path: root/Configure
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* perl 5.003_04: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-08-291-14/+20
| | | | | | | | Change name of shared libperl library back to, so that a simple -lperl picks up either libperl.a or Check if $sh='' in case we've reloaded an old
* perl 5.003_03: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-08-231-225/+619
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Relaxed warning about ksh on exotic machines. Changed usesafe to useopcode. Add search for gzip and zip. Look more carefully for $sh (the Bourne-ish shell). Use that info to set $startsh correctly. Change prompts for PerlIO interface. See INSTALL for how this is supposed to work. The default is still the same as in 5.003_02, namely don't use any fancy new PerlIO stuff. Don't look for sigvec() since we don't actually use it. (Plus, it used to print an alarming misleading message about race conditions.) Look for stdio's _filbuf under the possible names of _filbuf, __filbuf, and _fill. New $useshrplib variable to control whether we build a shared The name of the library is in $libperl. Always install it in $installarchlib/CORE/$libperl. Check for <sys/resource.h> and <sys/wait.h> for NetBSD. Replace old $altmake stuff with newer autoconf-ish $make_set_make, which checks if $make sets $(MAKE). Now you choose an alternate make with sh Configure -Dmake=gmake (or whatever). Remove 'ln' for the list of essential commands. Simulate it with 'cp' if necessary. Change `logname` prompts to handle extra gratuitous spaces in Ultrix output. Autodetect os2. Fix silly bug in checking for fully-qualified names in /etc/hosts. Generalize Gconvert tests. Give correct and more useful error messages. Use $obj_ext instead of literal '.o' in the dynaloader test. Include appropriate header files in bcopy() and memcpy() tests. Note whether memmove is available. Check whether struct sigaction works (needed for Solaris 2.5 with -Xc). Include appropriate header files for randbits test.
* perl 5.003_02: [no incremental changelog available]Larry Wall1996-08-101-114/+267
* perl 5.003_01: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-07-181-5/+15
| | | | | | | | | | Added MAB support for Next Correct recognition of irix 6 Use C locale when obtaining Perl version for arch-dependent dir names Insure that is writeable Improve test for broken gconvert() Set cc and ld switches properly for shared libraries under linux and irix Correct dynamic loading test so that $dlext=o doesn't break it
* perl 5.002_01: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-03-191-2/+7
| | | | | | | Use SUBVERSION in default value for $archlib, so development and production architecture-dependent libs can coexist (Sorry; I don't have metaconfig, so this is a direct patch against Configure.)
* perl 5.002perl-5.002Andy Dougherty1996-02-281-4/+50
| | | | | [editor's note: changes seem to be mostly module updates, documentation changes and some perl API macro additions]
* perl 5.002gamma: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-02-091-230/+248
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Remove d_vms and d_unlnkallvers constants. These should be set in vmsish.h (and optionally undef'd in unixish.h, dosish.h). Send the &-d info to >&4 so you see it even with -s. Update unixism comments. Introduce new nm_so_opt variable that holds options that might be required for use with nm on shared libraries but that are fatal if used on archive libraries. Move suid question closer to top. This also shuffled a few other units. Start varargs testing script with $startsh. Start O_NONBLOCK testing script with $startsh. Detect OS/2 early on.
* perl5.002beta3Perl 5 Porters1996-02-021-6/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [editor's note: no patch file was found for this release, so no fine-grained changes] I can't find the password for our ftp server, so I had to drop it into, which is a drop directory you can't ls. The current plan is that Andy is gonna whack on this a little more, and then release a gamma in a few days when he's happy with it. So don't get carried away. This is now *late* beta. In other words, have less than the appropriate amount of fun. :-) Larry
* perl 5.002beta2 patch: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-01-111-2/+12
| | | | | Use nm -D on Linux with shared libraries, if the system supports nm -D.
* perl 5.002beta1h patch: ConfigurePerl 5 Porters1996-01-031-525/+599
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Upgraded to metaconfig patchlevel 60. Add in usesafe variable to include or exclude the Safe extension. Test for sigaction(). Check for pager. This was actually accidental since perldoc.PL mentions $pager and metaconfig has a unit to check for the user's pager. In retrospect, I decided the Configure check didn't do any harm and some extension writers might decide to use it. Always put man1dir under $prefix unless a command line override is used. Allow command-line overrides of $man1ext and $man3ext. Allow man1dir and man3dir names like .../man.1 instead of just .../man1. Lots of rearrangements of various pieces of Configure. This might be because I ran metaconfig on a different architecture. libc searching now honors $libpth. Previously, it (almost) always looked in /usr/lib before checking /lib. Only prompt user if voidflags is not 15. If voidflags is 15, then we presume all is well.
* This is patch.2b1f to perl5.002beta1.Andy Dougherty1995-12-081-47/+55
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cd to your perl source directory, execute the command above, and type patch -p1 -N < patch.2b1f This patch includes patches for the following items: Changes.Conf Configure MANIFEST Makefile.SH XSUB.h ext/POSIX/ ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs ext/Socket/ gv.c lib/ lib/Sys/ lib/ t/lib/socket.t toke.c The changes are described after each /^Index/ line below. These are each described in detail below, after the corresponding index line. Patch and enjoy, Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
* This is patch.2b1d to perl5.002beta1.Andy Dougherty1995-12-021-58/+156
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cd to your perl source directory and type patch -p1 -N < patch.2b1a This patch includes patches for the following items: NETaa14710: Included hint file. pod/perlre.pod: Mention 32bit limit. Configure Updates. Update Socket.xs to version 1.5. This handles systems that might not have <sys/un.h>. Fix missing quotes in h2ph.PL These are each described in detail below, after the corresponding index line. Patch and enjoy, Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
* 5.002 beta 1Larry Wall1995-11-211-1214/+1379
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | If you're adventurous, have a look at Many thanks to Andy for doing the integration. Obviously, if you consult the bugs database, you'll note there are still plenty of buglets that need fixing, and several enhancements that I've intended to put in still haven't made it in (Hi, Tim and Ilya). But I think it'll be pretty stable. And you can start to fiddle around with prototypes (which are, of course, still totally undocumented). Packrats, don't worry too much about readvertising this widely. Nowadays we're on a T1 here, so our bandwidth is okay. Have the appropriate amount of jollity. Larry
* This is my patch patch.1n for perl5.001.perl-5.001nAndy Dougherty1995-10-311-1019/+1477
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To apply, change to your perl directory, run the command above, then apply with patch -p1 -N < thispatch. This is a consolidation patch. It contains many of the most commonly applied or agreed-to patches that have been circulating since patch.1m. It also changes the 'unofficial patchlevel' in perl.c. There are some problems (see items marked with '***'). I will attempt to address those in a patch.1o in a few days. This patch contains the following packages: My Jumbo Configure patch vs. 1m, with subsequent patches 1, 2, and 3. Mainly, this provides easier use of local libraries, documents the installation process in a new INSTALL file, moves important questions towards the beginning, and improves detection of signal names (mostly for Linux). xsubpp-1.922. Patches from Larry: eval "1" memory leak patch (as modified by GSAR to apply to 5.001m). NETaa14551 Infinite loop in formats, NETaa13729 scope.c patch (fixed problems on AIX and others) NETaa14138 "substr() & s///" (pp_hot.c) Patches from, version of 20 Sep 1995 Includes fix for NETaa14347 (32k limit in regex), and other fixes., version of 27 Aug 1995, version of 4 Sep 1995 NETaa14421 $_ doesn't undef, version of 21 Aug 1995, version of 5 Jun 1995 Tim Bunce's Jumbo DynaLoader patch for Perl5.001m, which is NETaa14636 Jumbo DynaLoader patch for Perl5.001m, and Additional patch for NETaa14636 Jumbo DynaLoader patch for Perl5.001m version of 09 Oct 1995. ***This needs some additional parentheses.*** MakeMaker-5.00. Supercedes NETaa13540 (VMS MakeMaker patches). (Updates minimod.PL as well.) ***This has a couple of minor problems. pod2man is run even if it isn't available. LD_RUN_PATH gets set to some mysterious values.*** NETaa14657 Paul Marquess Net::Ping patch. I've included Net-Ping-1.00. NETaa14661 Dean Roehrich DProf. Installed as ext/Devel/DProf. Configure should pick this up automatically. (5 Apr 1995 version.) NETaa13742 Jack Shirazi Socket in 5.001. I've also included his socket.t test in t/lib/socket.t. c2ph-1.7. Dean's perlapi patches of Oct 12, 1995, which superceded those of Oct 8, 1995. This is the one that did mv perlxs.pod. NETaa14310 Tim Bunce A trivial patch for configpm (handy for shell scripts) DB_File-1.0 patch from Paul Marquess ( last modified 7th October 1995 version 1.0 Added or updated the following hints files: hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ Patch and enjoy. Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
* This is my patch patch.1m for perl5.001.Andy Dougherty1995-06-221-16/+25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To apply, change to your perl directory, run the command above, then apply with patch -p1 -N < thispatch. Highlights of this patch include: 1. Fixes for $sitelib, $d_stdio_ptr_lval, and $d_stdio_cnt_lval when is re-used. 2. Move embed.h, keywords.h, and opcode.h dependencies to a special regen_headers target that is ordinarily not used. This is now analogous to the run_byacc target. As a cosmetic side-effect, I transliterated into so that it can run on non-unix systems as well. 3. Tests for gdbm_{sync,exists,setopt} in GDBM_File (needed for Slackware 2.1). For good measure, I've also thrown in the following patches I pulled off the list, mostly unmodified from the originals. 1. Larry's "unofficial official" fix for the subroutine array context problem. 2. Tim's __DATA__ patch. (I kept forgetting about this one.) 3. Malcom's USE_OP_MASK patch to pave the way for his Safe extension. 4. Spider's suggested renaming of regexec to pregexec and regcomp to pregcomp to avoid conflicts with POSIX symbols on Digital Unix. (I only added a brief explanatory comment to the relevant .c files.) 5. Spider's installperl patch to avoid installing *.orig and and the .exists files. (I changed this a little to include patch's ~ suffix, which is used on systems with short file names (in some versions of patch)). 6. Raphael's "safe_unlink" patch to installperl, in case a copy of perl is currently runniung. 7. xsubpp 1.9. 8. Tim's module (with patched corrected spelling of 2nd :-). 9. Tim's Exporter module version patches. 10. Tim's MakeMaker patches for make test when LINKTYPE=static. 11. Randal's pod2html patches. 12. Spider's "picky compiler" patches for x2p/util.[ch] 13. Paul's updated source filtering patches. Patch and enjoy. I hope nothing breaks :-). Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
* This is my patch patch.1l for perl5.001.Andy Dougherty1995-06-061-34/+71
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To apply, change to your perl directory, run the command above, then apply with patch -p1 -N < thispatch. This patch fixes all the Configure & build problems for which I have a solution. After you apply this patch, I would recommend: make distclean # or at the very least rm sh Configure [whatever options you use] make depend make make test Patch and enjoy, Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042 Here are the file-by-file contents: Changes.Conf Updated a bit. Configure Now honors hints on <pwd.h>-related things (for CX/UX, in particular). Now honors previous values of d_stdio_ptr_lval and d_stdio_cnt_lval. DB test programs now conditionally include 'const'. MANIFEST Updated. config_H Updated. config_h.SH Include trailing /**/ on STDIO_..._LVALUE defines. hints/ Simplified. Include info about failing test. hints/ A guess at a dynamic loading fix. hints/ Add a few comments. lib/ Ensure numeric context on number of loop iterations. op.c Spider's padlex and goto &$nonesuch patches. perl.c fputs("\tUnofficial patchlevel 1l.\n",stdout); pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c scope.c Spider's padlex and goto &$nonesuch patches.
* This is my patch patch.1j for perl5.001.Andy Dougherty1995-06-051-8/+40
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To apply, change to your perl directory and apply with patch -p1 -N < thispatch. After you apply this patch, I would recommend: rm sh Configure [whatever options you use] make depend make make test Here are the highlights: Linux fixes: Now correctly sets & uses stdio _ptr and _cnt tricks only when feasible (Configure, config_h.SH, config_H, doio.c, sv.c x2p/str.c) #!path-to-perl fixed to use $binexp instead of $bin. This should really be fixed to do the correct perl start-up stuff. Volunteers? (c2ph.SH, h2ph.SH, h2xs.SH, makeaperl.SH, perldoc.SH, pod/pod2*.SH, x2p/find2perl.SH, x2p/s2p.SH) hint updates: hints/, hints/, hints/, hints/ xsubpp version 1.7. (includes CASE support) pod/perlbot updates. my lib/AutoLoader patch (to use @INC). [ON]DBM_File/Makefile.PL now have a few hint files. Other sundry small things. Patch and enjoy, Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 Here's the file-by-file breakdown of what's included: Configure Checks if File_ptr(fp) and File_cnt(fp) can be assigned to. Fix typo: s/sytem/system/ MANIFEST Include new extension hint files. README Some clarifications, thanks to John Stoeffel. Tell users how to not use dynamic loading. c2ph.SH Use $binexp instead of $bin. config_H Updated to match config_h.SH. config_h.SH Include defines for whether File_ptr(fp) and File_cnt(fp) can be assigned to. doio.c Use defines for whether File_ptr(fp) and File_cnt(fp) can be assigned to. ext/DynaLoader/ Improve error messages and a little documentation. ext/NDBM_File/hints/ New hint file. ext/ODBM_File/Makefile.PL Removed -ldbm.nfs, since it's now in the sco hint file. ext/ODBM_File/hints/ ext/ODBM_File/hints/ ext/ODBM_File/hints/ New hint files. h2ph.SH h2xs.SH Use $binexp instead of $bin. hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ Updated. lib/ Eliminate else clause in sub import. Handle case where @INC contains relative paths. lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp Update to version 1.7. This includes CASE support. lib/I18N/ Updated documentation. lib/ Look for or sys/ lib/ Use defined(). makeaperl.SH Use $binexp instead of $bin. perl.c fputs("\tUnofficial patchlevel 1j.\n",stdout); perldoc.SH Use $binexp instead of $bin. Turn off debugging messages. pod/perlbot.pod Updated. pod/pod2html.SH pod/pod2latex.SH pod/pod2man.SH Use $binexp instead of $bin. sv.c Use defines for whether File_ptr(fp) and File_cnt(fp) can be assigned to. toke.c Fix spelling of ambiguous. x2p/find2perl.SH x2p/s2p.SH Use $binexp instead of $bin. x2p/str.c Use defines for whether File_ptr(fp) and File_cnt(fp) can be assigned to.
* This is my patch patch.1i for perl5.001.Andy Dougherty1995-05-301-123/+441
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To apply, change to your perl directory, run the commands above, then apply with patch -p1 -N < thispatch. After you apply this patch, I would recommend: rm sh Configure [whatever options you use] make depend make make test Here are the highlights: All pod documentation now installed, along with corresponding man pages, if possible (Configure allows you to change this). cppstdin no longer points back to the build directory. This necessitated two changes to the test suite: comp/cpp.t is now a front end that punts if cppstdin is not yet available (the old perl4 trick doesn't work for perl5). The op/misc.t test ./perl -P -e 'use POSIX;' has been dropped since I couldn't think of an elegant way to bypass it for systems that need the cppstdin wrapper. Grand autoload patch included (minus the installperl, lib/, and ext/ changes). The lib/ changes are in patch.1g, and the ext/ changes are in patch.1h. Better detection and use of stdio variants, especially on SVR4. Sarathy's consolidated patches (for ties) included. New filter stuff included. Three patches from Larry (gv.c, toke.c, pp_ctl.c) Patch and enjoy, Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 Here's the file-by-file breakdown of what's included: Changes.Conf Document changes in the Configure & build process. Configure Upgrade to metaconfig PL55. Add /opt hierarchy to paths searched for programs. Tye McQueen's updated std stdio testing. Prompting for installation info for perl module pages. Add possible SITELIB to include site-specific include directories. By default this is disabled, but it seemed a neat idea now that the standard perl library is getting so big. Check that the compiler chosen exists and actually supports the options the user specified. Correctly sort multiple shared library version numbers. Use a compile & link test for gconvert(), dlopen(), and dlerror(). Do not include build directory name in cppstdin wrapper. MANIFEST Updated. Makefile.SH Reorganized a bit to support separate install.perl and targets to use the new installman script and to accomodate those who don't want to install the man pages. Organize cleanup of .SH files a little better. No longer automatically make the pod/*.man files. This is done by installman only if requested. Include additional error messages and info for regenerating the automatically maintained header files. Add 'minitest' target. README Updated. README.vms Fix perl5-porters subscription info. config_H Updated. config_h.SH Updated. configpm Embedded pod. configure GNU configure-like front end to metaconfig's Configure. Only supports a few options. doio.c Updated to use new std stdio testing. embed.h Add new symbols for filtering. global.sym see embed.h. gv.c C<sub method;> patch from lwall. hints/README.hints Updated. hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. hints/ New file. hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. installman New file to install pod/*.pod and lib/*.p(m|od) man pages. installperl Move installation of man pages over to installman script. Install pod/*.pod files in $privlib/pod/. Preserve timestamps on .a files. makedepend.SH Now includes . and .. in PATH to explicitly find cppstdin wrapper. opcode.h shmwrite fix. perl.c Changed unofficial patchlevel message. Included optional SITELIB directory. perl.h #include <memory.h> cryptswitch gone/filters added. EUNICE replaced by UNLINK_ALL_VERSIONS. Only matters for VMS. perldoc.SH New file. pod/perl.pod Describe where modpods are. pp_ctl.c sort bug fix from lwall. pp_hot.c csh glob bug fix from tchrist. Sarathy's consolidated "tie" patch for NETaa13753 N 2 trey pp_sys.c Emulate flock with lockf, if possible. Use new std stdio unit. proto.h Filters stuff. prototype for unlnk() is only needed #if UNLINK_ALL_VERSIONS sv.c Sarathy's consolidated "tie" patch for NETaa13753 N 2 trey Sarathy's consolidated patch for nested ties. Use new std stdio unit. t/comp/cpp.aux New file. This only gets called if cppstdin is avaiable. t/comp/cpp.t Calls cpp.aux test only if cppstdin is available. t/op/misc.t Drop perl -P -e 'use POSIX;' test. it couldn't work on systems without the cppstdin wrapper installed, and is usually misleading when it fails anyway. toke.c filter stuff. fix for NETaa13798 from lwall. unixish.h undef UNLINK_ALL_VERSIONS since it's irrelevant for unix. util.c s/EUNICE/UNLINK_ALL_VERSIONS/ for the unlnk() function. vms/config.vms VMS updates from Charles Bailey. std stdio updates to match changes in perl sources. add UNLINK_ALL_VERSIONS constant, but leave it #undef. vms/ext/ vms/ext/VMS/stdio/stdio.xs vms/perlvms.pod vms/vms.c VMS updates from Charles Bailey. x2p/Makefile.SH Updated to match man page Configure questions. Slight clean-up on .SH targets. x2p/str.c Use new std stdio unit.
* perl5.001 patch.1eAndy Dougherty1995-04-181-4/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Here's what's included: Configure Change a few more spots so that ' ' is equivalent to "none". This allows hint files to set empty values for variables. Split cpp-symbol awk command for old awk (Harris Night Hawk). hints/ hints/ Explicitly use 'ld' rather than 'cc' to build dynamic modules. hints/ Allow users to specify an alternate compiler on the command line, e.g. Configure -Dcc=gcc-elf. lib/ExtUtils/ Fix CC substitution to allow c++ and variants as well. perl.c fputs("Unofficial patchlevel 1e.\n",stdout); pod/Makefile Include $(TEX) target for running pod2latex. Include some fixes from Bill Middleton.
* perl5.001 patch.1dAndy Dougherty1995-04-141-12/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is my patch patch.1d for perl5.001. A complete description is given below, but here are the basic changes. 1. Linux: more tweaks so dynamic loading works under ELF or (maybe) under dld. There are so many different dld versions and so many different tool sets, it's hard to be more specific. 2. perl -e '$v=1e19+0' no longer dumps core on Intel x86 processors. 3. pod stuff: a. Wrapped pod2* translators in a 'SH' wrapper so that they have the proper path to perl at the top. b. Fixed pod/ Makefile to call the pod2html translator correctly. (Why do pod2man and pod2html work differently?) c. Include latest (Feb 2, 1995) version of pod2html, fresh from 4. MakeMaker 4.093. 5. GIMME and installperl patches from Tim Bunce. 6. Miscellaneous hint file updates. Configure Allow ' ' to mean 'none' in a few more places. This provides a way for hint files to set something to an empty value and to ensure that the empty value will be maintained when is reused. Fix silly ld typo that prevented hint file from actually setting $ld. MANIFEST Now has pod/pod2*.SH. Makefile.SH Remove old libperl.a instead of blindly adding to it. Failure to do this causes a problem if you originally used perl's malloc but later changed your mind. The old malloc.o would still be in libperl.a ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs Use strerror(errno) instead of dlerror for NetBSD. handy.h Clarify & rework HAS_BOOL comments and code. No functionality is changed, but I hope this is easier to follow. hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ Miscellaneous updates. See the individual comments in the patches. installperl Run ranlib on installed .a libraries. unlink() old versions of files before installing new ones, in case the old ones are are write-protected. lib/ExtUtils/ Updated to 4.092 by Andreas Koenig. This features better selection of shared library versions and shorter command lines for static linking of new extensions. It is also more robust against broken csh on Linux. (There's still a glob in the library selection loop, however.) I further updated it to 4.093 because I didn't like the distclean target :-). It's just a sloppy quick fix, but that's all I have time for now. I've also worked on the library version selection stuff and the $(CC) command stuff a little more. lib/ Overdue removal of ambiguous ${pack} construction. perl.h New U_V macro to cast to the UV type (usually unsigned long). pod/Makefile Updated. pod/pod2html.SH Updated. Converted to 'SH' wrapper so correct #!/path/to/perl gets used. pod/pod2latex.SH pod/pod2man.SH Converted to 'SH' wrapper so correct #!/path/to/perl gets used. pp_hot.c GIMME patch from Tim Bunce. pp_sys.c Allow use of F_FREESP fcntl() directive to truncate files. If HAS_MKDIR is not defined, the stat() call to check the result of the system "mkdir" call was failing because the filename pointer no longer pointed to the right location. sv.c Protect some (UV) casts by the new U_V() macro. util.c New cast_uv() function to support the U_V() macro, if needed. cast_iv() and cast_uv() no longer assume 32-bit longs. The various cast_() functions have also been simplified.
* perl5.001 patch.1cAndy Dougherty1995-04-061-56/+101
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Configure Updated to dist PL53. Fix overlapping memcpy test. Add check for ld. Use $cc instead, if on an ELF system. With -d, don't reuse unless $myuname matches. Warn more explicitly about changing compilers before reloading old Detect Linux ELF format in nm scan. Better detection of d_castneg. (ISC 4.1 was passing the test, but couldn't cast in an argument list.) Suggest -fpic for dynamic loading if you're using GNU CC under any name. No longer test for byacc, fmod, or drem, since they are not used. Makefile.SH Use $ld, not ld (only matters for SVR4) Silence some byacc-related harmless error messages. README Suggest using -Dcc=gcc (or whatever). Warn about reusing old (The warning was already there in 5.001; I've just expanded it a little.) Warn against using GNU as and GNU ld on SunOS & Solaris. config.H config_h.SH Updated to match Configure. doio.c Add socket includes. ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs Fix typo: s/SETFL/F_SETFL/; handy.h Check _G_HAVE_BOOL, not just if it's defined. hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ hints/ Updated. ELF on linux should probably work. installperl Install pod2html, pod2latex, and pod2man. lib/ExtUtils/ Updated to 4.091. (4.09 + a small writedoc() patch.) myconfig Now includes 'ld' command. perl.c Revised an #elif clause since Pyramid's cpp doesn't understand #elif. perl.h Fix U_L, I_V, and I_32 cast macros to ensure that the cast_ulong(), cast_iv(), and cast_i32() functions (if used) are passed a double. In particular, the FIXSTATUS macros were handing int's to U_L(). Remove unnecessary HAS_FMOD testing (See util.c). proto.h Remove my_fmod() prototype. (See util.c) sv.h Fix GV/CV typo. util.c Simplified cast_i32() and cast_iv() to mimic what *actually* happens on a SPARC running SunOS 4.1.3. (Previously, they did some complicated fmod() calculation. I've since discovered that's not what happens on the SPARC.) With this change, fmod() is no longer necessary. Hence my_fmod is removed. This also means the HAS_FMOD and HAS_DREM tests are no longer needed in Configure, so they are gone too. vms/config.vms Remove unnecessary HAS_FMOD and HAS_DREM defines. x2p/Makefile.SH Silence byacc-related things.
* perl5.000 patch.0o: [address] a few more Configure and build nits.perl-5.000oAndy Dougherty1995-03-101-3/+22
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch addresses a few more Configure and build nits. Full details are given below, but the main hightligths are (slightly) better support for nested extensions and DLD and AIX MakeMaker fixes. Configure Detect MachTen. Thanks to Mark Pease <>. Delete some tabs that caused a MachTen /bin/sh core dump! Detect extensions nested 1 level deep, e.g. Devel/DProf/DProf.xs MANIFEST Include new hints/ hint file. Makefile.SH Document why we use ./makedir instead of mkdir. U/Extensions.U Detect extensions nested 1 level deep, e.g. Devel/DProf/DProf.xs U/dist3_051.pat Include MachTen patches. configpm Convert nested extension names from filesytem-dependent Devel/DProf to perl5's internal naming scheme Devel::DProf. doio.c A dup-related buglet fix from Hallvard B. Furuseth <>. ext/DB_File/ ext/DynaLoader/ ext/Fcntl/ ext/GDBM_File/ ext/POSIX/ ext/Socket/ Throw a qw() around @ISA elements to show "good style". hints/ new file. lib/ExtUtils/ Bump version number to 4.086. Fix AIX buglet -- needed to specify NAME. Linux/DLD/gcc-2.6.2: We no longer load .sa libraries (except, which is apparently still o.k. util.c Another dup-related buglet fix.
* perl5.000 patch.0n: [address Configure and build issues]Andy Dougherty1995-03-051-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is my patch patch.0n for perl5.000. This _very_ small patch 1. updates the linux and dec_osf hints files, 2. adds sv_isobject to global.sym, 3. updates Configure to deal with recent Linux nm output, and 4. fixes the names in File::Path. This patch addresses only Configure and build issues for which I have tested solutions. It does nothing else. Maybe some of the other patches floating around should be included. Maybe not. I'm afraid I just don't have time to think about them now. Unless something's broken, I hope not to issue any more patches :-) (Yes, I've said that before, but this one's _really_ small, and linux support was broken.:-) Thanks to Kenneth Albanowski for researching, implementing, and testing the Linux patch.
* perl5.000 patch.0m: [various fixes, hint file updates and documentation]Andy Dougherty1995-02-271-14/+35
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is my patch patch.0m for perl5.000. This patch fixes all remaining problems that I am aware of, and for which I have a solution. It also updates some hint files and documentation. Here's what's new: Configure Protect against spaces in uname -m output (unicos). Look in <stdlib.h> for malloctype and freetype. Check if user has void free() or int free(). Look in linux/signal.h for signal names. MANIFEST Two new hint files: and Sorted. README Indicate what gets installed and where it usually goes. Thanks to Hallvard B. Furuseth <> for suggesting this. U/Myinit.U Update extliblist comment. U/dist3_051.pat This file contains patches to dist 3 (PL 51) that I used to generate Configure for perl. U/mallocsrc.U Look in <stdlib.h> for malloctype and freetype. Check if user has void free() or int free(). config_h.SH config.H Add Free_t to handle void free() vs. int free(). ext/DynaLoader/README Updated comment. ext/POSIX/ creat() has 2 arguments, not 3 (thanks, Paul). ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs Fix return type of lseek. ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h Add I_STDLIB guard on #include <stdlib.h> ext/util/extliblist Add note indicating this is obsolete. Don't remove it because people might be using it for their own private extensions. hints/ hints/ New files. Written by hints/ Simplified. lib/ExtUtils/ Typo fixed, only affected aix? malloc.c Allow for possible int free(). perl.h pp_sys.c util.c If the user is not using vfork, move the #define vfork fork util after various #include files. Since vfork() and fork() might have different prototypes, the #define could cause a conflict in system header files. (Reported for 386bsd.) Makefile.SH make realclean will remove h2xs and makeaperl (but leave behind the .SH versions, of course).
* perl5.000 patch.0l: MakeMaker 4.085 and upgrade Configure to dist3 PL 51.Andy Dougherty1995-02-211-30/+52
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Here's what's new: Configure Generated by metaconfig PL 51. Correctly set ./mips on a MIPS system. Improved (we hope) handling of $archname. MANIFEST Made .SH files out of h2xs and makeaperl so that they get the correct path-to-perl at the top. Makefile.SH Propagate $(perllib) to extensions. U/dist3_051.patches Two patches to apply on top of metaconfig PL 51. I've sent them off for inclusion in the next metaconfig update. config_h.SH config.H Regenerated. Only the order of elements has changed. ext/DB_File/Makefile.PL ext/GDBM_File/Makefile.PL ext/NDBM_File/Makefile.PL Add -L/usr/local/lib to LIBS variable. ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs Place #ifdef around FD_CLOEXEC (needed for Apollo). ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/Makefile.PL Simplified, thanks to MakeMaker enhancements. ext/util/make_ext Pass through $(perllib) argument for cflags. h2xs.SH Changed from h2xs to h2xs.SH. Now finds correct path to perl. hints/ Updated for hppa. hints/ Remove potentially problematic -lmalloc from $libswanted. hints/ Look in /usr/include/rpcsvc for dbm.h. installperl Install h2xs. lib/ Use 'my' variable to avoid clobbering $_. lib/ExtUtils/ Upgraded from 4.06 to 4.085. Lots of documentation improvements. EXE_FILES to refer to an array of executable files to install. Reduce chatter during build process. Don't count a useful -L/path option as a successful search for a particular library. Cleanup handling of aix external symbols. Create/update perllocal.pod to indicate what we've done. makeaperl.SH Changed from makeaperl to makeaperl.SH. Now finds correct path to perl. x2p/util.c Delete unused setenv() and envix() functions. x2p/util.h Delete unused setenv() and envix() prototypes. vms/config.vms Define I_SYS_STAT and I_SYS_TYPES.
* perl5.000 patch.0k: MakeMaker 4.06 and to fix minor portability and build ↵Andy Dougherty1995-02-111-18/+25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | problems reported even after patches 0a through 0j MakeMaker 4.06 allows you to build extensions away from the source tree with either static or dynamic loading. In a rare act of prescience, I've also fixed some un-reported bugs. Specifically, there were several places where Configure said you could specify things using ~name notation, but, in fact, you couldn't. In detail, here's what's included: Configure Check I_SYS_TYPES for x2p/a2p.h Improve and generalize $osvers detection for DEC Alpha (now will work even for osvers > 3.) No longer override hint-file setting of $archname. Don't tell users ~name is ok for Dynamic loading file. It's not. MANIFEST Updated. Makefile.SH Some trailing ' ' removed from lines. New target lib/ExtUtils/ built. This stashes away miniperlmain.c in the library so new static extensions can be built away from the source tree. Minor cleanup. U/Oldconfig.pat.2 This is a patch to be applied against dist-PL 50 to upgrade the DEC OSF/1 version detection. U/archlib.U Preserve previous value for $archname. Otherwise this is identical to the unit in dist-PL 50. U/dlsrc.U Users may not use ~name notation to find the dynamic loading module. (Back in early alpha days they could, but that hasn't worked since the DynaLoader module was introduced. config.H Updated. config_h.SH Updated. hints/ Updated. Simplified. Don't use ld -no_archive (at least as the default). It only worked because some versions *ignored* it. hints/ Add a few comments. I should have added more. hints/ New hint file from Kevin White <> hints/ Separate out flags not appropriate for gcc. installperl Install sperl.o. lib/ExtUtils/ Upgraded from 4.03 to 4.06. Many improvements. Now possible to build and install new extensions outside the source tree, for both static and dynamic loading. lib/File/ New. Creates or removes a series of directories makeaperl New utility to create a new perl binary from static extensions minimod.PL New. minimod.PL writes the contents of miniperlmain.c into the module ExtUtils::Miniperl for later perusal (when the perl source is deleted) perl.c ARCHLIB and PRIVLIB changed to ARCHLIB_EXP and PRIVLIB_EXP, since perl is not prepared to deal with ~name expansion. The _EXP variables are pre-expanded by Configure. proto.h NeXt 3.0 couldn't handle the #ifdef __attribute line. It said 'illegal #ifdef'. vms/config.vms s/ARCHLIB/ARCHLIB_EXP/; s/PRIVLIB/PRIVLIB_EXP/; Add in I_SYS_STAT and I_SYS_TYPES, since the source now looks for them. vms/ext/ New file. x2p/a2p.h Include <sys/types.h>
* perl5.000 patch.0j: fix minor portability and build problems remaining even ↵Andy Dougherty1995-02-071-73/+155
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | after patches 0a through 0i Specifically, here's what's included: Configure Regenerated with metaconfig patchlevel 50. This changed a variety of things, mostly related to selecting and changing the installation prefix. Handle csh, sed, and byacc no matter what the setting of d_portable. (This was causing glob problems in patch.0i). Set d_portable to default to 'y'. It doesn't matter anyway, but gives people a warm fuzzy feeling. Remove useless d_group and d_passwd tests. Add check for <sys/stat.h>. Improve & generalize AIX version detection. Consider /opt/man/man1 as a possible place to install man pages. Be a little more robust about OS version changes when deciding if the output of uname -a has really changed. MANIFEST Added hints/ README Tell users the Configure defaults are probably right. Makefile.SH Better detection of whether user has byacc. Use $(MAKE) instead of make. U/Loc_sed.U Works again with d_portable='define'. U/Myinit.U Set d_portable=define as default. U/d_byacc.U Detect whether user has byacc even if d_portable=define. U/d_csh.U Works again with d_portable='define'. U/d_group.U Empty file to avoid useless metaconfig test. U/d_passwd.U Empty file to avoid useless metaconfig test. U/dist.patch This file contains two minor updates to dist3 PL50 that were used to generage Configure. U/i_sysstat.U New test. See if sys/stat.h is available. config.H Updated. config_h.SH Updated to metaconfig patchlevel 50. ext/NDBM_File/Makefile.PL ext/ODBM_File/Makefile.PL Add -lucb for SVR4 systems. handy.h Protect agains g++-2.6.3, which predefines bool. g++ can be used to compile an extension, but not perl itself. Still, the extension will #include "perl.h", which eventually gets "handy.h", which #define's bool. If this happens to you, add -DHAS_BOOL to your ccflags in your extension, or else ensure that _G_config.h is #include'd before perl.h. (_G_config.h will define _G_HAVE_BOOL, if indeed your version of g++ has bool.) hints/ Updated. Handles AIX 3.2.x and 4.1. Comments included! hints/ Updated. hints/ Updated. Includes comments for IRIX 4.0.4 hints/ Updated. Beginnings of ELF support added, but completely untested. hints/ New hint file. hints/ Useless ccflags="$ccflags" line removed. hints/ Updated. installperl Doesn't use Config anymore (it already reads directly. That's probably backwards, but, oh well. Install perl.exp for AIX. lib/ExtUtils/ Upgraded from 4.01 to 4.03. makedepend.SH Use $MAKE instead of plain make. Index: op.c Remove overlapping strcpy(). perl.h Add test for <sys/stat.h>. Delete unused VOIDSIG stuff. Delete unused typedef struct lstring Lstring; perl_exp.SH Add safexxxx calls. pp_sys.c Delete wayward break in HAS_ALARM section. proto.h Change true and false (!) in function prototypes to please g++-2.6.3, which has true and false built in. (See notes for handy.h.) Index: unixish.h Long-overdue housekeeping. HAS_GROUP and HAS_PASSWD are always defined. util.c Yet another (char*) cast for bcmp. vms/config.vms Changed comments to match unixish.h. writemain.SH Now correctly handles nested static extensions. Recent MakeMakers have moved where they get built. x2p/a2p.h More definitions that will doubtless cause trouble somewhere else. x2p/a2py.c x2p/walk.c Remove unprotected char *strchr();
* perl5.000 patch.0i: fix glaring mistakes in patches a-hAndy Dougherty1995-01-261-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch does the following things: 1. Fix various bonehead errors I introduced in patches a-g. 2. Incorporate MakeMaker changes to bring it up to version 4.01 (mostly). 3. Stick in things I forgot in patches a-g (e.g. AIX). 4. Some minor additional cleanup in x2p/ for even pickier compilers. 5. More hints updates (hpux and next). 6. Include newest dl_hpux.xs. I didn't have time to 1. Fix the overlapping strcpy() in op.c 2. Restore h2xs to Larry's original design to process <>. 3. take out unnecessary "use Config" in installperl. 4. Add in vms patches. I forgot to [If I remembered what i forgot, I wouldn't have forgotten it. :] I deliberately decided *not* to 1. Touch pod/* 2. deal with overloading Specifically, here's what's included: Configure Regenerated to be sure it's up-to-date. Makefile.SH Build extension libraries right into lib/auto/whatever. Don't set CCCDLFLAGS since we don't use it anyway. Take care to avoid modifying lib/ without reason Visit DynaLoader for `make clean'. (Previously only did so for `make realclean'.) @echo "Note that make realclean does not delete" Include config.h dependency. U/i_db.U config_h.SH config.H Remove unwanted quotes around db_hashtype and db_prefixtype. configpm Allow specification of alternate name for lib/, so the makefile mv-if-diff trick saves needless re-making. ext/DynaLoader/ Updated warning messages and comments. ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs Updated to version 2.1. Now uses bootstrap files. ext/util/make_ext Explicitly use #!/bin/sh to start it up. This is useful for testing make_ext. Improve & simplify Nested::Extension::Processing. More robust handling of `make clean'. hints/ Support both the bundled and unbundled compilers. hints/ Back to using -posix rather than POSIX_SOURCE. And that only for ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs. installperl Special ranlib treatment for NeXT, which gets confused about timestamps in libraries, even when you just copy the library. Supply missing '$' in samepath() function. lib/ New parameters. lib/ExtUtils/ Upgraded from 3.8 to 4.01. lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp Documentation changed from man to pod. lib/Getopt/ Avoid typo warning. Drop unused $optx. lib/Text/ Fix package name. makedepend.SH Explicitly start with $startsh. Catch cpp that prints # <stdin> instead of line numbers. perl.h Fix bonehead mistake that ended up calling my_fmod even if not needed. perl_exp.SH also add symbols from interp.sym proto.h Delete 2 redundant prototypes (newBINOP and newUNOP). util.c Add (char *) casts to unsigned char args to bcmp. x2p/a2p.h Rearrange order of <string?.h> and bcopy & bzero stuff. Change a few function prototypes to void, to reflect actual usage. x2p/a2py.c Change a few function types to void, to reflect actual usage. x2p/handy.h Make *alloc declarations match those in x2p/util.c. x2p/util.c Make *alloc declarations match those in x2p/handy.h. x2p/walk.c Add a (Size_t) cast for comparison of 1 to the result of strlen(). Thanks to all who's work is included here. Little of it is mine.
* perl5.000 patch.0g: [various portability fixes, and use latest metaconfig ↵Andy Dougherty1995-01-181-599/+878
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | for Configure] This patch incorporates various portability fixes and uses the latest metaconfig to generate Configure (and config_h.SH). It would take a long time to summarize all that I've changed. I haven't included many code changes because I'm trying *not* to duplicate bug fixes Larry may already have applied. Here's an older description I prepared that's still mostly accurate: I've also included a few portability fixes in the main source, but these are certainly not a complete set of everything that's been reported. Don't be put off by the size of the patch. Mostly, it's just rearrangement of the parts in Configure and some cosmetic changes. Since gcc often supports long long, I had started to add quad support to Configure. Since SunOS 4.1.3 defines a conflicting "quad" structure, I changed the name from 'quad' to Quad_t, consistent with other Configure "types." I also changed "QUAD" to "HAS_QUAD". However, it turns out it's pretty hard to actually *use* Quad_t. Neither system I have access to can sprintf() a "long long", nor can they carry one around in an IV, unless I make IV "long long", which I didn't want to force generally. Thus I wonder whether any but a precious few could actually use Quad_t, and dropped the tests from Configure. I left in the s/quad/Quad_t/ and s/QUAD/HAS_QUAD/ stuff in case someone else wants to pick it up, and also because I was too lazy to take it back out :-). Some highlights: Configure Several new options. Use Configure -h to learn more. Also, read the directions Configure prints. :-) Spaces now allowed in -D command line options. New -O option that overrides You can start interactively and then change that to accepting all the defaults by specifying &-d at any Configure prompt. This is useful if you have to re-run Configure to only change a few settings. Signal type set correctly for the cast{i32,neg} tests. archname detection improved a bit guard against ksh users who have set -u Oldconfig.U cleaned up and regularized a bit more. Guard against hint files using (and over-writing) $tmp. Command line options now are processed after metaconfig INIT lines. Thus things like Configure -Uuseposix should work now. Various miscellaneous clean-ups. better use/detection of tr. i_db.U now checks for hash and prefix type (I think!) I can't test it here. i_?db*.U now all check for an associated function before deciding to include or not the header. MANIFEST Sorted & updated. Makefile.SH Some shells/makes bombed out on test -d lib/auto || mkdir lib/auto Use makedir instead. README Some additional notes that people won't read :-). cflags.SH Now calls $startsh. Weird things were happening on Intergraph, and this might be related. config.H Updated. config_h.SH Regenerated. deb.c Varargs dependencies on STANDARD_C replaced by I_STDARG. doop.c quad stuff. ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs Use the new DB_Hash_t and DB_Prefix_t symbols. ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h Fix #defines to be more robust. mg.c Replace VOIDSIG by metaconfig's Signal_t. opcode.h semop only takes 2 arguments, not 3. perl.c Better guard on getenv() prototype. A hint file can use this, if necessary. Me, I think some compilers are just too picky. perl.h The (very) beginnings of some Quad support. See above. Remove the very troublesome sprintf() prototype. Since we don't _use_ the return value anyway (since it's not portable) this should be o.k. The problem was that some systems CAN_PROTOTYPE but include char *sprintf(); in <stdio.h>. That's incompatible with the version we used to have in perl.h. Most people have a prototype for sprintf() in <stdio.h>. Those that don't probably can get by without it anyway. Protect the timesbuf by the specific HAS_TIMES test. Some older gcc-2.something/Solaris 2.something installations apparently don't have times. pp.c More quad stuff. pp_ctl.c s/STANDARD_C/I_STDARG/ for varargs stuff. pp_sys.c use Signal_t. proto.h Update to match new metaconfig names. util.c s/STANDARD_C/I_STDARG/ for varargs stuff. comment out <unistd.h>. A pause prototype was causing problems on some systems. vms/config.vms Changed to use Signal_t.
* MakeMaker 3.8Tim Bunce1995-01-171-1/+3
* perl 5.000perl-5.000Larry Wall1994-10-171-1398/+2892
| | | | | | | | | | | [editor's note: this commit combines approximate 4 months of furious releases of Andy Dougherty and Larry Wall - see pod/perlhist.pod for details. Andy notes that; Alas neither my "Irwin AccuTrack" nor my DC 600A quarter-inch cartridge backup tapes from that era seem to be readable anymore. I guess 13 years exceeds the shelf life for that backup technology :-(. ]
* perl 5.0 alpha 9perl-5a9Larry Wall1994-05-041-245/+797
| | | | [editor's note: the sparc executables have not been included, and emacs backup files have been removed]
* perl 5.0 alpha 8Andy Dougherty1994-04-041-0/+5689
| | | | | [the last one taken from the September '94 InfoMagic CD; a similar style of cleanup as the previous commits was performed]
* perl 5.0 alpha 2perl-5a2Larry Wall1993-10-071-4055/+0
| | | | [editor's note: from The sparc executables originally included in the distribution are not in this commit.]
* perl 4.0 patch 35: (combined patch)Larry Wall1992-06-221-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Subject: bad interaction between backslash and hyphen in tr/// Among other things, tr/\040-\126/ / was not doing a character range, due to a earlier botched fix to make \- work right. Subject: Configure test for presence of nroff was wrong If Loc doesn't find nroff, it sets $nroff to 'nroff'. The man page test was tesing against the null string. Subject: installperl error message printed file mode in decimal, not octal A real, honest-to-goodnes nit. Subject: fixed up some filenames in MANIFEST Erroneously contained "pstruct", omitted hints/
* perl 4.0 patch 34: (combined patch)Larry Wall1992-06-111-3/+3
| | | | | | Here's the typical cleanup patch that follows any large set of patches. My testing organization is either too large or too small, depending on how you look at it, sigh...
* perl 4.0 patch 20: (combined patch)Larry Wall1992-06-081-41/+207
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ENHANCEMENTS Subject: relaxed requirement for semicolon at the end of a block Subject: scalar keys %array now counts keys for you Subject: added ... as variant on .. Subject: get*by* routines now return something useful in a scalar context Subject: form feed for formats is now specifiable via $^L Subject: PERLLIB now supports multiple directories Subject: paragraph mode now skips extra newlines automatically MANPAGE Subject: documented that numbers may contain underline Subject: clarified that DATA may only be read from main script Subject: documented need for 1; at the end of a required file Subject: extended bracket-style quotes to two-arg operators: s()() and tr()() Subject: documented PERLLIB and PERLDB Subject: documented limit on size of regexp CONFIGURATION Subject: bcopy() and memcpy() now tested for overlap safety Subject: isascii() may now be supplied by a library routine Subject: Configure now allows optional continuation with files missing Subject: many more hints files added Subject: many more hints added Subject: hints now auto selected on uname -s as well as uname -m Subject: OSF/1 support added Subject: Configure growing-library-list bug fixed Subject: seekdir(), telldir() and rewinddir() now checked for independently Subject: cray didn't give enough memory to /bin/sh Subject: perl -P now uses location of sed determined by Configure Subject: SH files didn't work well with symbolic links Subject: makefiles now display new shift/reduce expectations Subject: support added to installperl for cross-compilation Subject: a2p was installed unexecutable Subject: installperl didn't warn on failed manpage installation Subject: disabled cpp test if cppstdin not yet installed PORTABILITY Subject: O_PIPE conflicted with Atari Subject: config.H updated to reflect more recent config.h Subject: removed implicit int declarations on functions Subject: added Atari ST portability Subject: some machines don't define ENOTSOCK in errno.h Subject: added explicit time_t support Subject: alternate config.h files upgraded Subject: new OS/2 support COMPILER Subject: various error messages have been clarified Subject: the switch optimizer didn't do anything in subroutines Subject: clarified debugging output for literals and double-quoted strings Subject: new warning for use of x with non-numeric right operand Subject: illegal lvalue message could be followed by core dump Subject: new warning for ambiguous use of unary operators Subject: eval "1 #comment" didn't work Subject: semantic compilation errors didn't abort execution Subject: an expression may now start with a bareword Subject: if {block} {block} didn't work any more Subject: "$var{$foo'bar}" didn't scan subscript correctly Subject: an EXPR may now start with a bareword Subject: print $fh EXPR can now expect term rather than operator in EXPR Subject: new warning on spurious backslash Subject: new warning on missing $ for foreach variable Subject: "foo"x1024 now legal without space after x Subject: new warning on print accidentally used as function Subject: 2. now eats the dot Subject: <@ARGV> now notices @ARGV Subject: tr/// now lets you say \- RUNTIME Subject: an eval block containing a null block or statement could dump core Subject: modulus with highest bit in left operand set didn't always work Subject: join() now pre-extends target string to avoid excessive copying Subject: subroutines didn't localize $`, $&, $', $1 et al correctly Subject: usersub routines didn't reclaim temp values soon enough Subject: ($<,$>) = ... didn't work on some architectures Subject: fixed memory leak on system() for vfork() machines Subject: @ in unpack failed too often Subject: slice on null list in scalar context returned random value Subject: splice with negative offset didn't work with $[ = 1 Subject: fixed some memory leaks in splice Subject: dbmclose(%array) didn't work Subject: delete could cause %array to give too low a count of buckets filled Subject: hash tables now split only if the memory is available to do so Subject: realloc(0, size) now does malloc in case library routines call it Subject: running taintperl explicitly now does checks even if $< == $> Subject: fixed memory leak in doube-quote interpretation Subject: a splice on non-existent array elements could dump core Subject: tr/stuff// wasn't working right I/O Subject: new warnings for failed use of stat operators on filenames with \n Subject: wait failed when STDOUT or STDERR reopened to a pipe Subject: end of file latch not reset on reopen of STDIN Subject: seek(HANDLE, 0, 1) went to eof because of ancient Ultrix workaround Subject: h_errno now accessible via $? REGEXP Subject: pattern modifiers i and o didn't interact right Subject: g pattern modifer sometimes returned extra values Subject: m/$pattern/g didn't work Subject: /^stuff/ wrongly assumed an implicit $* == 1 Subject: /x{0}/ was wrongly interpreted as /x{0,}/ Subject: added \W, \S and \D inside /[...]/ Subject: pattern modifiers i and g didn't interact right Subject: in some cases $` and $' didn't get set by match Subject: made /\$$foo/ look for literal '$foo' LIBRARIES Subject: big*.pl library files upgraded Subject: better support in chat2 for multiple children Subject: &ctime didn't handle $[ != 0 Subject: got confused by unreadable directories Subject: new version of Subject: Tom's famous double-ended pipe opener, open2(), is now included Subject: support added to to strip automounter crud Subject: &shellwords looped on bad input, and used inefficient regular exprs Subject: didn't parse termcap terminal names right Subject: timelocal could loop on bad input Subject: timelocal now calculates DST itself Subject: &getcap eventually dumped core in bsdcurses DEBUGGER Subject: support for MSDOS folded into Subject: perldb couldn't debug file containing '-', such as STDIN designator Subject: the debugger now warns you on lines that can't set a breakpoint Subject: the debugger made perl forget the last pattern used by // Subject: fixed double debug break in foreach with implicit array assignment Subject: debugger sometimes displayed wrong source line INTERSTICES Subject: Perl now distinguishes overlapped copies from non-overlapped Subject: fixed confusion between a *var's real name and its effective name Subject: deleted some minor memory leaks Subject: couldn't require . files Subject: -e 'cmd' no longer fails silently if /tmp runs out of space Subject: function key support added to curses.mus TRANSLATORS Subject: find2perl assumed . in PATH Subject: find2perl didn't output portable startup code Subject: find2perl didn't always stat at the right time Subject: s2p didn't output portable startup code Subject: s2p didn't translate s/pat/\&/ or s/pat/\$/ or s/pat/\\1/ right Subject: in a2p, getline should allow variable to be array element Subject: in a2p, now warns about spurious backslashes Subject: in a2p, now allows [ to be backslashed in pattern Subject: in a2p, now allows numbers of the form 2. Subject: in a2p, simplified the filehandle model Subject: in a2p, made RS="" translate to $/ = "\n\n" Subject: in a2p, do {...} while ... was missing some reconstruction code
* perl 4.0 patch 19: (combined patch)Larry Wall1991-11-111-63/+65
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ok, here's the cleanup patch I suggested you wait for. Have at it... Subject: added little-endian pack/unpack options This is the only enhancement in this patch, but it seemed unlikely to bust anything else, and added functionality that it was very difficult to do any other way. Compliments of David W. Sanderson. Subject: op/regexp.t failed from missing arg to bcmp() Subject: study was busted by 4.018 Subject: sort $subname was busted by changes in 4.018 Subject: default arg for shift was wrong after first subroutine definition Things that broke in 4.018. Shame on me. Subject: do {$foo ne "bar";} returned wrong value A bug of long standing. How come nobody saw this one? Or if you did, why didn't you report it before now? Or if you did, why did I ignore you? :-) Subject: some machines need -lsocket before -lnsl Subject: some earlier patches weren't propagated to alternate 286 code Subject: compile in the x2p directory couldn't find cppstdin Subject: more hints for aix, isc, hp, sco, uts Subject: installperl no longer updates unchanged library files Subject: uts wrongly defines S_ISDIR() et al Subject: too many preprocessors can't expand a macro right in #if The usual pastiche of portability kludges. Subject: deleted some unused functions from usersub.c And fixed the spelling of John Macdonald's name, and included his suggested workaround for a certain vendor's stdio bug... Subject: added readdir test Subject: made op/groups.t more reliable Subject: added test for sort $subname to op/sort.t Subject: added some hacks to op/stat.t for weird filesystem architectures Improvements (hopefully) to the regression tests.
* perl 4.0 patch 11: (combined patch)Larry Wall1991-11-051-28/+68
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Subject: added eval {} Subject: eval 'stuff' now optimized to eval {stuff} This set of patches doesn't have many enhancements but this is one of them. The eval operator has two distinct semantic functions. First, it runs the parser on some random string and executes it. Second, it traps exceptions and returns them in $@. There are times when you'd like to get the second function without the first. In order to do that, you can now eval a block of code, which is parsed like ordinary code at compile time, but which traps any run-time errors and returns them in the $@ variable. For instance, to trap divide by zero errors: eval { $answer = $foo / $bar; }; warn $@ if $@; Since single-quoted strings don't ever change, they are optimized to the eval {} form the first time they are encountered at run-time. This doesn't happen too often, though some of you have written things like eval '&try_this;'. However, the righthand side of s///e is evaluated as a single-quoted string, so this construct should run somewhat faster now. Subject: added sort {} LIST Another enhancement that some of you have been hankering for. You can now inline the sort subroutine as a block where the subroutine name used to go: @articles = sort {$a <=> $b;} readdir(DIR); Subject: added some support for 64-bit integers For Convexen and Crayen, which have 64-bit integers, there's now pack, unpack and sprintf support for 64-bit integers. Subject: sprintf() now supports any length of s field You can now use formats like %2048s and %-8192.8192s. Perl will totally bypass your system's sprintf() function on these. No, you still probably can't say %2048d. No, I'm not going to change that any time soon. Subject: substr() and vec() weren't allowed in an lvalue list Subject: extra comma at end of list is now allowed in more places (Hi, Felix!) Subject: underscore is now allowed within literal octal and hex numbers Various syntactic relaxations. You can now get away with (substr($foo,0,3), substr($bar,0,3)) = ('abc', 'def'); (1,2,3,)[$x]; $addr = 0x1a20_ff0b; Subject: safe malloc code now integrated into Perl's malloc when possible To save a bunch of subroutine calls. If you use your system's malloc it still has to use wrappers. Subject: added support for dbz By saying "make dbzperl" you can make a copy of Perl that can access C news's dbz files. You still have to follow the dbz rules, though, if you're going to try to write a dbz file. Subject: there are now subroutines for calling back from C into Perl Subject: usub/curses.mus now supports SysV curses More C linkage support. I still haven't got Perl embeddable, but we're getting there. That's too big an enhancement for this update, in which I've been trying to stick to bug fixes, with some success. Subject: prepared for ctype implementations that don't define isascii() A larger percentage of this update consists of code to do consistent ctype processing whether or not <ctype.h> is 8-bit clean. Subject: /$foo/o optimizer could access deallocated data Subject: certain optimizations of //g in array context returned too many values Subject: regexp with no parens in array context returned wacky $`, $& and $' Subject: $' not set right on some //g Subject: grep of a split lost its values Subject: # fields could write outside allocated memory Subject: length($x) was sometimes wrong for numeric $x Recently added or modified stuff that you kind of expect to be a bit flaky still. Well, I do... Subject: passing non-existend array elements to subrouting caused core dump Subject: "foo" x -1 dumped core Subject: truncate on a closed filehandle could dump Subject: a last statement outside any block caused occasional core dumps Subject: missing arguments caused core dump in -D8 code Subject: could dump core from invalid comparison operator Subject: *foo = undef coredumped Subject: warn '-' x 10000 dumped core Subject: index("little", "longer string") could visit faraway places A bunch of natty little bugs that you wouldn't generally run into unless you're trying to be coy. Subject: hex() didn't understand leading 0x It wasn't documented that it should work, but oct() understands 0x, so why not hex()? I dunno... Subject: "foo\0" eq "foo" was sometimes optimized to true Subject: eval confused by string containing null Yet more holdovers from the time before Perl was 8-bit clean. Subject: foreach on null list could spring memory leak Subject: local(*FILEHANDLE) had a memory leak Kind of slow leaks, as leaks go. Still... Subject: minimum match length calculation in regexp is now cumulative More substitutions can be done in place now because Perl knows that patterns like in s/foo\s+bar/1234567/ have to match a certain number of characters total. It used to be on that particular pattern that it only knew that it had to match at least 3 characters. Now it know it has to match at least 7. Subject: multiple reallocations now avoided in 1 .. 100000 You still don't want to say 1 .. 1000000, but at least it will refrain from allocating intermediate sized blocks while it's constructing the value, and won't do the extra copies implied by realloc. Subject: indirect subroutine calls through magic vars (e.g. &$1) didn't work Subject: defined(&$foo) and undef(&$foo) didn't work Subject: certain perl errors should set EBADF so that $! looks better Subject: stats of _ forgot whether prior stat was actually lstat Subject: -T returned true on NFS directory Subject: sysread() in socket was substituting recv() Subject: formats didn't fill their fields as well as they could Subject: ^ fields chopped hyphens on line break Subject: -P didn't allow use of #elif or #undef Subject: $0 was being truncated at times Subject: forked exec on non-existent program now issues a warning Various things you'd expect to work the way you expect, but didn't when you did, or I did, or something... Subject: perl mistook some streams for sockets because they return mode 0 too Subject: reopening STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR failed on some machines Problems opening files portably. So what's new? Subject: cppstdin now installed outside of source directory Subject: installperl now overrides installer's umask People who used cppstdin for the cpp filter or who had their umask set to 700 will now be happier. (And Configure will now prefer /lib/cpp over cppstdin like it used to. If this gives your machine heartburn because /lib/cpp doesn't set the symbols it should, write a hints file to poke them into ccflags.) Subject: initial .* in pattern had dependency on value of $* An initial .* was optimized to have a ^ on the front to avoid retrying when we know it won't match. Unfortunately this implicit ^ was paying attention to $*, which it shouldn't have been. Subject: certain patterns made use of garbage pointers from uncleared memory Many of you saw this as a failure in t/op/pat.t. Subject: perl now issues warning if $SIG{'ALARM'} is referenced Since the book mentions "SIGALARM", I thought we needed this. Subject: solitary subroutine references no longer trigger typo warnings You can now use -w (more) profitably on programs that require other files. I figured if you mistype a subroutine name you'll get a fatal error anyway, unlike a variable, which just defaults to being undefined. Subject: $foo .= <BAR> could overrun malloced memory Good old-fashioned bug. Subject: \$ didn't always make it through double-quoter to regexp routines Subject: \x and \c were subject to double interpretation in regexps Subject: nested list operators could miscount parens Subject: sort eval "whatever" didn't work Syntactic misfeatures of various sorts. Subject: find2perl produced incorrect code for -group Subject: find2perl could be confused by names containing whitespace Subject: in a2p, split on whitespace produced extra null field Translator stuff. Subject: new from Wayne Thompson Subject: and from Tom Christiansen Subject: added Tom's c2ph stuff Subject: from Brandon S. Allbery Subject: from John Basik Subject: from Randal L. Schwartz New contributed stuff. Thanks! (Not that a lot of the other stuff isn't contributed too...) Subject: debugger got confused over nested subroutine definitions Subject: once-thru blocks didn't display right in the debugger Subject: modified to run within emacs in perldb-mode Debugger stuff. The first two were caused by not saving line numbers at exactly the right moment. Subject: documented meaning of scalar(%foo) I also updated the Errata section of the man page. Subject: various portability fixes Subject: random cleanup Subject: saberized perl Type casts, saber warning message suppression, hints files and various metaconfig fiddlehoods.
* perl 4.0 patch 4: (combined patch)Larry Wall1991-06-061-202/+270
| | | | | | Random patches, mostly bugs and portability stuff. //g is the only major new feature. Additionally, there is now an alternate license you can distribute Perl under.
* perl 4.0 patch 3: Patch 1 continuedLarry Wall1991-04-111-206/+513
* perl 4.0.00: (no release announcement available)perl-4.0.00Larry Wall1991-03-211-514/+1011
| | | | So far, 4.0 is still a beta test version. For the last production version, look in pub/perl.3.0/kits@44.
* perl 3.0 patch #44 patch #42, continuedperl-3.044Larry Wall1991-01-111-8/+9
| | | | See patch #42.
* perl 3.0 patch #42 (combined patch)Larry Wall1991-01-111-63/+137
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Most of these patches are pretty self-explanatory. Much of this is random cleanup in preparation for version 4.0, so I won't talk about it here. A couple of things should be noted, however. First, there's a new -0 option that allows you to specify (in octal) the initial value of $/, the record separator. It's primarily intended for use with versions of find that support -print0 to delimit filenames with nulls, but it's more general than that: null ^A default CR paragraph mode file slurp mode This feature is so new that it didn't even make it into the book. The other major item is that different patchlevels of perl can now coexist in your bin directory. The names "perl" and "taintperl" are just links to "perl3.044" and "tperl3.044". This has several benefits. The perl3.044 invokes the corresponding tperl3.044 rather than taintperl, so it always runs the correct version. Second, you can "freeze" a script by putting a #! line referring to a version that it is known to work with. Third, you can put a new version out there to try out before making it the default perl. Lastly, it sells more disk drives. :-) Barring catastrophe, this will likely be the last patch before version 4.0 comes out.
* perl 3.0 patch #38 (combined patch)Larry Wall1990-11-091-2/+5
| | | | Forget the description, it's too late at night...
* perl 3.0 patch #37 (combined patch)Larry Wall1990-10-191-34/+52
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I tried to take the strlen of an integer on systems without wait4() or waitpid(). For some reason this didn't work too well... In hash.c there was a call to dbm_nextkey() which needed to be ifdefed on old dbm systems. A pattern such as /foo.*bar$/ was wrongly optimized to do tail matching on "foo". This was a longstanding bug that was unmasked by patch 36. Some systems have some SYS V IPC but not all of it. Configure now figures this out. Patch 36 put the user's PATH in front of Configures, but to make it work right I needed to change all calls of loc to ./loc in Configure. $cryptlib needed to be mentioned in the Makefile. Apollo 10.3 and Sun 3.5 have some compilation problems, so I mentioned them in README. Cray has weird restrictions on setjmp locations--you can't say if (result = setjmp(...)) Random typos and cleanup.
* perl 3.0 patch #29 (combined patch)Larry Wall1990-10-151-22/+45
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This set of patches pretty much brings you up to the functionality that version 4.0 will have. The Perl Book documents version 4.0. Perhaps these should be called release notes... :-) Enhancements: Many of the changes relate to making the debugger work better. It now runs your scripts at nearly full speed because it no longer calls a subroutine on every statement. The debugger now doesn't get confused about packages, evals and other filenames. More variables (though still not all) are available within the debugger. Related to this is the fact that every statement now knows which package and filename it was compiled in, so package semantics are now much more straightforward. Every variable also knows which package it was compiled in. So many places that used to print out just the variable name now prefix the variable name with the package name. Notably, if you print *foo it now gives *package'foo. Along with these, there is now a "caller" function which returns the context of the current subroutine call. See the man page for more details. Chip Salzenberg sent the patches for System V IPC (msg, sem and shm) so I dropped them in. There was no way to wait for a specific pid, which was silly, since Perl was already keeping track of the information. So I added the waitpid() call, which uses Unix's wait4() or waitpid() if available, and otherwise emulates them (at least as far as letting you wait for a particular pid--it doesn't emulate non-blocking wait). For use in sorting routines, there are now two new operators, cmp and <=>. These do string and numeric comparison, returning -1, 0 or 1 when the first argument is less than, equal to or greater than the second argument. Occasionally one finds that one wants to evaluate an operator in a scalar context, even though it's part of a LIST. For this purpose, there is now a scalar() operator. For instance, the approved fix for the novice error of using <> in assigning to a local is now: local($var) = scalar(<STDIN>); Perl's ordinary I/O is done using standard I/O routines. Every now and then this gets in your way. You may now access the system calls read() and write() via the Perl functions sysread() and syswrite(). They should not be intermixed with ordinary I/O calls unless you know what you're doing. Along with this, both the sysread() and read() functions allow you an optional 4th argument giving an offset into the string you're reading into, so for instance you can easily finish up partial reads. As a bit of syntactic sugar, you can now use the file tests -M, -A and -C to determine the age of a file in (possibly fractional) days as of the time the script started running. This makes it much easier to write midnight cleanup scripts with precision. The index() and rindex() functions now have an optional 3rd argument which tells it where to start looking, so you can now iterate through a string using these functions. The substr() function's 3rd argument is now optional, and if omitted, the function returns everything to the end of the string. The tr/// translation function now understands c, d and s options, just like the tr program. (Well, almost just like. The d option only deletes characters that aren't in the replacement string.) The c complementes the character class to match and the s option squishes out multiple occurrences of any replacement class characters. The reverse function, used in a scalar context, now reverses its scalar argument as a string. Dale Worley posted a patch to add @###.## type fields to formats. I said, "Neat!" and dropped it in, lock, stock and sinker. Kai Uwe Rommel sent a bunch of MSDOS and OS/2 updates, which I (mostly) incorporated. I can't vouch for them, but they look okay. Any data stored after the __END__ marker can be accesses now via the DATA filehandle, which is automatically opened onto the script at that point. (Well, actually, it's just kept open, since it was already open to read the script.) The taintperl program now checks for world writable PATH components, and complains if any are found (if PATH is used). Bug fixes: It used to be that you could get core dumps by such means as @$foo=(); @foo[42]; (1,2,3)[42]; $#foo = 50; foreach $elem (@foo) { $elem = 1; } This is no longer so. (For those who are up on Perl internals, the stack policy no longer allows Nullstr--all undefined values must be passed as &str_undef.) If you say something like local($foo,$bar); or local($initialized,$foo,$bar) = ('one value'); $foo and $bar are now initialized to the undefined value, rather than the defined null string. Array assignment to special arrays is now better supported. For instance, @ENV = () clears the environment, and %foo = () will now clear any dbm file bound to %foo. On the subject of dbm files, the highly visible bugs at patchlevel 28 have been fixed. You can now open dbm files readonly, and you don't have to do a dummy assignment to make the cache allocate itself. The modulus operator wasn't working right on negative values because of a misplaced cast. For instance, -5 % 5 was returning the value 5, which is clearly wrong. Certain operations coredumped if you didn't supply a value: close; eof; Previously, if the subroutine supplied for a sort operation didn't exist, it failed quietly. Now it produces a fatal error. The bitwise complement operator ~ didn't work on vec() strings longer than one byte because of failure to increment a loop variable. The oct and hex functions returned a negative result if the highest bit was set. They now return an unsigned result, which seems a little less confusing. Likewise, the token 0x80000000 also produces an unsigned value now. Some machines didn't like to see 0x87654321 in an #ifdef because they think of the symbols as signed. The tests have been changed to just look at the lower 4 nybbles of the value, which is sufficient to determine endianness, at least as far as the #ifdefs are concerned. The unshift operator did not return the documented value, which was the number of elements in the new array. Instead it returned the last unshifted argument, more or less by accident. -w sometimes printed spurious warnings about ARGV and ENV when referencing the arrays indirectly through shift or exec. This was because the typo test was misplaced before the code that exempts special variables from the typo test. If you said 'require "./"', it would look in someplace like /usr/local/lib/perl/./ instead of the current directory. This works more like people expect now. The require error messages also referred to wrong file, if they worked at all. The h2ph program didn't translate includes right--it should have changed .h to .ph. Patterns with multiple short literal strings sometimes failed. This was a problem with the code that looks for a maximal literal string to feed to the Boyer-Moore searching routine. The code was gluing together literal strings that weren't continuous. The $* variable controls multi-line pattern matching. When it's 0, patterns are supposed to match as if the string contained a single line. Unfortunately, /^pat/ occasionally matched in middle of string under certain conditions. Recently the regular expression routines were upgraded to do {n,m} more efficiently. In doing this, however, I manufactured a couple of bugs: /.{n,m}$/ could match with fewer than n characters remaining on the line, and patterns like /\d{9}/ could match more than 9 characters. The undefined value has an actual physical location in Perl, and pointers to it are passed around. By certain circuitous routes it was possible to clobber the undefined value so that it was no longer undefined--kind of like making /dev/null into a real file. Hopefully this can't happen any more. op.stat could fail if /bin/0 existed, because of a while (<*>) {... This has been changed to a while (defined($_ = <*>)) {... The length of a search pattern was limited by the length of tokenbuf internally. This restriction has been removed. The null character gave the tokener indigestion when used as a delimiter for m// or s///. There was a bunch of other cleanupish things that are too trivial to mention here.
* perl 3.0 patch #28 (combined patch)Larry Wall1990-08-131-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Certain systems, notable Ultrix, set the close-on-exec flag by default on dup'ed file descriptors. This is anti-social when you're creating a new STDOUT. The flag is now forced off for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR. Some yaccs report 29 shift/reduce conflicts and 59 reduce/reduce conflicts, while other yaccs and bison report 27 and 61. The Makefile now says to expect either thing. I'm not sure if there's a bug lurking there somewhere. The defined(@array) and defined(%array) ended up defining the arrays they were trying to determine the status of. Oops. Using the status of NSIG to determine whether <signal.h> had been included didn't work right on Xenix. A fix seems to be beyond Configure at the moment, so we've got some OS dependent #ifdefs in there. There were some syntax errors in the new code to determine whether it is safe to emulate rename() with unlink/link/unlink. Obviously heavily tested code... :-) Patch 27 introduced the possibility of using identifiers as unquoted strings, but the code to warn against the use of totally lowercase identifiers looped infinitely. I documented that you can't interpolate $) or $| in pattern. It was actually implied under s///, but it should have been more explicit. Patterns with {m} rather than {m,n} didn't work right. Tests io.fs and op.stat had difficulties under AFS. They now ignore the tests in question if they think they're running under /afs. The shift/reduce expectation message was off for a2p's Makefile.
* perl 3.0 patch #19 (combined patch)Larry Wall1990-08-081-15/+71
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | You now have the capability of linking C subroutines into a special version of perl. See the files in usub/ for an example. There is now an operator to include library modules with duplicate suppression and error checking, called "require". (makelib has been renamed to h2ph, and Tom Christiansen's h2pl stuff has been included too. Perl .h files are now called .ph files to avoid confusion.) It's now possible to truncate files if your machines supports any of ftruncate(fd, size), chsize(fd, size) or fcntl(fd, F_FREESP, size). Added -c switch to do compilation only, that is, to suppress execution. Useful in combination with -D1024. There's now a -x switch to extract a script from the input stream so you can pipe articles containing Perl scripts directly into perl. Previously, the only places you could use bare words in Perl were as filehandles or labels. You can now put bare words (identifiers) anywhere. If they have no interpretation as filehandles or labels, they will be treated as if they had single quotes around them. This works together nicely with the fact that you can use a symbol name indirectly as a filehandle or to assign to *name. It basically means you can write subroutines and pass filehandles without quoting or *-ing them. (It also means the grammar is even more ambiguous now--59 reduce/reduce conflicts!!! But it seems to do the Right Thing.) Added __LINE__ and __FILE__ tokens to let you interpolate the current line number or filename, such as in a call to an error routine, or to help you translate eval linenumbers to real linenumbers. Added __END__ token to let you mark the end of the program in the input stream. (^D and ^Z are allowed synonyms.) Program text and data can now both come from STDIN. `command` in array context now returns array of lines. Previously it would return a single element array holding all the lines. An empty %array now returns 0 in scalar context so that you can use it profitably in a conditional: &blurfl if %seen; The include search path (@INC) now includes . explicity at the end, so you can change it if you wish. Library routines now have precedence by default. Several pattern matching optimizations: I sped up /x+y/ patterns greatly by not retrying on every x, and disabled backoff on patterns anchored to the end like /\s+$/. This made /\s+$/ run 100 times faster on a string containing 70 spaces followed by an X. Actual improvements will generally be less than that. I also sped up {m,n} on simple items by making it a variant of *. And /.*whatever/ is now optimizaed to /^.*whatever/ to avoid retrying at every position in the event of failure. I fixed character classes to allow backslashing hyphen, by popular request. In the past, $ in a pattern would sometimes match in the middle of the string and sometimes not, if $* == 0. Now it will never match except at the end of the string, or just before a terminating newline. When $* == 1 behavior is as before. In the README file, I've expanded on just how I think the GNU General Public License applies to Perl and to things you might want to do with Perl. The interpreter used to set the global variable "line" to be the current line number. Instead, it now sets a global pointer to the current Perl statement, which is no more overhead, but now we will have access to the file name and package name associated with that statement, so that the debugger soon be upgraded to allow debugging of evals and packages. In the past, a conditional construct in an array context passed the array context on to the conditional expression, causing general consternation and confusion. Conditionals now always supply a scalar context to the expression, and if that expression turns out to be the one whose value is returned, the value is coerced to an array value of one element. The switch optimizer was confused by negative fractional values, and truncating them the wrong direction. Configure now checks for chsize, select and truncate functions, and now asks if you want to put scripts into some separate directory from your binaries. More and more people are establishing a common directory across architectures for scripts, so this is getting important. It used to be that a numeric literal ended up being stored both as a string and as a double. This could make for lots of wasted storage if you said things like "$seen{$key} = 1;". So now numeric literals are now stored only in floating point format, which saves space, and generates at most one extra conversion per literal over the life of the script. The % operator had an off-by-one error if the left argument was negative. The pack and unpack functions have been upgraded. You can now convert native float and double fields using f and d. You can specify negative relative positions with X<n>, and absolute positions in the record with @<n>. You can have a length of * on the final field to indicate that it is to gobble all the rest of the available fields. In unpack, if you precede a field spec with %<n>, it does an n-bit checksum on it instead of the value itself. (Thus "%16C*" will checksum just like the Sys V sum program.) One totally wacked out evening I hacked a u format in to pack and unpack uudecode-style strings. A couple bugs were fixed in unpack--it couldn't unpack an A or a format field in a scalar context, which is just supposed to return the first field. The c and C formats were also calling bcopy to copy each character. Yuck. Machines without the setreuid() system call couldn't manipulate $< and $> easily. Now, if you've got setuid(), you can say $< = $> or $> = $< or even ($<, $>) = ($uid, $uid), as long as it's something that can be done with setuid(). Similarly for setgid(). I've included various MSDOS and OS/2 patches that people have sent. There's still more in the hopper... An open on a pipe for output such as 'open(STDOUT,"|command")' left STDOUT attached to the wrong file descriptor. This didn't matter within Perl, but it made subprocesses expecting stdout to be on fd 1 rather irate. The print command could fail to detect errors such as running out room on the disk. Now it checks a little better. Saying "print @foo" might only print out some of the elements if there undefined elements in the middle of the array, due to a reversed bit of logic in the print routine. On machines with vfork the child process would allocate memory in the parent without the parent knowing about it, or having any way to free the memory so allocated. The parent now calls a cleanup routine that knows whether that's what happened. If the getsockname or getpeername functions returned a normal Unix error, perl -w would report that you tried I/O on an unopened socket, even though it was open. MACH doesn't have seekdir or telldir. Who ever uses them anyway? Under certain circumstances, an optimized pattern match could pass a hint into the standard pattern matching routine which the standard routine would then ignore. The next pattern match after that would then get a "panic: hint in do_match" because the hint didn't point into the current string of interest. The $' variable returned a short string if it contained an embedded null. Two common split cases are now special-cased to avoid the regular expression code. One is /\s+/ (and its cousin ' ', which also trims leading whitespace). The other is /^/, which is very useful for splitting a "here-is" quote into lines: @lines = split(/^/, <<END); Element 0 Element 1 Element 2 END You couldn't split on a single case-insensitive letter because the single character split optimization ignore the case folding flag. Sort now handles undefined strings right, and sorts lists a little more efficiently because it weeds them out before sorting so it doesn't have to check for them on every comparison. The each() and keys() functions were returning garbage on null keys in DBM files because the DBM iterator merely returns a pointer into the buffer to a string that's not necessarily null terminated. Internally, Perl keeps a null at the end of every string (though allowing embedded nulls) and some routines make use of this to avoid checking for the end of buffer on every comparison. So this just needed to be treated as a special case. The &, | and ^ operators will do bitwise operations on two strings, but for some reason I hadn't implemented ~ to do a complement. Using an associative array name with a % in dbmopen(%name...) didn't work right, not because it didn't parse, but because the dbm opening routine internally did the wrong thing with it. You can now say dbmopen(name, 'filename', undef) to prevent it from opening the dbm file if it doesn't exist. The die operator simply exited if you didn't give an argument, because that made sense before eval existed. But now it will be equivalent to "die 'Died';". Using the return function outside a subroutine returned a cryptic message about not being able to pop a magical label off the stack. It's now more informative. On systems without the rename() system call, it's emulated with unlink()/link()/unlink(), which could clobber a file if it happened to unlink it before it linked it. Perl now checks to make sure the source and destination filenames aren't in fact the same directory entry. The -s file test now returns size of file. Why not? If you tried to write a general subroutine to open files, passing in the filehandle as *filehandle, it didn't work because nobody took responsibility to allocate the filehandle structure internally. Now, passing *name to subroutine forces filehandle and array creation on that symbol if they're already not created. Reading input via <HANDLE> is now a little more efficient--it does one less string copy. The routine now fixes weird chars to be printable, and allows you to specify a list of varables to display. The debugger takes advantage of this. The debugger also now allows \ continuation lines, and has an = command to let you make aliases easily. Line numbers should now be correct even after lines containing only a semicolon. The action code for parsing split; with no arguments didn't pass correct a corrent value of bufend to the scanpat it was using to establish the /\s+/ pattern. The $] variable returned the rcsid string and patchlevel. It still returns that in a string context, but in a numeric context it returns the version number (as in 4.0) + patchlevel / 1000. So these patches are being applied to 3.018. The variables $0, %ENV, @ARGV were retaining incorrect information from the previous incarnation in dumped/undumped scripts. The %ENV array is suppose to be global even inside packages, but and off-by-one error kept it from being so. The $| variable couldn't be set on a filehandle before the file was opened. Now you can. If errno == 0, the $! variable returned "Error 0" in a string context, which is, unfortunately, a true string. It now returns "" in string context if errno == 0, so you can use it reasonable in a conditional without comparing it to 0: &cleanup if $!; On some machines, conversion of a number to a string caused a malloc string to be overrun by 1 character. More memory is now allocated for such a string. The tainting mechanism didn't work right on scripts that were setgid but not setuid. If you had reference to an array such as @name in a program, but didn't invoke any of the usual array operations, the array never got initialized. The FPS compiler doesn't do default in a switch very well if the value can be interpreted as a signed character. There's now a #ifdef BADSWITCH for such machines. Certain combinations of backslashed backslashes weren't correctly parsed inside double-quoted strings. "Here" strings caused warnings about uninitialized variables because the string used internally to accumulate the lines wasn't initialized according to the standards of the -w switch. The a2p translator couldn't parse {foo = (bar == 123)} due to a hangover from the old awk syntax. It also needed to put a chop into a program if the program referenced NF so that the field count would come out right when the split was done. There was a missing semicolon when local($_) was emitted. I also didn't realize that an explicity awk split on ' ' trims leading whitespace just like the implicit split at the beginning of the loop. The awk loop has to be translated in one of two ways in a2p, depending on whether the array was produced by a split or by subscripting. If the array was a normal array, a2p put out code that iterated over the array values rather than the numeric indexes, which was wrong. The s2p didn't translate \n correctly, stripping the backslash.
* perl 3.0 patch #16 (combined patch)Larry Wall1990-03-271-56/+102
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | There is now support for compiling perl under the Microsoft C compiler on MSDOS. Special thanks go to Diomidis Spinellis <> for this. To compile under MSDOS, look at the readme file in the msdos subdirectory. As a part of this, six files will be renamed when you run Configure. These are config.h.SH,[1-4] and t/op.subst. Suns (and perhaps other machines) can't cast negative floating point numbers to unsigned ints reasonably. Configure now detects this and takes appropriate action. Configure looked for optional libraries but then didn't ever use them, even if there was no value to override. System V Release 4 provides us with yet another nm format for Configure to parse. No doubt it's "better". Sigh. MIPS CPUs running under Ultrix were getting configured for volatile support, but they don't like volatile when applied to a type generated by a typedef. Configure now tests for this. I've added two new perl library routines: from Waldemar Kebsch and Marion Hakanson, and from Tom Christiansen and me. In subroutines, non-terminal blocks should never have arrays requested of them, even if the subroutine call's context is looking for an array. Formats didn't work inside eval. Now they do. Any $foo++ that doesn't return a value is now optimized to ++$foo since the latter doesn't require generation of a temporary to hold the old value. A self-referential printf pattern such as sprintf($s,...,$s,...) would end up with a null as the first character of the next field. On machines that don't support executing scripts in the kernel, perl has to emulate that when an exec fails. In this case, the do_exec() routine can lose arguments passed to the script. A memory leakage in pattern matching triggered by use of $`, $& or $' has been fixed. A splice that pulls up the front of an array such as splice(@array,0,$n) can cause a duplicate free error. The grep operator blew up on undefined array values. It now handles them reasonably, setting $_ to undef. The .. operator in an array context is used to generate number ranges. This has been generalized to allow any string ranges that can be generated with the magical increment code of ++. So you can say 'a' .. 'f', '000'..'999', etc. The ioctl function didn't return non-zero values correctly. Associative array slices from dbm files like @dbmvalues{'foo','bar'} could use the same cache entry for multiple values, causing loss of some of the values of the slice. Cache values are now not flushed until the end of a statement. The do FILE operator blew up when used inside an eval, due to trying to free the eval code it was still executing. If you did s/^prefix// on a string, and subsequently assigned a value that didn't contain a string value to the string, you could get a bad free error. One of the taint checks blew up on undefined array elements, which showed up only when taintperl was run. The final semicolon in program is supposed to be optional now. Unfortunately this wasn't true when -p or -n added extra code around your code. Now it's true all the time. A tail anchored pattern such as /foo$/ could cause grief if you searched a string that was shorter than that.