path: root/x2p
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'x2p')
17 files changed, 5025 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x2p/EXTERN.h b/x2p/EXTERN.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0e248160a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/EXTERN.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* $Header: EXTERN.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:44 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: EXTERN.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:44 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#undef EXT
+#define EXT extern
+#undef INIT
+#define INIT(x)
+#undef DOINIT
diff --git a/x2p/INTERN.h b/x2p/INTERN.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76c51c5df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/INTERN.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* $Header: INTERN.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:48 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: INTERN.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:48 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#undef EXT
+#define EXT
+#undef INIT
+#define INIT(x) = x
+#define DOINIT
diff --git a/x2p/Makefile.SH b/x2p/Makefile.SH
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d965160cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/Makefile.SH
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+case $CONFIG in
+ if test ! -f; then
+ ln ../ . || \
+ ln ../../ . || \
+ ln ../../../ . || \
+ (echo "Can't find"; exit 1)
+ fi
+ .
+ ;;
+case "$0" in
+*/*) cd `expr X$0 : 'X\(.*\)/'` ;;
+echo "Extracting x2p/Makefile (with variable substitutions)"
+cat >Makefile <<!GROK!THIS!
+# $Header: Makefile.SH,v 1.0 87/12/18 17:50:17 root Exp $
+# $Log: Makefile.SH,v $
+# Revision 1.0 87/12/18 17:50:17 root
+# Initial revision
+CC = $cc
+bin = $bin
+lib = $lib
+mansrc = $mansrc
+manext = $manext
+CFLAGS = $ccflags -O
+LDFLAGS = $ldflags
+SMALL = $small
+LARGE = $large $split
+libs = $libnm -lm
+cat >>Makefile <<'!NO!SUBS!'
+public = a2p s2p
+private =
+manpages =
+util =
+sh = Makefile.SH makedepend.SH
+h = EXTERN.h INTERN.h config.h handy.h hash.h a2p.h str.h util.h
+c = hash.c ../malloc.c str.c util.c walk.c
+obj = hash.o malloc.o str.o util.o walk.o
+lintflags = -phbvxac
+addedbyconf = Makefile.old bsd eunice filexp loc pdp11 usg v7
+# grrr
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(LARGE) $*.c
+all: $(public) $(private) $(util)
+ touch all
+a2p: $(obj) a2p.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LARGE) $(obj) a2p.o $(libs) -o a2p
+a2p.c: a2p.y
+ @ echo Expect 107 shift/reduce errors...
+ yacc a2p.y
+ mv a2p.c
+a2p.o: a2p.c a2py.c a2p.h EXTERN.h util.h INTERN.h handy.h
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(LARGE) a2p.c
+# if a .h file depends on another .h file...
+ touch $@
+install: a2p s2p
+# won't work with csh
+ export PATH || exit 1
+ - mv $(bin)/a2p $(bin)/a2p.old
+ - mv $(bin)/s2p $(bin)/s2p.old
+ - if test `pwd` != $(bin); then cp $(public) $(bin); fi
+ cd $(bin); \
+for pub in $(public); do \
+chmod 755 `basename $$pub`; \
+ - test $(bin) = /bin || rm -f /bin/a2p
+# chmod 755 makedir
+# - makedir `filexp $(lib)`
+# - \
+#if test `pwd` != `filexp $(lib)`; then \
+#cp $(private) `filexp $(lib)`; \
+# cd `filexp $(lib)`; \
+#for priv in $(private); do \
+#chmod 755 `basename $$priv`; \
+ - if test `pwd` != $(mansrc); then \
+for page in $(manpages); do \
+cp $$page $(mansrc)/`basename $$page .man`.$(manext); \
+done; \
+ rm -f *.o
+ rm -f a2p *.orig */*.orig *.o core $(addedbyconf)
+# The following lint has practically everything turned on. Unfortunately,
+# you have to wade through a lot of mumbo jumbo that can't be suppressed.
+# If the source file has a /*NOSTRICT*/ somewhere, ignore the lint message
+# for that spot.
+ lint $(lintflags) $(defs) $(c) > a2p.fuzz
+depend: ../makedepend
+ ../makedepend
+ echo $(c) | tr ' ' '\012' >.clist
+ echo $(h) | tr ' ' '\012' >.hlist
+ echo $(sh) | tr ' ' '\012' >.shlist
+ @ echo "You haven't done a "'"make depend" yet!'; exit 1
+makedepend: makedepend.SH
+ /bin/sh makedepend.SH
+$eunicefix Makefile
+case `pwd` in
+ $rm -f ../Makefile
+ ln Makefile ../Makefile
+ ;;
diff --git a/x2p/a2p.h b/x2p/a2p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35f8bbeb1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/a2p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+/* $Header: a2p.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:58 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: a2p.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:58 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "handy.h"
+#define Nullop 0
+#define OPROG 1
+#define OJUNK 2
+#define OHUNKS 3
+#define ORANGE 4
+#define OPAT 5
+#define OHUNK 6
+#define OPPAREN 7
+#define OPANDAND 8
+#define OPOROR 9
+#define OPNOT 10
+#define OCPAREN 11
+#define OCANDAND 12
+#define OCOROR 13
+#define OCNOT 14
+#define ORELOP 15
+#define ORPAREN 16
+#define OMATCHOP 17
+#define OMPAREN 18
+#define OCONCAT 19
+#define OASSIGN 20
+#define OADD 21
+#define OSUB 22
+#define OMULT 23
+#define ODIV 24
+#define OMOD 25
+#define OPOSTINCR 26
+#define OPOSTDECR 27
+#define OPREINCR 28
+#define OPREDECR 29
+#define OUMINUS 30
+#define OUPLUS 31
+#define OPAREN 32
+#define OGETLINE 33
+#define OSPRINTF 34
+#define OSUBSTR 35
+#define OSTRING 36
+#define OSPLIT 37
+#define OSNEWLINE 38
+#define OINDEX 39
+#define ONUM 40
+#define OSTR 41
+#define OVAR 42
+#define OFLD 43
+#define ONEWLINE 44
+#define OCOMMENT 45
+#define OCOMMA 46
+#define OSEMICOLON 47
+#define OSCOMMENT 48
+#define OSTATES 49
+#define OSTATE 50
+#define OPRINT 51
+#define OPRINTF 52
+#define OBREAK 53
+#define ONEXT 54
+#define OEXIT 55
+#define OCONTINUE 56
+#define OREDIR 57
+#define OIF 58
+#define OWHILE 59
+#define OFOR 60
+#define OFORIN 61
+#define OVFLD 62
+#define OBLOCK 63
+#define OREGEX 64
+#define OLENGTH 65
+#define OLOG 66
+#define OEXP 67
+#define OSQRT 68
+#define OINT 69
+#ifdef DOINIT
+char *opname[] = {
+ "0",
+ "PROG",
+ "JUNK",
+ "HUNKS",
+ "RANGE",
+ "PAT",
+ "HUNK",
+ "POROR",
+ "PNOT",
+ "COROR",
+ "CNOT",
+ "RELOP",
+ "ADD",
+ "SUB",
+ "MULT",
+ "DIV",
+ "MOD",
+ "UPLUS",
+ "PAREN",
+ "SPLIT",
+ "INDEX",
+ "NUM",
+ "STR",
+ "VAR",
+ "FLD",
+ "COMMA",
+ "STATE",
+ "PRINT",
+ "BREAK",
+ "NEXT",
+ "EXIT",
+ "REDIR",
+ "IF",
+ "WHILE",
+ "FOR",
+ "FORIN",
+ "VFLD",
+ "BLOCK",
+ "REGEX",
+ "LOG",
+ "EXP",
+ "SQRT",
+ "INT",
+ "70"
+extern char *opname[];
+union {
+ int ival;
+ char *cval;
+} ops[50000]; /* hope they have 200k to spare */
+EXT int mop INIT(1);
+#define DEBUGGING
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+typedef struct string STR;
+typedef struct htbl HASH;
+#include "str.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+/* A string is TRUE if not "" or "0". */
+#define True(val) (tmps = (val), (*tmps && !(*tmps == '0' && !tmps[1])))
+EXT char *Yes INIT("1");
+EXT char *No INIT("");
+#define str_true(str) (Str = (str), (Str->str_pok ? True(Str->str_ptr) : (Str->str_nok ? (Str->str_nval != 0.0) : 0 )))
+#define str_peek(str) (Str = (str), (Str->str_pok ? Str->str_ptr : (Str->str_nok ? (sprintf(buf,"num(%g)",Str->str_nval),buf) : "" )))
+#define str_get(str) (Str = (str), (Str->str_pok ? Str->str_ptr : str_2ptr(Str)))
+#define str_gnum(str) (Str = (str), (Str->str_nok ? Str->str_nval : str_2num(Str)))
+EXT STR *Str;
+#define GROWSTR(pp,lp,len) if (*(lp) < (len)) growstr(pp,lp,len)
+STR *str_new();
+char *scanpat();
+char *scannum();
+void str_free();
+EXT int line INIT(0);
+EXT FILE *rsfp;
+EXT char buf[1024];
+EXT char *bufptr INIT(buf);
+EXT STR *linestr INIT(Nullstr);
+EXT char tokenbuf[256];
+EXT int expectterm INIT(TRUE);
+EXT int debug INIT(0);
+EXT int dlevel INIT(0);
+#define YYDEBUG;
+extern int yydebug;
+EXT STR *freestrroot INIT(Nullstr);
+EXT STR str_no;
+EXT STR str_yes;
+EXT bool do_split INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool split_to_array INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool set_array_base INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool saw_RS INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool saw_OFS INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool saw_ORS INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool saw_line_op INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool in_begin INIT(TRUE);
+EXT bool do_opens INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool do_fancy_opens INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool lval_field INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool do_chop INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool need_entire INIT(FALSE);
+EXT bool absmaxfld INIT(FALSE);
+EXT char const_FS INIT(0);
+EXT char *namelist INIT(Nullch);
+EXT char fswitch INIT(0);
+EXT int saw_FS INIT(0);
+EXT int maxfld INIT(0);
+EXT int arymax INIT(0);
+char *nameary[100];
+EXT STR *opens;
+EXT HASH *symtab;
diff --git a/x2p/ b/x2p/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d367526893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+.rn '' }`
+''' $Header:,v 1.0 87/12/18 17:23:56 root Exp $
+''' $Log:,v $
+''' Revision 1.0 87/12/18 17:23:56 root
+''' Initial revision
+''' Sh 5
+.. Sp
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.. Ip \\n.$>=3 .ne \\$3
+.el .ne 3
+.IP "\\$1" \\$2
+''' Set up \*(-- to give an unbreakable dash;
+''' string Tr holds user defined translation string.
+''' Bell System Logo is used as a dummy character.
+''' \(bs-|\(bv\*(Tr n \{\
+.ds -- \(bs-
+.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(bs\h'-12u'\(bs\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
+.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(bs\h'-12u'\(bs\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
+.ds L" ""
+.ds R" ""
+.ds L' '
+.ds R' '
+.ds -- \(em\| \*(Tr
+.ds L" ``
+.ds R" ''
+.ds L' `
+.ds R' '
+a2p - Awk to Perl translator
+.B a2p [options] filename
+.I A2p
+takes an awk script specified on the command line (or from standard input)
+and produces a comparable
+.I perl
+script on the standard output.
+.Sh "Options"
+Options include:
+.TP 5
+.B \-D<number>
+sets debugging flags.
+.TP 5
+.B \-F<character>
+tells a2p that this awk script is always invoked with this -F switch.
+.TP 5
+.B \-n<fieldlist>
+specifies the names of the input fields if input does not have to be split into
+an array.
+If you were translating an awk script that processes the password file, you
+might say:
+ a2p -7
+Any delimiter will do to separate the field names.
+.TP 5
+.B \-<number>
+causes a2p to assume that input will always have that many fields.
+.Sh "Considerations"
+A2p cannot do as good a job translating as a human would, but it usually
+does pretty well.
+There are some areas where you may want to examine the perl script produced
+and tweak it some.
+Here are some of them, in no particular order.
+The split operator in perl always strips off all null fields from the end.
+Awk does NOT do this, if you've set FS.
+If the perl script splits to an array, the field count may not reflect
+what you expect.
+Ordinarily this isn't a problem, since nonexistent array elements have a null
+value, but if you rely on NF in awk, you could be in for trouble.
+Either force the number of fields with \-<number>, or count the number of
+delimiters another way, e.g. with y/:/:/.
+Or add something non-null to the end before you split, and then pop it off
+the resulting array.
+There is an awk idiom of putting int() around a string expression to force
+numeric interpretation, even though the argument is always integer anyway.
+This is generally unneeded in perl, but a2p can't tell if the argument
+is always going to be integer, so it leaves it in.
+You may wish to remove it.
+Perl differentiates numeric comparison from string comparison.
+Awk has one operator for both that decides at run time which comparison
+to do.
+A2p does not try to do a complete job of awk emulation at this point.
+Instead it guesses which one you want.
+It's almost always right, but it can be spoofed.
+All such guesses are marked with the comment \*(L"#???\*(R".
+You should go through and check them.
+Perl does not attempt to emulate the behavior of awk in which nonexistent
+array elements spring into existence simply by being referenced.
+If somehow you are relying on this mechanism to create null entries for
+a subsequent, they won't be there in perl.
+If a2p makes a split line that assigns to a list of variables that looks
+like (Fld1, Fld2, Fld3...) you may want
+to rerun a2p using the \-n option mentioned above.
+This will let you name the fields throughout the script.
+If it splits to an array instead, the script is probably referring to the number
+of fields somewhere.
+The exit statement in awk doesn't necessarily exit; it goes to the END
+block if there is one.
+Awk scripts that do contortions within the END block to bypass the block under
+such circumstances can be simplified by removing the conditional
+in the END block and just exiting directly from the perl script.
+Perl has two kinds of array, numerically-indexed and associative.
+Awk arrays are usually translated to associative arrays, but if you happen
+to know that the index is always going to be numeric you could change
+the {...} to [...].
+Iteration over an associative array is done with each(), but
+iteration over a numeric array is NOT.
+You need a for loop, or while loop with a pop() or shift(), so you might
+need to modify any loop that is iterating over the array in question.
+Arrays which have been split into are assumed to be numerically indexed.
+The usual perl idiom for iterating over such arrays is to use pop() or shift()
+and assign the resulting value to a variable inside the conditional of the
+while loop.
+This is destructive to the array, however, so a2p can't assume this is
+A2p will write a standard for loop with a scratch variable.
+You may wish to change it to a pop() loop for more efficiency, presuming
+you don't want to keep the array around.
+Awk starts by assuming OFMT has the value %.6g.
+Perl starts by assuming its equivalent, $#, to have the value %.20g.
+You'll want to set $# explicitly if you use the default value of OFMT.
+Near the top of the line loop will be the split operation that is implicit in
+the awk script.
+There are times when you can move this down past some conditionals that
+test the entire record so that the split is not done as often.
+There may occasionally be extra parentheses that you can remove.
+For aesthetic reasons you may wish to change the array base $[ from 1 back
+to the default of 0, but remember to change all array subscripts AND
+all substr() and index() operations to match.
+Cute comments that say "# Here is a workaround because awk is dumb" are not
+Awk scripts are often embedded in a shell script that pipes stuff into and
+out of awk.
+Often the shell script wrapper can be incorporated into the perl script, since
+perl can start up pipes into and out of itself, and can do other things that
+awk can't do by itself.
+A2p uses no environment variables.
+Larry Wall <lwall@devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
+perl The perl compiler/interpreter
+s2p sed to perl translator
+It would be possible to emulate awk's behavior in selecting string versus
+numeric operations at run time by inspection of the operands, but it would
+be gross and inefficient.
+Besides, a2p almost always guesses right.
+Storage for the awk syntax tree is currently static, and can run out.
+.rn }` ''
diff --git a/x2p/a2p.y b/x2p/a2p.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15484d2f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/a2p.y
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+/* $Header: a2p.y,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:05 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: a2p.y,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:05 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "INTERN.h"
+#include "a2p.h"
+int root;
+%token BEGIN END
+%token REGEX
+%token FUN1 GRGR
+%right ASGNOP
+%left OROR
+%left ANDAND
+%left NOT
+%left GETLINE
+%nonassoc RELOP MATCHOP
+%left OR
+%left STRING
+%left '+' '-'
+%left '*' '/' '%'
+%right UMINUS
+%left INCR DECR
+program : junk begin hunks end
+ { root = oper4(OPROG,$1,$2,$3,$4); }
+ ;
+begin : BEGIN '{' states '}' junk
+ { $$ = oper2(OJUNK,$3,$5); in_begin = FALSE; }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+end : END '{' states '}'
+ { $$ = $3; }
+ | end NEWLINE
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+hunks : hunks hunk junk
+ { $$ = oper3(OHUNKS,$1,$2,$3); }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+hunk : patpat
+ { $$ = oper1(OHUNK,$1); need_entire = TRUE; }
+ | patpat '{' states '}'
+ { $$ = oper2(OHUNK,$1,$3); }
+ | '{' states '}'
+ { $$ = oper2(OHUNK,Nullop,$2); }
+ ;
+patpat : pat
+ { $$ = oper1(OPAT,$1); }
+ | pat ',' pat
+ { $$ = oper2(ORANGE,$1,$3); }
+ ;
+pat : REGEX
+ { $$ = oper1(OREGEX,$1); }
+ | match
+ | rel
+ | compound_pat
+ ;
+ : '(' compound_pat ')'
+ { $$ = oper1(OPPAREN,$2); }
+ | pat ANDAND pat
+ { $$ = oper2(OPANDAND,$1,$3); }
+ | pat OROR pat
+ { $$ = oper2(OPOROR,$1,$3); }
+ | NOT pat
+ { $$ = oper1(OPNOT,$2); }
+ ;
+cond : expr
+ | match
+ | rel
+ | compound_cond
+ ;
+ : '(' compound_cond ')'
+ { $$ = oper1(OCPAREN,$2); }
+ | cond ANDAND cond
+ { $$ = oper2(OCANDAND,$1,$3); }
+ | cond OROR cond
+ { $$ = oper2(OCOROR,$1,$3); }
+ | NOT cond
+ { $$ = oper1(OCNOT,$2); }
+ ;
+rel : expr RELOP expr
+ { $$ = oper3(ORELOP,$2,$1,$3); }
+ | '(' rel ')'
+ { $$ = oper1(ORPAREN,$2); }
+ ;
+match : expr MATCHOP REGEX
+ { $$ = oper3(OMATCHOP,$2,$1,$3); }
+ | '(' match ')'
+ { $$ = oper1(OMPAREN,$2); }
+ ;
+expr : term
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | expr term
+ { $$ = oper2(OCONCAT,$1,$2); }
+ | variable ASGNOP expr
+ { $$ = oper3(OASSIGN,$2,$1,$3);
+ if ((ops[$1].ival & 255) == OFLD)
+ lval_field = TRUE;
+ if ((ops[$1].ival & 255) == OVFLD)
+ lval_field = TRUE;
+ }
+ ;
+term : variable
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | term '+' term
+ { $$ = oper2(OADD,$1,$3); }
+ | term '-' term
+ { $$ = oper2(OSUB,$1,$3); }
+ | term '*' term
+ { $$ = oper2(OMULT,$1,$3); }
+ | term '/' term
+ { $$ = oper2(ODIV,$1,$3); }
+ | term '%' term
+ { $$ = oper2(OMOD,$1,$3); }
+ | variable INCR
+ { $$ = oper1(OPOSTINCR,$1); }
+ | variable DECR
+ { $$ = oper1(OPOSTDECR,$1); }
+ | INCR variable
+ { $$ = oper1(OPREINCR,$2); }
+ | DECR variable
+ { $$ = oper1(OPREDECR,$2); }
+ | '-' term %prec UMINUS
+ { $$ = oper1(OUMINUS,$2); }
+ | '+' term %prec UMINUS
+ { $$ = oper1(OUPLUS,$2); }
+ | '(' expr ')'
+ { $$ = oper1(OPAREN,$2); }
+ { $$ = oper0(OGETLINE); }
+ | FUN1
+ { $$ = oper0($1); need_entire = do_chop = TRUE; }
+ | FUN1 '(' ')'
+ { $$ = oper1($1,Nullop); need_entire = do_chop = TRUE; }
+ | FUN1 '(' expr ')'
+ { $$ = oper1($1,$3); }
+ | SPRINTF print_list
+ { $$ = oper1(OSPRINTF,$2); }
+ | SUBSTR '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
+ { $$ = oper3(OSUBSTR,$3,$5,$7); }
+ | SUBSTR '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ { $$ = oper2(OSUBSTR,$3,$5); }
+ | SPLIT '(' expr ',' VAR ',' expr ')'
+ { $$ = oper3(OSPLIT,$3,numary($5),$7); }
+ | SPLIT '(' expr ',' VAR ')'
+ { $$ = oper2(OSPLIT,$3,numary($5)); }
+ | INDEX '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ { $$ = oper2(OINDEX,$3,$5); }
+ ;
+variable: NUMBER
+ { $$ = oper1(ONUM,$1); }
+ { $$ = oper1(OSTR,$1); }
+ | VAR
+ { $$ = oper1(OVAR,$1); }
+ | VAR '[' expr ']'
+ { $$ = oper2(OVAR,$1,$3); }
+ { $$ = oper1(OFLD,$1); }
+ | VFIELD term
+ { $$ = oper1(OVFLD,$2); }
+ ;
+maybe : NEWLINE
+ { $$ = oper0(ONEWLINE); }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ { $$ = oper1(OCOMMENT,$1); }
+ ;
+ : expr
+ | clist
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+clist : expr ',' expr
+ { $$ = oper2(OCOMMA,$1,$3); }
+ | clist ',' expr
+ { $$ = oper2(OCOMMA,$1,$3); }
+ | '(' clist ')' /* these parens are invisible */
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+junk : junk hunksep
+ { $$ = oper2(OJUNK,$1,$2); }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+hunksep : ';'
+ { $$ = oper0(OSEMICOLON); }
+ { $$ = oper0(OSEMICOLON); }
+ { $$ = oper0(ONEWLINE); }
+ { $$ = oper1(OCOMMENT,$1); }
+ ;
+ : ';'
+ { $$ = oper0(OSEMICOLON); }
+ { $$ = oper0(OSNEWLINE); }
+ { $$ = oper0(OSNEWLINE); }
+ { $$ = oper1(OSCOMMENT,$1); }
+ ;
+states : states statement
+ { $$ = oper2(OSTATES,$1,$2); }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+ : simple separator
+ { $$ = oper2(OSTATE,$1,$2); }
+ | compound
+ ;
+ : expr
+ | PRINT print_list redir expr
+ { $$ = oper3(OPRINT,$2,$3,$4);
+ do_opens = TRUE;
+ saw_ORS = saw_OFS = TRUE;
+ if (!$2) need_entire = TRUE;
+ if (ops[$4].ival != OSTR + (1<<8)) do_fancy_opens = TRUE; }
+ | PRINT print_list
+ { $$ = oper1(OPRINT,$2);
+ if (!$2) need_entire = TRUE;
+ saw_ORS = saw_OFS = TRUE;
+ }
+ | PRINTF print_list redir expr
+ { $$ = oper3(OPRINTF,$2,$3,$4);
+ do_opens = TRUE;
+ if (!$2) need_entire = TRUE;
+ if (ops[$4].ival != OSTR + (1<<8)) do_fancy_opens = TRUE; }
+ | PRINTF print_list
+ { $$ = oper1(OPRINTF,$2);
+ if (!$2) need_entire = TRUE;
+ }
+ { $$ = oper0(OBREAK); }
+ | NEXT
+ { $$ = oper0(ONEXT); }
+ | EXIT
+ { $$ = oper0(OEXIT); }
+ | EXIT expr
+ { $$ = oper1(OEXIT,$2); }
+ { $$ = oper0(OCONTINUE); }
+ | /* NULL */
+ { $$ = Nullop; }
+ ;
+redir : RELOP
+ { $$ = oper1(OREDIR,string(">",1)); }
+ | GRGR
+ { $$ = oper1(OREDIR,string(">>",2)); }
+ | '|'
+ { $$ = oper1(OREDIR,string("|",1)); }
+ ;
+ : IF '(' cond ')' maybe statement
+ { $$ = oper2(OIF,$3,bl($6,$5)); }
+ | IF '(' cond ')' maybe statement ELSE maybe statement
+ { $$ = oper3(OIF,$3,bl($6,$5),bl($9,$8)); }
+ | WHILE '(' cond ')' maybe statement
+ { $$ = oper2(OWHILE,$3,bl($6,$5)); }
+ | FOR '(' simple ';' cond ';' simple ')' maybe statement
+ { $$ = oper4(OFOR,$3,$5,$7,bl($10,$9)); }
+ | FOR '(' simple ';' ';' simple ')' maybe statement
+ { $$ = oper4(OFOR,$3,string("",0),$6,bl($9,$8)); }
+ | FOR '(' VAR IN VAR ')' maybe statement
+ { $$ = oper3(OFORIN,$3,$5,bl($8,$7)); }
+ | '{' states '}'
+ { $$ = oper1(OBLOCK,$2); }
+ ;
+#include "a2py.c"
diff --git a/x2p/a2py.c b/x2p/a2py.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a1ad78b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/a2py.c
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+/* $Header: a2py.c,v 1.0 87/12/18 17:50:33 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: a2py.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 17:50:33 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "util.h"
+char *index();
+char *filename;
+register int argc;
+register char **argv;
+register char **env;
+ register STR *str;
+ register char *s;
+ int i;
+ STR *walk();
+ STR *tmpstr;
+ linestr = str_new(80);
+ str = str_new(0); /* first used for -I flags */
+ for (argc--,argv++; argc; argc--,argv++) {
+ if (argv[0][0] != '-' || !argv[0][1])
+ break;
+ reswitch:
+ switch (argv[0][1]) {
+ case 'D':
+ debug = atoi(argv[0]+2);
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+ yydebug = (debug & 1);
+ break;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ maxfld = atoi(argv[0]+1);
+ absmaxfld = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ fswitch = argv[0][2];
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ namelist = savestr(argv[0]+2);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ argc--,argv++;
+ goto switch_end;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("Unrecognized switch: %s\n",argv[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ switch_end:
+ /* open script */
+ if (argv[0] == Nullch)
+ argv[0] = "-";
+ filename = savestr(argv[0]);
+ if (strEQ(filename,"-"))
+ argv[0] = "";
+ if (!*argv[0])
+ rsfp = stdin;
+ else
+ rsfp = fopen(argv[0],"r");
+ if (rsfp == Nullfp)
+ fatal("Awk script \"%s\" doesn't seem to exist.\n",filename);
+ /* init tokener */
+ bufptr = str_get(linestr);
+ symtab = hnew();
+ /* now parse the report spec */
+ if (yyparse())
+ fatal("Translation aborted due to syntax errors.\n");
+ if (debug & 2) {
+ int type, len;
+ for (i=1; i<mop;) {
+ type = ops[i].ival;
+ len = type >> 8;
+ type &= 255;
+ printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%-10s",i++,type,len,opname[type]);
+ if (type == OSTRING)
+ printf("\t\"%s\"\n",ops[i].cval),i++;
+ else {
+ while (len--) {
+ printf("\t%d",ops[i].ival),i++;
+ }
+ putchar('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug & 8)
+ dump(root);
+ /* first pass to look for numeric variables */
+ prewalk(0,0,root,&i);
+ /* second pass to produce new program */
+ tmpstr = walk(0,0,root,&i);
+ str = str_make("#!/bin/perl\n\n");
+ if (do_opens && opens) {
+ str_scat(str,opens);
+ str_free(opens);
+ str_cat(str,"\n");
+ }
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ if (!(debug & 16))
+ fixup(str);
+ putlines(str);
+ exit(0);
+#define RETURN(retval) return (bufptr = s,retval)
+#define XTERM(retval) return (expectterm = TRUE,bufptr = s,retval)
+#define XOP(retval) return (expectterm = FALSE,bufptr = s,retval)
+#define ID(x) return (yylval=string(x,0),expectterm = FALSE,bufptr = s,VAR)
+ register char *s = bufptr;
+ register char *d;
+ register int tmp;
+ retry:
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+ if (yydebug)
+ if (index(s,'\n'))
+ fprintf(stderr,"Tokener at %s",s);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr,"Tokener at %s\n",s);
+ switch (*s) {
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Unrecognized character %c in file %s line %d--ignoring.\n",
+ *s++,filename,line);
+ goto retry;
+ case '\\':
+ case 0:
+ s = str_get(linestr);
+ *s = '\0';
+ if (!rsfp)
+ RETURN(0);
+ line++;
+ if ((s = str_gets(linestr, rsfp)) == Nullch) {
+ if (rsfp != stdin)
+ fclose(rsfp);
+ rsfp = Nullfp;
+ s = str_get(linestr);
+ RETURN(0);
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ case ' ': case '\t':
+ s++;
+ goto retry;
+ case '\n':
+ *s = '\0';
+ case '#':
+ yylval = string(s,0);
+ *s = '\0';
+ case ';':
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (*s == '\n') {
+ s++;
+ }
+ XTERM(tmp);
+ case '(':
+ case '{':
+ case '[':
+ case ')':
+ case ']':
+ tmp = *s++;
+ XOP(tmp);
+ case 127:
+ s++;
+ XTERM('}');
+ case '}':
+ for (d = s + 1; isspace(*d); d++) ;
+ if (!*d)
+ s = d - 1;
+ *s = 127;
+ XTERM(';');
+ case ',':
+ tmp = *s++;
+ XTERM(tmp);
+ case '~':
+ s++;
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ if (s[1] == *s) {
+ s++;
+ if (*s++ == '+')
+ else
+ }
+ case '*':
+ case '%':
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (*s == '=') {
+ yylval = string(s-1,2);
+ s++;
+ }
+ XTERM(tmp);
+ case '&':
+ s++;
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (tmp == '&')
+ s--;
+ XTERM('&');
+ case '|':
+ s++;
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (tmp == '|')
+ s--;
+ XTERM('|');
+ case '=':
+ s++;
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (tmp == '=') {
+ yylval = string("==",2);
+ }
+ s--;
+ yylval = string("=",1);
+ case '!':
+ s++;
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (tmp == '=') {
+ yylval = string("!=",2);
+ }
+ if (tmp == '~') {
+ yylval = string("!~",2);
+ }
+ s--;
+ case '<':
+ s++;
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (tmp == '=') {
+ yylval = string("<=",2);
+ }
+ s--;
+ yylval = string("<",1);
+ case '>':
+ s++;
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (tmp == '=') {
+ yylval = string(">=",2);
+ }
+ s--;
+ yylval = string(">",1);
+#define SNARFWORD \
+ d = tokenbuf; \
+ while (isalpha(*s) || isdigit(*s) || *s == '_') \
+ *d++ = *s++; \
+ *d = '\0'; \
+ d = tokenbuf;
+ case '$':
+ s++;
+ if (*s == '0') {
+ s++;
+ do_chop = TRUE;
+ need_entire = TRUE;
+ ID("0");
+ }
+ do_split = TRUE;
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ for (d = s; isdigit(*s); s++) ;
+ yylval = string(d,s-d);
+ tmp = atoi(d);
+ if (tmp > maxfld)
+ maxfld = tmp;
+ }
+ split_to_array = set_array_base = TRUE;
+ case '/': /* may either be division or pattern */
+ if (expectterm) {
+ s = scanpat(s);
+ }
+ tmp = *s++;
+ if (*s == '=') {
+ yylval = string("/=",2);
+ s++;
+ }
+ XTERM(tmp);
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ s = scannum(s);
+ case '"':
+ s++;
+ s = cpy2(tokenbuf,s,s[-1]);
+ if (!*s)
+ fatal("String not terminated:\n%s",str_get(linestr));
+ s++;
+ yylval = string(tokenbuf,0);
+ case 'a': case 'A':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'b': case 'B':
+ if (strEQ(d,"break"))
+ if (strEQ(d,"BEGIN"))
+ ID(d);
+ case 'c': case 'C':
+ if (strEQ(d,"continue"))
+ ID(d);
+ case 'd': case 'D':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'e': case 'E':
+ if (strEQ(d,"END"))
+ if (strEQ(d,"else"))
+ if (strEQ(d,"exit")) {
+ saw_line_op = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"exp")) {
+ yylval = OEXP;
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 'f': case 'F':
+ if (strEQ(d,"FS")) {
+ saw_FS++;
+ if (saw_FS == 1 && in_begin) {
+ for (d = s; *d && isspace(*d); d++) ;
+ if (*d == '=') {
+ for (d++; *d && isspace(*d); d++) ;
+ if (*d == '"' && d[2] == '"')
+ const_FS = d[1];
+ }
+ }
+ ID(tokenbuf);
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"FILENAME"))
+ d = "ARGV";
+ if (strEQ(d,"for"))
+ ID(d);
+ case 'g': case 'G':
+ if (strEQ(d,"getline"))
+ ID(d);
+ case 'h': case 'H':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'i': case 'I':
+ if (strEQ(d,"if"))
+ if (strEQ(d,"in"))
+ if (strEQ(d,"index")) {
+ set_array_base = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"int")) {
+ yylval = OINT;
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 'j': case 'J':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'k': case 'K':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'l': case 'L':
+ if (strEQ(d,"length")) {
+ yylval = OLENGTH;
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"log")) {
+ yylval = OLOG;
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 'm': case 'M':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'n': case 'N':
+ if (strEQ(d,"NF"))
+ do_split = split_to_array = set_array_base = TRUE;
+ if (strEQ(d,"next")) {
+ saw_line_op = TRUE;
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 'o': case 'O':
+ if (strEQ(d,"ORS")) {
+ saw_ORS = TRUE;
+ d = "$\\";
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"OFS")) {
+ saw_OFS = TRUE;
+ d = "$,";
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"OFMT")) {
+ d = "$#";
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 'p': case 'P':
+ if (strEQ(d,"print")) {
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"printf")) {
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 'q': case 'Q':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'r': case 'R':
+ if (strEQ(d,"RS")) {
+ d = "$/";
+ saw_RS = TRUE;
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 's': case 'S':
+ if (strEQ(d,"split")) {
+ set_array_base = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"substr")) {
+ set_array_base = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (strEQ(d,"sprintf"))
+ if (strEQ(d,"sqrt")) {
+ yylval = OSQRT;
+ }
+ ID(d);
+ case 't': case 'T':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'u': case 'U':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'v': case 'V':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'w': case 'W':
+ if (strEQ(d,"while"))
+ ID(d);
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'y': case 'Y':
+ ID(d);
+ case 'z': case 'Z':
+ ID(d);
+ }
+char *
+register char *s;
+ register char *d;
+ switch (*s++) {
+ case '/':
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("Search pattern not found:\n%s",str_get(linestr));
+ }
+ s = cpytill(tokenbuf,s,s[-1]);
+ if (!*s)
+ fatal("Search pattern not terminated:\n%s",str_get(linestr));
+ s++;
+ yylval = string(tokenbuf,0);
+ return s;
+char *s;
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s in file %s at line %d\n",
+ s,filename,line);
+char *
+register char *s;
+ register char *d;
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
+ case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0' : case '.':
+ d = tokenbuf;
+ while (isdigit(*s) || *s == '_')
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ if (*s == '.' && index("0123456789eE",s[1]))
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ while (isdigit(*s) || *s == '_')
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ if (index("eE",*s) && index("+-0123456789",s[1]))
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ if (*s == '+' || *s == '-')
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ while (isdigit(*s))
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ *d = '\0';
+ yylval = string(tokenbuf,0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return s;
+char *ptr;
+ int retval = mop;
+ ops[mop++].ival = OSTRING + (1<<8);
+ if (!len)
+ len = strlen(ptr);
+ ops[mop].cval = safemalloc(len+1);
+ strncpy(ops[mop].cval,ptr,len);
+ ops[mop++].cval[len] = '\0';
+ return retval;
+int type;
+ int retval = mop;
+ if (type > 255)
+ fatal("type > 255 (%d)\n",type);
+ ops[mop++].ival = type;
+ return retval;
+int type;
+int arg1;
+ int retval = mop;
+ if (type > 255)
+ fatal("type > 255 (%d)\n",type);
+ ops[mop++].ival = type + (1<<8);
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg1;
+ return retval;
+int type;
+int arg1;
+int arg2;
+ int retval = mop;
+ if (type > 255)
+ fatal("type > 255 (%d)\n",type);
+ ops[mop++].ival = type + (2<<8);
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg1;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg2;
+ return retval;
+int type;
+int arg1;
+int arg2;
+int arg3;
+ int retval = mop;
+ if (type > 255)
+ fatal("type > 255 (%d)\n",type);
+ ops[mop++].ival = type + (3<<8);
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg1;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg2;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg3;
+ return retval;
+int type;
+int arg1;
+int arg2;
+int arg3;
+int arg4;
+ int retval = mop;
+ if (type > 255)
+ fatal("type > 255 (%d)\n",type);
+ ops[mop++].ival = type + (4<<8);
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg1;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg2;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg3;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg4;
+ return retval;
+int type;
+int arg1;
+int arg2;
+int arg3;
+int arg4;
+int arg5;
+ int retval = mop;
+ if (type > 255)
+ fatal("type > 255 (%d)\n",type);
+ ops[mop++].ival = type + (5<<8);
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg1;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg2;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg3;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg4;
+ ops[mop++].ival = arg5;
+ return retval;
+int depth = 0;
+int branch;
+ register int type;
+ register int len;
+ register int i;
+ type = ops[branch].ival;
+ len = type >> 8;
+ type &= 255;
+ for (i=depth; i; i--)
+ printf(" ");
+ if (type == OSTRING) {
+ printf("%-5d\"%s\"\n",branch,ops[branch+1].cval);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("(%-5d%s %d\n",branch,opname[type],len);
+ depth++;
+ for (i=1; i<=len; i++)
+ dump(ops[branch+i].ival);
+ depth--;
+ for (i=depth; i; i--)
+ printf(" ");
+ printf(")\n");
+ }
+int arg;
+int maybe;
+ if (!arg)
+ return 0;
+ else if ((ops[arg].ival & 255) != OBLOCK)
+ return oper2(OBLOCK,arg,maybe);
+ else if ((ops[arg].ival >> 8) != 2)
+ return oper2(OBLOCK,ops[arg+1].ival,maybe);
+ else
+ return arg;
+STR *str;
+ register char *s;
+ register char *t;
+ for (s = str->str_ptr; *s; s++) {
+ if (*s == ';' && s[1] == ' ' && s[2] == '\n') {
+ strcpy(s+1,s+2);
+ s++;
+ }
+ else if (*s == '\n') {
+ for (t = s+1; isspace(*t & 127); t++) ;
+ t--;
+ while (isspace(*t & 127) && *t != '\n') t--;
+ if (*t == '\n' && t-s > 1) {
+ if (s[-1] == '{')
+ s--;
+ strcpy(s+1,t);
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ }
+STR *str;
+ register char *d, *s, *t, *e;
+ register int pos, newpos;
+ d = tokenbuf;
+ pos = 0;
+ for (s = str->str_ptr; *s; s++) {
+ *d++ = *s;
+ pos++;
+ if (*s == '\n') {
+ *d = '\0';
+ d = tokenbuf;
+ pos = 0;
+ putone();
+ }
+ else if (*s == '\t')
+ pos += 7;
+ if (pos > 78) { /* split a long line? */
+ *d-- = '\0';
+ newpos = 0;
+ for (t = tokenbuf; isspace(*t & 127); t++) {
+ if (*t == '\t')
+ newpos += 8;
+ else
+ newpos += 1;
+ }
+ e = d;
+ while (d > tokenbuf && (*d != ' ' || d[-1] != ';'))
+ d--;
+ if (d < t+10) {
+ d = e;
+ while (d > tokenbuf &&
+ (*d != ' ' || d[-1] != '|' || d[-2] != '|') )
+ d--;
+ }
+ if (d < t+10) {
+ d = e;
+ while (d > tokenbuf &&
+ (*d != ' ' || d[-1] != '&' || d[-2] != '&') )
+ d--;
+ }
+ if (d < t+10) {
+ d = e;
+ while (d > tokenbuf && (*d != ' ' || d[-1] != ','))
+ d--;
+ }
+ if (d < t+10) {
+ d = e;
+ while (d > tokenbuf && *d != ' ')
+ d--;
+ }
+ if (d > t+3) {
+ *d = '\0';
+ putone();
+ putchar('\n');
+ if (d[-1] != ';' && !(newpos % 4)) {
+ *t++ = ' ';
+ *t++ = ' ';
+ newpos += 2;
+ }
+ strcpy(t,d+1);
+ newpos += strlen(t);
+ d = t + strlen(t);
+ pos = newpos;
+ }
+ else
+ d = e + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ register char *t;
+ for (t = tokenbuf; *t; t++) {
+ *t &= 127;
+ if (*t == 127) {
+ *t = ' ';
+ strcpy(t+strlen(t)-1, "\t#???\n");
+ }
+ }
+ t = tokenbuf;
+ if (*t == '#') {
+ if (strnEQ(t,"#!/bin/awk",10) || strnEQ(t,"#! /bin/awk",11))
+ return;
+ }
+ fputs(tokenbuf,stdout);
+int arg;
+ STR *key;
+ int dummy;
+ key = walk(0,0,arg,&dummy);
+ str_cat(key,"[]");
+ hstore(symtab,key->str_ptr,str_make("1"));
+ str_free(key);
+ set_array_base = TRUE;
+ return arg;
diff --git a/x2p/handy.h b/x2p/handy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..441bb4350c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/handy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* $Header: handy.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:15 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: handy.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:15 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#define Null(type) ((type)0)
+#define Nullch Null(char*)
+#define Nullfp Null(FILE*)
+#define bool char
+#define TRUE (1)
+#define FALSE (0)
+#define Ctl(ch) (ch & 037)
+#define strNE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2))
+#define strEQ(s1,s2) (!strcmp(s1,s2))
+#define strLT(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) < 0)
+#define strLE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) <= 0)
+#define strGT(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) > 0)
+#define strGE(s1,s2) (strcmp(s1,s2) >= 0)
+#define strnNE(s1,s2,l) (strncmp(s1,s2,l))
+#define strnEQ(s1,s2,l) (!strncmp(s1,s2,l))
diff --git a/x2p/hash.c b/x2p/hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db32c4c5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* $Header: hash.c,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:18 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: hash.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:18 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "handy.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "a2p.h"
+STR *
+register HASH *tb;
+char *key;
+ register char *s;
+ register int i;
+ register int hash;
+ register HENT *entry;
+ if (!tb)
+ return Nullstr;
+ for (s=key, i=0, hash = 0;
+ /* while */ *s;
+ s++, i++, hash *= 5) {
+ hash += *s * coeff[i];
+ }
+ entry = tb->tbl_array[hash & tb->tbl_max];
+ for (; entry; entry = entry->hent_next) {
+ if (entry->hent_hash != hash) /* strings can't be equal */
+ continue;
+ if (strNE(entry->hent_key,key)) /* is this it? */
+ continue;
+ return entry->hent_val;
+ }
+ return Nullstr;
+register HASH *tb;
+char *key;
+STR *val;
+ register char *s;
+ register int i;
+ register int hash;
+ register HENT *entry;
+ register HENT **oentry;
+ if (!tb)
+ return FALSE;
+ for (s=key, i=0, hash = 0;
+ /* while */ *s;
+ s++, i++, hash *= 5) {
+ hash += *s * coeff[i];
+ }
+ oentry = &(tb->tbl_array[hash & tb->tbl_max]);
+ i = 1;
+ for (entry = *oentry; entry; i=0, entry = entry->hent_next) {
+ if (entry->hent_hash != hash) /* strings can't be equal */
+ continue;
+ if (strNE(entry->hent_key,key)) /* is this it? */
+ continue;
+ safefree((char*)entry->hent_val);
+ entry->hent_val = val;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ entry = (HENT*) safemalloc(sizeof(HENT));
+ entry->hent_key = savestr(key);
+ entry->hent_val = val;
+ entry->hent_hash = hash;
+ entry->hent_next = *oentry;
+ *oentry = entry;
+ if (i) { /* initial entry? */
+ tb->tbl_fill++;
+ if ((tb->tbl_fill * 100 / (tb->tbl_max + 1)) > FILLPCT)
+ hsplit(tb);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#ifdef NOTUSED
+register HASH *tb;
+char *key;
+ register char *s;
+ register int i;
+ register int hash;
+ register HENT *entry;
+ register HENT **oentry;
+ if (!tb)
+ return FALSE;
+ for (s=key, i=0, hash = 0;
+ /* while */ *s;
+ s++, i++, hash *= 5) {
+ hash += *s * coeff[i];
+ }
+ oentry = &(tb->tbl_array[hash & tb->tbl_max]);
+ entry = *oentry;
+ i = 1;
+ for (; entry; i=0, oentry = &entry->hent_next, entry = entry->hent_next) {
+ if (entry->hent_hash != hash) /* strings can't be equal */
+ continue;
+ if (strNE(entry->hent_key,key)) /* is this it? */
+ continue;
+ safefree((char*)entry->hent_val);
+ safefree(entry->hent_key);
+ *oentry = entry->hent_next;
+ safefree((char*)entry);
+ if (i)
+ tb->tbl_fill--;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+HASH *tb;
+ int oldsize = tb->tbl_max + 1;
+ register int newsize = oldsize * 2;
+ register int i;
+ register HENT **a;
+ register HENT **b;
+ register HENT *entry;
+ register HENT **oentry;
+ a = (HENT**) saferealloc((char*)tb->tbl_array, newsize * sizeof(HENT*));
+ bzero((char*)&a[oldsize], oldsize * sizeof(HENT*)); /* zero second half */
+ tb->tbl_max = --newsize;
+ tb->tbl_array = a;
+ for (i=0; i<oldsize; i++,a++) {
+ if (!*a) /* non-existent */
+ continue;
+ b = a+oldsize;
+ for (oentry = a, entry = *a; entry; entry = *oentry) {
+ if ((entry->hent_hash & newsize) != i) {
+ *oentry = entry->hent_next;
+ entry->hent_next = *b;
+ if (!*b)
+ tb->tbl_fill++;
+ *b = entry;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ oentry = &entry->hent_next;
+ }
+ if (!*a) /* everything moved */
+ tb->tbl_fill--;
+ }
+ register HASH *tb = (HASH*)safemalloc(sizeof(HASH));
+ tb->tbl_array = (HENT**) safemalloc(8 * sizeof(HENT*));
+ tb->tbl_fill = 0;
+ tb->tbl_max = 7;
+ hiterinit(tb); /* so each() will start off right */
+ bzero((char*)tb->tbl_array, 8 * sizeof(HENT*));
+ return tb;
+#ifdef NOTUSED
+register HASH *tb;
+ fprintf(stderr,"%5d %4d (%2d%%)\n",
+ tb->tbl_max+1,
+ tb->tbl_fill,
+ tb->tbl_fill * 100 / (tb->tbl_max+1));
+register HASH *tb;
+ tb->tbl_riter = -1;
+ tb->tbl_eiter = Null(HENT*);
+ return tb->tbl_fill;
+register HASH *tb;
+ register HENT *entry;
+ entry = tb->tbl_eiter;
+ do {
+ if (entry)
+ entry = entry->hent_next;
+ if (!entry) {
+ tb->tbl_riter++;
+ if (tb->tbl_riter > tb->tbl_max) {
+ tb->tbl_riter = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ entry = tb->tbl_array[tb->tbl_riter];
+ }
+ } while (!entry);
+ tb->tbl_eiter = entry;
+ return entry;
+char *
+register HENT *entry;
+ return entry->hent_key;
+STR *
+register HENT *entry;
+ return entry->hent_val;
diff --git a/x2p/hash.h b/x2p/hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06d803a12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* $Header: hash.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:23 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: hash.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:23 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#define FILLPCT 60 /* don't make greater than 99 */
+#ifdef DOINIT
+char coeff[] = {
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1,
+ 61,59,53,47,43,41,37,31,29,23,17,13,11,7,3,1};
+extern char coeff[];
+typedef struct hentry HENT;
+struct hentry {
+ HENT *hent_next;
+ char *hent_key;
+ STR *hent_val;
+ int hent_hash;
+struct htbl {
+ HENT **tbl_array;
+ int tbl_max;
+ int tbl_fill;
+ int tbl_riter; /* current root of iterator */
+ HENT *tbl_eiter; /* current entry of iterator */
+STR *hfetch();
+bool hstore();
+bool hdelete();
+HASH *hnew();
+int hiterinit();
+HENT *hiternext();
+char *hiterkey();
+STR *hiterval();
diff --git a/x2p/s2p b/x2p/s2p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c50cd2a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/s2p
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+$indent = 4;
+$shiftwidth = 4;
+$l = '{'; $r = '}';
+$tempvar = '1';
+while ($ARGV[0] =~ '^-') {
+ $_ = shift;
+ last if /^--/;
+ if (/^-D/) {
+ $debug++;
+ open(body,'>-');
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^-n/) {
+ $assumen++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^-p/) {
+ $assumep++;
+ next;
+ }
+ die "I don't recognize this switch: $_";
+unless ($debug) {
+ open(body,">/tmp/sperl$$") || do Die("Can't open temp file.");
+if (!$assumen && !$assumep) {
+ print body
+'while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ $_ = shift;
+ last if /^--/;
+ if (/^-n/) {
+ $nflag++;
+ next;
+ }
+ die "I don\'t recognize this switch: $_";
+print body '
+#ifdef PRINTIT
+#ifdef ASSUMEP
+$printit++ unless $nflag;
+line: while (<>) {
+line: while (<>) {
+ s/[ \t]*(.*)\n$/$1/;
+ if (/^:/) {
+ s/^:[ \t]*//;
+ $label = do make_label($_);
+ if ($. == 1) {
+ $toplabel = $label;
+ }
+ $_ = "$label:";
+ if ($lastlinewaslabel++) {$_ .= "\t;";}
+ if ($indent >= 2) {
+ $indent -= 2;
+ $indmod = 2;
+ }
+ next;
+ } else {
+ $lastlinewaslabel = '';
+ }
+ $addr1 = '';
+ $addr2 = '';
+ if (s/^([0-9]+)//) {
+ $addr1 = "$1";
+ }
+ elsif (s/^\$//) {
+ $addr1 = 'eof()';
+ }
+ elsif (s|^/||) {
+ $addr1 = '/';
+ delim: while (s:^([^(|)\\/]*)([(|)\\/])::) {
+ $prefix = $1;
+ $delim = $2;
+ if ($delim eq '\\') {
+ s/(.)(.*)/$2/;
+ $ch = $1;
+ $delim = '' if index("(|)",$ch) >= 0;
+ $delim .= $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($delim ne '/') {
+ $delim = '\\' . $delim;
+ }
+ $addr1 .= $prefix;
+ $addr1 .= $delim;
+ if ($delim eq '/') {
+ last delim;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (s/^,//) {
+ if (s/^([0-9]+)//) {
+ $addr2 = "$1";
+ } elsif (s/^\$//) {
+ $addr2 = "eof()";
+ } elsif (s|^/||) {
+ $addr2 = '/';
+ delim: while (s:^([^(|)\\/]*)([(|)\\/])::) {
+ $prefix = $1;
+ $delim = $2;
+ if ($delim eq '\\') {
+ s/(.)(.*)/$2/;
+ $ch = $1;
+ $delim = '' if index("(|)",$ch) >= 0;
+ $delim .= $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($delim ne '/') {
+ $delim = '\\' . $delim;
+ }
+ $addr2 .= $prefix;
+ $addr2 .= $delim;
+ if ($delim eq '/') {
+ last delim;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ do Die("Invalid second address at line $.: $_");
+ }
+ $addr1 .= " .. $addr2";
+ }
+ # a { to keep vi happy
+ if ($_ eq '}') {
+ $indent -= 4;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (s/^!//) {
+ $if = 'unless';
+ $else = "$r else $l\n";
+ } else {
+ $if = 'if';
+ $else = '';
+ }
+ if (s/^{//) { # a } to keep vi happy
+ $indmod = 4;
+ $redo = $_;
+ $_ = '';
+ $rmaybe = '';
+ } else {
+ $rmaybe = "\n$r";
+ if ($addr2 || $addr1) {
+ $space = substr(' ',0,$shiftwidth);
+ } else {
+ $space = '';
+ }
+ $_ = do transmogrify();
+ }
+ if ($addr1) {
+ if ($_ !~ /[\n{}]/ && $rmaybe && !$change &&
+ $_ !~ / if / && $_ !~ / unless /) {
+ s/;$/ $if $addr1;/;
+ $_ = substr($_,$shiftwidth,1000);
+ } else {
+ $command = $_;
+ $_ = "$if ($addr1) $l\n$change$command$rmaybe";
+ }
+ $change = '';
+ next line;
+ }
+} continue {
+ @lines = split(/\n/,$_);
+ while ($#lines >= 0) {
+ $_ = shift(lines);
+ unless (s/^ *<<--//) {
+ print body substr("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t",0,$indent / 8),
+ substr(' ',0,$indent % 8);
+ }
+ print body $_, "\n";
+ }
+ $indent += $indmod;
+ $indmod = 0;
+ if ($redo) {
+ $_ = $redo;
+ $redo = '';
+ redo line;
+ }
+print body "}\n";
+if ($appendseen || $tseen || !$assumen) {
+ $printit++ if $dseen || (!$assumen && !$assumep);
+ print body '
+continue {
+#ifdef PRINTIT
+#ifdef DSEEN
+#ifdef ASSUMEP
+ print if $printit++;
+ if ($printit) { print;} else { $printit++ unless $nflag; }
+ print if $printit;
+ print;
+#ifdef TSEEN
+ $tflag = \'\';
+ if ($atext) { print $atext; $atext = \'\'; }
+close body;
+unless ($debug) {
+ open(head,">/tmp/sperl2$$") || do Die("Can't open temp file 2.\n");
+ print head "#define PRINTIT\n" if ($printit);
+ print head "#define APPENDSEEN\n" if ($appendseen);
+ print head "#define TSEEN\n" if ($tseen);
+ print head "#define DSEEN\n" if ($dseen);
+ print head "#define ASSUMEN\n" if ($assumen);
+ print head "#define ASSUMEP\n" if ($assumep);
+ if ($opens) {print head "$opens\n";}
+ open(body,"/tmp/sperl$$") || do Die("Can't reopen temp file.");
+ while (<body>) {
+ print head $_;
+ }
+ close head;
+ print "#!/bin/perl\n\n";
+ open(body,"cc -E /tmp/sperl2$$ |") ||
+ do Die("Can't reopen temp file.");
+ while (<body>) {
+ /^# [0-9]/ && next;
+ /^[ \t]*$/ && next;
+ s/^<><>//;
+ print;
+ }
+`/bin/rm -f /tmp/sperl$$ /tmp/sperl2$$`;
+sub Die {
+ `/bin/rm -f /tmp/sperl$$ /tmp/sperl2$$`;
+ die $_[0];
+sub make_filehandle {
+ $fname = $_ = $_[0];
+ s/[^a-zA-Z]/_/g;
+ s/^_*//;
+ if (/^([a-z])([a-z]*)$/) {
+ $first = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ $first =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
+ $_ = $first . $rest;
+ }
+ if (!$seen{$_}) {
+ $opens .= "open($_,'>$fname') || die \"Can't create $fname.\";\n";
+ }
+ $seen{$_} = $_;
+sub make_label {
+ $label = $_[0];
+ $label =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g;
+ if ($label =~ /^[0-9_]/) { $label = 'L' . $label; }
+ $label = substr($label,0,8);
+ if ($label =~ /^([a-z])([a-z]*)$/) {
+ $first = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ $first =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
+ $label = $first . $rest;
+ }
+ $label;
+sub transmogrify {
+ { # case
+ if (/^d/) {
+ $dseen++;
+ $_ = '
+<<--#ifdef PRINTIT
+$printit = \'\';
+next line;';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^n/) {
+ $_ =
+'<<--#ifdef PRINTIT
+<<--#ifdef DSEEN
+<<--#ifdef ASSUMEP
+print if $printit++;
+if ($printit) { print;} else { $printit++ unless $nflag; }
+print if $printit;
+<<--#ifdef APPENDSEEN
+if ($atext) {print $atext; $atext = \'\';}
+$_ = <>;
+<<--#ifdef TSEEN
+$tflag = \'\';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^a/) {
+ $appendseen++;
+ $command = $space . '$atext .=' . "\n<<--'";
+ $lastline = 0;
+ while (<>) {
+ s/^[ \t]*//;
+ s/^[\\]//;
+ unless (s|\\$||) { $lastline = 1;}
+ s/'/\\'/g;
+ s/^([ \t]*\n)/<><>$1/;
+ $command .= $_;
+ $command .= '<<--';
+ last if $lastline;
+ }
+ $_ = $command . "';";
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/^[ic]/) {
+ if (/^c/) { $change = 1; }
+ $addr1 = '$iter = (' . $addr1 . ')';
+ $command = $space . 'if ($iter == 1) { print' . "\n<<--'";
+ $lastline = 0;
+ while (<>) {
+ s/^[ \t]*//;
+ s/^[\\]//;
+ unless (s/\\$//) { $lastline = 1;}
+ s/'/\\'/g;
+ s/^([ \t]*\n)/<><>$1/;
+ $command .= $_;
+ $command .= '<<--';
+ last if $lastline;
+ }
+ $_ = $command . "';}";
+ if ($change) {
+ $dseen++;
+ $change = "$_\n";
+ $_ = "
+<<--#ifdef PRINTIT
+$space\$printit = '';
+${space}next line;";
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/^s/) {
+ $delim = substr($_,1,1);
+ $len = length($_);
+ $repl = $end = 0;
+ for ($i = 2; $i < $len; $i++) {
+ $c = substr($_,$i,1);
+ if ($c eq '\\') {
+ $i++;
+ if ($i >= $len) {
+ $_ .= 'n';
+ $_ .= <>;
+ $len = length($_);
+ $_ = substr($_,0,--$len);
+ }
+ elsif (!$repl && index("(|)",substr($_,$i,1)) >= 0) {
+ $i--;
+ $len--;
+ $_ = substr($_,0,$i) . substr($_,$i+1,10000);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($c eq $delim) {
+ if ($repl) {
+ $end = $i;
+ last;
+ } else {
+ $repl = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$repl && index("(|)",$c) >= 0) {
+ $_ = substr($_,0,$i) . '\\' . substr($_,$i,10000);
+ $i++;
+ $len++;
+ }
+ }
+ print "repl $repl end $end $_\n";
+ do Die("Malformed substitution at line $.") unless $end;
+ $pat = substr($_, 0, $repl + 1);
+ $repl = substr($_, $repl + 1, $end - $repl - 1);
+ $end = substr($_, $end + 1, 1000);
+ $dol = '$';
+ $repl =~ s'&'$&'g;
+ $repl =~ s/[\\]([0-9])/$dol$1/g;
+ $subst = "$pat$repl$delim";
+ $cmd = '';
+ while ($end) {
+ if ($end =~ s/^g//) { $subst .= 'g'; next; }
+ if ($end =~ s/^p//) { $cmd .= ' && (print)'; next; }
+ if ($end =~ s/^w[ \t]*//) {
+ $fh = do make_filehandle($end);
+ $cmd .= " && (print $fh \$_)";
+ $end = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ do Die("Unrecognized substitution command ($end) at line $.");
+ }
+ $_ = $subst . $cmd . ';';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^p/) {
+ $_ = 'print;';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^w/) {
+ s/^w[ \t]*//;
+ $fh = do make_filehandle($_);
+ $_ = "print $fh \$_;";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^r/) {
+ $appendseen++;
+ s/^r[ \t]*//;
+ $file = $_;
+ $_ = "\$atext .= `cat $file 2>/dev/null`;";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^P/) {
+ $_ =
+'if (/(^[^\n]*\n)/) {
+ print $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^D/) {
+ $_ =
+if ($_) {redo line;}
+next line;';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^N/) {
+ $_ = '
+$_ .= <>;
+<<--#ifdef TSEEN
+$tflag = \'\';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^h/) {
+ $_ = '$hold = $_;';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^H/) {
+ $_ = '$hold .= $_ ? $_ : "\n";';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^g/) {
+ $_ = '$_ = $hold;';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^G/) {
+ $_ = '$_ .= $hold ? $hold : "\n";';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^x/) {
+ $_ = '($_, $hold) = ($hold, $_);';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^b$/) {
+ $_ = 'next line;';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^b/) {
+ s/^b[ \t]*//;
+ $lab = do make_label($_);
+ if ($lab eq $toplabel) {
+ $_ = 'redo line;';
+ } else {
+ $_ = "goto $lab;";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^t$/) {
+ $_ = 'next line if $tflag;';
+ $tseen++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^t/) {
+ s/^t[ \t]*//;
+ $lab = do make_label($_);
+ if ($lab eq $toplabel) {
+ $_ = 'if ($tflag) {$tflag = \'\'; redo line;}';
+ } else {
+ $_ = "if (\$tflag) {\$tflag = ''; goto $lab;}";
+ }
+ $tseen++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^=/) {
+ $_ = 'print "$.\n";';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^q/) {
+ $_ =
+@ARGV = ();
+next line;';
+ next;
+ }
+ } continue {
+ if ($space) {
+ s/^/$space/;
+ s/(\n)(.)/$1$space$2/g;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ $_;
diff --git a/x2p/ b/x2p/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6db8a8e7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+.rn '' }`
+''' $Header:,v 1.0 87/12/18 17:37:16 root Exp $
+''' $Log:,v $
+''' Revision 1.0 87/12/18 17:37:16 root
+''' Initial revision
+''' Sh 5
+.. Sp
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.. Ip \\n.$>=3 .ne \\$3
+.el .ne 3
+.IP "\\$1" \\$2
+''' Set up \*(-- to give an unbreakable dash;
+''' string Tr holds user defined translation string.
+''' Bell System Logo is used as a dummy character.
+''' \(bs-|\(bv\*(Tr n \{\
+.ds -- \(bs-
+.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(bs\h'-12u'\(bs\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
+.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(bs\h'-12u'\(bs\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
+.ds L" ""
+.ds R" ""
+.ds L' '
+.ds R' '
+.ds -- \(em\| \*(Tr
+.ds L" ``
+.ds R" ''
+.ds L' `
+.ds R' '
+.TH S2P 1 NEW
+s2p - Sed to Perl translator
+.B s2p [options] filename
+.I S2p
+takes a sed script specified on the command line (or from standard input)
+and produces a comparable
+.I perl
+script on the standard output.
+.Sh "Options"
+Options include:
+.TP 5
+.B \-D<number>
+sets debugging flags.
+.TP 5
+.B \-n
+specifies that this sed script was always invoked with a sed -n.
+Otherwise a switch parser is prepended to the front of the script.
+.TP 5
+.B \-p
+specifies that this sed script was never invoked with a sed -n.
+Otherwise a switch parser is prepended to the front of the script.
+.Sh "Considerations"
+The perl script produced looks very sed-ish, and there may very well be
+better ways to express what you want to do in perl.
+For instance, s2p does not make any use of the split operator, but you might
+want to.
+The perl script you end up with may be either faster or slower than the original
+sed script.
+If you're only interested in speed you'll just have to try it both ways.
+Of course, if you want to do something sed doesn't do, you have no choice.
+S2p uses no environment variables.
+Larry Wall <lwall@jpl-devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
+perl The perl compiler/interpreter
+a2p awk to perl translator
+.rn }` ''
diff --git a/x2p/str.c b/x2p/str.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5de045a3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/str.c
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+/* $Header: str.c,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:26 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: str.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:26 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "handy.h"
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "a2p.h"
+register STR *str;
+double num;
+ str->str_nval = num;
+ str->str_pok = 0; /* invalidate pointer */
+ str->str_nok = 1; /* validate number */
+char *
+register STR *str;
+ register char *s;
+ if (!str)
+ return "";
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), 24);
+ s = str->str_ptr;
+ if (str->str_nok) {
+ sprintf(s,"%.20g",str->str_nval);
+ while (*s) s++;
+ }
+ *s = '\0';
+ str->str_cur = s - str->str_ptr;
+ str->str_pok = 1;
+ if (debug & 32)
+ fprintf(stderr,"0x%lx ptr(%s)\n",str,str->str_ptr);
+ return str->str_ptr;
+register STR *str;
+ if (!str)
+ return 0.0;
+ if (str->str_len && str->str_pok)
+ str->str_nval = atof(str->str_ptr);
+ else
+ str->str_nval = 0.0;
+ str->str_nok = 1;
+ if (debug & 32)
+ fprintf(stderr,"0x%lx num(%g)\n",str,str->str_nval);
+ return str->str_nval;
+STR *dstr;
+register STR *sstr;
+ if (!sstr)
+ str_nset(dstr,No,0);
+ else if (sstr->str_nok)
+ str_numset(dstr,sstr->str_nval);
+ else if (sstr->str_pok)
+ str_nset(dstr,sstr->str_ptr,sstr->str_cur);
+ else
+ str_nset(dstr,"",0);
+register STR *str;
+register char *ptr;
+register int len;
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), len + 1);
+ bcopy(ptr,str->str_ptr,len);
+ str->str_cur = len;
+ *(str->str_ptr+str->str_cur) = '\0';
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+register STR *str;
+register char *ptr;
+ register int len;
+ if (!ptr)
+ ptr = "";
+ len = strlen(ptr);
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), len + 1);
+ bcopy(ptr,str->str_ptr,len+1);
+ str->str_cur = len;
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+str_chop(str,ptr) /* like set but assuming ptr is in str */
+register STR *str;
+register char *ptr;
+ if (!(str->str_pok))
+ str_2ptr(str);
+ str->str_cur -= (ptr - str->str_ptr);
+ bcopy(ptr,str->str_ptr, str->str_cur + 1);
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+register STR *str;
+register char *ptr;
+register int len;
+ if (!(str->str_pok))
+ str_2ptr(str);
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), str->str_cur + len + 1);
+ bcopy(ptr,str->str_ptr+str->str_cur,len);
+ str->str_cur += len;
+ *(str->str_ptr+str->str_cur) = '\0';
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+STR *dstr;
+register STR *sstr;
+ if (!(sstr->str_pok))
+ str_2ptr(sstr);
+ if (sstr)
+ str_ncat(dstr,sstr->str_ptr,sstr->str_cur);
+register STR *str;
+register char *ptr;
+ register int len;
+ if (!ptr)
+ return;
+ if (!(str->str_pok))
+ str_2ptr(str);
+ len = strlen(ptr);
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), str->str_cur + len + 1);
+ bcopy(ptr,str->str_ptr+str->str_cur,len+1);
+ str->str_cur += len;
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+char *
+register STR *str;
+register char *from;
+register int delim;
+char *keeplist;
+ register char *to;
+ register int len;
+ if (!from)
+ return Nullch;
+ len = strlen(from);
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), str->str_cur + len + 1);
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+ to = str->str_ptr+str->str_cur;
+ for (; *from; from++,to++) {
+ if (*from == '\\' && from[1] && delim != '\\') {
+ if (!keeplist) {
+ if (from[1] == delim || from[1] == '\\')
+ from++;
+ else
+ *to++ = *from++;
+ }
+ else if (index(keeplist,from[1]))
+ *to++ = *from++;
+ else
+ from++;
+ }
+ else if (*from == delim)
+ break;
+ *to = *from;
+ }
+ *to = '\0';
+ str->str_cur = to - str->str_ptr;
+ return from;
+STR *
+int len;
+ register STR *str;
+ if (freestrroot) {
+ str = freestrroot;
+ freestrroot = str->str_link.str_next;
+ }
+ else {
+ str = (STR *) safemalloc(sizeof(STR));
+ bzero((char*)str,sizeof(STR));
+ }
+ if (len)
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), len + 1);
+ return str;
+register STR *str;
+int len;
+ if (len && str)
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), len + 1);
+/* make str point to what nstr did */
+register STR *str;
+register STR *nstr;
+ safefree(str->str_ptr);
+ str->str_ptr = nstr->str_ptr;
+ str->str_len = nstr->str_len;
+ str->str_cur = nstr->str_cur;
+ str->str_pok = nstr->str_pok;
+ if (str->str_nok = nstr->str_nok)
+ str->str_nval = nstr->str_nval;
+ safefree((char*)nstr);
+register STR *str;
+ if (!str)
+ return;
+ if (str->str_len)
+ str->str_ptr[0] = '\0';
+ str->str_cur = 0;
+ str->str_nok = 0;
+ str->str_pok = 0;
+ str->str_link.str_next = freestrroot;
+ freestrroot = str;
+register STR *str;
+ if (!str)
+ return 0;
+ if (!(str->str_pok))
+ str_2ptr(str);
+ if (str->str_len)
+ return str->str_cur;
+ else
+ return 0;
+char *
+register STR *str;
+register FILE *fp;
+#ifdef STDSTDIO /* Here is some breathtakingly efficient cheating */
+ register char *bp; /* we're going to steal some values */
+ register int cnt; /* from the stdio struct and put EVERYTHING */
+ register char *ptr; /* in the innermost loop into registers */
+ register char newline = '\n'; /* (assuming at least 6 registers) */
+ int i;
+ int bpx;
+ cnt = fp->_cnt; /* get count into register */
+ str->str_nok = 0; /* invalidate number */
+ str->str_pok = 1; /* validate pointer */
+ if (str->str_len <= cnt) /* make sure we have the room */
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), cnt+1);
+ bp = str->str_ptr; /* move these two too to registers */
+ ptr = fp->_ptr;
+ for (;;) {
+ while (--cnt >= 0) { /* this */ /* eat */
+ if ((*bp++ = *ptr++) == newline) /* really */ /* dust */
+ goto thats_all_folks; /* screams */ /* sed :-) */
+ }
+ fp->_cnt = cnt; /* deregisterize cnt and ptr */
+ fp->_ptr = ptr;
+ i = _filbuf(fp); /* get more characters */
+ cnt = fp->_cnt;
+ ptr = fp->_ptr; /* reregisterize cnt and ptr */
+ bpx = bp - str->str_ptr; /* prepare for possible relocation */
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), str->str_cur + cnt + 1);
+ bp = str->str_ptr + bpx; /* reconstitute our pointer */
+ if (i == newline) { /* all done for now? */
+ *bp++ = i;
+ goto thats_all_folks;
+ }
+ else if (i == EOF) /* all done for ever? */
+ goto thats_all_folks;
+ *bp++ = i; /* now go back to screaming loop */
+ }
+ fp->_cnt = cnt; /* put these back or we're in trouble */
+ fp->_ptr = ptr;
+ *bp = '\0';
+ str->str_cur = bp - str->str_ptr; /* set length */
+#else /* !STDSTDIO */ /* The big, slow, and stupid way */
+ static char buf[4192];
+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != Nullch)
+ str_set(str, buf);
+ else
+ str_set(str, No);
+#endif /* STDSTDIO */
+ return str->str_cur ? str->str_ptr : Nullch;
+register STR *str;
+ register char *d;
+ if (!str)
+ return;
+ if (str->str_nok) {
+ str->str_nval += 1.0;
+ str->str_pok = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!str->str_pok) {
+ str->str_nval = 1.0;
+ str->str_nok = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (d = str->str_ptr; *d && *d != '.'; d++) ;
+ d--;
+ if (!isdigit(*str->str_ptr) || !isdigit(*d) ) {
+ str_numset(str,atof(str->str_ptr) + 1.0); /* punt */
+ return;
+ }
+ while (d >= str->str_ptr) {
+ if (++*d <= '9')
+ return;
+ *(d--) = '0';
+ }
+ /* oh,oh, the number grew */
+ GROWSTR(&(str->str_ptr), &(str->str_len), str->str_cur + 2);
+ str->str_cur++;
+ for (d = str->str_ptr + str->str_cur; d > str->str_ptr; d--)
+ *d = d[-1];
+ *d = '1';
+register STR *str;
+ register char *d;
+ if (!str)
+ return;
+ if (str->str_nok) {
+ str->str_nval -= 1.0;
+ str->str_pok = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!str->str_pok) {
+ str->str_nval = -1.0;
+ str->str_nok = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (d = str->str_ptr; *d && *d != '.'; d++) ;
+ d--;
+ if (!isdigit(*str->str_ptr) || !isdigit(*d) || (*d == '0' && d == str->str_ptr)) {
+ str_numset(str,atof(str->str_ptr) - 1.0); /* punt */
+ return;
+ }
+ while (d >= str->str_ptr) {
+ if (--*d >= '0')
+ return;
+ *(d--) = '9';
+ }
+/* make a string that will exist for the duration of the expression eval */
+STR *
+STR *oldstr;
+ register STR *str = str_new(0);
+ static long tmps_size = -1;
+ str_sset(str,oldstr);
+ if (++tmps_max > tmps_size) {
+ tmps_size = tmps_max;
+ if (!(tmps_size & 127)) {
+ if (tmps_size)
+ tmps_list = (STR**)saferealloc((char*)tmps_list,
+ (tmps_size + 128) * sizeof(STR*) );
+ else
+ tmps_list = (STR**)safemalloc(128 * sizeof(char*));
+ }
+ }
+ tmps_list[tmps_max] = str;
+ return str;
+STR *
+char *s;
+ register STR *str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,s);
+ return str;
+STR *
+double n;
+ register STR *str = str_new(0);
+ str_numset(str,n);
+ return str;
diff --git a/x2p/str.h b/x2p/str.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbb0c77759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/str.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* $Header: str.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:30 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: str.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:30 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+struct string {
+ char * str_ptr; /* pointer to malloced string */
+ double str_nval; /* numeric value, if any */
+ int str_len; /* allocated size */
+ int str_cur; /* length of str_ptr as a C string */
+ union {
+ STR *str_next; /* while free, link to next free str */
+ } str_link;
+ char str_pok; /* state of str_ptr */
+ char str_nok; /* state of str_nval */
+#define Nullstr Null(STR*)
+/* the following macro updates any magic values this str is associated with */
+#define STABSET(x) (x->str_link.str_magic && stabset(x->str_link.str_magic,x))
+EXT STR **tmps_list;
+EXT long tmps_max INIT(-1);
+char *str_2ptr();
+double str_2num();
+STR *str_static();
+STR *str_make();
+STR *str_nmake();
+char *str_gets();
diff --git a/x2p/util.c b/x2p/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83adfc276b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+/* $Header: util.c,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:34 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: util.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:34 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "handy.h"
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "a2p.h"
+#include "INTERN.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#define FLUSH
+#define MEM_SIZE unsigned int
+static char nomem[] = "Out of memory!\n";
+/* paranoid version of malloc */
+static int an = 0;
+char *
+MEM_SIZE size;
+ char *ptr;
+ char *malloc();
+ ptr = malloc(size?size:1); /* malloc(0) is NASTY on our system */
+ if (debug & 128)
+ fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) malloc %d bytes\n",ptr,an++,size);
+ if (ptr != Nullch)
+ return ptr;
+ else {
+ fputs(nomem,stdout) FLUSH;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+/* paranoid version of realloc */
+char *
+char *where;
+MEM_SIZE size;
+ char *ptr;
+ char *realloc();
+ ptr = realloc(where,size?size:1); /* realloc(0) is NASTY on our system */
+ if (debug & 128) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) rfree\n",where,an++);
+ fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) realloc %d bytes\n",ptr,an++,size);
+ }
+ if (ptr != Nullch)
+ return ptr;
+ else {
+ fputs(nomem,stdout) FLUSH;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+/* safe version of free */
+char *where;
+ if (debug & 128)
+ fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) free\n",where,an++);
+ free(where);
+/* safe version of string copy */
+char *
+char *to;
+register char *from;
+register int len;
+ register char *dest = to;
+ if (from != Nullch)
+ for (len--; len && (*dest++ = *from++); len--) ;
+ *dest = '\0';
+ return to;
+#ifdef undef
+/* safe version of string concatenate, with \n deletion and space padding */
+char *
+char *to;
+register char *from;
+register int len;
+ register char *dest = to;
+ len--; /* leave room for null */
+ if (*dest) {
+ while (len && *dest++) len--;
+ if (len) {
+ len--;
+ *(dest-1) = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ if (from != Nullch)
+ while (len && (*dest++ = *from++)) len--;
+ if (len)
+ dest--;
+ if (*(dest-1) == '\n')
+ dest--;
+ *dest = '\0';
+ return to;
+/* copy a string up to some (non-backslashed) delimiter, if any */
+char *
+register char *to, *from;
+register int delim;
+ for (; *from; from++,to++) {
+ if (*from == '\\' && from[1] == delim)
+ *to++ = *from++;
+ else if (*from == delim)
+ break;
+ *to = *from;
+ }
+ *to = '\0';
+ return from;
+char *
+register char *to, *from;
+register int delim;
+ for (; *from; from++,to++) {
+ if (*from == '\\' && from[1] == delim)
+ *to++ = *from++;
+ else if (*from == '$')
+ *to++ = '\\';
+ else if (*from == delim)
+ break;
+ *to = *from;
+ }
+ *to = '\0';
+ return from;
+/* return ptr to little string in big string, NULL if not found */
+char *
+instr(big, little)
+char *big, *little;
+ register char *t, *s, *x;
+ for (t = big; *t; t++) {
+ for (x=t,s=little; *s; x++,s++) {
+ if (!*x)
+ return Nullch;
+ if (*s != *x)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!*s)
+ return t;
+ }
+ return Nullch;
+/* copy a string to a safe spot */
+char *
+char *str;
+ register char *newaddr = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(strlen(str)+1));
+ (void)strcpy(newaddr,str);
+ return newaddr;
+/* grow a static string to at least a certain length */
+char **strptr;
+int *curlen;
+int newlen;
+ if (newlen > *curlen) { /* need more room? */
+ if (*curlen)
+ *strptr = saferealloc(*strptr,(MEM_SIZE)newlen);
+ else
+ *strptr = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)newlen);
+ *curlen = newlen;
+ }
+char *pat;
+ fprintf(stderr,pat,a1,a2,a3,a4);
+ exit(1);
+static bool firstsetenv = TRUE;
+extern char **environ;
+char *nam, *val;
+ register int i=envix(nam); /* where does it go? */
+ if (!environ[i]) { /* does not exist yet */
+ if (firstsetenv) { /* need we copy environment? */
+ int j;
+#ifndef lint
+ char **tmpenv = (char**) /* point our wand at memory */
+ safemalloc((i+2) * sizeof(char*));
+ char **tmpenv = Null(char **);
+#endif /* lint */
+ firstsetenv = FALSE;
+ for (j=0; j<i; j++) /* copy environment */
+ tmpenv[j] = environ[j];
+ environ = tmpenv; /* tell exec where it is now */
+ }
+#ifndef lint
+ else
+ environ = (char**) saferealloc((char*) environ,
+ (i+2) * sizeof(char*));
+ /* just expand it a bit */
+#endif /* lint */
+ environ[i+1] = Nullch; /* make sure it's null terminated */
+ }
+ environ[i] = safemalloc(strlen(nam) + strlen(val) + 2);
+ /* this may or may not be in */
+ /* the old environ structure */
+ sprintf(environ[i],"%s=%s",nam,val);/* all that work just for this */
+char *nam;
+ register int i, len = strlen(nam);
+ for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
+ if (strnEQ(environ[i],nam,len) && environ[i][len] == '=')
+ break; /* strnEQ must come first to avoid */
+ } /* potential SEGV's */
+ return i;
diff --git a/x2p/util.h b/x2p/util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6249549221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* $Header: util.h,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:37 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: util.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:37 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+/* is the string for makedir a directory name or a filename? */
+#define MD_DIR 0
+#define MD_FILE 1
+void util_init();
+int doshell();
+char *safemalloc();
+char *saferealloc();
+char *safecpy();
+char *safecat();
+char *cpytill();
+char *cpy2();
+char *instr();
+ int eaccess();
+char *getwd();
+void cat();
+void prexit();
+char *get_a_line();
+char *savestr();
+int makedir();
+void setenv();
+int envix();
+void notincl();
+char *getval();
+void growstr();
+void setdef();
diff --git a/x2p/walk.c b/x2p/walk.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d133b9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x2p/walk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1464 @@
+/* $Header: walk.c,v 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:40 root Exp $
+ *
+ * $Log: walk.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:07:40 root
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "handy.h"
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "a2p.h"
+bool exitval = FALSE;
+bool realexit = FALSE;
+int maxtmp = 0;
+STR *
+int useval;
+int level;
+register int node;
+int *numericptr;
+ register int len;
+ register STR *str;
+ register int type;
+ register int i;
+ register STR *tmpstr;
+ STR *tmp2str;
+ char *t;
+ char *d, *s;
+ int numarg;
+ int numeric = FALSE;
+ STR *fstr;
+ char *index();
+ if (!node) {
+ *numericptr = 0;
+ return str_make("");
+ }
+ type = ops[node].ival;
+ len = type >> 8;
+ type &= 255;
+ switch (type) {
+ case OPROG:
+ str = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ opens = str_new(0);
+ if (do_split && need_entire && !absmaxfld)
+ split_to_array = TRUE;
+ if (do_split && split_to_array)
+ set_array_base = TRUE;
+ if (set_array_base) {
+ str_cat(str,"$[ = 1;\t\t\t# set array base to 1\n");
+ }
+ if (fswitch && !const_FS)
+ const_FS = fswitch;
+ if (saw_FS > 1 || saw_RS)
+ const_FS = 0;
+ if (saw_ORS && need_entire)
+ do_chop = TRUE;
+ if (fswitch) {
+ str_cat(str,"$FS = '");
+ if (index("*+?.[]()|^$\\",fswitch))
+ str_cat(str,"\\");
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"%c",fswitch);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ str_cat(str,"';\t\t# field separator from -F switch\n");
+ }
+ else if (saw_FS && !const_FS) {
+ str_cat(str,"$FS = '[ \\t\\n]+';\t\t# default field separator\n");
+ }
+ if (saw_OFS) {
+ str_cat(str,"$, = ' ';\t\t# default output field separator\n");
+ }
+ if (saw_ORS) {
+ str_cat(str,"$\\ = \"\\n\";\t\t# default output record separator\n");
+ }
+ if (str->str_cur > 20)
+ str_cat(str,"\n");
+ if (ops[node+2].ival) {
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,"\n\n");
+ }
+ if (saw_line_op)
+ str_cat(str,"line: ");
+ str_cat(str,"while (<>) {\n");
+ tab(str,++level);
+ if (saw_FS && !const_FS)
+ do_chop = TRUE;
+ if (do_chop) {
+ str_cat(str,"chop;\t# strip record separator\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ }
+ arymax = 0;
+ if (namelist) {
+ while (isalpha(*namelist)) {
+ for (d = tokenbuf,s=namelist;
+ isalpha(*s) || isdigit(*s) || *s == '_';
+ *d++ = *s++) ;
+ *d = '\0';
+ while (*s && !isalpha(*s)) s++;
+ namelist = s;
+ nameary[++arymax] = savestr(tokenbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxfld < arymax)
+ maxfld = arymax;
+ if (do_split)
+ emit_split(str,level);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ fixtab(str,--level);
+ str_cat(str,"}\n");
+ if (ops[node+4].ival) {
+ realexit = TRUE;
+ str_cat(str,"\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+4].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,"\n");
+ }
+ if (exitval)
+ str_cat(str,"exit ExitValue;\n");
+ if (do_fancy_opens) {
+ str_cat(str,"\n\
+sub Pick {\n\
+ ($name) = @_;\n\
+ $fh = $opened{$name};\n\
+ if (!$fh) {\n\
+ $nextfh == 0 && open(fh_0,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 1 && open(fh_1,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 2 && open(fh_2,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 3 && open(fh_3,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 4 && open(fh_4,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 5 && open(fh_5,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 6 && open(fh_6,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 7 && open(fh_7,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 8 && open(fh_8,$name);\n\
+ $nextfh == 9 && open(fh_9,$name);\n\
+ $fh = $opened{$name} = 'fh_' . $nextfh++;\n\
+ }\n\
+ select($fh);\n\
+ }
+ break;
+ case OHUNKS:
+ str = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ if (len == 3) {
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ break;
+ case ORANGE:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," .. ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OPAT:
+ goto def;
+ case OREGEX:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"/");
+ tmpstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ /* translate \nnn to [\nnn] */
+ for (s = tmpstr->str_ptr, d = tokenbuf; *s; s++, d++) {
+ if (*s == '\\' && isdigit(s[1]) && isdigit(s[2]) && isdigit(s[3])) {
+ *d++ = '[';
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ *d++ = *s;
+ *d = ']';
+ }
+ else
+ *d = *s;
+ }
+ *d = '\0';
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,"/");
+ break;
+ case OHUNK:
+ if (len == 1) {
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str = walk(0,level,oper1(OPRINT,0),&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," if ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,";");
+ }
+ else {
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (*tmpstr->str_ptr) {
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"if (");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,") {\n");
+ tab(str,++level);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ fixtab(str,--level);
+ str_cat(str,"}\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ }
+ else {
+ str = walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPPAREN:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(useval != 0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OPANDAND:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," && ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OPOROR:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," || ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OPNOT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"!");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OCPAREN:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(useval != 0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OCANDAND:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ str_cat(str," && ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OCOROR:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ str_cat(str," || ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OCNOT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"!");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ORELOP:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ tmp2str = walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ if (!numeric) {
+ t = tmpstr->str_ptr;
+ if (strEQ(t,"=="))
+ str_set(tmpstr,"eq");
+ else if (strEQ(t,"!="))
+ str_set(tmpstr,"ne");
+ else if (strEQ(t,"<"))
+ str_set(tmpstr,"lt");
+ else if (strEQ(t,"<="))
+ str_set(tmpstr,"le");
+ else if (strEQ(t,">"))
+ str_set(tmpstr,"gt");
+ else if (strEQ(t,">="))
+ str_set(tmpstr,"ge");
+ if (!index(tmpstr->str_ptr,'\'') && !index(tmpstr->str_ptr,'"') &&
+ !index(tmp2str->str_ptr,'\'') && !index(tmp2str->str_ptr,'"') )
+ numeric |= 2;
+ }
+ if (numeric & 2) {
+ if (numeric & 1) /* numeric is very good guess */
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ else
+ str_cat(str,"\377");
+ numeric = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ str_scat(str,tmp2str);
+ str_free(tmp2str);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ORPAREN:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(useval != 0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OMATCHOP:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (strEQ(tmpstr->str_ptr,"~"))
+ str_cat(str,"=~");
+ else {
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ }
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OMPAREN:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(useval != 0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OCONCAT:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," . ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OASSIGN:
+ str = walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ if (str_len(tmpstr) > 1)
+ numeric = 1;
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ if (strEQ(str->str_ptr,"$FS = '\240'"))
+ str_set(str,"$FS = '[\240\\n\\t]+'");
+ break;
+ case OADD:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," + ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OSUB:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," - ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OMULT:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," * ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ODIV:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," / ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OMOD:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str," % ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str,"++");
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str,"--");
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPREINCR:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"++");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPREDECR:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"--");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OUMINUS:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"-");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OUPLUS:
+ numeric = 1;
+ goto def;
+ case OPAREN:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(useval != 0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ break;
+ case OGETLINE:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"$_ = <>;\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ if (do_chop) {
+ str_cat(str,"chop;\t# strip record separator\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ }
+ if (do_split)
+ emit_split(str,level);
+ break;
+ case OSPRINTF:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"sprintf(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OSUBSTR:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"substr(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,", ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,", ");
+ if (len == 3) {
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ else
+ str_cat(str,"999999");
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OSTRING:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,ops[node+1].cval);
+ break;
+ case OSPLIT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ numeric = 1;
+ tmpstr = walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (useval)
+ str_set(str,"(@");
+ else
+ str_set(str,"@");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str," = split(");
+ if (len == 3) {
+ fstr = walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ if (str_len(fstr) == 3 && *fstr->str_ptr == '\'') {
+ i = fstr->str_ptr[1] & 127;
+ if (index("*+?.[]()|^$\\",i))
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"/\\%c/",i);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"/%c/",i);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ else
+ str_scat(str,fstr);
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ else if (const_FS) {
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"/[%c\\n]/",const_FS);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ else if (saw_FS)
+ str_cat(str,"$FS");
+ else
+ str_cat(str,"/[ \\t\\n]+/");
+ str_cat(str,", ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ if (useval) {
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ }
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ break;
+ case OINDEX:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"index(");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,", ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ONUM:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OSTR:
+ tmpstr = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ s = "'";
+ for (t = tmpstr->str_ptr; *t; t++) {
+ if (*t == '\\' || *t == '\'')
+ s = "\"";
+ *t += 128;
+ }
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,s);
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,s);
+ break;
+ case OVAR:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"$");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ if (len == 1) {
+ tmp2str = hfetch(symtab,tmpstr->str_ptr);
+ if (tmp2str && atoi(tmp2str->str_ptr))
+ numeric = 2;
+ if (strEQ(str->str_ptr,"$NR")) {
+ numeric = 1;
+ str_set(str,"$.");
+ }
+ else if (strEQ(str->str_ptr,"$NF")) {
+ numeric = 1;
+ str_set(str,"$#Fld");
+ }
+ else if (strEQ(str->str_ptr,"$0"))
+ str_set(str,"$_");
+ }
+ else {
+ str_cat(tmpstr,"[]");
+ tmp2str = hfetch(symtab,tmpstr->str_ptr);
+ if (tmp2str && atoi(tmp2str->str_ptr))
+ str_cat(str,"[");
+ else
+ str_cat(str,"{");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ if (tmp2str && atoi(tmp2str->str_ptr))
+ strcpy(tokenbuf,"]");
+ else
+ strcpy(tokenbuf,"}");
+ *tokenbuf += 128;
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ break;
+ case OFLD:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ if (split_to_array) {
+ str_set(str,"$Fld");
+ str_cat(str,"[");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,"]");
+ }
+ else {
+ i = atoi(walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg)->str_ptr);
+ if (i <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s",nameary[i]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d",i);
+ str_set(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OVFLD:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"$Fld[");
+ i = ops[node+1].ival;
+ if ((ops[i].ival & 255) == OPAREN)
+ i = ops[i+1].ival;
+ tmpstr=walk(1,level,i,&numarg);
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,"]");
+ break;
+ case OJUNK:
+ goto def;
+ str = str_new(2);
+ str_set(str,";\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ break;
+ case ONEWLINE:
+ str = str_new(1);
+ str_set(str,"\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ break;
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,";");
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ for (s = tmpstr->str_ptr; *s && *s != '\n'; s++)
+ *s += 128;
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ tab(str,level);
+ break;
+ case OCOMMENT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ for (s = tmpstr->str_ptr; *s && *s != '\n'; s++)
+ *s += 128;
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ tab(str,level);
+ break;
+ case OCOMMA:
+ str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_cat(str,", ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ str = str_new(1);
+ str_set(str,"; ");
+ break;
+ case OSTATES:
+ str = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OSTATE:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ if (len >= 1) {
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ if (len >= 2) {
+ tmpstr = walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (*tmpstr->str_ptr == ';') {
+ addsemi(str);
+ str_cat(str,tmpstr->str_ptr+1);
+ }
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPRINTF:
+ case OPRINT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ if (len == 3) { /* output redirection */
+ tmpstr = walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ tmp2str = walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (!do_fancy_opens) {
+ t = tmpstr->str_ptr;
+ if (*t == '"' || *t == '\'')
+ t = cpytill(tokenbuf,t+1,*t);
+ else
+ fatal("Internal error: OPRINT");
+ d = savestr(t);
+ s = savestr(tokenbuf);
+ for (t = tokenbuf; *t; t++) {
+ *t &= 127;
+ if (!isalpha(*t) && !isdigit(*t))
+ *t = '_';
+ }
+ if (!index(tokenbuf,'_'))
+ strcpy(t,"_fh");
+ str_cat(opens,"open(");
+ str_cat(opens,tokenbuf);
+ str_cat(opens,", ");
+ d[1] = '\0';
+ str_cat(opens,d);
+ str_scat(opens,tmp2str);
+ str_cat(opens,tmpstr->str_ptr+1);
+ if (*tmp2str->str_ptr == '|')
+ str_cat(opens,") || die 'Cannot pipe to \"");
+ else
+ str_cat(opens,") || die 'Cannot create file \"");
+ if (*d == '"')
+ str_cat(opens,"'.\"");
+ str_cat(opens,s);
+ if (*d == '"')
+ str_cat(opens,"\".'");
+ str_cat(opens,"\".';\n");
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmp2str);
+ safefree(s);
+ safefree(d);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"do Pick('%s' . (%s)) &&\n",
+ tmp2str->str_ptr, tmpstr->str_ptr);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ tab(str,level+1);
+ *tokenbuf = '\0';
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmp2str);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(tokenbuf,"stdout");
+ if (type == OPRINTF)
+ str_cat(str,"printf");
+ else
+ str_cat(str,"print");
+ if (len == 3 || do_fancy_opens) {
+ if (*tokenbuf)
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ tmpstr = walk(1+(type==OPRINT),level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (!*tmpstr->str_ptr && lval_field) {
+ t = saw_OFS ? "$," : "' '";
+ if (split_to_array) {
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"join(%s,@Fld)",t);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 1; i < maxfld; i++) {
+ if (i <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s, ",nameary[i]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d, ",i);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ if (maxfld <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s",nameary[maxfld]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d",maxfld);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*tmpstr->str_ptr) {
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ }
+ else {
+ str_cat(str," $_");
+ }
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ break;
+ case OLENGTH:
+ str = str_make("length(");
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OLOG:
+ str = str_make("log(");
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OEXP:
+ str = str_make("exp(");
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OSQRT:
+ str = str_make("sqrt(");
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OINT:
+ str = str_make("int(");
+ maybe0:
+ numeric = 1;
+ if (len > 0)
+ tmpstr = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ else
+ tmpstr = str_new(0);;
+ if (!*tmpstr->str_ptr) {
+ if (lval_field) {
+ t = saw_OFS ? "$," : "' '";
+ if (split_to_array) {
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"join(%s,@Fld)",t);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"join(%s, ",t);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ for (i = 1; i < maxfld; i++) {
+ if (i <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s,",nameary[i]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d,",i);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ if (maxfld <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s)",nameary[maxfld]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d)",maxfld);
+ str_cat(tmpstr,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ str_cat(tmpstr,"$_");
+ }
+ if (strEQ(tmpstr->str_ptr,"$_")) {
+ if (type == OLENGTH && !do_chop) {
+ str = str_make("(length(");
+ str_cat(tmpstr,") - 1");
+ }
+ }
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,")");
+ break;
+ case OBREAK:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"last");
+ break;
+ case ONEXT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"next line");
+ break;
+ case OEXIT:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ if (realexit) {
+ str_set(str,"exit");
+ if (len == 1) {
+ str_cat(str," ");
+ exitval = TRUE;
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (len == 1) {
+ str_set(str,"ExitValue = ");
+ exitval = TRUE;
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,"; ");
+ }
+ str_cat(str,"last line");
+ }
+ break;
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"next");
+ break;
+ case OREDIR:
+ goto def;
+ case OIF:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"if (");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,") ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ if (len == 3) {
+ i = ops[node+3].ival;
+ if (i) {
+ if ((ops[i].ival & 255) == OBLOCK) {
+ i = ops[i+1].ival;
+ if (i) {
+ if ((ops[i].ival & 255) != OIF)
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ str_cat(str,"els");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,i,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ else {
+ str_cat(str,"else ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OWHILE:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"while (");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,") ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OFOR:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"for (");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ i = numarg;
+ if (i) {
+ t = s = tmpstr->str_ptr;
+ while (isalpha(*t) || isdigit(*t) || *t == '$' || *t == '_')
+ t++;
+ i = t - s;
+ if (i < 2)
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ str_cat(str,"; ");
+ fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (i && (t = index(fstr->str_ptr,0377))) {
+ if (strnEQ(fstr->str_ptr,s,i))
+ *t = ' ';
+ }
+ str_scat(str,fstr);
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,"; ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,") ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+4].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ break;
+ case OFORIN:
+ tmpstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_sset(str,tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,"[]");
+ tmp2str = hfetch(symtab,str->str_ptr);
+ if (tmp2str && atoi(tmp2str->str_ptr)) {
+ maxtmp++;
+ fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,
+ "for ($T_%d = 1; ($%s = $%s[$T_%d]) || $T_%d <= $#%s; $T_%d++)%c",
+ maxtmp,
+ fstr->str_ptr,
+ tmpstr->str_ptr,
+ maxtmp,
+ maxtmp,
+ tmpstr->str_ptr,
+ maxtmp,
+ 0377);
+ str_set(str,tokenbuf);
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ else {
+ str_set(str,"while (($junkkey,$");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ str_cat(str,") = each(");
+ str_scat(str,tmpstr);
+ str_cat(str,")) ");
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ str_free(tmpstr);
+ break;
+ case OBLOCK:
+ str = str_new(0);
+ str_set(str,"{");
+ if (len == 2) {
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ fixtab(str,++level);
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ addsemi(str);
+ fixtab(str,--level);
+ str_cat(str,"}\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+ break;
+ default:
+ def:
+ if (len) {
+ if (len > 5)
+ fatal("Garbage length in walk");
+ str = walk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ for (i = 2; i<= len; i++) {
+ str_scat(str,fstr=walk(0,level,ops[node+i].ival,&numarg));
+ str_free(fstr);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ str = Nullstr;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!str)
+ str = str_new(0);
+ *numericptr = numeric;
+ if (debug & 4) {
+ printf("%3d %5d %15s %d %4d ",level,node,opname[type],len,str->str_cur);
+ for (t = str->str_ptr; *t && t - str->str_ptr < 40; t++)
+ if (*t == '\n')
+ printf("\\n");
+ else if (*t == '\t')
+ printf("\\t");
+ else
+ putchar(*t);
+ putchar('\n');
+ }
+ return str;
+register STR *str;
+register int lvl;
+ while (lvl > 1) {
+ str_cat(str,"\t");
+ lvl -= 2;
+ }
+ if (lvl)
+ str_cat(str," ");
+register STR *str;
+register int lvl;
+ register char *s;
+ /* strip trailing white space */
+ s = str->str_ptr+str->str_cur - 1;
+ while (s >= str->str_ptr && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t'))
+ s--;
+ s[1] = '\0';
+ str->str_cur = s + 1 - str->str_ptr;
+ if (s >= str->str_ptr && *s != '\n')
+ str_cat(str,"\n");
+ tab(str,lvl);
+register STR *str;
+ register char *s;
+ s = str->str_ptr+str->str_cur - 1;
+ while (s >= str->str_ptr && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n'))
+ s--;
+ if (s >= str->str_ptr && *s != ';' && *s != '}')
+ str_cat(str,";");
+register STR *str;
+int level;
+ register int i;
+ if (split_to_array)
+ str_cat(str,"@Fld");
+ else {
+ str_cat(str,"(");
+ for (i = 1; i < maxfld; i++) {
+ if (i <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s,",nameary[i]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d,",i);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ if (maxfld <= arymax)
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$%s)",nameary[maxfld]);
+ else
+ sprintf(tokenbuf,"$Fld%d)",maxfld);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ if (const_FS) {
+ sprintf(tokenbuf," = split(/[%c\\n]/);\n",const_FS);
+ str_cat(str,tokenbuf);
+ }
+ else if (saw_FS)
+ str_cat(str," = split($FS);\n");
+ else
+ str_cat(str," = split;\n");
+ tab(str,level);
+int numit;
+int level;
+register int node;
+int *numericptr;
+ register int len;
+ register int type;
+ register int i;
+ char *t;
+ char *d, *s;
+ int numarg;
+ int numeric = FALSE;
+ if (!node) {
+ *numericptr = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ type = ops[node].ival;
+ len = type >> 8;
+ type &= 255;
+ switch (type) {
+ case OPROG:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (ops[node+2].ival) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ ++level;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ --level;
+ if (ops[node+3].ival) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+4].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OHUNKS:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (len == 3) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ORANGE:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OPAT:
+ goto def;
+ case OREGEX:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OHUNK:
+ if (len == 1) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ else {
+ i = prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (i) {
+ ++level;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ --level;
+ }
+ else {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPPAREN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OPANDAND:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OPOROR:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OPNOT:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OCPAREN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ break;
+ case OCANDAND:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OCOROR:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OCNOT:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ORELOP:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ORPAREN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ break;
+ case OMATCHOP:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OMPAREN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ break;
+ case OCONCAT:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OASSIGN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ if (numarg || strlen(ops[ops[node+1].ival+1].cval) > 1) {
+ numericize(ops[node+2].ival);
+ if (!numarg)
+ numericize(ops[node+3].ival);
+ }
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ break;
+ case OADD:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OSUB:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OMULT:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ODIV:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OMOD:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPREINCR:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPREDECR:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OUMINUS:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OUPLUS:
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPAREN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric |= numarg;
+ break;
+ case OGETLINE:
+ break;
+ case OSPRINTF:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OSUBSTR:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (len == 3) {
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OSTRING:
+ break;
+ case OSPLIT:
+ numeric = 1;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (len == 3)
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OINDEX:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case ONUM:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ numeric = 1;
+ break;
+ case OSTR:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OVAR:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (len == 1) {
+ if (numit)
+ numericize(node);
+ }
+ else {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OFLD:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OVFLD:
+ i = ops[node+1].ival;
+ prewalk(0,level,i,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OJUNK:
+ goto def;
+ break;
+ case ONEWLINE:
+ break;
+ break;
+ case OCOMMENT:
+ break;
+ case OCOMMA:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ break;
+ case OSTATES:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OSTATE:
+ if (len >= 1) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ if (len >= 2) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPRINTF:
+ case OPRINT:
+ if (len == 3) { /* output redirection */
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ prewalk(0+(type==OPRINT),level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OLENGTH:
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OLOG:
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OEXP:
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OSQRT:
+ goto maybe0;
+ case OINT:
+ maybe0:
+ numeric = 1;
+ if (len > 0)
+ prewalk(type != OLENGTH,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OBREAK:
+ break;
+ case ONEXT:
+ break;
+ case OEXIT:
+ if (len == 1) {
+ prewalk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case OREDIR:
+ goto def;
+ case OIF:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ if (len == 3) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OWHILE:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OFOR:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+4].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OFORIN:
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+3].ival,&numarg);
+ break;
+ case OBLOCK:
+ if (len == 2) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+2].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ ++level;
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ --level;
+ break;
+ default:
+ def:
+ if (len) {
+ if (len > 5)
+ fatal("Garbage length in prewalk");
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ for (i = 2; i<= len; i++) {
+ prewalk(0,level,ops[node+i].ival,&numarg);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ *numericptr = numeric;
+ return 1;
+register int node;
+ register int len;
+ register int type;
+ register int i;
+ STR *tmpstr;
+ STR *tmp2str;
+ int numarg;
+ type = ops[node].ival;
+ len = type >> 8;
+ type &= 255;
+ if (type == OVAR && len == 1) {
+ tmpstr=walk(0,0,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg);
+ tmp2str = str_make("1");
+ hstore(symtab,tmpstr->str_ptr,tmp2str);
+ }