path: root/embed.fnc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Make sitecustomize relocatableinc awareCarl Hayter2011-12-031-0/+2
* ‘Inline’ S_sv_unglobFather Chrysostomos2011-11-241-1/+1
* Make assignment over glob copies much fasterFather Chrysostomos2011-11-241-1/+1
* Put sub redef warnings in one placeFather Chrysostomos2011-11-211-0/+5
* Make const redef warnings default in newXSFather Chrysostomos2011-11-211-1/+2
* Add newXS_len_flagsFather Chrysostomos2011-11-201-0/+4
* Add len flag to newCONSTSUB_flagsFather Chrysostomos2011-11-201-1/+3
* Merge two adjacent #ifdefs in embed.fncFather Chrysostomos2011-11-181-2/+0
* Mention the variable name in the new length warningsFather Chrysostomos2011-11-181-3/+6
* [perl #70151] eval localises %^H at runtimeFather Chrysostomos2011-11-171-1/+2
* embed.fnc: Make _to_upper_title_latin1() avail to pp.cKarl Williamson2011-11-111-1/+3
* utf8.c: Faster latin1 foldingKarl Williamson2011-11-081-0/+1
* utf8.c: Faster latin1 upper/title casingKarl Williamson2011-11-081-0/+1
* utf8.c: Refactor to_uni_lower()Karl Williamson2011-11-081-0/+3
* Perl_hv_kill_backrefs is also used in scope.cFather Chrysostomos2011-11-051-2/+1
* don't segfault given string repeat count larger than 2^31Jim Meyering2011-10-231-1/+1
* simplify op_dump() / -Dx sequencingDavid Mitchell2011-10-171-2/+0
* Cast to signed before negating, to avoid compiler warningsBrian Fraser2011-10-061-2/+2
* Restore whichsig to the list in perlapiFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-0/+1
* whichsig nul-cleanup.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-1/+3
* Oust cv_ckproto_lenFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-2/+0
* toke.c, op.c, sv.c: Prototype parsing and checking are nul-and-UTF8 clean.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-0/+3
* universal.c: sv_does() UTF8 cleanup.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-0/+4
* mro UTF8 cleanup.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-1/+1
* universal.c: ->isa, sv_derived_from UTF8 cleanup.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-1/+6
* pp.c & sv.c: pp_ref UTF8 and null cleanup.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-0/+1
* Add a sv_sethek() function to sv.cBrian Fraser2011-10-061-0/+1
* op.c: newCONSTSUB and newXS UTF8 cleanup.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-0/+1
* Merge multi and flags params to gv_init_*Father Chrysostomos2011-10-061-3/+3
* Restore newGVgen to perlapi.podFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-0/+1
* gv.c: newGVgen_flags and a flags parameter for gv_get_super_pkg.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-2/+2
* Remove method param from gv_autoload_*Father Chrysostomos2011-10-061-3/+3
* Remove 4 from new gv_autoload4_(sv|pvn?) functionsFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-3/+3
* Restore gv_autoload4 to perlapi.podFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-0/+2
* gv.c: Added gv_autoload4_(sv|pv|pvn)Brian Fraser2011-10-061-1/+5
* gv.c: Added gv_fetchmethod_(sv|pv|pvn)_flags.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-2/+5
* Restore gv_fetchmeth_autoload to perlapi.podFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-0/+3
* gv.c: Added gv_fetchmeth_(sv|pv|pvn)_autoload.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-1/+5
* Restore gv_fetchmeth to perlapiFather Chrysostomos2011-10-061-0/+2
* gv.c: Added gv_fetchmeth_(sv|pv|pvn).Brian Fraser2011-10-061-1/+5
* Document gv_init*Father Chrysostomos2011-10-061-0/+2
* gv.c: Added gv_init_(sv|pv|pvn), renamed gv_init_sv as gv_init_svtype.Brian Fraser2011-10-061-2/+6
* utf8.c: Add function to retrieve new _Perl_IDStart propKarl Williamson2011-10-011-0/+1
* regcomp.c: Add invlist_invert_prop()Karl Williamson2011-10-011-0/+1
* [perl #93590] $tainted ~~ [...] failingFather Chrysostomos2011-09-201-1/+2
* remove index offsetting ($[)Zefram2011-09-091-1/+0
* Move non-constant folding parts of fold_constants into a separate functions.Gerard Goossen2011-09-051-0/+2
* Eliminate is_gv_magical_svFather Chrysostomos2011-08-301-2/+0
* Eliminate global.sym, as can generate it internally.Nicholas Clark2011-08-251-5/+5
* Move coresub op-creation from gv.c to op.cFather Chrysostomos2011-08-241-0/+3