From ccf3535a69b62ee351d1e9c562b51d76202e3583 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jkeenan <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 19:49:10 -0500
Subject: [RT #36079] Convert ` to '.

 pod/perlapio.pod    |  2 +-
 pod/perldebguts.pod | 16 ++++++++--------
 pod/perldebug.pod   |  8 ++++----
 pod/perldiag.pod    |  8 ++++----
 pod/perlform.pod    |  2 +-
 pod/perlgit.pod     |  2 +-
 pod/perlgpl.pod     | 10 +++++-----
 pod/perlipc.pod     |  6 +++---
 pod/perlreapi.pod   |  2 +-
 pod/perlreftut.pod  |  4 ++--
 pod/perlretut.pod   | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 11 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pod/perlapio.pod b/pod/perlapio.pod
index f3023d983f..bb7115f8e8 100644
--- a/pod/perlapio.pod
+++ b/pod/perlapio.pod
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ vary from handle to handle.
   PerlIO_fast_gets(f) = PerlIO_has_cntptr(f) && \
                         PerlIO_canset_cnt(f) && \
-                        `Can set pointer into buffer'
+                        'Can set pointer into buffer'
 =item B<PerlIO_has_cntptr(f)>
diff --git a/pod/perldebguts.pod b/pod/perldebguts.pod
index 9bc0b63de4..8ae6e7baa9 100644
--- a/pod/perldebguts.pod
+++ b/pod/perldebguts.pod
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ information.  For example, contrast this expression trace:
  Loading DB routines from patch level 0.94
  Emacs support available.
- Enter h or `h h' for help.
+ Enter h or 'h h' for help.
  main::(-e:1):   0
    DB<1> sub foo { 14 }
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ scoped.
 The debugging output at compile time looks like this:
-  Compiling REx `[bc]d(ef*g)+h[ij]k$'
+  Compiling REx '[bc]d(ef*g)+h[ij]k$'
   size 45 Got 364 bytes for offset annotations.
   first at 1
   rarest char g at 0
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ The debugging output at compile time looks like this:
     42: EXACT <k>(44)
     44: EOL(45)
     45: END(0)
-  anchored `de' at 1 floating `gh' at 3..2147483647 (checking floating) 
-        stclass `ANYOF[bc]' minlen 7 
+  anchored 'de' at 1 floating 'gh' at 3..2147483647 (checking floating) 
+        stclass 'ANYOF[bc]' minlen 7 
   Offsets: [45]
   	1[4] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 0[0] 5[1]
   	0[0] 12[1] 0[0] 6[1] 0[0] 7[1] 0[0] 9[1] 8[1] 0[0] 10[1] 0[0]
@@ -450,8 +450,8 @@ label I<id> of the first node that does a match.
-  anchored `de' at 1 floating `gh' at 3..2147483647 (checking floating) 
-        stclass `ANYOF[bc]' minlen 7 
+  anchored 'de' at 1 floating 'gh' at 3..2147483647 (checking floating) 
+        stclass 'ANYOF[bc]' minlen 7 
 line (split into two lines above) contains optimizer
 information.  In the example shown, the optimizer found that the match 
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ being C<BOL>, C<MBOL>, or C<GPOS>.  See the table below.
 If a substring is known to match at end-of-line only, it may be
-followed by C<$>, as in C<floating `k'$>.
+followed by C<$>, as in C<floating 'k'$>.
 The optimizer-specific information is used to avoid entering (a slow) regex
 engine on strings that will not definitely match.  If the C<isall> flag
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ entered and that all of the job was therefore done by the optimizer.
 If the regex engine was entered, the output may look like this:
-  Matching `[bc]d(ef*g)+h[ij]k$' against `abcdefg__gh__'
+  Matching '[bc]d(ef*g)+h[ij]k$' against 'abcdefg__gh__'
     Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=3
      2 <ab> <cdefg__gh_>    |  1: ANYOF
      3 <abc> <defg__gh_>    | 11: EXACT <d>
diff --git a/pod/perldebug.pod b/pod/perldebug.pod
index 89334eb7ba..69245f9de6 100644
--- a/pod/perldebug.pod
+++ b/pod/perldebug.pod
@@ -969,9 +969,9 @@ X<backtrace> X<stack, backtrace>
 Here's an example of what a stack backtrace via C<T> command might
 look like:
-    $ = main::infested called from file `' line 10
-    @ = Ambulation::legs(1, 2, 3, 4) called from file `camel_flea' line 7
-    $ = main::pests('bactrian', 4) called from file `camel_flea' line 4
+    $ = main::infested called from file '' line 10
+    @ = Ambulation::legs(1, 2, 3, 4) called from file 'camel_flea' line 7
+    $ = main::pests('bactrian', 4) called from file 'camel_flea' line 4
 The left-hand character up there indicates the context in which the
 function was called, with C<$> and C<@> meaning scalar or list
@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ Another way to debug compile-time code is to start the debugger, set a
 breakpoint on the I<load> of some module:
     DB<7> b load f:/perllib/lib/
-  Will stop on load of `f:/perllib/lib/'.
+  Will stop on load of 'f:/perllib/lib/'.
 and then restart the debugger using the C<R> command (if possible).  One can use C<b
 compile subname> for the same purpose.
diff --git a/pod/perldiag.pod b/pod/perldiag.pod
index 05d1365ef5..e065b453b7 100644
--- a/pod/perldiag.pod
+++ b/pod/perldiag.pod
@@ -2419,13 +2419,13 @@ then all regular expressions behaved as if they were written using C</m>.)
 perls, has been removed as of 5.9.3 and is no longer supported. You
 should use the printf/sprintf functions instead.
-=item `%s' is not a code reference
+=item '%s' is not a code reference
 (W overload) The second (fourth, sixth, ...) argument of overload::constant
 needs to be a code reference. Either an anonymous subroutine, or a reference
 to a subroutine.
-=item `%s' is not an overloadable type
+=item '%s' is not an overloadable type
 (W overload) You tried to overload a constant type the overload package is
 unaware of.
@@ -3830,7 +3830,7 @@ C<m/$(?)\/> (for example: C<m/foo$(?)\s+bar/>).
 =item Possible unintended interpolation of %s in string
-(W ambiguous) You said something like `@foo' in a double-quoted string
+(W ambiguous) You said something like '@foo' in a double-quoted string
 but there was no array C<@foo> in scope at the time. If you wanted a
 literal @foo, then write it as \@foo; otherwise find out what happened
 to the array you apparently lost track of.
@@ -4482,7 +4482,7 @@ the only way to figure out what's triggering the error is to call
 C<perl -c> repeatedly, chopping away half the program each time to see
 if the error went away.  Sort of the cybernetic version of S<20 questions>.
-=item syntax error at line %d: `%s' unexpected
+=item syntax error at line %d: '%s' unexpected
 (A) You've accidentally run your script through the Bourne shell instead
 of Perl.  Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl
diff --git a/pod/perlform.pod b/pod/perlform.pod
index 6a4fc48f9e..b00d394296 100644
--- a/pod/perlform.pod
+++ b/pod/perlform.pod
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ For example:
     @<<<  @|||  @>>>
-    print "Wow, I just stored `$^A' in the accumulator!\n";
+    print "Wow, I just stored '$^A' in the accumulator!\n";
 Or to make an swrite() subroutine, which is to write() what sprintf()
 is to printf(), do this:
diff --git a/pod/perlgit.pod b/pod/perlgit.pod
index feb5535d8f..b14ad7e58f 100644
--- a/pod/perlgit.pod
+++ b/pod/perlgit.pod
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ testcase:
   # If you get './makedepend: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted
   # string' when bisecting versions of perl older than 5.9.5 this hack
   # will work around the bug in makedepend.SH which was fixed in
-  # version 96a8704c. Make sure to comment out `git checkout makedepend.SH'
+  # version 96a8704c. Make sure to comment out 'git checkout makedepend.SH'
   # below too.
   git show blead:makedepend.SH > makedepend.SH
diff --git a/pod/perlgpl.pod b/pod/perlgpl.pod
index de1791a95a..ed1e8366d5 100644
--- a/pod/perlgpl.pod
+++ b/pod/perlgpl.pod
@@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ For the Perl Artistic License, see L<perlartistic>.
  when it starts in an interactive mode:
      Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
-     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'show w'.
      This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+     under certain conditions; type 'show c' for details.
- The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+ The hypothetical commands 'show w' and 'show c' should show the
  appropriate parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the
- commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+ commands you use may be called something other than 'show w' and 'show
  c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ For the Perl Artistic License, see L<perlartistic>.
  necessary.  Here a sample; alter the names:
    Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-   program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+   program 'Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
    at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
    <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
diff --git a/pod/perlipc.pod b/pod/perlipc.pod
index c064f2a0ec..6709827a08 100644
--- a/pod/perlipc.pod
+++ b/pod/perlipc.pod
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ reopen the appropriate handles to STDIN and STDOUT and call other processes.
         close PARENT_WTR;
         print CHILD_WTR "Parent Pid $$ is sending this\n";
         chomp($line = <CHILD_RDR>);
-        print "Parent Pid $$ just read this: `$line'\n";
+        print "Parent Pid $$ just read this: '$line'\n";
         close CHILD_RDR; close CHILD_WTR;
         waitpid($pid, 0);
     } else {
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ reopen the appropriate handles to STDIN and STDOUT and call other processes.
         close CHILD_RDR; 
         close CHILD_WTR;
         chomp($line = <PARENT_RDR>);
-        print "Child Pid $$ just read this: `$line'\n";
+        print "Child Pid $$ just read this: '$line'\n";
         print PARENT_WTR "Child Pid $$ is sending this\n";
         close PARENT_RDR; 
         close PARENT_WTR;
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ have the socketpair() system call, it will do this all for you.
         close PARENT;
         print CHILD "Parent Pid $$ is sending this\n";
         chomp($line = <CHILD>);
-        print "Parent Pid $$ just read this: `$line'\n";
+        print "Parent Pid $$ just read this: '$line'\n";
         close CHILD;
         waitpid($pid, 0);
     } else {
diff --git a/pod/perlreapi.pod b/pod/perlreapi.pod
index e2a48e34d3..5e45620868 100644
--- a/pod/perlreapi.pod
+++ b/pod/perlreapi.pod
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ sure this is used as the new value (or reject it).
     if ("ook" =~ /(o*)/) {
-        # `paren' will be `1' and `value' will be `ee'
+        # 'paren' will be '1' and 'value' will be 'ee'
         $1 =~ tr/o/e/;
diff --git a/pod/perlreftut.pod b/pod/perlreftut.pod
index 7898b6db53..9565562711 100644
--- a/pod/perlreftut.pod
+++ b/pod/perlreftut.pod
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ perlreftut - Mark's very short tutorial about references
 One of the most important new features in Perl 5 was the capability to
 manage complicated data structures like multidimensional arrays and
 nested hashes.  To enable these, Perl 5 introduced a feature called
-`references', and using references is the key to managing complicated,
+'references', and using references is the key to managing complicated,
 structured data in Perl.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of funny syntax
 to learn, and the main manual page can be hard to follow.  The manual
 is quite complete, and sometimes people find that a problem, because
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ This is Perl, so it does the exact right thing.  It sees that you want
 to push C<Athens> onto an array that doesn't exist, so it helpfully
 makes a new, empty, anonymous array for you, installs it into
 C<%table>, and then pushes C<Athens> onto it.  This is called
-`autovivification'--bringing things to life automatically.  Perl saw
+'autovivification'--bringing things to life automatically.  Perl saw
 that they key wasn't in the hash, so it created a new hash entry
 automatically. Perl saw that you wanted to use the hash value as an
 array, so it created a new empty array and installed a reference to it
diff --git a/pod/perlretut.pod b/pod/perlretut.pod
index 218e6b30dc..b9b31060a6 100644
--- a/pod/perlretut.pod
+++ b/pod/perlretut.pod
@@ -2792,7 +2792,7 @@ information is displayed in color on terminals that can display
 termcap color sequences.  Here is example output:
     % perl -e 'use re "debug"; "abc" =~ /a*b+c/;'
-    Compiling REx `a*b+c'
+    Compiling REx 'a*b+c'
     size 9 first at 1
        1: STAR(4)
        2:   EXACT <a>(0)
@@ -2800,11 +2800,11 @@ termcap color sequences.  Here is example output:
        5:   EXACT <b>(0)
        7: EXACT <c>(9)
        9: END(0)
-    floating `bc' at 0..2147483647 (checking floating) minlen 2
-    Guessing start of match, REx `a*b+c' against `abc'...
-    Found floating substr `bc' at offset 1...
+    floating 'bc' at 0..2147483647 (checking floating) minlen 2
+    Guessing start of match, REx 'a*b+c' against 'abc'...
+    Found floating substr 'bc' at offset 1...
     Guessed: match at offset 0
-    Matching REx `a*b+c' against `abc'
+    Matching REx 'a*b+c' against 'abc'
       Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=3
        0 <> <abc>             |  1:  STAR
                                EXACT <a> can match 1 times out of 32767...
@@ -2815,13 +2815,13 @@ termcap color sequences.  Here is example output:
        2 <ab> <c>             |  7:      EXACT <c>
        3 <abc> <>             |  9:      END
     Match successful!
-    Freeing REx: `a*b+c'
+    Freeing REx: 'a*b+c'
 If you have gotten this far into the tutorial, you can probably guess
 what the different parts of the debugging output tell you.  The first
-    Compiling REx `a*b+c'
+    Compiling REx 'a*b+c'
     size 9 first at 1
        1: STAR(4)
        2:   EXACT <a>(0)
@@ -2835,15 +2835,15 @@ starred object, in this case C<'a'>, and if it matches, goto line 4,
 i.e., C<PLUS(7)>.  The middle lines describe some heuristics and
 optimizations performed before a match:
-    floating `bc' at 0..2147483647 (checking floating) minlen 2
-    Guessing start of match, REx `a*b+c' against `abc'...
-    Found floating substr `bc' at offset 1...
+    floating 'bc' at 0..2147483647 (checking floating) minlen 2
+    Guessing start of match, REx 'a*b+c' against 'abc'...
+    Found floating substr 'bc' at offset 1...
     Guessed: match at offset 0
 Then the match is executed and the remaining lines describe the
-    Matching REx `a*b+c' against `abc'
+    Matching REx 'a*b+c' against 'abc'
       Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=3
        0 <> <abc>             |  1:  STAR
                                EXACT <a> can match 1 times out of 32767...
@@ -2854,7 +2854,7 @@ process:
        2 <ab> <c>             |  7:      EXACT <c>
        3 <abc> <>             |  9:      END
     Match successful!
-    Freeing REx: `a*b+c'
+    Freeing REx: 'a*b+c'
 Each step is of the form S<C<< n <x> <y> >>>, with C<< <x> >> the
 part of the string matched and C<< <y> >> the part not yet
cgit v1.2.1