| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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p4raw-id: //depot/cfgperl@5870
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p4raw-id: //depot/cfgperl@5865
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rash but it's the best move I can think of right now.
Removing the _CRAYMPP test fixes a legion of pack/unpack
failures (hint: shortsize=4,intsize=8,longsize=8).
One subtest, t/lib/io_sock.t #14, is still failing.
p4raw-id: //depot/cfgperl@4888
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Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 13:04:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [PATCH for 5.004_64] Configure patch Config_64-01-02.diff
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 11:01:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [PATCH for 5.004_64] Configure patch Config_64-02-03.diff
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:03:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [PATCH 5.004_64] Config_64-03-04.diff
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 14:33:30 -0400 (EDT)
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@948
Subject: _13: patches for unicos/unicosmk
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 14:38:50 -0600
From: Dean Roehrich <roehrich@cray.com>
Files: Configure MANIFEST hints/unicos.sh hints/unicosmk.sh
private-msgid: <199612202038.OAA22805@poplar.cray.com>
Subject: Refresh IO to 1.14
From: Graham Barr <gbarr@ti.com>
Files: MANIFEST ext/IO/IO.xs ext/IO/README ext/IO/lib/IO/File.pm ext/IO/lib/IO/Handle.pm ext/IO/lib/IO/Pipe.pm ext/IO/lib/IO/Seekable.pm ext/IO/lib/IO/Select.pm ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket.pm t/lib/io_dup.t t/lib/io_pipe.t t/lib/io_sel.t t/lib/io_sock.t t/lib/io_tell.t t/lib/io_udp.t t/lib/io_xs.t
Subject: Fix 'foreach(@ARGV) { while (<>) { push @p,$_ } }'
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@atlantic.net>
Files: cop.h pp_hot.c scope.c
Subject: Eliminate warnings from C< undef $x; $x OP= "foo" >
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@atlantic.net>
Files: doop.c pp.c pp.h pp_hot.c
Subject: Try again to improve method caching
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 20:13:56 -0500 (EST)
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: gv.c sv.c
Msg-ID: <199612240113.UAA09487@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu>
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 81c78688fe5c3927ad37ba29de14c86e38120317)
Subject: Be more careful about 'o' magic memory management
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@atlantic.net>
Files: mg.c sv.c
Subject: Fix bad pointer refs when localized object loses magic
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@atlantic.net>
Files: scope.c