From 8451602e68fc7c1db0ce6513366724e57dd945df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Karl Williamson <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:56:50 -0600
Subject: t/op/lc.t: Generalize for non-ASCII platforms

This had code that attempted this, but it was wrong.  The conversion to
EBCDIC must be done before the \U, or similar.
 t/op/lc.t | 19 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

(limited to 't/op')

diff --git a/t/op/lc.t b/t/op/lc.t
index 716cb2a35b..ffea0ae784 100644
--- a/t/op/lc.t
+++ b/t/op/lc.t
@@ -104,17 +104,17 @@ is(uc($b)         , "\x{100}\x{100}AA",  'uc');
 is(lc($b)         , "\x{101}\x{101}aa",  'lc');
 is(fc($b)         , "\x{101}\x{101}aa",  'fc');
+my $sharp_s = uni_to_native("\x{DF}");
 # \x{DF} is LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S, its uppercase is SS or \x{53}\x{53};
 # \x{149} is LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE, its uppercase is
-is(uni_to_native("\U\x{DF}aB\x{149}cD"), uni_to_native("SSAB\x{2BC}NCD"),
-       "multicharacter uppercase");
+is("\U${sharp_s}aB\x{149}cD", "SSAB\x{2BC}NCD", "multicharacter uppercase");
 # The \x{DF} is its own lowercase, ditto for \x{149}.
 # There are no single character -> multiple characters lowercase mappings.
-is(uni_to_native("\L\x{DF}aB\x{149}cD"), uni_to_native("\x{DF}ab\x{149}cd"),
+is("\L${sharp_s}aB\x{149}cD", "${sharp_s}ab\x{149}cd",
        "multicharacter lowercase");
 # \x{DF} is LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S, its foldcase is ss or \x{73}\x{73};
@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ is(uni_to_native("\L\x{DF}aB\x{149}cD"), uni_to_native("\x{DF}ab\x{149}cd"),
 # Note that is this further tested in t/uni/fold.t
-is(uni_to_native("\F\x{DF}aB\x{149}cD"), uni_to_native("ssab\x{2BC}ncd"),
-       "multicharacter foldcase");
+is("\F${sharp_s}aB\x{149}cD", "ssab\x{2BC}ncd", "multicharacter foldcase");
 # titlecase is used for \u / ucfirst.
@@ -283,15 +282,15 @@ for ("$temp") {
 # new in Unicode 5.1.0
-is(lc("\x{1E9E}"), "\x{df}", "lc(LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S)");
+is(lc("\x{1E9E}"), uni_to_native("\x{df}"), "lc(LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S)");
     use feature 'unicode_strings';
     use bytes;
-    is(lc("\xc0"), "\xc0", "lc of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
-    is(lcfirst("\xc0"), "\xc0", "lcfirst of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
-    is(uc("\xe0"), "\xe0", "uc of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
-    is(ucfirst("\xe0"), "\xe0", "ucfirst of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
+    is(lc(uni_to_native("\xc0")), uni_to_native("\xc0"), "lc of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
+    is(lcfirst(uni_to_native("\xc0")), uni_to_native("\xc0"), "lcfirst of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
+    is(uc(uni_to_native("\xe0")), uni_to_native("\xe0"), "uc of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
+    is(ucfirst(uni_to_native("\xe0")), uni_to_native("\xe0"), "ucfirst of above-ASCII Latin1 is itself under use bytes");
 # Brought up in ticket #117855: Constant folding applied to uc() should use
cgit v1.2.1