path: root/hints/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* various Configure and hints updates (prefer drand48() or random()Jarkko Hietaniemi1998-10-021-0/+19
* beware egcs' ld on SolarisTom Spindler1998-08-021-1/+20
* updated hints file to cope with buggy sigsetjmp() on Solaris-x86Lupe Christoph1998-06-231-3/+21
* [PATCH 5.004_65] Config_65-02-03.diff: SunOS and Solaris hintsAndy Dougherty1998-05-281-27/+37
* [PATCH for 5.004_64] Configure patch Config_64-01Andy Dougherty1998-05-141-1/+19
* [PATCH 5.004_62} Config_62-01 patch available.Andy Dougherty1998-03-161-1/+1
* Configure patches -01 and -02 for 5.004_61.Andy Dougherty1998-03-051-0/+7
* Re: ANNOUNCE: perl5.004_60 Configure patch is availableAndy Dougherty1998-02-251-2/+1
* Re: [PATCH] new hints/ (was Re: make check fails 17% of it's tests...Stephen Zander1998-02-061-25/+25
* Configure -Dusethreads hints for dec_osf and solaris_2 andMalcolm Beattie1997-10-021-0/+12
* More explicit Solaris instructionsAndy Dougherty1997-05-081-0/+7
* [inseparable changes from match from perl-5.003_93 to perl-5.003_94]Perl 5 Porters1997-03-091-8/+8
* [inseparable changes from patch from perl5.003_27 to perl5.003_28]Perl 5 Porters1997-02-221-0/+1
* perl 5.003_05: hints/solaris_2.shPerl 5 Porters1996-09-101-4/+19
* perl 5.003_03: hints/solaris_2.shPerl 5 Porters1996-08-161-11/+0
* Correct note on GCC_EXEC_PREFIXPerl 5 Porters1996-07-071-3/+3
* perl 5.003: hints/solaris_2.shPerl 5 Porters1996-06-241-16/+4
* perl 5.002gamma: hints/solaris_2.shPerl 5 Porters1996-02-071-10/+19
* 5.002 beta 1Larry Wall1995-11-211-0/+1
* This is my patch patch.1n for perl5.001.perl-5.001nAndy Dougherty1995-10-311-1/+310
* perl5.000 patch.0l: MakeMaker 4.085 and upgrade Configure to dist3 PL 51.Andy Dougherty1995-02-211-1/+8
* perl5.000 patch.0j: fix minor portability and build problems remaining even a...Andy Dougherty1995-02-071-1/+0
* perl 5.000perl-5.000Larry Wall1994-10-171-0/+33