| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12911
| |
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12608
| |
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12486
| |
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12093
| |
TomC (and Gnat) to comply with the rest of Perl.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@11607
| |
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.1010618002009.6629A-100000@simpukka>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@10670
| |
TODO: perltodo really could use major updating.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@9998
| |
Message-ID: <3A38E7BB.13178.11C40A8@localhost>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@8110
| |
Message-Id: <200011062357.SAA18173@spotter.yi.org>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@7585
| |
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.21.0010310307500.5819-100000@eos00du.eos.ncsu.edu>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@7501
| |
Message-ID: <39E8A604.B501DB4F@bellsouth.net>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@7241
| |
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@5715
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p4raw-id: //depot/perl@5712
| |
and Robin Barker)
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@5493
| |
Message-Id: <199909250459.VAA27506@kiev.wall.org>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@4227
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p4raw-id: //depot/perl@3459
| |
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 05:24:55 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.990203051924.302A-100000@soc11.acpub.duke.edu>
Subject: [PATCH]5.005_54 (DOC) fix many typos
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 08:53:53 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.990203085157.895A-100000@soc11.acpub.duke.edu>
Subject: [PATCH]5.005_54 (DOC) typos
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@2929
| |
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20229@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20231@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq1.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20233@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq2.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20235@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq3.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20237@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq4.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20239@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq5.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20241@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq6.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:02 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20243@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq7.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:03 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20245@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq8.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:03 -0700
Message-Id: <199901080605.XAA20257@jhereg.perl.com>
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
To: pumpkings@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: newest version of perlfaq9.pod
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:05:03 -0700
p4raw-id: //depot/cfgperl@2588
| |
Subject: bad L<> links
Reply-to: tchrist@perl.com
To: perlbug@jhereg.perl.com
Message-Id: <199808111658.KAA00484@jhereg.perl.com>
The ones not fixed may require darker Pod::HTML magic,
for example the perlguts.html#tags should work fine, IMHO.
p4raw-id: //depot/cfgperl@2437
| |
To: perl5-porters@perl.com
Message-ID: <MLIST_m0zhPeF-000FOgC@feynman.localnet>
p4raw-id: //depot/cfgperl@2266
| |
(removes all mention of training courses from perlfaq*.pod)
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@1621
| |
Subject: Re: docpatch
Message-Id: <199807051515.JAA03644@jhereg.perl.com>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@1325
| |
Message-Id: <199806140419.WAA20549@chthon.perl.com>
Subject: doc patches
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@1132
| |
p4raw-link: @897 on //depot/maint-5.004/perl: f06f9b6fc5a686f0169ee2a91b32d5e7125a44ae
p4raw-id: //depot/win32/perl@974
| |
Subject: Provide memset() if it's missing
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: global.sym perl.h proto.h util.c
Subject: Don't tell GCC that warn(), croak(), and die() are printf-lik
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: proto.h
Subject: FAQ udpate (24-apr-97)
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 16:47:23 -0600 (MDT)
From: Nathan Torkington <gnat@prometheus.frii.com>
Files: pod/perlfaq*.pod
private-msgid: 199704242247.QAA07010@prometheus.frii.com
Subject: Misc. sv_vcatpvfn() fixes
From: Hugo van der Sanden <hv@crypt.compulink.co.uk>
Files: gv.c mg.c op.c perl.c pp.c pp_ctl.c sv.c toke.c util.c
Subject: Enforce order of sprintf() elements
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: sv.c
Subject: Guard against long numbers, <<LONG_DELIM, and <long glob>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: global.sym mg.c perl.c pod/perldiag.pod proto.h toke.c util.c
Subject: Guard against C<goto> to deeply nested label
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pod/perldiag.pod pp_ctl.c
Subject: Guard against overflow in dup2() emulation
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: util.c
Subject: Win32: Guard against long function names
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: win32/win32sck.c
Subject: Make mess() always work, by using a non-arena SV
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: perl.c util.c
Subject: When copying a format line, take only its string value
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: sv.c
Subject: Fix LEAKTEST numbers
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: ext/DynaLoader/dl_vms.xs handy.h os2/os2.c util.c vms/vms.c win32/win32.c win32/win32sck.c
| |
Subject: Fix up Linux hints for tcsh, and Configure patch
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 11:02:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu>
Files: Configure hints/linux.sh
Msg-ID: Pine.SOL.3.95q.970422101051.2506C-100000@fractal.lafayette.e
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 1eb1b1cb9647b817d039bb17afa3e74940b5ef92)
Subject: There is no standard answer to 'Use suidperl?'
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: hints/bsdos.sh hints/freebsd.sh hints/linux.sh hints/machten_2.sh
Subject: Support PRINTF for tied handles
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 18:26:13 -0400
From: Doug MacEachern <dougm@opengroup.org>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod pod/perltie.pod pp_sys.c t/op/misc.t
Msg-ID: 199704202226.SAA08032@postman.osf.org
(applied based on p5p patch as commit e7c5525577c16ee25e3521e86aca2b5105dba394)
Subject: Fix bitwise shifts and pack('w') on Crays
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pp.c
Subject: FAQ udpate (23-apr-97)
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:22:55 -0600 (MDT)
From: Nathan Torkington <gnat@prometheus.frii.com>
Files: pod/perlfaq*.pod
private-msgid: 199704231822.MAA05074@prometheus.frii.com
Subject: Mondo Cool patch for buffer safety and convenience
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: XSUB.h doop.c dump.c ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs ext/DynaLoader/dl_next.xs ext/DynaLoader/dlutils.c ext/ODBM_File/ODBM_File.xs global.sym gv.c interp.sym mg.c op.c perl.c perl.h pod/perlguts.pod pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c pp_sys.c proto.h regcomp.c regexec.c sv.c toke.c util.c
Subject: Problems with glob
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 02:44:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: op.c
Msg-ID: 1997Apr20.024432.1941365@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit a1230b335277820e65b8a9454ab751341204cf4f)
Subject: Fix scalar leak in closures
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c scope.c
Subject: Refine error messages re: anon subs' prototypes
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c
Subject: Outermost scope is void, not scalar
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pp_ctl.c
| |
Subject: more (err, less) doubled words
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 22:31:25 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <Jarkko.Hietaniemi@cc.hut.fi>
Files: ext/DB_File/DB_File.pm ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.pm ext/IO/lib/IO/Pipe.pm lib/CGI.pm lib/Exporter.pm lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm lib/IPC/Open2.pm lib/IPC/Open3.pm lib/vars.pm pod/perlcall.pod pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfaq1.pod pod/perlfaq3.pod pod/perlfaq5.pod pod/perlfaq7.pod pod/perlfaq8.pod pod/perlipc.pod
private-msgid: 199704111931.WAA24460@alpha.hut.fi
Subject: win32: perl5db patch
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 17:42:13 -0400
From: Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@engin.umich.edu>
Files: lib/perl5db.pl
Msg-ID: 199704102142.RAA27396@aatma.engin.umich.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 56cbacacb6c634a626b06407cbd555bc1519a2d5)
Subject: Enhancements to debugger, Term::ReadLine, Term::Cap
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 15:48:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: lib/Term/Cap.pm lib/Term/ReadLine.pm lib/perl5db.pl
Msg-ID: 199704101948.PAA01841@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 6fb2d361298c4eb5d42f1f63b0f74a60d407e546)
Subject: New error msg for low-key failure of C<require>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pod/perldiag.pod pp_ctl.c t/pragma/strict-subs t/pragma/strict-vars
| |
Subject: Fix syntax error in Configure comment(!)
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: Configure
Subject: For Solaris, if -DDEBUGGING, default to '-KPIC', not '-Kpic'
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: Configure
Subject: Fix usage of dXSUB_SYS, esp. in ExtUtils::Miniperl
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: dosish.h minimod.pl os2/os2ish.h plan9/plan9ish.h vms/vmsish.h
Subject: Refine setgroups() behavior of C<$)>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: mg.c pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlvar.pod
Subject: Forbid -[Mm] on #! line
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod pod/perldiag.pod toke.c
Subject: Special mkdir() for VMS
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 12:33:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: Charles Bailey <bailey@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu>
Files: dosish.h lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm lib/File/Path.pm os2/os2ish.h plan9/plan9ish.h pp_sys.c unixish.h vms/vms.c vms/vmsish.h
Msg-ID: 01IHGOXN6MZM0004K3@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit ebec1d4b2ca9c08d24035a369c7aa782aa058e66)
Subject: IO::Socket doc fix
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 15:30:43 -0400
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@argon.org>
Files: ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket.pm
Msg-ID: 28383.860527843@eeyore.ibcinc.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 4a51304ce091cb6d1ccc9f25e11753bd7d985b32)
Subject: Replace Class::Template with improved Class::Struct
From: Jim Miner <jfm@winternet.com>
Files: MANIFEST lib/Class/Struct.pm lib/Class/Template.pm lib/File/stat.pm lib/Net/hostent.pm lib/Net/netent.pm lib/Net/protoent.pm lib/Net/servent.pm lib/Time/gmtime.pm lib/Time/localtime.pm lib/Time/tm.pm lib/User/grent.pm lib/User/pwent.pm pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlfaq7.pod pod/perlmod.pod pod/perltoot.pod
Subject: MakeMaker pathname patch
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 20:08:23 +0100
From: Nick Ing-Simmons <nik@tiuk.ti.com>
Files: lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm
Msg-ID: 199704091908.UAA00877@ni-s.u-net.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 9cbbd68ff8edc7de96e3471de49538d0b2b98173)
Subject: Fix configuration of new socket
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket.pm
| |
[editor's note: this commit was prepared manually so may differ in
minor ways to other inseperable changes commits]
Title: "Support $ENV{PERL5OPT}"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: perl.c pod/perldiag.pod pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlrun.pod
Title: "Implement void context, in which C<wantarray> is undef"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: cop.h doop.c dump.c global.sym gv.c op.c op.h perl.c
pod/perlcall.pod pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlfunc.pod
pod/perlguts.pod pod/perlsub.pod pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c
pp_sys.c proto.h
Title: "Don't look up &AUTOLOAD in @ISA when calling plain function"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: global.sym gv.c lib/Text/ParseWords.pm pod/perldelta.pod
pp_hot.c proto.h t/op/method.t
Title: "Allow closures to be constant subroutines"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: op.c
Title: "Make C<scalar(reverse)> mean C<scalar(reverse $_)>"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pp.c
Title: "Fix lexical suicide from C<my $x = $x> in sub"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: op.c
Title: "Make "Unrecog. char." fatal, and update its doc"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perldiag.pod toke.c
Title: "safefree() mismatch"
From: Roderick Schertler
Msg-ID: <21338.859653381@eeyore.ibcinc.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 11:36:21 -0500
Files: util.c
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id 9b9b466fb02dc96c81439bafbb3b2da55238cfd2)
Title: "Win32 update (seven patches)"
From: Gurusamy Sarathy and Nick Ing-Simmons
Files: EXTERN.h MANIFEST win32/Makefile win32/perl.mak
win32/perl.rc win32/perldll.mak win32/makedef.pl
win32/modules.mak win32/win32io.c win32/bin/pl2bat.bat
Title: "Report PERL* environment variables in -V and perlbug"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: perl.c utils/perlbug.PL
Title: "Typo in perl.c: Printing NO_EMBED for perl -V"
From: Gisle Aas
Msg-ID: <199703301922.VAA13509@furubotn.sn.no>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 21:22:11 +0200
Files: perl.c
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id b6c639e4b1912ad03b9b10ba9518d96bd0a6cfaf)
Title: "Don't let C<$var = $var> untaint $var"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pp_hot.c pp_sys.c sv.h t/op/taint.t
Title: "Fix autoviv bug in C<my $x; ++$x->{KEY}>"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pp_hot.c
Title: "Re: 5.004's new srand() default seed"
From: Hallvard B Furuseth
Msg-ID: <199703302219.AAA20998@bombur2.uio.no>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 00:19:13 +0200 (MET DST)
Files: pp.c
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id d7d933a26349f945f93b2f0dbf85b773d8ca3219)
Title: "Re: embedded perl and top_env problem "
From: Gurusamy Sarathy
Msg-ID: <199703280031.TAA05711@aatma.engin.umich.edu>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 19:31:42 -0500
Files: gv.c interp.sym perl.c perl.h pp_ctl.c pp_sys.c scope.h util.c
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id f289f7d2518e7a8a82114282e774adf50fa6ce85)
Title: "Define and use new macro: boolSV()"
From: Tim Bunce
Files: gv.c lib/ExtUtils/typemap os2/os2.c pp.c pp_hot.c pp_sys.c
sv.c sv.h universal.c vms/vms.c
Title: "Re: strict @F"
From: Hallvard B Furuseth
Msg-ID: <199703252110.WAA16038@bombur2.uio.no>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 22:10:33 +0100 (MET)
Files: toke.c
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id dfd44a5c8c8dd4c001c595debfe73d011a96d844)
Title: "Try harder to identify errors at EOF"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: toke.c
Title: "Minor string change in toke.c: 'bareword'"
From: lvirden@cas.org
Msg-ID: <1997Mar27.130247.1911552@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 13:02:46 -0500 (EST)
Files: toke.c
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id 9b56c8f8085a9e773ad87c6b3c1d0b5e39dbc348)
Title: "Improve diagnostic on \r in program text"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perldiag.pod toke.c
Title: "Make Sock_size_t typedef work right"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: perl.h pp_sys.c
Title: "New module constant.pm"
From: Tom Phoenix
Files: MANIFEST lib/constant.pm op.c pp.c t/pragma/constant.t
Title: "Remove chat2"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: MANIFEST lib/chat2.inter lib/chat2.pl
Title: "Include CGI.pm 2.32"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: MANIFEST eg/cgi/* lib/CGI.pm lib/CGI/Apache.pm
lib/CGI/Carp.pm lib/CGI/Fast.pm lib/CGI/Push.pm
Title: "Tom C's Pod::Html and html tools, as of 30 March 97"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: MANIFEST installhtml lib/Pod/Html.pm pod/pod2html.PL
Title: "Fix path bugs in installhtml"
From: Robin Barker <rmb1@cise.npl.co.uk>
Msg-ID: <3180.9703270906@tempest.cise.npl.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 97 09:06:14 GMT
Files: installhtml
Title: "Make perlbug say that it's only for core Perl bugs"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: utils/perlbug.PL
Title: "Document autouse and constant; update diagnostics"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perldelta.pod
Title: "Suggest to upgraders that they try '-w' again"
From: Hallvard B Furuseth
Msg-ID: <199703251901.UAA15982@bombur2.uio.no>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 20:01:26 +0100 (MET)
Files: pod/perldelta.pod
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id 4176c059b9ba6b022e99c44270434a5c3e415b73)
Title: "Improve and update documentation of constant subs"
From: Tom Phoenix <rootbeer@teleport.com>
Msg-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.970331122546.14185C-100000@kelly.teleport.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 13:05:54 -0800 (PST)
Files: pod/perlsub.pod
Title: "Improve documentation of C<return>"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlsub.pod
Title: "perlfunc.pod patch"
From: Gisle Aas
Msg-ID: <199703262159.WAA17531@furubotn.sn.no>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 22:59:23 +0100
Files: pod/perlfunc.pod
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id 35a731fcbcd7860eb497d6598f3f77b8746319c4)
Title: "Use 'while (defined($x = <>)) {}', per <gnat@frii.com>"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: configpm lib/Term/Cap.pm perlsh pod/perlipc.pod pod/perlop.pod
pod/perlsub.pod pod/perlsyn.pod pod/perltrap.pod
pod/perlvar.pod win32/bin/search.bat
Title: "Document and test C<%> behavior with negative operands"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perlop.pod t/op/arith.t
Title: "Update docs on $]"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perlvar.pod
Title: "perlvar.pod patch"
From: Gisle Aas
Msg-ID: <199703261254.NAA10237@bergen.sn.no>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 13:54:00 +0100
Files: pod/perlvar.pod
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id 0aa182cb0caa3829032904b9754807b1b7418509)
Title: "Fix example of C<or> vs. C<||>"
From: Chip Salzenberg
Files: pod/perlsyn.pod
Title: "Pod usage and spelling patch"
From: Larry W. Virden
Files: pod/*.pod
Title: "Pod updates"
From: "Cary D. Renzema" <caryr@mxim.com>
Msg-ID: <199703262353.PAA01819@macs.mxim.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 15:53:22 -0800 (PST)
Files: pod/*.pod
(applied based on p5p patch as commit id 5695b28edc67a3f45e8a0f25755d07afef3660ac)
| |
Subject: Don't compile scalar mods of aggregates, like C<@a =~ s/a/b/>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c t/op/misc.t
Subject: Warn about undef magic values just like non-magic
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: ext/Opcode/Safe.pm sv.c t/lib/db-btree.t t/lib/db-hash.t t/lib/db-recno.t t/pragma/locale.t
Subject: Win32 update (five patches)
From: Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@engin.umich.edu>
Files: MANIFEST README.win32 doio.c dosish.h pp_sys.c lib/ExtUtils/Command.pm t/comp/multiline.t t/op/magic.t t/op/mkdir.t t/op/runlevel.t t/op/stat.t t/op/write.t win32/Makefile win32/config.H win32/config.w32 win32/win32.c win32/win32.h win32/win32aux.c win32/*.mak win32/VC-2.0/*.mak
Subject: INSTALL-1.8 to INSTALL-1.9 updates
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:52:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@fractal.phys.lafayette.edu>
Msg-ID: Pine.SOL.3.95q.970325135138.3374A-100000@fractal.lafayette.e
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 9b1ae96a0b4301a9588f62b3175bc0312302f4b9)
Subject: Document possible problems with -Mdiagnostics after upgrade
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Subject: Mention perldelta in INSTALL
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Subject: Describe pod format at top of INSTALL
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Subject: Document C</a *b/x> fix
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod
Subject: pods for subroutine argument autovivication
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 07:25:21 +0000
From: "M.J.T. Guy" <mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlsub.pod
Msg-ID: E0w9489-0005YT-00@ursa.cus.cam.ac.uk
(applied based on p5p patch as commit db8878faa51a8a1541a40745a8613adb5db155e4)
Subject: Missing item in perldiag
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 09:24:09 +0000
From: "M.J.T. Guy" <mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk>
Files: pod/perldiag.pod
Msg-ID: E0w8jVZ-0005va-00@ursa.cus.cam.ac.uk
(applied based on p5p patch as commit c00a529017138505fcbe538b74c7884abe1d18e1)
Subject: Pod problems & fixes
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 21:31:51 +0100 (MET)
From: Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no>
Files: INSTALL lib/Term/Complete.pm lib/subs.pm pod/perlcall.pod pod/perldata.pod pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlembed.pod pod/perlguts.pod pod/perlmod.pod pod/perlop.pod pod/perlpod.pod pod/pod2html.PL
Msg-ID: 199703242031.VAA14997@bombur2.uio.no
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 55a864fe4cea1a0586891b83d359ba71e0972da5)
Subject: FAQ update
From: Nathan Torkington <gnat@prometheus.frii.com>
Files: pod/perlfaq*.pod
Subject: Improve 'prototype mismatch' warning
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: global.sym op.c pod/perldiag.pod proto.h sv.c t/comp/redef.t
Subject: Don't use db 2.x, we're not yet ready for it
From: Paul Marquess <pmarquess@bfsec.bt.co.uk>
Files: Configure
Subject: Warn if #! command is longer than 32 chars
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: Configure
Subject: patches re perl -wc install{perl,man}
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 97 13:13:16 GMT
From: Robin Barker <rmb1@cise.npl.co.uk>
Files: installman installperl
I got the new installhtml from CPAN
I had problems getting the system call to splitpod at line 376 to work.
1. splitroot was not being found
2. splitroot was not finding its library
3. I changed htmlroot to podroot at line 175 to match the documentation.
p5p-msgid: 3180.9703270906@tempest.cise.npl.co.uk
private-msgid: 21544.9703111313@tempest.cise.npl.co.uk
Subject: 3_93 doesn't install pods
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 02:21:35 -0500
From: Spider Boardman <spider@orb.nashua.nh.us>
Files: installperl
Msg-ID: 199703160721.CAA08339@Orb.Nashua.NH.US
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 43506a616735d616e03d277d64fbae1e864024bf)
Subject: When installing, use File::Copy instead of `cp`
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: installperl
Subject: Make hint files' warnings more visible
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 23:18:03 +0100 (MET)
From: Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no>
Files: hints/3b1.sh hints/apollo.sh hints/cxux.sh hints/dcosx.sh hints/dgux.sh hints/esix4.sh hints/freebsd.sh hints/hpux.sh hints/irix_4.sh hints/mips.sh hints/next_3_0.sh hints/os2.sh hints/qnx.sh hints/sco_2_3_3.sh hints/sco_2_3_4.sh hints/solaris_2.sh hints/ultrix_4.sh hints/utekv.sh
private-msgid: 199703202218.XAA09041@bombur2.uio.no
Subject: Defer creation of array and hash elements as parameters
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: dump.c global.sym mg.c op.c op.h perl.h pp.c pp_hot.c proto.h sv.c
Subject: New special literal: __PACKAGE__
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: keywords.pl pod/perldata.pod toke.c
Subject: Abort compilation at C<BEGIN{}> or C<use> after errors
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c pod/perldiag.pod t/pragma/subs.t
Subject: allow C<substr 'hello', -10>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 15:55:44 -0800
From: David Dyck <dcd@tc.fluke.com>
Files: pp.c
Msg-ID: 97Mar10.155517pst.35716-2@gateway.fluke.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 77f720bf92f3d0100352416caeedd57936807ff2)
Subject: Regularize C<x % y>, esp. when y is negative
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pp.c
Subject: Flush before C<flock(FOO, LOCK_UN)>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pp_sys.c
Subject: Close loopholes in prototype mismatch warning
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c sv.c toke.c
Subject: Warn on C<while ($x = each %y) {}>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c pod/perldiag.pod
Subject: Don't warn on C<print $fh func()>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: toke.c
Subject: Don't say 'static var = 1'
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 15:19:57 +0200 (EET)
From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi>
Files: malloc.c
private-msgid: 199703091319.PAA24714@alpha.hut.fi
Subject: HP/UX hint comments
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 15:43:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@fractal.phys.lafayette.edu>
Files: hints/hpux.sh
private-msgid: Pine.SOL.3.95q.970321153918.28770B-100000@fractal.lafayette.
Subject: VMS update
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:00:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Bailey <bailey@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu>
Files: lib/ExtUtils/MM_VMS.pm lib/Test/Harness.pm t/op/taint.t utils/perlbug.PL vms/descrip.mms
Msg-ID: 1997Mar11.220056.1873182@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 2b5725676da60b49978f38b85bb7f8ee20b4cb55)
Subject: vmsish.t and related patches
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 01:32:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
Files: MANIFEST perl.h vms/descrip.mms vms/ext/vmsish.t vms/vms.c
private-msgid: 01IGQW3IP1KK005VFB@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu
Subject: Win32 update (four patches)
From: Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@engin.umich.edu>
Files: MANIFEST README.win32 lib/AutoSplit.pm lib/Cwd.pm lib/ExtUtils/Command.pm lib/ExtUtils/Install.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_OS2.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_Win32.pm lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm lib/ExtUtils/Mksymlists.pm lib/File/Basename.pm lib/File/Path.pm mg.c t/comp/cpp.t t/comp/script.t t/harness t/io/argv.t t/io/dup.t t/io/fs.t t/io/inplace.t t/lib/filehand.t t/lib/io_dup.t t/lib/io_sel.t t/lib/io_taint.t t/op/closure.t t/op/exec.t t/op/glob.t t/op/goto.t t/op/magic.t t/op/misc.t t/op/rand.t t/op/split.t t/op/stat.t t/op/sysio.t t/op/taint.t t/pragma/strict.t t/pragma/subs.t t/pragma/warning.t util.c win32/*
Subject: perlfaq.pod
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 16:01:40 -0700
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
Files: MANIFEST pod/Makefile pod/buildtoc pod/perl.pod pod/perlfaq*.pod pod/roffitall
private-msgid: 199703172301.QAA12566@jhereg.perl.com
Subject: *.pod changes based on the FAQ
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 09:50:14 -0700 (MST)
From: Nat Torkington <gnat@frii.com>
Files: pod/perldata.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlipc.pod pod/perlop.pod pod/perlre.pod pod/perlrun.pod pod/perlsec.pod pod/perlvar.pod
Msg-ID: 199703171650.JAA02655@elara.frii.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 3c10ad8e31f7d77e71c048b1746912f41cb540f0)
Subject: Document that $. is not reset on implicit open
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod
Subject: Re: Embedding success with _93
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 17:55:05 -0500
From: Doug MacEachern <dougm@opengroup.org>
Files: pod/perldelta.pod
Msg-ID: 199703112255.RAA22775@postman.osf.org
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 63a6ff3a1dc8d86edb4d8a7ec1548205e32a7114)
Subject: Patch to document illegal characters
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 09:08:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Phoenix <rootbeer@teleport.com>
Files: pod/perldiag.pod pod/perltrap.pod
private-msgid: Pine.GSO.3.96.970314090558.15346J-100000@kelly.teleport.com
Subject: Document trap with //o and closures
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 18:08:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
Files: pod/perltrap.pod
Msg-ID: 01IGCHWRNSEU00661G@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit a54cb1465fdb400848f23705a6f130bb5c34ab70)
Subject: Illegal character in input
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 15:21:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Phoenix <rootbeer@teleport.com>
Files: pod/perldiag.pod
private-msgid: Pine.GSO.3.95q.970310151512.22489a-100000@kelly.teleport.com
Subject: Patch for docs Re: Lost backslash
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 07:28:57 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Phoenix <rootbeer@teleport.com>
Files: pod/perlop.pod
private-msgid: Pine.GSO.3.96.970319071438.24834G-100000@kelly.teleport.com
Subject: XSUB's doc fix
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 11:42:06 -0500
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@argon.org>
Files: pod/perlcall.pod pod/perlguts.pod pod/perlxstut.pod
Msg-ID: 28804.858012126@eeyore.ibcinc.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 5f43237038ea7a4151d3bf65aeeecd56ceb78a6a)
Subject: Document return from do FILE
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 14:50:10 +0000
From: "M.J.T. Guy" <mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk>
Files: pod/perlfunc.pod
Msg-ID: E0w70DK-0001yJ-00@ursa.cus.cam.ac.uk
(applied based on p5p patch as commit ba8d5fb439878113de8abc9b52d2af237d30fb3c)
Subject: Document $^M in perlvar
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 97 21:08:33 GMT
From: Robin Barker <rmb1@cise.npl.co.uk>
Files: pod/perlvar.pod
private-msgid: 6153.9703202108@tempest.cise.npl.co.uk
Subject: typos in pods of 5.003_93
Date: 19 Mar 1997 10:39:38 -0600
From: Jim Meyering <meyering@asic.sc.ti.com>
Files: pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlguts.pod pod/perlre.pod pod/perltoot.pod pod/perlxs.pod
Msg-ID: wpgendbzvhx.fsf@asic.sc.ti.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 76a9873e006cf8f48f57062b2a0dd40b5ed45a95)
Subject: Re: Updates to pod punctuations
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 17:00:12 -0500
From: Larry W. Virden <lvirden@cas.org>
Files: pod/*.pod
private-msgid: 9703141700.AA22911@cas.org
Subject: clarify example in perlfunc
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 19:46:01 +0200 (EET)
From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi>
Files: pod/perlfunc.pod
private-msgid: 199703201746.TAA25195@alpha.hut.fi
Subject: Regularize headings in DB_File documentation
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: ext/DB_File/DB_File.pm
Subject: New module: autouse.pm
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 19:34:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: MANIFEST lib/autouse.pm
Msg-ID: 199703210034.TAA13469@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 6757905eccb6dd0440ef65e8128a277a20f7d943)
Subject: Refresh DB_File to 1.12
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 97 15:51:14 GMT
From: Paul Marquess <pmarquess@bfsec.bt.co.uk>
Files: ext/DB_File/DB_File.pm ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs
Msg-ID: 9703121551.AA07435@claudius.bfsec.bt.co.uk
(applied based on p5p patch as commit b3deed9189f963e9994815307931f9084f60d1d9)
Subject: In File::Path, some systems can't remove read-only files
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: lib/File/Path.pm
Subject: Fix bugs revealed by prototype warnings
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: ext/Opcode/Opcode.pm lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm lib/Getopt/Long.pm
Subject: Problems with SKIP in makemaker
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 23:13:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Files: lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm
Msg-ID: 199703210413.XAA21601@monk.mps.ohio-state.edu
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 970322a2e8024294ada6e8d1a027cb98f1f48ee3)
Subject: In Exporter, don't C<require Carp> at file scope
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: lib/Exporter.pm
Subject: fix for Exporter's $SIG{__WARN__} handler
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 18:40:51 -0500
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@argon.org>
Files: lib/Exporter.pm
Msg-ID: 2282.858296451@eeyore.ibcinc.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 2768ea1aeef34f42d096f198fbe629c8374ca429)
Subject: Don't try to substr() refs in Carp
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: lib/Carp.pm
Subject: Re: NUL in die and other messages
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:58:17 +0000
From: "M.J.T. Guy" <mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk>
Files: lib/Carp.pm
Msg-ID: E0w815V-0005xs-00@ursa.cus.cam.ac.uk
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 52a267c574cb66c4bc35601dcf148a1d7a3bc557)
Subject: Guard against buffer overflow in yyerror() and related funcs
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: toke.c
Subject: For bin compat, rename calllist() and he_{,delay}free
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: global.sym hv.c op.c perl.c pod/perlguts.pod proto.h
Subject: Fix C<print> on tied default handle
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pp_hot.c
Subject: Fix C<local($a, undef, $b) = (1,2,3)>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: op.c
Subject: Improve diagnostic on C<@a++>, C<--%a>, @a =~ s/a/b/
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pp.c pp_hot.c
Subject: Don't warn on C<$x{y} .= "z"> when %x is tied
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: pp_hot.c
Subject: Eliminate 'unreachable code' warnings
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@perl.com>
Files: ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs mg.c pp_ctl.c toke.c
Subject: printf format corrections for -DDEBUGGING
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 12:42:50 -0500
From: Roderick Schertler <roderick@argon.org>
Files: doop.c malloc.c op.c pp_ctl.c regexec.c sv.c x2p/str.c x2p/util.c
Msg-ID: 26592.858793370@eeyore.ibcinc.com
(applied based on p5p patch as commit e125f273e351a19a92b69d6244af55abbbf0a26d)
Subject: Warn about missing -DMULTIPLICITY if likely a problem
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 18:45:53 -0500
From: Doug MacEachern <dougm@opengroup.org>
Files: perl.c
Msg-ID: 199703192345.SAA15070@postman.osf.org
(applied based on p5p patch as commit 71aeea1753924e6e19c2461e241e3f7d8a570e90)