# ignore .patch from rsync, and any generated patch files from git-am *.patch # ignore local .config files .config # these are generated by make_patchnum.sh from git or from a .patchfile .sha1 git_version.h # ignore bug*.pl bug*.pl # Exists during ./Configure /UU # files produced by './configure.gnu' on a Linux machine /Makefile /Policy.sh /cflags /config.h /config.sh /makeaperl /makedepend /makedir /makefile /myconfig /opmini.c /perlmain.c /perlmini.c /pod/Makefile /runtests /writemain /x2p/Makefile /x2p/cflags /x2p/makefile # generated for configuration overrides, eg Solaris /config.over # alternative names on OS X /GNUmakefile /x2p/GNUmakefile # produced by dtrace -H when configured with usedtrace perldtrace.h # general build products *.o *.a *.so *.i *.old *.xsc # general build products (Win32) *.def *.dll *.exe *.exp *.ico *.ilk *.lib *.obj *.pdb *.res *.RES # gcov build products. see L<perlhack/"GCC gcov Profiling"> *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno dll.base /ext/DynaLoader/dl_win32.xs splittree.pl # generated by make on cygwin /cygwin.c # ? ext.libs # these are scattered everywhere, ignore them .exists MYMETA.* /miniperl /perl /extra.pods /generate_uudmap /uni.data /uudmap.h /bitcount.h /mg_data.h lib/inc/ lib/Win32.pm lib/Win32API/ lib/Win32CORE.pm lib/CORE/ # test byproducts ext/Test-Harness/t/ext/ lib/App/ lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/foo.tbz lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/foo.tbz lib/IPC/Cmd/t/src/x.tgz lib/mro.pm lib/TAP/ lib/Test/Harness.pm lib/File/DosGlob.pm t/rantests t/tmp* t/perl t/test_state *.output cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/Big-Dummy/ cpan/Module-Build/MB-* *.tmp t/*.ph t/lib/*.ph # t/op/require.t byproducts t/bleah.pm t/bleah.do t/bleah.flg t/urkkk.pm t/urkkk.pmc t/krunch.pm t/krunch.pmc t/whap.pm t/whap.pmc # make_ext.pl cleanup scripts realclean.sh veryclean.sh # metaconfig needs these three symlinks .package U MANIFEST.new # ignore editor droppings *.swp *~ .#* # test.valgrind final outputs, excluding intermediate files (pls report) *.cachegrind *.perf-stat *.valgrind # dont show .gdb_history files .gdb_history # generated by the top level install.html target. XXX Why does it need this? /vms/README_vms.pod #stuff to ignore from Module::Pluggable: cpan/Module-Pluggable/t/lib/EditorJunk/Plugin/#Bar.pm# cpan/Module-Pluggable/t/lib/OddTest/Plugin/-Dodgy.pm