| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
mention that local stack pointer should be called SP. This makes the
API safer from source incompatibilities down the line.
p4raw-id: //depot/win32/perl@795
| |
#62: "Fix doc bug in getservbyname() examples"
Files: ext/Socket/Socket.pm
p4raw-id: //depot/win32/perl@637
| |
#60: "Socket occasional SEGV"
Msg-ID: <199710281804.NAA09632@wagg.viaweb.com>
Files: ext/Socket/Socket.xs
p4raw-id: //depot/win32/perl@636
| |
with gcc -x c++.
p4raw-id: //depot/ansiperl@196
| |
| |
Subject: Fix for Unisys UNIX and libperl.so
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 97 16:28 GMT0
From: Alan Burlison <aburlison@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Files: Configure
Msg-ID: memo.147328@cix.compulink.co.uk
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 2f525a329506abe067c4ec9d4c7ae13d8b223081)
Subject: Allow './Configure -Uoptimize'
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 11:15:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@fractal.phys.lafayette.edu>
Files: Configure
Msg-ID: Pine.SOL.3.95q.970306110532.11070A-100000@fractal.lafayette.
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 59ae47780c168857b216412f8354d10ae6dd0b61)
Subject: Use 'test -f', not 'test -x'
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 19:53:00 -0500
From: Spider Boardman <spider@web.zk3.dec.com>
Files: Configure
Msg-ID: 199703080053.TAA13943@web.zk3.dec.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 64b4562546c4e74f87c21f65a76ec05e96a1b74f)
Subject: Don't autovivify array and hash elements in sub parameters
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 14:12:09 -0500
From: Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@engin.umich.edu>
Files: op.c pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlsub.pod pod/perltrap.pod
Msg-ID: 199703061912.OAA20606@aatma.engin.umich.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 0ffc6623ceb5acc7b954e8cdbaeb8ba319474d7b)
Subject: Support READ and GETC for tied handles
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 19:19:38 -0500
From: Doug MacEachern <dougm@opengroup.org>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod pod/perltie.pod pp_sys.c t/op/misc.t
Msg-ID: 199703090019.TAA32591@postman.osf.org
(applied based on p5p patch as commit b06b64f805517c26cbd7c4d2f74efd5f36b4692c)
Subject: Warn on C<@x =~ /a/> and C<%x =~ s/a/b/>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c pod/perldiag.pod
Subject: VMS update
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 1997 22:49:46 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
Files: lib/ExtUtils/MM_VMS.pm vms/descrip.mms vms/gen_shrfls.pl vms/sockadapt.h
private-msgid: 01IG8KN5R28M00661G@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu
Subject: Consolidated INSTALL updates since _92
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 13:21:22 -0500 (EST)
From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@fractal.phys.lafayette.edu>
Msg-ID: Pine.SOL.3.95q.970308131806.23766F-100000@fractal.lafayette.
(applied based on p5p patch as commit e6834c60cd85866fc530e8b4bb831af6186bad4d)
Subject: PODs corrections
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 21:53:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: ext/DB_File/DB_File.pm ext/Socket/Socket.pm lib/Class/Template.pm lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_VMS.pm lib/ExtUtils/Mksymlists.pm lib/File/Basename.pm lib/File/stat.pm lib/Time/gmtime.pm lib/Time/localtime.pm lib/Time/tm.pm lib/User/grent.pm lib/User/pwent.pm pod/perlcall.pod pod/perldebug.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlguts.pod pod/perllocale.pod pod/perlop.pod pod/perlsub.pod
Msg-ID: 199703080253.VAA24975@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 72451f4af0d31f24ef5b12bc5d034e3e8b35d43d)
Subject: Fix imbalanced ENTER/LEAVE from C<BEGIN{die}>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c perl.c proto.h
Subject: perl -P path patch
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 12:45:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@fractal.phys.lafayette.edu>
Files: config_H config_h.SH perl.c plan9/config.plan9 t/comp/cpp.t vms/config.vms win32/config.H
Msg-ID: Pine.SOL.3.95q.970308120242.23766D-100000@fractal.lafayette.
(applied based on p5p patch as commit bba014945c609b5474f61f5e82ed2ff3e83a6e47)
| |
Subject: small doc tweaks for _12
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 11:05:57 -0500
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@gate.net>
Files: lib/UNIVERSAL.pm pod/perldiag.pod pod/perltie.pod
Msg-ID: <1826.851011557@eeyore.ibcinc.com>
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 3314ffc68a11690bd9977cbdd7ea0601ad6ced13)
Subject: Add missing backslash in Configure
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@atlantic.net>
Files: Configure
Subject: Include libnet-1.01 instead of old Net::FTP
From: Graham Barr <Graham.Barr@tiuk.ti.com>
Files: MANIFEST lib/Net/Cmd.pm lib/Net/Domain.pm lib/Net/DummyInetd.pm lib/Net/FTP.pm lib/Net/NNTP.pm lib/Net/Netrc.pm lib/Net/POP3.pm lib/Net/SMTP.pm lib/Net/SNPP.pm lib/Net/Socket.pm lib/Net/Telnet.pm lib/Net/Time.pm pod/perlmod.pod
Subject: Use binmode when doing binary FTP
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: lib/Net/FTP.pm
Subject: Re: Open3.pm tries to close unopened file handle
Date: 18 Dec 1996 22:19:54 -0500
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@gate.net>
Files: MANIFEST lib/IPC/Open2.pm lib/IPC/Open3.pm lib/open2.pl lib/open3.pl pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod t/lib/open2.t t/lib/open3.t
Msg-ID: <pzloavmd9h.fsf@eeyore.ibcinc.com>
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 982b4e8fc47473059e209787b589853f4c8f8f9e)
Subject: Long-standing problem in Socket module
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 23:18:14 -0500
From: Spider Boardman <spider@orb.nashua.nh.us>
Files: Configure Porting/Glossary config_H config_h.SH ext/Socket/Socket.pm ext/Socket/Socket.xs
Msg-ID: <199612190418.XAA07291@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 3e6a22d2723daf415793f9a4fc1b57f4d8a576fd)
Subject: flock() constants
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 01:37:17 -0500
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@gate.net>
Files: ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.pm ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs pod/perlfunc.pod
Msg-ID: <26669.850977437@eeyore.ibcinc.com>
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 3dea0e15e4684f6defe2f25a16bc696b96697ac2)
| |
Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.
| |
This patch inhibits production and use of a completely useless
| |
| |
| |
| |
[editor's note: no patch file was found for this release, so no
fine-grained changes]
I can't find the password for our ftp server, so I had to drop it into
ftp://ftp.sems.com/pub/incoming/perl5.002b3.tar.gz, which is a drop
directory you can't ls.
The current plan is that Andy is gonna whack on this a little more, and
then release a gamma in a few days when he's happy with it. So don't get
carried away. This is now *late* beta.
In other words, have less than the appropriate amount of fun. :-)
| |
| |
Disable prototypes.
Disable pod2man.
| |
cd to your perl source directory, and type
patch -p1 -N < patch.2b1g
This patch is just my packaging of Tom's documentation patches
he released as patch.2b1g.
Patch and enjoy,
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
| |
cd to your perl source directory, execute the command above, and type
patch -p1 -N < patch.2b1f
This patch includes patches for the following items:
The changes are described after each /^Index/ line below.
These are each described in detail below, after the corresponding
index line.
Patch and enjoy,
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
| |
cd to your perl source directory and type
patch -p1 -N < patch.2b1a
This patch includes patches for the following items:
NETaa14710: Included bsdi_bsdos.sh hint file.
pod/perlre.pod: Mention 32bit limit.
Configure Updates.
Update Socket.xs to version 1.5. This handles
systems that might not have <sys/un.h>.
Fix missing quotes in h2ph.PL
These are each described in detail below, after the corresponding
index line.
Patch and enjoy,
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
| |
If you're adventurous, have a look at
Many thanks to Andy for doing the integration.
Obviously, if you consult the bugs database, you'll note there are
still plenty of buglets that need fixing, and several enhancements that
I've intended to put in still haven't made it in (Hi, Tim and Ilya).
But I think it'll be pretty stable. And you can start to fiddle around
with prototypes (which are, of course, still totally undocumented).
Packrats, don't worry too much about readvertising this widely.
Nowadays we're on a T1 here, so our bandwidth is okay.
Have the appropriate amount of jollity.
| |
To apply, change to your perl directory, run the command above, then
apply with
patch -p1 -N < thispatch.
This is a consolidation patch. It contains many of the most commonly
applied or agreed-to patches that have been circulating since
It also changes the 'unofficial patchlevel' in perl.c.
There are some problems (see items marked with '***').
I will attempt to address those in a patch.1o in a few days.
This patch contains the following packages:
My Jumbo Configure patch vs. 1m, with subsequent patches 1, 2, and 3.
Mainly, this provides easier use of local libraries, documents
the installation process in a new INSTALL file, moves important
questions towards the beginning, and improves detection of
signal names (mostly for Linux).
Patches from Larry:
eval "1" memory leak patch (as modified by GSAR to apply to 5.001m).
NETaa14551 Infinite loop in formats,
NETaa13729 scope.c patch (fixed problems on AIX and others)
NETaa14138 "substr() & s///" (pp_hot.c)
Patches from ftp.perl.com:
version of 20 Sep 1995
Includes fix for NETaa14347 (32k limit in regex), and other
version of 27 Aug 1995
version of 4 Sep 1995
NETaa14421 $_ doesn't undef
version of 21 Aug 1995
version of 5 Jun 1995
Tim Bunce's Jumbo DynaLoader patch for Perl5.001m, which is
NETaa14636 Jumbo DynaLoader patch for Perl5.001m, and
Additional patch for NETaa14636 Jumbo DynaLoader patch for Perl5.001m
version of 09 Oct 1995.
***This needs some additional parentheses.***
MakeMaker-5.00. Supercedes NETaa13540 (VMS MakeMaker patches).
(Updates minimod.PL as well.)
***This has a couple of minor problems.
pod2man is run even if it isn't available.
LD_RUN_PATH gets set to some mysterious values.***
NETaa14657 Paul Marquess Net::Ping patch. I've included
NETaa14661 Dean Roehrich DProf. Installed as ext/Devel/DProf.
Configure should pick this up automatically. (5 Apr 1995
NETaa13742 Jack Shirazi Socket in 5.001. I've also included
his socket.t test in t/lib/socket.t.
Dean's perlapi patches of Oct 12, 1995, which superceded those
of Oct 8, 1995. This is the one that did
mv perlapi.pid perlxs.pod.
NETaa14310 Tim Bunce A trivial patch for configpm (handy for shell scripts)
DB_File-1.0 patch from Paul Marquess (pmarquess@bfsec.bt.co.uk)
last modified 7th October 1995
version 1.0
Added or updated the following hints files:
Patch and enjoy.
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
| |
To apply, change to your perl directory, run the commands above, then
apply with
patch -p1 -N < thispatch.
After you apply this patch, you should apply patch.1i before
reConfiguring and rebuilding.
This patch just includes updates to the ext/ subdirectory.
Here are the highlights:
Grand autoload patch.
Embedded pods.
DB_File and GDBM_File updates.
Patch and enjoy,
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042
Here's the file-by-file breakdown of what's included:
Updated to version 0.2
Embedded pod.
Updated to version 0.2
Embedded pod.
Updated to refer to pod documentation in DynaLoader.pm.
Grand AutoLoader patch.
Embedded pod.
Grand AutoLoader patch.
Embedded pod.
Added gdbm_sync(), gdbm_exists(), and gdbm_setopt() functions.
Grand AutoLoader patch.
Embedded pod.
move tan() into the .xs file. (It didn't exist before.)
Change usage message for chmod to reflect reality.
move tan() into the .xs file. (It didn't exist before.)
Fix type of free prototype.
Grand AutoLoader patch.
Embedded pod.
| |
[See the Changes file for a list of changes]
| |
This patch addresses a few more Configure and build nits. Full
details are given below, but the main hightligths are (slightly)
better support for nested extensions and DLD and AIX MakeMaker fixes.
Detect MachTen. Thanks to Mark Pease <peasem@primenet.com>.
Delete some tabs that caused a MachTen /bin/sh core dump!
Detect extensions nested 1 level deep, e.g. Devel/DProf/DProf.xs
Include new hints/machten.sh hint file.
Document why we use ./makedir instead of mkdir.
Detect extensions nested 1 level deep, e.g. Devel/DProf/DProf.xs
Include MachTen patches.
Convert nested extension names from filesytem-dependent Devel/DProf
to perl5's internal naming scheme Devel::DProf.
A dup-related buglet fix from Hallvard B. Furuseth
Throw a qw() around @ISA elements to show "good style".
new file.
Bump version number to 4.086.
Fix AIX buglet -- needed to specify NAME.
Linux/DLD/gcc-2.6.2: We no longer load .sa libraries (except
libm.sa, which is apparently still o.k.
Another dup-related buglet fix.
| |
| |
[Actually, that's a lie. This is just MakeMaker 3.6. I've just
usurped the letter 'a' to fit it into my patch sequence.]
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA
this patch includes:
- My recently posted 'Very small patches to AutoSplit.pm and Cwd.pm'
(with no changes).
- A previous small patch to DynaLoader .bs handling with one addition:
! if (-f $bs) {
! if (-s $bs) { # only read file if it's not empty
- A recently posted patch to hints/aix.sh (with cosmetic changes).
Hopefully no further changes to MakeMaker will be needed before perl5.001.
If any changes are required I intend that they will be release as patches
to be applied over this one. This is the last MakeMaker jumbo patch for
Patch and enjoy.
Tim Bunce.
p.s. I'll be around until about 4pm GMT tomorrow (Tuesday), after that
I'm off for Christmas. This has been a great year for me. I have very
much enjoyed working with the perl5-porters and I wish you all a
wonderful and merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.
[editor's note: this commit combines approximate 4 months of furious
releases of Andy Dougherty and Larry Wall - see pod/perlhist.pod for
details. Andy notes that;
Alas neither my "Irwin AccuTrack" nor my DC 600A quarter-inch cartridge
backup tapes from that era seem to be readable anymore. I guess 13 years
exceeds the shelf life for that backup technology :-(.