def
$(PERLDLL): perldll.def $(CORE_OBJ) $(WIN32_OBJ) $(DLL_OBJ)
$(LINK32) -dll -def:perldll.def -out:$@ @<<
@@ -302,10 +335,11 @@ perlmain.c : runperl.c
copy runperl.c perlmain.c
perlmain.obj : perlmain.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -U "PERLDLL" -c perlmain.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -UPERLDLL -c perlmain.c
$(PERLEXE): $(PERLDLL) $(CONFIGPM) perlmain.obj
- $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:perl.exe $(LINK_FLAGS) perlmain.obj $(WINIOMAYBE) $(PERLIMPLIB)
+ $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:perl.exe $(LINK_FLAGS) \
+ perlmain.obj $(WINIOMAYBE) $(PERLIMPLIB)
copy perl.exe $@
del perl.exe
copy ..
@@ -313,6 +347,21 @@ $(PERLEXE): $(PERLDLL) $(CONFIGPM) perlmain.obj
attrib -r ..\t\*.*
copy test ..\t
+perl95.c : runperl.c
+ copy runperl.c perl95.c
+perl95.obj : perl95.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MT -UPERLDLL -c perl95.c
+win32iomt.obj : win32io.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MT -c $(OBJOUT_FLAG)win32iomt.obj win32io.c
+$(PERL95EXE): $(PERLDLL) $(CONFIGPM) perl95.obj win32iomt.obj
+ $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:perl95.exe $(LINK_FLAGS) \
+ perl95.obj win32iomt.obj $(PERLIMPLIB)
+ copy perl95.exe $@
+ del perl95.exe
$(DYNALOADER).c: $(MINIPERL) $(EXTDIR)\DynaLoader\dl_win32.xs $(CONFIGPM)
if not exist ..\lib\auto md ..\lib\auto
$(XCOPY) $(EXTDIR)\$(*B)\$(*B).pm $(LIBDIR)\$(NULL)
@@ -354,9 +403,10 @@ $(SOCKET_DLL): $(SOCKET).xs $(PERLEXE)
cd ..\..\win32
doc: $(PERLEXE)
- cd $(PODDIR)
- nmake -f ../win32/pod.mak
- cd ..\win32
+ copy ..\README.win32 ..\pod\perlwin32.pod
+ $(PERLEXE) ..\installhtml --podroot=.. --htmldir=./html \
+ --podpath=pod:lib:ext:utils --htmlroot="//$(INST_HTML::=|)" \
+ --libpod=perlfunc:perlguts:perlvar:perlrun:perlop --recurse
utils: $(PERLEXE)
cd ..\utils
@@ -369,7 +419,7 @@ utils: $(PERLEXE)
distclean: clean
$(PERLIMPLIB) ..\miniperl.lib $(MINIMOD)
- -del /f *.def
+ -del /f *.def *.map
-del /f $(SOCKET).c $(IO).c $(SDBM_FILE).c $(FCNTL).c $(OPCODE).c \
@@ -378,18 +428,23 @@ distclean: clean
-del /f $(PODDIR)\*.bat
-rmdir /s /q ..\lib\auto
-rmdir /s /q ..\lib\CORE
+ cd $(EXTDIR)
+ -del /s *.lib *.def *.map *.bs Makefile *.obj pm_to_blib
+ cd ..\win32
-install : ALL doc utils
+install : all doc utils
if not exist $(INST_TOP) mkdir $(INST_TOP)
echo I $(INST_TOP) L $(LIBDIR)
+ $(XCOPY) $(PERL95EXE) $(INST_BIN)\*.*
$(XCOPY) bin\*.* $(INST_BIN)\*.*
$(RCOPY) ..\lib $(INST_LIB)\*.*
$(XCOPY) ..\pod\*.bat $(INST_BIN)\*.*
$(XCOPY) ..\pod\*.pod $(INST_POD)\*.*
- $(XCOPY) ..\pod\*.html $(INST_HTML)\*.*
+ $(RCOPY) html\*.* $(INST_HTML)\*.*
inst_lib : $(CONFIGPM)
copy ..
@@ -418,6 +473,8 @@ clean :
-@erase $(MINIPERL)
-@erase perlglob.obj
-@erase perlmain.obj
+ -@erase config.w32
+ -@erase /f config.h
-@erase $(GLOBEXE)
-@erase $(PERLEXE)
-@erase $(PERLDLL)
diff --git a/win32/config.H b/win32/config.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 2018198084..0000000000
--- a/win32/config.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1781 +0,0 @@
- * This file was produced by running the config_h.SH script, which
- * gets its values from, which is generally produced by
- * running Configure.
- *
- * Feel free to modify any of this as the need arises. Note, however,
- * that running config_h.SH again will wipe out any changes you've made.
- * For a more permanent change edit and rerun config_h.SH.
- *
- * $Id: Config_h.U,v 1995/09/25 09:10:49 ram Exp $
- */
-/* Configuration time: Thu Apr 11 06:20:49 PDT 1996
- * Configured by: garyng
- * Target system:
- */
-#ifndef _config_h_
-#define _config_h_
- * This symbol contains the number of bytes required to align a
- * double. Usual values are 2, 4 and 8.
- */
-#define MEM_ALIGNBYTES 8 /**/
- * This symbol holds a string representing the architecture name.
- * It may be used to construct an architecture-dependant pathname
- * where library files may be held under a private library, for
- * instance.
- */
-#define ARCHNAME "MSWin32" /**/
-/* BIN:
- * This symbol holds the path of the bin directory where the package will
- * be installed. Program must be prepared to deal with ~name substitution.
- */
-/* BIN_EXP:
- * This symbol is the filename expanded version of the BIN symbol, for
- * programs that do not want to deal with that at run-time.
- */
-#define BIN "c:\\perl\\bin" /**/
-#define BIN_EXP "c:\\perl\\bin" /**/
-/* CAT2:
- * This macro catenates 2 tokens together.
- */
- * This macro surrounds its token with double quotes.
- */
-#if 42 == 1
-#define CAT2(a,b)a/**/b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c)a/**/b/**/c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)a/**/b/**/c/**/d
-#define CAT5(a,b,c,d,e)a/**/b/**/c/**/d/**/e
-#define STRINGIFY(a)"a"
- /* If you can get stringification with catify, tell me how! */
-#if 42 == 42
-#define CAT2(a,b)a ## b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c)a ## b ## c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)a ## b ## c ## d
-#define CAT5(a,b,c,d,e)a ## b ## c ## d ## e
-#define StGiFy(a)# a
-#define STRINGIFY(a)StGiFy(a)
-#define SCAT2(a,b)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b)
-#define SCAT3(a,b,c)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b) StGiFy(c)
-#define SCAT4(a,b,c,d)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b) StGiFy(c) StGiFy(d)
-#define SCAT5(a,b,c,d,e)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b) StGiFy(c) StGiFy(d) StGiFy(e)
-#ifndef CAT2
-#include "Bletch: How does this C preprocessor catenate tokens?"
- * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
- * the C preprocessor on the standard input and produce to standard
- * output. Typical value of "cc -E" or "/lib/cpp", but it can also
- * call a wrapper. See CPPRUN.
- */
- * This symbol contains the second part of the string which will invoke
- * the C preprocessor on the standard input and produce to standard
- * output. This symbol will have the value "-" if CPPSTDIN needs a minus
- * to specify standard input, otherwise the value is "".
- */
-#define CPPSTDIN "cl -E"
-#define CPPMINUS ""
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the alarm routine is
- * available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_ALARM /**/
- * This symbol indicates the C compiler can check for function attributes,
- * such as printf formats. This is normally only supported by GNU cc.
- */
-/*#define HASATTRIBUTE /**/
-#define __attribute__(_arg_)
- * This symbol is defined if the bcmp() routine is available to
- * compare blocks of memory.
- */
-/*#define HAS_BCMP /**/
- * This symbol is defined if the bcopy() routine is available to
- * copy blocks of memory.
- */
-/*#define HAS_BCOPY /**/
- * This symbol is defined if the bzero() routine is available to
- * set a memory block to 0.
- */
-/*#define HAS_BZERO /**/
-/* CASTI32:
- * This symbol is defined if the C compiler can cast negative
- * or large floating point numbers to 32-bit ints.
- */
-#define CASTI32 /**/
- * This symbol is defined if the C compiler can cast negative
- * numbers to unsigned longs, ints and shorts.
- */
- * This symbol contains flags that say what difficulties the compiler
- * has casting odd floating values to unsigned long:
- * 0 = ok
- * 1 = couldn't cast < 0
- * 2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000
- * 4 = couldn't cast in argument expression list
- */
-#define CASTNEGFLOAT /**/
-#define CASTFLAGS 0 /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the chown routine is
- * available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_CHOWN /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the chroot routine is
- * available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_CHROOT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the chsize routine is available
- * to truncate files. You might need a -lx to get this routine.
- */
-#define HAS_CHSIZE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the closedir() routine
- * does not return a value.
- */
-/*#define VOID_CLOSEDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows about
- * the const type. There is no need to actually test for that symbol
- * within your programs. The mere use of the "const" keyword will
- * trigger the necessary tests.
- */
-#define HASCONST /**/
-#ifndef HASCONST
-#define const
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the crypt routine is available
- * to encrypt passwords and the like.
- */
-/*#define HAS_CRYPT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the cuserid routine is
- * available to get character login names.
- */
-/*#define HAS_CUSERID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this system's <float.h>
- * or <limits.h> defines the symbol DBL_DIG, which is the number
- * of significant digits in a double precision number. If this
- * symbol is not defined, a guess of 15 is usually pretty good.
- */
-#define HAS_DBL_DIG /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the difftime routine is
- * available.
- */
-#define HAS_DIFFTIME /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the dlerror routine is
- * available to return a string describing the last error that
- * occurred from a call to dlopen(), dlclose() or dlsym().
- */
-#define HAS_DLERROR /**/
-/* HAS_DUP2:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the dup2 routine is
- * available to duplicate file descriptors.
- */
-#define HAS_DUP2 /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fchmod routine is available
- * to change mode of opened files. If unavailable, use chmod().
- */
-/*#define HAS_FCHMOD /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fchown routine is available
- * to change ownership of opened files. If unavailable, use chown().
- */
-/*#define HAS_FCHOWN /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that
- * the fcntl() function exists.
- */
-/*#define HAS_FCNTL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fgetpos routine is
- * available to get the file position indicator, similar to ftell().
- */
-#define HAS_FGETPOS /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the system supports filenames
- * longer than 14 characters.
- */
-#define FLEXFILENAMES /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the flock routine is
- * available to do file locking.
- */
-#define HAS_FLOCK /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fork routine is
- * available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_FORK /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fsetpos routine is
- * available to set the file position indicator, similar to fseek().
- */
-#define HAS_FSETPOS /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the gettimeofday() system
- * call is available for a sub-second accuracy clock. Usually, the file
- * <sys/resource.h> needs to be included (see I_SYS_RESOURCE).
- * The type "Timeval" should be used to refer to "struct timeval".
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETTIMEOFDAY /**/
-#define Timeval struct timeval /* Structure used by gettimeofday() */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getgroups() routine is
- * available to get the list of process groups. If unavailable, multiple
- * groups are probably not supported.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setgroups() routine is
- * available to set the list of process groups. If unavailable, multiple
- * groups are probably not supported.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETGROUPS /**/
-/*#define HAS_SETGROUPS /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the gethostent routine is
- * available to lookup host names in some data base or other.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETHOSTENT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program may use the
- * uname() routine to derive the host name. See also HAS_GETHOSTNAME
- * and PHOSTNAME.
- */
-/*#define HAS_UNAME /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getlogin routine is
- * available to get the login name.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETLOGIN /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpgrp2() (as in DG/UX)
- * routine is available to get the current process group.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETPGRP2 /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getppid routine is
- * available to get the parent process ID.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETPPID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpriority routine is
- * available to get a process's priority.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETPRIORITY /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the htonl() routine (and
- * friends htons() ntohl() ntohs()) are available to do network
- * order byte swapping.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the htons() routine (and
- * friends htonl() ntohl() ntohs()) are available to do network
- * order byte swapping.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the ntohl() routine (and
- * friends htonl() htons() ntohs()) are available to do network
- * order byte swapping.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the ntohs() routine (and
- * friends htonl() htons() ntohl()) are available to do network
- * order byte swapping.
- */
-#define HAS_HTONL /**/
-#define HAS_HTONS /**/
-#define HAS_NTOHL /**/
-#define HAS_NTOHS /**/
- * This manifest constant lets the C program know that isascii
- * is available.
- */
-#define HAS_ISASCII /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the killpg routine is available
- * to kill process groups. If unavailable, you probably should use kill
- * with a negative process number.
- */
-/*#define HAS_KILLPG /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the link routine is
- * available to create hard links.
- */
-/*#define HAS_LINK /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the localeconv routine is
- * available for numeric and monetary formatting conventions.
- */
-#define HAS_LOCALECONV /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the lockf routine is
- * available to do file locking.
- */
-/*#define HAS_LOCKF /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the lstat routine is
- * available to do file stats on symbolic links.
- */
-/*#define HAS_LSTAT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mblen routine is available
- * to find the number of bytes in a multibye character.
- */
-#define HAS_MBLEN /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mbstowcs routine is
- * available to covert a multibyte string into a wide character string.
- */
-#define HAS_MBSTOWCS /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mbtowc routine is available
- * to covert a multibyte to a wide character.
- */
-#define HAS_MBTOWC /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcmp routine is available
- * to compare blocks of memory.
- */
-#define HAS_MEMCMP /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcpy routine is available
- * to copy blocks of memory.
- */
-#define HAS_MEMCPY /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memmove routine is available
- * to copy potentially overlapping blocks of memory. This should be used
- * only when HAS_SAFE_BCOPY is not defined. If neither is there, roll your
- * own version.
- */
-#define HAS_MEMMOVE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memset routine is available
- * to set blocks of memory.
- */
-#define HAS_MEMSET /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mkdir routine is available
- * to create directories. Otherwise you should fork off a new process to
- * exec /bin/mkdir.
- */
-#define HAS_MKDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mkfifo routine is
- * available to create FIFOs. Otherwise, mknod should be able to
- * do it for you. However, if mkfifo is there, mknod might require
- * super-user privileges which mkfifo will not.
- */
-/*#define HAS_MKFIFO /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mktime routine is
- * available.
- */
-#define HAS_MKTIME /**/
-/* HAS_MSG:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the entire msg*(2) library is
- * supported (IPC mechanism based on message queues).
- */
-/*#define HAS_MSG /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the nice routine is
- * available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_NICE /**/
-/* HAS_OPEN3:
- * This manifest constant lets the C program know that the three
- * argument form of open(2) is available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_OPEN3 /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that pathconf() is available
- * to determine file-system related limits and options associated
- * with a given filename.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that pathconf() is available
- * to determine file-system related limits and options associated
- * with a given open file descriptor.
- */
-/*#define HAS_PATHCONF /**/
-/*#define HAS_FPATHCONF /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the pause routine is
- * available to suspend a process until a signal is received.
- */
-#define HAS_PAUSE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the pipe routine is
- * available to create an inter-process channel.
- */
-#define HAS_PIPE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the poll routine is
- * available to poll active file descriptors.
- */
-/*#define HAS_POLL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the readdir routine is
- * available to read directory entries. You may have to include
- * <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
- */
-#define HAS_READDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the seekdir routine is
- * available. You may have to include <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
- */
-#define HAS_SEEKDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the telldir routine is
- * available. You may have to include <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
- */
-#define HAS_TELLDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rewinddir routine is
- * available. You may have to include <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
- */
-#define HAS_REWINDDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the readlink routine is
- * available to read the value of a symbolic link.
- */
-/*#define HAS_READLINK /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rename routine is available
- * to rename files. Otherwise you should do the unlink(), link(), unlink()
- * trick.
- */
-#define HAS_RENAME /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rmdir routine is
- * available to remove directories. Otherwise you should fork off a
- * new process to exec /bin/rmdir.
- */
-#define HAS_RMDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bcopy routine is available
- * to copy potentially overlapping memory blocks. Otherwise you should
- * probably use memmove() or memcpy(). If neither is defined, roll your
- * own version.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SAFE_BCOPY /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcpy routine is available
- * to copy potentially overlapping memory blocks. Otherwise you should
- * probably use memmove() or memcpy(). If neither is defined, roll your
- * own version.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SAFE_MEMCPY /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcmp routine is available
- * and can be used to compare relative magnitudes of chars with their high
- * bits set. If it is not defined, roll your own version.
- */
-#define HAS_SANE_MEMCMP /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the select routine is
- * available to select active file descriptors. If the timeout field
- * is used, <sys/time.h> may need to be included.
- */
-#define HAS_SELECT /**/
-/* HAS_SEM:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the entire sem*(2) library is
- * supported.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SEM /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setegid routine is available
- * to change the effective gid of the current program.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETEGID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the seteuid routine is available
- * to change the effective uid of the current program.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETEUID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setlinebuf routine is
- * available to change stderr or stdout from block-buffered or unbuffered
- * to a line-buffered mode.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETLINEBUF /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setlocale routine is
- * available to handle locale-specific ctype implementations.
- */
-#define HAS_SETLOCALE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpgrp2() (as in DG/UX)
- * routine is available to set the current process group.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETPGRP2 /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpriority routine is
- * available to set a process's priority.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETPRIORITY /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setregid routine is
- * available to change the real and effective gid of the current
- * process.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setresgid routine is
- * available to change the real, effective and saved gid of the current
- * process.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETREGID /**/
-/*#define HAS_SETRESGID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setreuid routine is
- * available to change the real and effective uid of the current
- * process.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setresuid routine is
- * available to change the real, effective and saved uid of the current
- * process.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETREUID /**/
-/*#define HAS_SETRESUID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setrgid routine is available
- * to change the real gid of the current program.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETRGID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setruid routine is available
- * to change the real uid of the current program.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETRUID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setsid routine is
- * available to set the process group ID.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETSID /**/
-/* HAS_SHM:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the entire shm*(2) library is
- * supported.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SHM /**/
-/* Shmat_t:
- * This symbol holds the return type of the shmat() system call.
- * Usually set to 'void *' or 'char *'.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the sys/shm.h includes
- * a prototype for shmat(). Otherwise, it is up to the program to
- * guess one. Shmat_t shmat _((int, Shmat_t, int)) is a good guess,
- * but not always right so it should be emitted by the program only
- * when HAS_SHMAT_PROTOTYPE is not defined to avoid conflicting defs.
- */
-#define Shmat_t void * /**/
-/*#define HAS_SHMAT_PROTOTYPE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that Vr4's sigaction() routine
- * is available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SIGACTION /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the BSD socket interface is
- * supported.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the BSD socketpair() call is
- * supported.
- */
-#define HAS_SOCKET /**/
-/*#define HAS_SOCKETPAIR /**/
- * This symbol is defined if this system has a stat structure declaring
- * st_blksize and st_blocks.
- */
-/*#define USE_STAT_BLOCKS /**/
- * This symbol is defined if the _ptr and _cnt fields (or similar)
- * of the stdio FILE structure can be used to access the stdio buffer
- * for a file handle. If this is defined, then the FILE_ptr(fp)
- * and FILE_cnt(fp) macros will also be defined and should be used
- * to access these fields.
- */
-/* FILE_ptr:
- * This macro is used to access the _ptr field (or equivalent) of the
- * FILE structure pointed to by its argument. This macro will always be
- * defined if USE_STDIO_PTR is defined.
- */
- * This symbol is defined if the FILE_ptr macro can be used as an
- * lvalue.
- */
-/* FILE_cnt:
- * This macro is used to access the _cnt field (or equivalent) of the
- * FILE structure pointed to by its argument. This macro will always be
- * defined if USE_STDIO_PTR is defined.
- */
- * This symbol is defined if the FILE_cnt macro can be used as an
- * lvalue.
- */
-#define USE_STDIO_PTR /**/
-#define FILE_ptr(fp) ((fp)->_ptr)
-#define STDIO_PTR_LVALUE /**/
-#define FILE_cnt(fp) ((fp)->_cnt)
-#define STDIO_CNT_LVALUE /**/
- * This symbol is defined if the _base field (or similar) of the
- * stdio FILE structure can be used to access the stdio buffer for
- * a file handle. If this is defined, then the FILE_base(fp) macro
- * will also be defined and should be used to access this field.
- * Also, the FILE_bufsiz(fp) macro will be defined and should be used
- * to determine the number of bytes in the buffer. USE_STDIO_BASE
- * will never be defined unless USE_STDIO_PTR is.
- */
-/* FILE_base:
- * This macro is used to access the _base field (or equivalent) of the
- * FILE structure pointed to by its argument. This macro will always be
- * defined if USE_STDIO_BASE is defined.
- */
-/* FILE_bufsiz:
- * This macro is used to determine the number of bytes in the I/O
- * buffer pointed to by _base field (or equivalent) of the FILE
- * structure pointed to its argument. This macro will always be defined
- * if USE_STDIO_BASE is defined.
- */
-#define USE_STDIO_BASE /**/
-#define FILE_base(fp) ((fp)->_base)
-#define FILE_bufsiz(fp) ((fp)->_cnt + (fp)->_ptr - (fp)->_base)
- * This symbol is defined to indicate that the strchr()/strrchr()
- * functions are available for string searching. If not, try the
- * index()/rindex() pair.
- */
- * This symbol is defined to indicate that the index()/rindex()
- * functions are available for string searching.
- */
-#define HAS_STRCHR /**/
-/*#define HAS_INDEX /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strcoll routine is
- * available to compare strings using collating information.
- */
-#define HAS_STRCOLL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows how
- * to copy structures. If undefined, you'll need to use a block copy
- * routine of some sort instead.
- */
-#define USE_STRUCT_COPY /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strerror routine is
- * available to translate error numbers to strings. See the writeup
- * of Strerror() in this file before you try to define your own.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the sys_errlist array is
- * available to translate error numbers to strings. The extern int
- * sys_nerr gives the size of that table.
- */
-/* Strerror:
- * This preprocessor symbol is defined as a macro if strerror() is
- * not available to translate error numbers to strings but sys_errlist[]
- * array is there.
- */
-#define HAS_STRERROR /**/
-#define HAS_SYS_ERRLIST /**/
-#define Strerror(e) strerror(e)
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strtod routine is
- * available to provide better numeric string conversion than atof().
- */
-#define HAS_STRTOD /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strtol routine is available
- * to provide better numeric string conversion than atoi() and friends.
- */
-#define HAS_STRTOL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strtoul routine is
- * available to provide conversion of strings to unsigned long.
- */
-#define HAS_STRTOUL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strxfrm() routine is
- * available to transform strings.
- */
-#define HAS_STRXFRM /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the symlink routine is available
- * to create symbolic links.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SYMLINK /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the syscall routine is
- * available to call arbitrary system calls. If undefined, that's tough.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SYSCALL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that sysconf() is available
- * to determine system related limits and options.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SYSCONF /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the system routine is
- * available to issue a shell command.
- */
-#define HAS_SYSTEM /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the tcgetpgrp routine is
- * available to get foreground process group ID.
- */
-/*#define HAS_TCGETPGRP /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the tcsetpgrp routine is
- * available to set foreground process group ID.
- */
-/*#define HAS_TCSETPGRP /**/
-/* Time_t:
- * This symbol holds the type returned by time(). It can be long,
- * or time_t on BSD sites (in which case <sys/types.h> should be
- * included).
- */
-#define Time_t time_t /* Time type */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the times() routine exists.
- * Note that this became obsolete on some systems (SUNOS), which now
- * use getrusage(). It may be necessary to include <sys/times.h>.
- */
-#define HAS_TIMES /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the truncate routine is
- * available to truncate files.
- */
-/*#define HAS_TRUNCATE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the tzname[] array is
- * available to access timezone names.
- */
-#define HAS_TZNAME /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the umask routine is
- * available to set and get the value of the file creation mask.
- */
-#define HAS_UMASK /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that vfork() exists.
- */
-/*#define HAS_VFORK /**/
-/* Signal_t:
- * This symbol's value is either "void" or "int", corresponding to the
- * appropriate return type of a signal handler. Thus, you can declare
- * a signal handler using "Signal_t (*handler)()", and define the
- * handler using "Signal_t handler(sig)".
- */
-#define Signal_t void /* Signal handler's return type */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows about
- * the volatile declaration.
- */
-#define HASVOLATILE /**/
-#define volatile
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the vprintf routine is available
- * to printf with a pointer to an argument list. If unavailable, you
- * may need to write your own, probably in terms of _doprnt().
- */
- * This symbol is defined if this system has vsprintf() returning type
- * (char*). The trend seems to be to declare it as "int vsprintf()". It
- * is up to the package author to declare vsprintf correctly based on the
- * symbol.
- */
-#define HAS_VPRINTF /**/
-/*#define USE_CHAR_VSPRINTF /**/
-/* HAS_WAIT4:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that wait4() exists.
- */
-/*#define HAS_WAIT4 /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the waitpid routine is
- * available to wait for child process.
- */
-/*#define HAS_WAITPID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the wcstombs routine is
- * available to convert wide character strings to multibyte strings.
- */
-#define HAS_WCSTOMBS /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the wctomb routine is available
- * to covert a wide character to a multibyte.
- */
-#define HAS_WCTOMB /**/
-/* Fpos_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used to declare file positions in libc.
- * It can be fpos_t, long, uint, etc... It may be necessary to include
- * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
- */
-#define Fpos_t fpos_t /* File position type */
-/* Gid_t:
- * This symbol holds the return type of getgid() and the type of
- * argument to setrgid() and related functions. Typically,
- * it is the type of group ids in the kernel. It can be int, ushort,
- * uid_t, etc... It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h> to get
- * any typedef'ed information.
- */
-#define Gid_t gid_t /* Type for getgid(), etc... */
-/* Groups_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used for the second argument to
- * [gs]etgroups(). Usually, this is the same of gidtype, but
- * sometimes it isn't. It can be int, ushort, uid_t, etc...
- * It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h> to get any
- * typedef'ed information. This is only required if you have
- * getgroups() or setgroups().
- */
-#if defined(HAS_GETGROUPS) || defined(HAS_SETGROUPS)
-#define Groups_t gid_t /* Type for 2nd arg to [gs]etgroups() */
-/* DB_Prefix_t:
- * This symbol contains the type of the prefix structure element
- * in the <db.h> header file. In older versions of DB, it was
- * int, while in newer ones it is u_int32_t.
- */
-/* DB_Hash_t:
- * This symbol contains the type of the prefix structure element
- * in the <db.h> header file. In older versions of DB, it was
- * int, while in newer ones it is size_t.
- */
-#define DB_Hash_t int /**/
-#define DB_Prefix_t int /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <dirent.h>. Using this symbol also triggers the definition
- * of the Direntry_t define which ends up being 'struct dirent' or
- * 'struct direct' depending on the availability of <dirent.h>.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that the length
- * of directory entry names is provided by a d_namlen field. Otherwise
- * you need to do strlen() on the d_name field.
- */
-/* Direntry_t:
- * This symbol is set to 'struct direct' or 'struct dirent' depending on
- * whether dirent is available or not. You should use this pseudo type to
- * portably declare your directory entries.
- */
-#define I_DIRENT /**/
-#define DIRNAMLEN /**/
-#define Direntry_t struct direct
-/* I_DLFCN:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <dlfcn.h> exists and should
- * be included.
- */
-#define I_DLFCN /**/
-/* I_FCNTL:
- * This manifest constant tells the C program to include <fcntl.h>.
- */
-#define I_FCNTL /**/
-/* I_FLOAT:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <float.h> to get definition of symbols like DBL_MAX or
- * DBL_MIN, i.e. machine dependent floating point values.
- */
-#define I_FLOAT /**/
-/* I_GRP:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <grp.h>.
- */
-#define I_GRP /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <limits.h> to get definition of symbols like WORD_BIT or
- * LONG_MAX, i.e. machine dependant limitations.
- */
-#define I_LIMITS /**/
-/* I_MATH:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <math.h>.
- */
-#define I_MATH /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <memory.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_MEMORY /**/
-/* I_NDBM:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <ndbm.h> exists and should
- * be included.
- */
-/*#define I_NDBM /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <net/errno.h> exists and
- * should be included.
- */
-/*#define I_NET_ERRNO /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <netinet/in.h>. Otherwise, you may try <sys/in.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_NETINET_IN /**/
-/* I_PWD:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <pwd.h>.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
- * contains pw_quota.
- */
-/* PWAGE:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
- * contains pw_age.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
- * contains pw_change.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
- * contains pw_class.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
- * contains pw_expire.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
- * contains pw_comment.
- */
-/*#define I_PWD /**/
-/*#define PWQUOTA /**/
-/*#define PWAGE /**/
-/*#define PWCHANGE /**/
-/*#define PWCLASS /**/
-/*#define PWEXPIRE /**/
-/*#define PWCOMMENT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <stddef.h> exists and should
- * be included.
- */
-#define I_STDDEF /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <stdlib.h> exists and should
- * be included.
- */
-#define I_STDLIB /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <string.h> (USG systems) instead of <strings.h> (BSD systems).
- */
-#define I_STRING /**/
-/* I_SYS_DIR:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/dir.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_DIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/file.h> to get definition of R_OK and friends.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_FILE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <sys/ioctl.h> exists and should
- * be included. Otherwise, include <sgtty.h> or <termio.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_IOCTL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/ndir.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_NDIR /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/param.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_PARAM /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/resource.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_RESOURCE /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/select.h> in order to get definition of struct timeval.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_SELECT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/times.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_TIMES /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/types.h>.
- */
-#define I_SYS_TYPES /**/
-/* I_SYS_UN:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/un.h> to get UNIX domain socket definitions.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_UN /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/wait.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SYS_WAIT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
- * <termio.h> rather than <sgtty.h>. There are also differences in
- * the ioctl() calls that depend on the value of this symbol.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
- * the POSIX termios.h rather than sgtty.h or termio.h.
- * There are also differences in the ioctl() calls that depend on the
- * value of this symbol.
- */
-/* I_SGTTY:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
- * <sgtty.h> rather than <termio.h>. There are also differences in
- * the ioctl() calls that depend on the value of this symbol.
- */
-/*#define I_TERMIO /**/
-/*#define I_TERMIOS /**/
-/*#define I_SGTTY /**/
-/* I_TIME:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <time.h>.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/time.h>.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/time.h> with KERNEL defined.
- */
-#define I_TIME /**/
-/*#define I_SYS_TIME /**/
-/*#define I_SYS_TIME_KERNEL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <unistd.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_UNISTD /**/
-/* I_UTIME:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <utime.h>.
- */
-#define I_UTIME /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <stdarg.h> exists and should
- * be included.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <varargs.h>.
- */
-#define I_STDARG /**/
-/*#define I_VARARGS /**/
-/* I_VFORK:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include vfork.h.
- */
-/*#define I_VFORK /**/
- * This symbol contains the value of sizeof(int) so that the C
- * preprocessor can make decisions based on it.
- */
- * This symbol contains the value of sizeof(long) so that the C
- * preprocessor can make decisions based on it.
- */
- * This symbol contains the value of sizeof(short) so that the C
- * preprocessor can make decisions based on it.
- */
-#define INTSIZE 4 /**/
-#define LONGSIZE 4 /**/
-#define SHORTSIZE 2 /**/
-/* Off_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used to declare offsets in the kernel.
- * It can be int, long, off_t, etc... It may be necessary to include
- * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
- */
-#define Off_t off_t /* <offset> type */
-/* Mode_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used to declare file modes
- * for systems calls. It is usually mode_t, but may be
- * int or unsigned short. It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h>
- * to get any typedef'ed information.
- */
-#define Mode_t mode_t /* file mode parameter for system calls */
- * This symbol is to be used during open() or fcntl(F_SETFL) to turn on
- * non-blocking I/O for the file descriptor. Note that there is no way
- * back, i.e. you cannot turn it blocking again this way. If you wish to
- * alternatively switch between blocking and non-blocking, use the
- * ioctl(FIOSNBIO) call instead, but that is not supported by all devices.
- */
- * This symbol holds the errno error code set by read() when no data was
- * present on the non-blocking file descriptor.
- */
- * This symbol holds the return code from read() when no data is present
- * on the non-blocking file descriptor. Be careful! If EOF_NONBLOCK is
- * not defined, then you can't distinguish between no data and EOF by
- * issuing a read(). You'll have to find another way to tell for sure!
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that a read() on
- * a non-blocking file descriptor will return 0 on EOF, and not the value
- * held in RD_NODATA (-1 usually, in that case!).
- */
-#define RD_NODATA -1
- * If defined, this macro indicates that the C compiler can handle
- * function prototypes.
- */
-/* _:
- * This macro is used to declare function parameters for folks who want
- * to make declarations with prototypes using a different style than
- * the above macros. Use double parentheses. For example:
- *
- * int main _((int argc, char *argv[]));
- */
-#define CAN_PROTOTYPE /**/
-#define _(args) args
-#define _(args) ()
- * This symbol contains the number of bits of random number the rand()
- * function produces. Usual values are 15, 16, and 31.
- */
-#define RANDBITS 15 /**/
-/* Select_fd_set_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
- * arguments to select. Usually, this is 'fd_set *', if HAS_FD_SET
- * is defined, and 'int *' otherwise. This is only useful if you
- * have select(), of course.
- */
-#define Select_fd_set_t int * /**/
-/* Size_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used to declare length parameters
- * for string functions. It is usually size_t, but may be
- * unsigned long, int, etc. It may be necessary to include
- * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
- */
-#define Size_t size_t /* length paramater for string functions */
-/* SSize_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used by functions that return
- * a count of bytes or an error condition. It must be a signed type.
- * It is usually ssize_t, but may be long or int, etc.
- * It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h> or <unistd.h>
- * to get any typedef'ed information.
- * We will pick a type such that sizeof(SSize_t) == sizeof(Size_t).
- */
-#define SSize_t int /* signed count of bytes */
- * This symbol is defined to be the type of char used in stdio.h.
- * It has the values "unsigned char" or "char".
- */
-#define STDCHAR unsigned char /**/
-/* Uid_t:
- * This symbol holds the type used to declare user ids in the kernel.
- * It can be int, ushort, uid_t, etc... It may be necessary to include
- * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
- */
-#define Uid_t uid_t /* UID type */
-/* LOC_SED:
- * This symbol holds the complete pathname to the sed program.
- */
-#define LOC_SED "" /**/
- * This symbol contains the name of the operating system, as determined
- * by Configure. You shouldn't rely on it too much; the specific
- * feature tests from Configure are generally more reliable.
- */
-#define OSNAME "MSWin32" /**/
- * This variable, if defined, holds the name of the directory in
- * which the user wants to put architecture-dependent public
- * library files for perl5. It is most often a local directory
- * such as /usr/local/lib. Programs using this variable must be
- * prepared to deal with filename expansion. If ARCHLIB is the
- * same as PRIVLIB, it is not defined, since presumably the
- * program already searches PRIVLIB.
- */
- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of ARCHLIB, to be used
- * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
- */
-#define ARCHLIB "c:\\perl\\lib" /**/
-#define ARCHLIB_EXP (win32PerlLibPath()) /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that Perl 5.004 should be
- * binary-compatible with Perl 5.003.
- */
-/*#define BINCOMPAT3 /**/
- * This symbol holds the hexadecimal constant defined in byteorder,
- * i.e. 0x1234 or 0x4321, etc...
- * On NeXT 4 (and greater), you can build "Fat" Multiple Architecture
- * Binaries (MAB) on either big endian or little endian machines.
- * The endian-ness is available at compile-time. This only matters
- * for perl, where the config.h can be generated and installed on
- * one system, and used by a different architecture to build an
- * extension. Older versions of NeXT that might not have
- * defined either *_ENDIAN__ were all on Motorola 680x0 series,
- * so the default case (for NeXT) is big endian to catch them.
- * This might matter for NeXT 3.0.
- */
-#ifndef NeXT
-#define BYTEORDER 0x1234 /* large digits for MSB */
-#else /* NeXT */
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#define BYTEORDER 0x1234
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
-#define BYTEORDER 0x4321
-#endif /* ENDIAN CHECK */
-#endif /* NeXT */
-/* CSH:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C-shell exists.
- * If defined, contains the full pathname of csh.
- */
-/*#define CSH "" /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that we need to prepend an
- * underscore to the symbol name before calling dlsym(). This only
- * makes sense if you *have* dlsym, which we will presume is the
- * case if you're using dl_dlopen.xs.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bug that prevents
- * setuid scripts from being secure is not present in this kernel.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program should
- * check the script that it is executing for setuid/setgid bits, and
- * attempt to emulate setuid/setgid on systems that have disabled
- * setuid #! scripts because the kernel can't do it securely.
- * It is up to the package designer to make sure that this emulation
- * is done securely. Among other things, it should do an fstat on
- * the script it just opened to make sure it really is a setuid/setgid
- * script, it should make sure the arguments passed correspond exactly
- * to the argument on the #! line, and it should not trust any
- * subprocesses to which it must pass the filename rather than the
- * file descriptor of the script to be executed.
- */
-/*#define DOSUID /**/
-/* Gconvert:
- * This preprocessor macro is defined to convert a floating point
- * number to a string without a trailing decimal point. This
- * emulates the behavior of sprintf("%g"), but is sometimes much more
- * efficient. If gconvert() is not available, but gcvt() drops the
- * trailing decimal point, then gcvt() is used. If all else fails,
- * a macro using sprintf("%g") is used. Arguments for the Gconvert
- * macro are: value, number of digits, whether trailing zeros should
- * be retained, and the output buffer.
- * Possible values are:
- * d_Gconvert='gconvert((x),(n),(t),(b))'
- * d_Gconvert='gcvt((x),(n),(b))'
- * d_Gconvert='sprintf((b),"%.*g",(n),(x))'
- * The last two assume trailing zeros should not be kept.
- */
-#define Gconvert(x,n,t,b) sprintf((b),"%.*g",(n),(x))
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that
- * the getpgid(pid) function is available to get the
- * process group id.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETPGID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpgrp routine is
- * available to get the current process group.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that getpgrp needs one
- * arguments whereas USG one needs none.
- */
-/*#define HAS_GETPGRP /**/
-/*#define USE_BSD_GETPGRP /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that the
- * inet_aton() function is available to parse IP address "dotted-quad"
- * strings.
- */
-/*#define HAS_INET_ATON /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that
- * the setpgid(pid, gpid) function is available to set the
- * process group id.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETPGID /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpgrp routine is
- * available to set the current process group.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that setpgrp needs two
- * arguments whereas USG one needs none. See also HAS_SETPGID
- * for a POSIX interface.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the BSD notion of process
- * group is to be used. For instance, you have to say setpgrp(pid, pgrp)
- * instead of the USG setpgrp(). This should be obsolete since
- * there are systems which have BSD-ish setpgrp but USG-ish getpgrp.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SETPGRP /**/
-/*#define USE_BSD_SETPGRP /**/
-/*#define USE_BSDPGRP /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that sfio should
- * be used.
- */
-/*#define USE_SFIO /**/
-/* Sigjmp_buf:
- * This is the buffer type to be used with Sigsetjmp and Siglongjmp.
- */
-/* Sigsetjmp:
- * This macro is used in the same way as sigsetjmp(), but will invoke
- * traditional setjmp() if sigsetjmp isn't available.
- */
-/* Siglongjmp:
- * This macro is used in the same way as siglongjmp(), but will invoke
- * traditional longjmp() if siglongjmp isn't available.
- */
-/*#define HAS_SIGSETJMP /**/
-#define Sigjmp_buf sigjmp_buf
-#define Sigsetjmp(buf,save_mask) sigsetjmp((buf),(save_mask))
-#define Siglongjmp(buf,retval) siglongjmp((buf),(retval))
-#define Sigjmp_buf jmp_buf
-#define Sigsetjmp(buf,save_mask) setjmp((buf))
-#define Siglongjmp(buf,retval) longjmp((buf),(retval))
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that dynamic loading of
- * some sort is available.
- */
-/* I_DBM:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <dbm.h> exists and should
- * be included.
- */
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <rpcsvc/dbm.h> exists and
- * should be included.
- */
-/*#define I_DBM /**/
-#define I_RPCSVC_DBM /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <locale.h>.
- */
-#define I_LOCALE /**/
-/* I_SFIO:
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sfio.h>.
- */
-/*#define I_SFIO /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <sys/stat.h>.
- */
-#define I_SYS_STAT /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
- * include <values.h> to get definition of symbols like MINFLOAT or
- * MAXLONG, i.e. machine dependant limitations. Probably, you
- * should use <limits.h> instead, if it is available.
- */
-/*#define I_VALUES /**/
-/* Free_t:
- * This variable contains the return type of free(). It is usually
- * void, but occasionally int.
- */
-/* Malloc_t:
- * This symbol is the type of pointer returned by malloc and realloc.
- */
-#define Malloc_t void * /**/
-#define Free_t void /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that we're using our own malloc.
- */
-/*#define MYMALLOC /**/
- * This variable, if defined, holds the name of the directory in
- * which the user has perl5.000 or perl5.001 architecture-dependent
- * public library files for perl5. For the most part, these
- * files will work with 5.002 (and later), but that is not
- * guaranteed.
- */
- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of OLDARCHLIB, to be
- * used in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at
- * run-time.
- */
-/*#define OLDARCHLIB "" /**/
-/*#define OLDARCHLIB_EXP "" /**/
- * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
- * The library is private in the sense that it needn't be in anyone's
- * execution path, but it should be accessible by the world. The program
- * should be prepared to do ~ expansion.
- */
- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of PRIVLIB, to be used
- * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
- */
-#define PRIVLIB "c:\\perl\\lib" /**/
-#define PRIVLIB_EXP "c:\\perl\\lib" /**/
-/* SH_PATH:
- * This symbol contains the full pathname to the shell used on this
- * on this system to execute Bourne shell scripts. Usually, this will be
- * /bin/sh, though it's possible that some systems will have /bin/ksh,
- * /bin/pdksh, /bin/ash, /bin/bash, or even something such as
- * D:/bin/sh.exe.
- */
-#define SH_PATH "cmd /x /c" /**/
- * This symbol contains a list of signal names in order of
- * signal number. This is intended
- * to be used as a static array initialization, like this:
- * char *sig_name[] = { SIG_NAME };
- * The signals in the list are separated with commas, and each signal
- * is surrounded by double quotes. There is no leading SIG in the signal
- * name, i.e. SIGQUIT is known as "QUIT".
- * Gaps in the signal numbers (up to NSIG) are filled in with NUMnn,
- * etc., where nn is the actual signal number (e.g. NUM37).
- * The signal number for sig_name[i] is stored in sig_num[i].
- * The last element is 0 to terminate the list with a NULL. This
- * corresponds to the 0 at the end of the sig_num list.
- */
-/* SIG_NUM:
- * This symbol contains a list of signal numbers, in the same order as the
- * SIG_NAME list. It is suitable for static array initialization, as in:
- * int sig_num[] = { SIG_NUM };
- * The signals in the list are separated with commas, and the indices
- * within that list and the SIG_NAME list match, so it's easy to compute
- * the signal name from a number or vice versa at the price of a small
- * dynamic linear lookup.
- * Duplicates are allowed, but are moved to the end of the list.
- * The signal number corresponding to sig_name[i] is sig_number[i].
- * if (i < NSIG) then sig_number[i] == i.
- * The last element is 0, corresponding to the 0 at the end of
- * the sig_name list.
- */
-#define SIG_NUM 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,6,18,22,0 /**/
- * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
- * The library is private in the sense that it needn't be in anyone's
- * execution path, but it should be accessible by the world. The program
- * should be prepared to do ~ expansion.
- * The standard distribution will put nothing in this directory.
- * Individual sites may place their own extensions and modules in
- * this directory.
- */
- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
- * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
- */
-#define SITEARCH "c:\\perl\\lib\\site" /**/
-#define SITEARCH_EXP "c:\\perl\\lib\\site" /**/
- * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
- * The library is private in the sense that it needn't be in anyone's
- * execution path, but it should be accessible by the world. The program
- * should be prepared to do ~ expansion.
- * The standard distribution will put nothing in this directory.
- * Individual sites may place their own extensions and modules in
- * this directory.
- */
- * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
- * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
- */
-#define SITELIB "c:\\perl\\lib\\site" /**/
-#define SITELIB_EXP "c:\\perl\\lib\\site" /**/
- * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
- * script to make sure (one hopes) that it runs with perl and not
- * some shell.
- */
-#define STARTPERL "#perl" /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the PerlIO abstraction should
- * be used throughout. If not defined, stdio should be
- * used in a fully backward compatible manner.
- */
-/*#define USE_PERLIO /**/
- * This symbol indicates how much support of the void type is given by this
- * compiler. What various bits mean:
- *
- * 1 = supports declaration of void
- * 2 = supports arrays of pointers to functions returning void
- * 4 = supports comparisons between pointers to void functions and
- * addresses of void functions
- * 8 = suports declaration of generic void pointers
- *
- * The package designer should define VOIDUSED to indicate the requirements
- * of the package. This can be done either by #defining VOIDUSED before
- * including config.h, or by defining defvoidused in Myinit.U. If the
- * latter approach is taken, only those flags will be tested. If the
- * level of void support necessary is not present, defines void to int.
- */
-#ifndef VOIDUSED
-#define VOIDUSED 15
-#define VOIDFLAGS 15
-#define void int /* is void to be avoided? */
-#define M_VOID /* Xenix strikes again */
-#include <win32.h>
-#ifndef DEBUGGING
-#define DEBUGGING
diff --git a/win32/config.bc b/win32/config.bc
index 3d375096e5..4b148de2fc 100644
--- a/win32/config.bc
+++ b/win32/config.bc
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ State=''
+ar='tlib /P128'
diff --git a/win32/config.w32 b/win32/config.w32
deleted file mode 100644
index e977b17e07..0000000000
--- a/win32/config.w32
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-## This file was hand coded and a lot of information is invalid
-## Configured by: garyng
-## Target system: WIN32
-ccflags='-MD -DWIN32'
-dynamic_ext='Fcntl IO Opcode SDBM_File Socket'
-extensions='Fcntl IO Opcode SDBM_File Socket'
-static_ext=' '
-POSIX_cflags='ccflags="$ccflags -DSTRUCT_TM_HASZONE"'
-ccdlflags=' '
-cf_time='Thu Apr 11 06:20:49 PDT 1996'
-cpprun='cl -E'
-cppstdin='cl -E'
-direntrytype='struct direct'
-glibpth='/usr/shlib /lib/pa1.1 /usr/lib/large /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/386 /lib/386 /lib/large /usr/lib/small /lib/small /usr/ccs/lib /usr/ucblib /usr/shlib '
-hostcat='ypcat hosts'
-known_extensions='DB_File Fcntl GDBM_File NDBM_File ODBM_File Opcode POSIX SDBM_File Socket'
-ldflags='-nologo -subsystem:windows'
-libswanted='net socket inet nsl nm ndbm gdbm dbm db malloc dl dld ld sun m c cposix posix ndir dir crypt ucb bsd BSD PW x'
-locincpth='/usr/local/include /opt/local/include /usr/gnu/include /opt/gnu/include /usr/GNU/include /opt/GNU/include'
-loclibpth='/usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /usr/gnu/lib /opt/gnu/lib /usr/GNU/lib /opt/GNU/lib'
-malloctype='void *'
-more='more /e'
-pager='more /e'
-selecttype='int *'
-sh='cmd /x /c'
-shmattype='void *'
-sig_num='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 6 18 22'
-stdchar='unsigned char'
-stdio_bufsiz='((fp)->_cnt + (fp)->_ptr - (fp)->_base)'
-timeincl='/usr/include/sys/time.h '
-xlibpth='/usr/lib/386 /lib/386'
diff --git a/win32/config_sh.PL b/win32/config_sh.PL
index 020485d66a..0769ef3112 100644
--- a/win32/config_sh.PL
+++ b/win32/config_sh.PL
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ if ($] =~ /\.(\d\d\d)?(\d\d)?$/) { # should always be true
$opt{SUBVERSION} = $2 || '00';
+$opt{'cf_by'} = $ENV{USERNAME} unless $opt{'cf_by'};
+$opt{'cf_email'} = $opt{'cf_by'} . '@' . (gethostbyname('localhost'))[0]
+ unless $opt{'cf_email'};
while (<>)
diff --git a/win32/include/sys/socket.h b/win32/include/sys/socket.h
index 701022a7fc..9e5259b254 100644
--- a/win32/include/sys/socket.h
+++ b/win32/include/sys/socket.h
@@ -85,12 +85,15 @@ struct protoent *win32_getprotoent(void);
struct servent *win32_getservent(void);
void win32_sethostent(int stayopen);
void win32_setnetent(int stayopen);
+struct netent * win32_getnetent(void);
+struct netent * win32_getnetbyname(char *name);
+struct netent * win32_getnetbyaddr(long net, int type);
void win32_setprotoent(int stayopen);
void win32_setservent(int stayopen);
-void win32_endhostent();
-void win32_endnetent();
-void win32_endprotoent();
-void win32_endservent();
+void win32_endhostent(void);
+void win32_endnetent(void);
+void win32_endprotoent(void);
+void win32_endservent(void);
// direct to our version
diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/
index f868203ba4..73380b4b55 100644
--- a/win32/
+++ b/win32/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
# that does not present in the WIN32 port but there is no easy
# way to find them so I just put a exeception list here
+my $CCTYPE = shift || "MSVC";
@@ -119,18 +121,13 @@ Perl_yyname
@@ -158,8 +155,8 @@ while (<GLOBAL>) {
next if (/_amg[ \t]*$/);
$symbol = "Perl_$_";
next if ($skip_sym =~ m/$symbol/m);
- print "\t$symbol";
- };
+ emit_symbol($symbol);
# also add symbols from interp.sym
@@ -175,8 +172,8 @@ while (<INTERP>) {
$symbol = $_;
next if ($skip_sym =~ m/$symbol/m);
#print "\t$symbol";
- print "\tPerl_$symbol";
- };
+ emit_symbol("Perl_" . $symbol);
@@ -186,8 +183,22 @@ while (<DATA>) {
next if (/^#/);
$symbol = $_;
next if ($skip_sym =~ m/^$symbol/m);
- print "\t$symbol";
- };
+ emit_symbol($symbol);
+sub emit_symbol {
+ my $symbol = shift;
+ chomp $symbol;
+ if ($CCTYPE eq "BORLAND") {
+ # workaround Borland quirk by exporting both the straight
+ # name and a name with leading underscore
+ #print "\t$symbol = _$symbol\n";
+ print "\t_$symbol\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\t$symbol\n";
+ }
@@ -259,8 +270,7 @@ win32_close
diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/
index 0ad09b8303..620d2ebab3 100644
--- a/win32/
+++ b/win32/
@@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
+my $CCTYPE = "";
print "EXPORTS\n";
foreach (@ARGV) {
- print "\tboot_$_\n"
- };
+ if (/CCTYPE=(.*)$/) {
+ $CCTYPE = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ emit_symbol("boot_$_");
+sub emit_symbol {
+ my $symbol = shift;
+ if ($CCTYPE eq "BORLAND") {
+ # workaround Borland quirk by export both the straight
+ # name and a name with leading underscore
+ print "\t$symbol=_$symbol\n";
+ print "\t_$symbol\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\t$symbol\n";
+ }
diff --git a/win32/perlglob.c b/win32/perlglob.c
index 87e8e90cd4..b2fdca2f71 100644
--- a/win32/perlglob.c
+++ b/win32/perlglob.c
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
BOOL downcase = TRUE;
/* check out the file system characteristics */
if (GetFullPathName(".", MAX_PATH, root, &dummy)) {
if (dummy = strchr(root, '\\'))
*++dummy = '\0';
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
+ setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
len = strlen(argv[i]);
if (downcase)
diff --git a/win32/perllib.c b/win32/perllib.c
index 0f63938f5c..45d64d394c 100644
--- a/win32/perllib.c
+++ b/win32/perllib.c
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ DllMain(HANDLE hModule, /* DLL module handle */
/* #define DEFAULT_BINMODE */
- _setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY );
- _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY );
- _setmode( _fileno( stderr ), _O_BINARY );
- _fmode = _O_BINARY;
+ setmode( fileno( stdin ), O_BINARY );
+ setmode( fileno( stdout ), O_BINARY );
+ setmode( fileno( stderr ), O_BINARY );
+ _fmode = O_BINARY;
PerlDllHandle = hModule;
diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c
index 7fb04166c2..6fbe7339c5 100644
--- a/win32/win32.c
+++ b/win32/win32.c
@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@
static DWORD IdOS(void);
extern WIN32_IOSUBSYSTEM win32stdio;
-__declspec(thread) PWIN32_IOSUBSYSTEM pIOSubSystem = &win32stdio;
-/*__declspec(thread) PWIN32_IOSUBSYSTEM pIOSubSystem = NULL;*/
+#ifndef __BORLANDC__ /* pointers cannot be declared TLS! */
+PWIN32_IOSUBSYSTEM pIOSubSystem = &win32stdio;
BOOL ProbeEnv = FALSE;
DWORD Win32System = (DWORD)-1;
@@ -152,6 +154,10 @@ my_popen(char *cmd, char *mode)
* GSAR 97/03/13
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__ /* workaround a Borland stdio bug */
+ win32_fflush(stdout);
+ win32_fflush(stderr);
return win32_popen(cmd, mode);
@@ -187,11 +193,11 @@ my_popen(char *cmd, char *mode)
goto error1;
if ( *(mode + 1) == _T('t') )
- tm = _O_TEXT;
+ tm = O_TEXT;
else if ( *(mode + 1) == _T('b') )
- tm = _O_BINARY;
+ tm = O_BINARY;
- tm = (*mode == 'w' ? _O_BINARY : _O_TEXT);
+ tm = (*mode == 'w' ? O_BINARY : O_TEXT);
@@ -317,18 +323,19 @@ IdOS(void)
static char *
- static char* szWin95ShellEntry = "Win95Shell";
- static char* szWin95DefaultShell = "Cmd32.exe";
- static char* szWinNTDefaultShell = "cmd.exe";
if (!ProbeEnv) {
+ char* defaultshell = (IsWinNT() ? "cmd.exe" : "");
+ /* we don't use COMSPEC here for two reasons:
+ * 1. the same reason perl on UNIX doesn't use SHELL--rampant and
+ * uncontrolled unportability of the ensuing scripts.
+ * 2. PERL5SHELL could be set to a shell that may not be fit for
+ * interactive use (which is what most programs look in COMSPEC
+ * for).
+ */
+ char *usershell = getenv("PERL5SHELL");
ProbeEnv = TRUE;
- if (IsWin95()) {
- strcpy(szShellPath, szWin95DefaultShell);
- }
- else {
- strcpy(szShellPath, szWinNTDefaultShell);
- }
+ strcpy(szShellPath, usershell ? usershell : defaultshell);
return szShellPath;
@@ -364,8 +371,7 @@ do_aspawn(void* really, void** mark, void** arglast)
argv[index++] = 0;
- status = win32_spawnvpe(P_WAIT, cmd, (const char* const*)argv,
- (const char* const*)environ);
+ status = win32_spawnvp(P_WAIT, cmd, (const char* const*)argv);
@@ -408,10 +414,7 @@ do_spawn(char *cmd)
*a = Nullch;
if(argv[0]) {
- status = win32_spawnvpe(P_WAIT,
- argv[0],
- (const char* const*)argv,
- (const char* const*)environ);
+ status = win32_spawnvp(P_WAIT, argv[0], (const char* const*)argv);
if(status != -1 || errno == 0)
needToTry = FALSE;
@@ -419,11 +422,10 @@ do_spawn(char *cmd)
if(needToTry) {
- status = win32_spawnle(P_WAIT,
- shell,
- shell,
- "/x",
- "/c", cmd, (char*)0, environ);
+ char *argv[5];
+ argv[0] = shell; argv[1] = "/x"; argv[2] = "/c";
+ argv[3] = cmd; argv[4] = Nullch;
+ status = win32_spawnvp(P_WAIT, argv[0], (const char* const*)argv);
if (status < 0) {
if (dowarn)
@@ -459,7 +461,7 @@ opendir(char *filename)
/* char *dummy;*/
/* check to see if filename is a directory */
- if(stat(filename, &sbuf) < 0 || sbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR == 0) {
+ if(stat(filename, &sbuf) < 0 || sbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR == 0) {
return NULL;
@@ -674,12 +676,14 @@ kill(int pid, int sig)
* File system stuff
+#if 0
ioctl(int i, unsigned int u, char *data)
CROAK("ioctl not implemented!\n");
return -1;
unsigned int
sleep(unsigned int t)
@@ -805,7 +809,9 @@ __declspec(thread) char strerror_buffer[512];
DllExport char *
win32_strerror(int e)
+#ifndef __BORLANDC__ /* Borland intolerance */
extern int sys_nerr;
DWORD source = 0;
if(e < 0 || e > sys_nerr) {
@@ -1060,13 +1066,13 @@ win32_dup2(int fd1,int fd2)
DllExport int
-win32_read(int fd, char *buf, unsigned int cnt)
+win32_read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int cnt)
return pIOSubSystem->pfnread(fd, buf, cnt);
DllExport int
-win32_write(int fd, const char *buf, unsigned int cnt)
+win32_write(int fd, const void *buf, unsigned int cnt)
return pIOSubSystem->pfnwrite(fd, buf, cnt);
@@ -1090,23 +1096,9 @@ win32_chdir(const char *dir)
DllExport int
-win32_spawnvpe(int mode, const char *cmdname,
- const char *const *argv, const char *const *envp)
+win32_spawnvp(int mode, const char *cmdname, const char *const *argv)
- return pIOSubSystem->pfnspawnvpe(mode, cmdname, argv, envp);
-DllExport int
-win32_spawnle(int mode, const char *cmdname, const char *arglist,...)
- const char* const* envp;
- const char* const* argp;
- argp = &arglist;
- while (*argp++) ;
- envp = (const char* const*)*argp;
- return pIOSubSystem->pfnspawnvpe(mode, cmdname, &arglist, envp);
+ return pIOSubSystem->pfnspawnvp(mode, cmdname, argv);
diff --git a/win32/win32.h b/win32/win32.h
index ec9eb7cc53..344ddaba59 100644
--- a/win32/win32.h
+++ b/win32/win32.h
@@ -25,20 +25,45 @@
/* For UNIX compatibility. */
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#define _access access
+#define _chdir chdir
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#pragma warn -ccc
+#pragma warn -rch
+#pragma warn -sig
+#pragma warn -pia
+#pragma warn -par
+#pragma warn -aus
+#pragma warn -use
+#pragma warn -csu
+#pragma warn -pro
typedef long uid_t;
typedef long gid_t;
-extern char *staticlinkmodules[];
extern uid_t getuid(void);
extern gid_t getgid(void);
extern uid_t geteuid(void);
extern gid_t getegid(void);
extern int setuid(uid_t uid);
extern int setgid(gid_t gid);
extern int kill(int pid, int sig);
+extern char *staticlinkmodules[];
+/* if USE_WIN32_RTL_ENV is not defined, Perl uses direct Win32 calls
+ * to read the environment, bypassing the runtime's (usually broken)
+ * facilities for accessing the same. See note in util.c/my_setenv().
+ */
+/*#define USE_WIN32_RTL_ENV */
extern FILE *myfdopen(int, char *);
@@ -50,10 +75,10 @@ extern FILE *myfdopen(int, char *);
#define STANDARD_C 1 /* Perl5 likes standard C. */
#define DOSISH 1 /* Take advantage of DOSish code in Perl5. */
-#define OP_BINARY _O_BINARY /* Mistake in in pp_sys.c. */
+#define OP_BINARY O_BINARY /* Mistake in in pp_sys.c. */
#undef pipe
-#define pipe(fd) win32_pipe((fd), 512, _O_BINARY) /* the pipe call is a bit different */
+#define pipe(fd) win32_pipe((fd), 512, O_BINARY) /* the pipe call is a bit different */
#undef pause
#define pause() sleep((32767L << 16) + 32767)
@@ -73,7 +98,7 @@ struct tms {
unsigned int sleep(unsigned int);
-char *win32PerlLibPath();
+char *win32PerlLibPath(void);
int mytimes(struct tms *timebuf);
unsigned int myalarm(unsigned int sec);
int do_aspawn(void* really, void** mark, void** arglast);
@@ -86,6 +111,7 @@ typedef char * caddr_t; /* In malloc.c (core address). */
#define DllExport __declspec(dllexport)
+#define DllImport __declspec(dllimport)
* handle socket stuff, assuming socket is always available
@@ -94,7 +120,9 @@ typedef char * caddr_t; /* In malloc.c (core address). */
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4018 4035 4101 4102 4244 4245 4761)
int IsWin95(void);
int IsWinNT(void);
diff --git a/win32/win32io.c b/win32/win32io.c
index db156cf133..0651781342 100644
--- a/win32/win32io.c
+++ b/win32/win32io.c
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ dummy_globalmode(int mode)
return o;
-#ifdef _DLL
+#if defined(_DLL) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
/* It may or may not be fixed (ok on NT), but DLL runtime
does not export the functions used in the workround
@@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ my_open_osfhandle(long osfhandle, int flags)
/* copy relevant flags from second parameter */
fileflags = FDEV;
- if(flags & _O_APPEND)
+ if(flags & O_APPEND)
fileflags |= FAPPEND;
- if(flags & _O_TEXT)
+ if(flags & O_TEXT)
fileflags |= FTEXT;
/* attempt to allocate a C Runtime file handle */
@@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ my_get_osfhandle( int filehandle )
return _get_osfhandle(filehandle);
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#define _chdir chdir
/* simulate flock by locking a range on the file */
@@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ WIN32_IOSUBSYSTEM win32stdio = {
dummy_globalmode, /* (*pfunc_globalmode)(int mode) */
- spawnvpe,
+ spawnvp,
diff --git a/win32/win32io.h b/win32/win32io.h
index 45a31f7a48..678327cd20 100644
--- a/win32/win32io.h
+++ b/win32/win32io.h
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
#ifndef WIN32IO_H
#define WIN32IO_H
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#include <stdarg.h>
typedef struct {
int signature_begin;
int * (*pfnerrno)(void);
@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ int (*pfnwrite)(int fd, const void *buf, unsigned int cnt);
int (*pfnopenmode)(int mode);
int (*pfn_open_osfhandle)(long handle, int flags);
long (*pfn_get_osfhandle)(int fd);
-int (*pfnspawnvpe)(int mode, const char *cmdname, const char *const *argv, const char *const *envp);
+int (*pfnspawnvp)(int mode, const char *cmdname, const char *const *argv);
int (*pfnmkdir)(const char *path);
int (*pfnrmdir)(const char *path);
int (*pfnchdir)(const char *path);
diff --git a/win32/win32iop.h b/win32/win32iop.h
index c33d944307..4b4b9973d3 100644
--- a/win32/win32iop.h
+++ b/win32/win32iop.h
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
* function prototypes for our own win32io layer
-EXT int * win32_errno();
-EXT char *** win32_environ();
+EXT int * win32_errno(void);
+EXT char *** win32_environ(void);
EXT FILE* win32_stdin(void);
EXT FILE* win32_stdout(void);
EXT FILE* win32_stderr(void);
@@ -57,9 +57,8 @@ EXT int win32_close(int fd);
EXT int win32_eof(int fd);
EXT int win32_read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int cnt);
EXT int win32_write(int fd, const void *buf, unsigned int cnt);
-EXT int win32_spawnvpe(int mode, const char *cmdname,
- const char *const *argv, const char *const *envp);
-EXT int win32_spawnle(int mode, const char *cmdname, const char *,...);
+EXT int win32_spawnvp(int mode, const char *cmdname,
+ const char *const *argv);
EXT int win32_mkdir(const char *dir, int mode);
EXT int win32_rmdir(const char *dir);
EXT int win32_chdir(const char *dir);
@@ -95,6 +94,12 @@ void * SetIOSubSystem(void *piosubsystem);
#undef ferror
#undef feof
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#undef ungetc
+#undef getc
+#undef fileno
#define stderr win32_stderr()
#define stdout win32_stdout()
#define stdin win32_stdin()
@@ -144,8 +149,7 @@ void * SetIOSubSystem(void *piosubsystem);
#define write(fd,b,s) win32_write(fd,b,s)
#define _open_osfhandle stolen_open_osfhandle
#define _get_osfhandle stolen_get_osfhandle
-#define spawnvpe win32_spawnvpe
-#define spawnle win32_spawnle
+#define spawnvp win32_spawnvp
#define mkdir win32_mkdir
#define rmdir win32_rmdir
#define chdir win32_chdir
diff --git a/win32/win32sck.c b/win32/win32sck.c
index 891438dac9..fe5b2e7153 100644
--- a/win32/win32sck.c
+++ b/win32/win32sck.c
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
/* thanks to Beverly Brown ( */
-#define OPEN_SOCKET(x) _open_osfhandle(x,_O_RDWR|_O_BINARY)
+#define OPEN_SOCKET(x) _open_osfhandle(x,O_RDWR|O_BINARY)
#define TO_SOCKET(x) _get_osfhandle(x)